Midnight Confession (Clean)

Story by Empath Naga on SoFurry

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It was the witching hour, nothing so crude as midnight of course. Anyone can be a witch at midnight under a full moon. It was past 3 am and he had been awoken by a hand on his shoulder, shaking him urgently. His eyes opened to an unfamiliar ceiling and the usual questions of "Who am I?" "Where am I?" "Am I wearing clothes?" filled his head and were promptly banished. A finger pressed against his lips and words were whispered into his ear barely above the threshold of hearing, the voice one of a distant memory his sleep addled brain could not yet recollect.

"I want to tell you a secret." Sleep lurked through his mind, making the words sound funny. "Say what...?" "Lester, can you..." the faintly familiar male voice said. "Can you understand me...?" Lester...right. That was his name...and...he was...where...? "Lester, say something..." The voice whispered a bit louder, sounding as if it were to start panicking. "I...I'm...where...is this...?" The owner of the voice let out a sigh. "You're in my room. Don't worry." It sounded relieved. "But...I have to tell you...I can't...I feel like...I'm going to break apart if I keep this in..." Lester looked around. The lucid dreams that were swirling in his brain had broken, and he recognized that he'd been this room before...but...when...? A thigh caressed his own, and he realized quickly he was wearing nothing. But then, the groggy hyena remembered vaguely that he didn't like wearing clothes to bed. "Lester..." The voice said. It was a tad annoying now. Lester wanted nothing more than to fall back into slumber. "What...?" He asked, a bit irate. "I love you..." the voice said. "And I have for a really long time now..." Okay...love...that was a big thing...but it could wait for sleep. "Love you too..." He muttered out of reflex. He tried to turn around, but whatever sheets were over him were held down. No doubt by the weight of the man above him. "No! I mean..." The voice strained. Before he knew it, something warm and fuzzy was pressed to the hyena's mouth. It took a second, but he realized it was another mouth...and this was a guy...so a guy was kissing him...it was about time! He saw strange patterns that looked like Chinese patterns seen on vases. What was going on? Why was he so groggy...? This wasn't normal for him. That nice feeling on his lips left, and his mouth felt numb, full of sand. "I love you, damn it!" The voice shouted. The volume grated against Lester's inner ear. "Do you have to shout...? I just said I love you too, already. Now let me sleep already!" He said, his voice wavering with drowse. "Lester...I...I'm sorry...but...I can't stop wanting you..." The other male grabbed Lester by his shoulders and locked lips with him once more attempting to pour whatever he could into that kiss. He might never get a chance to do this again. As he separated himself from the other hyena, he heard a light snore coming from him. Lester had passed out, mid-kiss. Letting out an annoyed sigh, the other hyena let his head fall. This wasn't the best time to do this, obviously. But...at least he told Lester the way he had felt since he was at least 14. That seemed like so long ago. To think he'd held it in all these years... He crawled under the sheets of the bed, wrapping himself around the slightly smaller male. He smiled as he inhaled Lester's delicious, earthy scent and let darkness claim his mind. --- Lester's mind slowly eased into consciousness, and bit by bit, he creaked his eyes open. The world seemed blurry by sleep, until he finally rubbed his eyes right. The taste of what he could only assume to be old, unswallowed saliva from the night permeated his tongue, making him smack his muzzle distastefully. He idly scratched his diaphragm, looking around. This wasn't his room...it was a little too full of books...Oh! That's right! He'd gone to bed in his dad's bedroom because of that pipe in his wall... At least that problem would be solved by tomorrow. He looked around for his glasses, and found them next to a pill bottle. He put on his glasses before looking at the pills in the bottle. They were small and white. He knew what they were immediately: Promethazine. It was an anti-nausea medicine that had some ingredients in them that were used as sleep aides. Once he took one, he was stoned for hours. Lester stood and stretched, contorting his arms in the air before relaxing and stumbling a bit. The Promethazine hadn't worn off completely just yet... "Mmn. What a night; one weird nightmare after another." He muttered to himself. "I gotta remember what those meds do to my dreams..." Stumbling out of his father's bedroom, into a hallway, and into the combination kitchen/dining room, where he saw his father - nude, as usual - at the table, eating a plate of pancakes, bacon, and hashbrowns. "Good morning, son." "Mmn. Hey, Dad." Lester sat at his own plate. "You sound like you had a rough night." Lester's dad, Derrick, smirked. "Aye..." He moaned. "One nightmare after another. In one, my teeth all fell out, then I saw Jigsaw using his traps on a group of college students, and then...I don't remember, exactly, but there was something involving Betty White singing 'Yesterday.'" "Hm." Derrick grunted. "You take a Promethazine last night?" "Yeah..." Lester admitted. "I was feeling really bad last night, so I just took one. I was tripping over my own two feet in an hour, so I kinda fell asleep in your bed. Sorry." Derrick smiled gently. "No problem." He stood up, showing off his surprisingly thick sheath. "Better get to class." "Huh?" Lester looked at the oven clock. 7:10. "CRAP!" Lester ran into his room, and in what seemed like an impossibly short amount of time, he was ready with a t-shirt, shorts, and his bag. "Right! If I leave now, I should be in time for my English class." "Wait a moment." Derrick stood, strode over to his son, and handed him a book. "You forgot this one in the living room." "Damn. Thanks, Dad." Derrick answered by kissing his son on the lips. This wasn't really unusual for the older hyena, but there was something different this time. Somewhere in the very back of Lester's mind, a memory from his drug-induced night seemed to try to surface. He couldn't remember when, but...he remembered those lips on his... When Derrick pulled away, less than a second later, Lester gave him a look of confusion. "What?" Derrick cocked his head. "I...It's nothing. I gotta get to class." He said, jogging out the door and into his truck to get to the college on the other side of town. Derrick stood still for a moment with a look of mischief on his face, slowly licking his muzzle, and fingering lightly at the tip of his sheath. Then, he took the Promethazine and placed it back in his son's room. He'd have to remember to suggest it again for his insomniac son. That way - even if his memory was foggy - maybe, one night, he'd finally get what he'd always wanted from that sexy son of his.