DREADWOLF Chapter 50 to 54

Story by Stratothrax on SoFurry

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DREADWOLFMonster power fantasy. Eat and become Stronger, Bigger, Dominant.

read ahead:


Chapter 50:

Lyra picked her way out of the forest and through the front gates of the mansion, or what remained of them. The large iron gates had been torn off their hinges and thrown aside. A worrying sight. What the hell had Rain done?

It was dark out but she was still able to see, the great many coloured moon in the sky above helped a little with its illumination. As she neared the front of the mansion she realised that the entrance doors were missing. Wasn't there supposed to be some kind of magic barrier to stop this kind of thing? Had it been mistakenly turned off? She knew most estates outside of walled towns and cities had one, it just made sense when monsters filled the countryside.

As she cautiously stepped inside the mansion the mana powered lights flickered on, dimmed, then managed to hold somewhat steady, then growing steadier. Her brow raised as she looked about the destroyed lobby. Furniture had been turned into kindling and anything loose was scattered across the floor, paper, lamps, broken china. Black burn marks were on every surface in lines and patches. Overall the lobby was thoroughly wrecked.

She bit her lip as she noticed the bloodstains. There were an awful lot of them, even on the walls. She wondered if any of them were from Rain. It wasn't hard to see where they had gone next, the main door out of the lobby was just gone. She carefully crept toward it, cursing how loud her hooves made her as they clacked against the floorboards.

She released a held in breath as she poked her head around the frame and found no one there.

"What are you doing?" came a voice from behind.

Lyra yelped and pinged into the air, somehow twisting mid-leap at the same time as materialising the black knife in her hands. She thudded back down on the floorboards, knife held in front, breathing hard, eyes wide.

Opal gave her an amused look.

"D-don't do that! You almost scared the fluff off of me!"

"Did I? Hmm too bad. Rain wants you, come on, follow me."

The Goblin pushed past her, although she paused for a moment to admire Lyra's knife.

"I'll trade you for the knife," she said as she passed.

Lyra blinked before hurrying to catch up. "Uh, I'd have thrown it away a long time ago if I could, it's cursed, I can't get rid of it or trade it, I'm not even sure what it's cursed with... It's a bit concerning."

"But it can teleport into your hand any time! Sounds pretty useful to me, I know I wouldn't mind having instant access to a pointy at any moment."

Lyra eyed the multitude of blades strung around the Goblin girl's shorts. She somehow doubted that she had issues with access to 'pointys'.

"Erm yes, I suppose. Where is Rain?"

"I left him eating."

Lyra shivered at that, she wasn't sure she wanted to know the details, in fact she was very sure she did not want to know them, however she was sure she was about to find out.

They passed through hallways where the lights hadn't fully recovered, only giving dim and shadowy illumination. She paused as she passed by a doorway, the room catching her eye. Metal glinted in the gloom, lots of metal, lots of metal in various contraptions covered in alarming spikes and engraved in a strange jagged scripture that glowed a faint orange-red. As she looked she realised that various parts of the things were meant for various parts of a person's body, some even specialised for different species, beaks, tails, claws, different variations, all contraptions designed for maximum effectiveness at their job...

This was a torture chamber, and a well fitted and well used looking one at that. She suddenly felt a heck of a lot less sorry for the occupants of the mansion and what Rain might have done to them.

Opal grabbed her hand and tugged her along. She slowly followed, having to shake her head slightly to stop imagining just what some of those horrible contraptions were used for.

They soon found what they were looking for in a different room deeper in the mansion.

The room was dark and a shadowy mass could be seen in one corner, it took Lyra a moment to realise it was Rain. He was crouched over something, his paws moving. The sound of eating filled the air. Lyra nearly lost control of her bladder as she realised what was happening, she stumbled as her legs went weak and fell against the door frame. He was eating levelers. She shuddered, this was one thing she was sure she couldn't get used to, monsters fine, but levelers, no, it wasn't right, levelers were different from monsters! Completely different... right?

As the last of a limb disappeared behind his massive jaws he eased himself back onto a nearby couch, lazily slumping on top of it, his legs spread. The couch groaned desperately under his weight.

Opal happily skipped forward and pounced on the wolf, her fingers rolling through his fur as she prostrated herself on his torso. As she lay atop him one hand slipped down her own body and below the hem of her shorts, her fingers finding her sopping wetness and exploring her folds, pushing and teasing herself as she felt Rain begin to change beneath her.

Rain growled and a paw wrapped around her hip causing her to coo and gasp aloud. Rain himself was straining against the crouch, his feet slipping against the floor. Lyra watched with fascination as she saw his body shift and grow, his mass swelling larger, his clawed feet scoring the floorboards as his paw slid along the back of the couch, he gruffed and groaned and thrust his hips into the air even as Opal wiggled and squirmed herself against his body.

Lyra bit her lip, she had to admit there was something about seeing the dominating mass of Rain grow larger and even more dominating that was tugging at her buttons. The sheer size difference, that huge overwhelming masculine physical presence next to the tiny Goblin who was desperately humping herself against him like her life depended on it, whining and mewling.

She chided herself, that feeling wasn't normal, clearly this was her Elf part being Elf like. Elves had infamously broad taste, herself being evidence of that.

The poor couch that had barely been holding itself together suddenly gave up the ghost as Rain reached the peak of his growth. With a crash it fully collapsed leaving Rain in a crater of broken furniture. Opal let out a long desperate lush moan and her eyes rolled up before she collapsed on top of Rain burying her face in his chest.

Lyra swallowed, her throat a little dry. They certainly knew how to put on a show.

After a moment of awkwardly standing in the doorway she made a polite cough into her fist.

"Uhm, I'm back now."

Rain lifted his head.

"Good. Were there any problems? Anything dangerous?"

"Er, no, it went perfectly fine, although I couldn't do much but eavesdrop in a couple of inns and ask a few casual questions."

Rain lifted his paw and peeled the limp Goblin of himself. She mumbled in protest as he leaned forward and then climbed to his feet.

Lyra gulped, he was definitely over an inch taller, which due to square cube law also meant he was significantly larger and heavier in every other way. The floorboards did not sound happy with this new weight as he stepped toward her and she was sure most of them had been permanently cracked or splintered under his broad pads. She looked up at him fearfully, unsure what this unpredictable monster intended to do next.

He loomed over her as he neared, his intense yellow eyes the eyes of a predator, was he coming for her? To eat her like the other levelers? Her trembling hand reached for her mouth as unprompted wild imagery of being eaten by this beast slipped into her mind. Was she prey? Maybe she was prey! Her instincts were taking over, she needed to flee!

"Move." said Rain.

She blinked. Oh, right, she was standing in the doorway. She backed away hurriedly and Rain ducked down through it and moved past her determinedly. She watched as he passed down the hall filling most of it with his body. Opal appeared by her side, her cheeks still a little rosy.

"Wh-where is he going?"

"Dunno, wanna follow?"


The pair followed Rain as he made his way down the hallway, turning left then right. Light returned and filled the corridor although mostly blocked off by Rain's size.

He pushed open a door and ducked down inside. Opal and Lyra glanced at each other and then Opal approached the brightly lit door. Her jaw dropped, a look of open dismay on her face.

"How is it indoors!"

"What! What is it!"

Opal put her head in her hands and groaned. "I just can't escape, everywhere I go, it's always there, I'm being changed against my will!"

Lyra approached the door wondering just what she was going to see, another torture chamber? Worse? The well-lit room revealed itself, a... bathhouse. To be fair it was a very large bathhouse, with multiple large pools steaming in the air. Red was excitedly running around one of the pools, his claws clacking on the tile. He came to a raised circular pool and tipped the two bottles he was holding into it, a syrupy purple ooze poured out. He shook the bottles to get the last drips free then carefully placed them to the side. Then he jumped in the pool and began swishing it around with his claws, bubbles and foam began to pile up around him and Lyra realised he had discovered the wonders of bubble bath.

Rain ignored the Kobold and waded into the largest pool, ducking down below the waterline for a moment and sending a small wave of displaced water over the tile that washed up to the doorway and out into the hall. Lyra lifted her hooves as the water touched up against the bottom of them.

"I'm not going in there!" said Opal.

"Come here," growled Rain, commanding.

Opal looked flustered, fighting a desperate inner battle between her desire to avoid water and her desire to be with Rain. She cried out and ran forward, shedding her clothes. Rain caught her as she jumped into the water and pulled her into his lap. She glared at the water angrily but after a moment she paused.

"It's... warm?"

"These are heated baths, magically heated, and probably self-cleaning, the water isn't getting murky. I think that's a filter at that end of the pool. This is the Ranker's mansion so it would have something absurd like this."

Opal swished her hands in the water experimentally.

"This, this is kinda nice..."

As the pair began to wash Lyra made a decision. She had lived in the city her whole life, public baths were a thing and she had regularly used them, especially after dungeon diving. Dungeons were not clean places and right now she was filthy with dungeon dirt. She wanted, no she needed to be clean, and this mansion's bathhouse had all that she could ask for.

She carefully and slowly stepped inside and made her way toward one of the pools, glancing awkwardly at Rain and Opal who were busily splashing and ineptly washing themselves. She passed by Red too, or rather the pool where Red was, it was currently a six foot tall dome of white bubble bath foam. A red scaled muzzle poking out at the bottom of one side was all that was visible of the Kobold.

Lyra reached her chosen pool and then wiggled her hips and slipped out of her shorts, hooking them over her hooves and folding them to one side. Next was her black panties, she couldn't help a little colour coming to her cheeks as she glanced back over to double check the others weren't watching. She slid the panties over her wide hips too and then passed them down over her fluff. Now she was semi naked, she almost left her jacket on, but then decided that would be silly. She reluctantly pulled off her jacket and then her shirt leaving her bra which she unbuttoned and let fall, in doing so her soft expansive breasts were left to spill out, bouncing up and down slightly in the air. They were quite nice breasts in her opinion.

She snuck another look at Rain to see if he was watching. He was not. Good. She chose to ignore the little disappointed feeling in her gut.

She slipped into the warm water with a sigh. She was pleased to find that there were a number of shampoos and soaps and conditioners and oils to the side of the pool, which made sense, there were likely a variety of species who lived- who had lived here and they would of course each need their own personal care, oils for scales, shampoos for fur, and so on.

She ran an expert hand over the glass bottles until she found the ones she wanted and began busily washing. It didn't take her long, she had a ton of experience dealing with problematic and difficult to keep clean white fluff that had made her quite skilled. As she was finishing up she glanced over at Rain and Opal and paused. They had moved to the shelved area of the pool designed for sitting and Rain had his back against the pool edge with Opal in his lap, Rain was large enough that the tops of his thighs were above the waterline. That wasn't the problem, the problem was that they quite clearly had no clue what they were doing, Rain was just using his paws and water for gods sake! And not even doing that right! That wasn't going to get him properly clean!

She looked between the various soaps and shampoos and back to the hopelessly incompetent cleaning the pair of monsters were attempting. As she watched she slowly became more and more annoyed, her inner stylist screaming at their amateurishness. Without even realising it she stood up and grabbed an armload of the bottles and began marching purposefully toward Rain.

The pair turned and looked at her in surprise. She froze up as she abruptly came back to reality.

"Uh-Uhm, d-do you w-want some help w-w-washing?" she squeaked.

She suddenly realised that Rain was looking over her exposed and completely naked body. She blushed deep red and tried to keep in mind that this was a public bathing situation, mixed bathing was an accepted thing, especially in the cities, this was fine. Her nipples were getting a little cold against the glass she held. Completely normal situation she firmly repeated to herself.

Rain seemed non-plussed but raised a paw in a gesture to carry on.

Lyra let out a breath and stepped closer, praying that her legs wouldn't give out while she was carrying so much glass, she would rather not get shattered glass all over herself thank you.

She came up to Rain's broad back and kneeled, taking in the size of him, still alarmingly large, and all that fur! She realised that this might actually take a while. Well, no point stalling. She picked out a promising shampoo and poured it out on Rain's back. And then she placed her hands on him, well she tried to, her hands didn't seem to want to obey, instead staying where they were by her sides. With difficulty, she raised the trembling shaking things and brought them toward Rain's black fur. She knew he used to be a leveler, as long as she kept that in mind and kept repeating that fact then this was easy and not scary at all.

She let out a little whimper as she succeeded in touching him, running her fingers through his fur, feeling the heat of his body. Her hands were very very small next to his back. She began massaging the shampoo in.

A Goblin head peaked over Rain's shoulder and peered down at what she was doing.

"What is that? What are you doing?"

"It's, uhm, shampoo it makes your hair or fur especially clean and nice."

"What? You mean it's worse than water?!" Opal drew back slightly, suddenly wary of this new frightening development.

"It does a much better job than just water, yes."


"What do you mean why?"

"Why clean extra?"

"Because it looks nice, look see how much glossier this spot I just cleaned is compared to this spot?"

Opal narrowed her eyes.

"It's fine, tell her Rain, you used to be a leveler."

Rain paused and seemed to think for a moment. "...I've never had shampoo before... Just soap."

"You were a leveler, of course you have!"

"I was a low leveler, a very low one, they don't let low levelers into the good public bathhouses, we were lucky to get soap."


She continued rubbing at his fur for a moment until Opal made a noise to get her attention.

"I wanna try."

"On yourself?"

Hell no!... On Rain."

Lyra raised an eyebrow but passed up one of the shampoo bottles. Opal grabbed it and poured a thick mess of the stuff over Rain's chest. She began smearing it around his pecs as she tossed the bottle aside, quickly building up a lather.

"Hmm this is kinda fun."

"Being clean and stylish is something considered really important in my home city, you would get laughed at if you came back from the dungeon and didn't tidy yourself up."

"Being clean is dumb... but it doesn't look bad, I guess."

"Of course! You know I could teach you a thing or two about making yourself presentable, for a monster anyway."

Opal didn't reply, only the sound of the two girls working shampoo into the wolf filled the air.

Lyra worked her way to the side of Rain's back and decided to take a look to check if Opal was actually doing anything useful. She carefully leaned to the side and peeked around Rain and found the Goblin with her hands massaging Rain's massively thick sheath, her foam covered fingers squeezing and pushing at it excitedly.

Lyra froze up, what the hell was the Goblin doing?! She blushed as she continued to lather Rain's arm and shoulder. She should look away, she really should look away.

She continued to peek.

Chapter 51:

The crazy Goblin was still doing it!

Lyra's hands moved over Rain's broad bicep, lathering shampoo into his body by rote. Her eyes weren't focused on that however, instead they were being dragged magnetically to the side by what Opal was busily doing to Rain's sheath. A lewd smile on the Goblin's face as she squeezed and massaged at it, tugging and pulling at the thickness until Lyra spotted a flash of pink amongst the black.

This could not be about to happen, shared public bathing was one thing, this was entirely another thing! Lyra opened her mouth to timidly speak up but then the pink bulged outward and a huge tip slipped free from the sheath and into Opal's foam covered hands. The Goblin cooed as the heavy thing slipped between her slick fingers, pushing them apart with its width. Lyra slowly shut her mouth, her train of thought completely derailed by just how widely spread Opal's fingers were by the thing's still growing girth.

She continued to shampoo Rain's arm, her fingers working on their own as she became more and more distracted by the huge mass currently spilling out of Rain, it just kept going and going and when Lyra thought there couldn't be more it just kept on. H-holy shit how is it so big? She swallowed noisily as Opal ran her small hands over the intimidating mass, her fingers dancing up his shaft, tracing his vascular veins until they reached the sheath where her finger tips tucked underneath and began tugging it backwards. With a lurch, the length surged forward once more and an uninflated knot slipped free. Lyra had to bite her lip to stop from gasping aloud in surprise, how was there bloody more?!

Opal didn't sit on ceremony and dived on the rising hardening length eagerly setting a line of sloppy kisses and practically smearing her lips across it in her adoration. She steadily worked her way up the length from the head until she was tending to the uninflated knot, by this point openly tongue bathing it. As she did so the length stiffened and rose against her, pushing her breasts apart and pressing up against the Goblin girl's torso, the length long enough that the head was bucking up against the smooth skin of Opal's trim stomach.

Lyra shivered. The size of that thing! It way outsized the Goblin girl, talk about a size queen, no Opal was arguably a size empress at this point. The dominating brutal mass of it throbbed up against her flesh, gods it must be atleast thirteen inches! Without prompt images of Lyra herself pressed up against that monster snuck into her mind, comparing her forearm to it and finding herself smaller, the heavy weight of it resting on her tummy. Wait what the hell was she thinking about? She needed to get away from this, this was a private interaction she was intruding on. She readied herself to stand up and leave... any minute now.

She remained where she was, fixated.

As she watched Opal curled her arms around the length hugging it to her body, a happy blissful smile crossing her face as she became extremely intimate with the length, hugging it like a lover, her cheek pressing up against the knot. Rain seemed to appreciate Opal's enjoyment and his length throbbed and bucked upwards hard. The Goblin girl's whole body shifted up as she was momentarily lifted by the shaft alone, her legs which hung down in the pool kicking at the water as she exclaimed in surprise.

Lyra would be lying if she said that sight of the massive powerful length flexing and lifting an entire girl up didn't make her feel incredibly turned on. In fact the sheep girl could acually feel her loins heating, and her breathing started to accelerate. She felt like a voyeur, a pervert, yet somehow accepted, as though the monsters had done this in front of people before. She licked her lip and one of her hands left Rain's bicep and touched at her front. Slowly, not sure what the hell she was doing, her fingers traced down her chest between her indecently round breasts and onto her stomach, her fingers slid lower and lower, past her navel and down to her mons, then past that to her puffy lower lips and her clitoral hood. It was warm to the touch, no, hot to the touch, as she felt around she had to bite her tongue to stop a squeak from escaping her lips. Gods I am so sensitive right now. She carefully traced around the peak of her hood and down to the engorged nub below it. Like a feather tracing an outline she quietly touched her finger tips to it, her body tensing as she made contact.

She snatched a glance up at Rain to make sure he hadn't noticed, good he hadn't.

She definitely didn't want him noticing her freaking masturbating while she shampooed his fur! That would be unbelievably shameful. Her cheeks burned red just imagining it. She would endeavour to be as quiet and as subtle as possible. Stealthy. Like a plant in the background.

She startled as Rain suddenly moved his arm opposite her, his massive paw coming down on top of Opal. She let out a whine as his digits curled around her head forcefully lifting her to look him in the eye. She looked up at him adoringly "I'm, I'm s-starting to come around on bathing," she murmured.

"That's good. I don't want a dirty Goblin. You need to be clean for when I fuck you into the ground, fuck you until you can't move your legs and your belly is taut and heavy with my seed."

Opal's eyelids fluttered and her eyes rolled up as he spoke. A little drool ran from her lip as her whole body trembled.

"Y-yes, g-gods, just f-fucking use me, rut me until I'm ruined, I don't care! Debase me, break me until i can think of nothing but your fat throbbing dick pistoning into-! Let me pl-"

The end of Opal's breathy gasping tirade was cut off by Rain's huge thumb pad moving over mouth. The insatiable Goblin girl bit desperately at it, and when that didn't work she slurped noisily at its surface, her hips humping at the air behind her.

Lyra had the distinct impression that the monsters had forgotten she was there. Strangely she felt a little detached from this incredibly heated display, or maybe more like a herbivore in the grass that had stumbled upon a pair of predators playing and was terrified of drawing their attention.

She was momentarily distracted from this worry by her hidden hand moving down to her lower lips. To her surprise she found herself dripping wet, thick strands of gel like fluid dangling from her labia that snapped and spattered on the tile below as her fingers passed across her folds. Fuck, how was she this fucking turned on? This was ridiculous! She felt like she was on fire down there! While her other hand was still vaguely lathering at Rain's fur she began to push at herself down below, darting fingertips in then slipping them free to glide and stroke across the swollen glistening exterior of her muff.

As she was distractedly doing this Rain's other arm shifted and Opal gasped as both paws came down on her waist, encircling her completely. She looked down at the sheer size of the paws, completely holding her in their grasp. Rain squeezed the Goblin playfully causing her to squirm. Then he lifted her and in one smooth motion flipped her over sending her legs kicking into the air. The removal of the Goblin allowed his length to spring up and it slapped up against his abdomen, the noise indicating the heavy weight of the thing.

Opal struggled in his grasp, her legs kicking in frustration, her hands grabbing at the air below, desperately trying to snatch at the head of Rain's cock and pull it toward herself. Rain teased her, keeping her just out of range. Her fingers glancing at the surface of his length but unable to get any closer. Opal abruptly huffed and glared at Rain, crossing her arms, which looked somewhat absurd upside down as she was.

"Not funny!"

Rain grinned wolfishly, flashing his predator's teeth and eliciting a shudder of fear from Lyra who kneeled meekly beside him.

"It's a little funny. You're cute when you pout."

A conflicted expression crossed Opal's face, happy at being called cute, mad because "cute" wasn't very Gobliny.

"Just give it!"

Rain raised an eyebrow.

"Fuck! Please give it!"

He snorted and pulled her near. The Goblin eagerly grabbed at his length, gasping in delight and rubbing her face all over the head. As Opal made herself intimate with the broad tip Rain leaned down and forced apart her thighs with his head, roughly shoving her legs aside to make space for himself as his muzzle found her puss. A long line of fem fluid was slowly rolling down the upside down Goblin's stomach having leaked from her folds. Rain eyed the Goblin, judging by how hard and swollen her clit was Opal was on a hair trigger. He gruffed and blew hot air over her groin, which coming from Rain was a lot of air. She squealed as her sensitive folds were tickled by the gale passing by and her legs jerked.

Not wanting to be outdone she frantically pulled the tip of Rain's dick to her mouth, slobbering over the tip until lines of her drool were running down him. She desperately pressed her lips over it and tried to force her head down, but the girth of it was just too much for her and she was left whimpering and desperately suckling at it, trying to milk at the head as best she could.

A large tongue slapped up against her belly and then agonisingly slowly rolled up and over her mons pubis, tugging at her skin until it slid over her muff dragging her softness along with it from front to back and leaving Opal jerking and twitching. It was on the way back from this that Opal tipped over the edge and came, her toes curling up and her knees clenching against the side of Rain's head as a flood of her juices rolled from her upside down pussy and poured down her torso to spill across the underside of her breasts.

Rain slathered his tongue all over her crotch licking up her emissions even as she came.

"So easy, you're just that desperate for me to be inside of you?"

Opal shook her head, unable to speak with her lips glued to Rain's cock.

"Did you think I would allow that without me being inside you first?"

The Goblin only had a moment for shock to widen her eyes before Rain pushed the Goblin down. She shook her head frantically making desperate muffled noises as a heavy pressure built up on her hips, forcing the head of Rain's dick into her wide open mouth, making her feel like her jaw was going to crack, splitting her open. She scrabbled her hands desperately at the length trying to hold herself back but to no avail, Rain was overpowering and with a loud pop! Her lips slipped over the head of Rain's dick completely filling and stretching out her mouth from back to front, stretching her more than she thought possible. She whined long and low, unable to do anything but look down the overwhelming thickness she was speared on, hopelessly trapped and vulnerable.

Then Rain pressed down again and she felt the head of his cock brutally press up against the back of her throat, no it was too much! But even as she thought it she could feel her throat giving, making way for the massive intruder. Her brow shot up as she felt herself slip inches down the shaft and her hands grabbed at her neck. It did not feel normal, in fact, as she carefully touched at it she could literally feel Rain's length through her skin, her throat bulging out massively as Rain's dick distended it. The realisation made her shudder and groan, she was being forcibly used as a cock sleeve and she had no choice in the matter, the thought alone set off a little micro orgasm that caused her body to tingle. Rain, ignorant of all this, eagerly pushed his muzzle up against her muff, his front teeth pressing into and dimpling her flesh.

Lyra looked on stunned, she had zero belief that Opal could have managed Rain's size, but somehow the Goblin girl had done it. She apparently had a very unique talent.

Rain lapped eagerly at Opal's folds as a reward for taking him, digging his tongue deeper and deeper into her until he was spreading her wide with each long lick. He paused as muffled yelping came from below, apparently Opal was appreciative, he could feel her small squashed down tongue desperately licking up against him in turn. He responded by rolling his hips pulling a couple of inches from her mouth before roughly shoving back in bulging out her throat once more, then again and again until Opal's stretched lips were starting to redden as they were dragged back and forth by his mass.

Well, he wasn't going to stop there. He opened his jaws wide, saliva momentarily connecting his teeth before snapping, and placed his mouth wholly over Opal's crotch, his lower teeth dimpling against her tummy while his top teeth squashed her round rear as though he was about to bite a chunk out of the helpless Goblin. The reason why he was doing this became clear when he pushed his tongue down against her puss and easily penetrated deep deep into her body, able to use the full length of his tongue to hit spots he wouldn't otherwise be able to and attain the leverage to use more of his outsized strength in the muscle. His massive tongue spread her wide and scraaaaped up her inner walls causing Opal to shriek and her knees to lock around his head desperately clamping down on him as lightning shot down her body.

Lyra looked wide eyed at Rain, Opal was practically in his mouth! It was like he was eating her! Like- like prey! Just on the cusp of being this predator's snack! She shuddered at the dangerous thought and her fingers plunged into her sopping folds all the faster, droplets of herself raining down on the tile below as she inserted two fingers, then three, then four. Would she feel this stretched out and full if she took rain? Oh gods what was she thinking about! The hopelessly lost and bewildered sheep girl continued to masturbate herself as the chorus of muffled squealing and shrieking from Opal grew ever higher.

Rain was sawing his tongue in and out of Opal's pussy by this point, roughly plunge fucking her depths with the thick muscle, tasting her deepest sacred places and running roughshod over her nerves, coiling and pressuring with his tongue over and over and over. He could feel Opal was building toward a heavy climax, her body twitching and tensing with each pussy stretching lurch of his tongue. He could also feel her mouth loosening up a little as she screamed and wailed around him and he shoved his hips up, openly throat fucking her, harder and faster and rougher until he could feel himself swiftly building.

Rain's motions sped up and became arrhythmic and rough, until with a deep bone shaking growl he thrust up deep into Opal shoving her down inches until her chin slammed into his knot unable to go further, her throat bulging outward obscenely with his thickness, and then even more as his cock swelled and cum exploded up his length, spraying thick hosing ropes of white deep into the Goblin.

In the same moment his vibrating growl sent Opal hurtling over the edge and she squirted HARD, spraying fluids up into the roof of Rain's mouth in a solid stream, instantly flooding his mouth and waterfalling outward. Rain didn't hesitate, he clamped his lips down on her skin trapping the fluid and began sucking, slurping up everything she had to give and noisily drinking it down.

As that happened Lyra finally managed to fit her entire hand in herself. She collapsed against Rain, her body twitching and jerking, her free hand desperately clutching at him as fluid spurted from her puss, spraying down the tile below in a spattering drumbeat. She let out a low keening whine, fighting a desperate battle to stop from screaming aloud.

Opal shuddered and quaked atop Rain, her hips bucking into him as her legs wrapped around his head like a vice squeezing down as hard as she could as the tremendous sucking motion was applied over her entire puss. Even as her eyes rolled up thick ropes of cum were blasting into her stomach, more and more and more, Rain's output was truly incredible and Opal started to feel uncomfortably full and tight as he continued to ejaculate into her without end, each surge bulging out her tummy a little more until it was rounded in an arc over her abdomen, pushing out Rain's paws where he held her.

As rain sucked up the last of Opal's juices he seemed to realise quite how full he was making the little goblin and out of sudden concern he heaved her up, pulling her roughly from the entirety of his length with an airy schlucking quelching sound, her lips dragging over every vascular vein as she was swiftly ripped upward and pulled over the head with a sloppy SCHLPOP! A gush of gum poured from her abused swollen lips, pouring down in a thick stream for a second or so as her throat emptied.

Opal drew in a heaving breath as she was freed, even as Rain's cock continued to buck and furiously spray ropes of thick glue like cum over her body, frosting her green skin and then past her sending long lines of white over the water, reaching across the entire pool.

Rain groaned as he rode it out and slumped back against the pool edge. As he did so his throbbing length bounced upward momentarily sending one particularly large rope of cum skyward.

Lyra, startled from her orgasmic afterglow, looked up at the worst possible moment.

The thumb thick line of white landed across her face, stretching from her hair down onto her brow, across her nose and down over the top of her mouth.

The sheep girl panicked and opened her mouth to scream.

Unfortunately, the strand of cum over her mouth stretched and then snapped into a thumb-sized blob which fell directly into the sheep girl's mouth and straight onto her tongue.

Lyra upgraded from panic to sheer blind hysteria, her eyes darting wildly as the horror of what had just happened hit her mind like a gold brick. Making choked squeaks and screams while desperately trying not to taste Rain she lurched into a skittery run, darting across the tile like a fleeing prey animal.

Hooves, of course, did not do very well on wet tile. Her desperate flight turned into a desperate fight to stay upright and she went staggering across the bathhouse with a wail before finally losing her fight against gravity and falling into the now ten foot wide bubble bath mountain. She sailed straight through it and landed in the pool underneath with a splash.

Rain and Opal turned in confusion to see a Lyra shaped hole in the white foam.

Chapter 52:

Lyra woke in a bed and for the first couple of moments she felt well rested and okay.

Then the memory of what had happened hit her and her stomach dropped. She put her hands over her beet red blushing cheeks and groaned, curling up into the fetal position.

Memories stuck around to a varying degree, visual memory somewhat, auditory and scent memories with more clarity, but most of all the memory of taste was unforgettable, and Lyra was remembering a taste she really did not want to remember right now.

"Oh gods why me..."

She recalled after accidentally taking some of Rain's... stuff, into her mouth, that she had fallen into a pool and gotten lost in a vast blinding morass of bubble bath foam. That hadn't helped her hyperventilating level of hysteria and she'd thrashed around in the water bleating for help.

Help had come, but from the one she really wished it hadn't. The bubbles had been swept aside and Rain's huge paw had pulled her from the water and up into his arms. His stuff hadn't come off and she still had a little of it over her face, as well as in her mouth, and she was just there, in the arms of the one responsible for it. She'd slapped her hands over her eyes and frozen up, refusing to speak or move, wishing the ground would open up and swallow her whole. Then again, that was reminiscent of Rain, never mind that metaphor, she just wished she was away! Away from his massive overwhelming masculinity and not butt naked in his arms with his taste in her mouth!

Rain had asked her something and she hadn't replied, then he had started moving, and then she found her skin touching down on soft cotton, a bed? And then the door had closed and she had been left in the dark alone. She made herself go to sleep as quickly as possible so as to escape thinking about the whole unmitigated disaster, escaping from the shame into unconsciousness.

Now it was morning and the events were back at the forefront of her thoughts. Horrible embarrassing thoughts. What the hell had she been thinking? Clearly she had been letting her Elven side take the lead too much. Elves were naturally horny people and that had apparently been included with her Elven half. She promised herself she would primarily listen to her nice sensible Woollie half in future.

Giving up on pretending not to exist she rolled from bed and set her hooves down on the floorboards with a click clack. To her surprise her clothes were there, neatly folded to one side. She couldn't imagine Rain or Opal doing such a thing, so, Red... did it?

She slipped into the clothes as she pondered the cowardly Kobold. He was pretty much a slave, just like at home. Kobolds weren't that popular as slaves but she had seen a few. She wondered if her new perspective on Goblins applied to Kobolds too. She considered investigating, maybe all monsters were as sapient as levelers? Hmm, food for thought.

As she was adjusting her shorts to be comfortable the door swung open. It took a second to realise that the wall of black filling it was not a shadow but Rain's body. He ducked down beneath the frame and stared at her. She unconsciously took a step back and swallowed. That of course reminded her of his taste, and the shame. Her cheeks burned and she found she couldn't look him in the eye.

"I want you. Come with me."

He turned and disappeared from view.

Wh-what did that mean? What did he mean by want?! Unsure quite what she should be expecting she nervously followed after him as he made his way through the mansion. They came out in what appeared to be the Ranker's personal quarters. A huge common room with an open plan bedroom off to one side, even what appeared to be a sort of small kitchenette mostly filled with alcohol. The mixed purpose room was significantly more luxurious than the other rooms she had seen, with furs draped everywhere and excessive use of gold filigree and plush rugs.

There was seating in the middle which Rain quickly found. He slumped down atop a couch, stretching out his legs. Surprisingly the furniture seemed to be holding up well under his weight, although she supposed that made sense considering the size of the Ranker, he would need strong furniture.

Red and Opal were there too. Red was excitedly sorting through a pile of coins, the mansion obviously held a lot of treasure, she wondered if Red alone would be enough to carry it all now. There was also what appeared to be various random objects he had looted from around the mansion, including several jewellery boxes, a clock, a goblet, and an ornate sewing box.

She eyed the sewing box, that would be an additional cog to one of her ideas.

Opal was lazing on a large cushioned footstool on her front, her legs dangling over the sides and her feet waving in the air above her rear.

"I want you to tell me everything you found out when you went into town. Did you get any names?" Said Rain, his arm across the back of the couch

Lyra blinked. "Oh- uh, you wanted me for that, right. Uhm, W-well I don't know about the others but I did manage to find out something. The levelers Lira and Adlen are in town. They didn't leave with the levelers who went into the dungeon with the Inquisitor."

As she spoke Rain's paw slowly curled and the couch gained several claw shaped holes. Lyra eyed his paw warily.

"Uh, it seemed that the Inquisitor swept through town in a rush and gathered up everyone she could on the spot, not even telling them what was happening before going back to the dungeon. A lot of people just missed joining up."

"And the others? Brax, Myra, Eliza?"

Lyra shook her head. "I don't know, I- I wasn't there for long."

Rain's paw eased and he nodded slowly. "Fine. Then I just need to get into town somehow and I can kill the both of them, that's two of the five who tortured and murdered me. It's a start."

Opal rolled her head to the side and peered at Rain as Lyra shifted her hooves nervously, not liking this talk.

"Uhm, about getting into town, I'm not sure invisibility will work, they are surprisingly careful about that kind of thing at the main gatehouses. I suppose it makes sense since we know for a fact that there were levelers who could turn invisible around here, that Dwarf, I uhm, well, yes. Additionally the walls are enchanted with something, either a monster alarm, or a barrier, or both, making climbing them a no go. But I had an idea while I was there, something that might make things much much simpler."

"Tell me."

"You pretend to be my monster slave and-"


"Uh- Really? B-but it could work, with some uh, bribes."

Rain remained silent.

"Well I had another idea, that might actually work better for what you want."

Rain tilted his head at her, waiting.

"Not a slave, but you pretend to be a leveler."

Opal snorted out a laugh from where she lazed. "Have you seen him? He looks like he eats levelers for breakfast! Which he does, actually."

"Right, but, what happened with the old man in the woods gave me the idea for it. It seems like if you throw enough money at a problem it just kind of goes away, and since Rain is a unique monster with nothing else like him to use as a reference it makes it a lot easier for people to intentionally overlook things."

"You really think that would work? I could pretend to be a leveler while looking like this?"

Lyra eyed him, true his fur was clean and glossy now, but that didn't take away from the wildly feral and dangerous atmosphere he seemed to exude, like he would rip you apart at the drop of a hat. His eyes were especially problematic, they looked hungry, predatory, just looking at them made something ancient and primitive wake in her hindbrain, something small and scared that wanted to flee from the thing that came from the dark.

Her gaze paused momentarily on his sheath and she suddenly recalled his taste yet again. She screwed up her face and shook her head trying to get the memory to go away with little success.

"No, well not as you are right now, levelers do not go around naked, all levelers wear clothes, most monsters do not."

Rain sat up. "You want me to wear clothing? Where are we going to get that? Have you not noticed my size right now? Nothing will fit me."

Lyra was very very aware of his size, she moved her hips a little, uncomfortably conscious of his gaze.

"The Ranker-"

The couch groaned alarmingly under Rain as his body tensed up. Lyra looked at it worriedly before continuing.

"The Ranker is very large too, maybe seven foot tall."

"Not as big as rain..." murmured opal.

"She's right."

"I know that, not that it matters with levelers, but he's close enough that I think I can do something with his clothes."

"You can?"

"Yes, as you can tell from my extremely refined and high class taste in clothing I know something about the subject of fashion. Some cut seams here and there and I can maybe probably possibly get something to fit."

Rain looked at her sceptically and Opal lifted her head.

"Okay, I've changed my mind, I want to see him trying to fit in some too small clothing, tight clothing that can barely contain him."

"Er...yes?" said Lyra, eyeing the Goblin, not quite sure what she was getting at.

"Fine." said Rain reluctantly. "If you think you can make me look like a leveler then go ahead."

Lyra held up a finger. "Look more like a leveler, I don't think I could make you look like one, but that's where the copious amounts of bribery steps in to fill the gap."

Red gave her an offended look and shifted his body over the stacks of coins protectively, like a mother hen protecting her eggs from predators.

Lyra turned to face the wardrobe. It was a large wardrobe and like the rest of the room it was gratuitously gilded around the edges. She stepped up to it and pulled at the doorknobs. After a moment of effort they swung open revealing what was inside. The Ranker's clothing.

"Hmm, this seems promising."

"Does it?" said Opal, appearing at her side. "Looks weird. Why would you even wear that? The dangly bits would get everywhere."

"Those are tassels, and that is formal wear," said Lyra as Opal hauled on a sleeve.

The sheep girl pursed her lips and batted her hand away. "Look, you clearly have no idea what any of- hey stop that!"

Opal pulled down a large fur-trimmed coat. It was so large that it covered her like a blanket, that is until she wiggled around putting it on. Her face appeared, tiny at the center of a huge donut of fur. She lifted her arms, the sleeves hanging down off her hands nearly to the floor.

Lyra gave her an exasperated look. "Opal, look, just trust me to do this and go... go and make us some tea while I do my thing. This isn't a monster thing, this is a leveler thing, you'll just get in the way, okay?"

"Wow, rude. I don't need snotty leveler clothes anyway."

Opal waved her arms at the sheep girl, her dangling sleeves flapping. Then she stalked away, the bottom of the coat dragging along the floor behind her in a long tail.

Lyra put aside the annoying Goblin from her mind and refocused back on the wardrobe. She pulled out each article of clothing and looked it over, practically ransacking the Ranker's belongings. Black and purple coats, billowing white shirts, there was a lot, unfortunately she couldn't do a lot with most of it due to Rain's size. Still, in the end, she found some things she thought she could potentially work with.

She dragged the stack of cloth to a chair, a Ranker sized chair, which is to say a large chair. She looked at it meaningfully while glancing at Rain.

"Uhm, could you come sit p-please? I can't do this with you on the couch."

Rain eyed the cloth she had brought but after a moment he rolled to his feet and strode over to her. He looked down at the sheep girl, cloth clutched nervously in her hands. She was still quite clearly terrified of him. Well, not much he could do there, she would just have to get used to being around him over time. He turned and casually sank down on the chair with his back to Lyra.

"Go ahead."

"R-right. Red? Can you bring that sewing box over?"

Red looked at her suspiciously. "What are you planning to do with it? Is this one of these giving away the shiny things you like to do? Are you going to 'bribe' someone with it?"

"No I'm not going to bribe someone with a sewing box Red," said Lyra, rolling her eyes.

"But you might-"

"Give her the box," growled Rain, running out of patience.

The Kobold whimpered in fear and dived on the box snatching it up and running over to Lyra, he then grabbed a stool and pushed and shoved it near her before backing away bowing over and over. He then turned and dashed back toward the coins and hid behind one of the packs.

Lyra pulled the stool close and placed the sewing box atop it, opening it up and expertly darting her hands over the contents ensuring she had everything she needed. Then she held up a black cloak against Rains back. Eyeing it she pursed her lips. There was no way in hell this was going to fit. She began rifling through the clothes, and then she got down to work.

Chapter 53:

Lyra's needle flashed and the sound of cloth shifting across cloth filled the air as she worked.

"Just to keep my thoughts busy... why do you have a problem with the Ranker? it seems a bit, ah ,personal that you would come to the mansion and do... what you did," said Lyra as she continued to pick apart clothes and measure them against Rain.

Rain's back tensed for a moment and Lyra flinched in surprise.

After a moment he began to speak.

"When I was a human, a leveler, I never leveled up. I stayed at level one my entire life."

Lyra blinked. What did he just say? That, that couldn't be right. Everyone leveled, even if just a little.

"You couldn't level? What do you mean?"

"I could level, but I wasn't allowed to, the Ranker commanded I be made a pariah of Lynthia. If I tried to hitch a ride away on an inter-city caravan I would be beaten and tossed out. The town was my prison and everyone in it my guards out of fear of what the Ranker would do to them if I wasn't kept like that. I was made Lynthia's runt, I was made that way because that was what the Ranker wanted. Making me small and despairing was the point, a Black Mark, to put a barrier between what my life could have been that I can look toward but not reach, like an animal in a zoo looking at the wide open wild."

"What a sadistic thing to do to someone..."

"I've seen him do things to people that you wouldn't believe. He rules Lynthia with an iron fist, If someone annoys him he either disappears them and they are never seen or heard from again or he makes a public example out of them in the most brutal way possible."

"I saw some scary devices in this mansion. Someone who would keep things like that in his own home, it's very concerning, he seems like a cruel man. "

"You don't know, you just don't know. He... One of the few people who tried to help me... He dragged by her hair to the town square and... I found what was left of her the next day. I was eight years old and she was..."

Rain's voice was becoming snarled, growling slipping into his words, his breath getting heavy and ragged. A splintering sound rent the air and the arm of the chair ripped away in his paw. He stared at it, and then curled his digits. The wood crunched to splinters beneath his pads and he let it rain down on the floor with a sigh.

"I did try, I snuck into the town's library and taught myself basic things. It never really mattered though, and as I got older I became more sickly, a Human needs to level, I think, if you don't your body doesn't ever grow properly. I was so incredibly weak and malnourished and stunted that a Goblin could have broken me over its knee, I couldn't kill a regular animal let alone a monster. I stuck to the low leveler's part of town and tried to get by and escape notice, to survive as best I could. I worked on live trapping, but the monsters around Lynthia aren't really trappable, too strong for anything I could make in my state anyway, in the end it had to be the dungeon, but alone the dungeon was a death sentence."

"Why did the Ranker do that to you?

"When I was young the Ranker took a liking to my Mother and tried to take her for himself. My Father took issue with that and attacked him. He lost."

Lyrah paused. That wasn't an uncommon story in her home city. Being so many levels above another meant it was very easy to get away with doing bad things to low levelers. The larger the gap in levels the more easily the abuse happened. It was a complicated dynamic of pressures and interests and potential that broadly kept people from going too far but in the end a high leveler could do whatever they wanted to a low leveler if they really wanted to, especially to those who lacked social ties and had stagnated in their leveling potential. Giving the appearance of being an up and comer was a protection in itself.

"The Ranker did things to my Father that my Father never spoke of, at the very least crippling him, but in the end the Ranker let him go. I think he wanted him to live with what had happened and what he did to my Mother in front of him, to live with the memory. He's done that kind of thing before. I... understand why he does that now, traumatic memories don't go away, they are always there, in your mind, like little demons. It broke him, it broke my father. He was... it was like he was disappearing in front of my eyes, becoming a hollow shell. He drank himself to death. He barely acknowledged I existed toward the end."

Lyra felt her heart go out to him as emotion welled up in her chest, what Rain had been through in his past life hurt to hear, to lose a parent like that, well she knew what that felt like, his words cut deep. She could almost picture the vulnerable wounded person Rain had been, she suddenly felt protective of him, becoming a little teary-eyed at her own imagining. It took her a moment to recall that he was now the massive beast in front of her. Rain the monster didn't need protecting, he was too strong for that.

"And because he was my father I was given the status of pariah too, a Black Mark upon our family, what little was left of it.

"You need to kill him," said Opal. She had returned to the room and had begun boiling water over the stove. "Gobbos don't like revenge against big monsters, but this... you need to kill him."

"My hate for him is a different kind of hate than toward the ones who murdered me, that pain is fresh and sharp, what the Ranker did I have lived with for most my life, it became normalised, deeper, like a dull aching burn. I can't just kill him, not anymore, I need to make him suffer, to make him feel some small sliver of what I felt. That's why I killed and ate his harem, I want to see that moment when he realises what I did, to see it in his eyes. I want to..." His nose wrinkled in a snarl, his upper lip quivering flashing his teeth, his paws clenched. "I want to ruin him, I-"

Rain cut himself off and bowed his head, going silent.

Lyra continued to work around him quietly, measuring and cutting and sewing. Rain for his part regretted speaking, he hadn't wanted to pick over old memories, memories of being trapped and helpless, victim to the whims of those stronger than him, that was physically repulsive to his current more aggressive monster self. Memories of countless times he had been beaten for trying to steal food to eat, often receiving broken bones in his fragile state that had healed badly, trying to change his situation but being stymied at every turn by those stronger than him, boxing him in, cutting away his future until he was nothing at all.

He blinked as he realised where his gaze had wandered. Red was sitting with his back to him. Counting coins and picking through various valuables. A little uncomfortable thought wormed its way into Rain's mind. It wasn't a perfect parallel but Red was trapped like he had been, victim to Rain, and he was quite strong now. He did not like that thought, it was the worst kind of thought, a thought with an element of truth.

Could he do something to change that dynamic? Should he? He could just eat the Kobold, but unexpectedly, he found he didn't want to. The Kobold had saved Opal's life, even if it was for the wrong reasons, and he had grown comfortable around the little red lizard person due to all they had been through.

He eyed the gold the Kobold was obsessing over. Maybe he should just pay him to be a kind of treasurer? He wasn't sure if the Kobold would go for that, it might be simpler to just free him, although he would likely die in the outside world alone far from any Kobold tribe and surrounded by levelers. Might as well skip to just eating him.

He mulled the problem for a time but then decided to put it on the backburner as he couldn't decide how he wanted to deal with it, or even if he wanted to.

Lyra ran cloth down his arm and synched it across with deft motions of her needle. Not fully sewing it, but crossing enough thread that the cloth was held in place temporarily, so that she could go back to it and fix it in permanently once she had checked the fit.

Cloth was shifting rapidly now as the sheep girl covered over Rain's black fur. Her hands darting across Rain's body, reaching far due to his size. She was so focused on what she was doing that she genuinely forgot to be afraid and buried herself in her craft, quickly completing the task at hand.

Lyra had done well, a white billowing shirt unbuttoned at the top so his chest fur spilled out, a pair of close fitted brown shorts reaching just above his knee and belted at top and cuffs with a hole cut for his tail, and over the top of this a black hooded coat that cut off a bit below the knee, its fabric patterned with black on a slightly darker black. She had also gone to the trouble of braiding some of the longer fur around his neck in a couple of spots. He looked... Like a dangerous monster wearing clothes, albeit stylish clothes. Lyra realised that her bribes were likely going to be very large bribes.

Rain lifted his arm looking over how well the coat fit his arm with interest. Lyra really had some talent, although he couldn't say he favoured the feeling of cloth on fur.

"Hey careful now, I need to properly sew it in, this was just to check it fits."

"Hmm, you should have made it tighter. S'not bad though, looks pretty good," said Opal appearing beside Lyra, still wearing the fur lined coat.

"Well I do know what I am doing, I did tell you."

Opal squinted at her and handed the sheep girl a cup of tea.

"You are a monster, after all, fashion and style is something you can't even conceptualise. Don't worry though, I'm sure a little bit of my talent will rub off on you if you stick around."

She smirked and winked jauntily at Opal before taking a sip of her tea.

A horrified look crossed her face and she spat out the tea in a misted cone, spitting and gagging and wiping at her tongue with her hand.

"Oh my god this is awful! What kind of tea is this?!"

Opal shrugged, "Just some random leaves and dirt I found on the ground."

Lyra stared at the Goblin.

"Some... what?! Wait, you don't know what tea is?"

"Yeah I do, it's leaves and dirt. That's what all the levelers put in their drinks in their camps."

"That, that's, it doesn't work like that!"

"Mmm, pretty sure it does."

"Tea is not leaves and dirt!"

"Prove it!"

Lyra, flustered, turned and marched toward the kitchen area as Opal followed in her wake. She flipped open cupboards until she found what she was looking for, various boxes and jars. She pulled them out and stacked them on the counter.

"Look see, this is tea."

Opal squinted at one of the jars. It contained leaves. She moved her eyes to the next jar. It contained dirt.

"It's di-"

"No! It's dried and ground tea leaves! Not dirt!"

Opal looked at her suspiciously, unsure if this was a trick.

Lyra put her head in her hand and sighed.

"Hey, it's not my fault if levelers do weird dumb stuff!"

"Oh my god, it's just tea, I can't- look, just watch me."

Lyra snatched up the kettle Opal had boiled and filled a teapot then dumped tea inside of it. She put the lid back on the and the two girls stared at it.

"Is something supposed to be happening?"

"It uhm takes time to steep..."


Opal, now bored, glanced back over to the jars and boxes.

"What do these other teas do?"

"They are all different flavours and strengths and types. Look this one is a green tea, this one is a black tea, this one herbal, this one...." Lyra trailed off as she looked at the box in her hand.

"What? What is it?"

"This one is a, uhm, aphrodisiac," said Lyra, her cheeks turning slightly pink.


"Aphrodisiac, it does uh, stuff."

"What kind of stuff?" said Opal drawing closer to the box and peering at what was written on it, which was, of course, unreadable to her.

"It makes the person who drinks it, erm, more h-horny and sensitive, s-sexually."

Opal's eyes lit up like twin suns with sudden serious interest.

"Okay, you need to show me how to make tea, lots and lots of tea. Go, now, show me. Tea, go!"


Before Lyra could formulate a reply to the eager Goblin, who was looking up at her with gleaming eyes from within her fur donut hood, a yell came from behind them. The two girls turned to see Red scuttling on his back away from one of the open packs. The pack was shifting and green light was glowing from within as electricity crackled across its surface. The pack suddenly tipped forward onto the floor and something boney and round rolled onto the carpet.

Rain, Red, Lyra, and Opal stood and stared. It was a skull. A skull with two horns and a pair of small green flames in its eye sockets.

"It's Boney Bitch Boy! He's alive!" exclaimed Opal.

"Wha- where the hell am I?" muttered the skull groggily, its flames drunkenly darting around.

Rain stalked toward the skull, every motion of his body screaming killing intent.

"Oh no no no! not you again!" said the skull catching sight of Rain.

"Why are you in my pack? Answer me or die."

"I don't know do I! Wait, this isn't the dungeon! You took me out of the dungeon! Why, oh god why?! This wasn't supposed to happen!"

"Ah, that was me," said Opal scratching the side of her nose.

"Why did you pick up the skull Opal?"

"I thought it was dead and gone, and well, those horns are quite pointy and it seemed kinda like a rare weapon..."

Everyone stared at the Goblin.


Chapter 54:

"See! It's not my fault I'm here! Clearly it would be immoral to do me harm, not when I had no say in the matter," said the skull, its eyes dancing nervously from Opal to Rain.

"Would you die permanently if I crushed you into powder I wonder?" said Rain taking a threatening step forward, his claws twitching and his body tensing in anticipation.

The flames in the skull's eye sockets seem to shrink down warily as it looked up at Rain.

"Wait, wait, stop moving Rain!" said Lyra.

Rain paused and turned to her. "Why?"

"Your clothing, it's about to tear, I only did temporary stitches."

"No no, I think he should keep moving, straining, bursting out of his clothes, with his sheer si-"

"Please don't! I'll have to get everything lined up again! Just, hold on, let me stitch things properly before we get into this."

The sheep girl dashed forward and grabbed up her sewing box and then bounced over to where Rain was awkwardly stuck mid-stride.

"You don't have to do it you know. I'm basically powerless now..." grumbled the skull, its words sulky and a little upset. "When you took me away from my collection you took everything from me."

"You knew you would survive what happened?"

"Well, yes, I am an undead and undead are nothing if not tenacious. Had I been left as I was I would have been able to collect together the corpses of my minions and eventually bring them back to undeath and rebuild my collection, damage from your brutish behaviour notwithstanding."

"I recall you had a fracture from when I threw you. I don't see it now, meaning you must have the ability to heal your bone core and then return to life, or undeath." Rain snorted. "Seems simple enough, I'll just break you into pieces and bury them in separate locations, or, alternatively, I could just eat you."

"I can heal, I will admit that much, and It worked perfectly fine whenever some overpowered leveler came along thankyou, and it would have worked again if not for that grubby Goblin kidnapping me from my home."

"Hey screw you, you don't even know how many baths I've been put through lately. Nobody gets to call me grubby. Bitch boy."

"That- Why are you calling me that?"

"Seems pretty fitting considering we kicked your butt for being a jerk. We won."

"How disgustingly mortal of you."

"Yeah? Well, what's your actual name?"

"I have had not need of one. The undead do not require something as ephemeral and shallow as a name."

"So you're fine being called boney bitch boy then?"

"The skull seemed to pause at this and quickly reconsidered its position."

"If you need to pick a name then just use your name from when you were alive, when you were a leveler," said Rain. "You did not lose that in death."

"I suppose since you are mortal you require mortal follies as pathetic as they are. Fine."

"Mm too slow. I've thought of a new name for you," said Opal tapping a finger to her lip in deep thought.

"I'm not letting a bottom grade monster such as you name me. No. I was the greatest Necromancer of my century, a scourge upon the lands feared by all for my undead armies, conqueror of unending walled cities, an unparalleled master of graves, my name such as it was when I was alive was Va-"

"Your name is Boner!"

"My name is not Boner!!"

"Too late, I said it first, it's just your name now."

"Don't worry," said Red dully, "You get used to it."

"You will not name me, the most powerful necromancer of an entire century, Boner!" said Boner.

"You lost, remember Boner? The winner takes the spoils and you are the spoils."

"Naming is not spoils! I-

"You responded to the name! That makes it official!"

The green flames in the skull's eyes were starting to sputter and spark with fury by this point.

"You have a very unique talent for being incredibly infuriating Goblin."

"What was your name when you were alive?" Said Rain as Lyra continued to dart around his body furiously working her needle.

"My name was Vash the Reaper. I would appreciate not being called the insane Goblin's suggestion."

"Watch your words with her Vash, you live for the moment only by my whim."

"Er... right."

Opal bounded forward and scooped the skull up with her sleeve covered hands. Genuine concern appeared in Vash's flame eyes at this development.

"Hey, maybe I can still use Boner as a weapon! All I need is a stick to put him on and I can hit things with him!"

"D-don't you dare! You dam d-" his eyes shifted to Rain, Rain's eyes were narrowed. "I would take it kindly if you did not do that," Vash amended.

"Good" growled Rain. "Keep in mind that I can also find an open public cesspit and throw you inside of it. You can then live out the centuries trapped in a perpetual storm of shit."

The skull actually appeared to shudder in Opal's hands at that suggestion. "Eurgh, what a terrible fate. I think I would prefer being powdered. In any case you have nothing to fear from me, I sincerely promise."

Opal turned the skull over and looked it in the eyes. She smiled mischievously. Vash started to wonder if the shit pit option was really so bad.

Half an hour later Lyra was done and Rain was freed from her hyper-focused sewing. He stretched his limbs, checking the clothing wouldn't tear, and then nodded at the sheep girl.

"It's good."

Lyra blushed a little pink but looked pleased.

"We're going down to the town. Red and Opal, you will stay here, Lyra will come with me."

"What? No way in hell am I being left behind. Screw that."

"It's dangerous and you aren't needed for this. Goblins are in constant danger around levelers."

"Don't care still coming. If it's levelers that are the problem then I can be your slave!"

Rain's eye twitched a little hearing that. "I really don't like that idea Opal, you nearly became a slave for real, I had to rescue you, remember?"

"I'd just be a fake slave obviously, but more importantly you could be my master." The Goblin girl wiggled her hips and flicked her sleeves. "Just complete control and power over me and then you roughly pin me down and-"

"A slave could work, if she is willing, Goblin slaves are really common, she won't attract a second glance," said Lyra.

"See, it's fine!"

"Alright you can come. Red will stay however."

Rain approached Red and grabbed up his chain then pushed at the massive wardrobe, tipping it up and then dropping and kicking the end of the chain underneath before setting it back down.

"Uhm. What if you guys don't come back?" said Red worriedly.

"Then you starve and die." said Rain.


"Don't worry, there's food in the cupboards, look," said Lyra, opening one of the cupboards. The interior walls were covered in runes, preservation runes, as was made obvious by the fresh contents which included fruits and meats.

Lyra picked up a whole cooked chicken and put in Red's claws who had wandered over to see.

He looked at the chicken and then scented it with interest. Then he lifted it to his mouth and took a bite.

"S'good," he mumbled from around a mouthful before burying his face back in it.

"I won't be able to use my real name while in Lynthia. Someone may recognise it," said Rain

"That is true, uhm, I did think that you would need some kind of cover. I was thinking that maybe you could pretend to be a wealthy merchant travelling between towns with valuables to trade and are staying at the Ranker's mansion as his guest. We uh, have access to quite a lot of things to sell." Lyra gestured around her broadly.

"Fine. Gather what you think we will need... and bring the skull too."

Opal and Lyra busied themselves. They managed to find a new pack from somewhere, which was fortunate as the crude Goblin pack and the ragged ancient levelers pack were not suitable as something a rich merchant might use for their precious goods. They quickly stuffed it with things Lyra thought that a merchant might have, mostly gold and treasure, and then dropped the pack on Opal's back. Opal, of course, being Rain's 'slave' was now the designated carrier of valuables. The Goblin had a moment where she almost changed her mind in coming when Rain made her take off her weapons and discard the warm fur-lined coat, much to her annoyance. In the end though she decided being left behind was the inferior option. She dumped the blades and coat in Red's greasy with chicken claws and ordered him to protect them with his life.

They had to hurry to catch up to Rain who had left the Ranker's quarters and had made his way back to the lobby. They found him kicking aside broken furniture from view of the windows and covering over blood stains with the remaining whole furniture. He had also replaced the doors with doors he had torn out from elsewhere in the mansion.

Lyra gave him a questioning look.

"If there happens to be anyone who comes to check on this place I don't want to make it too easy for them to tell something is wrong."

It didn't take long to finish and they were soon outside and headed toward the main gates, or rather what was left of them. They had taken quite a lot of damage with Rain's passage.

"Hey, hey, why don't you use your dumb leveler magic to fix it," said Opal, repeatedly elbowing Lyra in the side.

"Stop that! And no, I can't, it needs to be within my range when it happens and something as violent as what Rain did would have broken the Skill anyway."

"It's fine," said Rain as he brought a massive paw down on the iron. The metal shrieked as he curled his digits and squeezed and bent it back into position. Then he tweaked it, adjusting the metal using the sheer strength he could exert to straighten every slim iron bar. He then lifted each gate and put it back on the hinges. Surprisingly, by the time he was done someone would have to look a lot closer than they otherwise would to notice that the gates had been recently smashed open.

It wouldn't hold up to serious inspection, but Rain wasn't too worried. The Ranker's infamous reputation tended to keep people away from the mansion as much they could possibly manage.

The three of them set off down the trail leading into the woods and toward town, the morning light dappling through the trees patterning the path with leafy shadow and a comfortable warmth.

As they walked a muffled voice spoke up.

"Would someone mind filling me in on what precisely is happening here. I do not care for mortal affairs but I sense that waking up in a bloodstained mansion may have some relevance to my future safety."

Rain turned his head to look at Opal's pack from where the voice had come.

"Why did we take the creepy skull with us?" said Lyra.

"Because I don't trust him alone with Red."

Opal nodded her head wisely. "Boner could whisper evil things in Red's ear and then Red might throw away my stuff. It's better Red is left dumb and innocent. Huh, I wonder if I could trade Boner in for a new sword..."

"Stop calling me that! And please don't trade me, levelers do not take kindly to the undead... Really, where are we going?"

"Uhm, we're going to the local dungeon town, Rain's going to pretend to be a leveler to find some people he is after."

"... you are joking right? Literally nobody is going to believe that. Have you even seen that brute of a monster?"

Rain growled. "Speaking of seeing, how did you see bloodstains in the mansion when you were inside of my pack?"

"Hmmph. Simple enough, I do not rely on miserable mortal eyeballs, I can see well enough from where I am."

"I'll keep that in mind."

The group soon made their way through the woods and joined the main road to the town gates. As they approached Lyra decided it best if she approached first so as to not immediately scare the guard. Rain and Opal dropped off the side of the road and disappeared into the trees.

Lyra drew in a steadying breath and marched toward the front gate, a large heavy stone thing with crenelations and an open portcullis. An Elven guard with curly hair stood nearby, casually leaning against the wall. Lyra considered the bored look of the Elf a promising sign, that and the entrance gate appeared to be deserted apart from him. It did look vulnerable to attack although that was likely misleading. She didn't doubt the guard had some manner of magical backup plan, if he had expensive truth lenses, such as the spectacles hanging from a chain around his neck, then he likely had other things too.

As she neared the guard looked up and then slowly came to attention, pushing from the wall and stepping out into the road.

"Business in town?"

"I'm here with my friend, he's a merchant looking to trade and buy things in Lynthia."

The Elf squinted at her then looked to either side of her. There was no one else there.

"Are you pulling my leg or is your friend invisible? I don't sense any magic around you but are you really going to make me put these spectacles on? They give me a headache."

"Ah, not quite. My friend is mm, on the large side, he's of a race not often seen around here, I didn't want to spook you right away."

The guard rolled his eyes. "What is he? A Minotaur? Come on, stop wasting my time."

Lyra bit her lip but made a waving motion at the nearby woods. The trees shook as Rain pushed aside a large branch in passing and emerged out. Opal popped up beside him.

"What the FUCK is that!" The guard frantically grabbed at his spear and pointed it toward Rain.

Centaurus Chapter 26

Previously on Centaurus: Fey and the band return to Bine. They split up as Ellaria goes to the AG and Fey returns to Rina's mansion. At the mansion she is tied up and dragged away by a newly empowered Tami. The horny teenager, along with two of her...

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Centaurus Chapter 25

Previously on Centaurus: Wummy milks a very pregnant and very milky Flora, Kayla, and Vivi then accidentally reveals to them that they are carrying eggs. Now chapter 25: Lily looked over the brilliantly crafted doll. She didn't...

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Centaurus Chapter 24

Previously on Centaurus: The bands Magic Mog and the Hammer Horns joined up for a joint-band job and took down a Kobogon infestation headed by a powerful ancient Kobogon. Now, Chapter 24: Morning light slowly crawled across Flora's...

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