Sparky's deal

Story by Jevin on SoFurry

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"How weird would you have to be to like something like that?" An otter cringes and shivers while pushing a laughing wolf away from his shoulder. "You're not light you know, and where do you get these ideas? A micro that likes being abused the way the giants always treat us?"

"I'm telling you it's true! I've heard of them! They're freaks if you ask me, suicidal even. They exist, though." The wolf speaks while finally calming from his laughing frenzy.

"Well, at least we don't know any of them."

Sparky winces and lowers his ears, getting his clothes while the otter and wolf speak to one another in another row of the locker-room. He's happy no one else is currently dressing in his row, at least now he has time to introspect. 'I know it's weird,' he thinks to himself while picking his bags up and just standing there for a moment. 'That doesn't stop me from enjoying it... I don't know why I do...' He shakes his head a little and sighs before trying to walk out of the locker room quickly enough that he won't be caught by the otter and wolf.

"Huh? Hey! Sparky!" The otter calls out, walking over quickly. "Hey, is it alright if we head home early? I need to get home to babysit my brother."

"Err, sure. That sounds fine to me," responds Sparky, smiling a little to the otter he knows as Keil.

"Good, we have to leave now actually. Sorry for the short notice, I completely forgot to tell you," Keil blushes a little. "Wait for me outside, alright? I have to get my ring from the academic lockers," Keil looks to the wolf he had been speaking to. "I'll see you tomorrow, alright? And lay off of the horror stories...seriously..." He shivers again and runs off.

"Sure thing, Keil!" Sparky calls after him.

"Pheh, horror stories? They're true," The wolf grumbles before peering at Sparky. "You've heard of micros that get boners thinking about what giants could do to them, haven't ya?" Sparky laughs a little nervously. "Uh, well, uh... I suppose they could exist. I... have to catch up with Keil, though. S-seeya!" He exits as quickly as he can, walking towards the back of the school and leaving.

It takes a while, but Keil does finally show, panting as he walks over to Sparky. "Sorry, had a bit of trouble getting through the after-school rush. Are you ready?" He asks, pulling his tail around to his front and slipping a little silver piece of jewelry around it. Before Sparky can respond, he finds himself standing before Keil's massive sneakers. It always made him blush, seeing Keil towering over him so but he makes a point to hide it as well as he can.

"Yes..." comes Sparky's voice before a few massive fingers wrap around his body and pull him into the air. "Alright, lets go," Keil begins to walk, moving away from the school and the micro city over a road designated for cloaked micros to take when they're exiting the city.

Sparky clings to Keil's fingers, watching as the land below scrolls by and, on occasion, staring up at his friend's looming face. Keil moves a finger from his other hand up and starts petting over the micro pikachu. "I still worry about you staying at that giant's house, Sparky. Are you sure you're alright there? You know you could live with me. What if he catches you or something?"

"Don't worry, Keil, I've been there for years! I know how to avoid the giant," Sparky smiles but Keil doesn't look convinced. "I still don't understand why you choose to, it's dangerous and he only has to find you once. You can escape for your entire life but the moment he finds you..." Keil shakes his head a little, not wanting to think about it. He arrives at the drop-off point for Sparky and settles the 'chu down nearby a trail that leads to a house in the distance. "Just be safe, alright? I'll come pick you up for school tomorrow."

"Thanks, Keil! I'll see you tomorrow," Sparky walks down the path while Keil watches, perplexed at why a micro would want to live with a giant. He furrows his brow when it comes to mind that Sparky could be one of the micros that... likes that kind of thing, but he shakes his head. "Nah, not Sparky. Those stories are getting to me..." He walks off to get home himself.

A small crawl space at the base of the house allows Sparky access to his home; it's trivial for him to move in, out, and around the massive house while he has this crawlspace between the inner and outer walls of the house. As he moves through the tunnels, he passes one of the exits that leads from the crawlspace to the kitchen, noticing a mouse trap blocking his path. He furrows his brow a little, unable to hold in a chuckle. "You really thought that'd catch me?" He says gently, peering out towards the trap with cheese mounted on top of a trigger. This trap does look a little off... it's metallic all over, instead of wooden, with a metal spring and trigger. It didn't look hard to avoid the trigger, though, so throwing caution to the wind, Sparky climbs over the trap, being careful not to trip the trigger. As he moves past the trigger, he notices the cheese looks a little strange too. There are little circles of glass filling the holes, they remind him of a camera lens...


Sparky blinks, attempting to dart from the trap just as it triggers without him even touching trigger! It's too fast, though, and he feels a sharp pain as the metal clasp comes down on his leg and holds him in place. It hurt a lot, but his leg is fine as far as he can tell. He pulls and tugs to try and get it out but a little force reveals just how damaged his leg is really is when a large jolt of pain runs up the limb and causes him to shout out and collapse, afraid to move anymore.

"So you're the one that has been stealing my food..." A voice calls out from the cheese. Sparky swallows, "Please, this hurts... let me out..." He calls towards the cheese, hoping the giant, whom he assumes to be on the other end of the speakers, will take a bit of mercy. The trap begins to move and Sparky is dragged with it, yelling out as his leg is strained. Finally, the pressure loosens and he's dropped into the palm of a rather large raichu. The pikachu looks down, hoping he might be able to make a jump for it but the ground is too far a ways down. He'd definitely be dead if he tried.

"Now, would you mind telling me what you've been doing stealing my food and just how long have you been here?"

Sparky shudders, moving his palms to rub against his leg. It doesn't feel broken, but it'll definitely bruise badly. He can't think of a good answer, at least not one that won't get him killed, so he tries to be truthful. "I... well, I needed a place to live and... and I like it here."

The raichu's brow cocks and he brings the pikachu up to his nose. "You like it here? Why is that? Why would a micro enjoy living in hiding, hmm?"

Sparky blushes, squirming under the raichu's nose. "I-it's not that I like hiding..." He takes a deep breath and swallows hard. "I... I like giants," He says finally, unsure of the reaction he'll receive. 'It sounds so much weirder out loud than in my head' he thinks to himself.

"You like giants? That's a rare one." The raichu has never heard of a micro that -likes- being a micro. At least not while normals are part of the equation. "How do you mean you like giants?" He asks, moving to settle down into a chair and, shortly after, placing Sparky on the ground. A huge, brown-furred paw comes down over the pikachu and washes him in the musk of the Rai's foot. He's ground into the floor, surrounded by warmth, sweat, and musk. "You mean to say you like this?" The raichu asks while squeezing his toes about Sparky's head and forcing the pikachu's muzzle into his toecrotch and causing the pikachu to wince. The smell is strong and he can feel his fur dampening from the increase in humidity caused by the raichu's tired foot. He does enjoy it, though, and surprisingly enough, the raichu seems to be avoiding his bad leg.

"I... yes..." He squeaks out from below, groaning when the force applied to his frame increases and leaves him laying flat on the floor under the raichu's foot. The large paw grinds side to side over the pikachu, smothering Sparky pretty well before it lifts finally and settles down next to the pikachu's spread-eagle form. Sparky stares upwards towards the looming evolved form of his species and tries to sit up only to have a toe large enough to cover his chest press him down again. "What's your name, pikachu?"

"Sparky... err, what's yours?" He asks curiously, despite his situation. He blames his calm demeanor on the fact that this situation is... incredibly arousing.

"Call me Rei. I've never met a micro that likes stuff like this." He snickers, sliding the hot pad of his toe down to Sparky's crotch and grinding it in place a little, forcing the pikachu to squirm and groan out in pleasure. He blushes and leans forward to start licking lustfully at Rei's toeclaw, pressing his muzzle to it while his tongue grinds and slurps over it.

Rei grins as he watches, letting Sparky clean and lick over his toeclaw for a moment before he pulls his foot back and brings it up over the pikachu's frame again. "Lets go to my room," He says before stepping on Sparky again, broad, massive, padded paws pressing and grinding into the pikachu's body for a bit longer this time before pulling off and bringing the pikachu, adhered to the raichu's sole, up into the air with it. Rei's pikachu-soled paw slams into the ground every other step, forcing air from Sparky's lungs and shooting pain up his leg. Despite the pain, the pikachu still feels his arousal pulsing painfully in his pants from both the scent and the situation he's in. By the time Rei makes it up to his room and peels the pikachu off of his sole, Sparky's pants show a little wet spot where his cum had soaked through the fabric.

Rei laughs as he sees this, using a claw to tear the micro's pants off so he can press a finger to the miniature erection and wipe any remaining cum from it. He licks the finger and grins, "Tasty. Now, I want to do the same..." He pulls his pants off, revealing a long, thick, black erection, pulsing and already beading at the tip. Sparky is lowered, his entire form a bit red from the embarrassing situation he's in. Not only has his secret been revealed, but he's living out a few of the fantasies right now!

Once settled on the tip, the pikachu begins to lick up the raichu's precum bead. It's salty and thick but Sparky enjoys it. His focus stops him from noticing the raichu's actions above and he keeps squirming and pleasuring the head of the giant's erection until he feels something rubbery at his back. Before he can look up, his body is pinned to the tip as the raichu rolls a condom down his thick length, snickering at the lump of pikachu quivering and squirming at his tip. He pulls out a tube of lube and gets a little on his hand before spreading it around his covered erection and starting to masturbate with the little pikachu struggling and pushing against his erection. 'It's a little mean', Rei thinks to himself, but if he's careful the little guy will survive.

Sparky, meanwhile, coughs and squirms as precum surrounds and fills his pelt as well as his nose, mouth, and even his eyes if he's not careful. He knows he should be afraid but, strangely, he's not. It hurts, especially his leg which is pinned by the condom to the pulsing side of the cock below but strangely enough he still enjoys it. Rei's thrusting and masturbating squeezes him firmly between the latex of the condom behind him and the hard cockhead below. He tries to give himself some room by pressing to the tip with his hands but his arms end up slipping into the slit. He groans and tries to pull them out but, for some reason he can't. The Raichu's paw keeps stroking along the huge length of erection, giving Sparky only so much room to move around, especially now that his arms are caught inside of Rei's slit. Rei moans out when he feels the smaller 'chus limbs pawing about inside of his urethra and redoubles his efforts, grinding Sparky into his cockhead using a paw to rub about the tip of the condom. Sparky's bones begin to hurt and bend from the extra pressure. Any harder could mean real damage to his body...

Luckily, before long, the raichu shouts out and a thick, hot deluge of white seed sprays and blasts Sparky's arms out of the slit before filling the tip of the condom with cum. Rei shudders and turns onto his knees, rubbing his 9 inches as quickly as he can, milking himself as much as possible. Once it's all finished, he pulls the condom off and dangles the cock-shaped sleeve with a little 'chu struggling inside of it. There's enough cum that Sparky has to swim to stay afloat. Rei grins and simply watches for a moment while he catches his breath and uses his free hand to grab a tissue to start cleaning his erection off.

After about a minute of letting Sparky swim, Rei dumps him out into a little bowl and grins. "So, you still like it?" He asks, watching as Sparky climbs from the bowl onto the floor. He struggles with his hurt leg and and his fur is all matted down from the wet, sticky abuse he just received. Still, he can' help but blush. "Yes, R-rei.." He says up to the larger pokemon while blushing. "I... I really enjoyed that..."

Rei seems surprised, but he grins all the same. "You said you like it here, right? Why not live outside of hiding, with me? I've never seen a micro that likes what you do, and I'd rather have one that -wants- to have fun as opposed to forcing one. What do you say?"

Sparky stares up at the raichu for a while, but doesn't hesitate for too long. "Yes! I'd love to!" He blushes a little and moves to rub against the giant's toes, rubbing his hands along the sides of one of the musky, brown-furred digits. It's a dream come true for him.

"Though..." Sparky stops, leaving his hands trapped between the giant's digits. "Would you promise not to hurt or capture the other micros? I don't know how many of us like this kind of stuff, all I know is that most of my friends... well, they think it's a bit weird. I don't want them to find out about me and, for them, I bet this kind of... well, you know... they'd probably hate it. It's better for them if they don't know and never have to go through it."

Rei smirks and squeezes his toes around Sparky's arms, tugging his foot upwards and causing the 'chu to dangle beneath his sole. "You're all I'll need, so you have my word," He brings a sock down beneath Sparky and drops him into the musky confine of fabric. "For now, though, lets go find something to eat. What do you say?" He grins, pressing his toes into the sock and squeezing the Pikachu between his toes.

"A-Alright! Thanks...." He smiles, feeling the toes close around him and the rush of musky air that filters through the sock as his new giant friend walks. He's excited by the prospect of living with Rei, though, in the back of his mind, he can't help but wonder how he'll keep such powerful musk a secret for when he gets back to school...

We don't hate being micros chapter 10a - Restating the terms

Authors note: This will chapter (chapter 10a and 10b) will be the "season finale" of sorts. If/when I write the next chapter it will likely not start where this one left off (though I will definitely make sure you're up to speed on what happened...

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We don't hate being micros chapter 9 - In good times and in bad

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We don't hate being micros chapter 8 - Sole Pain

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