Watcher of Arceus - The World of Arceus Side Stories 2

Story by The Shadow Master of Weapons on SoFurry

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#2 of Watcher of Arceus : The World of Arceus

Watchers, the direct descendants of Arceus herself, sets of twins born with her power. But the world is large, and there are more stories then just those of her direct children. As times have changed, their history has been forgotten, and time has moved on. These are some of the other stories that have already or are taking place in a vast world that The World Mother has made. This is the story of Norva and her trainer Malcolm.

The World of Arceus

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon. Only the idea and OC's.

Author Notes:

-X-This will be used for scene breaks and for when the story switches to another character, but it does not mean that a new section of the story has started.

~xXx~ This will identify where each paragraph breaks.

"Human Speech" 'Character Thought' {Pokémon Speech}

The following is a side story taking place in the same world as the story "Watcher of Arceus".


Side Stories

Norva : Part 2

Every news station on the tv and things all over the internet was abuzz with the news of Thomas Falston, of the first captured legendary pokemon Mew and Suicune, and the curiosity of the new found never before seen pokemon, which now seemed to be staying at Andrew Falston's side who was Thomas's foster father.

Any attempts to look up Thomas's Trainer I.D. though were currently met with the expected page blocked as the account was under review notes and there were thousands of demands forming all over the internet to release details of Thomas's trainer card to the public in full. With it being a very clearly on going investigation however, Malcolm wasn't surprised to find that his account was under review and not open to the public. There was no telling how long things would remain like that, but Malcolm's time as a dedicated trainer was long since over and he wouldn't be going out of his way to track down such information.

Still, there was strange message floating around the internet that tomorrow, all the information that people needed to know about would be handed of to various news stations and posted on some forums. He would likely look into that, but otherwise, he was still occupied elsewhere, like topics closer to home.

Things like the fact that there were rumors that Ho-oh may also be involved in things with multiple rumors spreading about the legendary phoenix pokemon having been spotted around the northern end of the Orange Islands just a few weeks ago, and then the fact that the weather trio of legendary birds from the elemental islands were seen flying back to their home islands very early in the morning.

Closing his laptop and then getting up to stretch a bit, he still would have liked to know more, but he had other obligations. Looking over, Norva was enjoying her new headphones. He saw something in the corner of his eye and looked out the window, before seeing a motorbike on the road down the beach, and blushed a little, before collecting himself.

Going for the door, Norva felt him moving and looked in his general direction when she felt the other mind, and could feel it being a bit complicated in nature. She reached around and found her remote, before turning off the headphones and then reaching around to find the stand that they went on, taking a moment to plug them before getting up.

Malcolm was already at the door as the bike rolled up and parked, the driver slowly getting up and looking to the door just as Malcolm opened it.

Norva could feel that something was going on, but wasn't sure what was going on as she had to slowly work her up to the door, a little slow because of the extra extension cords on the floor. She just kept her feet on the floor as she slowly dragged them along to find the cords, and then slowly stepped over each one right now as Malcolm opened the door.

"Hello Christina... Didn't expect to see you out here. Thought you had the day off and would be spending it over on Hamlin Island." Malcolm stated, his voice a little outta it, something bugging him and he felt a bit nervous.

"Yeah, its my day off, but I think I needed to come here." The female voice stated, and now Norva recognized it. It was Christina Terrace, a girl who often worked with Malcolm and Norva usually didn't like since she was a bit friendlier with Malcolm then she liked.

The sound of a pokeball though was easily heard and a second later Norva felt the mind of Christina's unusual raichu that she got from her home region.

"Look, I just need to know something. You... finding me and Mr. Pipes here... that's not going to change anything right? You've kind of been avoiding me a bit lately and giving me weird looks, I just have to know if everything is okay." The worried female voice asked, Norva very confused now as she felt Mr. Pipez looking in now, already hopping on his tail to levitate up a bit.

"Y-yeah... uh, sorry. I really should have knocked." Malcolm quickly stated.

"Might not have helped. I uh... well me and Mr. Pipez kinda like it more when... I can't move much, and I may have been gagged for it. Can... can I come in to talk about it. Oh, hello Norva." Christina stated very quietly, a bit sheepishly even in her almost whisper, before speaking up properly seeing Norva there.

Malcolm only blushed a lot more though, and while Norva didn't see it, she could still feel that something was way off and reached out and lightly pulled on his sleeve. She tapped on his chin just under his lips, a way to show that she wanted him to talk about something, and then kind of pointed to Christina and Mr. Pipez to show what she wanted to hear him talk about, and then pointed back to him trying to make a connection between them.

"Uh... what is she trying to say?" Christina asked, even Malcolm a bit confused.

"Well, the tapping my chin means she wants me to explain something, or just talk. I don't know why she's pointing at you though... Yeah, just come on in and I'll get the windows." Malcolm stated as he stepped back to let Christina and her raichu inside the house.

"Careful of the cords. I've got some power tools set up in the back, but Jorden didn't have all the tools we needed. It was supposed to be a quick trip to get the parts, but he got stuck in some sort of accident on main street. He'll be back in an hour or so if he can to help finish the room." Malcolm stated.

"And let me guess... he's still got that weird locking plate on the generator so you can't just unplug things." Christina just laughed a little while shaking her head, even Mr. Pipes shaking his head with a loud "Chuu."

"You'd probably do something silly like that too if you apparently had someone go out of their way to screw with you." Malcolm stated, eager to try and change the subject not sure how to approach it while closing the few windows.

"Okay... now back to the uh... problem. Or I hope its not a problem. Look, I know you caught me and Mr. Pipes in an... awkward spot. And you've kind of been blushing hard and I don't want to suggest avoiding me, but it kinda feels that way. You were one of the first people to really talk with me, both of us being born out of region. I really hope that things haven't changed." Christina stated.

"Its not that I'm avoiding you... its..." Malcolm stated, the image still vivid in his mind and he didn't like the fact that put ideas in his head, he didn't want to ruin the friendship he had with Christina after all.

"Look, its just well... Look, am I Shocked? Oh, wait, sorry bad choice word, but yes, absolutely. Disgusted? No, not at all. Honestly I'd say the feeling I'm settling on is more worried about you two getting caught by someone who won't keep their mouth shut." Malcolm finally stated after a moment.

Christina nodded some as well, but Norva could kinda feel something was still wrong. "But... you're still not saying something."

Malcolm just blushed more, hating how good Christina was at spotting things at times. "Maybe, maybe I found it..."

Christina just laughed a bit more though, but quickly relaxed. "You really need a girl friend."

"Yeah yeah, laugh it up. Maybe I would have thought about you, but its clear that you prefer your little friend there." Malcolm sighed, but at least tried to relax too.

Norva though just tried tapping his chin again and pointed to Christina again, trying to figure out what was going on, but Malcolm just blushed a bit more thinking that surely she wasn't asking about what he saw, but also unsure what she could be asking about.

"Its... Christina? Are you okay?" Malcolm asked.

Norva just gave a small whine though, and then looked at Mr. Pipez. [Will you tell me what's going on here?] Norva quickly asked him.

Mr. Pipes just gave a few squeaking laughs though and then eagerly nodded. [Your trainer walked in me and CeeCee having fuuun~!] Mr. Pipez grinned.

"Norva seems talkative today... Did something happen recently?" Christina asked, even Malcolm confused.

[What do you mean fuuun~?] Norva half demanded, trying to imitate his choice of wording while she was at it.

[Adult fun, the really fun kind.] Mr. Pipez teased, even sticking his tongue out.

[I'm not some child, stop acting so much better just because I can't see. I would have been a league contender and major battle pokemon if that damned monster didn't take my eyes.] Norva snapped, even smacking the table.

"Norva, calm down! Its okay, I'm right here... uh... what are you trying to ask me about? Is there something wrong?" Malcolm quickly asked.

[CeeCee lets me have my way with her. Your trainer walked in as I had her gagged and tied firmly to the bed, and was enjoying her backdoor while using a pontya toy... oh right, sorry. She lets me use lots of female pleasure toys on her, and this one was as big as her forearm and I get to shock her a bit and keep her tied for an hour or more at times to enjoy myself, and she always let me do it again and even asks to do more sometimes.] Mr. Pipes teased and grinned. Norva though just entirely red, and slowly slouched down a bit in her chair, lowering her head very shyly now while blushing very madly.

"Wait... Norva..." Malcolm started noticing how impish Norva seemed to get as Mr. Pipes was talking with her.

"Did you just rat me out you little rodent? What all did... did you just spill everything!?" Christina gasped out seeing the very happy and eager grin that Mr. Pipes had now.

"I am so sorry. I thought my rodent here had better manners." Christina sighed loudly. "But in any case, its good to know that we're still friends. I was hoping that if I was forced to head back to Ahola, it would be on good terms."

"Wait, you may have to leave?" Malcolm asked, just gently scooting beside Norva and keeping an eye on her, wanting to make sure that she was okay.

"Yeah... dear old bastard of a dad cut me off claiming that I'm not happy down here and I need to come back home for an evaluation. So much for mom's wishes. He refuses to surround himself in anything but misery and now he's being a total dick about me not being there to give him all the beer he wants while yelling at me." Christina sighed.

"Unfortunately, I didn't qualify for any scholarships here, and the private high end courses at the Orange Islands Legendaries Studies Institute is far from cheap. Add in the moving fees, nearly four months of back to back to back unexpected large bills, rent on my fancy place which was his idea in the first place, and everything else, if he cuts me off, I'll be forced to move back and deal with him." Christina explained.

"I thought you had a large inheritance incoming." Malcolm asked.

"Yeah, mom left me a large hardy sum of cash. More than enough to move anywhere I want and start a new life for myself, start a business if I want, or more if I don't spend it foolishly. Its not just mine yet though and I can't touch right now unless dad let's me or he passes away. And I know Doven is whispering in his ears trying to mess things up, and he's half the reason I left in the first place. Fucker's obsessed with me but he won't follow me to the Orange Islands. Fear of water, such an unlucky guy. Its also why I picked the Orange Islands Legendary Studies Institute instead of the Kanto or Sinnoh branches. In any case, I can't afford everything, and can't get a loan large enough to keep me going here. Unless I can find someplace that's pretty much rent free and is willing to pick up some of the slack or what's the point of staying here." Christina sighed loudly, Mr. Pipes now holding her arm and nuzzling her a bit trying to make her feel better.

"Don't think I forgot about what you did just now... but thank you anyway." Christina said, letting him try to comfort her.

"Its really that bad for you?" Malcolm asked.

"Yeah. I mean I've tried to do my share on things, but my savings will be wiped out over night if my dad doesn't keep paying up, like mom tried to demand he should, and if it was for some things, like schooling, I was supposed to have access to my inheritance without his say to cover things. A little bit of legal work, and now I need permission for everything. I've got no problem down grading, on pretty much everything but my schooling, its why I'm here. But with all the extra bills, some of which I think were sabotage by my father to get me home in the first place, I'm stuck in some major debt and the banks won't give me nearly enough to cover things since I've got no real collateral to back up a major loan right now. Jorden is giving me extra hours and is trying to find help me find a place, but there's just too much on my plate right now." Christina explained.

"Yeah, Jorden does a lot to help people around here, but he won't co-sign loans or anything. He'll give people a chance to work for the cash, but too many people have burned him to just give people cash anymore. Like you, he's had it a bit rough." Malcolm said, trying to think about things.

"You're good with electronics right?" Malcolm asked after a moment, Novra just moving into his lap and he readily let her, just holding her as she still bit her lip and was very shy right now.

"Weird change in subject, but I'm good with my hands and Mr. Pipes knows a lot about it, no you are not allowed to brag, you keep that squeaker shut." Christina stated, just taking a berry and shoving that in Mr. Pipes mouth to keep him silent.

"The Hamlin Paradise Bakery just placed a rush order and a big one. Six boats by mid autumn, in time for the Orange Challenge Finals. Easy enough on its own, but they want each boat to be a functional mini-bakery while they are at it. They want as many of the electronics and as much of the bakery to run on generators and battery packs as possible, preferably off electrical attacks. I got the job of making sure everything gets put together and works on time." Malcolm offered, just gently holding Norva right now.

"Six boats in pretty much four months. Well Jordan can easily make the boats, but that kind of electrical work will certainly be a push." Christina nodded.

"The bonus for completing the rush order in time for the Orange Challenge Finals is massive. My last bonus just came in and its almost all spent, I just want these renovations finished and paid off a lot of bills. Jordan said that if we can do it, Halmin Paradise Bakery would like make that last bonus look like chump change. If you're willing to help out, I'd be willing to split the bonus with you to try and help out. I know Jordan also likes keeping Mr. Pipes around to work on the books, he's good with numbers." Malcolm offered.

"Ya know... between that and the offer Jordan gave me, it might be enough. I'd still need to find a place pretty much rent free and get approved for as big a loan as I can get, but I might be able to squeeze everything together." Christina stated, clearly thinking it over.

"Well... until I get the renovations done, I don't have a spare room, just that little shed outside. I mean its the same size as a trainer's tent, but I'd hardly say that's good for more then a day or two of sleeping, it will get old fast." Malcolm stated.

"Well, if your offering, I'd gladly take the chance. Jordan's already going on about how you need some more help. I have classes three days each week, and four days every other week. I've got no problem leaving Mr. Pipes with Jordan a few days of the week to check the books and such like he offered, it just wasn't enough to cover everything. How much of your share of the bonus are offering? I'll pay you back, but it won't be fast." Christina asked.

"About half. There's still a lot of stuff I need to do myself." Malcolm stated. "And I'd consider rent paid as long as you helped finish the renovations and did some basic house work, paid for some of the food, and had Mr. Pipez work with Cree keep the generator charged. It really would be a shame for you to head back to the mess of family business. Trust me, I know what a bad family is." Malcolm stated, taking a few breaths.

"Mr. Pipez, what do you think?" Christina asked, Mr. Pipes still chewing on the large berry in his mouth, only to hurriedly swallow it and then hop off his tail and turn towards the floor. He did something with his tail, drawing imaginary numbers on the floor and was clearly in thought thinking about it, before looking back and jumping up nodding his head. Jumping up on to the table, he quickly offered his paw to Malcolm who just looked on annoyed.

"Off my table please...." Malcolm grumbled as Christina just shook her head equally annoyed.

"You have a surfing tail for added height..." She grumbled herself and Mr. Pipes quickly hopped to the side and onto the end of his tail, just floating at table height now. "Still, it looks like he thinks we can make it work. I'm willing to give it a try. I've got next month's rent paid on my current place still, but my father's trying to fight to get those back. I've already talked with the manager though, and he said he won't be refunding that as long I'm there still, so my father's out of luck. Is that enough time to finish the renovations? I know its been slow going." Christina asked.

"Hopefully. Norva's room is the first priority of course after that last storm, and then the three rooms we're adding on behind that. The frame and walls are set up, the roof is almost done too. Its mostly getting the electrical, lights, and ventilation finished. I'm not living without air conditioning again after last summer." Malcolm stated.

"Cool. I'm busy tomorrow, and the day after, but I'll clear up some time to help this weekend. Is if fine if I bring some of things over to store in the shed just to get a start on that?" Christina asked.

"Yeah, I won't mind." Malcolm nodded as Christina got up and started to pull out her pokeball.

[You and Christina... you uh... you really?] Norva asked, in a bit of a rush now seeing that they were getting ready to leave.

[CeeCee lets me have lots of fuuun~ with her.] Mr. Pipes very happily and a bit smugly squeaked, earning another sour look from Norva.

[And... and its not just because she's just... she's just kinky... she really does like you for you...] Norva asked slowly, going very red again.

[Someone has a crushy on their trainer, someone has a crushy on their trainer!] Mr Pipes squeaked out happily, only to splattered with a lot of berries. Norva was now entirely red, and blushing hard, and holding the empty bowl of fruit that she had just tossed all over where she felt Mr. Pipes was.

"NORVA!" Malcolm half-shouted as Christina just recalled Mr. Pipes.

"In her defense... he probably deserved it... Maybe we should at least check to see if they get along for a few days first though. Look, I need to go, I'll call you later tonight. Can I still at least bring some stuff over, I need to start moving stuff out anyway just to be safe." Christina asked.

"Yeah, bring some stuff over whenever. I'm always happy to help a good friend. It really will be a shame to see you go." Malcolm stated as he slowly got up, keeping Norva there in his grip and taking the bowl from her.

"I'll get some more supplies to turn one of the extra rooms into another bedroom, or at least put the stuff on the list. Uh... well. Well beside a lock, some heavy blinds, and some sound panels to put in the walls, is there uh... anything you need specifically to be placed in the room?" Malcolm asked, just trying to think ahead and not caring if she was sleeping with her pokemon.

Christina just laughed a bit about how Malcolm and Norva were both so red now though. "Some heavy blinds, a lock, and at least three outlets, and a slot for wired internet. I have aweful luck with wireless at times with Mr. Pipes around during storms. And maybe if you need some help in other ways, I might be willing to ... experiment." Christina smirked, only for Norva to suddenly turn and pull Malcolm into a kiss.

Malcolm just froze though as Norva kept up the kiss, before wrapping her arms around him and holding him possessively, turning to look over her shoulder and just glared at Christina. "Or... I can leave all of that to you and Norva to experiment. I'll just be leaving and let you two talk this out." Christina stated, calling back Mr. Pipes and then leaving if a bit quickly.

"Have fun... and please don't hurt him much." Christina called out, partially rushing out the door a little red herself and quickly getting on her bike. As soon as she took off, Malcolm had recovered enough to talk.

"You... So, uh... well..." Malcolm stumbled over his words as Norva just held him a bit more, hugging him a bit more tightly. Like always it was with him clearly off to her side a bit so that her chest horn wasn't poking into him, but she still kept trying to center herself on him a bit more.

"Have you been wanting to... to do that... for a while now?" Malcolm asked, staying rather red as he eased his hands around Norva as well. There was the obvious height difference between them, but he didn't mind, just slowly reaching up a bit and rubbing her head as she tried to look up at him.

Her face was entirely red still, but she just tightened her grip for a few before reaching around his side and finding the chair, and then carefully pushing him back. He quickly got the idea and started to sit back again, Norva sitting firmly, if sideways in his lap. She then took his arms and made him wrap them around her back and chest, to hold her back as she pressed her against his neck and chin some.

She didn't have any way to really convey how she felt right now, only that she was his and more importantly, he belonged to her on this matter. If anyone was to be sleeping with Malcolm, it would be her first and she'd run off anyone who she didn't like.

"I... I'll take that as a yes..." He blushed, just doing exactly as she wanted right now, and holding her tightly, even leaning his head down over hers. "I mean... I know you've always been a little jealous of others, but i-is this why?" He asked, still blushing hard himself as he held her.

Norva had always been a bit jealous of other pokemon from getting too close to him. Over the course of his career for the incident, Malcolm had tried to seriously train and raise nine different pokemon, and while Norva was always at the top of the list, she didn't get along with most of them. She never really got along with his first two captured pokemon, but he didn't think too much of it back them. He just assumed that she was young, that she didn't know any better and he was always helping her control her competitive side. Ultimately when he was forced to move, he gave up all but four of them knowing that he couldn't raise them like he wanted, having found homes for the those he couldn't take with him. And even after he got to the Orange Islands, he had to give up one more, although that was a bit more of mutual parting.

Even despite this though, Norva only really put up with two of the other pokemon properly, Cree and Velin, and even then it took her blindness to fully accept them and they did finally start to grow closer as family. That thought though wasn't really a welcome one, even if he was happy that they all got along now.

Before he could think more about it, the door suddenly opened up and Jordan was standing there. "Sorry, phone died on me. They got the side road on Third Street opened up for southbound traffic so that they could get a tow truck in. Had to empty out Marker's Lot while they were at it and got lucky when they told me to move my truck while they were at it." He just stated with a large box in front of him, Quads having opened the door while carrying another three boxes.

As soon as he spoke though, he lowered the box in front of his face and quickly saw Norva in Malcolm's lap, and then had to lift the box up as Norva threw the first thing she could grab at him, the thankfully empty plastic bottle at him.

It bounced off the box since she couldn't see it of course and she gave a loud unwelcome grumble.

"Well its about time you two got together... But you need to stop throwing things Norva. I've got some expensive tools in here." Jordan grumbled, Malcolm blushing hard, and now in shock.

"W-what do you mean to-together?" He stuttered a bit, now very worried about being caught red handed as Jordan walked in further and set his box down, along with Quads.

"I mean, you care for her like an overly protective husband despite her attempts at being independent." Jordan stated rather bluntly.

Malcolm just blushed and Norva just shook her head a bit, before finally a slow solid nod.

"You still want your own room Norva? Or should we repurpose one for you and him?" Jordan continued.

Norva quickly pulled up both hands and held up a finger on each, pushing them together and lightly wrapping them around each other. It was the best that she could thing of, and she often resorted this action when she wanted something mixed together anyway, so she hoped that it would get the point across.

"Share a room then?" Jordan asked, and Norva gave a firm nod.

"Well then, looks like you can turn your old room into a study and still have a spare room now." Jordan stated as Quads just went to drop off the boxes at last seeing that Norva was done throwing things.

"Actually... well about that. Christina was just here and we were thinking that if Norva and Mr. Pipez get along, that she could stay here. She's got some financial issues that I'm told your trying to help with her, but it wasn't enough." Malcolm started, not sure how much Christina had told him.

"You know about that huh... well that's her business who she shares it with. Going to try living it here with you for a while? I can agree to that well enough if it won't cause any problems." Jordan stated.

"I don't think she's going to talk about me and Norva... um... being together." Malcolm stated.

"As long as your sure. We could just repurpose your former room for her." Jordan offered.

"Let's make that spare room hers instead. She wants some sound panels, thick curtains, three outlets and a wired internet slot. It will be easier to put the panels in before we get too far along with the room." Malcolm explained.

"Well, if your sure. I won't turn her away, but just be sure you trust her with this." Jordan noted as he opened up the box he had.

"So. Back to work then." Jorden stated.

"Back to work." Malcolm nodded, Norva giving him a firm hug and a glare towards Jordan before getting up at last, only to only trip over the power cord while going for couch putting more effort into "glaring" at Jordan then paying attention to the floor.

Malcolm quickly rushed over to her and helped her up, and even grabbed the bottle that Norva was preparing to throw at Jordan again. "Norva... please stop throwing things." Malcolm sighed, righting her and even giving her a kiss to her cheek.


As the sun was finally setting fully over the ocean water, Jordan left for the day and her room was finally finished, ready for decorating. As Jordan left and Norva felt that only Cree and Velin were around, she quickly got up quickly moved to the windows, this time with no cords to fall on. It took her a moment to find the curtain and she almost ripped it free in her rush to close it and get some privacy.

"Careful, careful." Malcolm quickly stated as he moved up and saw what she was doing, reaching up and making sure that the curtain rod was still in place.

"I'll close all the blinds and curtains if that's what you want." He continued and Norva gave a firm nod. With all of the blinds closed though, Norva quickly grabbed and held him close, being mindful of her chest horn and holding him just off to her side.

She held him tightly for a few, before turning slowly back towards her room. She tapped his chin again, and then attempted to point down the hall, before taking a hand, tilting her head and laying her head on one hand, refusing to let him go with the other hand.

"Yeah... we can go to bed now." Malcolm smiled as he just guided her down the hall. They walked slowly down the hall and Malcolm lead her to room, and then to her bed.

"I think I put your bed right back in the same spot. Is this the right spot?" He asked, gently putting one her hands on the door frame, and guiding her other hand to the headboard of the bed against the wall on the door.

Norva stopped and thought about it for a moment, and then shook her head, gently trying to pull it closer to the door and Malcolm understood, moving to the other side of the bed and began to gently ease it closer to the door. A few inches was all it took and Norva nodded, feeling it in the right space now before feeling over the mattress, finding the covers, her pillows and starting organize the bed just a bit. Malcolm was slowly walking back out of the room as Norva worked, only for her to suddenly turn and grab him as he was behind her.

She grabbed him hard by his shirt and practically threw him onto the bed. "Wha... o-okay. I'm staying here then..." Malcolm stated, very surprised by this as Norva got up onto the bed with him now, shooing him over just a bit and against the headboard a bit, before shoving a few pillows into his hand and he got the idea trying to make himself comfortable.

Once she felt that he was comfortable, she slowly laid down, partially in his lap and against his chest, before taking his hands and making him hold her tightly now. "I... guess I can stay here for a while." Malcolm sighed, but with a small smile, just holding her and pulling a blanket over them.

Norva didn't like his words though, almost slammed the door shut with her psychic and quickly shoved the nightstand beside the bed against the now closed door. "Oh... I guess you want me to stay here for a while."

Watcher of Arceus - The World of Arceus Side Stories 3

The World of Arceus Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon. Only the idea and OC's. Author Notes: -X-This will be used for scene breaks and for when the story switches to another character, but it does not mean that a new section of the story has...

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Watcher of Arceus - The World of Arceus Side Stories, Norva Part 1

Watcher of Arceus : The World of Arceus Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon. Only the idea and OC's. Author Notes: -X-This will be used for scene breaks and for when the story switches to another character, but it does not mean that a new section of the...

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Dread Zone Rebirth : Celestial's New Vegas Return Part 1

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