Sabetha, the Walker of Fate - Chapter 9, Exploration (L-oriented)

Story by SabbyKat on SoFurry

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#1 of Sabetha, The Walker of Fate Series

Note: Please comment or rate this series! Doing so makes me know you guys even want it updated, and as it goes along, my writing DOES get better! :P No comments/rating=I think no one cares, and I just don't update this! I still have around 94 chapters to add, plus a second season in progress as I speak... ;)

Chapter 9


"I think we are far enough into the foothills to avoid being found. They can't use Pokemon to track us either, as the wild Pokemon will throw off our scents" Sapphire said smiling happily. The group were now in a small clearing, inside of a deep, rugged Forest. Many strange Pokemon calls and sounds could be heard in the distance.

"Phew..." Sabetha breathed a sigh of relief, dropping her rump onto the leafy ground. "Are you, Frinda, and Lefy alright?" Sabetha asking looking up at Sapphire with worry. Sapphire grinned proudly giving Sabetha a thumbs up.

"Yep! We kicked their butts, didn't we?!" Sapphire asked excitedly looking at Frinda. "

Glae!" Frinda cried out, rubbing her against Sapphire's leg affectionately.

"Hehehe!" Sapphire giggled ruffling up Frinda's fur on her head, looking to her right at Elisa and Tremi sitting down resting.

"I'm really a horrible Trainer... I let them go off and fight alone, and nearly lost them both because of that..." Sabetha said in a low, depressed tone looking down through her upraised knees.

"Well! No use dwelling on what could be. You three should focus on resting up, then me and Frinny will teach you the ropes so that won't happen again!" Sapphire exclaimed cheerfully with closed eyes, a raised fist in the air. Sabetha smiled weakly looking at Sapphire.

"I would appreciate that..." Sabetha said softly, staring at Elisa and Tremi from the corner of her eyes.

"Tremi, are you certain you're not hurt?" Sabetha asked in worry. Tremi smiled softly.

"Yes. Elisa and my self did not suffer any serious injuries, and already recovering. We are simply fatigued, and should fine by morning" Tremi explained smiling softly. Sabetha smiled.

"What about you, Sabetha? You are hiding something from me" Tremi stated staring at Sabetha with a motherly look. Sabetha laughed weakly rubbing the back of her head.

"No... I just, ugh... I don't know what to think." Sabetha muttered looking down. "Like what was it I did earlier that wiped out Team Lucid..." Sabetha thought, remembering the strange sensation when the energy released from her body earlier that day...

"So, how far are we from your Uncles?" Sabetha asked looking at Sapphire sitting across from her, on the opposite side of the fire. Sabetha held her hands up to the fire, being cautious to not touch it.

"Mmm... with our set back, and camping tonight rather then traveling... I'd guess a day, maybe a day and a half, probably less if we leave early tomorrow morning" Sapphire said smiling cheerfully. Sabetha smiled back.

"Good. To finally have a chance to get some answers... I truly can't wait" Sabetha said smiling, sighing softly closing her eyes. "Though it seems the further I go in my journey, more, and more questions keep popping up..." Sabetha muttered gently petting Elisa's head, who was sleeping beside Sabetha, her head resting on her crossed paws, letting out a low purr. "And then talking with my mind, and hearing Tremi's thoughts... Just weird." Sabetha muttered glancing at Tremi a few feet way, a cheeky grin growing across Sabetha's face.

"Though you are a dull, boring Pokemon even in your head" Sabetha said grinning, Tremi chuckled, smiling.

"I prefer to call it focused thinking." Tremi said smiling gently.

"Hmmmm... I wonder what Pokemon are making all those calls?" Sabetha murmured with closed eyes, listening intently.

"Well, there are over four hundred known Pokemon species, so it's really hard to guess" Sapphire said smiling softly staring at the fire, sitting on a hollow log.

"I know you both hate fighting, but after this..." Sabetha murmured, Tremi snickered softly closing her eyes.

"I believe working together, and strengthening ourselves would be a wise course of action. As we saw, we are not capable of defeating Team Lucid in an encounter. Next time, we may not get as lucky as we did this time. It would also be good to increase our teamwork between us three." Tremi murmured softly.

"Hahahaha... that will be strange. You're always the one telling me what to do. But now it's time for me to boss YOU around finally" Sabetha said giggling, Tremi covered her mouth chuckling.

"If it will allow me to better protect you, I do mind." Tremi said calmly, slowly laying down onto the leafy ground resting her head onto her arm.

"Wait, here" Sabetha said pulling a rolled up sleeping blanket out of her backpack, crawling over to Tremi placing it under her head.

"You will become ill from the cold without this" Tremi stated lifting up her head refusing. Sabetha smirked.

"You're injured, and need the comfort. Now, no arguing with your Trainer!" Sabetha exclaimed shaking a finger at Tremi. Tremi stared at Sabetha for a moment, before sighing, closing her eyes, lowering her head down.

"You're right. It will be difficult to take orders from you" Tremi said softly, Sabetha snickered, smiling fondly.

"If I get cold, I'll cuddle up with you and Elisa. Don't worry..." Sabetha said softly gently caressing Tremi's cheek, before turning away walking back over to her spot beside Elisa.

"Hehehe... You did a great job, Frinny" Sapphire said smiling happily, rubbing Frinda's exposed belly. Frinda purred loudly with closed eyes loving the affection.

"Thanks for sticking with me earlier. I might not be here if it wasn't for you. Well, and Frinda and Lefy too... hehehe" Sabetha giggled, smiling softly seeing Frinda's expression.

"It's no problem... I was scared of you the first time I saw you in your other form, but that was because well... you were different." Sapphire said shamefully, looking down. "Later I realized how cruel, and childish that was. Especially remembering the happy times we shared. But by the time I came back, Warden Jenifer told me you both had already left. I felt such a dread, believing I had lost such a good friend..." Sapphire said with a small smile on her face.

"But then we ran into each other in those ruins, when your Glaceon there scared me half to death..." Sabetha grumbled. A wide grin crept across Frinda's upside down face still on her back, obviously amused at the event.

"Hehehe! I won't lose my travel friend. Nor her Friends too" Sapphire said smiling happily, Sabetha smiled back slowly petting Elisa's back.

"Where are you going??" Sabetha asked curiously watching Sapphire stand up. Frinda swiftly rolled over onto her side, getting to her feet.

"I'm going to take Frinny for a walk! I believe I saw a lake nearby when we passed by. Frinda may not be a Vaporeon, but she loves water - especially ice cold water! Hehehe" Sapphire covered her mouth giggling.

"Ok, well, have fun!" Sabetha exclaimed smiling happily. Sapphire grinned cheekily.

"Oh, we will" Sapphire said in a strange tone, winking at Sabetha as she and Frinda walked off into the dark forest.

"What was that all about? Her tone... and winking...?" Sabetha muttered scratching her head with a confused look. Sabetha glanced over at Elisa and Tremi, both fast asleep causing her to smile. "I guess I'll go catch up with those two. I can't sleep with all that has happened" Sabetha thought climbing to her feet, following after Sapphire...

"Eck. So dark out, it's hard to avoid being touched by these darn thick bushes..." Sabetha grumbled keeping her arms high in the air trying to avoid skin contact with the plants. "I swear she went this way..." Sabetha thought looking around in the inky dark forest. "Wait... There! I see a Lake!" Sabetha exclaimed happily spotting a glimmering surface just ahead, pushing her way through the brush.

Sabetha walked down a gently rolling, grass covered slope walking towards the Lake which spanned as far as she could see, a sandy beach lined its shore. "Wait, is that them...?" Sabby muttered squinting in the faint, moonlit night seeing something ahead near the lake. Sabetha cautiously walked down the slope, looking up again squinting. "W-What..?!" Sabetha exclaimed with wide eyes realizing Sapphire was undressing her self. Sabetha felt a strange curiosity appear in her mind, deciding to hide behind a thick bush growing only a short distance away from where Sapphire and Frinda were.

"Is she going to go swimming with Frinda? That would be darn cold!" Sabetha thought shivering from the cool, moist air lapping at her exposed arms. "No... Lefy is there too. He hates water??" Sabetha muttered scratching the top of her head confused, squinting to make out the trio a dozen or so feet away. "Darnit, I can't just walk over and ask what she's doing" Sabetha thought blushing in embarrassment, crawling to the far edge of the bush listening intently.

"Hehehe. You both did VERY well earlier! I'm so proud of you working together so well as well" Sapphire exclaimed happily with closed eyes. Lefy bounced up into the air, brimming with energy, an excited smile on his face, his tail wagging back and forth quickly. "Since I know you both have been wanting this for a while, I'm going to reward you for your great work today" Sapphire said smiling happily.

"Reward...?? Lefy swims like a rock" Sabetha thought giggling quietly, grabbing her mouth silencing her self.

"Now, roll over!" Sapphire exclaimed happily. The pair of Eons obeyed obediently, falling onto their sides rolling onto their backs.

"Huh...?" Sabetha muttered, blinking a couple of times.

"Hehehe. You're always roaring and ready to go, aren't you Lefy?" Sapphire said covering her mouth giggling softly, seeing his Penis poking out onto his belly. "And Frinda, the calm, polite one" Sapphire said smiling seeing Frinda staring at her. "But, I know you want this too!" Sapphire exclaimed happily with closed eyes, placing a finger down at the base of Frinda tail area, slowly massaging it. Sabetha's eyes widened.

"Is she doing what I think she is...?" Sabetha thought watching with wide, intent eyes.

"Hehehe!" Sapphire giggled tugging on a small sprout on Lefy's penis causing the Leafeon to make a strange, excited sound. Sabetha watched on with disbelief at what was happening.

"S-She is arousing them...?" Sabetha thought watching with an intrigued look.

"Ok ok! I didn't forget about you Frinny, hehehe!" Sapphire giggled feeling Frinda's tail hinting tickling her side. "I guess you two don't want to play around, huh? It's been quite some time" Sapphire murmured with a smile, placing her hand just under Frinda's neck, playfully tickling her way down, until she stopped near Frinda's nether region. "Ready?" Sapphire asked smiling. Frinda let out a low murmur causing Sapphire to giggle happily, placing her finger down at Frinda's exposed Pussy, slowly pressing the tip of her index finger into Frinda causing the Glaceon to squirm on her back with closed eyes.

"Yes yes! I know you're there Lefy, hehehe!" Sapphire giggled happily watching Lefy rolling side to side, squirming widely on his back. She reached her hand down, gently grabbing his five inch, curved pecker. "You stay under control now, ok?" Sapphire said shaking a finger at Lefy sternly, lowering her head down taking a lick at his Length. Lefy let out a loud cry of excitement.

"Oh my god..." Sabetha thought covering her mouth, wide eyed in shock. "Why would she be doing this? Is she like those sick people who raped Elisa and the others? No... Frinda and Lefy only speak highly of Sapphire, and are very content..." Sabetha muttered. Sabetha looked up hearing Lefy let out a loud cry of pleasure, seeing Sapphire engulf his length into her mouth. "Ugh..." Sabetha whimpered looking down, feeling a tingling sensation in her crotch. "Why am I feeling like this from watching them...?" She thought feeling uneasy, her eyes locked on the trio...

"Oh yea! It has been weeks since we had our fun with Sapphire!" Lefy exclaimed smiling widely, his Eyes closed enjoying the treatment being done to his sensitive length.

"Mmm... She's much more pleasing then you as well..." Frinda purred, rocking her hips gently up against Sapphires finger invading her small, tight sex.

"I guess you two want to get to the main event?" Sapphire asked with a smile. Frinda and Lefy nodded their heads. "Hehehe! Well, ok then! I've missed our time together too" Sapphire said happily, getting onto all fours facing them. Lefy jumped up into the air, landing on his feet with one swift movement, running towards Sapphire rubbing him self up against her affectionately.

"What are they intending to do now...?" Sabetha thought watching intently, the feelings inside of her beginning to grow.

"Hehehe, wasting no time are we?" Sapphire asked smiling, watching Lefy circle around her. Sapphire lowered her rump closer to the ground, gasping softly as Lefy nudged her slit with his cool nose. "Stop being a tease, you little scamp!" Sapphire exclaimed playfully pushing Lefy back. "Come 'ere you!" Sapphire exclaimed reaching forwards grabbing hold of Frinda's hind legs, pulling her closer. "I'm sorry for not letting you both have some more time for our fun, but it's rather hard hiding our little secret with Sabetha and the others around!" Sapphire exclaimed happily, gasping loudly throwing her head back slightly feeling Lefy's thin, studded length push deep into her. "Ohhh, that's a good boy..." Sapphire murmured reaching a hand back, scratching Lefy's head reassuringly. Sapphire leaned her head down, extending her tongue out, teasingly flicking it up against Frinda's boosum getting a loud murmur from Frinda.

"S-She's letting Lefy mate with her, and doing what Frinda did to me?!" Sabetha thought wide Eyed in disbelief hearing Sapphire crying out softly in pleasure, Lefy thrust feverishly into her from behind clinging onto her rump tightly. "Egh..." Sabetha whimpered looking down with clenched eyes. "I-I can't stand this... I need to leave, I shouldn't be here as it is..." Sabetha muttered turning away, crawling on her hands and knee's heading back towards the Forest quietly.

"A-hem" someone cleared their throats, Sabetha froze solid still on all fours, looking back seeing Sapphire grinning widely staring at her. Sapphire's hands were placed firmly upon her hips in a powerful pose, completely naked.

"Peeking on us, hmmm?" Sapphire asked with a small, cheeky grin staying on her face. Sabetha began to panic, turning around sitting on her rump waving her hands.

"N-No! I-I came to go with you on your walk, and w-well... found you like... this..." Sabetha said glowing red in embarrassment. Sapphire sighed softly, Frinda and Lefy appeared beside her.

"A-Are you like those people I stopped? W-Who have sex with Pokemon...?" Sabetha asked shakily. Sapphire sighed in exasperation, closing her eyes.

"Come out from behind there first" Sapphire said calmly. Sabetha hesitated feeling her legs were weak from her excitement, but slowly got up.

"Hahahaha! You're a very naughty girl!" Sapphire giggled loudly noticing Sabetha's excitement, Sabetha blushed deeply looking away.

"W-Wow!" Sabetha cried out as her legs wobbled, causing her to stumble, tripping and falling back into the bush she had hid behind...

"Sigh..." Sabetha sighed in a high pitched tone, propping her head up on a hand sitting near the lake with an annoyed look on her face.

"Hehehe! Nice one falling into the bushes, changing into your Leafeon form" Sapphire said giggling, covering her mouth.

"Yea yea... Lefy, don't even think about it" Sabetha said glaring at the Male Leafeon standing a few feet away, a wide grin on his face, his tail flicking slowly behind him.

"Awww..." Lefy pouted lowering his head, looking up at Sabetha with puppy dog eyes causing Sapphire to burst out giggling.

"I wish I could hear what they say. Though, I can tell for the most part" Sapphire said smiling softly looking at Frinda and Lefy.

"Sapphire, why did you do what you did earlier?" Sabetha asked staring at Sapphire with her dark brown eyes. Sapphire sighed softly closing her eyes.

"I never quite told you how I met these two" Sapphire said snickering softly, rubbing Frinda's head gently. "You see, I didn't choose them to be my Pokemon, rather, they chose me to be their Trainer" Sapphire explained laughing weakly. "Shortly after leaving home, I made camp on one hot, summer night deciding to strip down since my sleeping blanket was already way too hot as it was. Little did I know, these two little scamps were lurking nearby" Sapphire said laughing happily, looking down shyly. "After climbing into my sleeping blanket, and falling asleep, I woke up a short time later feeling something moving inside of my sleeping Blanket, and well... Something licking my down there..." Sapphire said blushing deeply, Sabetha's eyes widened with surprise.

"She liked it" Frinda said grinning slyly, Sabetha snickered softly.

"After I managed to wriggle my way out, Lefy the little Scamp pounced on me, pinning me to the ground, when Frinda appeared out of my sleeping blanket, walking over to me licking my face affectionately, before they both walked off to the fire I had made." Sapphire explained, sighing shakily shaking her head. "Then they decided to well... have some fun, hehe..." Sapphire giggled softly. "They both looked at me during it, with their cute little faces, as if trying to show me... Well, this got me quite excited, which I assume they knew, as they suddenly broke off, and approached on me..." Sapphire said sighing shakily, looking over at Frinda from the corner of her eyes. "Frinda was quite the pushy one, lifting her tail up, backing rump first forcing it into my face. Lefy meanwhile, had pinned me from behind, and had his way with me. I couldn't and well... didn't want to resist. It was actually, uhm... a small fantasy of mine..." Sapphire said blushing in embarrassment.

"And well, they decided to stick around with me! We still do this now and then, though it's not to be cruel or anything! Actually, they come to ME for it, hehehe..." Sapphire laughed smiling at the Eon's.

"S-So, you let them mate with you... to make them happy??" Sabetha asked in a curious, surprised tone. Sapphire smiled happily nodding her head.

"I didn't tell you as well... how do I explain this?" Sapphire said laughing bashfully rubbing her head. Sabetha snickered softly, a small smile on her face.

"So you're not bothered about this??" Sapphire asked in surprise, Sabetha bushed, slowly shaking her head.

"I-In truth, I... I've already had a run in with Frinda..." Sabetha said quietly looking down blushing.

Sapphire's eyes widened in surprise.

"What?? Where? When??" She asked confused knowing Frinda was at her side nearly all the time.

"She blackmailed you?! Hehehehe!" Sapphire burst out giggling wildly. "She is quite devious! She acts all cute and calm, but she is in fact quite cunning, and cheeky!" Sapphire exclaimed smiling at Frinda, who smiled back with an innocent look. Sabetha burst out laughing at Frinda's expression.

"I still don't know very much about... things like this. I've done it with Elisa once too, though... I can't say much else. She asked me to keep quiet about it" Sabetha said quietly, blushing.

"Oh! So we're the same! Well, you are kind of a Pokemon in a sense right now, so I guess not really..." Sapphire rambled falling into thought.

"Ohhhh, I didn't get to finish!" Lefy whined, nudging Frinda's side, getting a cold glare from Frinda.

"Calm down." Frinda said calmly staring at Sabetha and Sapphire, a devious twinkle in her eyes.

"So you're not bothered by sex with Pokemon either?" Sapphire asked cocking her head with a curious look on her Face. Sabetha laughed weakly looking down.

"N-No. I've been told Sex is a 'evil, bad thing', but... I don't see how it is bad, unless it's against your will" Sabetha muttered quietly, feeling uneasy about the topic.

"Huh? What's wrong you two?" Sapphire asked sitting cross legged on the ground, Lefy and Frinda nudged and nuzzled her side. They both looked over at Sabetha, then back at her. Sapphire clicked in, a wide grin growing across her face.

"Ohhh, I see" Sapphire said grinning, looking at Sabetha.

"What? They haven't said anything" Sabetha muttered, blinking with a confused look. Sapphire giggled evilly. "We don't need words to understand each other. Sooo... how about you join us?" Sapphire asked grinning. Sabetha's eyes shot open, her face going a deep red looking away to one side.

"W-What? N-No... Really, I couldn't" Sabetha said politely refusing, Sapphire closed her eyes softly with an evil smile on her face.

"I don't believe those two like your response" Sapphire said opening her eyes, grinning widely watching Frinda and Lefy advanced towards Sabetha from the left and right. Sabetha laughed weakly, her eyes darting back and forth between the Eons.

"C-Come on you two, stop playing around" Sabetha stuttered. The Eons looked at each other grinning, looking at Sabetha.

"You stumble onto our fun time, you join our fun time!!" Frinda exclaimed pouncing on Sabetha, who cried out in surprise turning over, quickly trying to crawl away from the deranged Glaceon.

"H-HEY!" Sabetha cried out. Frinda and Lefy had taken this chance to grab one of Sabetha's pant legs each, tugging on them.

"Hehehe. You can't get away from them when they are like this, especially when they know you're a willing participant" Sapphire said smiling happily with her knee's up, her arms wrapped around them watching the Eon's ruthless pull Sabetha's clothing off...

"Sigh..." Sabetha sighed loudly with her head lowered, pressing her feet together sitting on the sandy beach completely naked, the Eons having succeeded in their mission.

"Huh. So you grow sprouts all over like Lefy too?" Sapphire muttered looking Sabetha over curiously. Sabetha gasped, blushing deeply, looking away.

"Y-Yep..." Sabetha stuttered in a high pitched, shy tone.

"Come onnn! Me want, me wanttt!!" Lefy exclaimed bouncing up and down brimming with excitement, Frinda the only thing holding him back.

"Oh? We have another visitor?" Sapphire asked in surprise looking up. Sabetha looked back over her shoulder, her eyes widening seeing Elisa walking down the slope towards the group, a calm, pleasant smile on her face.

"E-Elisa? W-What are you doing here?" Sabetha stuttered fearfully. Elisa sat down on the grass a few feet away, looking to her right at Frinda and Lefy, then to her left at Sabetha and Sapphire still smiling softly.

"Smelled your scent" Elisa said smiling, Sabetha blushed deeply.

"I-I forgot you have a really keen nose..." Sabetha said laughing weakly looking down.

"I believe I know what is occurring here as well" Elisa said snickering, her blade like tail flicking back and forth behind her lightly cutting at the grass.

"What is she saying??" Sapphire asked staring at Sabetha with a curious look.

"S-She said she smelled my 'Scent', and I guess that woke her up, and she followed it to here..." Sabetha said quietly.

"Have you or Tremi done these things yet??" Sapphire asked curiously, Sabetha gasped looking up with wide eyes, looking away shaking her head.

"N-No. Tremi doesn't have these type of urges, or feelings..." Sabetha said quietly. Sapphire burst out giggling, almost falling over causing Sabetha to look at her confused.

"She's lying. All Pokemon enjoy it, it's part of their natural instincts too" Sapphire said smiling happily.

"No... Tremi is unique. She's to gentle to feel such urges" Sabetha said softly, looking down to her right feeling Elisa nudge her side.

"Would it be acceptable if I... Join in on this?" Elisa asked with an excited smile, Sabetha sighed loudly closing her eyes.

"I had no idea anything was going to happen, until those two decided to strip me down." Sabetha muttered staring at Frinda, who had a small, sly grin on her face.

"I call her first! She's a beautiful female Leafeon, well... maybe a bit human, but she smells great!" Lefy exclaimed excitedly, crying out in pain as Frinda smacked him upside the face with her paw. "Owww, what was that for?!" he groaned rubbing his face.

"You do know, I'm sitting right here..." Frinda said angrily. Lefy smiled happily, his tail flicking back and forth excitedly.

"I don't mind sharing!" Lefy exclaimed smiling cheerfully with closed eyes, Sabetha sighed shakily.

"Hehehe. It looks like you're not getting out of this" Sapphire said smiling. "It would appear not..." Sabetha said smiling shakily, feeling a familiar tingling in her nether region.

"Wow! What?!" Lefy exclaimed with wide eyes staring at Elisa as she showed the group her 'alteration', explaining her story.

"That's so cruel..." Sapphire said frowning sadly staring at Elisa, Sabetha translated for her. "But! That's fine! It will be quite handy, especially with our group" Sapphire exclaimed smiling with closed eyes, Elisa blushed deeply.

"S-Sabetha... C-Can we... uhm..." Elisa stuttered, looking away blushing deeply.

"Hehehe, do you really want too??" Sabetha asked smiling happily, Elisa nodded her head.

"I-I really enjoyed our time together..." Elisa said shyly, Sabetha smiled fondly rubbing the area behind Elisa's blade affectionately.

"Aww! I wanted her!" Lefy whined, Frinda sighed softly.

"Wait your turn. We still have our Trainer to finish with" Frinda said grinning. Lefy blinked looking back, smiling excitedly, his tail wagging.

"Ok!" Lefy exclaimed suddenly lunging at Sapphire causing her to cry out softly in surprise, falling onto her back.

"Wow! You're not wasting any timeeeee!" Sapphire gasped loudly as Lefy slid his length up her awaiting slit without any hesitation, pounding into her feverishly.

"S-Sabetha... can... can we do something different this time?" Elisa asked in a low, shaky tone looking up at Sabetha, who looked back at Elisa with a curious look on her face.

"Like what?" Sabetha asked curiously, Elisa's blush deepened, she looked down at the ground.

"Like... what they are doing..." Elisa said quietly, Sabetha's eyes bulged looking down at Elisa.

"You mean... Proper mating?" Sabetha asked, Elisa nodded her head slowly still looking down.

"You will be the first one to do that with me..." Sabetha muttered lost in thought, Elisa hesitated looking up.

"I-If you don't want too, that's ok. I won't be offended" Elisa said quickly. Sabetha smiled softly, leaning forwards getting onto all fours, Elisa's eyes widened looking at Sabetha's face.

"I've already lost my 'innocence' as my Mother called in an accident with the Shower, so it's fine. I would be happy if Elisa was the first" Sabetha said smiling. Elisa looked up with wide eyes full of disbelief.

"A-Are you sure? I... I cannot stop if you change your mind, it's already very difficult to keep my urges under control..." Elisa said shakily. Sabetha giggled, grabbing Elisa horn gently pulling her closer.

"Come on! Pokemon don't ask, they act" Sabetha said smiling happily, licking Elisa's cheek. Elisa smiled happily, slowly walking around Sabetha...

"Mmm...! You sure are hyper tonight...!" Sapphire whimpered petting Lefy's head as he pounded her sensitive cunt, showing no signs of losing steam.

"Hm hm hm... that's right, break her in. A human capable of changing into any Eeveelution is going to be very fun to travel with" Frinda thought grinning to her self, gasping softly as Sapphire slid her tongue deeper into her cunny hole.

"Ohhh, your fur is so soft, and silky..." Sabetha murmured feeling it as Elisa mounted her from behind. Sabetha rubbed her back up and down against Elisa's fur enjoying the feeling.

"I-I..." Elisa stuttered having second thoughts about this.

"Don't worry Elisa, I'm happy to have this kind of bonding with you..." Sabetha murmured, already excited from the earlier occurrences.

"Ahhh..." Elisa whimpered feeling Sabetha's hand wrap around her throbbing length, guiding it towards Sabetha's leaf-protect Hole.

"OHHH!" Sabetha moaned loudly feeling Elisa's length press into her slowly, a sensation she has never felt before began to overwhelm her body.

"Oh... so perfect...!" Elisa whimpered with clenched eyes, crawling forwards sliding her length in deeper, and deeper, until finally fitting it all in, falling onto Sabetha's back panting heavily.

"Keep going..." Sabetha whimpered, gasping loudly as Elisa slid out of her sensitive pussy. "AHH!" Sabetha let out a scream of pleasure as Elisa thrust her entire length back into Sabetha in one, swift movement. Sabetha's arms gave out from the pleasure, unable to hold her weight up leaving only her rump stick up. Elisa began to thrust her self deep into Sabetha's plant like body, beginning to lose her self to instinct and desire.

"Uh uh uh.. Lefy, I'm about too...!" Sapphire whimpered with clenched eyes, her body rocking back with each of Lefy's thrusts.

"Oh yea! Me too!!" he exclaimed wildly slamming into her cunt getting small yelps of pleasure from Sapphire with each thrust. "Oh oh... OH!!!" Lefy out a loud howl arching his head back, shooting forth powerful streams of cum deep into Sapphire, setting off Sapphire's own Orgasm causing her to cry out loudly locking her body up tightly, plunging her tongue deep into Frinda's icy cunt.

"Little more..." Frinda thought with gently closed eyes, pressing her hips down on Sapphire's face. Sapphire replied by teasingly lapping away at Frinda's clit, causing the Glaceon to cry out weakly, releasing a small splatter of cool, juices onto Sapphire's Face.

"Oh! That was great!" Lefy exclaimed happily, pulling out of Sapphire letting his pink, cum soaked cock swing under him freely.

"Ah Ah ah!" Sabetha whimpered loudly with each thrust, her face resting on her arms, rocking her hips back with each of Elisa's deep and powerful thrusts.

"O-Oh! Sabetha, this is amazing...!" Elisa whimpered thrusting her length deep into Sabetha's sticky, warm twat. "Uh... it... it's coming...!" Elisa whimpered gritting her teeth.

"Don't stop!" Sabetha pleaded, feeling her climax approaching closer and closer with each thrust into her boosom. Elisa gritted her teeth tightly.

"Gahh!!!" Elisa let out a pleasure filled howl, slamming her hips forwards as hard as she could, shooting forth glob after glob of thick, gooey cum deep into Sabetha's cunt.

"Agh!" Sabetha cried out throwing her head back as her orgasm hit her. Her pussy tightened around Elisa's length, milking it for everything it had with each of pleasure rippling through Sabetha's body...

Wow... That was.. So good" Sabetha panted, Elisa stayed on top of her breathing heavily.

"Are you.. sure... this was ok?" Elisa asked feeling a sensation of regret, Sabetha smiled looking back at Elisa's dark Grey face.

"We both enjoyed it" Sabetha said softly, leaning her head back licking Elisa's Cheek again causing her to blush deeply, sliding back dismounted Sabetha, Cum leaked out of her Leafy cunt dripping onto the Ground.

"Ooo!! My turn my turn!!" Lefy exclaimed running over, his rock hard length swinging wild under him.

"W-Wait.. I haven't.. Recovered.." Sabetha panted, but Lefy ignored her argument. "W-Wait.. Lefy.. AHHH!!" Sabetha cried out in a violent Pleasure, feeling Lefy's bud covered cock slide deep into her cunt.

"Ohhh!" Lefy cried out slamming into Sabetha with quick, hard thrusts, completely lost in his desire for her. Sabetha cried out with each thrust, her Body convulsing from the overpowering pleasure letting her face fall onto the grass, being forced forwards with each of Lefy's quick, powerful thrusts.

"Hehehe. Lefy really want a piece of her" Sapphire thought smiling happily watching Lefy wildly pound into Sabetha's rump, a small trick of juices trickled out with each thrust. "Elisa was it? Come over here" Sapphire called over gesturing at Elisa still recovering. Elisa looked up at Sapphire hesitantly, looking back at Sabetha, before standing up cautiously walking towards Sapphire.

"Don't worry! We're just going to have some girl fun time while those two are busy" Sapphire said smiling happily. Elisa heard Sabetha crying out in pleasure, which caused Elisa's excitement to rise even higher.

"Ok..." Elisa said cautiously staring at Sapphire, who smiled happily with closed eyes.

"Now, roll onto your back!" Sapphire exclaimed happily. Elisa hesitated for a moment, before complying being far to aroused to care about her fear of humans.

"Hm hm hm... you're rather easy, aren't you?" Frinda said grinning at Elisa from beside Sapphire. Elisa looked the other way blushing in embarrassment.

"Ok! Frinda, you got the rear, I'll take the front end" Sapphire said pointing to Elisa's rump, a happy smile on her face. Sapphire walked over to Elisa, stepped over her, sitting down softly onto Elisa's belly, until she got comfortable on all for. Elisa's eyes widened seeing Sapphire's glistening slit a few inches away from face. "Hehehe! Such a cute dick." Sapphire said happily, grasping onto Elisa's length causing her to gasp. "Well, no time to waste!" Sapphire exclaimed cheerfully, leaning down sliding Elisa's length into her Mouth. Elisa's eyes shot up, letting out a loud howl of pleasure, thrusting her hips upwards. Sapphire replied by engulfing Elisa's length completely, flicking her tongue along the tip of her length teasingly.

"Hmmm... lets see if she truly is a woman" Frinda thought reaching her paw out, sliding a claw into Elisa's twat, causing the Absol to let out a cry of pleasure.

"P-Please! N-Not both...!" Elisa whimpered with clenched eyes, quivering with each thrust from Sapphire. A grin grew across Frinda's face.

"That's it. Beg, plead! I love it when they squirm..." Frinda said in a cruel tone, pressing her claw in deeper causing Elisa to let out a loud moan of pleasure, losing her self into the situation.

"Oh god!" Sabetha thought with tightly clenched eyes. Her body rapidly moved back and forth, Lefy continued to violate her inside without mercy. "His buds... they're tickling every inch of my insides with each push! I-I can't take this...!" Sabetha thought whimpering loudly.

"Oh! I am so going to do this again and again with you!" Lefy exclaimed, leaning down biting onto Sabetha's leafy ear. Sabetha cried out softly lifting her head up. "That's right, love it!" Lefy exclaimed excitedly slamming into Sabetha's tingling twat.

"G-gah.. DAHHHH!!!" Sabetha let a high pitched scream throwing her head back as her body tightening up, a powerful orgasm ripping through her body, her hind legs shook weakly. Lefy picked up his speed, grunting loudly with closed eyes feeling Sabetha's pussy tightening around his length.

"Oh!!" Lefy cried out, thrusting his hips forward as hard as he could, shooting forth powerful streams of cum deep into Sabetha. After a moment, Lefy suddenly began to slam back into Sabetha mercilessly...

"Oh!" Sapphire gasped releasing Elisa's throbbing cock for a moment feeling a tongue lap at her tingling cunny hole. "Wait wait!" Sapphire whimpered with closed eyes, standing up releasing Elisa's length. Elisa looked up at Sapphire whimpering in desperation causing the Cyan haired girl to giggle. "Calm down! I think you three should play for now, I'm going to be dead tired if I keep this up" Sapphire said happily, walking over to where Sabetha and Lefy were. Lefy was feverishly pounding into Sabetha's helpless body, she had already collapsed from the incredible orgasm she had experienced, to weak to hold her self up.

"Come on Lefy! Time to give our other friend some attention" Sapphire said happily, reaching down popping Lefy out of Sabetha. His rock hard length swung under him as he lunged at Sapphire, licking at her face excitedly causing Sapphire to burst out giggling leaning away. "You really are a little fiend!" Sapphire said smiling, carrying Lefy under her arm like a stuffed toy. She reached out grabbing hold of his length softly, causing Lefy to begin to frantically hump her hand. "Hehehe! No no! You got a new playmate" Sapphire said smiling happily, placing Lefy down beside Frinda. Lefy inhaled deeply, his tail wagging excitedly.

"Mmmm... she smells really good" Lefy said smiling excitedly. Frinda pushed out in front of Lefy, stopping him.

"I'm done with prodding and poking. I want some attention" Frinda stated firmly staring at Elisa. Elisa stared at the Eon's near her rump, before rolling over onto her side standing up. Elisa stared at Frinda with an equally serious look.

"Get down" Elisa ordered, Frinda smirked slightly. "Why don't you make me?" Frinda said smugly. Frinda gasped in shock as Elisa slammed her head into Frinda's side, sending the Eon tumbling onto her side.

"You want, you get. I'm not playing around" Elisa said staring at Frinda with a serious look, walking over, nuzzling Frinda onto her back. Frinda grinned in amusement at Elisa's lustful forcefulness.

"Then what are you waiting for?" Frinda asked grinning with half closed, sly eyes. Elisa smiled deviously, positioning her length at Frinda's icy hole. Frinda grunted as Elisa pressed the tip of her slick, cock into Frinda, slowly burying it into Frinda.

"Alright! Three way!!" Lefy exclaimed in an excited tone, leaping up onto Elisa's rump not giving her a chance to protest. "Ahhh!!" Elisa gasped loudly, her body quivering as Lefy's thin cock slid into her. The trio began to thrust into each in a rhythm...

"Phew..." Sabetha panted, slowly sitting up. Lefy's cum still slowly trickled out of her throbbing, sensitive pussy.

"Hehehe! They really went all out on you" Sapphire said smiling happily. Sabetha smiled back shakily. Sapphire glanced over at Sabetha from the corner of her eyes, her cheeks going red as she blushed looking down shyly. "D-Do you want to try with me?" Sapphire asked in an embarrassed tone. Sabetha's eyes widened, looking at Sapphire in surprise.

"I-I'm a tad to sensitive right now... I'm barely able to sit up" Sabetha said laughing weakly with glossy eyes. Sapphire smiled happily nodding her head.

"Leafeon's are a very physical Pokemon. What with all their sprouts, and the hyper attitude of their males, I'm not surprised! Hehehehe!" Sapphire giggled with closed eyes, shifting her gaze watching the others crying out and whimpering in pleasure. "It's ok! Another time maybe, hehehe..." Sapphire laughed shyly, looking at Sabetha smiling with closed eyes. "It would be my first time with another human, er well... uhm... Poke-human??" Sapphire rambled falling into thought unsure. Sabetha smiled.

"Agh!!" Elisa howled as she coated Frinda's inside with her slick, sticky cum.

"Oh!" Frinda gasped grinding her hips up against Elisa, her orgasm ripping through her body, falling back panting heavily. Lefy meanwhile, had already came, but continued to ravenously fuck Elisa seeing no reason to stop, his energy seemingly limitless.

"It seems all of us grew a little closer tonight" Sapphire said softly, smiling gently. "Yes, yes we did..." Sabetha with a gentle smile of joy...

End of chapter 9

Well... not very much in the way of plot, but well, Elisa got to bone Sabetha, as did Lefy, and well... just a big fuck fest lol :P Call it a 'well deserved break'. Next chapter however, things are going to get VERY dark, and very difficult for the group... especially Sabetha as they reach Sapphire's uncles home... Next Chapter: Dark Past

Sabetha, The Walker of Fate - Chapter 8, The Mirror of Shattered Dreams

Chapter 8 The Mirror of Shattered Dreams "Sabetha, we may be stronger then at that point, but they most likely outnumber us vastly. Elisa and myself are not versed in battling either so if we are attacked by Pokemon we will be helpless," Tremi said...

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Sabetha, The Walker of Fate - Chapter 7, A Glimmer of Hope

Chapter 7 A Glimmer of Hope "Kyahahahahahaha!!!" Elisa laughed uncontrollably. "P-Please! Stop! Ahahahahaha!" Elisa begged breaking out laughing again. Sabetha burst out giggling finally giving Elisa a moment to breath. "You have a really...

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Sabetha, The Walker of Fate - Chapter 6, Denial of the Truth

Chapter 6 **Denial of the Truth** "S-Sabetha?! W...What are you?!" Sapphire stuttered, her eyes wide in fear stepping back. "Sapphire, please, just wait! I can explain everything!" Sabetha exclaimed in her high-pitched squeaky voice...

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