Traveler's Rest

Story by Cardigan on SoFurry

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While travelling the great continent, a mountain lion named Sacha comes across a village where he can spend the night. But the rest he finds will be more than he expects.

Thumbnail art used under CC0 license.

Word count: 1873

He took a deep breath and cold air filled his lungs. Despite the frigidness that surrounded him, the mountain lion felt his throat hurt from dryness. So, he took the leather canteen around his waist and took a hearty sip. While he did, he noticed the land that surrounded him.

Pines covered the land north to south; wherever the trees did not sprout, beautiful mirrors of water reflected the sky of late afternoon. Plenty of pure white mountains decorated the horizon. He had traveled many lands in his expedition, but few were as welcoming and calming as where he stood then.

If the instructions he had received were correct, that he was in the northwestern part of the great continent. And that meant his trip around the lands was about halfway done. Such bittersweet thought distracted the man so much, he accidentally drank all the water.

The feline sighed in frustration before putting away the canteen. Luckily, he walked on a road, which meant he would eventually find a settlement if he kept going.

Afternoon turned into early evening and he still walked alone; perhaps a village or town was still further away. It was then when he heard cautious steps approach him. The feline stood still and awaited the other person to reveal themselves. And it did not take too long for a young male badger to appear from the trees. He wore leather leggings and loincloth and brandished a feathered spear. Surely a tribesman from a nearby village.

The youth pointed the weapon at the feline and spoke seriously in a language he did not comprehend. The mountain lion spoke in commonspeak, as his skill with the language had improved during his travels.

"I come in peace, friend," said the mountain lion. "I'm a traveler. May I find respite in your village tonight?"

"Traveler?" responded the youth with difficulty. "Come."

The young man brought the feline to the nearby settlement. Far from the biggest village he had seen in his travels, this one had about a dozen individual tents and two longhouses and sat surrounded by a fence of pine logs; all revolving around a large fire lit for the coming evening.

Quickly, the mountain lion was led through the village and into a tent. There an older badger sat smoking a long pipe; beside him another sat another one, about the feline's age. Both wore decorated mantles and the loincloth-leggings combination he had seen throughout the village's men.

After the youth that had brought him there, he communicated with the older man, whom the traveler assumed to be the chief, and the youngest badger was motioned to leave. After they were alone, the chief spoke up.

"Traveler, you stand in the tribe of Chief Nashoba. State your name and reason for being here."

"Chief, you speak with Sacha from the lands beyond the great southern desert. I'm a mere wanderer on a mission across the great continent. I humbly request a place to rest for tonight, so that I might progress my journey in peace."

The old man took a mighty drag from his pipe. "Very well, if you came in peace, you are welcome to spend the night with us."

"I'm honored, Chief Nashoba."

"You will share the tent with my son Talako," Nashoba motioned towards the other young man in the tent.

"It will be a pleasure to host you, traveler," said Talako.

The chief took another drag of his pipe. "The only price you shall pay, young Sacha, is that you must share your exploits with us tonight."

Sacha nodded and left the tent with Talako. After laying down his items in the tent, he would sleep that night, he spent all night sharing stories around the bonfire, to the amazement of the tribes-people.

Dark night came down along with torpor for the feline. He walked into the tent and saw his bedmate for the night getting ready for sleep. By then, Talako had dressed down to nothing but a thong, which gave the feline plenty to gawk at the man's physique.

Talako bore a good musculature, almost matching the feline's. The mountain lion's eyes followed each mighty bump from neck to back to buttocks. Those plump cheeks protruded completely free thanks to the thong.

The badger noticed he was being admired and shot a smile at him. Embarrassed, the mountain lion had to look away and pretend nothing happened. But the badger wouldn't let go so easily.

Sacha dressed himself down to his own thong and laid himself down on the feral fur bedding. Talako joined him soon after.

"Traveler, may speak with you?"

Through tiredness and a bit of anxiety, Sacha responded. "Speak freely."

"Could you tell me more about the people you've met in your travels?"

"Have I not shared enough?"

"Not of the kind of people I mean..." As bewilderment took over the feline's face, the badger moved his body closer. "Any... lovers?"

Confusion turned into fluster in the mountain lion's face. The answer was yes, of course; no chance he would live through this entire journey without quenching his carnal desires at some point. He had a handful of partners, but how long ago had the last one been? Half a season? Maybe more? At any rate, he was so pent up the mere thought of companionship made his manhood tingly.

"Your silence speaks volumes, traveler." The badger drew himself even closer and whispered into the feline's ear. "Were any of those, males, perhaps?"

"... Yes."

"Heh. Then perhaps, would you enjoy my companionship for the night?"

"I would, but I can't abuse the Chief's hospitality."

"It's no abuse, Sacha."

With some hesitation, the badger's palm met the other man's chest. That hand soon circled the mountain lion's developed pectorals. That touch was enough to get the feline's heart to beat fast and for his member to feel hot.

"You want it too, don't you?"

It was no use. He needed the feeling of his body on another's; his body screamed for release.

"I... I do."

Not sparing another word, the badger brought their muzzles together. The feline was confused for a second, but once the daze wore off, he was ready for the experience. Talako felt the change immediately. The once still tongue soon became a needy muscle and ready to tussle with his own.

During the dance inside their mouths, their hands traveled each other's upper bodies. Sacha found the badger's muscles much more defined than they looked; a new appreciation for the man's body just opened up.

They broke the kiss in huffs, looking into the other's eyes glimmering in the darkness.

"You're a great kisser," said Talako.

The badger's hand soon dove deeper down the man's body. It slid beyond his pecs, into his abs, and then to his crotch. A simple touch revealed the stiff manhood quivered behind the textile thong.

Talako took no second with deliberation before freeing that cock. He could barely see it, but the heat it emanated was enough to make his imagination run wild.

So excited was the youth, he desperately grasped the member and stroked it lightly. Sacha, who had been calm and composed until now, lost it when the palm reached his hardness. The mountain lion released a hot gasp of satisfaction.

"Pent up, are you?" said the badger.

The feline couldn't respond; not when a handsome man pleasured him so tenderly. Soon, so engrossed by the movements being made on his body, the man released a series of heavy breaths. As embarrassed as he was to admit, he was already close to release; and the badger could tell.

Snickering, Talako took his hand away from the throbbing penis. "Don't want you to finish just yet."

The youth took upon himself to kneel beside the panting mountain lion and then straddled the lying man's body, putting them both crotch to crotch.

Sacha's dick scraped the badger's thong. With a clearer head, the feline noticed something odd. His penis touched the young man's body, but he did not feel a bulge or another stiffness. There was a tinge of wetness he could not tell whether it was his pre-cum or something else.

The badger did not keep the feline in suspense. He took the underwear off and revealed to his partner his body. The pale moonlight was little, but enough for the mountain lion to see Talako's crotch. Instead of a penis, the badger bore a vagina.

"Like what you see?" said the youth behind a naughty grin.

Sacha had no reply but sheer awe.

Talako knew exactly what he wanted; and he was going to get it. Such powerful manhood in front of him; his body begged for it.

On his knees, Talako hoisted his body and, without a tinge of hesitation, let his open entrance devour the rising dick. The impact was powerful enough that both released sharp moans. They didn't care if someone could hear them; all that mattered was desire.

That moment, all connected. The skyward cock fitted perfectly inside the sensitive hole. An intense wave of bliss affected both males. Just a little more power and they would have orgasmed on the spot. But, as powerful as the feeling was, they hungered for even more.

Instinctively, the mountain lion released pelvic thrusts upwards, mating with his partner's sex. The badger took the hint and bounced with his whole body on the moving lap.

The sloppiness of each hit made wet noises as the men became slaves to lust. Thrusting and bouncing, their minds emptied until one thought remained: Mate! Mate! Mate!

In mindlessness, their senses were enhanced. The salty scent of masculine sweat grounded them in the moment. Gasps, moans and the moist noises created the perfect symphony that aroused them beyond what they thought possible. And, of course, through their clashing genitals they perceived each vein, each fold, each drop of fluid and pre-cum.

No more holding back. Sacha stilled the badger on his penis and prepared him for the flood of his seed. Both grunted and... finally came.

The potent jet filled every crevice it could find inside the cunt, which wetted the penis with all of its waves of pleasure. A moment that lasted years and then faded into afterglow.

After trading satisfied smiles, the men moved into spooning position, where the still wet dick fitted perfectly between the lower cheeks. And then, before they knew it, drifted into sleep

The mountain lion woke with the first rays of dawn. Noticing his compromising position, he immediately moved to pretend they had done no relation the night before. If someone caught them, there would be repercussions.

That moment, looking at the tent's ceiling, the feline collected his thoughts. Last night was amazing; some of the best sex he had during this entire trip. The way he had craved that kind of touch for so long, he needed to have that in his life.

He made a vow then. "Once this journey is over, I'll get myself a mate," he whispered.

Sacha then rose to see the sun through the tent's entrance. It had been a good night, but dawn told him another day of his trip was inbound.

And he couldn't wait to continue it.

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