Perfecting the Princes 9

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#9 of Perfecting the Princes

Chrysalis takes up the offer to head to the brothel and finds out what they really want.

Commissioned by Engy

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Perfecting the Princes

Part 9

for Engy

by Draconicon

He'd managed a total of ten minutes before jerking it, and had to spend the remaining fifty minutes of the hour under a cold shower. The shiver-inducing waterfall didn't do much to keep him from thinking about sex, but it did make it all but impossible for him to do anything to satisfy himself with it. Chrysalis grumbled the whole time, feeling the water running down his spine and between his wings, over his ass and along his legs, pooling at his heels and running down the drain. He rested his head against the wall of the shower, trying not to beat it against the surface.

"Nnngh...why...why does it have to be like this?" he muttered. "Is it like this for all males all the time?"

He seriously doubted it. Even the horniest of the drones in his old hive hadn't been this randy all the time. Sure, there was some truth in the fact that one could say that they were thinking with their dicks all the time, but that didn't mean that they weren't smart. He knew a few that were quite intelligent and had been able to hold a conversation, even while dicking him - or her, as he had been in those days. They weren't losing their minds to their balls all the time.

Then again, theirs weren't nearly this big.

He reached down between his legs, fondling his sac, feeling just how heavy and round it had become. It was no longer the size that could be held in one hand, but rather filled his fingers and was ready to roll right off his palm. His cock was still heavy and large, too, something that looked like it would outstrip a number of stallions back in his old world. The sheer need that churned in his balls was almost enough to overcome the treatment of the shower's cold water.

Almost. Not quite. It was still somewhat satiated from the double-penetration a few hours ago, though that was rapidly fading.

"Ugh...that brothel better be damn good..."

He wondered if it would be like the orgies that had occurred in the nest all that time ago. The Hive had always been rather eager for fun, even though they were not often given the chance with him. They were always raring to go, always lining up for the fun that their leader would offer.

Of course, now that he was male, even if he did get back there, he doubted that they would want the same now. There was no special allure of being the one female in the Hive. His ass was just one more ass, his cock one more cock in a Hive that was filled to the brim with eager-to-fuck males. He wasn't really special there anymore.


His horn glowed and so did his eyes. Here, he still had some power. Here, he could do what he liked...and what he liked was...was fucking.

It was getting ever more apparent that fucking was the main thing that he could do like this. His balls were too consistently full for him to do much else, too swollen and active for him to empty them for long so that he could plot and plan to take over. His scheming had to be reserved for finding enough cock and ass to tend to his own needs; anything greater than that had to wait for later.

And that...

That had to be intentional, Chrysalis thought. The dragon that had brought all this about had to have thought of that, picked that as a consequence for those that were altered like him. There was no way for them to rebel, no way for them to fight back, and that meant that they were constantly going to be under the yellow dragon, constantly dependent on him. Good little drones, good little sluts. Just like Twilight and Cadance were doing back in Equestria, setting things up and changing things in hopes of making a kingdom for the dragon.

Not that Chrysalis imagined that he would ever go back. That was something that was too off about the yellow dragon. He liked seeing things happen, liked indulging himself, but when it came to actually enjoying it forever, he was always off, always bouncing back to some other realm before he could actually take something in stride. He'd studied Engy during their short meeting, and he'd seen that sort of flighty personality, seen the way that the yellow-scaled, metal-armed dragon was always thinking about the next shiny thing to play with. There was no dedication to the original thing, not there. He wanted to see the next one, the next project, the next slut.

They were doing things for a master that was never going to come back and see it, and they didn't even know it. Chrysalis would have chuckled if it wasn't so ridiculously pathetic.

Knock, knock.

Someone was at his door. Probably the squirrel. He turned off the water, shimmering his power up and down his body to make the water disappear, and walked out of the bathroom.

"Come in," he called.

The door opened and the squirrel - Randalf - waved in greeting. Shyly, yes, but with that smile that made it clear that he was happy.

"So, uh, I'm off now, and the car is all gassed up. You ready?"

"I suppose I am."

"Everything alright?"

"I...Ugh. I'm just...I can't stop."

"Ah, got one of the alchemist's potions, huh?"


"Oh, you haven't heard? Right, you're probably new, aren't you?" Randalf said, nodding. "Um...well, there's an alchemist that works for the guy that runs the city. He's always putting together different potions, and he likes to just dump them in the water supply rather than disposing of them normally. Now, uh, that's not always a good thing, but it's never been a dangerous one."


"Well, once, but that was a long time ago, and he got punished for that."

"And he's still doing it?"

"Well, it's not like it hurts us. Just, you know, makes us bigger for a while...or hornier...or dumber...but only for a while, and not that much. Usually."

The more that he heard, the more that Chrysalis marveled that this Engy managed to keep a job at the head of the city. The very idea of someone being that irresponsible...

No, he couldn't keep that sort of thought going. He was being just as irresponsible with his powers, just as self-indulgent. It was just a matter of who was affecting more people, and so far, his powers had only been used on individuals, or small groups. Engy's potions had affected the whole of the city, but that was mostly because he had access to that many people at once. Chrysalis did not.

Or I wouldn't have half of the problems I do...

Chrysalis didn't want to admit it, but if his powers had the same range as Engy's, he was pretty sure that he'd be playing around as much if not more than the dragon was. He rubbed the back of his head, sighing.

"Let's just go."

"Oh, you're not getting dressed?"

"Should I?"

"Well, we do have to go to the brothel."

"...I walked here naked."

"Oh. You're a nudist. Sorry, I should have - sorry."

There was so much strangeness here. It was fine to fuck in public, except when it wasn't? And it was fine to be naked and showing off, except that it might not be the best idea, except that -

Ugh. There were layers and layers of things to unpick there, and he didn't have the energy to do it.

"Let's just go."

"As you wish, sir."

The car ride was a short one, thankfully, though there was a point where they had to stop and Randalf stepped out of the car to talk to someone at a checkpoint. It reminded Chrysalis of those times in Equestria when the war was on, when his people had been stopped regularly outside of towns to prove that they weren't Changelings, that they were just normal ponies. The checkpoints hadn't been nearly as effective as the ponies of Equestria probably believed them to be, and that was all well and good for him.

This one seemed different, considering that Randalf came back for him to sign something. He gave it a brief read, but didn't really understand it. It basically seemed to say that the person signing consented that they were here for sex, and that they were there for all kinds of sex, and couldn't really be upset for seeing sex happen.

Isn't that obvious?

Shrugging, he signed it and passed it back. A few minutes later, they were back underway, heading down the dimly-lit streets under a dome that covered the whole neighborhood.

"Is there a reason for all this?" Chrysalis asked.


"The dome? The checkpoint?"

"Oh, that. That's just because some people have been grouchy about us having public sex stuff here."

"...Isn't that the reason that people come here?"

"Well, yes, but they don't like to admit it, so they get angry and huffy and make problems for everyone else so that they can feel like they're better. Or something."

The squirrel's confusion and shrugging off of the mystery at least made him feel better about not knowing about it or understanding it himself. Shaking his head, he looked out the window, watching as they passed by various street poles that had people dancing under them. Mostly dancing; here and there, they were fucking, men and women shoving their asses back to allow their holes to be taken and used.

It was a rather casual sort of place, and Chrysalis found that he liked it. There was none of the fooling around, none of the waiting, flirting, the questioning. There was just the fucking, and picking where and how that you wanted to do it. He leaned against his hand, looking out the window as they slowed down, Randalf driving a little closer to the poles and those that were dancing under them.

"So, uh, do you have an idea of just what kind're looking for?" the squirrel asked.

"...Big things," he admitted.

"What kind of big things?"

"Big cocks, big asses."

"That's not that hard to find. A little expensive, though, if you're going...well, up there?"

Chrysalis chuckled.

"What?" Randalf asked.

"Leave the cost to me."

"You have money? Where?"

"Oh, don't worry about money. I'll cover it."

One way or another. Either the mind control would work, or that yellow dragon would have to pay for it. After all, he was supposed to indulge himself, discover himself. If it came right down to it, he imagined that Engy would have to be responsible for the creations that he had made, and all the things that they then needed. The idea of running up a massive bill on the dragon's account actually made some of the residual horniness tolerable...even wanted.

"Just take me to the place with the biggest men."

"Specifically men?"

Thinking about it, Chrysalis was forced to admit that was the only thing that really appealed. He would have liked the chance to put his cock to work breaking down other mares, seeing if they were as good as the ponies back home, but he was aware that his body was pointing him fully towards other males.


"You got it. I know the place."

They pulled up to a rather...glowing establishment, at the end of the trip. It was lit up with neon lights on all sides, with glowing light-strips in the windows and emblems of dicks and balls all over the place. Here and there, a pair of ass-cheeks replaced the cocks, but there were all kinds of shafts on display, from the humanoid to the feral, and all of them were quite hard.

Chrysalis rolled his eyes, but he had to admit that there was something appealing to the frankness of the establishment. It was better than going somewhere that pretended that it was something else for the sake of their own vanity and shame. Here, at least, one knew what they were getting.

"Shall I stay here?"

Randalf. Yes. He looked over his shoulder at the squirrel in the driver's seat, then slowly nodded.

"Yes. Do that."

"Alright. I'll be here when you get out."

There was something odd about the young man. He had been rather helpful and kind, and far beyond the purpose of just doing something good for his hotel. Chrysalis couldn't imagine that this was something that all the hotel employees were bound to do, but so long as the squirrel wanted to serve, the stallion would keep him as a valet and driver.

With the agreement made, Chrysalis stepped inside. The brothel itself was a three-story structure, and the first floor was covered in gaudy carpets, the sort that might have been in some stoner's basement decades ago, and the walls themselves were lined with bead curtains. The air was thick with the smell of 'herbs', and Chrysalis waved a hand in front of his face to clear some of the raw stink out of the way.

A broad-shouldered orca stepped up to the desk between the entryway and the rest of the first floor. Red-eyed and grinning, the orca offered his hand.

"Hey, hey, welcome to the Glam-Cock House, mister. My name's Doug. How can I help ya?"

"I'm looking"

"Yeah, so's everyone. Mind telling me what kinda fun you're looking for?"

"Something for...both tops and bottoms."

"Man, you're a switch, ain't ya?"

"...I guess that's the word for it," Chrysalis said, shaking his head. The casualness was still so very strange, and so hard to quite compensate for. He kept feeling like there was something that he was missing, some signal, some subtle thing that he was supposed to do.

"Man, you guys get all the luck. I mean, I'm a bottom, so I love what I do. Getting it up the ass is hot as hell, man," the orca said, chuckling as he gave himself a spank. "But man, you guys? You get to do it, and get it. That's, like, the dream."

"If you say so. Now, company?"


"I wanted to hire two of your guys."

"Oh, right, right," Doug said, nodding as he looked down at his books. "So, uh, any preferences?"


"Like, heavy, or -"

"No, no, like...big cocks. And big asses."

"Well, got some horses, some elephants -"

"Pass, pass." They hadn't worked out that well the first time, and he didn't have any real faith that it would be better the second time around.

Doug kept flipping through his book, scanning further and further down the pages. Chrysalis, meanwhile, looked past him. The other people on the first floor seemed to be limited to just getting blowjobs or - well, there was someone over on the low-lying couch that had his legs up and over his head, getting someone down between their legs and working between their ass cheeks.

That might be fun. A tongue back there...

"Hey, I think I got something that you might like. Ever had a rat?" Doug asked.

"...I can see how that might be good for a bottom, but -"

"Nah, nah, you don't get it. There's some real good rats on staff here, mister. Promise. I'll comp ya this one."

Money wasn't really an obstacle, but Chrysalis supposed that he could go with the recommendation. He didn't know if rodents would be good for anything besides fucking, but there was always the chance to find out. Doug nodded, lifting a slat of wood and offering his hand.

"Lemme show you your room, man."

Chrysalis waited in the second-story room for perhaps three minutes before the rats showed up, and as soon as he saw them, he realized why Doug had been recommending them.

First, those balls. Big, heavy, round, and low-hanging, they were sweaty enough that they started pumping musk into the room as soon as they stepped through the doorway. They were big, but not quite big enough to hide the thick sheaths that looked like they were about to spit out cocks the thickness of four fingers, easily. Pre-cum oozed from the tips of the sheaths, too, and he could only imagine just how much cum they had to deliver.

Second, those asses. Even from the front, it was clear that the rats had breeder hips, and he grinned as he thought about just how much those cheeks were going to jiggle once he got started. have good taste...

He grinned from where he sat on the bed, looking between the rats. They were basically identical, as far as the stallion was concerned, and they were both quite happy to see him, as far as their grins told. He smiled, nodding to himself.


"Hey, you the client that Doug told us about?" the rat on the right asked.

"Yeah, the switch that likes it from the front and the back?" the one on the left said.

"Oh, I didn't ask you to talk."

"But how are we supposed to -"

The stallion's eyes glowed, and the two rats went completely still, their eyes a bit wider than they should be, but their eyes facing forward properly. They stood with dumb grins on their faces, their hands at their sidess. A thought from the stallion brought their cocks up, making them stiffer, taller, stronger.

At the end of it, their cocks both measured ten inches long, quite long for rats that were barely five feet tall. They were both out of it, completely entranced in the power of the Changeling's magic. They could not disobey. They could not do anything less than his bidding.

"Good boys..."

He curled his finger, and they stepped forward, brainlessly grinning as they looked him over. They were eager for him, eager for anything that they could get. It had been too long since he'd seen that stare, something that was different from the hungry charge of the elephant in the lobby, something that was more than the enamored moans of the otter on the front steps of the tower. This was...

This was more what he needed. Devotion and desperation alike, twined together into something that would actually feed his hungers rather than leave him starving. He leaned back, and the rats joined him on the bed, one of them moving to straddle his waist, the other standing between his legs at the edge of the bed.

They were both completely under his control, and neither could do anything without Chrysalis's direct permission. He smiled to himself, cocking his head to the side as he looked between them. They were both panting, both dripping now, the one over him dripping onto his stomach, the other dripping on the stallion's balls, soaking them, covering them with a new layer of musk and need. Chrysalis smiled, sweeping his tail from side to side, flattening his wings against the bed as he got comfortable.

"Alright...alright, boys...that's it..."

Now that the moment was finally upon them, he was more aware of his need again. He had managed to keep it at bay for so long, but the utter hunger for release was there once more. His balls hung so far down that they had flattened their undersides against the bed from their own weight. They needed to be emptied, and there was no denying that. There was just a question of who was going to do it, and how.

He leaned back until his head touched the bed, his power correcting the two rats. The one still standing knelt down, grabbing his ankles and pulling them up and over, exposing his asshole. The other one used his tail to pull Chrysalis's balls up and out of the way, ensuring that they weren't going to be crushed from the anal part of the fun that they were about to have. The very idea, the sensational, lovely idea of being fucked and getting to fuck at the same time, was something that he hadn't thought about until this moment...

But fuck if it wasn't good.

"Sit," he whispered to the one squatting over him.

The rat pushed down, immediately taking Chrysalis's fat cock between his cheeks, and the soft squish before the head found its way to his pucker was just delicious. That soft rump, the way that it was slowly wrapping around his cock, reshaping to the sheer thickness of his shaft, was utter heaven.

Then there was the other one, the feeling of heat against the head of his cock as the rat kept pushing down, down, down, until - POP! There, a soft gasp of pleasure from him, the utter release and heady feeling of having something around his cock again. Yes, yes, that was what he needed, that was what he had been needing for too long. He groaned, curling his toes as he closed his eyes.

" me..."

The other rat moved forward, and the thick tip against his own plush rump was just as good as the feeling of that hole against his cock. He moaned under his breath as he felt the pressure against his pucker slowly grow, getting stronger and stronger until -


The rat's shaft popped inside him with a most delicious warm, firm sensation, leaving his hole spread, his toes curling even further. Under his direction, the rats pushed down and in at the same rate, until they were both hilted, the one on his cock and the other in his ass. He shivered, huffing softly as he felt something so very different, something that touched both sides of him at once.

He was fucking.

He was getting fucked.

Both itches were actually getting scratched.

Okay...that tells me something, at least...

It felt like there was a release with that, though not the full release that he needed. He looked back at the rats, smiling at their green-eyed stare, and nodded, releasing them to do their work.

And work they did. They moved perfectly in sync, only somewhat helped by the mental connection that he helped and maintained between the two of them. The one on his cock rolled his hips, swaying them from side to side as he went up and down, making sure that every inch of his cock got teased and touched, stroked and pleasured as the rodent rode him, while the other worked his hips forward and back, taking his time to find Chrysalis's prostate proper and then making sure to hit it on each and every thrust.

In, out.

Up, down.

In, out.

Up, down.

It didn't take long for the stallion to start panting. They were not the tightest, nor were they the biggest, but fuck they were feeling good around his cock and in his ass. They were perfect, practiced professionals that were doing the exact job that he needed them to do. Chrysalis flopped his head back, surrendering control of the lower half of his body to the rats, letting them do just what they needed to do to make him feel good.

In, out.

Up, down.

The flopping feeling of those huge rat balls against his belly or smacking against his ass reminded him of just how much cum the pair of them had, and he imagined that he was going to get a shower and a filling at the end of this. That only made his cock harder, his balls jumping slightly. The rat riding him moaned as he shot a blast of pre-cum into that fat ass, feeling it clench hard around him.


The rats continued to move in silence apart from grunts and moans of their own, clearly enjoying themselves, but still bound by his control, his hypnosis, his power. Up, down, in, out. Their fur glistened as they started sweating, the heavy musk already in the room getting thicker and stronger the longer that they fucked. Chrysalis could feel his sweat running down from his own balls, staining his cheeks and his hole, making each thrust slicker, wetter.

And louder. The schlick-schlick sounds of their cocks slamming into holes, the feeling of that wet sweat and slime moving them along that much faster, only left him moaning more. His hips twitched, trying to thrust, but the rats were doing such a good job pleasuring him that he controlled himself, letting them do the work.

Let them serve him.

Let them pleasure him.

In, out, up, down, balls smacking and slapping away. Chrysalis shivered as he clenched down on that thick rat cock, feeling it pulsing inside of him. He was close, and so were they. They could have cum before this, he was sure, but his power kept them from blowing their loads. They were waiting, he decided. Waiting for him to be ready, waiting for him to be done so that they didn't have to stop and recharge.

In, out, up, down.

Every time that the rat on him fell down, the one between his legs thrust in, forcing him up to meet that bouncing ass. Every time that they pulled back, they did it together, making it so intense to feel them pulling apart and even more intense to feel them coming together again. They were working him over but good, and his cock and balls were finally feeling what they needed. His balls felt like they were slowly pulling up, his cock feeling tight and tense, and the feeling of that orgasm waiting just behind that was mind-blowing in the anticipation it caused.

In, out, up, down. Chrysalis rolled his hips, meeting the two rats with every thrust, panting under his breath, feeling his balls rising and his hunger doing the same. He was so close now, so close to getting what he'd been needing since his transformation. He was using his cock and his ass at the same time. Top and bottom, in charge, getting everything satisfied.




With a moan, the stallion arched his back of the bed, cumming right then and there. He felt the rats doing the same, felt the warm spray over his stomach and chest, felt the heat filling his rump without warning or cease. They were both going right over the edge, but it was far from enough. So, so, so far from enough.


Hours later, Chrysalis sat up from the bed. For the first time in...well, far too long, he felt clear-headed. Oh, that didn't mean that his addiction was gone, or that he was completely sober in terms of his lusts and needs, but it did mean that he was finally able to think without also desperately looking for someone to bury his cock in, or finding someone to ride the cock of.

Glancing down at the rats on either side of him, he patted their asses. He'd made them take turns about who was on the bottom and who was on the top, and they'd changed positions more than once. He'd been between them as he rutted the one on the bottom and one on top rutted him. He'd taken them both up his ass, and then he'd had them lay over each other so that he could switch from one hole to the other and back again.

Chrysalis could not believe just how much stamina he'd had throughout the rut, but at the same time, he couldn't believe just how good it was. He could have gone one or two more rounds, but that was pushing it. The rats were both out of it, snoozing in the low-lying bed. Their eyes no longer glowed, either, as he had withdrawn his power from them.


Getting to his feet, the Changeling felt the seed in his ass slowly dribbling out. He wondered if he could hire someone to lick that clean of him, but then decided that he'd just go back to the hotel and wash it out. No problem there, and he doubted that Randalf would be that bothered about getting a cummy seat in his car.

Leaving the room, he almost ran right into Doug. The orca chuckled.

"Hey there, mister. You done?"

"I would say so."

"Right, now, there's the matter of cost."

"Yes. You can charge that to the city alchemist."

"Oh. Do you have proof that you were changed by him? Cause, uh, that's kind of the same excuse that everyone else makes."

"I believe that you can test my seed in the room for evidence of his tampering."

"Yeah, I could, but, uh..."

"You will," Chrysalis said, his eyes glowing green, and Doug stood ramrod straight. "Now, why don't you get to that?"

"Yeah, sir, yes, I will."

There were no further interruptions on the way out of the Glam-Cock House, and Randalf was, as expected, waiting for him at the car. The squirrel waved with the same sort of shy-eager smile that he'd had from the start, and Chrysalis climbed in the passenger side, still sweaty, still dripping. The squirrel said nothing, just starting the car and pulling out.

"Do you do this for many guests?" Chrysalis asked.

"The chauffeur thing, or..."

"The brothel thing."

"Not for most of them."

"Why me?"

"You looked like you needed someone to help out a bit."

"That's it?"

"What can I say? I try to be helpful."

Apparently so…apparently so.

The End

Summary: Chrysalis takes up the offer to head to the brothel and finds out what they really want.

Tags: M/M, M/M/M, Threesome, Stallion, Rats, Chrysalis, Rule 63 Chrysalis, Anthro, Anal, Cum, Creampie, Brothel, Prostitution, Mind Control, Public, Exhibitionism, Rimming, Oral,