Centaurus Chapter 23

Story by Stratothrax on SoFurry

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#22 of Centaurus

Cum inflation epic involving a futa centaur and various other furry and fantasy races.Read Ahead on Patreon

Previously on Centaurus: The band finish up their sewer slime job and return to the Adventurers Guild where they meet with The Hammer Horns and decide to take on a joint-band job involving Kobogons, a rare and dangerous species of monster.

Now, chapter 23:

Astrid howled as a torrent of viscous cum was forcefully dragged from her womb, so much being pulled free at once that she was being stretched around the high pressure girth of the stream.

The cum wasn't going far. It wound and threaded its way through the air in a spaghetti line before it came down, down into a bottle on Chloe's hip, a large ceramic bottle, the outside carefully glazed in a multitude of colours, a spiralling runic design that was reminiscent of the sea writ large across its well crafted surface. A chain was tied around its neck from which a cork was attached, the cork dangled with every motion of her body as she danced her fingers in the air calling forth a second stream of white from the other cum tank that was Baerinda, rushing out her overtaxed asshole.

Chloe was not quite doing this unsupported however as she was leaning up against Fey's side, relying on the centaur to help prop herself up, her knees turned in and wobbling, threatening to give out at any moment.

Baerinda and Astrid gasped and wailed in tandem as they were steadily drained of horse cum, their room sized bellies rapidly shrinking down, but still not fast enough.

Fey trotted her front hooves on the spot nervously, her eyes dancing around the clearing. A second un-inflated Astrid suddenly dashed past and she watched with concern as this Astrid tripped over and fell, going rolling across the ground and eating a mouth full of dirt.

"Really Astrid? What next, going to accidentally set your pack on fire?" said Braddox, his patience rapidly running thin. He stood right next to cum filled Astrid, his body partially obscured by her massive belly, but seemingly completely unaware that this was the case.

"Astrid isn't that clumsy!" hissed Chloe at the sphere that was Baerinda.

Baerinda managed to gather some control over herself for one moment, enough to reply.

"H-hard to double check when it feels like I'm being turned inside out! Oh gaawds!"

The two bands, Magic Mog and the Hammer Horns were rapidly collecting their things and breaking camp. Fey had awoken in the middle of it atop Chloe, the massively cumflated minotaur pinching her into wakefulness. It didn't take her long to figure out what the problem was, it was morning and the two bands were leaving, gathering their things and putting out the fire, still completely oblivious to the three room-sized minotaur girls scattered across the clearing, simply seeing through them, or walking around them as though a tent or some such was in the spot.

The problem was that the three minotaur girls were in no state to be leaving and Fey had no desire to reveal to the Hammer Horns just what she had done to the female members of their band.

It was Chloe who had come to the rescue, she had made Fey go and fetch the bottle that now hung off her hip from her tent. She had grabbed it from Fey and turned it upside down, a small river of water flowing out which was directed into the forest, dumped as though worthless trash. When Fey asked if the water was special Chloe had mentioned something about it being blessed by the church, but now she had found something far far superior.

It hadn't taken long, she syphoned cum from her pussy into the bottle, rapidly shrinking herself back down to normal. Clearly the bottle was magical, in fact when Fey asked she had explained so: "Oh yes, it works like a Dimensional Bag but can only contain fluids my Class is compatible with and only one type at a time, limited, but waaay cheaper."

Soon the last of the cum left Astrid and Baerinda and the two girls were left slumped on the ground, breathing hard, their gaped rears steadily pooling a last trickle of white onto the ground.

"Up get up! Come on we have to go! Those villages need us!" said Fey prancing around them energetically.

Astrid groaned and squinted up at her.

"How are you not exhausted after all that? You fucked us like- like- I don't have words... I feel like I'm never going to be the same after that, that feeling of you pistoning into me over and over and then- hnnn!"

Astrid shivered at the memory, her toes curling.

"Nevermind that! We have to get up and go! There are people in trouble and we're not sitting around on our rumps leaving them to their doom!"

She leaned down and grabbed Astrid's wrist dragging her up into the air with surprising ease. The minotaur groaned but after a moment managed to find her legs, barely, they shook wildly beneath her, her thighs wobbling as lines of cum rolled down to her knees from her still partly gaped pussy.

Fey ignored her difficulties and grabbed up Baerinda too with her other hand, the two girls forcibly made to stand by the centaur.

Baerinda was by far the best off of the three having not been fucked by Fey, but she still wasn't doing great.

Fey looked at the three girls in dismay, each hanging off her, their knees turned inwards as they actively leaked her cum. Then she looked about the clearing, fake illusion Astrid, Baerinda, Chloe, and Fey had already packed their fake illusion things and were quickly moving off with the rest of the bands. But the real them were still stuck there, their very much real packs and tents still up and unpacked.

"What do we do?!" exclaimed Fey in near despair.

"C-carry us?"

Fey looked almost offended by the suggestion, but then she realised she didn't have much of a choice.

"...F-fine. But just this once!"

Chloe flicked her hand and a stream of white hosed from the bottle at her side. It swooped through the air and then split apart, diving down, each string of white forming a small hand at its tip. The hands began swiftly pulling apart their camping stuff, folding it neatly and stuffing it in packs.

As that was happening dozens of hands took hold of the jelly legged minotaur girls and lifted them up into the air. One by one they were put down atop Fey's back until it was quite crowded and they were pressed up uncomfortably close to each other.

"Okay, now catch us up Fey, hurry, Baerinda's illusions don't work at range."

Fey didn't hesitate, she turned and galloped after the others. Unsurprisingly she had little difficulty carrying the three girls, which was unfortunate for the three as their recently made hyper sensitive lower parts were made to ride rough against Fey's back, grinding and pushing up into them eliciting a chorus of gasps and fluttering eyelids. Fey could feel them pushing back into her as she ran, grinding themselves down against her back. She set her lips in a line and ran on, trying her best to ignore what she was doing to the three girls.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Fey to catch up to the bands. She found the illusion version of herself walking alongside the three minotaurs and without hesitation stepped into it, the sensation of her own body washing over herself was a strange one to say the least.

As that happened the strings of cum that had been following behind them carrying their packs in the air leaned over and plucked at the dimensional bag on Ellaria's hip. The hands swiftly undid the drawstring and Ellaria stumbled as all of their packs and belongings were quickly stuffed inside of it. The elf, still completely unaware of what was happening, looked down at the ground and muttered something about unsteady footing.

Fey blinked as she felt more than saw the illusions of Baerinda and Astrid and Chloe suddenly turn and climb onto her back, merging with their real counterparts. She glanced back at Baerinda questioningly.

The minotaur gave her an apologetic look. "Sorry, I've just been doing this all night long, I need to give it a rest for a little or the illusions are going to become unstable."

"B-but you're all on top of me!"

"You'll just have to deal with it I'm afraid. On three, two, one."

The illusion dropped and for a moment nobody noticed, they hadn't been looking in Fey's direction when the three illusion minotaurs had climbed up.

Then, after a moment, an outraged Lily pointed. "Hey! Why did you let those three up when you won't let us up! What did we do wrong!... and why are you all so flushed looking?"

Fey blinked and turned to the otterkin. She was sitting atop Vivi's shoulders, her legs around the fox girl's neck, her legs resting across her breasts. Above her floated Flora who was lazily looking through some of Vivi's drawings while a white orb floated along beside her, clearly Kayla, still quite invisible. It seemed Flora felt at least some responsibility for the invisible otterkin's current state.

The words sunk in and Fey understood what must have happened, her illusion self could not pick up and carry the two otterkins so Baerinda had made her illusion self make up an excuse to not carry the two.

"Uhm," said Fey.

"Oh? You're done being a lazy centaur?" said Flora with a lazy yawn. She flicked her fingers in Fey's direction without even looking and the white orb was spent spinning toward Fey with a cry. Astrid reached up just in time and caught the invisible Kayla, blinking in surprise as she felt the small person she couldn't see. Fey now had four people atop her back, all of them girls she had had sex with, she found she still felt entirely fine carrying their weight however, in fact it barely affected her at all.

"I'm feeling better about carrying? I guess?" she muttered, not quite sure what the right thing to say was since she hadn't heard her illusion self speak.

"Are you okay carrying me still Vi?" said Lily looking down at the fox girl.

Vivi had her massively pregnant looking belly held up as before, although she did seem to be holding up better than when she was filled with cum in the past, she had gone the entire trek yesterday without complaining once.

"Naw, it's fine I barely feel you compared to Wu- m-my ch-child," she managed to croak the last bit out, nervously glancing between the minotaurs.

"Really? But the weight! It's so much more now since- and with me as well..."

Vivi smiled foxishly, "You think I'm the same as I was? Carrying around a massive weight all day, what kind of effect do you think that has on a warrior?"


"That's right, weight training, I am so so much stronger now, I could crush several melons between my thighs at the same time, I could crack a coconut with my gluteus maximus."

"That's- that's nice, I think?"

"The Kobogons won't know what hit them," said Vivi nodding wisely.

"Yeah, and if you get the chance to give a thigh job to a monster I'm sure it would be of great use. Unfortunately for you I don't know of many monsters who like to dive between a girl's thighs in life or death situations," said Flora looking over the edge of her paper at Vivi.

"Oh shut up Flo, and give me back my drawings if you're going to be like that."

Flora drew the drawings back defensively. "I'm hanging onto them, to protect them. They're safer up in the air."

"Uh-huh," said Vivi.

Fey heard Kayla whispering behind her and she glanced back to see Astrid and Chloe leaning forward and listening intently.

Astrid nodded her agreement to something.

"I understand, the males of your inn, your husbands, they could do nothing to satisfy you and then, well Fey happened to you, I feel strangely as though I can relate to that."

"The guys aren't that bad Astrid."

"Compared to Fey? Even Braddox is like a tiny sproutling next to a great trunk, and nowhere near as productive or even comes close to how she itches that itch in the most- well, I've done it enough times with him and never felt anything even close to that, never been so filled or stretched or bred, I- I can't imagine going back to that after... It's like my eyes have been opened and I'm now moulded to something more beastial."

She shifted her hips as she spoke and Fey could feel her thighs clenching over her barrel, the other girls did the same too as she continued, reacting viscerally to her words, grinding their still swollen and leaking pussies into her back.

They were her girls now, of course, she had stretched them out and filled them with her essence, her broodmothers destined to grow massive with her foals, why should any other male even be in the picture? They were nothing compared to her overwhelming Virility and unapproachable dominance.

She blinked. What was that thought? She shook her head slightly. These intrusive thoughts were starting to affect her more and more, and however deliciously alluring and good they made her feel she should have some caution. As much as they were awakening a side of herself she never knew she had, a side she found she increasingly wanted to explore, she still felt she didn't really understand them.

They spent a few hours trotting along, the four girls atop Fey's back going into ever more graphic detail about their life-changing experiences with Fey.

This did not help Fey focus on the road in the least and she found herself ever more distracted by the girl's talk, her erection becoming stiff and rigid and smacking noisily up against her barrel as she walked, every so often letting out a little sprinkle of pre to darken the road below. Her breath was getting heavier too, and her cheeks flushed, exacerbated by her stiff nipples rubbing across the fabric of her blouse as she trotted.

She wasn't the only one, the overly detailed descriptions were having an effect on the trio too, their clenching becoming ever more desperate and the parts of her back where their rears rested becoming soaked through as they grew all the wetter. She could even feel Astrid's chest pressing up against her back, the minotaur's own stiff nipples rubbing up against her, more often on purpose than by accident she suspected.

"P-please girls, d-do you have describe it so- so unashamedly?"

"Oh Fey after what you did to us it's hard not to want to talk about it."

"It's important I think" piped up Kayla, "You would not believe how long me and Lily talked after we did it that first time, t-talk amongst other things," the last part came out as a guilty squeak.

Fey bit her lip. It wasn't just how hard she was becoming that was the problem, but that she could also feel her balls swelling, since the girls had started talking they were several inches further down her back leg and significantly rounder and more taut, almost painfully so. Being continuously teased for hours while they walked was not having a good effect on her.

She was glad then when up ahead Braddox and Ellaria stopped. The two bands faltered to a halt behind them.

"We're here. The closest village to Bine."

Fey blinked and peered past the adventurers. They had come around a corner in the road and up ahead of them was a tall palisade wall. Strangely it appeared deserted with nobody about, the road empty and the front door to the village ajar.

They approached cautiously, weapons slung and hanging ready, ready for anything.

But nothing happened. No guard appeared at the wall, no one cried out or even attacked. The door creaked slightly in the summer breeze, no hand to close it or swing it wide, just ajar.

Braddox let out a breath. "Strange, there should be guards of some manner. Even if the village was hit particularly hard no sane person outside a city leaves a gate open and unguarded, especially not out here in these monster infested hills."

"This does not bode well I fear," said Ellaria. She looked at the silent forest around them warily, then flicked a finger and a dozen marble-sized fires sprung to life around her, ready to be used at a moment's notice.

"You think this is some kind of ambush?"

"No, but I do not like to leave things to luck."

She reached out and grasped the handle of the large door and pulled back, the door swung out with a groan and with it came a spear that had been leaning against the other side. The spear clattered against the dirt and the bands tensed up in surprise, taken unawares by the loud sound in the otherwise peaceful forest.

But again, nothing happened. Ellaria kicked the spear aside and stepped into the village. The others followed.

"It's abandoned," said Flora looking between the village's buildings, "Maybe they wised up and realised that they would be better off leaving for the city while these Kobogon things are around? That's what I would do."

"You don't know villagers then," muttered Vivi, "Real stubborn bastards everyone of them, trying to get payment out of them was like trying to get blood from a stone, they make Ellaria here look positively charitable."

"That's enough of that. We don't know anything for certain."

Fey paused, her eyes coming to rest on a scrap of clothing. "H-hey I think I see something." She trotted forward and then flinched back with a yelp as the summer breeze lifted the scrap revealing the severed head of a man beneath, an expression of agony still frozen on his face.

"So much for leaving for the city," said Averys with a scowl. "More like they're all dead, prey to these ungodly monsters."

"D-don't say that! There might still be survivors!" said Fey dashing forward. She turned a corner and froze up. Astrid peered around her and gasped

"Oh no."

Fey shoulders fell. The amount of blood...

Something had happened here, something bad, the blood was... everywhere, along with fallen and dropped possessions, it wasn't hard to see that the villagers had tried to flee but had been cut down and then taken away, smears of blood across the ground marking where they had been dragged.

Ellaria put a hand on Fey's arm comfortingly. "It's bad Fey but we don't know if the worst has yet come to pass, there may still be survivors as there are no bodies here, and if there are they no doubt will need you."

"Somehow I find I like our chances less and less with this job with every passing moment," said Flora lifting up a scrap of clothing and examining the blood flecked across it.

"Braddox. Tell me, what is it that we can do?"

The large muscular minotaur scratched his jaw with his thick fingers. "Hrmm. It seems likely that the Kobogons stripped this village bare, and considering that this village is closest to the city there is a high chance that they have done the same to villages further away. These monsters are not stupid, they will have tried to extend the amount of time before they truly call the wrath of the city down on their heads. Killing an entire village like this, and not just a few missing persons as happens with any monster problem, will no doubt cause Lady Alexandria to personally come and glass this entire region flat with dragon fire. There won't be anything left."

Fey blinked. "If these monsters are smart, won't they know that is coming?"

"Yes. That is precisely the problem, if there are any survivors at all they are going to be killed and eaten by the Kobogons before they leave and they will no doubt soon be leaving. Doing this to a village won't escape notice for long."

"Fuck." said Ellaria. "Okay, it's simple then. We go in and we find where these awful creatures are hiding, we slaughter them all, and then we save the survivors."

"These things are taking out entire villages captain, that wasn't even considered a possibility. I think we might be a little over our heads here. Wouldn't it be better to wait for backup, no point us getting caught and killed too no?" said Baerinda.

Fey turned and stared daggers at the minotaur. "If you're not going to help me save the villagers then you can damn well get off my back. I'm going to help them no matter what any of you decide."

Baerinda quailed under the centaur's gaze, "N-no I didn't-"

"It's fine Baerinda," said Braddox, "The cautious move is to retreat but if we were being cautious we wouldn't have taken this job in the first place. This doesn't change anything, the Kobogons are simply more aggressive than first thought, not more powerful."

Fey trotted around another building a grimace on her face as yet more signs of violence littered the streets, an overturned cart scattering apples, a basket trodden into the mud, a discarded sword, and as always, the ever present bloodstains.

"But how are we to find them?" she murmured.

"Oh that's easy, we have a tracker in our band!" said Astrid behind her.

"You do?"

"Yup! it's the one who thought Baerinda was a blanket last night."

"What are you blathering about Astrid?" said one of the black furred male minotaurs coming up behind them. He wore green-dyed leathers and over his shoulder was slung a heavy yew bow that looked as though it had an impressive draw weight, all of this together suggested he had something like a Scout Class.

"You can find the villagers?" asked Fey.

He squinted at the centaur, his gaze passing over the three female minotaurs squeezed onto her back, barely fitting. He paused as he noted a number of slim rivulets of wet that had rolled down the sides of the centaur's barrel each coming from the rears of the girls. He blinked, his brow furrowing.


"The villagers Raeger? Can you find the villagers?" Chloe was waving a hand in front of his face and he blinked for a second before refocusing on priorities.

"Er, yes, I believe so. They may have taken to the air but I suspect with this many villagers taken that they will have simply walked and will be nearby, the amount of effort needed to move them by flight over a long distance is not worth it, at least I would assume."

"That's great!!" said Fey, her voice rising in hopeful excitement. "Quickly, you must take us to them! You must!"

Raeger rubbed at an ornate gold ring on one of his horns in thought, then his tracker's instinct taking over his eyes darted from blood stains to footprint, analysing. Then he began to walk.

The others followed in his steps and he quickly led them to the back of the village where they found a second door, this one in much worse a state having been ripped off its hinges. They emerged back out of the village and found themselves stepping through the forest once more, this time off the main road. Raeger darted around them to confirm they were on the right trail, pausing by the occasional spot of blood, or broken twig.

Half an hour later they arrived at their destination, the entrance to a cave. Ellaria had to command Fey to stand back as she was on the verge of rushing straight in.

"Take it slow. If we can see them before they see us then we will have every advantage."

"What?" said Flora

"It's because of me," said Baerinda. She flicked her fingers and a flock of green snails with moth wings burst from the undergrowth and whizzed around the bands' heads. "I can hide our presence with illusions that fool the eyes, make us invisible."

Magic Mog with the exception of Fey stared up at the illusion flabbergasted, that is until Braddox made a cutting motion with his hand.

"Save the displays until later Baerinda, we've got work to do."

"Er, right."

Flora blinked at the dissipating illusions, then her eyes darted to Fey, then to the three minotaurs atop her back. "Ah, I see how it is. Welcome to the club girls."

The three minotaurs very carefully avoided meeting Flora's eyes.

Raeger was first in as the only one of their party with some Skills related to hiding, then came Baerinda, or rather Fey with Baerinda still atop her. The minotaur had point blank refused to get down, her legs still too wobbly, which of course she hadn't explained.

Fey had managed to settle the issue by showing just how surprisingly silent she could be despite being so large, much quieter than Baerinda could be walking by herself. Her high level of dexterity and strength allowing her careful balance on three hooves while she placed the fourth down without a single sound. That combined with her excellent awareness of how her own body was placed meant she could be almost as silent as Raeger.

Raeger hadn't been pleased with this arrangement at all, but under his captain's orders had slipped into the entrance of the cave with Fey in tow.

The shadows of the cave rolled over Fey and the three minotaurs atop her back, engulfing them in gloom. She followed after Raeger at a distance, keeping him in sight as he checked ahead at each corner of the winding cave tunnel. This continued until he halted ahead of her and waved his hand. Fey caught up and carefully peeked around the corner he had stopped by.

A vast cave met her eyes, lit from above by a shaft of sunlight where the ceiling had partly fallen in. Ahead of her were people, a pile of people six foot high, the villagers, and all quite clearly dead, their heads removed. She had to bite down on her wrist to stop a scream of anger from ripping from her throat. She heard similar noises of distress from behind her, particularly Kayla who let out a sob.

Raeger waved at her to catch her attention then silently pointed. Fey looked and saw a spiderweb of chains and manacles at the edge of the cave, and more importantly, actual living people, villagers, or what remained of them, not as many as Fey would have liked but there were survivors, survivors she could save, survivors that she could help.

Her eyes shifted once more and she found the things that had done this to the villagers.

They were many coloured, their scales bright and clean, their bodies lithe yes, but also beautiful, as though carved by a master of aesthetics, each a paragon of physicality, their colourful eyes luminous with magical power. They were talking around fires, chatting freely as they ate. What they ate nearly made Fey choke. Well, now she knew what they were doing with the heads.

A small flame of vengeful wrath sparked to life in her heart.

She looked over her shoulder at Baerinda and the minotaur nodded. It was done, the Kobogons were all under her influence.

Without hesitation she stepped into the cave fully, completely visible to the Kobogons, holding her breath, waiting for the cry of alarm to go up.

Nothing happened.

"They can't see or hear us at all," said Baerinda, "We're essentially invisible."

Fey bit her lip wondering how she was going to go about this, as a healer she really needed to check over those imprisoned.

Ellaria glanced at her as she stepped up beside her. "It's fine Fey." A dozen green and black fireballs that pulsed with a promise of agonising death bloomed to life around her, "We'll clean the trash up. Just make sure we all make it out alive."

The two bands advanced on the Kobogons. There must have been nearly four Kobogons for each of the bands' members, outnumbering them by four to one. Fey did not like their odds, illusion advantage or not.

Vivi held her sword above the neck of a Kobogon casually sitting cross-legged by a fire, a roasted human head held daintily in its claws that it occasionally took bites out of like some kind of grisly apple.

Astrid slipped from Fey's back, and immediately fell over as her jelly legs gave out, then with difficulty managed to climb to her hooves. Braddox gave her a funny look but didn't say anything as the minotaur loosed her axe and held it over the head of a Kobogon.

He was more distracted by Chloe who summoned a dozen immaculate white lances from a bottle at her side, the cum lances hovered in the air over the backs of a dozen kobolds promising swift death.

Averys couldn't help himself. "What the hell is that Chloe? Since when could you do anything like that! You don't have that level or ability or skill!"

"Shut up Averys," said Chloe, ignoring the agitated paladin, her cheeks going a little pink.

The bands were ready, blades and arrows and magic all pointed at the unknowing Kobogons.

Ellaria and Braddox turned eyes on Baerinda. The minotaur still atop Fey bit her lip then nodded.

"So be it," said Braddox, "On three. One. two. -"

All the adventurers moved at the same time and the air was suddenly filled with screams. Cum lances plunged down instantly skewering hearts, green and black fireballs slipped inside open mouths, wreaking havoc on the unfortunate Kobogon's insides and destroying their lungs leaving them choking and dying. Axes and swords fell, Raeger's bow loosed taking one through the back of the head as he nocked another arrow.

Even as this slaughter happened the Kobogons who were not being attacked carried on their conversations, completely oblivious to the fact that their comrades were being killed right in front of them. When one fell across another they simply laughed and pushed their corpse onto the ground mocking them for getting blood drunk.

The two bands moved efficiently, as soon as the first strike had taken place they were already moving on to the next.

But as Vivi's blade decapitated her target and its head flipped and tumbled through the air a light of shocked understanding seemed to go through its still momentarily alive head, as well as a flash of magic. The head landed in the lap of another Kobogon and they picked it up rolling their eyes with mirth.

"Oh really? if you do not wish to feed then it is I who shall make up the difference," said the Kobogon in Common.

The Kobogon opened its mouth to take a bite out of its comrade's severed head, but then the severed head reacted and a cone of fire exploded from its mouth. The Kobogon screamed as its upper body was engulfed and it used its own magic. A hailstorm of needles suddenly exploded from its black scales, a shower of slender agony that shot in every direction, everyone still upright being struck by the vicious little things, the needles digging deep into flesh and eliciting howls.

Agitation. Instant agitation.

The illusion Broke and the remaining Kobogons went from cheerful eating to fury as the adventures were revealed amongst them and all hell broke loose.

The Kobogons didn't hesitate for a moment and they put the full breadth of their magic to use, a positive broadside barrage of spells exploded at the bands. Worse, it seemed they had a fire manipulator amongst their number as the green fireballs in the choking Kobogons were pulled free, which didn't help much with the Kobogon's destroyed insides, but that still left Ellaria desperately fighting for control over her own extremely dangerous fireballs.

Astrid screamed a warcry and charged into battle, a gigantic red and black halberd forming in her hands which she swung down as hard as she could.

Braddox let out a bullish roar and switched to a massive hammer pulled from his back, or at least that was what it looked to be at first glance, the hammer was in fact a massive solid iron blacksmith's anvil atop a leather grip staff. He swung it and the unfortunate Kobogon that took the hit didn't so much as die but splash, cratering into the ground and causing fractures to run across the cave floor for dozens of feet in every direction. The captain didn't pause and used the momentum to leap forward ripping it from the crater and swinging it around, it hit a second Kobogon and they were launched into the nearest wall where they became a bloody smear dotted with scales.

Despite the bands' extreme aggression the Kobogons were not going down easy and the adventurers were taking hits. Averys ran past holding a shoulder wound, his situational awareness shot. A disc of darkness was flung from one particular furious Kobogon and took him in the hip. He fell, or rather the top half of him did, his legs managed to make it a few more steps before toppling over. He looked at his severed body in abject horror even as his guts spilt free and puddled on the cave floor in a steaming mess.

Fey recognised he was already going into shock and acted quickly, charging forward and slapping her hands down, grabbing his legs and hauling them up to his hips. Green light and particles poured from her hands so fast that some of it missed and went streaming across the ground. It didn't matter, his flesh was already knitting together, his spine aligning, his intestines snaking back into position, his skin zipping back up. It didn't take long with Fey applying everything she could and soon the paladin was whole again.

It was then that she realised she was touching his bare skin, she was touching him, a male. With a yelp she snatched her hands back but it was already too late, Averys was over an inch shorter and looked like he had de-aged by about ten years.

"What in the..." murmured Chloe looking over Fey's shoulder.

They didn't have time to talk further however as a heavily injured Astrid slumped nearby, and Fey was forced to dash over to help.

Ellaria and Braddox were fighting back to back as Ellaria desperately wrestled with the fire manipulator, and Braddox smashed apart incoming plasma blades from another

They were being pressed, the powerful magics of the Kobogons working together in concert, none more so than when Flora rose up, her hands spread wide and an undeniable force slammed into every Kobogon slowly crushing them against the ground and allowing the others to go in for kills. This, unfortunately, drew the attention of every Kobogon onto the gnome and they let her know their disapproval with a barrage of magic that positively erupted into her sending her screaming out of the air, tumbling across the ground. She coughed and fell limp, struggling to move.

Throughout all this danced Vivi, fighting like a pregnant maniac.

But when she saw Flora fall her demeanour changed, they were in trouble, and she knew it.


The fox girls shorts exploded and dozens of tentacles whipped into the air, spreading the fox girl's thighs wide. She gasped and let out a rising moan, her eyelids fluttering. Then she got ahold of herself, spinning her blade in paw.

"Fuck, and I thought I wouldn't need it. LIMIT BREAK: OMNIRAZOR!"

A second sword made of golden light appeared in her other paw.

Then a sword appeared at the tip of one of the tentacles.

Then another.

And another.

Then more, and then more, until the cloud of glossy white tentacles around her was armed to the teeth with glowing blades.

She held her dual swords out to either side and then she seemed to let herself fall forward on her feet, leaning, then dropping toward the ground. Then she simply disappeared.

She appeared in mid-air behind a number of Kobogons and the tentacles around her became a terrifying blade storm, a steel blender. The Kobogons didn't stand a chance, within moments they became half a hundred cubed chunks of meat. The cubes hadn't even started to fall before Vivi blinked away, jumping to another group, then another. The fox girl became a blinking hurricane of death, jumping across the cave, only appearing for a fraction of a moment before blinking away again to another group, or to finish off a previous one. The air became filled with nothing but the whirring of blades and the thunkthunkthunkthunkthunkthunkthunkthunkthunk of blade meeting flesh in such rapid succession the sound nearly became one.

It was over shortly after it began. The white furred foxgirl left standing in the middle of utter devastation, breathing heavy, her swords limp at her sides, the tentacles crowding the space between her thighs and pushing her legs apart. A moment passed and then the tentacles and Vivi all flipped their blades as one, flicking free the blood from the surface of their weapons.

Magic Mog and The Hammer Horns stood and stared bug eyed at the fox girl.

"See, I told you!" said Astrid from where she lay, a line of blood leaking from her lip as Fey healed her, "I told you they were good!"

"...what just happened?" said Braddox.

"Since when could you do that..." said Ellaria looking at the fox girl with a strange expression.

"Is that a fucking slime monster in her pussy?!" squawked Averys desperately trying to sit up.

It was at that moment that a trio of Kobogons stepped into the cave, each dragging behind them an unconscious human.

They froze up as their eyes came to rest on what remained of the other Kobogons. Truly not a lot remained after what Vivi had done with them.

Raegar turned and snapped a shot at them, an arrow taking one in the eye. The remaining two took one look at their comrade and then turned and ran for it.

"After them!!" roared Ellaria and Braddox in the same voice.

Fey grabbed up Astrid, throwing her on her back and raced after the captains. She was not about to let Ellaria go into danger without a healer. Not happening.

She quickly caught up, racing through tunnels she soon found them. Already they had caught and killed the two Kobogons. Behind her came the rest of the bands' members, most of them injured in some small way, even Averys came, holding his recently healed stomach and looked faintly ill, and Flora, who floated with a hand held to her leg.

The captains put their fingers to their lips and shushed them as they arrived, commanding quiet. Fey looked between them wondering what the issue was, then Braddox gestured at her and she trotted forward slowly and silently. He glanced at her then to Baerinda on her back. Then he pointed past himself and Fey leaned by to see. There was another cave ahead, and in it one last Kobogon.

This Kobogon, however, was different.

She was shorter than the others, and she radiated a surety of motion that was almost jarring. Her scales were snow white and fringed with pink, her breasts petite, her eyes violet, slitted, and glowing. She rolled her claws as she spoke to someone out of view, each motion smooth as though averaged out removing any minor imperfections of motion that were present in other creatures, she moved like flowing silk, the epitome of exquisite poise, and danger.

Beautiful terrifying danger.

"I've got her," said Baerinda, "She's under my influence, she won't notice us even if we put on a parade in front of her."

"Excellent. Tell me, does anyone else in your band have a Limit Break Ellaria? I doubt I am the only one who senses that it would be wise to kill this one in one powerful attack."

Ellaria hesitated. "We have some," she glanced back at Fey, "But used recently."

"Even yourself?"

"Yes, I have one too, but I also used it recently, and time is the least of the prerequisites before being able to use it again."

"Very well. Your band is fascinatingly powerful, we should discuss this over drinks after all this is done. For now it seems I shall deal with this last one myself."

Braddox gripped his anvil hammer in both hands and slowly advanced forward into the cave.

Fey and Ellaria followed close behind, Chloe who was still on her back floated a dozen cum lances above her, ready to rain death on this last Kobogon.

As they neared voices became clear. Two voices. The Kobogon was speaking to someone just out of view, a tall stone formation blocking line of sight, the entire scene lit by a beam of sunlight from a hole in the cavern ceiling, and dotted glowing blue crystals that patterned the cavern walls.

"You are a curious one, children and goblins are as a rule not particularly intelligent yet you are both a child and a goblin and from what I can observe of an intellect that far outstrips both."

"Appearances are deceiving Shiva, I am not as I appear, the lottery of memory rebirth did not favour me as well as I would have liked but one cannot always get their way, we make do as best we can considering the realities of our own situations."

"And this is the answer to your reality?"

"It is an avenue I wish to explore."

"An alliance between you and I? What a curious concept."

"Not just you and I, but more, I wish to expand, to grow."

"You cannot possibly think you can control or influence a power such as I as you are. You are the lowest of the low, a cockroach that will be stepped on by any greater power you near."

"I have no need to be as physically or as magically powerful as you Shiva, I have something else. Knowledge. So much... knowledge."

Shiva tapped a claw on her chin, even that otherwise hesitant motion gave the appearance of being choreographed perfection.

"And that knowledge led you to this, your... offering."


"I am perceptive enough to sense that there is something... unique about this item."

"You are not wrong. To most eyes it is but a simple summoning stone, if a particular pretty looking one."

"A summoning stone? What use have I of some dullard monster that can be called to heel."

"Allow me to demonstrate."

A flash of blue came from where the second person Shiva was speaking to was hidden, and then the sound of stumbling.

"Wh- what is this? Is this some kind of prank? H-hey wait! Stop!" came a third voice.

The fwhip of a knife and a spatter of blood and then a gasping gurgling came from behind the stone which ended in the sound of someone collapsing.

"Why did you just make your human summoning stone worthless? I admit that I have not heard of a human summoning stone before but you seem to have already destroyed this rarity."

There was a second flash of blue and a woman's scream and the spatter of more blood. Shiva raised a brow.

"I see. Interesting. Very interesting."

"You will never run out of food. This is nigh infinite, I know, I have tested it thousands of times."

The Kobogon shifted, her centre of balance suggesting a sense of withheld murder.

"You are going to give this to me."

"Well yes, It is a gift. You will of course join me afterwards."

The Kobogon paused. "Why?"

"Because I can provide the thing you want the most, this is simply a sample to prove I am worthy of trust."

"You cannot give me what I want goblin."

"Can I not? I know you want to see the dragons fall, all this time scurrying around in the backwoods of the world trying to avoid their attention, you are one of the original birthed Kobogons, as ageless as the Dragons, all this time and you have not even begun to approach thinking about taking her on, taking on... the Queen."

This got a reaction out of Shiva and her lip curled flashing her fangs.

Fey thought the Kobogon was about to leap on the person she was speaking too but she withheld herself and it was as though that moment of passing fury had never happened.

Braddox was nearing by this point and Fey and Ellaria hurried after, they passed by the stone at near the same time, Braddox lifting his hammer.

Then the person Shiva was speaking to came into view. It took a moment for Fey to realise that the Kobogon had been speaking quite literally about what they were. A grubby goblin child with a split lip and a bloody knife in his hand was standing on a shelf cut from the stone to be of a height with Shiva, his filthy rags barely covering his unwashed body.

The goblin child blinked, squinting as though trying to see through a haze, and then his eyes seemed to find a focus and he looked right at Ellaria and then Fey and then he staggered and the knife fell from his hands as his eyes fell upon Flora who was casually picking her nose. Shock, then something else crossed his face, as though some horribly traumatic memory had suddenly been brought to mind.

"It- It can't be, h-how did you psychopaths find meeee!?"

Ellaria's head snapped to Braddox. "Do it now! He knows!"

Braddox lifted his anvil hammer high in the air.


The anvil hammer abruptly quintupled in size, becoming a monolithic block of metal of unimaginable weight. It seemed to have inherited velocity because it was already moving, the air around it immediately igniting into streamers of blazing fire, a thing coming down from the stratosphere to earth like the wrathful burning fist of a war god.

"Shiva! it's -"

Shiva didn't need more warning than that, her head turned and a pulse of magic blew out from her causing a tingling sensation to wash across Fey's skin, Baerinda let out a scream behind her and collapsed atop Chloe. The illusions were gone.

Worse, the Kobogon's arm whipped out and her clawed hand slapped up against the descending super sized anvil, her body efficiently slid into the absolute most optimal position and she simply took the anvil's combined weight and velocity. She immediately sank about a foot into the solid stone beneath her, her clawed feet punching through, creating meters wide craters of fractured stone.

Braddox roared and put his all into it, but it didn't matter, somehow the impossible had happened, the Limit Break had been halted, the immense hammer now held in the slim Kobogon's one hand.

Then she turned and punched Braddox.

Fey could only look on in horror, time seeming to slow to a crawl as it happened. The Kobogon's fist hit Braddox's chest and much like the stone below his chest Cratered, the impact point causing his ribcage to go concave as his shattered ribs shredded his flesh, his lungs becoming pulp as bone ripped through and fired out the back of his torso.

Blood gushed from his open mouth, his eyes wide with shock, as he was launched backwards through the air to slam against the cave wall with a gruesome crunch before he fell to the ground, blood waterfalling from the dome-shaped torso wide crater, his body a ruin.

Everyone moved at once. Ellaria flung out her hands and fireballs bloomed then promptly fizzled into nothing as red translucent chains circled her limbs, Flora flung her hands forward before promptly dropping out of the air and crashing into the cave floor as a red chain encircled her neck. Chloe's spears became so much falling white liquid that did nothing but splat on the ground. Raeger tried to shoot his bow but chains materialised around his limbs and he found himself tied to the ground, in fact all of them did, more and more chains, wrapping around and tying them down.

That is until Vivi came sprinting at the Kobogon screaming. She stepped then leapt up, her body twisting in a powerful leap. Too slow, chains grabbed at her and the fox girl let out a grunt as she suddenly found herself pinned midair. That wasn't about to stop her though.

"Wummy! Give it to her!"

The tentacles hanging from her pussy suddenly whipped around, joining together until they formed a huge arm that emerged from the fox girl's crotch. The arm thrust forward and the Kobogon taken by surprise had a large glossy white fist punch her in the face.

She took a paced step back more out of surprise than pain.

"What? Is that a slime monster?"

She reached out a claw and touched at the arm. The point where she touched abruptly froze over becoming ice, the ice spread and the slime rapidly became a block of frozen slime, Vivi yelped and squeaked as the ice flowed up and into her, her comfortable passenger swiftly becoming a freezing cold icepop and also quite uncomfortable passenger. Red chains snaked around Vivi's mouth acting as a gag and silencing her, and then any of the others who voiced their distress, cutting them off and reducing them to muffled murmurs.

The Kobogon touched at her face where Wummy had struck her then glanced at the goblin.

"You know of these... people?"

The goblin child looked between the members of Magic Mog in grave dismay, it seemed strange to see such an expression on a child.

"A band of naive idiots who seem to be following me around. Kill them."

She gave him a look that clearly read: 'did you really just tell me what to do?'

"Er, if you want to," he quickly amended.

"I will, but first..." she sniffed the air, and then took in a deep long breath through her nose. A shiver ran up her spine. "This is... Interesting." She licked her lips and eagerly continued to draw in air.

Fey had an uncomfortable flashback to the moment Lady Alexandria had caught her scent. She did not like where this was going, and that feeling only became more pronounced as the Kobogon's violet eyes came to rest on her.

"Why does this one have so much life about her? And that scent, what is that wonderful scent..."

The goblin glanced at Fey and scowled. "Yes she is carrying a bit of life about her, no doubt some aspect of her healer Class, it is no matter."

"A bit? You are mistaken, I cannot see the ends of the amount of life this one carries, she is like an ocean full to the brim with squiggling wriggling fish desperate to live and breed and multiply."

Fey strained at her binds but could do nothing as she was pulled into the air, the minotaur girls were pulled from her back as she was moved until she was floating alone in front of Shiva. She looked up at Fey, her nostrils flaring.

She reached a claw forward and Fey let out a gasp as her claws ran down her upper half's abdomen, her claws denting her skin as they gently caressed her.

"You smell better than any male I have come across, any Kobogon, such incredible intensity, I can feel myself heating just from it tickling my nose," she let out a breath and her tongue flicked across her lips.

Fey found herself rotating in the air to her distress and her lower half being turned upside down. Shiva's eyes lit up and became round with interest as they landed on Fey's length, still throbbing rock hard, her balls bigger than ever.

The centaur was gently lowered onto the cave floor as Shiva stepped forward. She lifted her foot and smoothly placed it on top of Fey's dick. The girth of her dick alone dwarfed the Kobogon girl's foot, this only seemed to please the kobogon all the more.

"Such immensity, must this have been how my mother felt when she lay with my father, a tiny thing before an example of record breaking maleness."

"I- d-don't know how she f-felt but I'm not a dragon, please leave me alone!"

"Hah. Do you think you have a choice in the matter? You have lit a fire in my loins that I have not felt in centuries, now you will take responsibility."

Shiva stepped forward, her feet coming down either side of the base of Fey's shaft, the kobogon entirely standing atop Fey. She was surprisingly lightweight, or perhaps that was Fey's own strength fooling her.

Shiva leaned down and grasped at the shaft, she made an appreciative sound as she found Fey too girthy for her to get her hands around. Then she lifted, the massive pillar of Fey's maleness rising up and up, going from resting atop her barrel to being near vertical.

"S-such size..." murmured Shiva. Even standing the tip of Fey's dick was above the Kobogon's pussy, the thing as thick around as one of her thighs.

She pressed it up against herself, the flared head pressing into her snow white abdomen. Fey was surprised to feel that her scales were almost soft, the sensation of her small scaled belly rubbing up against her causing a small spurt of pre to splatter up the Shiva's torso eliciting a small gasp of delight from her.

The Kobogon shifted her hips, going up on her tiptoes, then higher still on the very tip of her toes until she had raised her pussy as high as she could and she just about managed to squeeze Fey's length between her thighs. She let out a breath as she came to rest atop it, her full weight neatly held up by Fey's dick, only her toes helping to manage her balance.

The others were a captive audience, bound to watch the show, unable to look away from the display. This was really happening and they could do nothing tied up as they were, only look on wide eyed.

Shiva did not keep them waiting, she ground herself down atop Fey, letting out appreciative noises every time a spurt of pre washed up against her lower lips. It wasn't long before her muff was becoming engorged with the stimulation and Fey caught sight of the Kobgon girl's clit poking from its scaled hood momentarily before she dragged her pussy back over the centre hiding it from sight.

Then Shiva turned her feet inwards and grasped hold of the base of Fey's length, using her grip as leverage to drag herself down, squeezing herself down on top of Fey.

For anyone else as petite this might not have been enough, but the incredible strength of the Kobogon meant that her pussy was slowly spread out wider and wider until the edges of her labia were peeking over the rim, once twice, and then with a SCHLPOP! Her pussy slipped over the flared tip tightly wrapping around the head. Fey let out an unwilling groan as the Kobogon's insides wrapped snugly around her. The Kobogon felt incredible, she could feel every sliding motion of the Kobogon's internal musculature sliding over every bump and groove of her dick.

Shiva herself seemed startled, her usual perfection of motion suddenly off kilter, she stared down at the spot where the massive length entered her, her lower lips spread wide in a thin O, her puffiness reduced by Fey's sheer girth squeezing inside. She gently placed a clawed hand over her mons, caressing the scales where Fey's flared head pushed her trim stomach out subtly.

"This feels... Why does this feel this way?"

Fey glared down at her body at her.

"It- It's b-because y-you're m-mine, or s-s-something!" the last part came out as a squeak as the Kobogon's head snapped up and she narrowed her eyes at Fey. The centaur shivered under the Kobogon's gaze, those eyes seemed to be looking directly into her soul.

"Was that an attempt to control your situation? Laughable. You are not in control of anything centaur, I hold your life and the lives of all of your comrades in my claws. They are as much mine as mine own possessions now."

"W-well, maybe you should try not being such a jerk!" cried out Fey and thrust her hips up.

The subtle bulge in Shiva's trim belly surged upward and a tube of distension rolled up her belly, pushing her flatness out, moulding her into the shape of Fey's massiveness.

Shiva let out a gasp of surprise, saliva flecking from her lip, her claws knocked away as her white scaled belly bulged outward with Fey's sheer size.

Her thighs trembled and her feet nearly slipped out from under her her legs shook so violently, her pink little clit surged from its hood and stood proud, a desperate little thing against the trunk that was Fey. Her claws curled and uncurled as she shivered, her eyelids fluttering, several rivulets of clear fluid ran down Fey's length as her labia shifted against the intruder. Her previous perfectly poised motion was long gone, her body utterly betraying her.

"S-see, you l-like it!"

"This-" the Kobogon managed to get out before nearly biting her tongue in half, "This is n-nothing! This is having no effect on me! Just entering me, cannot, should not- It can't!"

"You're lying, you want to be with me, be held down and b-bred!" said Fey, her voice rising in pitch. She was very much not in control of the situation but was doing her best to bluff.

As her voice peaked she thrust her hips once more and the Kobogon let out a shriek as the tube of distension shoved upward, her belly button popping out as Fey pushed into her. The sound of fluids raining down filled the air as Shiva squirted, the stream of fluid like a burst barrel spraying out in a diagonal line that rose up along Fey's horse chest before sputtering to a stop, as that happened the Kobogon slapped her hands down atop her stomach, her claws digging into her bulging belly, indenting her scales, a pressure that Fey could feel through the Kobgon's flesh as points of pressure on her length.

"You came! You totally just came!"

Shiva stared daggers at Fey, her chest rising and falling rapidly. "I most certainly did not. You speak nonsense, this- this is nothing!"

The Kobogon snarled as she spoke and twisted her hips causing Fey to let out a small scream of her own as the incredibly complex musculature of the Kobogon's pussy slid over her in a maelstrom of varying pressure.

It was Fey's turn to struggle and she nearly came then and there, barely holding herself together, desperately performing Kegels to hold back the immense dam of cum desperate to burst free.

This seemed to amuse the Kobogon and she wiped at her brow before smiling, flashing her dragon-esque teeth.

"You are an unusual one but no male has conquered me in bed, It is I who do the conquering, I who take as I wish and leave my mate as an exhausted ruin."

"S-so take me!"

"...say what now?"

"Take all of me! If you think you can conquer me then you should be able to fit all of me inside of yourself."

The Kobogon looked at Fey for a moment before glancing down, seeing just how much more of Fey she had to go before she even came close to hilting her, a look of momentary nervousness flashed across her face, but it was gone before Fey even registered it.

"V-very well, I shall take all of you into me, it is the only way to be t-truly joined and for me to contain you, all of you, with my s-superiority."

She wiggled her hips atop Fey causing the bulge in her belly to shift. Then she licked her lips.

"Well?" said Fey, "what are you waiting for?"

"Do not rush me, I take things at my own pace."

"A really really slow pace? Are you afraid that you won't be able to handle me?"

Shiva snarled, "Your barbs are just that, barbs,"

She glanced between Fey's eyes and her dick an annoyed expression quickly appearing.

"Your gaze is distracting me. Look away."

"No! You said you could do it! So prove it to me!"

"This- this is not-" the Kobogon let out an exasperated sigh. Then she seemed to come to a decision. She lifted her weight upon her feet and then slowly started shuffling, awkwardly rotating herself around the dick, her walls twisting around Fey causing her to moan. Despite herself, Fey had to admit the Kobogon's insides felt unbelievably good.

Shiva reached out and grasped at Fey's back legs to either side to steady herself. She had turned so that her back was facing Fey's upper half, her small wings revealed, and they were small, cute looking even in their shape, as well as her tail that tickled at Fey's barrel. The wings flapped slightly as the Kobogon got her balance. She glanced over her shoulder at Fey, quickly snatching her gaze back as she found Fey looking at her.

"Are you going to fuck me, or do I have to hold you down and rut you until you scream yourself hoarse," said Fey some of her more dominant side spilling over now that the Shiva's gaze was off of her.

The Kobgon froze up at that taunt, although her pussy twitched slightly at Fey's description, betraying her. Still, Shiva was not about to be rolled over so easily. She Gripped Fey's back legs almost painfully tight and then after a moment of settling her hips used her immense strength to squeeeeeze herself down, the bulge in her belly inching upwards.

Despite gritting her teeth Shiva couldn't stop various shameful noises from escaping her desperately held together lips, every vein and bump that slipped past her labia eliciting wonderful sparks inside her mind.

The Kobogon halted suddenly as the broad flat head got stuck at the entrance to her womb, her belly was bulging out obscenely by this point, a shelf below her ribs that marked the flat top of the cylinder that was Fey's dick inside of her. Wide eyed she rested a hand atop it.

"Am I as a dragon might be?" said Fey.

"Y-you're n-nothing- you're just a c-centaur!!"

"Then show me."

The Kobogon was starting to get really agitated by this point and the chains that had been wrapped around Fey snaked downward and wrapped around Shiva's thighs.

"I'll make you r-regret those words!" she hissed.

The chains hauled down and Shiva let out a howl as Fey's dick pressed up against her cervix, then after a moment of increasing pressure in which the Kobogon twisted and writhed atop her Fey penetrated her womb. She slipped inside with such a loud popping sound that it could be heard outside the Kobogon's body, an obscene sound that echoed off the cavern walls and tugged at the ears.

It was momentarily followed by the Kobogon meteoring down with a ragged cry, her stomach thrusting out as feet of dick entered her, straining her outward, pushing up her belly to breast height.

Her eyes rolled up as a tsunami of stimulation crashed over her leaving her mouth open as far as it could go all to let out a scream that seemed to come up from her very core, a deep deep hormonal feeling, a primal breeding feeling. She was having scratches itched that she wasn't even aware existed, her pussy convulsed around Fey as she slapped her claws over the obscenity of her tummy, desperately clutching at it as she came so hard that the spray of fluid from her cunt tickled her clit.


Fey groaned as she felt the no longer quite so composed and elegant Kobogon go physically mad. The rolling pressure was verging on painful Shiva was squeezing down so hard, and Fey wondered if she had not become stronger that the Kobogon's vice like pussy might have simply crushed her length.

It was as Shiva's scream descended into delirious gibbering that something out of place caught the corner of Fey's eye.

It was a white sphere. A floating white sphere.

She blinked down at it in momentary confusion, then more so as a floating doll was held up before it.

"K-Kayla?" managed to croak out Fey.

A slight shushing sound came from the sphere, and then a low urgent whisper.

"She never noticed me, or she didn't realise I'm a person."

"Wha- you need to run Kayla! What are you still doing here!" whisper hissed Fey back.

The sphere seemed to rotate slightly as though its owner was furiously shaking her head. The doll was once more held up, this time more urgently. Fey looked at it in confusion, it was clearly Kayla's doll but something had been done to it, the tail was removed, and the ears, and Kayla had placed a pair of wooden twigs in its hair. Tufts of fur had been taken from somewhere and stuffed in every spot that they could be placed on the doll, even poking from its mouth and clothes.

"It's Braddox! He's still alive! Y-you need to save him Fey!"

Fey nearly cried realising just what the otterkin had done, she'd taken her own doll and made it into a doll of Braddox.

"He still breathes?"

The sphere nodded. "His Skills are letting him hang on, but he's dying Fey. He's- he's gonna die!"

Fey was already reaching for the doll and grabbed it up into her arms. The doll looked nothing like Braddox, she could only imagine that the connection would be weak, and since her magic barely flowed through a good connection this would be all the worse, hell she didn't even know if it would work at all.

But that wasn't about to stop her. Green silently surged from her palms into the doll, flooding the cloth and stuffing and causing the minotaur fur stuck in it to waver as though underwater.

She breathed and doubled the input.

At her groin Shiva had managed to recover herself and was slowly lifting up with wobbly legs, using her chains to help pull her torso higher, the body dominating bulge in her slender torso slowly pulling downward, each scrape of the Kobogon's nerves eliciting a shiver.

Then she slammed herself down with a shriek, her cunt slipping and rolling over every bump before it slammed down brutally against Fey's medial ring, her clit slapping down on the rim. Her eyes rolled back and she screamed into her belly bulge, her claws frantically raking red lines across her snow white scales as her toes curled.

Fey doubled the input.

Shiva groaned long and low as she lifted herself, up then up, then slowing to a crawl as her rise peaked she then SLAMMED herself back down, her pussy crashing against Fey's medial ring before easing over the top and snapping tight below. Her voice rose into a wavering high pitched singing wail that hurt the ears.

She didn't pause however, the chains already lifting her, her pussy dragging out behind her groin as it refused to be pulled back over Fey's medial ring. Shiva applied herself and with a lurch upwards she won the war and her cunt schlopped back over. She heaved herself up, near instinctive in her determination, her mind wracked with crashing pleasure, before hauling herself back down, once more forcing Fey's ring inside herself, her stomach bulge reaching up to her neck now.

Fey doubled the input, the doll was now a solid glowing mass of green, every thread and button glowing bright healing green, washes of green mist spilling from its surface as particles stormed about it. Fey doubled the input.

"I c-can take you, you damned use-useless centaur, you are no d-dragoooon. HNNNN!"

The Kobogon hauled herself up, her voice becoming a squeaking mess as she peaked.

Fey doubled the input, then doubled it once more, her eyes flashed bright and began to glow green, spilling mist.

"I th-think you sh-shall become m-my concubine after this, it is rare that I-I f-find such- s-such a s-size, oh g-goooods, and y-you are s-somewhat satisfact-tory, w-with p-practice you could l-learn to p-pleasure m-me in s-some m-minor way."

By this point the air was starting to vibrate and hum, the air rippling as the sheer amount of magic being concentrated into the doll started to distort reality, glowing so bright that the cavern began to light up. Particles of green were pouring from the doll so quickly by this point that it looked like Fey was holding a hand held waterfall.

A high pitched ringing sound filled the air and at last Shiva noticed something was happening behind her.

Unfortunately it was a little too late as she had already commanded her chains to rip her downward, her head turned to the side in surprise seeing what Fey was doing, her eyes going wide in shock.

She couldn't do anything to stop it however, she slammed down Fey's length far harder and more abruptly than before, barely slowing as her pussy engulfed Fey's medial ring and slamming down to the base of Fey's dick, her buttox slapping down as the massive belly distension silhouetting Fey's dick passed her head.

Fey screamed and quadrupled the input, then quadrupled it again. The cavern was filled with a roaring rushing sound and a green so bright it was hard to look at.

"MORE! MOOORE!" roared Fey, her arms glowing green as she pushed herself to the limit and far beyond, her skin flaking away as she went too far.

She'd never felt like this before, this was everything, her greatest desire in life, to heal, combined with an ejaculation that defied all reason.

She'd found a new fetish.

Fey thrust her hips up into Shiva as the ringing became hyper sonic and then she came.

Exploded into might have been more accurate.

Shiva's belly was forced up as cum instantly surged into her, pushing far past her head before slopping back down ballooning out her womb with cum so virile it instantly put her into an extreme hormonal state, her body going into overdrive producing dozens of eggs a second for Fey's incredibly aggressive sperm to hunt down and multi-inseminate.

Shiva's legs kicked into the air and her toes splayed as she stiffened up and her back arched, the Kobogon had never felt anything even remotely like this before, it was like she had become a receptacle for a lake of insemination and her pussy went mad with joy for it, fireworks exploded in her mind as her sanity was shredded by a torrent of hormones. Her belly expanded in surges, each massive ejaculation making her bigger, rounder, her belly quickly filling the space between Fey's legs and spilled out onto the ground, touching up against the cave floor and rolling outward, growing larger and larger as Fey came and came and came.

The ejaculations only seemed to grow in quantity the longer things went on, the green light becoming brighter and brighter with every passing moment and then Fey screamed, her hair lifting up as particles of green washed from every lock.

Six foot across, seven, ten, twelve, fifteen, eighteen, Shiva's belly was the size of a large room, then larger, Fey just didn't stop, gallons of cum spraying up in the kobogon girl, turning her womb into a whirling hurricane of cum, driving her overstretched nerves to ever greater heights.


Fey's entire bottom half was awash with the Kobogon's continually squirting girlcum by this point, her extreme emission back spraying against her own massive belly to gush around herself and over Fey's barrel, waterfalling down its sides as she came without end.

Then with one final roar that seemed to shake the cavern itself Fey thrust up into Shiva ejaculating her last. The doll instantly vaporized, a pulsing wave of green shot out in every direction and the wounds of the others instantly healed over, their chains shredding away into nothing as the greater magic washed away their magical binds. The pulse washed up against the crystal dotted walls and then spilled back, the cave awash with a lake of green healing magic that seemed to have no interest in going away anytime soon.

Braddox was already up on his feet, his chest wound just gone, he was as he was, completely normal, perhaps with a brighter more bushy tailed look in his eye. He lifted his hammer and bellowed, charging straight toward the greater than room sized cum sphere that was Shiva.

He wasn't the only one, weapons were being drawn in every direction.

Shiva was near out of it with pleasure, but she wasn't completely gone, her chest rising and falling with desperate need to draw in breath she glanced around at the adventurers advancing on her in desperation. She flung out her hands, almost panicked, and the chains materialised around the adventures, before being instantly washed away by the still present waves of healing magic which completely overwhelmed any other magic, even Ellaria's fire couldn't be sustained in it.

Seeing enemies on all sides the Kobogon became desperate and began to flap her wings.

At first this seemed like folly, her wings were ludicrously small, not enough to do anything, but as she flapped them the amount of force on her body each flap provided clearly signalled they were not as they seemed. She rose, angling upwards, pivoting from where her great cum belly rested upon the ground. Her pussy being forcefully lifted up Fey's slowly softening length, until with a great SCHLLURK-POP and a gush of cum that poured over Fey's barrel before her cervix could close it off the Kobogon was freed, her twitching gaped cunt rising.

She rose higher still, peaking at the top of her great lake of a belly. Then she began to flap all the harder, and beyond all comprehension, the great mass seemed to lift, drooping low in a great droplet shape from where it hung from her torso. She rose, her fists clenched as she focused desperately on flying. Shiva rose higher, higher still, an arrow plinked harmlessly off her belly and she scowled down at Raeger, almost attacking him before controlling herself.

The hole in the cavern ceiling neared and then she was through, a great inexplicable white sphere suddenly flapping madly to stay aloft above the forest.

Shiva turned and then she fled.

Centaurus Chapter 24

Previously on Centaurus: The bands Magic Mog and the Hammer Horns joined up for a joint-band job and took down a Kobogon infestation headed by a powerful ancient Kobogon. Now, Chapter 24: Morning light slowly crawled across Flora's...

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DREADWOLF Chapter 45 to 49

Chapter 45 - The idyllic glade was warmed pleasantly by the summer sun, golden light bathing the air and highlighting the multitude of colourful flowers peeking from between the blades of grass. Azure winged butterflies flitted...

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Centaurus Chapter 22

Previously on Centaurus: Desperate for money the band ventured out on a slime hunting job in the sewers. They unfortunately came into contact with an unexpected and powerful giant slime monster but were then saved by Wummy absorbing the slime monster...

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