The Offer

Story by LuccaTheOtter on SoFurry

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#1 of London Org.

Based off a D&D campaign I played, set in 1920's London, the entries come from the point of view of Baylor Stoneridge. An anthropomorphic Buffalo who has the power to amplify the feelings of others and allow others to get a taste of his emotions with the slightest touch.

The steel bars clanged at the entrance of my single bulb lit cell. The echo vibrating around me stirred my slumber and I opened my eyelids, taking in the small light into my sight before I looked towards the door, covering my sight from the harsh brightness. I glanced around staring at the peeling white painted cage I resided in. The blankets wrapped around my body were tattered and ripped, the pillows deflated by years of neglectful users, and the floor was sticky from the sweat of past inmates that now either are long gone, or have started their life over. The small eight-by-five foot room smelt of rotting memories, zapped from the fear of dying in this prison.

The figures clashing against the cell door spoke in a raspy tone, "Wake up! You have a visitor here for you," followed by a small sentence falling under their breath, "Probably the only visitor that you will ever have."

A tall black panther in a dark grey suit strolled over to the bars looking in and smiling, motioning to the guards to leave him be. His eyebrow scarred and ear had a pinch taking out by whatever problem he attempted to deal with. His tail twitched and his ears did the same.

"Good morning, Baylor," He spoke in an accent that sounded more proper british than normal, "And happy birthday as well, though this probably isn't the ideal place for you to stay in on this day of your special coming to this earth."

"Being in here everyday isn't the ideal place." I stated. "So who are you and why have you come to visit me? Is it to mock me? Are you here to make fun of me?"

"No, Baylor, I heard about you; About your secret; About the murder you committed, it's all very intriguing to me." He bluntly said, walking towards the bars. He didn't show signs of stopping before the gate, instead he continued, phasing through them.

I sprung from my bed and backed myself to the wall fearing the stranger standing before me in the dim lit room.

"How- how did you do that, that's impossible!

"That my dear boy is nothing you should be worried about at this stage. I'm here to offer you a second chance. You've locked yourself in a cell only to run and hide from your guilt when instead you could be focusing on your gift."

More like a curse. Although an offer this strong was too hard to resist, I'd be a fool to turn it down, but I'd be an escapist; a wanted man. I'd be hunted like prey.

"They'll look for me if I disappear."

"Not necessarily. I have made arrangements with the man in the office. Unless you turn me down of course. It's not like I'm asking for much you see, just an extra hand with my family is all."

"Fine. I'll take your offer, but only if you give me the information on why you would want a murderer to help your family."

"All in due time dear boy."

He placed his warm hand on my shoulder, he looked into my eyes and nodded before the world around me changed. The morphing scenery bent and twisted, spinning around me until all I saw was black. A click sounded in the dark space before a whirring sound started and a light flickered on, illuminating the small room we now stood in.

My stomach churned from the spiraling twists and turns that had occurred. I managed to stomach the vomit that filled in the back of my throat.

"So Baylor. This will be your new room, I'll see to it we get all materials and guides you require to fulfill my requests. Until then, Make yourself at home, explore the facility and see to it you don't touch anyone until we can assess the extent of your powers. Alright?"

I nodded as the panther maneuvered himself through the closed door before he fell out of sight.

The fall of silence felt all too familiar. I looked to the desk placed beside the metal bed frame with the matted mattress and noticed a typewriter with a letter. I picked up the envelope that read 'Baylor' across it. Opening it, the writing inside read:

Dear Baylor,

Welcome to your new home. We are so wonderfully excited to have

you here. To help get to the bottom of your power and ability, I would

like you to start a journal. As a psychiatrist, you understand the

importance of keeping your thoughts and feelings in a journal can

help in the process of clearing your mind of unwanted feelings.

I look forward to working with you.

A Fellow Empath,

Haven Wright

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