Change of Class - Zeydaan Zacian Anthro TF

Story by WyraachUr on SoFurry

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A commission/trade for zeydaan to go towards a commission that went WELL over the budget I had set on it ^^;A transformation of their human character (In a seperate setting removed from how the character is normally set in) into a big, beefy Zacian after an encounter with Shade.

Shade (C) MyselfConcept (C) ivanksDesign (C) Rito (C) Nintendo

Posted using PostyBirb

"Damn it... just what exactly am I missing here?" Isabella thought to herself, consulting her spellbooks. The witch-in-training must have gone over every passage in the book at least three times, but she still found herself unable to conjure up anything other than the most basic spells. "I'm starting to think my first few spells must have been a fluke..." She sighed, putting the book down. "And I think I've exhausted all possible help from around here as well!" Her contemporaries would be graduating in a month, but here she was trying to master magic 102!

"Unless... there's no way she'd help me, would she?" Isabella mused for a few seconds more - on the one hand, the person she was thinking of could almost certainly help out with her quest for more power, but there'd probably be some strings attached. And she knew for a fact that this person was hard to reach most of the time. But it would probably be worth it - even if the price meant losing her humanity.

"Do I, or don't I..." She mumbled - atop of weighing the pros and cons, people from the academy were seemingly discouraged from trying to reach out to this person. Was it because they were far more powerful than any witch at the academy, or was this person secretly malevolent? It was a risk that she had to take, consequences be damned - she didn't flee from her old, boring college life for nothing, after all! All she had to do was wait for nightfall, and she'd be ready to step into action.

The hardest part, once she'd made up her mind, had been waiting for nightfall. Getting out into the forest would be easy enough, as the witch she was heading for made little secret of where she was to those who wanted or needed her help, or just knew her in a friendly manner. Which wasn't to say the woods were entirely safe, but she knew how to defend herself in the event something happened.

"Just hope she's in the mood for visitors."

She was hoping that she was in the right woods as well - an old, decrepit forest was usually a sign that she was on the right track, but at the same time, there were so many dead trees around the academy that she might be going off the beaten path. "Oh, maybe I should have tried to send her a letter or something..." She sighed. "Maybe I should just give up and turn back around. Which way did I come fr- oh?"

Soon enough, she saw a purple light begin to glow on the periphery of her vision, a beacon sent by the one she was looking for. Perhaps she was welcome after all - and had been watched, but given everything, it wasn't too surprising. The witch she was looking for was nothing if not cautious. But she wouldn't do this unless she wanted company - it just remained to be seen if she was going to be nice or not.

"Please be in a good mood..."

The glow grew brighter as she made her way closer to it, drawing her further inwards. She didn't even notice that the lush, green trees around her were slowly being replaced by trees that were mostly dead or totally barren of leafage. A feeling of dread filled her - she had been warned that the dwelling of the witch she was searching for didn't look at all welcoming, but it was to also serve as a warning, and if anyone crossed too far into her realm, it was already too late for them.

She eventually saw the mansion lurking in the distance, surrounded by the trees of the forest. Even at a distance, it still looked stately, but to those who knew magic, there was an aura rising off of it that spoke to what its owner did. Transformation mixed in with extreme lust and some other things she couldn't quite identify. But making it in sight of the mansion meant that she was expected - wanted, even. "This just might work out after all!" She chuckled nervously.

"That's going to depend on just what it is you're after, dear~" A dark, sultry voice rang through her ears. "I do tend to get a lot of visitors around here, and you'd be surprised at just how many I get who are after something. For the most part, they do tend to get it, but for those unlucky few... it's best not to think about those poor, unfortunate souls!"

"Well, I uh... would like to make a deal or something with you, if th- that's okay." Isabella swallowed hard - she definitely wanted something, but whether or not the witch would be alright with it was still up in the air. And she wasn't sure if the witch could read her mind, so she continued. "I want to get stronger. Magically, I mean. And I'm willing to learn anything."

"Anything, you say?" The voice spoke again. "Hrm... I could probably think of a few things that'd help... allow me to greet you in person~" She cawed, the ground in front of her igniting as she felt the magical presence grow stronger. From the flames, a large, avian figure emerged, dressed in typical witch garb. She stood several feet taller than the human female, her hands doubling as a pair of elegant wings, her feathers a deep black with a few white streaks, the tips of her feathery hands and tail tinged with purple.

"Oh... oh wow... you're uh... you're beautiful!" She stammered out, having not been entirely sure on what to expect, but the avian woman was stunning in her appearance, and it didn't take much to tell how strong she was in numerous ways of magic. It radiated off of her in a way that Isabella found it hard to ignore. Nodding and straightening herself up, she continued. "Y-yeah, I can do anything to help you. I'm a fast learner."

"Are you now?" The raven Rito peered in closer, taking a look over Isabella. "I can tell just by looking at you that magic doesn't seem to be your strong point, am I right?"

Isabella gulped - she was told that this being could sense someone's magical potential just by simply gazing into their eyes, but she didn't exactly believe it before now. "Y-yeah..." She nodded.

"Well, don't worry too much about that. Magic potential is something I can fix - give all sorts of non-mages magic all the time. But... that usually does involve a favor for me. It's not a big one, but I've had some turn me down."

Shade gave a slight smirk as she continued watching Isabella - she could tell that the human wasn't the type to give up easily, but it was still worth putting a small test out there, to see if she was truly worth her time. Too many humans all came after a quick and easy deal, after all. It was only the ones willing to agree to her conditions that she knew could handle it. And, of course, if that were the case, the human wouldn't remain so for much longer. Shade would never help a human, and the best way around that was to make sure the other person stopped being that way.

"Well I didn't come all this way to seek you out for NOTHING now, did I?" Isabella quipped back, almost immediately biting her tongue afterwards. She always hated owing people favours, and she had the feeling that Shade was going to ask for something that wouldn't be an easy task to repay. Either way, she was pretty much in the raven's feathery grasp, now. "I mean... yeah, I guess that's fair, miss..."

"Shade~" She smirked. "And are you sure? I'm giving you a chance to back away from this, and that's something I rarely ever offer to anyone!"

"I'd be pretty dumb to come all this way and say no, so name your price, Shade! I've got whatever it takes!" Isabella was feeling a bit hot under the collar, hoping she wasn't making some mistake, but she had to do this. Turning back now would make her feel even more foolish than before. For her part, Shade smirked - this was going to be fun.

"Well, alright, but I'll give you one more chance to back out just in case. What I want is for you to have sex with me. My magic works best when I'm doing that."

"You want me" She quickly became flustered, taking a step back. "You've GOT to be kidding me, right? What kind of a favor is THAT?"

"Oh, this is no joke, my dear~" She cawed. "Though I can imagine it'd be the teensiest bit harder for you, due to your lack of a... shall we say... sword?" She teased.

"A sword?" The euphemism went straight over Isabella's head. "Wouldn't that kill you if I did that, or are you SUPER kinky?"

Shade just stared at Isabella blankly - she couldn't change this girl quick enough!

"I'm... gonna pretend you didn't say that..." Her eye twitched slightly. "I'll put it another way, you lack the right equipment for the job, and thankfully, I can easily hook you up with that!" She snapped her feathery digits, a large, regal sword appearing in front of the witch, embedded in a pedestal.

"Oooh, alright." Isabella blushed a little at this - she still wasn't very sure what Shade fully meant, but if taking a sword out of the pedestal somehow tied into having sex, she could roll with it for however long it took. Something told her that it was some kind of sex joke, but hell if she knew what. Still, she walked over to try and pull the sword out before pausing and looking back at Shade.

"You, uh, want me to pull this out, right? S-sorry."

"No, I want you to bury it deeper!" Shade said, trying to hold back the snark - how did this girl find her, again? "Pull it out of the pedestal, and you'll awaken the true power you were MEANT to wield!"

"R-right!" She turned back to the sword, placing her hands tight around the handle. "Here goes... something!" She began to pull with all her might.

The sword resisted her efforts at first, since Isabella had practiced magic more than athleticism, but it soon began to slowly slide out of the pedestal that it had been placed inside of, all the while Isabella began to grow increasingly flustered. Why was she getting so turned on by this? It was a sword in a stone, not a porn magazine! And why was Shade so keen on having sex before she'd teach her anything. She'd never heard of magic like this before, but the avian was clearly up to something.

"That's it, keep it up!" She cawed, watching Isabella put more and more effort into trying to unearth the stone. The odd feeling of warmth kept growing more intense, getting harder to ignore, and it only seemed to grow as the blade gradually revealed itself. "One more good tug and you've got it!"

"You're... nnnnfff... a strange teacher....!" Isabella huffed as she almost stopped to relieve some of the pressure building up within her, the warmth more than a little distracting for the witch. But soon, the blade came free, the tip of it hitting the ground with a metallic clanging noise. Isabella huffed and looked at it incredulously for a moment before she felt her hands twitching, watching as claws formed out of her nails and cream white and blue fur started to sprout on them.

"Wh... what the..."

"There we go~" Shade giggled, watching the fur begin to work its way up her arms. "I've actually tried that sword with a few people beforehand, but none have seemed to be able to even move it - maybe my enchantment on it was TOO perfect!" She laughed. The cream fur continued along her arms, the blue fur sprouting around her shoulders. As it covered her biceps, she felt them swell, the muscles in her arms growing rapidly, starting to put some strain on the sleeves of her robes.

"Mmmfff... Zzzaaccc... what are you turning me into?" She huffed and moaned as the fur began to move downwards from her broadening shoulders, her breasts slowly shrinking in size as white fur covered them, soon having a broad pair of very masculine pectoral muscles in their place. Isabella's torso widened in the center as she likewise gained an impressive set of six-pack abs with blocky, manly hips replacing what curves she'd had mere moments before.

"Oh, you'll find out soon enough~" She said slyly. "All I can say for now is that the blade you're now holding once belonged to a legendary beast!"

"Legendary.... Ccccian... beast?" Isabella responded, her voice starting to sound more masculine. Her robes continued to strain against her growing form, the fabric tearing in some places, revealing the furred muscle underneath. A bump pressed against the base of her spine, the Rito moving in closer.

"Zacian, to be precise! Surely you've heard of how it had a sword it used in battle, right? And another in between its legs!" Shade grinned as she watched a long tail grow out of Isabella's spine, flicking about as her ass swelled with some fat and muscle, becoming quite manly as she felt something pushing out of her groin. "Zzzzacccc... oooh ffffuckkk...." She moaned as a heavy pair of furred balls soon dangled beneath her - or rather his - body as his organs began to rearrange themselves.

"Mmmm... looks like that second sword of yours wants out~" She helped him out of his robes, whatever was left of them at this point, casting the fabric aside. He huffed and growled, a thick, canine cock working its way out of Isabella's altering vagina. It grew out mostly formed, the head nicely pointed whilst the base was sporting an impressive knot, a furry sheath forming around the lower sword so it'd be fully sheathed when it wasn't in use. He wasn't a slouch in the size department, either, his new rod standing at an impressive twenty inches, twitching as it was exposed to the cool air for the first time. "Now that is one damn good sword!"

"Oohhhfffuuuckkk.... Zzzzaccciann.... I feel so... good..." He groaned as he watched his generously-sized shaft bob in the air, pre dripping from its tip steadily whilst his legs gained some impressively toned muscles on them as fur covered them, becoming as broad and masculine as the rest of his body. He could feel his feet stretching as his heels rose and his toes gained claws. Pads formed on the undersides while Shade continued to watch with approval.

"I do wonder if you'll be willing to bury that sword into something else?" Shade teased, stroking his muscular chest with her feathery hands. His cock twitched more, his new claws digging into the ground. "I wouldn't worry too much about not being able to get that in me, I've had lots of practice with much larger creatures..." She continued to goad him on, his muscles swelling out further. "Maybe I'll get you just a little further in the mood, though~" She wrapped a wing around his shaft, opening her beak wide, taking the tip of it into her mouth.

"Hhrhr...ghrrrgghhh!" He snarled, his knees almost buckling from the sudden, alien sensation of pleasure. His shoulders bulged outwards, a pair of large, wing-like growths protruding from them, only adding to his increasingly regal look.

True to her word, Shade was able to fit a decent amount of his shaft into her beak, bobbing back and forth to stimulate the massive beast, and he was now rocking his hips to make sure she got even more of his girthy blade inside of her as he was enjoying the rush of hormones and lust flooding through his body. His neck widened as his ears started to come to points, lips pulled back into a snarl of pleasure. So much power... and he wanted more!

"Mmmph... bet you weren't expecting this at all now, were you?" She chuckled, muffled by his dick. He could feel himself getting bigger still, soon matching the size of the witch, his balls churning loudly. His nose sank into his upper jaw, turning a pale shade of pink as his face pushed forwards, jaws stretching themselves, reforming into a broad, canine muzzle. His teeth sharpened, growing to points in his mouth, several new fangs filling his new maw, tongue growing longer and rougher to better fit it. His hair grew longer, two long braids flowing down his sides, taking on the same orange hue as the fur on his tail, running down towards his knees. A few small details were missing, but Shade would be able to add them in after the fact, his eyes moving to the sides of his head, turning a piercing feral yellow.

"Gghhnnn... not at all, but... Zzzaaaacccc... Iiiii cant say I mind!" He grunted as his humanity was all but gone by this point, pounding away at the witch beneath him. Everything just felt too fucking good to want to go back to being some small human. He wanted this to be how he remained forever. His balls were churning with seed, and he was going to cum soon, that much he knew.

"That's good! I don't think I've ever had any complaints from anyone who I've worked my magic on!" She grinned from ear to ear - she was nearly tempted to leap onto that giant pole of his there and now, but that could always be done later. For now, just pushing him past the point of no return was all she needed, her long tongue lashing all around the head of his dick, her stroking growing more fierce.

"ZZzzaccciaanannnnnnn! Ffffuck yeahhh... k-keep going... so clooooooooseeeee....!" His huffs and pants grew more and more intense and pleasured as he could feel his first male orgasm approaching, cock twitching as it prepared to release its seed, expertly teased by Shade, who knew exactly what buttons to push in situations like this. And, with a howl, he tilted his head back and came hard.


"Mrrrmmpphhh!" Shade spluttered and gulped, his mammoth cock erupting with the force of a volcano, a mass excess of cum seeping out of the sides of her beak. She took in all that she could, unclamping her beak from his dick, leaving the rest of it to spurt freely, covering the ground in front of them. "Oooh, you really had a lot in you!" She chirped, admiring the big beast that now stood in place of Isabella, his orgasm slowly dying down.

"I have you to thank for that... and I have a lot more to give!" He chuckled as he ran a hand along his now densely muscled features, feeling the rich fur that framed them. He couldn't help but flex and show his newfound power and figure off. Help Shade truly appreciate her handiwork. The power he'd gained was more than worth it. Especially with the new wand that he'd been given. The new Zacian was certain he could do quite a few tricks with it. Ones that would leave the audience howling for more.

"Indeed, though I think you're missing a few small features - allow me!" She snapped her fingers together. In a flash, a crown-like adornment appeared atop his head, even framing his ears and the wing-like growths on his back in golden armor. To match it, the sword took on a more regal appearance, sapphire jewels set along the sides of the blade and in the hilt, orange-red indentations lining the sword. "There we go, now you fully look the part!"

"An armor set fit for a king! You really do know how to spoil a guy, don't you?" He chuckled and then thought for a few moments. Isabella wasn't really much of a name for him anymore, was it? If he were still female, it would, but he most certainly wasn't. Picking the sword up and giving it a few test swings safely away from Shade, he pondered. Pulling a sword from a stone... perhaps it would be a bit cliche, but it was suitable.

"Call me Arthur now, though. I'm sure you can guess why~" He winked.

"A little on the nose, isn't it?" She couldn't help but tease. "It's a good name nonetheless!" She cawed. "So, what are you going to do now? Are you gonna head straight back to your school, or is there anything else you'd like to do whilst you're here?"

"Well, I certainly could stand to go back to the school and see about giving all the teachers that belittled me some swords of their own, alongside a few of the other students, but for now, I wouldn't mind continuing to learn some more lessons from you. I think you'll find me a... willing learner." He chuckled as he winked suggestively at Shade, no longer even remotely ashamed of wanting to spend as much time as possible mating with her. And he was sure that by the time this apprenticeship ended, he'd be quite skilled at the same magic.