New Bird in Town

Story by AstratheGryphon on SoFurry

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There's a new bird in the city! Anzu is here to start a new life and make friends, lovers, and maybe enemies. Behold, a short preview/prologue intoducing her to the city and meeting a horse named Martain. How will she fare in a city that is riddled with crime and thieft? Who can she trust? Can she keep her talons clean and out of the hands of lawlessness!? None of those questions will be answered here, but this does set up the future!

"So, what made you move here to the city?"

The sound of a strong wooden door being unlocked echoed through the hall of the apartment as the black furred stallion unlocked the door. He blinked as he turned his head and looked at the harpy eagle who stood nearby with a cardbord box in her hands. The harpy gave a soft kindhearted smile at him as he pushed the door open and stepped aside for her.

"Ah well, I came here on work business actually. a friend of mine here set me up with a job." The harpy answered back as she reached up to hold her glasses in place as she stepped past him. She had a kind voice, soft and sweet, though with a tone that suggested a shyness that must have taken some time for her to step out of her comfort zone. The stallion let her inside of the apartment as he reached inside and flipped the switch. The lights came on, and a living room was revealed to the bird woman as she moved forward to rest the box she held on the nearest seat of the green couch that was in the living room.

"Welp, it's not much of an apartment but it's a good start for someone new to the city." The horse male said as he followed her into the living room, his tone kind though a bit more gruff then her's had been.

"It'll do, better then the room I had at my old place." The harpy answered back turning to face him now, she rested her hands on her hips and nodded as she gave a sigh. The woman was shorter then the stallion, but had a charm to her that he couldn't quite yet place. She had a mix of white, grey, and black feathers all patterned with the darker feathers around her eyes. She bore a short hooked grey beak and a frame that was fit but still had it's curves.

The bird wore a simple red shortsleeve shirt and had jeans on that seemed to be modified a bit so that her tail feathers had room to breath, all and all she wasn't at all a bother to look at. The stallion even considered that he might try his chances with her once she was settled in, but for the moment he was happy to just be able to look at her beautiful golden avian eyes. The harpy stretched a bit and shrugged a bit, leaning back against the couch "So what about the rest of the place?"

"Well, it's got a decent kitchen, small dining room, one bedroom with a bed already in it, and a decent sized bathroom. Rent is at the start of every month but I guess since your friend has a job already planned out for you that won't be a problem." He answered as he scratched the back of his head.

"Oh yeah, I am starting tomorrow at the bookstore down the road. It'll be nice to just go in, sell some books, and kick my feet back afterwards." She tilted her head at him and gave a smile, the short tuffs of feathers on her head shifting with each movement she made.

"Well, if it's anything to consider. There's a bar just across the street that has some great food and music. Once your settled you might want to check it out before you work in the morning." He answered back.

"That a date attempt?" She returned with a giggle, sticking her tongue out of the side of her beak in a teasing manner.

"Hehe... Maybe it was? But I won't have time tonight, I have my own thing to do in the morning." The stallion replied as he gave a chuckle and glanced back at the door "Anyway, the name's Martain. If you need anything my apartment is downstairs on the first floor."

"Martain huh? I'm Anzu, nice to meet you and thank you for the info on the bar." The harpy gave a nod and turned away, using her talons she cut the tape off of the box and popped it open with a quick pull.

"Well Anzu, I guess I'll see you in the morning. Oh! Before I forget, the longue hosts breakfest in the morning if your awake early enough."

He turned to leave the apartment, a light blond tail swishing back and forth as she gave him a nod "I'll keep that in mind, thanks."

Martain gave a final glance at her from over his shoulder, he gave a smile and a wink as he started toward the exit "Well don't be a stranger pretty bird!"

Anzu gave him a raised feathery brow and huffed at him, sticking her tongue at him again as she watched his leave and close the door behind him. Then she lifted her box back up and moved back toward a small hall where two doors, one left and one right. The bird pushed open the right door and flipped on the lightswitch to a small bedroom with a simple queen-sized bed, a dresser, and a desk with a mirror over it.

Anzu frowned at the room and moved to the bed, setting the box on the sheets as she turned to look at the mirror. She gave a smile and gripped the edges of her shirt huffing as she pulled her shirt off and tossed it onto the bed. The bird had a simple bra on, but it left little to the imagination, Anzu had plump curvy breasts that would have made any man or woman blush. She was flat down her belly save for the feathers of grey, white, and black on her body. With her shirt off she adjusted her glasses a bit and pulled them off, folding them and placing them on the dest.

Anzu then unbuttoned her jeans and kicked them down along with ehr panties as well, freeing her lower half from the confines of clothing as she gave a huff. Once her bottoms were taken care of she reached behind her back and undid her bra, pulling it away in a short moment. With her ample breasts freed, black nubs were revealed passing for nipples. Overall she was a worthy harpy eagle for anyone attrracted to avian women, and she hoped that someone in the city would eventually notice. Anzu wanted to reach out and break from her comfort zone, meet other singles, maybe even take a few home.

"Huh, looking pretty good!" She said to herself, posing in the mirror as she gave a light laugh to herself "I wonder what Martain would think if he got a glimps of all this!?"

She gave another laugh and turned away from the mirror and opened the box finally on the bed, she began to pull out various shirts, pants, undergarments, and even a couple dressed. They were not much, but they were a good start, once she was settled she fully played to go on a shopping spree and get clothing better suited to the confines of the city. For now though she was in only her feathers and a bath was sounding more and more appealing to her, Anzu grabbed a tanktop and sweatpants and went to the bathroom.

As she opened the door she found herself excited for the adventures to come, and she couldn't wait to get started...


Short introduction of my gal Anzu! - Astra

A Dark Meeting

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