Shoulder To Cry On

Story by FortisFury921 on SoFurry

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Wholesome gay cuddling with some very mild age play. There's light swearing and maybe some implied nudity but this should still be SFW and all that.

This isn't smut, just some gay cuddling with few age play themes, though I might write more for these two in the future ;)

Ollie Cavik wanted to just curl up and die. He'd been on the way back from his part-time job in the kitchen of a chicken restaurant when he'd gotten a call from his best friend. Ferrill was a beautiful bicurious silver fennec who liked cooking, consoling Ollie's insecure ass, and deep-cut love songs. The two had been put together in a gym dance group during sixth grade, where they'd become friends, and over the next two years Ollie's affection for the fennec had grown into complete infatuation. Ollie was nearly halfway through his freshman year of college and he hadn't seen Ferrill since a huge graduation party at the end of senior year, so he'd been overjoyed to hear that the fox wanted to meet up for dinner.

"...and Ollie?" The fox had said, voice wavering for a moment, then Ollie could hear the smile in his voice, "I've found somebody I'd like you to meet."

With just those first words Ollie's mood had done a complete one-eighty. How could Ferrill do this to him? Had he somehow missed how Ollie would lean in every time he got close, how the skunk would drop everything to spend time with him? Did Ferrill really care so much less about him than he'd thought? No, no, no, Ferrill loved him--just not like that--of course it wasn't intentional. It still hurt like hell, and it was too much. Ollie had half a mind to slam on the accelerator, to just plow through the parking lot until something stopped him, until the airbag snapped his neck or a sudden stop sent a rib through his lungs. But he did nothing, just pulled into the parking space like a civilized person, popped in two earbuds, and began walking towards his dorm, praying he wouldn't have to deal with another person ever again. For some odd, fortunate reason Ollie had never gotten a roommate, and he'd enjoyed having the two-bunk room all to himself, but he was so focused on his own pain and affected antipathy that he failed to notice the duffel bag thrown on the top bunk, the neat stack of books on his otherwise messy desk, and the sound of the shower running, drowned out by the music flowing in his ears. Slowly he stripped out of his work clothes, shoving his belt, shoes, and name tag under the bed and tossing his socks, pants, and jacket into the hamper. As he took off his undershirt, his earbuds fell out, and he heard the sound of a blow dryer cutting off. Someone else was in Ollie's dorm on the one day bad enough he'd thought about killing himself, when all he'd wanted was to be alone for just a little while to put himself back together. Damn it if some asshat would rob him of that one, small thing. Ollie grabbed a book--not one he recognized--and strode up to the bathroom door. After a deep breath and a moment's hesitation the skunk pounded on the door, a rush of frustration quickly overwhelming the thought that a more polite approach might have been better. The door was opened by a well-built, blue-eyed tiger with a towel wrapped around his waist and a certain softness to him that belied his musculature and species. He also looked about forty years old.

"Who the hell are you?" Ollie asked, more than a little confused.

"Leslie Harper. I'm your new roommate," the tiger, Leslie, looked apologetic, "I was gone the first few months because of-err, family stuff."

"Leslie's my mom's name, and you look old enough to be my mom. Why're you rooming in a college dorm?" Ollie continued before Leslie could even get a chance to speak, "Is it 'family stuff' again?"

Leslie nodded, and Ollie just collapsed against the wall behind him. He wanted so desperately to be alone, but he couldn't kick out someone whose life had been put on hold for five months because they had to deal with their family.

"Hey, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Leslie knelt in front of Ollie, speaking softly.

The skunk waved his hand dismissively. "I'll deal with it; everything's gonna be fine."

"Will you tell me what happened?"

"Friend stuff."

Leslie nodded but didn't press him for details, he just kept looking at him with those deep, understanding eyes. Ollie felt on the verge of tears, unable to go through the normal motions with Leslie so near and so accepting. Then the tiger picked him up, lifting him off the floor and pressing him to his warm, fluffy chest, and he really did cry, burying his face in the tiger's neck and sobbing quietly into his fur. Leslie carried him over to his bed, stopping to grab something from the top bunk, then he laid down, the skunk still pressed flush to his chest, crying. Ollie lay snuggled close to the tiger for several minutes, letting Leslie stroke his back soothingly until the tears dried up. Ollie could have lain with the fluffy tiger forever, but he began to worry he'd overstayed his welcome In Leslie's arms. Reluctantly he began to disentangle himself from the feline, but when Leslie moved first his heart plummeted, thinking the tiger was trying to leave. Instead Leslie rolled to his back and pulled Ollie on top so the skunk's head was nestled on his chest. Ollie felt Leslie touch something to his lips, so he took it into his mouth, trusting the tiger--whom he'd known less than an hour--more than anyone else in that moment. Ollie's trust was rewarded with a spurt of warm milk, the nearly forgotten taste taking him back to a place that only ever existed in memory, to a time before anger and pain and fear. The skunk let his eyes drift shut as he continued to nurse, surrendering to the infantile pleasure and to the gentle tiger, who held the bottle to his lips as he suckled hungrily. Slowly Leslie began to hum, a sweet tune that resonated through his chest and into Ollie's heart and mind, where a beautiful sentiment took root, echoed by the words of a hopeful lullaby dropping from the tiger's lips,

"There will come a day when age is no more,

When the hare won't run, the tiger won't roar;

The outside will match the beauty within

and each creature may call the other one kin.

So trust me, I know, it's been a long, hard day,

Rest with me now, tomorrow you'll play.

Go to sleep child, maybe when you next wake

Your father won't shout, the earth won't quake,

The ex-hunter may know the love of the beast,

And the lamb with the lion shall fear the least.

There will come a day, we will truly be fine,

'Till then know I love you and am wholly thine."

The words quelled something deep inside Ollie as a wave of incomprehensible peace and love washed over him. He wanted for nothing, only to curl up by the tiger's side and stay by him until the day they'd die. They could wake up each morning to a perfect world, if only to the one that shone through the other's eyes, made real in every selfless act of kindness and in every thoughtful word of love.

If anyone wants to do a writing trade or even just request something, please do; I can write pretty much anything smut-wise or something more like this, I just want to know at least one person will enjoy what I've written.

Thanks for reading!

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