Snake Lords of the Desert 40

Story by SkyWing on SoFurry

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#40 of The Chronicles of Lore

And another one for today.

Lorenus had planned on studying the orcas once they hit the coast, but it didn't take long for him to reverse that plan. He was so sick from even the mildest of turns and movements of the ship that he quickly found himself in desperate need of a distraction. Ordering Julani to go and get one of the orcas, any of them, he leaned himself against the wall of his cabin. His stomach heaved, and he struggled to keep it from climbing up his throat and spilling all over the deck.


"Snakes don't handle water well."

The former emperor of the Sizwe didn't chuckle, but his tone did it for him. Lorenus turned his head, glaring at the elephant until the slight smirk disappeared. The snake's tail twitched, calling him over.

"You...are going to learn...proper resssspect again...when we reach land."

"Until then, I will treat you as I think you deserve."

"With mockery?"

"When needed."

"I conquered you."


"With greater cunning than you have...with greater patience...and I improved your land."


"Sssso, until you can beat me..."


"And get me a bucket."

That was enough to get the elephant running. Lorenus covered his snout, swallowing and breathing slowly, knowing it was a stopgap measure at best.


Once his stomach had been fully vacated, he was able to bring his attention to the orca that his 'post' had brought before him. Lorenus had Julani wait outside as he observed the drugged warrior.

For all that the orcas were powerful creatures, he could see how they were definitely not suited for life on land. Even though they had only been captured a day ago, at most, they were already starting to dry out, their skin not quite cracking, but definitely pulling tight. He imagined that, were they not drugged and desperate for dick, they would have been quite a bit more attentive to their own bodies. For that matter, they likely would have rioted by this point asking for buckets of it just to keep from losing what water they had in their skin. Would have been interesting.

But the drugged state was also rather fascinating. He had never seen this level of _cukani_exposure before, particularly when it was the first one, as well, and likely absorbed through the skin rather than through the mouth. The closest to this would have been those that had taken it up the ass in lube form, or enema form, but even that was different. They were not so far gone as this, not so addicted to the idea of serving cock and getting what they needed.

"Can you hear me?" Lorenus asked.


The orca strained against his bonds, shimmers of candle-light reflecting off the black and white body. The warrior's cock stood out in stark relief against his body, that bright pink slab of meat poking out and showing off, begging for attention. He'd asked the soldiers watching over the orcas if they showed any sign of subsiding if they got off, but according to the soldiers, the orcas hadn't cum. Not once.

Possible corruption through the cukani,_he thought, running his tail delicately along the shaft. _Perhaps it cut that down, making it impossible for them to cum normally...

Or at all, perhaps, though he would only know that with a proper rut or by delving into their minds. Either way, that was an experiment to conduct in the future rather than now.

"Can you understand me?" Lorenus asked.


"I will assssume that issss a no."

He scratched out a note on his parchment. Not much intelligence there, but it was still possible that they could obey orders, if they were given it in an incredibly simplified way. Not the powerful navy that he had been imagining, but brutes that were fuck-hungry could still be useful, particularly considering the raw speed that the orcas had in the water.

The hammerheads off the coast of the Snakelands are swift, but not quite this swift. Nor are they so powerful...

It would mean that they could at least have water shock-troops, which was better than nothing. Could have a lot better things, but at least this was something.

"How bad do you want cock?" Lorenus asked, trying a different tack.

"Bad...really bad..."

"Hmm...You_can_ resssspond."

Admittedly, not very well, and it was rough and guttural, barely intelligible over the rough scale of the voice, but that was a step forward. Lorenus slithered forward, resting his hand over his cock slit, pressing down on either side. The twin ends of his shafts poked forward, and the orca immediately sniffed the air again. The musk drew the black and white soldier forward, leaving him moaning as he strained to reach the tips of the snake's cocks. He even drooled at the scent.


"You need thessssse?"


"Tasssste, or touch?"

"Both. Please...nnngh..."

"You will do a tasssk firssst."


"Then you will get cock."

"What...what do you need?"

So there was a mind left. That gave him options. Lorenus smiled, leaning back a little ways, coiling over himself a few times as he considered what he could test the orca with. Precious little actually needed doing around the ship, and those muscles would be a shame to waste with something too mundane. That said, he could use a little more information about how delicate they could be with their tasks. He glanced at the wall, at a few glass bottles lined up on the mantle.

"Move thosssse without dropping them."


"From one sssside of the room to the other."


"Then cock, yessss."


"...It could be worsssse," Lorenus hissed.

It could be, but not by much. The orcas had some physical dexterity left, but they were shaky, not nearly as precise as he would have liked for an underwater team that he could send on various assault missions against the Snakelands navy, as limited as it was. He would be limited to using them as shock-troops, sending them up and out as power-bottom sex-warriors at stations that he'd have to hope were manned by well-endowed males that the orcas would take as their prize.

That said, at least he didn't have to worry about them being used against him. That was something.

Still, Lorenus looked down at his cocks with disappointment. He had rather hoped that he could have his fun with an orca's mouth, and due to the fact that they were so altered, that hadn't happened. He hadn't trusted those teeth against his cock, and so he had to do all the work. All of it, and that was annoying, tiring, and more for the other person in the fucking than for him.

Shaking his head, the naga dragged himself from the edge of the room, making his way out of his quarters. The ship had slowed, finally, and his stomach no longer felt like it was trying to divorce his body. Making his way out from below-decks, he slithered to the main deck and looked over the side.

They'd come to the coast overnight, and that meant that they were in lion territory. Considering the wars that he had heard about from the various ministers among the Sizwe, he half-expected the coast to be completely abandoned.

Instead, a single lion stood at the edge of the beach, looking up at their ship. A deep red mane surrounded his head, and he was dressed in nothing more than a loincloth with a series of leather, bejeweled straps wrapped around his chest and over his shoulders. Lorenus imagined that he was someone important, at least. A diplomat, or perhaps someone that was related to the local Kgosi.

The former elephant emperor walked up to him. Lorenus turned, nodding down.

"And he issss?"

"A messenger."

"...Mussst I begin your lessssson ssso publicly?"

"He is...a shaman."

"A sssshaman, hmm? Of true magic?"

"None that we've ever seen."

"A pity. That might have been ussseful."

Even so, a shaman would be someone that the rest of the tribe would listen to, and if they were here, that meant that the ships had been expected. He could ask about that, use it, and perhaps even turn it to his advantage. Lorenus looked back at the waiting lion, then past him. No sign of any others waiting, which was a plus. No reinforcements, just a sign of trust for a meeting.

"Call a boat," Lorenus ordered. "I'm going assshore."


He brought but one slave. His perch walked him out of the boat and onto the shore, though not without the heaving that came from the big boat in the stronger seas. Lorenus was merely happy that he had managed to make it to the shore without completely losing it again. That would have been a fine way to start negotiations.

The lion waited for them to come up the beach, only stirring when they stood a few feet away, and even then only to bow. He rose, meeting the naga's eyes without fear.

Instead, they were filled with resignation, of all things. Lorenus's heart leaped in his scaly chest. This lion wasn't here to fight, or even to deliver a threat. He was here to surrender, and hoped for the best terms that he could get. He had never imagined that he would get this lucky, but he was most certainly _not_going to complain, considering the way that things had gone of late.

"Stranger," the lion said. "Be welcome to the land of six tribes."

"A sssstrange welcome, to call one like you to the ssshoresss."

"I volunteered. There can be no more blood shed by my people."

"Have you losssst ssso much?"

"The lions have lost hundreds in the wars with the Sizwe, and with our other foes in the tribes."

The lion shook his head, pulling some of the leather wraps on his chest to the side. Bald spots shone through the fur where he had taken wounds, and Lorenus could see many that could have been fatal if they had gone a mere inch one direction or another. It was a miracle in many ways that the shaman was still alive. The feline allowed the straps to fall back where they had been and shook his head.

"I am here to see what you want."

"What _I_want?" Lorenus smiled. "More than the world hassss."

"Such is the ambition of the Empire..."

"Such issss my ambition. I have losssst my birthright. I have lossst my home. I go to war to get it back, and nothing lesssss. I will sssee my father crushed, my home regained. I will accept nothing lessss than what I am due, asss a prince of the Ssssnakelandssss. I will have it. I will."


"Sssso, my quesssstion in return. What do you want?"

"..." The lion shook his head. "You are a snake, are you not? Can't you see it in my mind?"

"Sssshould I peer into your eyesss again, I sssshall."

"You mean, you haven't?"

"Heh...I could have...but I wassss curioussss. Curiousss what you would sssay, what you would do. And now, I know. You do not want peace. You want sssafety, and I can give you that."

"I know."

"But I can give you more than that. If you join willingly. If you sssubmit to the ssslavery that we demand."

"I know." The lion nodded. "I know...all that."

"Then tell me. What will it take for you to ssssubmit?"

"...Revenge. On him."

The lion pointed over Lorenus's shoulder, and he knew without looking just where it was pointed. Of course, the lions would want revenge on the one that had decimated their tribe. Of course, they would have seen and heard that the former emperor would be coming. It was a chance, a chance of a lifetime, to take revenge on the one that had broken them.

The question was...did he let them have it?

The End