Keema's Adventure: Redguards

Story by Axel Silverwolf on SoFurry

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#12 of A Voluptuous Lizard's Adventures in Skyrim

Keema encounters a bunch of Alik'r warriors searching for a redguard woman. Following the quest, she meets Kematu with the other companions members: Ria and Torvar. As a gesture of trust, Kematu proposes one of them gets left behind which Keema volunteers. Left alone with four redguards, she agrees to be their slut to pass the time of their boredom, she severely underestimates their sex drive, and how long her companions and Kematu would return.

Alright so the next chapter is going to be about the companions (to be honest I find it really boring, and probably won't be a unique scenario. Maybe I should skip some quests like joining the circle quest and witnessing the werewolf transformation? Should Krev the skinner be the next candidate? The silverhand? Though that presents a problem since Aela would be there to assist Keema with fighting Krev, and Keema isn't exactly alone in trying to retrieve the fragment of Wuuthrad in Dustman's Cairn. I would really appreciate it if you all gave me your opinion on whether or not I should skip the companions questline or something, or if I should move on to Falkreath first or any other city

Keema heard a commotion with the city guards, and was sent by Vilkas to deal with it. Apparently a bunch of redguards had entered and were asking to search whiterun to capture someone.

Ria and Torvar were asked to come with her as well, in case things got messy with the redguards and provide assistance if things come to violence.

"Are we getting paid for this? This seems really unimportant" Torvar, the usual drunk asked them.

"Not everything is about getting paid Torvar, think of the glory that comes with the job" Ria scolded Torvar.

"Enough, we should focus on finding out what the trouble is and deal with it safely before anything happens" Keema told them as they neared the two redguards who were talking to a whiterun guard.

The redguards were wearing their traditional redguard clothes, with curved swords in their belts and cloth wraps around their heads to protect them from the sun. It seemed that they had come from Hammerfell and all the way to skyrim based on their equipment, and didn't bother to blend in... Or was urgently trying to accomplish something without much subtlety.

"Look, you're already told you're not allowed into the city, turn around and go back the way you came" The guard ordered the redguards near the gate.

The redguards' stances were firm on the matter however.

"We're causing no trouble, all we're asking is to look for her" One of the redguards said.

"I don't care what you're doing, after what happened you're lucky I don't toss you in jail. Now get lost" The guard threatened them.

The guards seemed to get the message after their possible arrest was mentioned.

"We will be back, this is not over" The redguards said with disdain.

Keema approached the guard to ask about what was happening.

"What's going on here?" Keema asked the guard.

"Ah thane, this is the third time that these redguards have been asking about another redguard woman. At first we permitted it, but they were aggressive about it. The second time, one of them threatened the life of a citizen after they suspected they were lying. He's rotting in whiterun jail after that stunt. And now their lot is back, and we're not risking another death threat after what one of them just pulled" The guard explained it to Keema, Ria, and Torvar.

"I see... We'll try to handle it from here. If they try anything, we'll throw them out" Torvar told the guard.

"Alright, I'll trust your judgements, go see the jarl if you manage to make them stop bothering everyone permanently" The guard said and left to go to his post.

Ria turned towards the redguards and questioned them about their intentions here.

"What are you doing here exactly?" Ria asked them.

"We're looking for someone in whiterun, and we'll pay good money for information" The redguards said.

"Good money eh? Who and why are you looking for them?" Torvar asked them.

"A woman, a foreigner in these lands. Redguard like us. She is likely not using her true name, we will pay for information regarding her location. We are not welcome here in whiterun, so we will be in rorikstead if you learn anything" The redguards simply stated.

"You didn't answer our question, why are you looking for her?" Keema pressed them further.

"It's none of your concern. All you need to know is we're paying for this information" The redguards said and started to walk away.

"Hey! We're not done asking questions!" Ria yelled at them, but they left, completely ignoring them.

"Pretty suspicious of them to leave that out... I could use a drink right now" Torvar said as he stretched lazily.

"Hold on, we're not done with this yet. We need to find this redguard woman" Keema stopped them as they headed back to Jorrvaskr.

"I doubt Ahlam would be the one they're trying to find" Ria said.

"Maybe they're vying for Saffir's love to steal her from Amren?" Torvar suggested.

"Ugh... There has to be somebody else. And no Torvar, I don't think Saffir is interested in men, or cheating, she'd be more likely to cheat with a book than with a man. Ahlam is too busy sitting near the gildergreen, she's the most boring woman in whiterun, I doubt foreign redguards would come all the way here for her" Keema said as she tried to think of who else could be the woman they were trying to find.

"Wait... There is one more woman..." Ria said.

"Who? Oh of course! It's Braith!" Torvar concluded.

"No you idiot, not Braith! I mean Saadia!" Ria said and bonked Torvar.

"Gah! Watch it woman!" Torvar said as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Then we'll ask Saadia then, if not, we'll pay those redguards a visit and make it clear that they're not welcome in whiterun" Keema said.

They headed to the bannered mare, where Saadia worked in.

Saadia was serving drinks as they entered the inn, the dark skinned woman, with the scar on her face gave Uthegard a bottle of mead.

Keema approached her, and tried to sound as level headed and calm as possible.

"Did you know some redguards are looking for a redguard woman?" Keema asked her.

Saadia felt alarmed, panic even as she processed what Keema said.

"A-Are you sure? Oh no! They found me? I need your help! Please, come with me, I need to speak to you privately" Saadia said as she dropped everything she was doing as she began walking to the kitchen and then upstairs.

"Hey wait, what's the big idea?" Torvar said as she followed her with Ria and Keema.

"Shhh! Not here!" Saadia said as she continued walking to her room.

As soon as they were inside, Saadia suddenly grabbed a knife from her table, and held it as she pointed the dagger at them.

"So are you working with them? You think you can all take me? You so much as touch me, and you're going to lose fingers! I mean it! I'll cut you in half!" She threatened them menacingly as she swung the dagger in the air wildly.

"Holy shit this bitch is crazy!" Torvar yelled as they all took a step back.

"So the Alik'r know where I am? What did they offer you? Gold? How many more of them are coming?" Saadia asked them frantically.

"Relax, we're not going to hurt you" Ria said, trying to calm her down.

"Then I need your help, and there isn't anyone here I can trust in the city" Saadia begged them.

"Maybe... Just tell us what's going on here, how can we help?" Keema told her.

"Fine... I am not the person that the people of whiterun think I am. My real name is Iman, I am a noble of house Suda in Hammerfell. The men who are looking for me, the Alik'r, they're assassins in the employ of the Aldmeri Dominion. They wish to exchange my blood for gold. I need you to root them out and drive them away before they find me and drag me back to hammerfell for an execution" Saadia explained.

"How are we supposed to get rid of them? Wouldn't they just send more mercenaries if they don't come back?" Torvar asked her.

"They're mercenaries, only in it for the money. They're led by a man named Kematu. Get rid of him, and the rest will scatter. I don't dare show my face, lest they recognize me, so you'll have to find out where they are. I heard one of them was arrested trying to sneak into the city and threatened someone. If he's locked up in jail, perhaps you can get it out of him. Please, I know I'm asking you all to do something difficult, maybe even dangerous, I just don't know who I can trust" Saadia said as she kept her grip on the knife tight.

"Why haven't you gone to the guards for help though?" Ria asked her.

"You think I'd be in hiding if this was something I trusted town guards to handle? These men are ruthless, cunning, deceitful... They'll pay off whoever they can. I can't trust anyone here in whiterun except you three. Guards and jarls can be bought, and the Alik'r are close, I'm running out of time, so I'm choosing to trust you all" Saadia told them.

"So why are the Aldmeri Dominion after you exactly?" Keema asked her.

"I don't know for sure, I spoke out against the Aldmeri Dominion publicly. I suspect that's why they are hunting me down" Saadia explained.

"... Alright, we believe you for now" Keema said as Saadia put the knife down.

Saadia gave a sigh of relief.

"Find me the moment the Alik'r are taken care of" Saadia said as she stayed in the room, with Keema and the others left.

"This seems fishy to me" Ria said as they left the inn and headed for the dragonsreach dungeon.

"What's fishy about it? She said that she'd pay us right? Her story seems legit" Torvar said.

"I think there's something suspicious... But I'm going to choose to believe her for now, either way we need to know where this Kematu is from this Alik'r prisoner" Keema said and went to meet the prisoner.

As they entered the whiterun dungeon, they saw a lone redguard, who they presumed to be the Alik'r warrior who had been imprisoned.

"What are you looking at?" The Alik'r warrior asked them, glaring at the party.

"We need to find Kematu, where is he hiding?" Ria asked him.

"You have a death wish then? If you know that name means you must know that to meet him you must meet your end. But it seems we both have needs friend, perhaps we can help each other out" The Alik'r warrior suggested.

"... If this is anything sexual I am NOT helping you" Keema said, feeling tired of how she get sexualized by everyone, and at this point, she was no longer taking shit for any good reason.

"What? No! Sex is the last thing on my mind right now!" The alik'r warrior defended himself.

"What is it that you need then?" Torvar said, trying to ignore what Keema just said a few seconds ago.

"I have dishonored my brothers by being captured, and so they left me here. My life with the Alik'r is over now, but I have no wish to die in this god forsaken land. If I can be released from prison, I may start over. See to that, and I'll tell you what you want to know" The Alik'r warrior told them.

"How much to pay for your fine?" Ria asked him.

"100 gold will secure my release. You can afford that can't you? I suppose you better hope you can, if you want the information. Get the money into the hands of one of these guards, and I'll tell you what you want to know" The alik'r warrior said.

"Why did they leave you if you consider yourselves brothers to each other?" Keema asked him.

"Because I was clumsy enough to get captured. Kematu says we're supposed to be the best of the best! ... I wasn't" The Alik'r warrior said.

Torvar pulled out a coin purse and spoke to the guard.

"Is this enough for the redguard's fine? I want to pay it" Torvar said.

The guard counted the coins carefully before accepting it.

"Done, convince him to stay out of the city while you're at it" The guard said as he accepted the money.

Torvar returned to the warrior.

"Your fine's been paid" Torvar informed him.

"Very well. Kematu is west of whiterun. Hiding in an unassuming cave called Swindler's Den. You realize if you set foot in there, you're never coming back out. They'll kill you. But that's your problem, not mine" The Alik'r warrior said before he started calling the guard to let him out.

Not waiting or watching, the trio left to discuss their next course of action.

"This seems more like something beyond our abilities..." Torvar said.

"Should we inform the other companions about this?" Ria asked them.

"No, remember how Saadia wanted to keep this a secret from the people of whiterun?" Keema reminded her.

"Damn... You're right..." Ria said.

"I'm still skeptical about all this, maybe he'd listen to us? Maybe this is all a big misunderstanding?" Torvar said.

"They did say they were in Rorikstead, but we can't be too sure of that. Maybe we could work things out with him? They seem to be paying for information, maybe we can ask them why they're after her?" Ria suggested.

"You don't believe Saadia?" Keema asked her.

"It's not that I don't believe her... It's just there's some holes in her story. But I want to hear out Kematu first... If he'll listen to us that is. If they attack us, then that would mean Saadia was telling the truth all along. But if Kematu were to tell us his side of the story, we might get the full picture" Ria said.

"How do you know he'd be lying then?" Torvar asked her.

"Trust me, I saw some flaws in her story. But like I said, I'm willing to accept those flaws until I hear Kematu's side" Ria said.

"So Swindlers Den huh? We just have to sneak inside and get to Kematu, cut down anyone who stands between us and him. Sounds easy enough" Keema said as they went to Jorrvaskr to prepare themselves to go and find Kematu.

The cave seemed to have been filled with bandits, and eavesdropping on their conversations, they found out that the bandits and Kematu had a deal to let them stay. It sounded shady but Keema and the others pressed on, and fought their way through.

As they finally made it to the end, they were surrounded by the same Alik'r warriors, with their curved swords drawn and ready to attack them.

Keema, Ria, and Torvar steeled themselves for battle against the numerous enemies until they heard a voice, stopping combat from engaging further.

"Alik'r hold! You've proven yourselves strong, let's avoid any more bloodshed. I think you and I have some things to talk about" The voice of who could only be Kematu said as the other Alik'r sheathed their blades.

They approached Kematu, seeming as if he was someone who was willing to talk to them.

"Why should we trust you?" Torvar asked skeptically.

"Stay your hand, warriors! It's no secret why you three are here and you've all proven your skill in combat. Let us talk a moment, and no one else needs to die. I think we can all profit from the situation in which we find ourselves. My men will not attack you, if you will lower your weapons" Kematu told them reasonably.

"... We've been sent here to kill you" Keema told him boldly.

"Of course, sent by... what is it that she's calling herself these days? Shazra? Saadia? One of those, correct? Did she appeal to your sense of honor? Your greed? A more... base need, perhaps? It doesn't matter. No doubt she's convinced you that she's the victim. But, do you know why we pursue her?" Kematu asked them.

"But Saadia told us you're assassins" Ria said.

"Assassins? No, nothing so crass. "Saadia," as you all know her, is wanted by the noble houses of Taneth for treason. We were hired to see her returned to Hammerfell for her crimes. You can help us with that, and make sure no one else gets hurt" Kematu informed them.

"I knew there was something fishy about her" Ria said as she started trusting Kematu now.

"Why is that? What exactly was her crime?" Torvar asked him.

"She sold the city out to the Aldmeri Dominion. Were it not for her betrayal, Taneth could have held its ground in the war. The other noble houses discovered her betrayal and she fled. They want her brought back alive. The resistance against the Dominion is alive and well in Hammerfell, and they want justice" Kematu said.

Keema turned towards Ria.

"Ria, you seem to know more than you let on. Can you explain things to us?" Keema asked her.

"Hammerfell had successfully repelled the Aldmeri Dominion from invading, and this is without the help of the empire after the white gold concordat was signed. I tried to keep tabs on the status of the war, and her story didn't hold up. The alik'r wouldn't be under the employ of the aldmeri dominion in the first place considering they're actively against the dominion as well. So with these contradictions, I thought she was lying, and looks like my hunch was correct" Ria told them.

"So she lied to us" Keema concluded.

"So what do you want us to do exactly?" Torvar asked Kematu.

"She trusts you three, at least to some extent. She sent you after us, and has no reason to think that any you'd do anything other than that. Convince her that we'll be coming for her, and she needs to leave. Lead her to the stables outside Whiterun. We'll be waiting to take her into custody. I'll gladly share a portion of the bounty in return for your efforts in seeing proper justice done. In the meantime, one of you will have to stay here with my other brothers" Kematu said.

"What? Why? Don't you trust us?" Ria asked him.

"I want to say I do, but to be frank I don't. You could easily betray me, and I don't want all of us to end up being captured in case you do double cross us and have the guards arrest all of us at the same time. So as a gesture of trust, one of you will have to stay behind. Don't worry, I'll pay double than what I originally offered for information in exchange" Kematu said conditionally.

"No way I'm staying here, I want in on the action" Torvar said.

"I'll do it" Keema said.

"What? But wouldn't that be risky? They might kill you! They're mercenaries in the first place!" Ria said worriedly for Keema.

"But aren't we mercenaries as well Ria?" Keema asked her in return.

"I... But we... But we have honor!" Ria said, trying to rationalize with her.

"You'd do well to listen to your friend. She seems to understand that both of our factions have similarities. Think of it as a gesture, from one mercenary to another. I'm a man of my word, my brothers won't harm her as long as she's in their company, of that you can be assured" Kematu told her.

"... Fine, but if a single scale is harmed on her when we get back, I won't hesitate to do the same to the rest of you" Ria threatened.

"Then we're in agreement, come, we have a meeting to attend with Saadia" Kematu said, taking two of the other alik'r warriors, joined by Ria and Torvar.

With her all alone, Keema was going to have to pass the time doing a lot of nothing with the other 4 alik'r warriors, after a few hours, the other alik'r warriors began complaining.

"Seriously? We're going to be left behind here?" One of them said.

"Relax, we're going to go straight back home once Saadia is captured" Another one of them said.

"Still doesn't change that we're going to be spending an uncertain amount of hours with nothing to do" An alik'r said pessimistically.

"... Say, maybe we could have fun with that argonian?" One of them pointed at her.

Keema rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms, unintentionally lifting her huge tits up, and making the other alik'r get hornier.

"Kematu said we shouldn't harm her though" One of them pointed out.

"We're not going to harm her at all, we're just gonna fuck her" One of them said impatiently.

"I can hear you four you know" Keema said as she put her hands to her hips.

The four broke their secrecy, embarrassed yet still determined to have their way.

"Look, we apologize, but we could decide to pass the time" The alik'r suggested.

"And what makes you think I'll let all four of you fuck me?" Keema said as she hissed at them.

"Because we all know that you're bored as well, we saw you yawning more than we could count already" The Alik'r said.

Keema knew that they had a point, but having sex with strangers she barely talked, or even was in the presence of until a few hours ago, but still... She was kind of bored.

"Perhaps we need to convince you then" One of them said.

"What are you...!" Keema blushed as the Alik'r warrior undressed and revealed his muscular body underneath, especially fit for one who roams the deserts, and a matching cock that had the same shape of a curved sword which bent upwards.

"Well? Do you accept? We won't force you" The naked alik'r said.

Keema found herself becoming wet, it had been a while since she had been dicked down by someone, although not willing, she still had urges, and the size of the cock as well as the curvature of it made her curious how it exactly felt.

Seeing her reaction, the other redguards followed suit, presenting their cocks in front of her, their muscular bodies out in the open.

"Well miss... Do we have a deal?" They asked her.

Keema gulped, the thought of having sex... Her urge... It was getting the best of her.

"... Fine, but you'll all only cum once" Keema told them.

"Make that each of us cumming inside your cunt once" The alik'r boldly told her.

"W-What? I already gave you the condition! You can't just change them!" Keema said with annoyance.

"And we know you're just as bored and desperate to get off as we are. So what'll it be then?" The alik'r warriors asked her once more.

"... Have it your way then" Keema accepted, she wanted a cock inside her and these four were more than enough... Too much for her actually, she never got fucked by curved cocks before, and she kept fantasizing about the cocks that would eventually enter her.

The Alik'r grinned and proceeded to approach her as she undressed, her bountiful, Dibella endowed tits, hips, and ass were exposed for all of them to see.

They all grabbed her lustfully, unable to control their urges as they each grabbed one part of her body to pleasure themselves with.

Two of them grabbed both her hands to get a handjob, while one went behind her rear and started to rub his cock between her thighs, and finally, the last one kissed her.

The two cocks twitched in her smooth, scaly hands, loving the sensation as they thrusted in her palms.

The one who was rubbing his cock between her thighs grabbed her ass, playing with the soft cheeks as he moaned, giving his ass a firm grip before slapping it, making her groan in pain and pleasure.

The one making out with her squeezed her breasts, enjoying the feeling of how soft they were in his hands, it was a rare or even legendary chance to even be able to encounter such a female with huge tits.

"Bet you sold yourself pretty well in whiterun eh?" One of them taunted her.

"Don't push your luck, or I'll rip off your dicks off" Keema threatened them.

"Hah! This woman has some spine" One of them said as his cock teased her pussy.

"You don't know who you're messing with-" She tried to act brave until the others who were receiving a handjob from her slapped her ass, making her moan and stop what she was saying.

"Shut up and keep working on our cocks!" They yelled at her.

She found herself shutting up, feeling intimidated, there were four of them after all, and only one of her.

Keema felt the cock get wet from her juices, sliding down between her cunt and thighs, closing her legs to pleasure the cock further.

"Damn this bitch is wet! Just look, my cock is covered in her juices!" The redguard commented.

"Tch... You're not getting the best of me..." Keema said, resisting the urge to moan out loud.

"We'll see about that, you may be putting on a brave face now but we're just getting started!" The redguards said before they started pushing her.

"H-Hey... What are you... A-Ah!" Keema managed to utter before they pinned her down onto the ground.

One of them slid underneath her, while another was on top, both of their cocks pointed on her pussy, rubbing up against it teasingly. The other two had situated themselves on her upper half. The third one placed his cock between her tits and used the softness to his advantage, while the fourth one grabbed her head and slid his cock inside while she was caught off guard.

The two redguards underneath her didn't waste any time and started jamming both of their cocks in her cunt, making her gasp and moan in surprise.

"Shit... This woman's cunt feels g-good...!" One of them said, their cocks twitching as they felt overwhelmed by the feeling of her pussy clench onto them.

"An argonian whore like her surely has practice...! Wish we could take her instead of that Saadia woman" The redguards whispered among themselves.

"Her breasts are soft... Softer than any other woman I've put my dick on...!" One of them said.

"You think that feels good? Her tongue is wrapping itself around my cock... I-It's unlike any other tongue..!" The redguard fucking her mouth muttered.

Keema was overwhelmed by the multiple cocks fucking her, she was used to one or two cocks fucking her, but not four!

Keema knew that they weren't going to stop so she started sucking hard on the cock, as well as squishing her breasts together with her hands, causing the redguards to moan louder.

"Fuck... She's really getting into it...!" They said as they thrusted more eagerly.

Keema could feel the two fucking her pussy even deeper, hitting her g-spot as she tried her best to make them cum early.

"She's clenching so tight... She easily beats the whores in Hammerfell!" One of the two fucking her pussy stammered, his cock precumming inside her.

"I can't... I can't hold on any longer... I'm gonna shoot it inside!" The other gasped, and before she knew it, the two went balls deep into her and unloaded their cum inside, making her squirt her juices at the same time.

They both pulled out with a wet 'schlop' sound, making her groan as they did.

"Alright, who's next?" The two redguards asked the other two.

"My turn, gonna see how tight her cunt really is" The redguard fucking her tits said as he got off and took his place, lifting one leg over his shoulder as he fucked her sideways.

"N-No... L-Let me rest for a bit" Keema tried to beg them.

"The hell!? If I stop now I won't be hard anymore! Just think about how good my dick feels and enjoy it" The redguard said before going back to fucking her snatch.

Keema was breathing deeply and panting rapidly, she still had one more redguard to satisfy after this, and she was already exhausted, at least it wasn't like with Hajvarr though that's for sure.

"Hey don't forget about me" The redguard in front of her reminded her of him.

Keema obeyed and started to suck on his balls, and then being petted by the redguard for doing a good job.

"Shit... You sure she's a mercenary?" One of the redguards who were already done with her asked each other.

"Probably not, maybe she slept her way into their ranks. Either way, that body of hers is the best I've had" The redguard commented.

The redguard who was fucking her pussy sideways then pinched her clit, making her go crazy as she began screaming in pleasure.

"A-Ah! N-Not that! A-Anything but that! I c-can't resist it...! <3" She screamed in the cave as the redguard teased her clit harder.

This only resulted in the redguard plowing harder into her, spurring him to go harder against her and make her cum.

"Feel that? You're squeezing really hard... You're gonna cum aren't you?" The redguard teased her.

"Y-Yes... I-I'm gonna cum...! <3" Keema admitted as she squeezed her breasts while sucking cock.

"Fuck yeah... Gonna cum into your cunt... Get pregnant!" The redguard said as he gritted his teeth and hilted inside her, making her cum again and squirting wildly all over his cock as he shot his load and filled her hungry pussy.

The redguard soon pulled out carelessly, giving a loud 'schlick' sound, causing a large amount of cum to form a puddle as it escaped her nether regions.

"Hah... I just... need some time to rest..." Keema said as she laid on her back, trying to catch her breath.

But as she rested, she suddenly felt her legs being lifted up, and a cock ram into her with no care in the world, the sudden penetration caused her to cum again, tensing up as her pussy gripped tightly on the cock and opened her eyes to see that the redguard who was fucking her mouth earlier was the one responsible.

"We're not gonna stop until I cum!" The redguard declared before fucking her hard and fast in a mating press position.

Keema wrapped her legs around his waist as he furiously fucked her, kissing him as he railed her cunt with no mercy, her eyes rolling up as the cock plunged into her.

"Ngah... Gonna loosen you up so much that no other male could claim you in the future!" The redguard declared to her.

"Hah... My pussy is being worn out... I can't take such a huge cock this roughly...!" Keema said as her mind blanked out with each thrust.

"Gonna drill you till you can only think of redguard cock bitch! Get pregnant with redguard hybrids! Consider it an Alik'r honor!" The redguard yelled.

"Inside... Do it inside... I want to cum at the same time...!" Keema screamed with no more hesitation.

"Here it comes lizard slut! Consider it a gift!" The redguard growled before shooting one last load into her, causing Keema's already tired form to clench hard on his cock, squirting her juices as the other three watched.

"Consider yourself marked by the Alik'r lizard, it's the highest honor we could give to a woman like you" The alik'r told her as the redguard fucking her pulled out, with her laying limp on the ground.

The Alik'r looked around, and not seeing Kematu arrive or even sounds of someone entering the cave, they all smirked at each other and surrounded her.

"Looks like Kematu still isn't here yet" One of them said.

"Looks like we still have plenty of time to go for another round" The second of them concluded.

"Don't you agree, Keema was it?" The third said.

"Either way, you don't have a choice" The fourth one said, and they all closed in on her.

"Wait... I can't... No... Nooooooooo- A-Ahhhhhh!!! <3" Keema's moans rang out through the cave as Kematu, Ria, and Torvar had already captured Saadia... Sadly for Keema, they were still returning to Swindler's Den, and nobody was coming for her to save her from drowning in pleasure before they arrived.

Alright so the next chapter is going to be about the companions (to be honest I find it really boring, and probably won't be a unique scenario. Maybe I should skip some quests like joining the circle quest and witnessing the werewolf transformation? Should Krev the skinner be the next candidate? The silverhand? Though that presents a problem since Aela would be there to assist Keema with fighting Krev, and Keema isn't exactly alone in trying to retrieve the fragment of Wuuthrad in Dustman's Cairn. I would really appreciate it if you all gave me your opinion on whether or not I should skip the companions questline or something, or if I should move on to Falkreath first or any other city

M Rhyperior/Slowking Gangbang

In the Takahashi residence, there lived two pokemon that had been childhood friends since the very beginning. They have lived together for a long time as family, but one of them loves the other more than what a family should be perceiving each other. ...

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Spygate: Chief's Resolve

It was a regular day in the police station, Gabu was working his usual shift and 'researching' on the whereabouts of the Illusionist, barely getting any leads (not like he was trying), and ending up in an unproductive state as he usually did. He...

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Keema's Adventure: Olfrid Battleborn

It took a while, but Keema had managed to return the sap to Danica along with Athis. Athis apologized to her many times for having abandoned her when she needed him the most, but she declined asking him to just forget about it. Although she...

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