Fate, Destiny or strange luck — Chapter 2 — Death but not lost forever ( Reforged )

Story by Shingomera on SoFurry

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#6 of Fate , Destiny or strange luck

The Next Chapter of my remade Story Series. This Time, it might get´s a bit interresting :).

Have fun reading and here is the Link to the Music :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4J7K3yacig4&list=PLkGgJrKORcQQ2K6Sy-uYxhbHRuKOTD04N&index=1&ab_channel=TicoS

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

The same goes for used Music and those Lyrics.

Tags : No Yiff, Pokemon, Ninetales, zoroark, Arceus, Transformation, M/F, Rebirth,

Fate, Destiny or strange luck -- Chapter 2 -- Death but not lost forever ( Reforged )

The Copter landed in the Pokémon center and all got out of it. Nurse Joy and Rosy were already waiting for them, but they both quickly knew that something awful had happened because they could clearly see the sorrow in the other's faces. There, Rosy had spotted Drake and ran to him to greet him, but when she was close enough she stopped and froze in fear because she could see his both sides clearly.

" N... Ninetails, Nine, tails. Tails. Ninetails."


"D... Drake, where's Zoran? Is he saved?" Rosy asks,

" Rosy.... Zoran is.... Is... Is...." Drake answered while he tried to hold his tears back, and Rosy discovered what happened.

"No, please no. Stop kidding me. Where is he? Tell me!"

" Dammit. He is Death Rosy !!! He is Death."

Rosy froze in shock. NOOOOOOO...... It was all she could think until she tried to attack Drake in frustration.

"WHY? WHY HE AND NOT.......AHHHH." She had shouted out, but before she could finish, because Drake's Mate knocked her out by giving her a hard hit on her head.

" Why have you done this ?" Ash asks her, but only her look told him all he needed to know.

Drake then took Rosy's body up, and together they walked into the center. In there he lay Rosy on a Bed and sat herself next to her while the others gathered in the main hall to tell Joy what had happened. Later on that Day, Rosy woke up and looked all around and found Drake still sitting next to her.

" So. If you still wanted to hurt me, then do it. I will not stop you." Drake said to her.

" Maybe I will, but first tell me how it happened." Rosy answered, still with an angry tone in her voice.

He then told her all, and she got first really proud of Zoran, but then she heard how he ended his life.

" So he decided to let his fate happened this way." Rosy said, while she looked onto her Paws.

" You knew it?" Drake surprised asks.

" Yeah. You know that I was his first Pokémon, and after he caught me, we both met a fortune-teller who told him that someday he would give his life to someone that would be really important for him. First I thought that it would be..... For me but now...... SNIFF, SNIFF....."

She couldn't hold it back any longer and for the rest of the Day she only laid in her Bed crying. On the next Day, Ash and all the others hold a Mass for Zoran and once it ended all went inside the Center except for Rosy. She only sat next to his Grave and waited the entire day. On the next morning, Ash came to look over her, and he saw that she hadn't made a move, nor she even had eaten something.

" Hey Rosy. Come on. You have to eat something. Here." Ash gave her a handful of Broke's Pokémon food, but she didn't even look at it.

" Rosy please." Again, nothing happened.

" OK. You let me no choice." He tried to force it into her mouth, but once his Hand was close enough, she bit into it.

" ARGH. I only want to help you. Well then. Rosy come b...." He tried to use her Pokeball on her, but she was already awaiting this. When the Ball was high, she used her Telekinesis Attack to take the Ball and fire it against a Stone nearby. The Ball broke immediately, and she kept on sitting in place as nothing had happened.

" Fine. But why do you want to sit here?" Ash asked in Frustration.

" She wants to be next to him and nothing can bring her up from it." Drake said Telepathically while he appeared behind Ash.

" But why? I don't understand it?"

" Tell me. Do you know the difference between Love and true Love?"

" No."

" If you are in Love you only want to have Kids with Your Mate but true love goes much further. It goes so far that when one of the mates dies, the other follows him. No matter what because they have no other thing left to live for."

" I still don't understand why?"

" You will when you are old enough. Now come on. Let us have her will."

" GAH.... Fine."

Later on that Day, it began to rain. Normally she would run somewhere to get safe, but now she didn't care. With each Water drop, she became weaker and weaker until she was knocked out. She began to dream of Zoran and the happy Days they both had, and she deeply wished that this dream was real, but what she didn't knew was that this wasn't just a dream.

Somewhere between Heaven and Hell

Zoran had opened his Eyes and wondered. Is this heaven? It must be. It's so peaceful here. He thought to himself while he got up and began to walk. He walked over a far wide open Grass area and saw so many Pokémon laying or standing around. Then he stopped because something happened. All Pokémon gathered around him in a big circle. Then they brought him to a big Lake, and he could see an enormous Pokémon waiting for him on an Island in it. He slowly walked to the Bank of the Sea and saw what Pokémon it was. It was Arceus, and he immediately made a step back.

" There is no need to worry, Human." Arceus said, while it still looked into the lake.

" OK, but I don't feel worthy enough to stand here." Zoran answered.

" HAHA. True. You are not being worthy to stay here, and yet you are here, right in front of me." Arceus said, and a second later Zoran was standing in the lake facing Arceus.

" What the...."

"TZZZZ. Not this word here."

" Sorry. Why do you think I'm here ?"

" Maybe ? You saved so many of my children, and you even gave your life for one. So I'm going to give you a chance."

" That's true but still... Everyone had done this."

" HAHA. So kind. Believe me, not everyone had done this for a Pokémon."

" So then. What chance ?"

" First this. This is not your Heaven or Hell. Just the front door, if you like to say."

" So where is the door then? I'm ready to go through it, if that's the chance you are talking about ?"

" Really? Isn't there something that holds you back?"

" Holds me back? I don't really know what you're talking about."

" Look into the lake and tell me what you see."

He did as he was told, and then he saw Rosy.

" I see Rosy, but something isn't right with her." He said shortly afterwards.

" Yeah. She is sick."

" What? Oh, no. I told Ash to look over her."

" Ash hasn't something to do with it. Look."

They both then saw that Ash tried to feed Rosy, but then they both saw the result. She bit Ash and the dropping food.

" Why has she done this ?" Zoran asked, surprised, while he looked up again to face Arceus.

" Like I said. She is sick."

" Then why don't they bring her to nurse Joy?"

" Joy cannot do something against it either. The only one who can help .... Would be you."

" Me? Why?"

" Because you are the one that she truly loves, and you know what someone does that is in true love."

" Yeah, I know, but how can I help her now? I'm dead, and soon she will be too."

" Look into the Lake again."

They both now saw that she was sitting in the rain and was knocked out. At this Moment, Zoran heart began to burst in his chest. This was the last thing he wanted. She should stay alive. Not follow him.

" No. Please. Rosy fight it." He said while she dropped.

" Why should I? You haven't fought it, either?" Rosy answered and surprised Zoran with it because he had heard it from everywhere around him.

" I had.... No other choice... If only there would be a way to do it different ...."

" You can go back if you want." Arceus said.

" How?"

" Look into your heart and see what's in it."

Zoran tried it, but the only thing he saw was a white mist.

" I cannot see clearly."

" Look into the lake and concentrate on it."

He did it and slowly he could see something. First it was a shapeless figure, but then it became shaped and clear. It was a Ninetails, but its fur was all white and his Eyes were fire red.

" What's that supposed to mean?"

" This is your true being. This is the form you wished to be since you found Rosy."

" Am I really wishing this? I didn't know that I..... I....."

Suddenly the memory of an event came back to his mind a then he said to Arceus

" I've had totally forgotten this. Yeah, I wanted to be a Ninetails just to give her some peace or a family in law."

" I can help you if you want."

" Really? B... But I cannot give you something in return for this."

" You don't have to. Just be the one that you are. That's enough payment for me. Well then. Are you ready?"

Zoran took a last look into the Lake and then said

" I am."

" Good. Now close your Eyes and focus as hard as you can."

He did as he was told, and slowly he began to sink down into the lake. Once only his Head was over the water, Arceus said to him.

" Now call for her as loud as you could."

Again, he did as he was told. He filled his lungs to their Maximum, and then he shouted out.


Then the lake began to glow white. The Light was so high that it could blind immediately.

Back in Reality

Rosy awoke in a bed in the Center. Was it all just a dream ? It felt so real. OH, god, I miss him so much. She thought to herself, but then the Window sprung open, and she heard something. The wind was whispering,

"Find me".

This cannot be. She kept on thinking. Am I still dreaming? Then she heard it again.

" Find me."

This is real. Zoran I'm coming. She thought and slowly got up from the Bed. Then she walked to the window and looked outside. The weather had shifted. The rain had stopped, and only the wind blew lowly. In the next second, she had jumped through the window and was running towards the forest from where the voice was coming from.


" Rosy... Are you awake? It's me. Joy. I only wanted...... HELP!!!"

Joy had entered the room only to turn and run outside while she called out.


A few seconds later, Ash and his friends were standing in front of Joy.

" What's wrong, Joy ?" Ash asked.

" She's gone." Joy answered.

" Who is gone?"

" Rosy."

After they had heard this, everyone was on full attention. They all ran into her room and looked everywhere, but they didn't find her. Then Ash too heard the whisper in the wind.

"Find Me."

" HMMMM???? Find Who ?" He asked.

" Rosy. If you wanted to know ?" Lucia answered.

" No, No. I know that we are searching her, but I heard a Voice saying, find Me."

" Really? I haven't heard a thing."

" There it is again."

All began to listen but...

" Have you heard it?" Ash asks,

" Not me. Did you Brock?" Lucia answered.

" Me also not." Brock replied.

" But you had too. I'm not a fool. I know what I Have heard." Ash said and argued with his Hands.

" I have heard it." Drake said to everyone's Mind from the outside.

" Finally someone who..... Drake! I'm coming with you !"

Drake had already set off for the forest and without thinking Ash ran behind him, but in his haste, he struggled. He made only three steps outside, and then he hit a stone with one of his shoes. He did a nice and short flight over the grass, landing face first.

A bit later in the woods

Rosy was still following the Voice. It was like that she was in a trance or something. She knew that she had to run this and that way, but she also knew that she had never walked this way before. She reached a wide open grass area, and then she heard the Voice again, telling her, this time something different.

" You have found me now call my Name."

She then wanted to do it, but before she could, a big and cold steal hand grabbed her. She tried her best to go free, but it didn't work. Then she heard three too well known voices.

" HAHAHA. See. See Jessy. We got her." James said.

" HIHIHI. Oh, Yeah. The long wait will finally end." Jessy answered.

" Stop talking, you 2. We need to get away from here before someone else will arrive." Meowth threw in.

" Who cares, Meowth. Our Machine is invincible." Came back from Jessie.

OH, these idiots from Team Rocket again. Rosy thought to herself while she still tried her best to get free. It's no use. I cannot get free. Please help me. Help... Me....

" ZZZZOOOOORRRRAAAANNNNNNN." Rosy nearly howled out.

" Ha ha. Try to scream as many times as you want. He cannot come to save you." Jessie said, and then the machine began to turn, but before it was completely turned a Hyperbeam hit one of the tracks, breaking it.

"BBBWWWAAAHAHAHAHA......." All three screamed on the impact.

" Did anyone see the number of the train?" James asks afterwards.

" No." Jessy replied.

" AAAHHHHH. People, we got a serious problem. The left track is broken."

" What? Meowth you said that this thing is invincible." Came from Jessy.

" That's not my fault. If you gave me more money, it would be invincible."

Edit : From here I play some Music. Feel free to do so as well. Link in Description or Commends down below.( One Piece - The very very very Strongest )

Then a second attack hit them. This time it hit the metal arm and the hand, with Rosy in it, fell to the ground. Once it landed, it opened and Rosy slowly came out of it, and when she was free she looked around to see who had freed her. Her Eyes quickly focused on a figure that was slowly coming out of the shadows of the forest. First she thought that it was a human, but then she saw that it was a Pokémon. A Pokémon that was looking like her, except for his Colors. His hole fur was white and his Eyes and tail tips were burning red and straight over his face he had a fire red ply. She slowly walked beside him and while she did she looked all over his Body.

What a strange color. She thought. But it looks great with all the red on him. It makes him look so... So powerful and strong and.... And.... DAMMIT. Stop thinking in such ways. He will never be in his position. But still..... Her thinking became cut because the foreigner said,

" Are you alright, Rosy?"

How did he know my Name? No one except Zoran and the Kids knew it.

" Hey, are you dreaming. HELLO..... Earth on Rosy."

" What? ... OH, ÄHM. I'm fine, but ...." He cut her again by pressing one of his Paws on her mouth.

" Good. Now first let's get rid of those three fools. Then we can talk."

He now looked over to Team Rocket and to all wanders he began to speak Human.

" Hey, you fool's. You better get your feats and run as fast as you can before I will burn your asses to dust."

" Have you heard what I heard, Jessie?"

" Yep I have but I cannot believe it. He spoke Human, and the only Pokémon I know that can speak is Meowth."

" HMMMMM..... I cannot believe it either. Finally, someone that has gone through the same hard training just as I." Meowth said under tears.

" We better catch this one too. Don't you think, Jess?"

" You have read my mind, James. GO SEVIPER."

" Carnivine!!! You are on......... WWWWAAAAAHHHHH Not me. Attack them."

" Seviper. Poison Needle."

" Carnivine You too."

Both Pokémon began to fire their attacks into the direction of Rosy and her Companion.

" Just as I guest i!. They both never learn. Well then, my dear. Should we give them a lesson of respect?" The white Ninetails ask Rosy, and she replied

" With Pleasure."

They both then gathered some fire in their mouths and then let a Flamethrower attack out. The Needles turned into dust immediately and Team Rocket's Pokémon became burned Medium as well as Jessy and James. The Pokémon then ran behind the machine in fear, just like the trio.

" OH James. I think that we made a big mistake." Jessy said, and James answered.

" Me too, Jessy. Me too."

" Folks, we must get out of here immediately." Came from Meowth.

The three then tried to run away, but before they came far the white Ninetails appeared in front of them and said

" FREEZE. You will not get away this easy. I will let you pay for trying to catch my mate."

Hearing him say this let Rosy go into total confusion. Why did he think that I'm his Mate? How can he be so sure about it? These and other questions were flying through her head while the white Ninetails set for his next attack. The whole ground around him began to burn, and his Body began to shrink, or it was only looking so because of the moving Air around him. Then he slowly opened his Mouth and spread all of his nine Tails. In the Eyes of the five was only fear standing, and then the white Ninetails let his attack go. It was a firestorm and it hit perfectly. First the five and then the machine, which exploded shortly afterwards, catapulting the five into the Air. While in the Air, the three only said as always.

" Team Rocket's blasting off again!"

Once they were gone, the white male slowly walked back to Rosy and once he reached her, he stopped. Then he began to speak.

" Finally the three vanished, and we have some time for us alone."

" Y.... Yeah. I have so many questions but .... I cannot..... Bring them out." Rosy answered, still confused.

" You are asking yourself this. How can he be so sure that I'm his Mate and how did he know my Name, right?"

" Yes but how...."

" You already know the answer."

" No, I do not."

" You do, but you don't want to believe it."

" What are you talking about. Tell me your name."

The White Ninetails smiled as he said.

" You know my name. You called me."

" I..... I.... Called you? No.... I called for..... For...."

" You called for Zoran and here I am."

" WHAT? Are you kidding me? Zoran was a human. Not an.... An....."

" A white Ninetail male that looks beauty and maybe strong ? In my past life, I was a human right. But now I'm a Ninetails. Only for you and thanks to Arceus I have finally fulfilled my fate."

" No... That's..... Impossible.... You... You're not him. Yes are beautiful.... I mean not."

Zoran then let his Paw slowly slide over her head letting her get silent immediately, and then he looked deep into her Eyes saying.

" Look into my Eyes and tell me what you see. My beautiful Fire Flower."

She did it. First she saw only herself, but then she saw it, or better said she saw Zoran's old Body as some kind of Spirit. Then all became clear to her, or at least nearly all because she asked.

"H.... How could this be possible? You were dead, and now you're back to life and as ... a....a.... Damn good-looking Ninetails ?"

" As I said. It was only for you that Arceus gave me this Body. He said that I have earned this Body because of my actions back then and.... He doesn't like it when a.... A young and beautiful Lady tries to kill herself by eating nothing. Especially when she has a..... Long life in front of her with the..... The male of her life and dreams." Zoran answered.

What happened next was a dream or they both only thought it because they both slowly neared each other, and then they kissed. Their lips only touching each other for some seconds, but for them, it was like hours. Then they broke the kiss and Rosy said a bit, smiling.

" You taste like a strawberry."

And he answered.

" And you like Vanilla ice."

" HIHIHI. Thanks. Well then. Should we go back to the center ? I bet everyone is afraid of where I left to. "

" Y... Yeah, but slowly. I have spent too much energy on these three idiots, and I have .... UPS...."

Zoran had made a step, but then he crossed his feet and collapsed with his front. Seeing him so helpless, Rosy couldn't control herself and began to laugh loudly.

" HEHHH.... That's not funny..... I cannot move right in this Body. These four legs are more ....UPS..."

He had stood up again, but then he made the same mistake again, letting her laugh even more.

" Yeah.... Yeah.... Laugh over me as much as you can. I bet you couldn't move this easy when you were young."

" HA....HAHA.... S...... Sor..... Sorry... You look so funny. HAHAHA. And.... We can move after an hour past our birth. But why can't you move now? In the battle, you could move so fast and good?"

" I don't know. The only thing I thought of at that moment was to save you, and all went on Autopilot."

" I see. Well then. Can you stand?"

" HAHA. This is still easy." He said and got up.

" Good. Now look at me. Only one feat followed by the other. One front and one back foot. Now you."

He then tried it and it worked.

" Nice. Now the other two and stand."

Again it worked.

" So, and now let us go. Slowly, step by step."

They both began their walk towards the Pokémon center. On their way, Zoran got a bit hasty and fell over his front feet again, but this time he landed badly and couldn't move on.

" OUCH.... I think I have sprained my left leg. Damn it! It hurts!" He said after the impact.

" That is a problem. We have to move on. I can feel that the rain is coming back." She answered while she tried to help him up.

" Go. Save yourself, and maybe you can bring back some help."

"Forget it. I'll not leave your side. This time, I make sure you come back alive!"

There. The first drop of water hit Zoran's nose, letting him shudder immediately.

" Damn. This is so cold. Rosy, please go."

" No."

" But you will surely get ill or more. Please..." She cut him by barking into his face.

" SHUT UP. I have lost you one time because I was not there to save you. I don't care if I get ill or more. All that counts for me now is.... Is......" Her face turned blood-red. "..... To be on your side till the end of our lives."

The rain set in and they both began to shake heavily while they felt that their Bodies became really weak from the water. The rain became quickly strong, and some Thunder growls heard. Feeling his Body weaken and seeing her collapsing in front of him, let Zoran try one last action. He tried to stand up and to move them both into safety, but he didn't come far. He only managed to hire is Head a few centimeters. Then it falls back to the ground. Knowing that only a wonder would help them, Zoran gathered all air he had left and screamed out.


Then his vision got Black, but before he was knocked out, he saw a black shape in front of him.

6 Hours later

Zoran woke up. He looked dazed everywhere, and then His Vision became clear. He and Rosy had been rescued by someone, and now they were both in the Pokémon center, or better said in a room of it. When his senses had become clear of that, he looked over his Body and saw that his Paw had some bandages on. Then he recognized that his nose was running, and he sneezed lowly. Afterwards, he looked over to Rosy, who was sleeping in another bed that was standing close to his. While he looked over her Body, he began to think. OH, damn! I never realized how beautiful she really is. Her Body, her curves, even her fur is so..... So.... Thank you Arceus for giving me a life that is.... Is more liveable. He then slowly slid out of the bed and moved over to hers. Once reached, he sprung up onto hers, and then he moved himself behind her. Carefully, he maneuvered his body half under hers, and then he began to hold her close to his Body. Feeling her Body heat on his Body was the only thing he wanted right now, and it seemed that she wanted the same. At that moment their both Bodies touched, she began to relax even more and began to smile in her dream. Seeing her smile, he smiled also, and then he fell asleep again.

Again 6 hours later

This time, Rosy woke up and looked around. She tried to move her Body, but then she found out that someone or something was holding her. She slowly turned her head and then saw that Zoran was holding her like he always did back then but this time with his four legs. Oh, how much did she had liked that back then but now, the thought that it was the greatest feeling on Earth she ever felt. She slowly broke his hold and turned herself around so that she was facing him. Right at this moment he woke up as well and asks into her face.

" Am I dead or am I dreaming ?"

And she answered,

" No. You are alive and when this is a dream, do you want to wake up?"

" No."

" Then it is a wonderful dream that has to be shared."

They kissed each other again, but not for long because both stomachs became alive.


"Hihi. Seems like someone is hungry." Rosy said to Zoran with a smiling face.


" Ha-ha. Not so hungry as someone's else's, I think." Zoran countered as her stomach was making louder noises.

"Touché. Let us go, then. I bet that the rest is waiting for us in the main hall."

And so it was. After they had got up from their beds, they both first opened the door, and then they walked right into their hands in the main hall.

" Oh, hi there, Rosy." Ash said with a full mouth.

"ASH!!! Where are your manners. Talk with an empty mouth." Lucia said.

" S..... *GULP* ..... Sorry. It's that Brock's breakfast is always so delicious."

" OHHH Boys. Hey Rosy. Do you want to introduce your new friend to us?"

Rosy then nodded and tried to speak human.

"He....a.... Friend. He... He's.... Hungry."


" Seems like that you are hungry too, Rosy." Joy said while she entered the room.

Rosy nodded heavily and once she and Zoran had become some Pokémon food on tablets they ate as if there was no tomorrow. First Zoran didn't eat but as he tasted a part, he couldn't get enough of it. That was mainly because Brock had made the food, and it was a special one, only for fire Pokémon. Once he finished he looked over to Rosy and from one moment to another he began to laugh because around her mouth was a line of Pokémon food which let her look like a clown. Rosy stopped eating and asks Zoran.

" What is so funny, Zoran?"

" Your mouth. You look like a clown. HAHAHA."

" HEH. Look who's talking." Rosy said with a smirk.

" W... What? DOW.... HAHAHAHA." Zoran had answered while he had moved a paw over his mouth and found some food on it as well.

They both then wanted to go on, but they couldn't because from the moment on they had talked to each other, they had spoken both in Human. Ash and the others were completely surprised and speechless. Then Ash asks

" ÄHHHH.... You two can talk human, and where is Zoran? Is he not death?"

" CRAP. I hoped that it wouldn't come out this way. Yeah, we two can talk like humans because Arceus gave us the ability for it, and Zoran.... Well.... It's me." Zoran answered a bit shyly.

" ÄHM... Can you say that again? I can't believe what I've heard." Lucia said.

" You can believe it. I'm Zoran. I was reborn in this Body because .... Me and..... Rosy wanted it. Or at last me only to save her from loneliness and death."

" I see. So that's why your blood sample is so strangely looking like it was human Blood." Joy added.

" Seems so....* Sneeze * Damn it! My nose is still running like a ....a....a... * Sneeze*"

" Looks like someone needs a medicine to become cured." Joy said smiling.

" Yep but please NO INJECTS. I hate them." Zoran answered with fear in his look.

" Sorry, but you will have to take two, just like Rosy."

" Fine.... Ladies first. I will wait in the backyard." Zoran said while he slowly moved himself back little by little.

"Oh No, you don't! You go nowhere until you have got them. Hold him in place, Boys."

At this moment, Ash and Broke grabbed Zoran Body and Joy took two injects out of her jacket. Zoran, seeing them, began to move wildly, but it was no use. The Boys didn't let him go. At the moment the first one hit him, he began to cry like a pup and tried more to get free but again no use. Then the second one hit, and then he was free. He quickly ran into a corner and licked the place where the injections hit. Then he looked over to Rosy and saw that she was becoming her injections, and he saw that she didn't resist. Instead, she smiled devilishly into his direction. Seeing her so strong, he became a bit jealous. Next, Joy whispered something into Rosy's Ear, and Rosy began to smile even more devilish. Then she walked to his side and said to him,

" I have something to show you. Come with me, please."

They both walked out of the center to a little pool. There they stopped and Zoran asks Rosy.

" What do you want to show me exactly?" He asked.

" This." Rosy answered and then tackled him.

They both flew over the edge of the pool and landed in it. First they both drowned a few feet, but then they swam back to the surface. Zoran, who knew that this water could be his death, tried to swim fast to the edge, but Rosy stopped him by grabbing one of his hind legs. He nearly drowned again, but he managed it to hold up his Head and said to her.


Yet she didn't let him. Instead, she grabbed more of his Body and dragged it closer to hers. He began to go crazy. He tried to shake her off, but it didn't work. Then she laid her head to his and said into his Ear.

" Silly Boy. You will not die here. The water is deep yes but can you not feel that the water is very hot ? It's a thermal bath only for fire Pokémon, and today it's only reserved for us."

Hearing her say this, he began to think of it. Then he said back to her while he came down.

" I'm, sorry. I didn't want to do all of this. Normally I don't have something against injections and water, but now all inside my Body told me to dodge it."

" It's alright. That is all normal for a newborn. I've had gone through this myself, and I was more.... Let me say active on these points."

" Really ? Then how about a little water fight?"

" Try to get free first.......HAHAHAHAHA!!!"

Somehow he had hoped that she would say this. He used two of his Tails and began to tickle the spots where she was most ticklishly.

" HAHAHA... S.... S...STOP..... HAHAHA." She screamed out laughing loud.

" Only when you let me go." He answered with a bright smile.

" I..... I...... I..... HAHAHA..... UNFAIR....."

Finally, she let him go, but before he was completely free, she grabbed his Head and dragged him underwater for some seconds. Then she let him go.

" PANT, PANT, PANT.... What was that all about? Why did you do this to me, Rosy? *PANT*"

" Because Joy wanted me to do it. She said that you really needed a bath and that it would help to cure your cold."

" Very well, then. Get over here you ..."

He grabbed one of her Paws with both of his and dragged her to him, and once she was close, he kissed her. This time he gave her a tongue kiss and while they kissed they both got down under the water but not very far. There they stayed a few seconds until they had to go up to catch some air. Once they were up, they saw that the others had come out as well and had gathered around the pool.

" Hey there. Wanting to join us?" Rosy asks.

" If you don't mind." Lucia answered.

" No. Come in. It's enough space in here. Oh, and joy. Can you tell me where Drake is? I want to thank him for saving us."

" I'm sorry, but he and his family had already left this morning. They told me to tell you that they will await you at your new home. However, what that means."

" OH, these old Fox. I knew that he had something in mind." Zoran mumbled to himself.

" Did you say something, Darling?" Rosy asks Zoran.

" No, no. I was only talking to myself." Zoran answered while he thought to himself, I hope that he will not do the thing that he was always thinking of.

The rest of the Day was only relaxing for all of them. After the evening meal, they were all sitting around a table and were disgusting.

" Come on. I need your help for my new performance. I only have two Days left until the festival starts." Lucia said to Ash, but he only answered every time.

" I'm sorry, Lucia, but I require Pikachu for my training. My Championship is in 1 week, and I'm far behind my training as well as you."



" Hey, you two. Stop arguing this hard. Let us all go to bed, and tomorrow is all better." Joy said to calm them down, and they all listened.

Everyone was going to his room and go to sleep. Zoran and Rosy tried to sleep as well, but they couldn't.

" Zoran, what is it that is bothering you?" She asked.

" Bothering me? What do you mean, Darling ?"

" I mean that you didn't say a thing since Lucia and Ash had started disgusting this evening."

" Oh Really? Hmm.... I thought of what would we two should do next."

" And ?"

" I don't know. I want to help Ash and Lucia but on the other side.... I want to go to the national park with you and spend my life there. Furthermore, I... I don't know what to do."

" Just like me. Hey, I got an idea. Let us help them first. That is the best way to settle things with them. Don't you think?"

" Y... Yeah, but are you really sure about this. You know that.... That it could become really hard work."

" I am sure. Besides, I want to get stronger so that I'm not in your way next time when something happens."

" Thanks Lovely. This really means much to me, but please don't tell them. I want to surprise them."

On the next morning

Ash and Lucia were still on it.

" But Ash. You have one week to train. I have only one Day left." Lucia said angrily.

"That's your problem. Not mine." Ash answered a bit cold.

" ARRGH..... You are an idiotic Ass."

" Whatever."

" Stop arguing, you two. We will help you." Zoran said a bit loud.

Immediately, Ash and Lucia got silent while they both looked onto Zoran and Rosy. Then they both smiled and began to talk nearly at the same time, the same thing.

" Thanks. Come with me.... No.... They come with me first. NNNNHHHH"


They both stopped talking immediately, and Zoran said on in a friendlier voice.

" See. It's always nice to get silent. Now, let me tell you this. First, we 2 help Lucia because her festival is near and after this, we will help Ash. Got that?"

" I'm fine with that." Lucia answered and Ash added.

" Fine. I only hope that it will not take too long. Well then. I go out and train a bit. See you at lunch then."

Then Ash left the center and Lucia was to be beside oneself, the two Ninetails and Nurse Joy. She quickly wanted to go out with them and train her performance, but Zoran said to her.

" I know that you have your plans for us 2, but it's better when you let us 2 show you something first. I'm already having a performance in mind that wants to be showed and trust me, if these opening don't make it under the top 10, all judges are fools."

" HMMM.... OK, but please let me know if you needed something."

" We only need two things. A room to train and your promise to use us both at the start."

She agreed and the room quickly found. They simply used the gym of the center, which was fireproofed and had a presentation station. The rest of the Day the three spend the whole time in the room and no one disturbed them. In the evening they came out of the room with smiling, bright faces and totally exhausted. They all then ate and went to sleep afterwards.

The next morning started hectic because they all overslept and Ash had needed too much time for breakfast. Now they were running towards the big Arena where the festival took place. They made it in time to get there, and Lucia was really nervous now. For her sake she was nearly the last to perform and behind her was only Kenny. Now they were waiting in the back room, looking onto a TV. They saw the performances of the other trainers and saw some excellent ones.

" Oh, God. I hope that I can make it."

" Calm down, Lucia. You only go out there and let us do the rest. The only thing you do out there is to tell everyone that we 2 will act without some commands. That's all." Zoran whispered into her Ear.

" B... But what when something goes wrong? I don't really like the idea of letting you 2 acting alone." She whispered back.

" Just trust us. We both know the risks that await us, but for these we have trained. So banish these thoughts out of your head and concentrate on your win."

Right at that moment, Lucia's Name was called over some speakers. It was time for her performance.

" Alright then. Time to do the unlikely part. You two have to go into your Balls." Lucia said to Zoran and Rosy.

They both looked at each other, and Zoran could clearly see that Rosy still didn't like it to go into a ball. Yet she had no other choice. She moved her nose to one of Lucia's ball's, tapped against it and disappeared into it. Now Zoran was on the line. He slowly moved over to the remaining ball, but then he waited. He gathered some Air and then tapped the ball also while he closed his Eyes. Immediately, his Body began to feel really strange. As if someone was dragging and drilling his Bones. Then there was only silence, and he felt that his Body was flying or drifting. He opened his Eyes again and couldn't believe what he saw. It was like that he was in the universe. Everywhere were stars and some colored dust. Then he heard a voice behind him.

" Impressive, isn't it?"

He looked over his shoulder and saw Rosy standing or better said flying behind him.

" Yeah it is, but what are you doing here? Don't tell me that you have escaped again only to go into my ball." Zoran answered.

" HIHI. Silly. I'm still in my ball. It's just that our balls seem to be connected, just like our hearts are. So we can change between them as we wanted, and now I'm here at your side again."

" HHHMMMMM..... I hope that it will not take long until she let us out again. I'm feeling a little cornered in here."

" Don't worry. She is already standing in place."

Back in reality, Lucia was standing behind the curtain and waited for it to open. Then she heard her name and it opened. She slowly walked out into the open and was greeted from thousands of fans. The hole Arena was full. Not even the tiniest Space had been left empty. One's she had reached the middle area she tried to speak but Mr. Contesta interrupted her by taking the word.

" Lucia. I was informed that you have a special offer and a plea to make, but before you do, I have to say something. Before the show started, I've got a phone call from a very old friend. He told me that you would need some help with your show. Well, what can I say. I could never say no to him and here is your help that he said you would need but be aware. To make it fair, you will be investigated much more than the others. Now then. If you wanted to say something, let it out."

A big music Box rolled into the ring from behind her and the light became dim. Next, Lucia took the microphone.

" I have only to say thanks for your help Mr Contesta and to You fans all over the world, I want to say this. I will only call my friends out of their Balls but nothing more. They will act without my commands but don't worry. They will not hurt anyone."

She then gave the microphone back and made herself ready for her show. The light's became dark while she grabbed both balls and threw them away while she screamed out.


The Balls opened, and some music began to play.

To be continued.

Fate, Destiny or strange luck - Chapter 3 - Let the Show begin ( Reforged )

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers...

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Dragon Land ( Reforged )

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable Characters, Settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original Characters and Plot are the property of the Author. The Author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or Producers...

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The best Birthday Present — Chapter 5 — Happy Birthday ( Reforged )

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers...

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