Perfecting the Princes 8

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#8 of Perfecting the Princes

Chrysalis tries bottoming to see if it works out better for him than topping.

Commissioned by Engy

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Perfecting the Princes

Part 8

for Engy

by Draconicon

But the first thing that Chrysalis did was rest. Not for long, perhaps no more than an hour before his cock and balls begged for attention again, but for long enough to get his breath back and collect himself after putting himself out there as hard as he had. The Changeling woke with a throb between his legs and a desperate need, yes, but he no longer felt driven to exhaustion from all the sexual antics that he had partaken of.

Rising from bed with his cock pointing straight ahead, bobbing and dripping, he made his way to the mirror that stood against the wall. The penthouse had a number of those, and he planned to make use of them during his stay here. He stood straight on with it, looking himself over.

Without the illusions that he might have worn in Equestria - so odd to find that there was no need to hide himself here, in this world - he found that it was rather nice to wear his usual dark skin with green lines here and there. The fact that there were little patterns to stand in for the holes that some of his species had along the legs and arms didn't bother him; they were not disfigurements, but rather elegant designs, as far as Chrysalis was concerned, and the diaphanous bug-wings on his back were more like silvery rainbows than the disgusting things that some of the equines back in Equestria would have seen them as.

That said, what he wasn't sold on was his build, and that...that was something that he needed to work on.

He was manly. And considering that he had been female up until a short time ago, that bothered him. Of course, he had lived in male bodies as disguises before, but there had always been the option of shifting back, of being female for a short time.

Now, even without trying, he knew that option wasn't really there anymore. The dragon's powers, whatever they happened to be, had stripped him of transforming from his male form to his female one, and that meant that he just had to deal with the cock and balls between his legs...

But that didn't mean that he had to deal with them being like that all the time.

If I'm going to bottom...

Chrysalis wasn't keen on the idea, if he was completely honest. He had bottomed for the dragon, for Twilight, for Cadance, and his ass was...sensitive, to put it mildly. He started thinking things that he didn't always enjoy thinking about, and it made him more 'willing' than he wanted to be for the things that happened to him. At the same time, it meant that he had a reason to be more flamboyant, more large back there, more...endowed, in the rump, and more feminine.

And it gave him a reason to shrink his cock down, to keep his shaft and sac out of the way, and focus more on the things that he had been able to do as Queen rather than the King of the Changelings.

As the stallion ran his hands over his hips, his fingers glimmered with the bright green light of his magic, and his near-black horn did the same. He closed his eyes for a moment, focusing his power on his body, pushing it down to his hips.

Grow, he thought, and he felt the flaring light of his magic setting into his hips. They pushed outwards, slowly but surely, expanding into his fingers and becoming less hard, more plush. He reached around back, pressing his fingers into his ass cheeks, and he felt the same as they started billowing out, becoming more pillow-like, less hard and firm, less the sort of things that would crack nuts and more the sort that would attract 'nuts', if one got his drift.

The feeling was rather pleasing, and the monarch smiled as he rubbed his fingers against his cheeks, running them down to the swelling base of his rump and making them bounce. The soft jiggle was far more like what he had been as a female, and he sighed in slight relief.

Of course, his cock had to remind him that it existed too, at that point, and he grunted as it jumped, the flared head smacking against his stomach. He opened his eyes, looking down at the swelling, dripping, throbbing thing, and shook his head.

"You are annoying..."

His cock bobbed up and down, almost like an annoying pet that agreed with him but was still happy for the attention. Shaking his head, he brought one green-glowing hand to his shaft, squeezing just under the head. He forced his power into his cock and gradually stroked down.

The magic made his entire cock tingle as he dragged his fingers from the tip to the base, and as he did, the whole thing started pulling in. The width lessened, and the sheer length of it started to diminish. He sighed to himself, feeling a slow sense of satisfaction sinking in as ten inches became eight, then six, then four.

Four seemed to be the barrier against any further shrinking, almost as if the yellow dragon's power was preventing him from making it more of a clit, but that was enough. At least it was no longer the size that was constantly dragging down on him, keeping his head down in his groin rather than allowing him the chance to plot and scheme the way that he liked. He closed his eyes, bringing his attention to his balls.

You...are the real problem.

While his cock getting hard was a hell of a distraction and something that got on his nerves, it was his balls getting stuffed full of cum that made it so hard for him to think of anything but sex. The sheer desire that came from being so horny, so full of cum, so needy, was almost pleasurable in and of itself. It wasn't that he desired being denied or anything like that, but more that he needed that feeling of pleasure, of relief, of the constant drain and growth that they offered him.

There was nothing quite like that as a female, nothing quite like that utter fullness and need to release that came from full balls as a male. It was pleasurable and torturous at the same time, and hard to describe how it really affected his thoughts so much.

He didn't know how males dealt with it. He hoped that there actually was a way to deal with it.

But for now, he could shrink that down and deal with that major problem, at least. He gathered his magic under his balls and pushed upwards. They resisted, at first, as they always did, but the more that he squeezed, the more that they slowly pulled up again. They'd swelled outwards in his sleep, growing slightly larger than oranges, but he condensed them, bringing them down to the size of eggs. The more that he squeezed, though, the more that they forced pre-cum through his cock, almost like someone squeezing some sort of juice through a straw.

By the time that they were shrunk to a level that he liked, his carpet was stained with thick pre-cum. He looked down at the puddle and shook his head. The cleaner would get that, he was sure, and he turned to the mirror once more.

He'd grown more pear-shaped, something that felt right for bottoming. He knew that it wasn't the sort of shape that a queen should have, that he should have more in the chest and a fair bit less between his legs, but for what he was working with, it was a good start. He ran his hands to his chest, tempted to see if he could make his nipples more sensitive, but for now, a sensitive - and large - ass would have to do.

"Now...let's see how this works..."

Chrysalis hadn't gotten quite the full drain that he wanted from having his cock serviced in public. He knew that he had gotten something when he had allowed himself to be dominated by the yellow dragon, and the yellow dragon's master before that. The proper drain that he'd felt from his balls from getting ass-fucked by the pair of them had been genuine, and he was sure that there was something that he could learn there.

And now, he had the kind of ass that would hold attention. He spanked himself, feeling the ripples and jiggles back there, and he smiled. That was a good horse rump, a good mare's ass.

"Let anyone try and resist this..."

He might not even need mind control to get a partner this time. He looked forward to finding out.

The lobby of the hotel was busy as anything, with guests coming and going. Despite the fact that he was completely naked, nobody batted an eye. The city seemed to be accepting enough of nudists, though there was none of the public fuckery that he had caused around the base of that tower earlier. Instead, they were just acting as if the naked stallion was as normal as anyone that was dressed up in a suit or in vacation garb.

Chrysalis didn't want to be treated as normal. He wanted to be treated as something exceptional.

He stood in the center of the lobby, arms crossed as he waited for someone, anyone to take notice of him and then give him the satisfaction that he craved. One minute passed, then two. Three rather well-hung hyenas walked by, eyeing him up for a moment before passing on without a word. He felt almost offended at that, thinking that perhaps he might be doing something wrong, but they were not saying anything, not telling him what was off.

Was there nobody that was willing to just give in to their urges? Did he have to do all the work? His ass was fucking sexy, goddammit. That should be enough.

But, apparently, it was not, because nobody was grabbing, groping, or using him yet. The stallion growled under his breath, a fang popping out from behind his lips before he pulled it back. It seemed that he'd have to take steps.

Spotting a rather muscular elephant coming in with a suitcase in hand, Chrysalis fixed the pachyderm with a firm stare. The gray-skinned male stopped in his tracks, staring at the stallion as his eyes started glowing green. Chrysalis reached back, fondling his own ass, turning around on the spot while never breaking eye-contact.

You love ass...

His thought burned through the magical bond that he had created with the elephant's mind, and the big guy's cock started throbbing hard in his pants, creating a bulge that went right down one pant leg. Chrysalis nodded at the sight of it, fixing him with a firmer stare than before.

You love my ass...

"That...that ass..."

You love my ass. You need my ass.

"Need that...ass..."

You will fuck it. Hard. You will not stop. You will not have mercy. You will -

The shrill scream of an elephant's trumpeting trunk split the lobby, and everyone nearly jumped out of their skins as the big guy ran across the lobby. The briefcase was abandoned, and as he ran, the elephant's cock throbbed once, twice -


Before ripping right through his slacks. The massive thing was at least a foot and a half long, and nearly as thick as Chrysalis's wrist, the fleshy thing wobbling back and forth as the elephant barreled across the lobby right at the naked stallion.


Chrysalis had just a split second in which to regret his actions before the massive male was upon him. Thick hands with powerful fingers gripped his hips, lifting him off the ground, his shrunken cock and balls pointed forward, and that thickening cock-head pressed right between his cheeks. The sheer size of it was beyond anything that he had quite expected, certainly larger than the yellow dragon's the day before, and he gasped as he felt it bumping, thumping, grinding against his pucker.

I might...I might have made - AH!

When it finally found the right angle and pushed inside, it slammed the breath from his lungs. Not only because it was huge, or because of the stretch that came with it, but maybe even because of how deep it went. It felt like it had gone past his stomach, but the bulge...

Chrysalis looked down, seeing the way that his stomach pushed out slightly from the sheer size of the elephant's cock inside of him. It was impossible. It should be too much, far, far too much, but there it was.

And there it rested.

And it wasn't leaving him.


He wheezed, trying to get used to the sheer size of it again, but there was no getting used to that. The elephant started pulling back, dragging his cock backwards, and the stallion's hole felt like it was being turned inside-out, his rim clinging to the shaft and slowly dragging back further, further, further. His eyes widened, his toes curled...

And his cock dripped. am I...

On some level, he was truly enjoying this, though he didn't know why or how. All that he knew was that it felt good, and there was some part of him that wanted more. It felt like it was genuinely milking his balls, too, so he didn't fight it. He just went with it.

He was lifted all the way up to the head of the other male's cock, feeling it dragging all the way down to his rim once more before the elephant slammed him down once more. The jiggle of his bouncy ass hitting the other male's crotch was almost as good as feeling that otter bouncing back against him the day before. Nearly as good? No, just as good, just as fucking good as the other one had been, but there was something different, intense, powerful about it in a way that had been lacking.

Or was it -




The steady thrusting was already scrambling his thoughts, each slow grind over his prostate sending him right back down the rabbit hole to the needy little state that he had been in when he'd fucked the otter. He was so horny, so desperate to cum that it was already making it hard for him to do anything but ride along.


The elephant wordlessly did just that. Though Chrysalis didn't have the chance to change the attitudes of anyone else around him, most all the guests were looking away, either shading their eyes or deliberately looking at the floor or ceiling as they walked by. Their attention was for everything but him, almost as if they didn't want to see him.


He panted, his miniature cock dribbling all over the floor, his balls constantly churning. Their smaller size made it feel like they were filling too fast to ever be emptied, their product jetting and squirting out every time that the elephant slammed into him. The stallion moaned, his ass cheeks jiggling, but it wasn't...

It wasn't enough.

He needed more.

So much more.

"Faster," Chrysalis commanded.

"Mmmph...fuck, your fat ass feels good."

"Yes...and it'll feel good...if you go...fucking...faster!"

The elephant pushed him down, slamming him into the tiled floor of the hotel lobby, and just as the stallion commanded, fucked him harder, faster, deeper. The dicking was just what the stallion needed, in some ways; that fat cock was already pressing hard against his prostate, milking his balls, forcing them to spill some of the fluid back there without actually sending him over the edge. The pressure and pleasure had him oozing like a fountain, spilling his pre-cum and leaving a mess all over the place.

But it wasn't...

It wasn't...

Chrysalis dug his fingers into the ground, groaning as he felt his balls trying to grow, trying to swell outwards again, to become those massive orbs that they had been while he had been topping the otter. They were filling his mind with all kinds of fantasies, of being surrounded by cocks on all sides, and fat asses, and servile people that would do what he wanted. Fucking him, getting fucked by him....

One, then the other.

The other, then the first.







The Changeling moaned, feeling his first orgasm take him, and he came hard on the tile floor, his mouth hanging open as he did. The smaller size of his cock almost made the little thing seem that much more sensitive as a result, almost like he could feel every droplet of his seed spurting out and hitting the floor. His balls definitely felt heavier as they pulled up, pushed against his crotch.

They didn't last, though. They fell down, and he felt them bounce, boing, boing, and then stretch, falling further down. He was losing control over that transformation as they refilled, getting fuller, tighter. Chrysalis panted as he felt his balls feeling like they were stretched taut, tight, too full for their own good, dragging further and further down between his legs.

And, of course, as he had been commanded, the elephant never stopped thrusting. His own heavy balls smacked between the stallion's cheeks, slapping down near his lower-hangers, pressing against him and dragging his own orgasm out. Spurt, splatter, spurt, splatter, the constant pleasure making it harder and harder for him to think. Long cock? Short cock? Fat ass? Hard ass? Options, so many options.

The fuck went on, each thrust dragging out the pleasure, each one slamming him down again and again. The elephant was relentless, that fat cock plunging in so deep that Chrysalis was sure that he must have been fixing something every time that the big male pulled out to stay conscious. So huge, so powerful, so potent, and so fucking good. He loved the feeling of being filled to the brim...

Just like he loved the feeling of fucking...

And cumming...

It was so much, and yet at the same time, it wasn't enough. He felt his balls churning again, so full despite the extra room, his brain filling with fantasy after fantasy after fantasy. He wanted to be used, wanted to be broken down, and yet...and yet...


Without even breaking pace, the elephant lifted him up, holding him on the tip of that fat dick. Chrysalis's eyes and horn glowed again, and all those that were walking through the lobby stopped in their steps. They turned to look at him, all those eyes staring at him getting penetrated, getting fucked, getting used in a way that was completely unsuited for a monarch.

It was better, but still not enough. It didn't matter that he was getting fucked up, didn't matter that he was getting seen being fucked up. It didn't matter that anyone else would have been permanently gaped from this massive cock rammed up their ass and that he was stretched like mad.

It wasn't enough.

It didn't satisfy yet.

"More...I need..."

Chrysalis looked around. If one cock wasn't enough to milk his balls into oblivion, he'd try two. Two, at least. He saw a stallion, a tall, proud, russet-red furred one. He focused his mind on them, and called them over. They were already getting hard, stripping down. Their flared cock leaped out from between their legs as soon as their pants hit the floor, and Chrysalis pointed down.

That was all it took.

The first bit of a new stretch was enough to push him over the edge to another climax, and he moaned out loud, his arms going over his head as he leaned back against the elephant's chest. The feeling of that cock, the sense of burning from the new cock and stretch, the way that his hole felt utterly warped beyond the capacity of any normal shaft to do on its own: that was more than enough to draw his pleasure from him.

But wasn't enough. His balls were already refilling again. He growled, wanting to slam his hands into the ground in frustration, but the fuck was already getting stronger, more fulfilling. Two cocks plunging into him at once, the males attached to them not giving in, not letting him go. They were going to rut him...

And maybe...

Maybe it would be enough. If he let them loose, if he let them work, maybe it would drain everything from his balls properly.

Chrysalis closed his eyes, losing himself to the feeling of the insane stretch, of the warm sensation of being trapped between two bodies. It was good, and there was no denying that; having two males on either side that were plunging so deep inside him, stretching him out, forcing him to bend and break for them, was great. So much better than the one, and closer to what he needed...

But despite the way that they clapped against his cheeks, despite the way that they rocked him in their arms, there was something missing, something that didn't take him all the way....

Chrysalis must have passed out during the fun at some point, because when he came back to the world, he had been laid against the lobby wall of the hotel, pressed up and out of the way so that he wouldn't be stepped on. His legs were sprawled open by balls that were too big for his frame, hanging down almost to his knees, and the minute that he was conscious of their size, he was conscious of the need within them and the hunger to cum that they represented.

"Nnngh...damn it..."

"Are you alright?"

The stallion looked up. Standing over him was a smaller squirrel, the sort of species that normally would have been completely brushed off. Chrysalis could have just zonked him and sent him on his way, but he was tired, and he was annoyed at the lack of any progress in fixing this.

"I'm fine," Chrysalis muttered.

"Um...if you'll pardon me, you don't look it."

"I'm going to be."

"Is there anything I can do?"

"There a place I can go to get these drained properly? Doesn't seem like anyone here knows how to do it."

"Oh, that's simple, sir. Just go to the Red-Light District."

"...Red-Light District?"

"Well, yes, sir. We have plenty of brothels there. It's one of the prides of the city, actually."

Of all the things that Chrysalis had expected to be advised, getting told to go to a brothel was pretty far down the list. Admittedly, it was something that he would have tried if he'd known that it was possible, but here he was in a completely foreign land, and back at home, Celestia and the others had hardly allowed that sort of thing to flourish among the other equines.

If they existed here, though...

Chrysalis slowly pushed himself to his feet, groaning all the way. The feeling of weakness that he got as soon as he got them under him told him that the fuck had been good for one thing, at least, even if it hadn't gotten him drained the way that he wanted. It was close, but only as close as fucking someone else had been, and it still didn't quite land for him. Something was missing, something that was off compared to what he had gotten from the dragons.

Maybe he just needed it to be dragons fucking him? Or him fucking dragons?


Not knowing was a problem. It meant that everything that he did was nothing more than guesswork.

As he got his balance, his balls swayed between his legs, and they were heavy. Not quite the size of melons, thankfully, they were still the size of cantalopes, and the wrong step threatened to topple him from the amount of counterweight that they produced. He groaned, wobbling back and forth until he got his balance again.


"Are you sure that you're okay?"

"Not really."

"Do you...need a ride?"

Chrysalis was...honestly surprised at the offer. Of course, being who he was, the Changeling could have coerced that aid in a moment, but it had been rather far from his mind to expect it to be offered freely. He cocked his head to the side, looking down at the smaller squirrel with a raised eyebrow. The male was a lean figure, with a bushy tail and a tight vest that made him look like one of the over-eager employees of a place of hospitality, always looking for a way to help out for a tip.

Yet, this one didn't have that same sort of greedy undercurrent to him. If anything, he looked actually worried for the stallion.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"Randalf, sir."

"Well...Randalf...I guess I'll take that offer."

"You want me to take you there?"

"Yes...yes, I do."

"Alright. Would an hour's wait be okay? I need to get off-shift first, and I want to make sure that the car is properly gassed up."

"Yeah...yeah, sure."

"You can go shower and everything first, if you want?"

"I'll do that."

"Great. Where are you -"


That was all that Chrysalis could bring himself to say. The churning was still bothering him, and the fantasies were coming again. He wanted to get back to the penthouse before he did something else that caused him trouble, before he dragged himself further into the pit of Hell that was the constant need between his legs.

Putting Randalf behind him and going for the elevator, Chrysalis began his ascent to his stolen chambers. He knew that this wasn't going to solve his problem, but he wasn't sure what would at this point. He had fucked. He had been fucked. He had changed the rules and made people fuck him as hard as they could for as long as they could. He had transformed himself to ensure that he could take things that most people could not.

What was wrong?

Why couldn't he be satisfied?

And why couldn't he stop thinking

His balls kept feeding him fantasies, fantasies that were getting ever more intense and elaborate. They had started with fantasies of what he would do if he ever got back to Equestria, of the harems of ponies and stallions and mares that he would set up and how they would serve him. The fantasies of having the mares that had opposed him falling to their knees to suck on his toes and lick his holes had turned into a breeding scenario of leaving each one pregnant, bred and dripping with his seed and eggs.

Then it had turned to something more intense, of enslaving them, of keeping them as sluts and public use toys, letting the other ponies of Equestria see his power. That had shifted, giving him the role of King, making him the one that the yellow dragon had in charge of the realm rather than Twilight and the others. That had been hot, that had been sexy...

Then the fantasies had shifted again, and now, they were just about this world, about taking what he wanted when he wanted it, being overwhelmed with the urge for sex and just taking whatever appealed at the time. He had the power of mind control. He had the power of transformation, making his body into the type of male that anyone would want most. There was nothing stopping him from embracing that.


Except that was all that he was doing. He wasn't getting the chance to stop the fantasy. He couldn't enjoy it enough to actually finish and feel like he had gotten what he wanted. What else was he supposed to do to get the satisfaction that he needed most?

There was no clear answer. All he had was the pressure to find it...and the urge to cum again, and again, and again.

As he stared at himself in the reflective elevator door, he could see his cock rising again. The curves of his hips and ass remained, but the size of his cock was slowly increasing, pushing out and growing upwards the way that it had done before. Chrysalis leaned forward, resting his palms against the door, panting as he felt the slow growth becoming a sort of pleasure all its own.

Throb, pulse, twitch.

Throb, pulse, twitch.

Throb, pulse, twitch.

Every little quiver and shake that ran down his cock made him all the more aware of how powerful it was, how it was insisting on being large enough to match his balls and then some. It was almost like it had a version of consciousness, that it refused to be left as something so small as he had shrunk it to before. Whether that was the dragon's power forcing it to be larger or just his own urges given power through his magic, he didn't know, but it worked. Soon, it was past eight inches again, then past ten, finally sitting solidly hard at eleven inches long with a flare as wide as an apple.


He didn't know whether he wanted to fuck or be fucked.

He didn't know whether he wanted to use his cock or his ass.

He didn't know anything anymore. The world was so odd, so off, and he didn't even know himself. He had been so conniving, before, so intelligent, so focused on getting what he wanted and making sure that the world obeyed him. Now, he was...

He struggled. He struggled a lot, and he wasn't used to the feeling of having to fight just to have a clear thought in his head. It hurt his mind, hurt his brain, and he didn't know what to think.


The elevator finally came to a stop at the penthouse floor, and he stepped out of the small cubicle, stumbling along. With an hour to kill, he might have once used that to plot and scheme for what he would do next, how he would change the world around him, what his disguises would be and how he would get back at those that had wronged him. Those were all things that he was tempted to do...

But he knew that they would be all but impossible to accomplish, what with the needs and ideas that were popping into his head. They weren't hallucinations of lust, but he knew that if they got much stronger, they might as well be. The fantasies were almost becoming a controlling thing, pushing him to do this, or that, or anything that happened to pop to mind. The consent of others, the willingness of them to do it, didn't really matter when you had mind control powers, and that was something that the fantasies always featured, always dragging him to indulge.

So, instead, he decided that he would test himself. If he could last twenty minutes without touching himself, then he would reward himself with jerking off. If he could not, then he would spend the rest of the hour under a cold shower.

Chrysalis fully expected himself to be completely soaked by the time that they were due to depart, but he hoped that he could surprise himself.

The End

Summary: Chrysalis tries bottoming to see if it works out better for him than topping.

Tags: M/M, Chrysalis, Rule 34, Rule 63, Stallion, Elephant, Public, Exhibitionism, Mind Control, Double Penetration, Anal, Cum, Orgasm, Stretched, Corruption, Series,