Four Merry Men - Chapter Two: A Gay Ol' Time

Story by Troius Clawston on SoFurry

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#2 of Four Merry Men

Over the holiday season, two couples decided to spend the most festive time of year with one another's company. Two of them were the zebras Marzo and Eirjan, whose relationship had only grown stronger alongside their adventurous reputation online. Through their well-renowned videos and livestreams, they had managed to befriend another zebra by the name of Lost Way, as well as his studly pegasus boyfriend Crashing Thunder. The four may have known each other for a while, but they were all about to experience new things as they explore each other's interests and desires. And at the end, all of them are likely to have a few stockings stuffed~

The ride back home from the bar may have been silent, mostly so they wouldn't distract their driver on the increasingly snowy roads; but at the same time, the two couples were all blushing in perverted delight as they texted their ideas and plans to one another in their little group-chat. The extra time spent in traffic was barely even noticed by the four, since their increasingly randy texts occupied their attention more than the beautiful snowfall outside. Luckily for all of them, the driver didn't really mind their hushed murmurs and giggling, since they weren't trying to be overly obnoxious. Not to mention, considering how strongly they all smelled of alcohol, he could only hope that their phones would be enough to keep them from vomiting in his van.

The skies were pitch-black by the time the van arrived at its destination: A modest little tattoo shop at the corner of a snow-covered street, with a zebra-striped sign at the front reading 'Kupigwa juu ya Ink.' The entire neighborhood looked completely vacant when the four exited the van, even with the beautiful strings of Christmas lights strewn across the street-lamps above their heads. There was definitely more than a little fumbling from the group, since the copious amounts of wine consumed equated to a tougher time traversing across the icy ground. But by the time they got their belongings, and the van was able to leave safely, Marzo and Crash were able to carry the rest back to the shop on their own.

"Hehehehehehe..." Lost Way, whose cheeks were now as red as Eirjan's stripes, had to hug Marzo's side for support as they stumbled across the snowy walkway together. Marzo was holding the large box of leftovers from the winery, but he was fortunate not to be in Crash's hooves at the moment. Unlike Lost Way, who could somewhat stand competently enough to follow Marzo to the front door, Crash was struggling not to slip while holding Eirjan over his shoulder like a broken duffle bag. Lost Way snickered a little when he saw his boyfriend's efforts, and teasingly asked, "H-Hey, Crashyyyyy... W-Why don't you strap him to your harness?~"

"Nnnfffff..." Crash's muzzle tightened a little, but he made sure to shoot Lost a cheeky smirk in response. "Well, at least I can still walk, drunky~"

"H-Heeeyyyyy! I can still walk!" Lost Way tried to prove his point by pulling himself away from Marzo's side. However, he couldn't stand on the icy ground for a second before his hooves skidded frantically. Crash gasped in worry at his boyfriend's comical stumbling, which made the zebra look like an old cartoon character about to run away from a ghost. Even though the stallion couldn't swoop in and save Lost Way with Eirjan slumped over his back, Marzo was quick to grab him before he could fall on his butt. "WHOO!!" Lost clung to Marzo's side once more, his breathing now much more rapid than before. "Uhhhh... t-that was the ice, not me..."

Both Crash and Marzo scoffed with matching smirks, but didn't say anything to Lost's remark. Instead, Marzo fumbled with trying to hold his heavy wine box under one arm, while using a free hand to retrieve the keys from his pocket. With Lost Way still hugging his side tenderly, Marzo managed to open the front doors of his tattoo shop to get them out of the cold. "Alright, fellas! Let's get ourselves warmed up!"

All of them sighed in relief when they entered the empty shop, since the heaters were running well enough to make the space feel at least twenty degrees warmer than outside. Marzo locked the shop doors behind them, and made sure to keep most of the main lights off so no stragglers could try to get a tattoo off the street. The checkered floors and immaculate chair setups remained pristine, with all the equipment safely put away and sanitized. Before Lost Way or Crash could make any drunken suggestions, Marzo made his way towards the back of his workspace and said, "And just for the record, I'm not tattooing anybody while drunk! I've made that mistake before, and it's not one I wanna repeat."

Eirjan, who was still groggily slumped over Crash's shoulder, could be heard chuckling devilishly while his muzzle was smushed against the pegasus' stomach. "Heh heh heh... Y-You mean that 'Pirate Ship' incident?~"

"Pirate ship?" Lost Way and Crash asked that at the same time, with the zebra being the first to add, "Wait, what the heck happened there?!"

"Nothing! Nothing..." While Lost Way was leaning against one of the shop's counters with a slurry smile, Marzo went to unlock the door leading down to his and Eirjan's living space. "Let's just say that I... may have misheard what he asked for..."

Before either of them could ascertain what he meant by that detail, Maro led the way as he traversed down the stairs towards the basement. Lost and Crashed followed, with the latter making sure that he didn't accidentally knock over anything with Eirjan's legs sticking out and swinging around. Luckily, the shop remained dark and unoccupied by the time they disappeared into the stairwell. And with the temperatures growing even hotter downstairs, all of them were feeling more comfortable when they arrived at Marzo's underground lair.

Back when Marzo first purchased the tattoo shop, the basement was nothing more than a drab and cold storage space with concrete floors and cinderblock walls. But after years of construction work and tedious permit approvals, the space was now a lovely setup that resembled a vintage apartment. Plush carpeting was strewn out across the floor, while wooden walls were put up to hold all of Marzo's vintage tribal artwork. There was also a fancy-looking kitchen along the back wall, while the other end of the basement had a modest bedroom with a bathroom attached. This was far from the first time Lost Way or Crash visited this setup, which would've likely costed a pretty penny as a rental listing downtown; but unlike most of their previous visits to Marzo and Eirjan's living space, no web-cams or live-streams were going on to pull them from their friendlier demeanors.

"Alright, guys! Make yourselves at home..." Marzo walked over to the kitchen with his wine box, while Lost Way collapsed on the wrap-around couch in the middle of the room. Eirjan was dropped on the couch beside him by Crash, who sighed and rubbed his shoulder in relief. Even in his inebriated state, Eirjan drunkenly turned on the TV with a remote and began to browse through the app selections. Both he and Lost Way were laying on top of one another, clearly having weaker resolves than their still-standing partners.

"Uhhh... Y-You need any help?" Crash decided to check on Marzo, who was busy putting away their leftovers in the fridge. The pegasus decided to grab the wine bottles still in the box, and arranged them neatly across the counter by the fridge. Marzo didn't say much, but he nodded appreciatively with a smile on his muzzle. After they finished putting things away, Crash shuffled awkwardly and scratched the back of his neck. "S-So, uhhh... how's... how's all this going to work again?"

Marzo huffed through his nostrils, but still shot the stallion a reassuring smile. "Hey, it's alright, dude. We already told you guys, we weren't planning to do everything in one night. We were hoping to spread it out over a few days, that way we can all do things we want with one another~"

Crash lowered his head with a sheepish nod, his cheeks blushing in embarrassment. Despite having read all of Marzo and Eirjan's points in the group-chat, it was easy to forget a few things after drinking more wine than a homeless mime. The pegasus shrugged half-heartedly, and tried to say in response, "R-Right, right... Sorry, I just... I wouldn't have expected you two to wanna do something this... this intimate with just the two of us, y'know?"

"Hey, we're not just into doing kinky stuff for live-streams or income," said Marzo pointedly. "And after all the times you and Lost Way helped us out, it seemed only fair to offer you two a chance to really... explore ideas with us for the holiday season~"

Crash sighed to himself silently, and could only nod in understanding. Even though he and Lost had originally met the zebras through online chats and live-streams, the couples ended up becoming decent friends outside of carnal sex. Lost Way recommended Marzo's shop to a lot of his buddies, which racked up enough revenue and returning clients to pay for a good portion of the shop's repairs and expenses. In addition, Crash and Eirjan became surprisingly good friends over chat in regards to recipe swaps and movie recommendations.

"Seriously though..." Marzo leaned against the side of the counter while speaking assuredly to Crash. "We don't have to do anything crazy tonight. We're all pretty drunk, so we could easily just lay back and watch some movies if you want. What's important is that we all get to have fun by the end."

Marzo shot him a sly wink, which prompted Crash to avert his eyes and blush even deeper. Lost Way loudly spoke up from the couch to ask, "Hey, wait a minute! D-Don't you guys have a new, uhhh... s-shower thingy installed recently? Like... I think Crash mentioned that the other day..."

The pegasus' eyes widened in instant realization. "Oh yeah! Eirjan told me about that!" He looked back at Marzo curiously. "Does it really have a rain-spout at the top?"

"Yeah, it does!" Marzo's face lit up rather excitedly. "I swear, I don't think I can ever go back to regular showers anymore! That shower head can probably wash all four of us at the same time!"

"R-Really?" Alongside Crash's reddening cheeks, his eyes widened in surprise by that detail. "Wait, is... is the shower big enough for that?"

"Mmmhmmmmmm!!~" Back at the couch, Eirjan lifted up a hand to indicate he was still conscious and listening in. "I can lie down in it without touching the sides!"

"Ehhh, I wouldn't say that's completely true," clarified Marzo with a shrug. "I mean, he can lie down in it, but his hooves touch the wall a little. Still though, it's certainly big enough hold more than two guys~"

That statement was more than enough to make Crash and Lost Way's ears perk up at the same time. Eirjan slumped himself over Lost Way while they were both sprawled on the couch, until they were both lying on their sides in an almost "69"-esque position. Eirjan snickered to himself devilishly, and took advantage of Lost's drunken state to reach down and tickle the zebra's hooves. "Tickle, tickle~"

"EEP!!" Lost Way tried to pull his legs away, but Eirjan had a surprisingly strong grip with both of the zebra's ankles in one hand. Meanwhile, his other hand quickly went to work as he danced his fingers across the bottoms of those smooth hooves. Lost Way had to clutch his muzzle to keep from giggling like a schoolgirl, but his body still thrashed in response to Eirjan's digits gliding across his soft and sensitive keratin. Crash and Marzo could overhear both of them giggling, but it was hard to see anything when the back of the couch was facing them. But at the same time, neither of them could deny that the drunken zebras were already getting a head-start on having some fun.

"Hehehehehe..." Eirjan eventually stopped tickling Lost's hooves, but still kept a tight grip on his ankles so he couldn't kick him away. Since he was lying over Lost, Eirjan was able to spread his legs apart so he could have him pinned under his weight as well. Lost Way was able to stop giggling, but he couldn't say much while stuck beneath the drunk and horny zebra. In addition, Lost ended up being caught by surprise when he felt Eirjan looming in with his hot breath touching his hooves. The red zebra closed his eyes with a giddy grin, and opened his muzzle wide so he could drag his tongue across one of those smooth pucks of keratin. "Aaaaaahhhhh~"

"MMPHHH!!~" Lost Way tensed up with a sharp gasp, and his muzzle clenched shut while his eyes were wide open. He tried to cover his mouth, not wanting Marzo or Crash to overhear his girlish squeals as Eirjan gave his hooves a proper taste-test. But with how firmly Eirjan was clutching his ankles, he wasn't able to pull away from that wet, hungry tongue that flicked about so rapidly. The zebra wasn't afraid to slobber all over those hooves, giving deep enough laps to make Lost Way shudder and groan underneath him. It was hard for him to do much in response to Eirjan's titillating tongue-lashing; but despite his legs being held down tightly, his hands were able to move about freely and drift towards Eirjan's waist.

"Oh my..." Marzo leaned forward just enough to see what his partner was getting up to, and grinned with an approving nod. When he glanced back at Crash, he could tell that the pegasus could see more than enough from his spot due to his height. His eyes were open rather wide to the sight of his partner's hooves being licked and teased by Eirjan, as well as Lost Way's hands finding their way towards the zebra's waistband. While Crash was distracted by the perverted sight, Marzo got up close to him with his brows perked up. "Heh~ You see anything you like, big guy?~"

The pegasus flusteredly looked away from Marzo, and tried to hide his face as it glowed a more notable shade of crimson. Back on the couch, Lost Way was trying his best to stop giggling and even up things between him and Eirjan. The red zebra almost didn't notice when Lost unbuckled his belt, or when he managed to unbutton his pants with a single hand. But as soon as he gripped the waistband firmly, Eirjan pulled back with a surprised "Oooh!!~" when his pants were unceremoniously yanked down to his knees. His bare ass was left totally exposed, with the elastic bands of his jockstrap framing out his muscular cheeks like an oil painting. In addition, the zebra's crotch was still tightly covered in the red fabric of his codpiece; but from Lost Way's point of view, which was underneath Eirjan with his muzzle pointed right at that toned ass, his muzzle went slightly agape at seeing the thick bulge of that equine cock testing the fabric's elasticity with a prominent tent.

"My goodness~" Eirjan glanced back at him with a cheeky smirk, and pulled himself up momentarily so he was in a "seated" stance atop Lost. He pulled his ass back, which brought it closer to the zebra's blushing face so he could get a good look at Eirjan's undercarriage. Along with the notable dark spot that was beginning to appear at the tip of his jock's tent, it was nearly impossible to ignore the sight of his ripe, musky hole as it puckered enticingly between his bare cheeks. In addition, Eirjan was able to grab hold of one of his sweater's sleeves before pulling his arm up, and yanking the whole thing off in one effortless swoop. "Nnnffffff... Here we go~"

After undressing himself down to his jockstrap and orange harness, Eirjan decided to return the favor to Lost Way by unbuttoning his jeans. Meanwhile, Marzo was scooting in closer beside Crash with a flirtatious grin of his own. Since the pegasus was staring over at the two in awe, Marzo was able to freely glance down and see the thick bulge of his equine member swelling up against the inside of one of his thighs. He was sure that Crash's dress pants were becoming restricting, especially when the crotch didn't provide enough give to allow a proper tent to stick out. Of course, considering how Marzo's own slacks were tightening up too much for his own comfort, he was already zipping down his own fly when he leaned in and whispered, "Hey, Crashy... you wanna get more comfortable there?~"

The stallion was finally able to look away from the couch, even though he could hear Lost Way moaning out weakly from his pants being yanked off by Eirjan. He glanced back at Marzo's lustful smile, before his eyes drifted down to see the zebra's more shameless display. He may have not unbuttoned his slacks, but his open fly allowed for his thick, ebony cock to stick out and stand rigidly. The girthy beast may have been seen many times before by Crash and his partner, but the pegasus' wings still sprung out quickly enough to nearly hit the wine bottles on the counter. Marzo merely chuckled in delight to Crash's gobsmacked expression, and reached down to grab hold of his thick base. As his digits slid up the length of his meaty shaft, caressing across the thick veins towards his flaring head, the zebra's eyes narrowed on Crash with a more enticing smile. "C'mon, big guy... I have a feeling you don't wanna be the only one with his pants still on~"

"Mmmfffff..." Despite the obvious outline of his erect stallionhood bulging against his pantleg, Crash was still standing awkwardly with a timid look on his blushing face. His eyes couldn't pull away from Marzo's teasingly slow stroking, even when Lost Way tossed his sweater over the back of the couch. Marzo used his other hand to reach down towards Crash's waist, and gently grabbed the bottom hem of his sweater. The stallion didn't try to stop him, and even felt his arms lifting up without even realizing it. Marzo took that opportunity to pull off his sweater, revealing that harness he was almost caught wearing back at the winery. The bright green straps stood out almost as much as his tented crotch, which made Marzo chuckle and give one of the elastic bands a playful snap with his digits.

"You know, that harness combined with Eirjan's jock kinda puts you two in the holiday spirit already!" After that astute point, Marzo gave himself a couple more teasing strokes of his cock to keep Crash's attention. "And I suppose this could be a 'Yule Log' of sorts~"

"UGH!" Both of the zebras on the couch groaned in disappointment. The other two glanced over to see Eirjan and Lost poking their heads up to stare at Marzo flatly. "Dude, even I think that's a corny joke."

Marzo rolled his eyes with a scoff, not feeling too offended when he could see how large Lost Way's eyes grew at seeing his cock. Not to mention, Crash seemed to be too distracted himself to notice that cheesy pun. Marzo turned his attention back towards his partner to point out, "You really wanna focus on that, and not that cute zebra underneath you?~"

Eirjan was about to give a retort, but his muzzle opened for only a couple seconds before closing back shut. Marzo's grin may have been a bit too smug for his liking, but it was hard for him to really care about that when Lost Way's crotch was right there. Lost already decided to lie back on the couch, which gave him a stunning view of that red-striped ass. Meanwhile, Eirjan now had a prime view of the tight, pink boxer-briefs he was still wearing. Much like Eirjan's jock, Lost was sporting an impressive bulge that outlined every inch of his cock; and with how short the underwear was, the zebra's flared head was already starting to peek out from the bottom hem of one of his legs.

"Aww, peekaboo!~" Eirjan reached down and gave a little 'bap' to Lost Way's head with his finger. The zebra sucked in a sharp gasp through his teeth, but remained in place as his legs squirmed a little. Fortunately for Lost and his constricted state, Eirjan was generous enough to quickly pull down his underwear to get it out of the way. His thick cock sprung up like a jack-in-a-box, and stood rigidly atop his striped waist with a small glob of precum already seeping from the tip.

"My gosh~" Eirjan smirked at how quickly Lost was able to get hard, regardless of how tipsy both of them may have been. "It's quite flattering for you to react like this~"

"Hmph..." Lost Way writhed a little more underneath him, his blush deepening the closer that muscular ass of Eirjan's loomed in towards his muzzle. "W-Well, uhhh... you're certainly making it easy, that's for sure~"

"Why, thank you!" Since he was already straddled quite comfortably atop Lost Way, it was easy for him to give the zebra a proper reward for such a compliment. He moved his head in towards that plump cockhead, and closed his eyes before giving a long lap of his tongue across the flared tip. He could feel every curve and crevice of those ridged edges, as well as taste the distinctly salty musk of that creamy pre. Lost Way's head pulled back with an especially heavy moan, and he tensed up from the titillating sensation that made Eirjan moan in delight. "Aaaaaahhhhh..."

Crash shuddered strongly to the voyeuristic view he got of his boyfriend's fellatio, with his knees wobbling weakly. When he tried to look away from the zebras' lewd spectacle, he was met with the sight of an even lewder zebra right beside him with his cock still out. Marzo leaned in close to the stallion's side, and caused Crash to gasp when he grabbed hold of that massive bulge in his trousers. His fingers glided up and down the length of his outlined cock, which helped to make the shirtless pegasus quiver like a fallen leaf. Marzo's other hand kept stroking at his own erection, keeping it nice and hard to further entice Crash's not-so-hidden impulses. "Hey, c'mon now... there's no reason to be shy now~"

"Nnnnghhh..." Crash wasn't able to say much while his muzzle was clenched shut, and his nerves were tingling with every caress of the zebra's curious digits. Marzo knew that there may have still been the slightest semblance of hesitancy in Crash, but he could also tell that his resistance was basically gone after his shirt was undone. It didn't help that Crash was staring down at Marzo's cock while his own was given a proper rub. Eventually, he was able to let out a light shiver and speak weakly. "W-Well, uhhhh... H-Honestly, it seems like things are... a-are going pretty well right now~"

"Yeah, they certainly are..." After giving one last squeeze to Crash's restrained erection, he leaned in close to his ear to whisper sultrily, "And I have a good feeling to assume you have some ideas now, don'cha?~"

Crash shuddered in the zebra's embrace, which wasn't helped by overhearing Eirjan's lips slurping around Lost Way's cock. The red zebra was fully indulging in his buddy without any shame, with his lips already tightly wrapped around Lost's plump shaft. The cockhead was thick enough to nearly lodge his muzzle completely, but that didn't deter Eirjan as he pushed himself down more of its rigid length. Lost moaned out heavily, and was growing too lost in his own pleasure to overhear much of what Marzo was saying to his partner. And with that muscular ass taking up even more of his line of sight, his eyes slowly went half-lidded when he leaned in closer towards it...

"Aaaahhh!!~" Crash's muzzle opened to belt out a heavy moan when Marzo finally pulled down his pants. The stallion's cock was intimidatingly large, proving that the cliched "Hung like a horse" statement had some merit. Marzo continued to tease the fidgety pegasus, and grabbed hold of that meaty cock the same way he was doing his own. Crash was still standing stiffly with his muzzle clenched, but he couldn't respond before Marzo spoke up first. "So, Crashy... What do you--"


The sound of Eirjan's surprised yelp interrupted Marzo, and he glanced over to see his partner's head poking up from the couch. The red zebra had his head reeled back with his eyes wide-open, and his mouth completely agape. Behind Eirjan's frozen form, Lost Way managed to get an advantage with his muzzle nestled between his cheeks. Both of his hands were tightly clasped to Eirjan's rump, spreading the cheeks apart while his tongue fervently wriggled against that puckering hole. His eyes were blissfully shut, and drool could be seen trickling down his chin from the musky taste that was tantalizing his tongue. As soon as the tip of his tenacious muzzle managed to pierce through Eirjan's ring, it was effective enough to turn his moan into a deep and hungry howl for more.

"Ooh, won't you look at that!~" Marzo showed his approval of Lost Way's efforts by giving a teasing lick up the side of Crash's neck. The pegasus moaned out from that additional titillation, with more of his precum dribbling out from the head. Marzo's fingers started to get glazed with the syrupy substance, which helped to lessen the friction and stroke more effortlessly. He stopped teasing himself long enough to remove his pants, leaving himself just as nude as the rest of the group. He then turned Crash towards him so they were facing each other directly; this gave the zebra the perfect opportunity to nestle themselves in close, and press the undersides of their cocks together. Both of them moaned when their lengths were put in a proper frotting position, with both of them gushing enough precum to leave the two in a sticky mess.

"Yeah, that's a good boy~" Marzo could overhear the other zebras just as well as Crash, and used that to keep himself and the pegasus at proper pace. He grabbed hold of both of their shafts in one hand, and wrapped the other around Crash's waist to hold him in place. The pegasus closed his eyes and breathed rapidly, not expecting for Marzo to stimulate both of them so effectively. The zebra's fingers were already getting drenched in both of their syrupy secretions, which also helped to make both of their shafts slide up and down against each other and further accentuate their pleasure. Crash could barely stand still, but Marzo's soothing voice was just enough to keep him in place to embrace his touch and accept his praise. "Mmhmm... You're doing really well, big guy... I bet you can shoot a lot with that thing, can't ya?~"

Crash couldn't open his eyes while moaning like a bitch, but he still nodded his head meagerly. Marzo pumped their cocks at a faster rate, and could feel just how hard that girthy beast was throbbing against his own length. The sounds of Eirjan's moaning finally died out from the couch, but that wasn't because of Lost Way's tongue growing tired. In fact, the zebra was chowing down on Eirjan's ass even deeper while clutching both of those cheeks tightly; meanwhile, Eirjan went back to shoving as much of that thick, throbbing cockmeat inside of his muzzle as he could.

"Mnnnnghhh!!~" Lost Way groaned like a ravenous beast, and shoved his tongue deep inside of that hole as it contorted around the muscle. Eirjan could be heard grunting as well, but his lips were stretched around the girth of that ebony zebra shaft. Lost Way used one of his hands to reach around Eirjan's waist, and grabbed hold of the thick cock straining hard within the confines of his jockstrap. Not only could he feel every piercing that lined up and down his length, but he could also feel just how needily he was throbbing for some form of release. He wasn't expecting Eirjan to be that riled up, even while he chowed down on his hole and made him squeal around that fat cock in his mouth; but as soon as he reached his hand in to whip out Eirjan's member, the combination of his touch and the relieving freeness were more than enough to set him off.

"MmmmmMMMMPHHH!!~" Eirjan's eyes clenched shut, but his muzzle thankfully stayed open when he felt himself reach the first climax of the night. Lost Way was taken aback when he felt the zebra's cock throbbing hard in his grip, which was followed by several thick strings of cum that drizzled all over both of their chests. Eirjan's howling moan came out as barely more than a murmur around Lost's girth, but his lips tightened around his shaft more than enough to make him shudder underneath him. He eventually had to pull his tongue out of Eirjan's ass long enough to take a couple breaths, which were thick with all that unwashed zebra musk that made his cheeks deepen with blush. Eirjan could feel how much Lost Way cock was pulsating in his mouth, as well as how much of that creamy pre was already trickling down his throat; and considering how messy both of their torsos became with the plethora of fresh cum that matted their striped fur, he was anticipating his buddy to have an equally huge load to shoot inside of his mouth.

"Yeah, that's right! C'mon and shoot~"

Marzo's remark may have been meant for Crash, but Lost Way moaned out from those words just as effectively. He could also overhear his partner's shivering groans, as he was undoubtedly experiencing a lot from Marzo's diligent fingers. Crash and Lost Way were both feeling themselves reaching closer to climax themselves, especially after Eirjan finished cumming and was able to get back to his work. Neither of the two could handle the zebras' skilled touch, which meant that Marzo's words were hitting both of their increasingly sensitive buttons.

"Yeah, that's a good boy~"



"You reallllllly wanna cum right now, right?~"



"Yeah, there we go... keep going, I know you can do it~"



"Now, I want you to be a really good boy... and shoot your load right..."


"Oh god..."

"... About..."


"Aaaahh! AAAAHHH!!~"




"... NOW~"

Like the gibberish a magician says to reveal a trick, Marzo seemed to know just what to say to receive his desired effect. Both he and his boyfriend could feel how sharply their friends' cocks throbbed in their grip, whether it be by Marzo's hand or Eirjan's mouth. Their orgasms struck them at nearly the same time, and they both reeled their hips forward as they shot their loads with identically heavy moans. Back in the kitchen, Marzo shivered in delight when he felt the multiple heavy ropes of cum that erupted from Crash's equine cock, which drizzled both of their bodies like the frosting in a delectable Christmas treat; and over on the couch, Eirjan tensed up when he felt the sheer volley of hot cum that flooded his muzzle in an instant, and gushed down his hungry throat.

"Nnnnnnghhhh... Oooooh, you did a very good job..." By the time Marzo gave that sincerely pleased response, Crash had to cling onto him in order to keep from falling on his knees. Marzo was strong enough to hold the pegasus on his hooves, and rubbed his back reassuringly. Thick strings of the stallion's load were clinging to their muscular chests, which stretched out when Marzo finally pulled back. He kept his hands tightly nestled under Crash's arms, which helped him to carefully lower the pegasus to a more comfortable position. "It's alright, just kneel down for a sec... After that display, you deserve a big reward~"

Crash was still moaning weakly when he got down on his knees, with his face right in front of Marzo's sweaty crotch. The zebra's hefty cock may have not been as huge as Crash's, but it was still more than enough to make the stallion blush up-close. Marzo used a free hand to grip the back of his head, while his other hand went to jerking himself more vigorously. His flaring head was pointed right at Crash's face, and a couple fresh drops of precum were already seeping out to add to the messiness they both experienced. Crash may have been a little taken aback by Marzo's idea so soon after cumming; but with how tantalizing that cock looked and smelled, the stallion's muzzle nearly worked on instinct to open up wide with his tongue sticking out.

"Ahh, there we go! Nnnnfff..." Marzo continued to pump his cock, while Lost Way and Eirjan peered up from the couch to see what they were doing. Since the two were already sated, there was nothing to distract them from the sight of Marzo about to give their buddy a proper bukkake. Crash had his eyes closed with a shaky moan, but his lips remained parted in anticipation for what was to come. That sight was more than enough to get Marzo riled up, and he grinned down at him with his cock throbbing hard. "Mmmmmm... Oh yeah, here it comes... Here it comes!! NNNGHHHHH!!!~"

Crash may have already been covered in his own load, but he wasn't against receiving another from the horny zebra above him. Marzo's eyes closed for only a moment as he thrusted his hips, and jerked himself to completion with a theatrical release. Multiple strings of his gooey white cum shot out like rapid-fire, which draped all over Crash's moaning face to leave it a sticky mess. The numerous ropes splattered all over his blonde mane, across the bridge of his snout, and even onto his tongue to give him a good taste of Marzo's unique brand. By the time Marzo finished cumming all over his face, even Lost and Eirjan were blushing from the end result of Crash's enviously hot state.

"Aaaaahhhhhh... Aaahhhh~" Marzo sighed deeply after reaching his climax, and he stepped back from Crash so he could get back on his hooves. However, the stallion took a moment to move his tongue around the outside of his muzzle, picking up whatever globs of that creamy load as he could before swallowing. Marzo was a little surprised that he was still hungry after their meal earlier; but at the same time, he couldn't have been happier about the pegasus' lustful mood. He glanced over at Eirjan for a moment, with the two sharing a look that resulted in a unified nod. Lost Way wasn't sure what was going on, but he wasn't going to ask many questions after receiving such a hair-raisingly good blowjob. Eirjan was the first to pull himself up from the couch, while Marzo walked across the kitchen naked to reach for something in a cupboard.

"Well, I don't know about you guys, but..." Marzo opened up the cupboard doors to reveal a plethora of ornate glass bottles, all of which filled with various colors of fluids. He pulled out a large bottle of something that almost looked like milk, but the white substance seemed a bit thicker to Crash and Lost Way. Eirjan helped pull Crash up from the floor, while Lost Way stumbled into the kitchen naked and smeared with cum. Marzo uncapped the bottle with a smirk, and held it before finishing his statement. "The night is still young, fellas. And I don't think any of us have made today's naughty list just yet~"

"Heh~" Eirjan went up to Marzo while he took the first swig, which instantly made him shudder like he just consumed a full venti-sized cup of espresso. Eirjan took the bottle while his partner was adjusting to the potion's effects, and asked, "So, just to be clear for our friends here... this is the stuff that makes us cum a lot more than usual?~"

Eirjan may have already known the answer himself, but he smiled at seeing how quickly it made Crash and Lost Way's ears perk up. He didn't even wait for a response before taking a swig himself, which resulted in a similar bout of jitteriness that further caught the other couple's attention. Marzo let out another pleased-sounding sigh, just as his spent cock quickly grew fully erect once more. "Mmhmmmm... And as you guys can see, it works quite effectively~"

Like a magic trick, Eirjan's post-orgasmic fatigue immediately seemed to drift away from the potion in his hand. Crash looked absolutely gobsmacked by such an effect, which made Lost Way snicker due to how much of Marzo's cum was covering his face. He made sure to nudge the pegasus' side and say teasingly, "Hey, that's what you get for hanging around with a bunch of zebras, eh?~"

Crash blushed with his head lowered sheepishly, but he glanced back at him with a shrug and a contented smile. "W-Well, it's not like I'd want it any other way~"

"Well, just as long as you two can keep these potions a secret, we'll all be good." Marzo nodded in approval when Eirjan handed Crash the bottle first. "They might work really well, but I'd rather not deal with any pharmaceutical companies trying to steal it or make some 'for-profit' bullshit behind my back, y'know?"

"Mmmhmm..." Crash nodded before taking the next swig, and handed the bottle to Lost Way without question. The last zebra didn't even finish sipping the remainder of the bottle before Crash gasped in surprise. That lethargic state he was beginning to feel post-climax seemed to dissipate in an instant, leaving him feeling more energized than a nerd on day one at Comic-Con. In fact, even with his cock spent and his fur matted in cum, he had to jolt his head awake from the realization that he was already feeling eager to continue their fun without much pause. "O-Oh, wow! I... I've had illegal energy drinks that didn't work that fast!"

"Illegal?" asked Eirjan puzzledly. "How the heck does that happen?"

"Mmphhh..." Lost Way recapped the bottle and passed it back to Marzo. "It was some weird Russian drink with like, three times the caffeine legally mandaaaaaaAAAYYYY, there we go!!"

Much like his partner, Lost shivered with his own wide-eyed expression as the potion got him rearing to go. "Whoo! Okay, yeah... That'll definitely be handy for tonight! Hehehe~"

"Speaking of handy things, I think there happens to be a shower big enough for all of us right now..." Marzo was already rock-hard again, and he walked shamelessly with his dick swinging back and forth when he approached the couple. He took Crash by the arm and escorted him towards the bathroom, while Eirjan did the same with Lost Way by his side. "And given how dirty we got, we could all certainly use a good scrub~"

Neither Lost or Crash had any complaints, and were even smiling eagerly as they followed the zebras' lead. When the four entered the bathroom connected to Marzo and Eirjan's bedroom, the guest couple's faces lit up at how surprisingly lavish it looked. The marble tiles across the walls and floor, combined with the tasteful decor that gave everything a nice modern aesthetic, were only a footnote to the massive shower that took up nearly half the room's space. A giant glass wall gave the group a stunning view of the tiled shower system Marzo installed, which included a massive rain-spout faucet that hung in the middle of it. They could only imagine how much time and money was invested to make this sort of thing possible in a basement bathroom of all places; but given how successful Marzo was as a tattoo artist and live-stream 'performer' alongside Eirjan, neither of them could deny that this shower was well-earned.

"So, before we begin..." Marzo reached for a large bottle of lubricant resting on the sink, and held it up while smirking devilishly at their friends. "Do either of you have any preferences? Because I'm feeling a little... adventurous myself~"

That statement was accompanied with an unsubtle glance down at Crash's cock, which was hanging semi-flaccid between his legs. Eirjan got up behind Lost Way with an arm wrapped around his cum-smeared abs, and added in a lustful voice, "Honestly, I wouldn't mind topping one of you studs if that's okay~"

Crash could tell what Marzo was implying, which made his cheeks practically explode with blush. But much like his boyfriend, who was shuddering with an intrigued smile within Eirjan's embrace, the pegasus didn't seem too apprehensive about either of their suggestions. Nevertheless, he still tried to ask timidly, "Ummm... W-When you say, adventurous..."

Before Crash could finish his question, Marzo opened up the shower door and stepped inside first. "What I mean is that I wanna see how well you can use that cock of yours, Crashy~ You game?"

Given Marzo's confident state, the idea of him bottoming for a cock as huge as Crash's was definitely a surprise; although, it could easily be confirmed from countless sources that taking it didn't necessarily equate to being a Sub. However, neither he nor his partner seemed to be too against continuing on with their endeavors. The stallion didn't even need to nod, and just stepped inside the shower behind Marzo to show his acceptance. Lost Way did the same as he followed his boyfriend, and shot Eirjan a lustful wink behind him.

"Well, I'm glad neither of you need much convincing!" Just as Marzo was about to reach up and grab hold of a handle connected to the faucet, Crash decided to lean in and take advantage of the zebra's matted state. Much like his own face, the pegasus proved to be quite the connoisseur when it came to tasting other guys' loads. He made Marzo gasp when he dragged his tongue up the length of his chest, grabbing a good amount of his own cum which he swallowed without question. Marzo was quick to chuckle in delight, and he leaned down to help lick up some of his own globs from Crash's face.

Lost Way and Eirjan only need to see a little of their efforts before turning their attention to one another. While Marzo and Crash took turns licking off the cum from their fur, Eirjan knelt down and lapped up a generous amount of splooge from Lost Way's chest. Lost used his fingers to scoop up some of the cum matted to Eirjan's chest, and popped one of the digits in his mouth with a content-sounding hum. He then offered his other glazed fingers to the red zebra, which he accepted while staring directly at him. Much like with Lost Way's cock, he took his time suckling the cum from each finger like he was practicing his well-versed fellatio skills.

Several minutes passed as the group all gave each other much-needed tongue-baths; but at the end, it was clear from their matted fur and soaked manes that they needed an actual shower to follow. Soon enough, a heavy cascade of water erupted from the spout as soon as Marzo turned the knob. Crash and Lost Way yelped out in surprise, not expecting to be hit by the water as soon as the door was closed behind them. Eirjan was already used to the new shower system, and sighed in pleasure when the water quickly turned hot and steamy. He was also the first to step directly underneath the heavy flow, and grabbed his shampoo to begin lathering his striped fur. "Yeah, you guys should get washed up too," noted Marzo as he started to shampoo himself. "Trust me, it's annoying as fuck to pick out dried cum from your fur like glue."

Even though all four of them were already in randy moods, they only needed a couple minutes to wash themselves up after their impromptu fun earlier. All of them took turns lathering one another's bodies in generous amounts of shampoo, rubbing one another and getting their fur all nice and soapy. In that short amount of time spent touching each other's bodies and giggling in anticipation, all of their cocks were soon growing as rigid as Marzo's. In fact, there were definitely more than a few moments where one of them accidentally smacked someone else with their erection like some perverted comedy skit.

"Hehehehehe!" Lost Way playfully smacked the back of Eirjan's ass with his hard-on. The red zebra shot a firm stare back at him, his muzzle smirking rather devilishly. Lost Way caught a glimpse of something intense within the gleam of his eyes, which struck him hard enough to freeze his body in place. Eirjan loomed in over the zebra's stricken form, and pinned him to the wall with his cock prodding his stomach. "Ohhh, OH! OOOHHHH!! Uhhhhh... Ooooohhhh..."

"Yeah, that sounds a lot better than those cute little muffles you made on the couch..." Eirjan reached down to grab both of Lost Way's wrists, and he pulled them up so they were raised high above his head. Eirjan got both of his wrists clutched in one hand, while the other dragged a finger down the length of Lost's bare chest and stomach. "So, how about this... If you promise to be a good boy and let me hear those cute little moans, I'll be sure to make you cum without even being touched. Sound like a deal?~"

Lost Way was blushing hard with an intimidated smile on his face. Both he and Crash were shocked by how confidently Eirjan said such a thing; although, considering how often they've witnessed him as the bottom, it would've been easy to assume he wasn't at least a switch of sorts. As soon as Lost Way nodded his head without thinking, Eirjan turned him around so his chest was pressed up against the tiled wall. He pulled Lost back far enough to bend him over against the wall, while the underside of his cock nestled itself between his firm cheeks. Lost Way reeled his head back with a sharp gasp, but he made sure not to cover his muzzle as he kept both hands on the wall.

"Yeah, there we go..." Eirjan could tell that his dominant stance over Lost was a little surprising for Crash, whose jaw was left agape with an envious blush. Marzo was already applying a lot of lubricant to his backside, but seemed quite eager to see how his partner would hold up. But after shooting the tatted zebra a knowing wink, Eirjan said to the pegasus, "Hey, don't worry about us right now. I have a feeling you have a lot on your plate as it is..."

Crash turned his head away from the two, just as Eirjan began to pour some lube all over his cock and Lost Way's waiting hole. His eyes grew to the size of dinner plates when he caught sight of Marzo, who was bent over on the opposite end of the shower as Lost. The zebra didn't seem to show any embarrassment or shame at presenting himself, even going as far as spreading his muscular cheeks apart. He was grinning up at Crash confidently, and motioned down to that meaty cock standing for attention and pointed right at his waiting hole. "Come on, Crash," purred Marzo with great insistence to match his haughty smile. "I can think of several stupid Christmas puns right now, but I'm too fucking horny to even use any of them! Give. Me. That. Cock~"

Crash almost came right there and then, but was able to keep his eyes clenched shut long enough to let the pulsations subside. But just as he was about to breathe out calmly, the stallion gasped when he felt Marzo pressing up against him. The tatted zebra was hungry enough to even reach back with one of his hands, and grab hold of Crash's shaft to aim it in place. "Nnnnghhh!!~ Come on, get it the fuck in!"

Crash wasn't sure if he was being driven by fear or overwhelmed lust, but the intimidation on Marzo's growl was enough to make his hips thrust forward involuntarily. Marzo's grip was steady enough to keep Crash aimed in place, and he was more than fortunate to have already pre-lubricated himself prior to Eirjan. As soon as the pegasus' fat, crowned cockhead pressed up hard against the zebra's hole, Marzo let out a deep and rumbling cry that made him crumple against the wall. But with his legs remaining shaky in tension, it was obvious to his partner that he wasn't done by a long shot. Marzo kept both hands tightly braced against the wall, and growled through his teeth before pushing himself even harder against that plump head. "NNNNNFFFFF!!! P... P-PUSH YOURSELF IN, DAMMIT!! AAAAHHHH!!!~"

Crash instinctively thrusted his hips forward, despite how worried he may have been for Marzo's ass. But with both of them groaning hard from the intense strain and tightness, their dueling voices proved their efforts weren't that one-sided. With every harsh push of their hips, more of Crash's throbbing cockhead was able to cram its way through Marzo's hole. The zebra's Dominant stance may have made certain assumptions easier than others; but when it came to bottoming, Marzo was eager to show the pegasus that he could still take charge.

"Nnnnnghhhh!! You... Y-You better push in HARD as soon as the head goes in, you hear me!? I wa... I wanna be filled to the fucking BRIM! D-Don't worry about me, I've taken bigger things than that! Just get it in, alright?~"

Crash faltered the tiniest bit in intimidation, but he still replied with a nod and a less-flustered smile. He and Marzo continued to grunt and push against one another, which really helped to distract Lost Way from his own incoming penetration. Eirjan finished slathering his cock with the lube, and also got Lost's hole adequately prepped with his cheeks spread apart. His cockhead may have not been nearly as big or girthy as Crash's, but the thick line of piercings that went down the shaft certainly eluded to some interesting textures for Lost to process. The zebra clenched his eyes shut with a much more flustered moan than Marzo's. Meanwhile, Eirjan leaned in to wrap his arms around Lost Way's twitching waist. "Thaaaaaaat's right... Just take a couple deep breaths and keep yourself relaxed, alright?~"

Lost Way tried to give an affirmative "Yes" to Eirjan, but it came out as a knee-buckling moan when he felt his cockhead pressing up harder against his hole. He was already beginning to open up around its lubed girth, which made his eyes roll back with the eyelids fluttering. Eirjan wiped his fingers across the zebra's chest, removing most of the lubricant while also picking up a small glob of cum unnoticed from his neck. He popped the gooey digit inside of Lost Way's mouth, causing him to moan out shakily before sucking deeply on the salty musk coating his tongue. "Mmmmmmmphhhhh..."

Both Lost and Marzo were groaning harshly on opposite sides of the shower, with Eirjan and Crash standing side-by-side to witness the others' efforts. Crash may have been a little worried how well he'd perform compared to the red zebra; but with how needily Marzo was trying to swallow up his cockhead, he knew he couldn't be the greenhorn in this shower session. Before Marzo could get the chance to yell anything else, Crash's hips buckled forward, pushing himself in quickly enough to cram the remainder of his head inside with a wet pop.

"AaaaAAAAaaaaAAAAHHH!!!~" Much to Marzo's shock and excitement, his words seemed to have left quite an impact in Crash's efforts. The brute force of his primary thrust inside of Marzo's hole, which elicited a heavy moan that rumbled the walls of the basement in its intensity, was more than enough to completely overshadow the piercing cry Lost Way yelped with his own penetration. Eirjan was admittedly a bit more gentle than the pegasus beside him, as his flaring head was slowly working its way through Lost's more sensitive regions. In comparison, Marzo received an absolutely brutal spearing as Crash rammed in with all his might, nearly getting balls-deep with a single thrust. The tatted zebra was lying limp against the wall for a moment, his body twitching from the nerve-tingling stimulation his prostate was given from that push. He was sure that he took more intimidating girths than that stallionhood; but in his post-penetrated stupor, he was stuffed with more than enough of Crash's cockmeat to draw a blank in his mind. "... Uuuuhhhhh... Ummmmmm..."

The zebra fidgeted hard around the girth of Crash's cock, and was even sporting a heavy bulge of his cockhead which protruded from his stomach. Meanwhile, Lost Way was twitching with a heavy moan of titillation as Eirjan's cock slid its way deeper inside of him. He wasn't sure which "button" being rubbed by Eirjan was his prostate, but he was certainly hitting enough of them to leave his hooves curling up tightly. Eirjan throbbed harder from every strong clench of Lost Way's hole around his shaft, even as he continued to push through at a steady rate. He felt like he was going to shoot his load too soon, and give the zebra a creampie without pummeling his prostate proper. But just as he was able to stop his hips, and plant himself right at the medial ridge inside of Lost Way, Eirjan felt quite a lot of tension and strength inside of Lost's ass; all he could assume was judging by how deeply he moaned in uncontrollable bliss, that Lost Way discovered which button the eluded prostate really was.

"Awwwww, FUCK!! Nnnnnnghhh!!!~" Even though he felt stuffed fast past his usual limits, Lost Way was able to remain standing with his knees buckling rigidly. His cock was rock-hard and twitching in need, with heavy spurts of his precum spitting out across the tiled walls. Eirjan responded by pulling Lost back further from the wall; with the added length, he was able to push the zebra down to his knees so he was kneeling on the floor and at face-level with his secretions. "Wh... W-What are you..."

"C'mon, you little slut..." Eirjan added to that emphasized word with a hard smack to Lost's ass, causing him to yelp out and shoot another rope of precum across the shower floor. Due to that potion running through all their bodies, even the weakest spurts of precum were as heavy and as potent as their best pre-potioned cumshots. And with every additional push he gave with his cock inside of Lost, the zebra wasn't given much resistance when he heard him moaning out weakly. Lost Way had his eyes closed in tantalized bliss by the time his face was pressed up against the shower wall, and he heard Eirjan purr enticingly, "Lick up that mess like a good boy~"

Lost Way could hear how deeply Marzo was moaning out across the shower, indicating that he was feeling Crash's girth in a much more profound way. But when he gave that first half-conscious lap of his tongue up the shower's tiled wall, he moaned out like a little bitch as soon as he caught his own creamy load. The gooey, salty substance coated all of his tastebuds heavily enough to make him groan in taboo elation. As soon as he swallowed that first mouthful of his syrupy pre, he leaned back into the wall to lick up another glob with a heavily enticed moan. Eirjan grinned with a lustful growl, nodding in approval of Lost Way's impulsive tongue-lashing. And while his cock worked its way deeper inside of Lost Way inch-by-inch, Eirjan turned towards the other couple for a moment to ask, "Hey, Marzo? You doin' alri--"

"GNNNAAAAAHHHH!!! Hahhh... Hahhhhh..." Marzo had just given a final push against the shower wall, which was just enough to cram the remainder of Crash's gargantuan cock inside of him. His hole was hugging his shaft tighter than a vice, but it wasn't enough to keep the bulge of Crash's cockhead from protruding from Marzo's stomach. The tatted zebra was quivering like a fallen leaf, but managed to keep a somewhat-confident smirk when he stared back at Eirjan. "Heh~ G... G-Guess what I have stuffed in my stocking?~"

"Ugh!" Eirjan almost looked queasy from Marzo's corny pun, and turned away with a roll of his eyes. "Yeah, nevermind! You clearly don't have enough..."

Crash barely registered what Eirjan said, since he was lurched over Marzo's back and panting heavily. His knees were quivering badly from that final push of Marzo's against his cock, which plunged it inside the zebra's deepest depths. The overwhelming warmth and pressure was enough for him to throb intensely inside of Marzo, undoubtedly shooting a few loads equally as impressive as the spurts of "precum" that Lost Way was finished licking off the shower wall. In fact, if someone were to peer in close to Marzo's bulging torso, they likely would've seen the small pulsations from the very tip to indicate he was being filled already. Marzo could feel that titillating sensation far better than Crash though, and he couldn't stop shuddering with his eyes rolled back. "Ohhhhhh, yeahhhh... Yeah, you better give me every drop you have!~"

Marzo then thrusted his hips forward, catching Crash by surprise as he slid a good portion of that cock out of him. Eirjan did the same when he pulled his hips back, leaving Lost Way a quivering wreck as he moaned against the wall. Crash's body turned rigid while standing upright, basically standing like a mannequin with his cockhead still buried in that tight zebra ass. Marzo managed to stop himself with his teeth gritted, and he was causing both of them to groan from how tightly he was clinging to the top of Crash's shaft.



"OooooOOOHHHHH, easy there, Eirjan!" Lost Way let out a shaky moan of his own when Eirjan pulled himself out of him in a single thrust. Lost's hole was left gaping open and exposed, and Eirjan kept his overwhelmed yelp going with a couple playful smacks of his cock against that stretched-out opening. Lost Way's voice hiccuped each time he twitched from those teasing slaps against his hole, even as his hands instinctively went back to keep his cheeks spread wide apart. Eirjan absolutely loved seeing that, and made sure to say with insistence, "Well, well! Maybe you should keep up that enthusiasm while we're here! I have a feeling you'll get a lot more from it..."

Lost Way nodded his head, but his whimpering voice proved how frantically he was wanting another good filling. Eirjan's studded cock may have not been the girthiest beast Lost took, but he couldn't deny how well the zebra was using it. He didn't even try to argue Eirjan's request, and he moaned against the wall while keeping his hole exposed. "Mnnnghh!! I... I understand, Eirjan..."

Eirjan chuckled at how needy the zebra sounded, and decided to grind his leaky cockhead all over the outside of his hole. Lost Way was left groaning with a full-bodied shiver when he felt Eirjan's precum smearing all over him, marking his entrance as the red zebra's preferred cumdump. The sensation of Eirjan's hot, throbbing cock rubbing against his sensitive flesh caused more strings of his enhanced precum to shoot out, littering the floor as they slowly followed the water towards the drain. Eirjan kept a steady grip on his cock while aiming it right for that gaping hole, and he licked his lips in anticipation.

"Now... Are you ready to get Eirjan's co--"

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!~" Marzo's piercing cry interrupted his partner's dirty-talk, as he was able to get a hard thrust from Crash's muscular hips without even trying. Despite his flustered expression and heavy blush, the pegasus had a sturdy grip on both sides of Marzo's hips while buried balls-deep inside of him. Marzo's eyes were rolled back far enough to only see the whites, while his muzzle hung open with his tongue sticking out contentedly. Crash had pounded Marzo so hard that his muscles were still tensed and twitching against Marzo's tattoos and stripes. Meanwhile, more of his gushing precum filled whatever regions of Marzo's body that plump equine head couldn't reach.

Eirjan and Lost Way were rightfully pent-up and rearing to go, but neither of them could look away from the brutal stuffing that Marzo was just given. But even when the zebra's back was arched inward like a contortionist act, he shot an enviously snug grin back at the two and groaned out, "If... I-If you guys finish be... b-before Crashy here... I'll let you two creampie him first~"

Crash's eyes shot wide-open, and his head perked up from that surprising promise on his behalf. He glanced back at the two for a moment, who were gawking back at him with their eyes widened in intrigue. The two only paused for a second before turning their shared attention to Marzo directly. "Deal!"

"W-What?!" Crash whipped his head back and forth between the other couple and his own zebra. Marzo was already grinding himself against Crash's waist, nestling that cock even deeper inside of him and causing the pegasus to shudder in titillation. "Nnnfffff... W-Wait, wha... what was tha--"



Crash was caught by surprise by Eirjan letting out a primal groan, and causing Lost Way to squeal like a little piggie against the shower wall. The red zebra proved to be just as dominant and brutish as his partner, as he managed to shove most of his length inside of Lost Way with a single thrust. It was fortunate that the zebra was already lubed and stretched-out, since that thrust was sudden enough to make most bottoms clench in terror. But in Lost Way's case, that brutal plunge of Eirjan's cock set him off like a firework's display while he leaned tightly against the tiled walls. Several heavy ropes of his seed shot out from his throbbing cock, although it was unclear whether it was a proper cumshot or still "precum." Nevertheless, Eirjan was feeling confident in their efforts when he saw those gooey strings of white drifting past their hooves towards the shower drain.

"What, you just wanna wait for them to fuck you without finishing me first?" Marzo squeezed Crash's shaft tightly enough to pull him out of his blushy stupor. His hips instinctively began to move back and forth against Marzo, pistoning that thick cock through his hole well enough to make the zebra groan and roll his eyes back. Crash was running on frantic auto-pilot the first few thrusts, but he was able to breathe out and get into a natural pace himself. Due to how comfortably lubed Marzo made his hole, Crash barely felt any resistance while pounding him from behind. Marzo moaned out just as deeply as Lost Way, who was letting his muzzle hang open so Eirjan could hear every slutty moan from his mouth.

"AAAAAAHHHHH!! F... F-F-Fuck me, Eirjan!! Aaiiieeee!!!~ I wa... I wanna get filled before Crash does!!~"

Crash closed his eyes while thrusting, his heart racing at the idea of experiencing that same cock as his moaning boyfriend. Not to mention, the idea of being creampied multiple times was sounding more than a little alluring after ingesting Marzo's potion, as well as being locked in a steamy shower with all of them. His ears were constantly flickering from the sounds of smacking flesh and belting moans, both from Marzo and the other guys fucking right beside him. His thrusts bore harder against Marzo, leaving that muzzle wide-open to keep crying out for more. His shaft was continuously throbbing inside that zebra hole, pumping more of his gushing pre into Marzo's deepest depths and keeping him right at the precipice himself. He wasn't sure how much longer he and Marzo could last before they both reached their peaks; but judging by how shrill Lost Way's voice was getting with every thunderous smack of Eirjan's hips, it was doubtful that either of them were going to hold up for much longer.

Crash tried his best to keep himself in control, and focused on the alluring sensation of Marzo's hole rubbing up and down the length of his cock with every thrust. Marzo was keeping himself nice and snug for the stallion's girth, and was giving him plenty of praise to keep his relentless thrusts coming. "NNNFFFF!!~ C... C'mon, big guy! If... If you finish before them, I... I'll fuck you senseless before either of them do~"

Crash moaned out and pumped his hips a little faster, eliciting a deeply satisfied moan from Marzo's mouth. But even as he tried to pick up the pace, soon matching the tempo he could catch from the rate of smacks between Eirjan and Lost Way's bodies, Crash couldn't say that he felt much of an insistence to go with either specific outcome. Either way, he was bound to get three different cocks shoved into him for all his current efforts. And with the idea of such a prospect leaving a heavy blush across his cheeks, his tail was already flagging up eagerly as he pounded Marzo's hole for all it was worth.

"OoooOOOHHH!! Aaaaahhhh!!~" Marzo braced himself tighter against the wall, and cried out to Eirjan, "H-Hey, hun! You... Y-You better pick up the paaaaAAAACE!!! EEEPPPP!!~"

Crash started to thrust a little faster than Eirjan, pummeling Marzo's hole effectively enough to make him spasm around the girth of his cock. Rapid strings of Marzo's load were shooting out wildly across the floor, drizzling his hooves and leaving a sticky mess that the shower tried to wash from the glossy tiles. The tatted zebra yelped out in bewilderment before clinging to the shower wall tightly. He tried to catch his breaths in order to handle the building onslaught of thrusts that left their balls smacking together like a Newton's Cradle. But much like Lost Way, who was leaning against the wall with a blissful smile while Eirjan wrecked his ass, Marzo was finding it hard to keep focus when Crash's flaring head was grinding against his prostate so vigorously with every motion he gave.

Eirjan and Crash barely paid notice to one another while thrusting side-by-side. Sure, they could certainly hear how badly their partners were moaning from the other's efforts, but that wasn't enough to distract them from their own hair-raisingly hot sessions. Both of them were throbbing hard inside of each other's mates, undoubtedly filling them with more than enough of their baby batter already. But even with both of them experiencing a good stretch they likely wouldn't have expected from their givers, neither were showing any hesitance as their orgasms came looming in. Lost and Marzo were soon left unable to speak coherently, and could only moan out from the intensity of their thrusts becoming more fervent than before. Crash and Eirjan pounded those holes with all their might, thrusting their hips with enough ferocity to make the smacks of their balls echo in the shower. Marzo and Lost Way were howling with shared sensations of unbridled pain and pleasure melding together so well, leaving them in primal states of satisfaction that hit every button of relief those cocks could reach.

Crash and Eirjan could hear sharp cries of pleasure from each other's zebras at around the same time, right as they both felt even sharper grips of their shafts through their contracting holes. Marzo and Lost Way were trying their best to milk their partners' cocks for every drop they had, even as they continuously shot thick strands of precum deep inside of them already. But just as both of those thick cockheads began to swell up in the moaning zebras, the added pressure and stimulation to their prostates proved to be too much for them. Both of their cocks spasmed wildly between their buckling legs, while their wailing moans intensified with each constricting clench around Eirjan and Crash's lengths. The two tops groaned out at the same time and writhed behind their squirming zebras, neither of them able to pull out while their cocks were being hugged so tightly. Marzo and Lost Way were already cumming with heavy loads practically pouring from their cocks like broken faucets, not even needing to touch them as they twitched and throbbed against the shower floor. But with Eirjan and Crash swelling up more needily inside of them, there was no way for either of the tops to stop the incoming loads they were anticipating.



Crash and Eirjan's hips thundered against the moaning zebras with all their might, nearly knocking them over while they were still cumming powerfully. Their hips slapped hard against their backsides, claiming them balls-deep to shoot their loads. Both of their cocks throbbed painfully hard, and the sheer volume of cum that erupted was enough to make Marzo and Lost Way shriek out from the intensity of hot seed that flooded their insides. Soon enough, the potion's effects truly made itself prevalent as Marzo and Lost Way sported heavy bulges of their partners' loads, just past the more rigid bulge of those fat cockheads still protruding from their stomachs.

For several seconds, none of the four could say a word as they groaned or shuddered from the titillating climaxes they all shared at once. Thick globs of Eirjan and Crash's loads were trying to trickle out from those overstuffed zebras, despite how tightly the two tried to cling to their girthy shafts. The shower drain almost clogged from the sheer amount of splooge that circled the murky vents; fortunately, the flow from the shower faucet itself was enough to break through the layer of jizz and keep the drain running.

"Haaaahhhh... Haaaahhhh..." Crash and Eirjan were left panting heavily after their hefty orgasms, which left them hunched over the zebras' backsides and struggling to catch their breath. Marzo's potion was still active enough to keep any post-orgasmic sensations of grogginess or remorse from overwhelming their heads; but at the same time, thrusting that many times at such an athletic rate was taxing enough for any guy to need a breather afterward. Both of them were still semi-flaccid by the time Marzo and Lost Way finally pulled themselves off their twitching lengths. There was more than enough added messiness to warrant continuing their shower, especially after Crash and Eirjan were pulled out and caused thick rivulets of cum to dribble down the zebras' striped legs. Neither of them were able to stand after that bone-rattling display, and even Crash was left kneeling on the ground beside them. Eirjan was the only one to stand on his hooves, but he still had to lean against the shower wall while his hooves quivered against the floor.

"Nnnnghhh... S... S-So, Crash, uhhh..." Eirjan knew that the pegasus was probably still reeling from topping alongside him so effectively. But much like Crash's still-twitching member, Eirjan wasn't too keen on stopping just yet. Especially after remembering enough of Marzo's promise to ask the stallion, "H-Hypothetically speaking... Since we all finished at around the same time, would... would it be fair to assume I get first dibs for standing last?~"

Eirjan tried to give the stunned stallion a nervous smile, while Marzo and Lost Way gawked at the sheer gall he was presenting. Eirjan may have been the last one standing among them, but they still felt like he was taking advantage of Crash's stuporous state. Regardless, Crash wasn't given much of a chance when he leaned back upright in his kneeling position, and found himself at face-level with Eirjan's stiffening cock. The red zebra took his time while washing himself with a sudsy cloth, cleaning every inch of his member to get it nice and erect. "You know, you should do the same, Crash. Hygeine is important after sex..."

Crash nodded weakly, and decided to wash his own crotch while the last of his exhaustion swept out of his system. By the time Marzo's potion was able to invigorate him for even more action, his fully-erect cock was just as clean and ready for servicing as Eirjan's. Marzo and Lost Way were finally able to stand back on their hooves, and were already getting erect again. Both of the zebras were also sporting heavy bulges at the base of their stomachs, although it didn't seem like either of them minded being full of each other's partners' loads. If anything, their matching grins down at Crash's still-kneeling body appeared to be a mixture of eagerness and retribution for their own "holiday stuffing."

"Okay, so... how about this..." Marzo reached over and gave a couple supportive pats to Eirjan's back. "We'll let him have first dibs for doing such a good job with Lost Way. And then after he finishes, Lost and I can double-team him a bit ourselves. Sound like a plan?~"

Crash may have felt more than a little overwhelmed, especially when he was able to look up and see three different zebra cocks pointed right at him. But after getting himself nice and hard, his heart was racing in newfound elation for more action already. He didn't even realize his body was moving on its own accord, until he was halfway through repositioning himself so he could bend himself over for the three zebras above. And since he was able to see just how much cum was trickling down the insides of Marzo and Lost Way's legs, his own tail flicked up high with the prospect of receiving a filling just as gratifying.

"Ooh, won't you look at that!" While Eirjan loomed down over Crash's back with a bottle of lube in his hand, Marzo coaxingly nudged Lost Way with his side. "Even after giving me one of the best sessions I felt in a long time, he's still eager to bottom, eh?~"

"Hmph..." Lost Way could only shrug with his arms crossed, not appearing too upset by that detail. "Well, I mean... it's good that he knows what he wants, right?"

"Oh, of course. No doubt about that..." Marzo glanced back down at Eirjan, who was helping to get Crash nice and loose with the aid of his tongue. The red zebra was giving Crash the same tongue-lashing his partner delivered to him, with his muzzle buried deeply between those muscular cheeks. The stallion couldn't help moaning out feebly beneath him, but kept his ass raised nice and high for more of those licks to follow. Meanwhile, Marzo leaned in close to Lost Way and whispered, "You know... I might have an idea for a holiday gift you could receive from him~"

"Oh, really now?" When Lost Way turned his focus towards the tatted zebra, it was right when Eirjan slid his tongue deep inside of the moaning stallion. Crash squirmed helplessly against the shower floor, with a couple feeble strings of precum spurting from his cock and clinging to the underside of the shaft. Even though that sight was rather alluring for both zebras watching behind Eirjan, Lost couldn't resist asking, "And what kind of gift were you thinking for us, Marzo?~"

"Well, let's just say..." Marzo was already growing hard when he looked back at Crash, and saw how deeply Eirjan had buried his face to devour that musky ass for all it was worth. He was eager to give the pegasus a proper creampie for his efforts, but he was patient enough to allow himself to get sloppy-seconds after his partner. Nevertheless, even with how blissfully content the stallion looked taking Eirjan's tongue like a little bitch, Marzo could definitely see some promise in the stallion that couldn't be ignored. And with Lost Way standing rigid beside him, Marzo wasn't afraid to say with a confident smirk, "After we give Crash a proper fill from all three of us... I have a feeling that he's going to learn a few new tricks from our perspective~"

Four Merry Men - Chapter One: A Dashing Dinner

The sun was just beginning to set over the horizon, which caused an array of lights to illuminate the city from the buildings above. Some of the street lamps below were beginning to turn on through the light sensors, but there were many in the distance...

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Haida's Poolside Redemption

"Aww, jeeze... How far off is this place?" Haida sighed and leaned his head back, not expecting the driver up front to answer his rhetorical question. It had been over an hour since he left the city, although he tried his best not to think too...

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Connie the Hormone Monstress vs. El Orgazmo

"Hmmmm... Now what do we have here?~" Just outside the giant windows of a storefront, a very unique creature was standing by herself beneath the night sky. Even though the nearby road provided some much-needed illumination through its streetlamps,...

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