The Devil May Care 17
#17 of the devil may care dusk comes to a plan for what to do with the onsen while he enjoys the amenities.
The Devil May Care 14
Lord onsen seemed to be considering his words, but there was little time to just sit around and do nothing. he gestured for the orc to speak, and the lord ornar onsen indulged him. "we need your help.
The Devil's Springs.
She shook her head, closing the door behind her as she walked over to the onsen area.
The Devil May Care 10
The office of lord onsen was set towards the rear of his personal onsen - for where else would it be - and it was designed as a spa and office all at once.
The Devil May Care 19
Not all of them were occupied, as the building was larger than the onsen could fill, but it meant that there was room for expansion as their days went on. dusk smiled to himself as he watched over lord onsen's demons setting up their spaces.
Uri's onsen is the best in kiloude city, though admittedly it is the only one at that.
The Devil May Care 46
The head of house onsen, the most dedicated power bottom in all of lust, had never, ever needed to fuck like this before.
A Day at the Onsen
The walk to the onsen took awhile, but both the raccoon and panda agreed it'd be better to walk there instead of driving, since it was difficult to find a close enough parking space anyway. "jake!"
The Devil May Care 16
# far away from the houses of gluttony, in the house and home of lord onsen, dusk continued to enjoy himself.
The Devil May Care 24
The devil may care part 24 for duskcypher by draconicon lord ornar onsen, formerly a mere head of a brothelic house and now one of the most powerful demons in all of the realm of lust, stood at the entrance of his onsen brothel
The Devil May Care 31
Besides, there was still lord onsen to enjoy, and the orc was already showing off enough to hold the black cat's attention.
Taming the Shark in Japan
That sign had a single word on it: onsen. well. he was here in chiyoda for an onsen, and though most of the regular ones were frisky about mutants, or tattoos, or scars... it was that, walk in the drizzle or try the sky.