Chapter 30: The Lake of Purity.

Story by RammyPillow on SoFurry

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#30 of Magic & Transvolution (Pokémon Fanfic)

The gang heads on over to the Lake of Purity, where they encountered mysteries that contradicts the name of it. What are they exactly? Read to find out in this fic's second important arc: The Aquatic War Arc.

The Aquatic War Arc.

Roan smacks his fist against the palm of his hand, looking at the Zorua beside him. "So if I can get this recap straight: You woke up in a facility with no clue as to why you're there, wandered outside only to be attacked by this Lucario named Travis, who also assumed that you were the cause of the said facility going into ruins?"

Ramon nods at him. "Yeah. Sounds about right."

Roan stares at him in mortification. "My goodness, that doesn't sound pleasant at all!"

"Far from it." The fox sighs, lowering his ears. "I wished he'd believe me about not causing the incident because of having amnesia. Instead he would excuse me of lying because of...what I am, apparently."

"Honestly fam, I'm getting tired of his ass." Justin cracks his fist, smirking with aggression. "When Ada and I see him again, we'll double whoop his ass." He looks at the girl. "Right, Ada?"

"No doubt about it." The girl nods, cracking her fist as well. "No one messes with our friends and gets away with it that easily!"


Roan smiles at the two. "Quite supportive, aren't ya?"

"Yeah...They are." Ramon looks off to the side, smiling meekly.

"Supportive friends are the best! That's why I always honor my mentor because he's more than just a mentor: He's an amazing, helpful friend of mine. Always willing to help me during my downfalls, and I did the same for him, too! We both rarely show any selfishness and when we do, it's usually over self-care. Harmless ones like showering, to be exact." The Axew chuckles before turning towards the Zorua, raising his arms in ecstasy. "In short: I love him."

"I see."

The Axew then frowns, putting his hands by his hips. "Although, I can't say much positive things about this Travis fella. Especially with that speciest mindset of his."

"Hmm?" Ramon tilts his head into curiosity.

"He has no right to treat you like dirt just because your kind can be deceiving. Hmph!" He closes his eyes, shaking his head. "That's such a childish way of thinking, and I'm a child myself!"

Ramon looks at Roan, raising his brow. "Zoruas can be deceiving?"

"From what my mentor told me, the Zorua line can deceive others by various means. How they do that is something I'm unsure about. But this alone doesn't mean they can't become a good, honorable person, you know?" Roan smiles.

Ramon looks off to the side for a moment before smiling back at the Axew. "I suppose so."

Mesmeren strokes the side of her arm, lowering her ears. I-I don't believe that, after seeing what my kind can do... She grips her arm. I deserve the hate, honestly...

Ramon then looks ahead, the group getting close to the Lake of Purity. "So you said a hurricane incident caused you and your mentor to separate from each other, Roan?"

Roan sighs. "Indeed. Again, I tag along in hopes of finding him some day."

"I see." Ramon sighs softly. Good to know that humans weren't the cause of it, he thinks, the sky slowly descending into dark clouds. A...nice change, for once.

I wouldn't be so cocky about that, Nomar states. Just because humans didn't cause the incident, doesn't mean it resolves their wickedness. The incident may even be connected to human's interference. Wouldn't surprise me.

Ramon lowers his ears, gazing down at the ground. Understood...

Mesmeren stares at the Zorua, her hands against her chest. He's been looking down more and more lately...I'm worried for him, she thinks. The Drowzee is about to reach her hand out until she bumps into Ada. "Eek! Sorry!"

"Hmm? Oh, it's...fine." The teen folds her arms, eyeing at the lake in front of her.

Mesmeren tilts her head before staring at the lake along with everyone else, all except for Ramon, becoming unsure about it. "H-Huh...?"

The dark blues swish from side to side, the clouds reflecting off from it. The lake is expansive, ranging from the far left to the far right. Trees and bushes spread throughout it, leaves falling and surfing on it. Debrises and broken canoes scatter around the lake as it becomes a hopeless wasteland every step of the way. In the middle leads to the other side up north, a pathway trailing towards the exit. Besides the group is a brown cabin tucked in the corner, trees casting over it.

Everyone keeps their gaze, slowly moving forward and looking around. "This lake...looks so barren," Roan comments, glaring at the torn canoe paddles up ahead. "Reminds me of the hurricane at Windmill Forest." He shakes his head. "Something huge happened here."

"No kidding: The sky looked more dark the moment we got here, and then the lake itself...ain't looking too pure despite its name, not gonna lie," Justin says, looking around with suspicion.

"I was told that this lake was supposed to be all peaceful and calm." Courtney puts her hand against her chin, raising her brow. "This is far from it."

Ada glances around. "Mhm. I suggest we find a way out of here quickly." She looks ahead at the other side, tapping on her elbows. "Let's traverse across the lake."

Ramon looks at the other side as well. "But how?"

The teen caresses her chin before seeing another canoe near the lake: It's in good shape compared to the others, with two paddles being inside of it. "We could use this," she answers, pointing at the canoe. "It's the only canoe here that hasn't been broken, it seems."

Everyone takes their attention towards the canoe. "I see." The group walks toward it, keeping their awareness checked. "If I remember correctly, we travel across this lake and make our way to Glory Pride City?" Ramon asks.

"I'm pretty sure," Courtney answers. "I believe Forest's intentions are good, especially after helping Sylock and I during the Gloomy Woods situation."

"I see. I hope you're right about that..." Everyone reaches the canoe, Justin and Ada grabbing the paddles inside as Ramon, Mesmeren, and Roan hop aboard; Ramon sits in the front, staring off into melancholy; Mesmeren sits immediately next to him, holding her hands together and looking away from the group; And Roan sits in the middle, holding onto the edges as he stares off into the bleak blues.

Justin, Ada, Sylock, and Courtney push the canoe, grunting in response. Ramon's ears twitch to the sounds of grass rustling, being the only part of Ramon's body affected by it. ...Having hope in a human, huh? ...Wish I was you, Courtney.

Roan looks at his reflection, blinking in disbelief. "Huh. Can barely see myself, thanks to the clouds," he comments, his hand against his chin.

"The sky hates it when people want to admire themselves," Justin says before snorting.

Ada shakes her head while Roan chuckles in a hearty manner. "Good one, Justin sir."

After the canoe surfs into the lake, the four hop aboard in time, with Justin and Ada readying their paddles. The teens look at each other, scratching the side of their heads. "Uh, you know how to work this thing?" the boy asks.

Ada shakes her head. "Nope." She snaps her fingers. "Knew I should've gone on that Canoe Contest trip with Merlin and his family. I would've learned a thing or two from it."

Courtney laughs. "Y'all two don't know how to use a canoe?" The teens look at her, nodding in embarrassment. "Heh, it's a good thing Sylock and I are tagging along with ya. Hand those paddles over and watch how we use it." Sylock shrugs in response, leaving his hand open.

Justin and Ada hand the paddles over, the Intellicates jabbing the lake with them: Justin watches Courtney while Ada watches Sylock. The Intellicates move the paddles forward and push them back, taking their time to move the canoe. "Oh..." Ada turns to Courtney. "It was this simple?"

"Yep. All ya gotta do is move forward and back. Forward and back." Courtney soon hums, smiling with serenity.

"Hah...I guessed we overthink that," Justin admits.

Ada sighs. "Agreed."

Mesmeren's ears flicker before something lands on her face, the Drowzee jumping in response. "Hmm!?" She looks up, raindrops falling down onto the group. The downpour increases its rate the further the canoe goes, soaking everyone in it. Sylock shivers, his fur trembling from the droplets. He groans in response.

Courtney turns to the Blaziken. "Something's wrong?"

Sylock looks back at her. "The rain. That's what's wrong," he signs.

"Ah, makes sense."

"Yo, what did he say?" Justin asks.

Courtney continues to row the canoe. "He ain't a fan of the rain, that's all he told me."

"Oh really? Well then..." Justin smiles with glee and is about to say something else until Sylock glares at him, the chicken's blue eyes radiating in judgement. The boy faces Courtney's paddle again, his smile slowly fading. "Never mind."

Ada looks up at the sky, her hair soaking within the rain. "I think my clothes are going to get completely wet by the time we've reached the other side." She sighs, touching her jacket: The cold, drenched texture chills her fingers, the girl squinting her eyes and tugging on her sleeves. "I hope not."

"Didn't your clothes get wet by X before?"

Ada glances at the boy, folding her arms. "I mean, fair point. But also I think having your clothes soaked by a Water type is different from naturally getting it wet."

"Enlighten me." Justin folds his arms as well, smirking.

"I'm saying that your clothes can dry faster when a Water type dampens it compared to the rain, for instance."

"Dude: Wet is still wet."

Ada shakes her head, sighing. "I don't know how else to put it to you, then."

As the canoe gets to the middle, Roan lowers his lips, looking down at his distorted reflection. "This is awful," he states. "The lake looks so messy and littered and...hopeless." The Axew whimpers. "Even if I'm with my mentor, it wouldn't be enough to clean the mess."

Mesmeren shakes, twirling her fingers around. "Th-The debrises and dark clouds here makes this lake look eerie." She winces. "I-It's m-making me feel uncomfortable..."

Roan looks at the Drowzee, nodding. "Yeah. The environment...doesn't feel right at all."

Mesmeren nudges close to the Zorua, looking down at him. "...Ramon?"

The rain increases its downpour, landing more and more onto the group. Ramon is unphased by the speed, his gaze remaining on the path ahead. His bangs soak themselves enough to expose his left eye partially, the fox prolonging his desolate stare. His blue eyes remain still and empty, not a single trace of blinking is made.

"You know deep down that humans are vile, ruthless beings waiting to shred your heart into pieces." That very phrase spirals inside of his skull, the fox drowning in the sea of void. A void containing nothing but those words...Everything around him doesn't exist: Just him and the words. Time itself even feels slowed down, the fox zoning out the muffles of his friends.

Mesmeren reaches her hand out shakily. "R-Ramon? Are you...okay?"

Soon, the canoe starts to shake, snapping Ramon out of his gaze. "Hmm?" he says, looking around. Everyone looks around as well, curious about the canoe's movement.

"Strange. We've never had problems with the weight of this canoe before," Courtney mentions, glancing down at it.

Justin smacks his hand against his forehead. "Damn: Didn't think those sandwiches Clinton gave us was going to come back with a vengeance!"

Ada glances at the boy. "Justin, I don't believe those sandwiches had any effects on the canoe. Not to mention: We're still at our normal weight!"

"...Clinton?" Roan asks, tilting his head.

Without much warning, the canoe jumps off from the lake, tipping everyone over. "AAAH!" all except Sylock scream, the latter gritting his teeth in panic. They crash into the lake, deep within it. Ada, Justin, Courtney, and Roan are the first to swim from underneath, gasping for air. They look around with perplexion, frantic panics sinking into them.

"What the hell was that!?" Courtney exclaims before gazing ahead, eyes widening. "Oh...My...Arceus."

Everyone stares at a blue serpentine creature colliding its head against a large blue fish, both exhibiting loud roars that push the group back. The Gyarados and Wishiwashi School slam back into the lake, a huge wave rising up and pushing the group further back. Everyone groans and yelps, flailing all over the place.

"We got to swim back! NOW!" Ada shouts, immediately turning around and charging her arms forward. Roan and Justin nod, following after the teen.

Roan swims on top of Justin's back. "Hope you don't mind, Justin sir."

Justin moves his arms forward in a frantic manner. "Fam: I'm too busy trying to save myself. So climb on all ya want!"

The Axew clings onto the boy's shirt, nodding. "Understood."

Courtney is about to do the same until she spots Sylock gasping for air, the Blaziken going in and out of the water. He moves erratically, eyes widening with sheer terror. Courtney frowns and rushes towards him, swinging her arms and kicking her legs. "I'm coming, Sy!" She pants, moving as quickly as possible. She surrounds herself in Quick Attack's white aura, speeding up.

The Lopunny reaches Sylock, grabbing him by the hand. She then sets him on her back, grunting due to his weight. "Calm down and hang on tight, pal," she says. Sylock pants nonstop, looking down at her before nodding. He seeks his claws into her shoulders, the rabbit wailing in response. Sylock widens his eyes, gazing at her with concern. "No no, it's fine." Blood seeps from the Lopunny's shoulders like a waterfall as she pants. "All that matters right now is getting you out of this water. Ngh..." She follows Ada and the others afterwards.

Underneath the water is Ramon tugging on Mesmeren's hand, the two casting bubbles out of their mouths. They gasp for the thick air, eyes trembling with intensity. The more Ramon pulls, the further down the two go. Can't...pull her up, he thinks, gritting his teeth. Not while under this form!

Mesmeren gazes up at the struggling Zorua, the fox doing everything in his power to pull her up. Why is he still trying? I'm just...slowing him down, she thinks, turning her attention to the depths. He's...better off without me. Him and the others. She slowly closes her eyes, her heart slowing its beats. Drowzees don't deserve to be saved, after all...

Ramon is pulled down further, the grip from the Drowzee weakening. What is she doing!? He continues tugging, straining his paws. Come on! Hang onto me, Mesmeren! What are you doing!? He looks up at the surface, the light fading itself gradually. The fox trembles, eyes quaking at the sight. I...I need to evolve back into a Zoroark! Please let me, Transvolution! He closes his eyes.

Brother? Nomar speaks. Ramon glows white again, extending his size and shape. The red-haired fox finishes evolving, bringing Mesmeren onto his back and swims up. BROTHER, NO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?

Mesmeren opens her eyes, her face stuffed by the fox's bushy hair. H-Huh!? she thinks, gazing up at the Zoroark.

Ramon, please change back right now! I beg of you! Nomar pleads, but the Zoroark continues swimming. He claws forward, gritting his teeth into frustration. Ramon!?

The surface's light slowly returns from its fade, the Zoroark reaching ever so closely to it. Just a couple more swims...Please.

Meanwhile, the others swim back on land, panting and coughing from the water entering their pipes. They scoot away from the lake, not letting more of its blues interact with them. Ada's hair is covering her view, soaked with dripping water. She lifts the front of her hair.

"Is everyone alright?" the girl asks.

Roan touches all over himself, grasping at his face. "...Yes, I'm fine it seems." He nods afterwards. "How about you?"

Ada looks up at her wet hair, blinking in a rapid session. "...I've been better, I suppose."

Justin gives the Axew a thumbs up. "Me too, fam."

Courtney grunts, Sylock letting go of the rabbit's shoulders and wrapping his arms around her. "M-Me three..." Courtney pants heavily, blood painting the ground beneath her. She crawls on her knees, lips quivering at the effort to smile. "I-I'm...fine." She falls face down, Sylock gasping in response. He taps on her constantly, trembling with anxiety. Everyone rushes to the two, Roan clinging onto Justin tightly.

"Courtney!" Ada shouts, her and Justin's hands glowing blue. The two look at the bleeding shoulders, readying their hands until Sylock shields the rabbit, glaring at the two. "What the-Sylock, we don't have time for this: Your friend is bleeding badly! She needs our help!"

The Blaziken looks down, hugging the rabbit. Some of the red gets on his fur, which he pays no mind to. Justin raises his brow at him. "My guy, we just healed your wounds not too long ago. No harm was done, either." He frowns. "So if we can heal ya without any trouble, then we can do the same for your friend, too. Hell, she even approves of us healing ya! Just trust us on this, man." The boy grunts. "It'll be fine." Sylock squints his eyes at him, caressing the rabbit's arm.

"I-It's...alright," Courtney says with raspiness, Sylock taking his attention to her. She stares off at the crazy raindrops, the tree branches flailing their leaves to the side. "Like I've...said: Th-They haven't been hurting ya for some time now. Ne-Neither of us, act-actually." Courtney pants. "You can trust them." Sylock gazes at her, his eyes sprawling into melancholy. He then sighs and gets off from Courtney, laying beside her. Courtney smiles weakly, her eyes contacting his'. "Thanks, Sylock."

Justin sighs in relief. "Yeah. Thanks, man."

Ada looks at the boy. "Heal her right and I'll heal her left." The teens nod at each other, going to their respective sides. The two lay their hands on the Lopunny's shoulders, her whimpering from it.

Sylock quickly holds Courtney's hand with firmness, concerning thoughts circulating within his mind. Courtney flinches in surprise at the handhold, giggling softly. "How generous of ya. Thanks."

Roan pokes his chin. "...Wait, aren't we missing someone? Two, in fact?"

Justin and Ada gasp. "SHIT! RAMON AND MESMEREN AREN'T WITH US!" the two exclaim, Roan rolling off from Justin's back from the screams. The Axew falls on his back and yelps, his head shaking from side to side.

"Jeez, I think I'm seeing Pidgeys!" Roan says before snapping out of his dizziness.

"They must still be underwater." Ada turns to the wide lake. "Let's go save them after healing Courtney."

"Sounds like a goo-"


Two figures spring out of the lake and roll around the surface, landing behind the group. Ramon lies on his back, staring at the raining sky and panting with intensity. He coughs, stroking the back of Mesmeren's head. Everyone looks at the two, eyes widening.

"Never mind," Justin says, the teens being done with the Lopunny's wounds: Scar marks becoming the replacement for them.

Mesmeren pants and coughs out some of the water on the grass, clinging on the Zoroark's chest fur. She trembles and shakes, whimpering. Tears sliding down her cheeks alongside some of the raindrops, the Drowzee shrouding her eyes with darkness. H-He evolved just to save me...B-But why? She grits her teeth, stroking the Zoroark's fur. Wh-Why didn't he save himself!? Why did he save me!?

Ramon gazes down at the Drowzee, caressing her head. "It's...fine. You're safe now," he says in a soft, lower tone. Mesmeren hugs the Zoroark, sniffling. Ramon hugs back, closing his eyes. Thank goodness we've made it out...

"Hey!" Justin says, the Zoroark twitching his ears towards the boy's voice. Ramon opens his eyes, turning to Justin, Ada, and Roan standing in front of him. The teens eye at him with perplexion. "Yo...Are you alright?"

"Yeah...I'm fine," Ramon replies, lifting himself up and holding Mesmeren close.

"Good to know," Ada says before she and Justin get on their knees.

"Hey man, you look different, too. Did you evolve?" Justin asks.

Mesmeren looks at the group, Sylock catching up with the others while aiding Courtney. "He-"

"I did so that I can get Mesmeren out of the lake," Ramon says, interrupting the Drowzee. Mesmeren gazes up at him with confusion as the fox looks off to the side, facing away from the group. He drenches in guilt, his bangs dripping down raindrops over and over.

I'm sorry for suddenly evolving, Nomar, Ramon thinks. I couldn't do anything to bring Mesmeren out of the water as a Zorua. I-

It's okay.

Ramon raises his left brow. Huh?

Just remain in your evolved form. They still believe that you're an Intellicate, and as far as I know: Intellicates can't change back into their unevolved stage. Nomar sighs. You should be fine. Just play along and tell Mesmeren about this as soon as possible. Alright?

Ramon stares off at the soaked grass. ...Alright.

Mesmeren gazes at the fox for a brief moment, uncertainty painting her face. She then keeps hugging him, planting her face into his fur with sorrowful rain. Tears slide down her cheeks, the tapir closing her eyes once more.

Justin turns towards the lake, the water rippling at a rapid pace. "Man, what the hell was that about!?" he exclaims.

Ada shakes her head, staring at the lake as well. "No clue."

"All we know is that our transportation across the lake is now impossible, thanks to Gyarados and Wishiwashi." Roan smacks his fist against the palm of his hand. "Now how am I going to find my mentor!?"

"H-How about we...walk across?" Courtney suggests, groaning from her recovery. Sylock looks at her and caresses her head, comforting the Lopunny.

The gang looks at the length of the lake from left to right: Both directions extending themselves beyond their reach. Ada blinks for a moment, shaking her head. "Nope. This lake is so wide, it'll take us about ages to get around it. And I don't want to risk another Gloomy Woods shenanigans to get across."

Courtney sighs. "Fair enough."


Everyone flinches and looks at the middle of the lake, eyes widening and mouths gaping. "," Courtney says, clinging onto the Blaziken. Multiple Gyarados and Wishiwashis attack one another: Some in the air coat their tails in aquatic aura while some swim in the water headbutting each other. One of the Schools in the air charges a large, liquefied orb before firing a stream of water at one of the Gyarados, knocking it back into the lake.

Mesmeren stares at the conflict, shaking in place. "S-So many of them..." She whimpers, further clinging onto the Zoroark as he naturally keeps her in his grasp. Ramon frowns at the chaotic mess, perplexion rising within his veins.

Why is this lake called Lake of Purity when there's fights like this happening? the fox thinks.

"Come with me, ye landlubbers," a voice says in a soft, urgent tone.

Justin raises his brow. "Who the..."

Everyone turns around to see two Pokémon: One's an insect creature with large clearish eyes and parts of his skin being yellow while the other is a weasel creature with mainly orange skin and cream colored paws. The Blipbug and Floatzel rush towards the group, concern spreading across their faces.

"I will explain everything to ye. Right now, we best to head inside the cabin away from all this ruckus," the Blipbug advices, adjusting his brown strap-on that has a sheath attached to it.

"Who are you two? And what's going on here?" Ramon asks.

"I'm Coleo and this my matey, Lycus," the Blipbug, Coleo, quickly answers.

"As for what's going on, we can explain that in the cabin over yonder." Lycus sighs, folding his arms as he points at the cabin behind him. The group looks at the cabin before looking back at the two, uncertainty rising within them all.

"I know this is blimey, but it's-"

"LOOK OUT!" Lycus shouts before surrounding himself in water, zipping around the group. Everyone looks at their shadows, seeing them getting larger quickly. Then they look up at three Gyarados flailing towards them, yelping in response. Lycus pushes them all with Aqua Jet, landing them close to the cabin.

After the Gyarados land on the grass, they've gotten back up to fling themselves into the lake. Everyone is on the ground, remaining still and stunned: Courtney keeps her grasp on Sylock, Ramon and Mesmeren continue clinging to each other, Coleo is on top of Ada's head as she lies against a tree, and Roan wraps himself around Justin's head as the boy lies against the cabin. The Axew shakes, whimpering from it all.

"...Yeah. It's too dangerous to be out here, as I was going to say." Coleo sighs. Justin points at the Blipbug, muffling through Roan's arms. "...What?"

Roan stops shaking and gasps. "Oh! Sorry, Justin sir!" The Axew hops off from the boy, brushing himself off. "I got scared for a moment because of that large crash...Even though I wasn't supposed to be scared." Roan sighs, looking down.

"Eh, it happens, fam." Justin sighs as well. "Anyways, I was trying to say that you're right."

"Ah, gotcha." Coleo then looks at the Floatzel. "Thank ye for saving us."

Lycus gives the bug a thumbs-up, smiling. "No problem, pal."

Ramon glances at the lake, the Gyarados and Wishiwashis continuing their brawling and thrashing and tails slapping. "...If you truly have an explanation for all of this then," he takes his attention towards the Blipbug. "I'll follow you to the cabin."

The gang looks at each other for a moment before nodding, Coleo holding his balance on Ada's head. "Same here, fam," Justin follows.

The insect nods at the group, pointing at the cabin's door with his rear end. "Then let's head inside."

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