Lynn's Beach Adventure Pt. 3[Commission]

Story by strawberry_reian on SoFurry

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#5 of Lynn Chapters

Lynn allowed herself to be dragged out to sea by Jake, she still in shock from the whole situation. Her eyes could see Becky disappearing in the distance, could feel Jake's claw tightly grabbing her arm, but her mind just wasn't processing the information.

"What the fuck Lynn?" Jake said when they were far enough into the ocean that he had to hold up the dragoness' limp body. His eyes angrily stared into her empty distant ones.

Her head moved towards him and she blinked a few times, tears softly coming from her eyes. Her legs began to grow downward, searching for the sea floor, her arms growing bigger to giver herself more muscle to hold her body afloat. Her eyes didn't waver from his, though. They turned from empty to sad, a glimmer of life reappearing in them. Her mouth opened, but no words came out, just the slightest bit of sound that was more of a gasp for air.

"Lynn," Jake said, his eyes a little less angry when he finally noticed the fear she was feeling. They were still stern and hurt, but not the flaming anger that he had been feeling mere moment before. She finally lifted her eyes and looked at him, body quivering as her legs and arms grew.

"I don't know. I feel so scared," she said in a tiny voice. The skin on her back started to expand, her muscles rippling with growth underneath. Her mind was now in overdrive, trying to figure out what all these feelings were as well as make herself seem more frightening to anything else that wanted to bother her.

"Becky wanted to talk to boys, just to know what it is like. I told them I wasn't interested. That I just wanted to talk but...but they..." she stammered.

Jake watched as the dragoness slowly grew. He could feel the ripples in the water increase with each slight expansion of her body. He watched as her hair grew longer and floated around her on the top of the water. He looked at her face, and noticed that she didn't even really know she was growing, that her body was just doing it subconsciously. The thought of the made him burn up with desire even though he was still upset with her. He did, however, now understand a little better of what happened.

"I just want everyone to be happy and for us to have a nice weekend," she said. Her chest was heaving from both the tears and the stress of growing breasts as they pushed the bikini top outward. Jake nodded and took a step to her, making her realize that she had already grown about a foot.

"Shhh," Jake said, reaching up and stroking her snout lightly, "I understand now. I...I was just expecting the weekend to go much differently. I was hoping that we would get just some us time and it hasn't been that."

He wrapped his arms around her growing torso, enjoying the pulsing outwards and upwards of her skin and the creaking expansion of her bones. He pointed the tip of his snout up to her, nuzzling her lightly as she started to grow.

"I'm sorry Jake, I didn't mean for any of this to happen," she said softly. He knew that she meant both those guys and her sudden growth. She closed her eyes, trying to start to control it, but they snapped open at the feeling of a claw hitting her ass.

"Don't. Just let yourself go and feel better," Jake said with a sultry growl. His own erection was growing under the water. She smiled and nodded, allowing her body to do as it wanted. The water started to move more, softly massaging his cock and her sex with its rippling massage. He watched as the elastic strings were pushed to their limit and the triangles of cloth were just covering her nipples.

"What if something bad happens?"

"It will be worth it," Jake said, head tilting up as she began to grow taller. He could hear the gasps of furs at the shore as they tried to figure out why the tide was coming in so early. She looked to the beach, appearing unsure of herself, and than back to Jake.

"Alright. I suppose nothing to awful could really happen," she said with a light smile, allowing her body to take control. As her mind relaxed she could feel her scales slowly multiplying and stretching, her hide quickly trying to compensate for the growth on the inside. The water went from covering up to her breasts, to just her waist, then to just her knees.

Lynn glanced back over at the beach and saw figures retreating. The water was actually going up the coast line! Was she really that big? She looked back down at Jake and realized that she could just mover her hand and pat him on the head.

As scared as she was, her body felt so good, so free, that she didn't really try to stop the growth. Her breasts became full and firm, her tail was quite a few feet long and could touch the jetty. She smiled brightly, her body feeling more relaxed and expressed than it ever had before. She could feel Jake's cock rub against her shin under the water, she could hear his moans of enjoyment as he watched his mate grow bigger and bigger.

The sound of his voice and the realization that he was so small in comparison made her clit harden along with her cunt tightening up ever so slightly. She knelt down to her mate, farther pushing the water up the beach and over the surge wall with her movements, but it didn't matter because by now they had the ocean to themselves. She took a single claw and stroked Jake's head, realizing that even that one appendage covered nearly his whole head. He murred at the touch, the sounds becoming louder as she allowed the claw to wander down his chest and then run the length of his cock.

He shivered at the touch, suddenly realizing just how big Lynn had gotten. How could he possibly please her like this? He took his claws and touched a small area of her legs, smoothly running up her legs, against her thighs, and finally against her enlarged and hardened clit. The large dragoness let out a new kind of moan, one that was shrill and long. He was surprised at the reaction he got and continued to stroke at her area, both claws rubbing her bottom lips, talons occasionally grazing against her button.

Lynn leaned back so that she was nearly laying down. She took all one of her large claws and grabbed him around the shoulders, picking him up and putting him on her chest. His cock sat atop her huge breasts, throbbing and making them move ever so slightly and in turn making her smile and moan lightly. She stuck out her elongated tongue, it reaching his whole length without being fully stuck out. She used it to massage the top of his cock and then wrap around it's width and massage it lightly.

He slouched at the intense feeling, moaning her name. They were just off shore and anyone who may have been left in the beach area may have been able to hear and see them, but they didn't care. After being upset and tense around one another, this felt to good and was needed to much. Jake began to thrust into her tongue, only regretting that he could not play with her at the same time while she was this big.

Lynn removed her tongue and looked at him, her eyes now full of need and want. The black and yellow dragon looked back and smirked at her. He took both of his claws and found that he could not cover her nipples with them, but instead he had to work the tips and make them swell to their perky and hardened state. As they got hard he reached his arm out and continued to massage the one, while trying to fit the other in his mouth.

Her body shivered as Jake pleased her. She could feel a warm sensation between her legs, her scales around her sex growing slick with her dripping juices. As the dragon gave up trying to encompass the green dragoness's nipple, he just started to lap at it, his semi-rough tongue making her body more sensitive. He felt as her breasts began to grow against him, making him smile wide and look at her.

" are so beautiful."

She blinked at him for a moment, earnestly in disbelief of what he had said. As she study his face and noticed his eyes never leaving hers, a smile crept upon her face, making it seem as though she was radiating happiness. She gently touched her giant nose to his black-scaled face.

"I love you, Jake."

"I love you, too, Lynn," he said, crawling from her chest to her stomach and then sliding down against her sex.

The feeling of his whole body rubbing the length of her clit made her shiver and her body burn for more. He turned around to face her, the water now only covering his feet. He took his quite enlarged cock and quickly thrust deep into her cunt. She moaned out in pleasure, but not as much as she normally would. Even though he had grown his cock to its max it wasn't enough to fill her.

However, for Jake it felt wonderful. Her walls were just touching his members, making it more like a teasing sensation than the normal extreme tightness. He called out for her in pleasure, making himself more excited than ever. He put his hand on either side of her sex and leaned forward, lapping at the hardened tip of her clit.

That made her go over the edge. She arched her back slightly, making the water all at once against slosh around on the rocks and the shore. Jake tried to hold himself still as the water knocked against him, splashing up against her cunt, causing her to moan even louder. He smiled at how much she enjoyed the cool water hitting her large body and then in turn how sensitive she was. Having the larger body seemed to mean that the nerves had grown, too.

He nibbled lightly on her clit, earning him name being screamed out, probably loud enough to be heard across town. He got it so his suckling and thrusting were in time, causing her walls to throb. He felt his cock vibrate with each movement, and even if she was getting a bit tighter around him, she was also thoroughly lubricated and and easy to slid in and out of.

Lynn's breathing got heavier and heavier and Jake could feel the temperature of her core rise. She squirmed against the sea floor, her claws coming up to her breast and massaging them, pinching her nipples so they were constantly at alert and sensitive. Mist hit her stomach and breasts, giving the lightest sensations that made her flinch and sigh.

The green dragoness knew her mate was close when she could feel her name being spoken against her clit. The passage of air across her button made her whole body tense up. She, too, could feel her own orgasm build from deep within her core. He picked up his thrusts, only being able to tell his own pleasure. Each brush against her made him inch closer to the edge, his mouth ravaging her clit with such need that is pushed the giant dragoness into the abyss, her body releasing her sweet juices and having it drip out her cunt and on to Jake.

The warm juice that gushed out around his cock made the black dragon gasp in surprise and only go faster, the slickness of her walls now making it feel so good to thrust in and out of her at such a speed. After going back to licking her sex lips and tasting her sweet cum, he released himself, claws digging into her hide as his seed rushed into her cunt.

He fell forward, landing on her clit, panting heavily. He could see a shadow come over him as her hand came above him and stroking him as lightly as her giant hand could.

"That felt good, love," the green dragoness seemingly roared. Lynn closed her eyes and took deep breaths in and out, trying to tell her body to relax and shrink back down to normal size. Her bikini bottom floated on the little bit of water that surrounded her and the top was tight around her neck almost like a necklace.

She felt Jake nod against her skin and chuckled. As her body began to shrink back down she began to sit up first just propping herself up on her elbows and slowly moving to being completely up on her own. The beach began to appear again, water coming off the boardwalk like a waterfall.

Jake regained his footing just in time to be knocked down by the rushing water. Lynn, who was still quite big, grabbed his hand and pulled him up, putting her arm around his waist and holding him close to her. She began to trudge through the water back to shore, finally reaching an area where the water was calm enough to put the smaller dragon down. She tried to readjust her top at least so she was partially covered, but to no avail.

"Don't worry dear," Jake said, straightening out his swim trunks. "If you shrink down a bit more I can just fly us home so no one sees anything."

She blushed and bowed her head down, realizing that most of the people that were on the beach had probably already seen her. Jake stood on his toes and kissed her chin.

"Don't be embarrassed. You are the most beautiful thing I have or ever will lay eyes on."

Her hide turned an even deeper shade of red. She closed her eyes, trying to get the feeling to subside. She took a deep breath in and held it. As she let it out, she could feel her body shrink and her bones going back to the right size. She grimaced in pain as her bones slide back to their proper size and creaked back into place. Jake reached and hand and covered her shoulder, telling her he was there and it was okay.

"Well I hope that gets better as I do it more," she said with obvious pain in her voice. Jake let out a saddened laugh. He took her snout in his claw and kissed her deeply, putting a hand around his waist and expanding his wings and taking off, heading for the beach house and hopefully a good nights worth of sleep. Behind them the waves crashed hard into the sand, the sun set casting a brilliant glow over the shattered quartz as the lovers flew away from it.