Seeking history part two

Story by Dragonlover45 on SoFurry

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#1 of short stories

This is the long delayed second part of my dream based story.

Prince Bastao continues his investigation of the forgotten undercity and also his relationship with his guard.

Its early morning over the government district of the planet spanning city of Umbra. Once there where many cities and countries on planet Cetune. But that was before the unification and the coming of the great dragon emperor of the stars...

Inside the massive royal palace, in the prince's room prince Bastao is sleeping soundly in the arms of a massive alligator.

Saul gently strokes the bats velvety soft ears; he gently holds the smaller male close to him under the ornate blanket. Bastao stirs and mumbles in his sleep, he doesn't wake up. Saul gives the bat a sniff and smiles at the musky smell. The alligator lays his head back on the pillow and closes his eyes.

They've been a couple for six months now, the emperor never actually said if he approves of it or not. All he said was that at least Bastao hadn't chosen a random stranger. As for Sauls family, they were happy that he was in a relationship with the prince. His father said he always suspected that Saul had a thing for the bat. Although it hadn't all gone smoothly, some of the other junior royal guards who had an eye on Bastao where jealous and annoyed. Saying it wasn't fair that Saul got to be alone with the prince and court him first. However, they all decided not to fight over the bat and after a few weeks accepted the two being a couple. Then three months ago, the dragon emperor had visited the planet. He had done so before, but Saul was fine standing fifty feet away from the dragonoid and not having to speak to him... He found himself extremely nervous when Bastao wanted to introduce him to the great emperor of the stars. The legendary god-like dragon also has the title High King of all reptiles, and Saul was afraid he'd be annoyed that a reptile was in a relationship with a mammal. But the great emperor was surprisingly accepting.

As Saul cuddles his love, he wonders if he will get a title when the prince become the new emperor of the Cetune galactic empire. Would they have to be married first? They haven't talked about marriage, but Bastao had mentioned he was thinking of asked the great emperor to perform a ceremony for them. He never said what kind of ceremony though...

The stirring bat awakens Saul. The two yawn and stretch in bed.

"Good morning, Saul."

"Good morning hon."

Saul lets go of the bat and they sit up and pull off the blanket, reveling their nude bodies. They get out of bed and do their regular morning routine, use the bathroom together and shower. Then eat breakfast together and head down into the main area of the palace. Bastao still has royal classes and official appointments as he's expected to take over from his father even before his coronation as emperor.

Hours later as the sun starts lowering behind the towering skyscrapers in the distance, the young couple are in the palace library.

Bastao is gingerly opening an incredibly old book he found hidden in a secret compartment in a desk and Saul is looking out the fancy window frowning. He takes his duty as a member of the junior royal guard seriously. He always has, even since he first saw the adorable young bat... Bastao really is considered especially attractive and many admirers keep trying to sneak into the palace grounds in hope of seeing him and photographing him... The perimeter guards usually stop everyone from getting close, but the other bat people keep getting past them and pressing their faces against the windows! Apparently bats are just naturally stealthy. The prince makes very little sound as he walks and has a habit of wandering off. None of the gourds have ever seen him do it, he just vanishes and then shows up in odd places around the palace and gardens. Saul had thought he saw someone outside looking at them a moment ago, but there's nobody there now. He turns around and of course Bastao is gone, the old book is laying open on the table. Saul walks past it and looks around. Just then the bat flutters down from the upper level holding several old looking papers.

"I found the missing pages!" He exclaims happily.

The bat sits down at the table and starts flipping through the book.

"So, what is this book about that got you so exited?" Saul asks.

"I'm not sure, its handwritten in some dragon language. But it has photographs of the old palace and even the undercity before it was covered!"

"It's just been shoved in the back of that drawer all this time? How did none of the librarians find it?"

The bat looks up and replies, "well I found a slot that this royal medallion fits in, so I think you have to use that as a key to open it. The librarians don't mess around with the old stuff in the back, and they don't have any of these." He holds up the ornate and keylike medallion.

"Wait, where did you get that? You didn't go down there alone, did you?"

Not that Saul can actually tell Bastao not to go down, he can only advise...

"No, I promised you I wouldn't! I got it from the museum last week when we were there. Everything that has the royal seal on it is supposed to belong to the royal family, so they couldn't tell me not to take it from the exhibit."

"Where was I when you did that?"

"I left you at the spacecraft exhibit, I got back before you or anyone noticed."

"Can you quit doing that please."

"Doing what?"

"Disappearing! It makes me worry when your just gone. The other guards get annoyed too..."

"I just like to do things by myself sometimes, it's a bit embarrassing when you follow me everywhere... even the bathroom!"

"It's my job to follow you, and I thought you liked me being in there with you."

"People give us weird looks when you go in with me."

"I think they're just jealous! And you can't be worried about us being gay, that's been normalized since the dragons came here. And besides, I know you love to pee with me."

"Hey, don't say that out here!"

"There's nobody around to hear us. And aren't you bats supposed to be pretty open with these things?"

"Alright, you got me there..."

Bastao turns another page in the large book, this one shows a map of the old palace grounds.

"Oh, look." He speaks. "That tunnel we saw was the main entrance to the grounds. It leads to the central plaza of the government district."

Saul looks at the map and asks, "I wonder if the tunnel is sealed off?"

"I don't know, we'd have to find the records from when they built the new layer of the city." Bastao replies.

The prince turns the page and sees a detailed map of the old city.

"Well, this is useful for the next time we go down." He speaks.

Saul sighs. "Yeah, about that... You really want to go again? I don't like it down there and nobody knows how far down the city really goes."

"That's why I want to go down! I want to know what's down there and where the real ground is! I-I don't have any classes or duties tomorrow and if there's an emergency my father still handles that. So, I'm going down tomorrow."

"Well, since you already decided, I guess I'll get equipment together. Also, I've told the other junior guards about our trip down and how you wanted to go farther, and well we decided that we're all going with you when you go."

"And what's your plan?" Bastao asks as he turns the old pages.

"Well, your father will notice if we all march down to the basement, so I thought that you could join me in the junior guard locker and shower room and just say you wanted to try the swimming pool down there."

"You just want to show me off to the others! And swimming, really? I've never swam, bats just don't really do it. That's why there's no swimming pools in the main are of the palace. And besides, how would that get us to the basement without being noticed?"

"Well, the pool equipment room has access to the utilities below, we can take the long way down. And since the maintenance staff finished everything yesterday, nobody else will be down there. The plan is to say you were hanging out with us in the guard lounge all day."

"What, you're going to lie to the emperor?!"

"Well, I mean no disrespect but we don't really like your father. He's too... I don't know... But we all adore you. And ever since the junior guard was started when we were all kids, we all imagined having adventures with our prince and yeah... we made up stories and things about you."

"That's, uh... that's really something! Well, I did enjoy playing with you guys when I was a kid, even if you all were doing a job and I was just goofing off."

"Nah, it was great getting to hang out in the palace all day when your parents were too busy with official duties to watch you. Not to mention we got to play that gaming system you got imported from ursa mina! You know my cousins think ursa mina is just a myth."

"Oh, come on! It's real! There's even ursa minans living here. And there's the ursa minan embassy too. So, um about the pool... There no need for me to actually go in, right?"

"Well, I think you should try it, you can stay in the shallow side."

"But I don't know how to swim, what if I go under the water?"

"Do you really think we'd be that carless after fifteen years of adoring you? Me and at least one other will stay right next to you, and did you forget I'm an alligator? Swimming is natural to me; I could take you on rides on my back and even down for a dive."

"Uh, yeah sure... but I don't have a swimming suit and my flying suit wouldn't be good for that."

"I don't either, I swim nude. It would be fine if you did too, I know you like to be nude."

"But that just when no bubby except you were around, and at night where I can't be seen..."

"No need to be so shy, the guards are all familiar with bat anatomy anyway. And I've been dying to put on a show for them!"

"What! You don't mean mating in from of them, right?"

"That is what I mean."

"Well, I-I uh kinda do like the idea of showing off..."

"See, it's going to be fine. We can have some fun in the shower and pool and then head down."

Bastao nods and looks down at the book again. For a moment the lines and angles on the page don't make sense, but then he realizes what it is.

"Hey look, this is a floor plan of the old palace!"

He turns another page and then another.

"Looks like all six floors are in here."

Saul takes a look too; he sees that the old palace is square instead of round like the new one.

"The basement floor plans are here too, looks like there was a main basement and two sub-basements. Hey, it shows stairs going down from the second sub-basement, but there is no other floor plan."

Saul looks closely and says, "maybe that's a mistake? There's something written next to it."

"No, it's not a mistake and that's... That's the signature of-of--the High emperor!"

"Really, does that mean he made this book? And why did you stammer like that? What where you going to call him?"

"Oh... I almost said his name. You're not supposed to say it and supposedly if you do, he can hear you."

"Wait you know his name? Come on, it's like the biggest mystery. People are always trying to guess what his name is and you've known it all this time?"

"Well, yeah. When I'm emperor of Cetune I'll be part of the imperial counsel, so I was taught various secrets like that."

"What kind of secrets?"

The bat smiles and replies, "sorry, I can't tell anyone who's not part of the council or a royal. Not even you."

"Fine... So why would he sigh this book there? Did he go to the under city? I mean back then the old city wasn't covered and maybe it was easier to get down below it, but why?"

"I wonder if he was just interested in what was under the city? It is interesting and we don't even know how many layers there are or if the ground is three miles down or four! Maybe he knows something we don't? Look all the writing is the same style, he must have made this."

Bastao looks through the remainder of the book.

"Ok, so there's no more maps or floor plans. Either he didn't go down or he made another book."

They both look up from the book at the part of the library.

"Do you think this possible second book is here somewhere? Do you-do you want to look for it or just head down tomorrow?"

Bastao take a while to respond, he seems to be thinking hard and fidgets around. For the first time Saul wonders if the bat can handle decision making as emperor. Bastao looks out the window to see it is night now.

"I'm pretty tired, let's just go to bed and talk to the other guard's tomorrow morning."

Bastao closes the book and get up. Saul follows and they hold hands as they leave the library. Saul very much likes the feel of the bats soft hand holding his.

"I think it would be better if we go down and see if that staircase is even accessible, it could have collapsed or something." Saul says.

"Yeah, I can't think of anywhere the book could be and there might not be another chance to go down for months so yeah." Bastao replies.

"Maybe the second book is in the old palace?" Saul says. He's not sure why he thought that, it just came out of nowhere and he felt compelled to say it.

"That's an interesting idea. Makes it seem like he wants someone to investigate the old city and the undercity, but wouldn't tell what he found there." Bastao says.

The couple make their way to the prince's bedroom. Once there Saul locks the door and darkens the window. They do their regular night routine together and undress together. Bastao admires the alligator's muscular body and armored scales. Saul admires the bats fluffy soft fur and impressive male parts. They get into the large bed and Saul covers them with the ornate blanket. They cuddle together and Saul spoons Bastao. The large alligator wraps his arms around the smaller bat and holds him close. Saul gently strokes and rubs his love. Under the bats fur, Saul can feel refined muscles. Even though the prince does not have bulging muscles like his boyfriend, he is healthy and has nice muscle tone. Saul can also feel that his boyfriend's body really is naturally more delicate. Saul is always carful when he touches and holds Bastao, especially with the bat's wings, ears and genitals. Saul was nervous about topping the bat, but Bastao insisted he wanted the alligator's cock in him. Saul still remembers the first time he pumped his seed into the prince. Bastao took it well and cumed hard! Saul prefers that the prince top him and also enjoys the taste of his bat seed. Bastao was nervous about letting the alligator suck him off, thinking that alligators will bite anything they feel on their tongue. But once he tried it, he loved it and now Saul has to swallow several loads of cum a day. Bats really are horny creatures! Saul also remembers the first time Bastao toped him. The bats cock is pretty large, but felt so good. After he got used to it at least anyway...

"This does feel nice. I like it when you hold me." Bastao says.

"I like holding you, you're really light!" Saul takes a sniff of the bats neck fluff. "You smell so good."

"You really like my smell? I still find it hard to believe. I-I get nervous thinking people might think I stink..."

"No, it's a natural and healthy smell. You don't seem to mind my smell."

"It's not as strong as mine. You say you have more musk glands, but you really don't give off a smell like I do. Anyway, let's get some sleep." Bastao yawns and relaxes.

"Goodnight hon, I love you so much." Saul says.

The bat seems to be going to sleep already and mumbles a goodnight.

Bastao and Saul stir and wake up. Saul reluctantly let's go of the bat when they start getting out of bed.

"You really like to hold me that much?" Bastao asks.

"Well, yeah! You're so soft and you fit perfectly in my arms. Pluss your so light that it's fun to carry you around." Saul replies.

"I admit I like being held by you, but I also like to walk on my own and fly too."

"Yeah, I know. Thanks for letting me hold you sometimes though."

Bastao smiles at the alligator and leads him into the bathroom.

When they come back out, Bastao presses the button that control how opaque the large window is. He switches it to clear and sees that it is pouring rain outside.

"I forgot they scheduled it to rain today. I guess it really is a good day to go exploring under the palace." He says as he looks out over the wet scene.

"I wonder if the water leaks into the old city and the under city? There really should be teams who go down there to make sure all the supports and infrastructure is intact." Saul says.

"There's never been a major collapse. I mean yeah over the centuries there have been a couple buildings that collapsed. But they were never attributed to a failure of what's under the foundations, they were accidents and bombings!" Bastao replies.

"What about the stories of people hearing strange sounds coming from deep below their building? Or when buildings vibrate even though there isn't seismic activity on this planet anymore?"

The prince turns away from the window and says, "I guess it's up to us to find the truth. We should get going."

They leave the princes bedroom and walk hand in hand to the breakfast room.

As they eat their breakfast in the opulent room, Bastao looks very excited.

"So is the equipment we need in the locker room?" He asks.

"Yeah, yeah. Minus and me gathered everything and got it all in their two days ago. We've anticipated you wanted to go down there soon."

"Are they ready now? Do they know I wanted to go today?"

"I didn't tell them, but I'm sure they're ready. They're probably in the guard lounge waiting to see if you show up."

"Let's go right away then."

When the two-finish eating breakfast, they head to an elevator and go down to the palace basement.

"I've never been in this part of the palace before." Bastao says as they walk through a utilitarian corridor.

"I don't think any royal has been in here since they built the place!" Saul says.

They enter the junior guard area and are greeted by the white tiger Minus.

"Welcome my prince. Our little section of the palace might not be as luxurious as your used to, but I hope you enjoy yourself." He speaks.

Minus leads them inside and closes the door behind them. The doorway opens up directly to the lounge, it's a plain but large room with several couches and chairs around. The room is clean but worn. There is a large hologram table in the center of the room that is currently displaying the news. The three guards who had been sitting around the room jumped up and saluted the prince when they saw him walk in.

"Uh, at ease guys." The prince says.

They relax and look expectant.

"So, we're really going down there?" A large bear asks.

"Yeah, Archie we are. But first we should help Bastao get comfortable being here." Saul says.

The tall stallion gestures to the door on the opposite side of the room, "well the lockers and showers are in here and the pool and gym are though them."

"Well, I was going to try the pool just this once Brackston. I'm not a swimmer though..."

"Don't worry your highness." A fluffy wolf says, "we won't let you down. You don't even have to swim, just relax in the shallow end and watch us."

"I already told him that Aspen." Saul says.

"I just wanted to make sure, I care about our handsome prince too you know." Aspen replies.

"So, your highness do you want us to wait out here or..." Aspen asks.

"No, we can all go together and I know you guys want to check me out! I'm interested in seeing you guys too."

The wolf and the tiger look nervous.

"Alright, I guess we finally get to see whose got the biggest cock!" Brackston says as he opens the locker room door.

Minus hesitates to go in first, but then Bastao walks in with Saul behind him. The others walk in after.

The locker room is just a large rectangular room with simple lockers on the long walls, there are three benches lined up between them. Past the lockers is the shower area. They are open showers with no curtains or walls. On the left side is an open doorway that leads to the toilet area.

"Oh wow, you guys don't get any privacy in here!" Bastao exclaims.

"This is a typical male locker room, and we've long been used to seeing each other nude." Saul says.

"Yeah, we have fun doing some male bonding in here." Aspen says.

"Wait, you guys actually fuck in here?" Bastao asks.

"Well yeah!" Minus replies. "Mostly in the showers, it makes less of a mess and smell..."

Bastao turns to Saul and asks, "did you fuck any of them? I thought you were a virgin!"

"I jerked off with them, but you were my first!" Saul replies.

"Yeah, he was the only one who never touched another cock and never let any of us touch his!" Minus says.

"So, all you are gay?" The prince asks.

"I'm bi, but I admit I fantasize about you." Minus says.

"I'd be gay if your highness wanted me." Aspen says.

"I'm gay, any of you can have my ass if you want." Brackston says.

"Same for me, my ass I mean. I'm bi." Archie says.

"Well, alright then! I guess you've been waiting to see me nude? Well, I'm happy to show." The bat says.

Bastao picks a locker and starts undressing. He doesn't turn away and the others undress with him.

"Well, here you go." He says showing his body off.

The guards gave admiringly at his fluffy body and large cock and balls. They don't hide themselves from him and he looks at their bodies.

"Wow, so it's true that your bigger than me! Saul told me, but I didn't believe him." Brackston says.

Bastao smiles at the stallion's arousal and his own.

"You guys can touch me if you want, heh how about you guys suck me off and jerk me off?"

"I'd love to." Aspen says.

Minus and Brackston look excited about pleasing the bat.

Bastao proudly displayed his growing erection and Minus reached out and gently took hold of the bat's cock. The tiger ran his fingers along the whole length, making the prince moan softly.

"You're really sensitive, and yeah big!" Minus says. He slides the bats foreskin back reveling his head fully.

The tiger leans down and takes a sniff of the bat's member.

"You really do have a nice smell."

Minus let's go of the bats cock and takes hold of his large balls.

"Yeah, these are the biggest I've ever seen!"

Then he leans his head in farther and licks Bastao's dripping cock.

The bat gasps and grabs the tiger's head.

"I guess you like the taste too." Saul says, he seems a bit annoyed.

Minus opens his mouth and takes the princes length in, at least he tris to! He can only take a third of it! With one paw he fondles the bats balls and the other strokes the rest of the bats cock.

As he hasn't had any release today, Bastao doesn't last long and pumps the tiger's mouth full of his seed after only a couple minuets. Minus couldn't swallow it all and has cum dripping down his face. The locker room air has now become very musky!

The tiger lets go of the bat and sits down.

"Well, that was--that was a lot." Minus gasps.

"Yeah, you think?" Bastao says. "I've got a lot more, anyone else want some?"

"What the--your still hard!" Brackston exclaims.

Bastao just nods and strokes his hard length.

"He hardly needs to rest after we do it. He really tires me out!" Saul says.

"Can I just do a hand job?" Brackston asks.

"If you don't think you can handle taking me, sure." Bastao says with a smirk.

The horse frowns but doesn't respond. He takes the bats cock and balls into his paws and begins massaging them as his own erection grows.

"Need help with this?" Aspen says from behind the stallion. Without waiting for a reply, the wolf gets down on the floor and crawls under the horse.

"Go ahead." Brackston says.

In a moment the bat and the horse are moaning as they are fondled and stroked. When they reach their climax, they cover each other in cum!

Archi, who has just been watching this whole time says, "um, maybe you guys should shower before we go swimming?"

Aspen who got splattered by both Bastao and Brackston chuckles as he crawls out from under the horse. His fur is soaked with bat and stallion cum.

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea. You three are smelling pretty strong now!" Minus says.

Bastao looks down at his cum soaked fur and dripping cock, he seems proud of himself.

"Alright, shower with me Saul?" The prince askes.

"Yeah, sure..." Saul replies.

As they walk to the shower room, Bastao sees Saul doesn't look happy.

"Hey, you ok?" He asks.

Saul sighs and says, "I guess--I just was hoping you'd be mine only..."

"Seriously? This was your idea and you've fucked me dozens of times! Besides having multiple mates is pretty normal for my kind. And I kinda want to fuck all of you guys now, I can go some more rounds."

"I just was hopping to have something special with you..."

"It is special, you're the only one who sleeps with me, and you can fuck me in the shower now if you want."

The shower room is just a plane room with a line of shower heads and water faucet handles on the wall and drains in the floor. Under each shower head is a small shelf with soap. There are no curtains or any separations. Everyone picks a shower head; Saul and the prince share one. As they all start showering, Saul asks, "so I thought you where shy and nervous about doing this, but you seem to have enjoyed it... a lot."

"Well, I guess I like it then! I really do want to fuck all you guys now. But Saul you're my first and I really do love you."

Saul smiles and the couple wash each other. The bat watches the others showering and becomes erect again. He rubs his body against Sauls and strokes the alligators slit. It is not hard to get Saul aroused. The other guards all take a look as they see the bat bend over for the alligator. Saul mounts Bastao and lines up his member with the bats hole. The bats short tail tickles his belly and Bastao looks back at his love and nods. Saul carefully mounts his much smaller mate, and even though he has his hands on the bats back, he is not putting any weight on him. He teases the bats hole and glances at the other guards, smiling. He finally starts pushing into the bat.

Bastao moans as Saul slowly penetrates him. Saul hilts and Bastao gasps. Then they really start. Saul begins thrusting and humping Bastao. The water cascades over them as everyone watches. Saul has his arms around Bastao, holding him up as they move in unison. Soon they're panting and Bastao is dripping precum, although the water takes it away. Saul and Bastao grimace and then with a deep thrust Saul empties his seed deep inside the bat! Bastao spurts his own seed onto the floor, making the water swirling into the drain cloudy. They stay like that for a moment and then Saul slowly pulls out, his cock slimy with cum and a string of it connects them for a second. Bastao stands upright as the couple catch their breath. All the other guards are fully erect and dripping as they stand under the showers. Aspen and Minus had jerked off and their shower drains are cloudy too. Bastao smiles and him and Saul begin washing off together. Bastao cleans Saul's cock and slit and Saul washes his cum out of the bats fur. Bastao poses and shows off his rear, cock and large balls. The prince fingers the alligators rear and smirks.

"I want your ass when we're done in the pool." He says.

"Damn, you aren't shy now!" Saul replies.

"I've decided I like putting on a show."

After everyone finishes showering, Saul leads Bastao to the pool as the rest of the guards get their swimwear. As they step out of the musky shower room Bastao asks, "so after all that they won't swim nude with us?"

"Well, um they all come from more modest cultures then us. I guess being naked, jerking off and fucking in the locker room is one thing, but swimming nude is another... Actually, I think they would swim with females on their home planets so..."

Bastao looks out over the pool. Its impressively large, with just seven swimmers there's going to be no crowding at all. Around the pool are entry ladders and a jumping board at the deep end. The room has tiled walls and a vaulted ceiling. Bastao thinks about flying, however he remembers his fur is wet and the extra wight would weigh him down too much.

"Uh, now that I see it, I'm not sure I want to get in."

"You just had sex with an audience and multiple partners! I think you should try it, just stay in the shallow side."

"Well, as long as you stay by me, I'll try and swim a little."

The two walked to the nearest entry ladder and Saul climbed down into the water. Bastao climbed down slightly awkwardly. He looks uncomfortable in the water, which comes up to his chest even though this is the shallow side. Saul quickly stepped to his side and the bat immediately clung onto him. As the others got into the pool the big bear waded over to the couple.

"We usually swim for about half an hour and this is really just a cover for you to be down here, so don't overdo it if you're not comfortable." He said.

"Yeah, thanks Archie. I'm fine, this just feels weird. At least its heated though."

"Hey Bastao would it be ok if I go diving for a bit? I'll be right back and I'm sure Archie wont mind if you hold onto him, right?"

The bat reluctantly let go of the alligator and replies, "sure go ahead. I'll just stay over here."

Saul waded towards the deep end and once the water got deep enough started swimming and soon disappeared under the surface. Archi sat down and the water rose to his neck. The prince stepped closer to him and leaned on the large bear.

"Wet bat is um an interesting smell." Archie said.

"A wet bear has a smell too! And nice jockstrap."

"Heh, thanks. You have a nice smell though."

Bastao smiled and looked across the pool for Saul. He sees the alligator swimming with Aspen, they seem to be racing. The prince is happy to see Saul outpacing the wolf.

Most of the time Bastao spent in the pool was standing awkwardly in the shallow end with Saul, Archie and Aspen taking turns standing next to him and trying to coax him into trying to swim. The bat never let his feet leave the bottom of the pool, but he did try dunking himself once. Saul went under with him and the bat held his breath well for a few seconds. Saul pulled the bat above the surface and he gasped and shook his head.

"That wasn't so bad, I might do it again if I come in here again."

"Just don't try to swim by yourself. So, I think it's a good time to get out now and get our gear. That is if you still want to go down?" Saul asked.

"Yeah, of course!" Bastao replied.

The prince climbed up the ladder out of the pool and unintentionally gave everyone a great view of his rear and large balls. Saul chuckled as he followed the bat.

They entered the locker room and where surprised to see the janitor. The janitor who is a dear was shocked to see the prince nude. Bastao and the guards were stunned for a moment before they moved Infront of the bat.

"Hey, you're not supposed to be here today!" Saul said.

"I--what's going on here? I was just going to finish the cleaning I started last night. Your highness why are you uh..." The janitor replied.

Bastao peaked out from behind Minus. "I was just swimming with my guards, it's been something I've wanted to try for a while. Would you please leave."

The janitor looked shocked and he quickly left the locker room.

"That's just fucking great!" Bastao shouted.

"Hey calm down, its fine what can he do?" Saul said.

"It's not that, he was staring at my balls!"

"Well, they are pretty big... and it used to be a thing where the emperor was nude in the palace... You bat people are pretty strange sometimes, no offence." Brackston said.

The prince huffed and walked to the showers. Saul quickly fallowed him as the others took off their swimming suits.

In the shower room, Bastao and Saul have started washing as the others come in. Seeing all his guard's nude again gets the bat aroused. Saul sees this and strokes the prince's length. Bastao inhales sharply and grabs onto the alligators' arms.

"Yeah, I need this." He says.

"I know you do; my ass is yours." Saul replies.

The alligator gave a toothy grin and turned around. He got down on all fours and lifted his tail up. Bastao immediately mounted him as the shower rained down on them. The other guards stopped what they were doing and turned to watch. Bastao humped his larger mate and Sauls own erection started to emerge from his slit. The bat rubbed his member against the alligators lengthening cock, getting a moan from the reptile. Then he moves his tip to the alligator's hole. Feeling Saul press back against him, Bastao thrust foreword and into his mate. He slowly eased his entire length in and hilted.

"He took that whole cock like nothing!" Aspen exclaimed.

"It took a while to get used to it..." Saul said as the couple started their motions in earnest. Both the bat and the alligator are now grunting and moaning. Saul is dripping pre that's getting washed into the drain. Soon Bastao's movements became erratic and Saul followed suit. The bat held himself back so he could cum at the same time as the alligator. He couldn't help it and reached his climax a second before Saul. The bat grimaced and pressed himself into the alligator who then shot his seed across the floor. Panting, Bastao pulls out and dismounts Saul. The alligator stands up and embraces the bat under the shower.

"Wow, what a show!" Aspen says.

"Yeah, I blew my load just watching them and stroking off." Archie said.

"You ever want...a full threesome your highness?" Minus asked.

"Well, maybe. But we should wash up and get the gear." Bastao replied.

The prince and his guards finished they're showers, making sure to clean away the musk and smell of their seed. Saul carefully cleaned out Bastao's foreskin, and the bat cleaned the alligators slit.

Once everyone was clean, they used the air dryers and preceded to get dressed in the locker room.

"Alright, lets get the gear out Minus." Saul said.

The alligator and the tiger opened several lockers with passcodes and began removing weapons and folded powered armor suits.

"Um do we really need to be armed?" Bastao asked.

"I prefer to be prepared to protect you from any gangs or mutants or whatever might be down there!" Saul said.

"Well, ok then..." Bastao said as he picked up his armor suit. "Good thing these are made from quantum nano tech, I couldn't lift it if it was like the armor in the museum."

"Yeah, exactly! Bastao no offence, but your bats are just delicate and I don't want you to get hurt down there." Saul said.

The other guards nodded as they put on their armor. Once everyone was fully armored and the guards where armed, Saul led them back out into the pool room and towards the pool utility access door.

To be continued...

Seeking history part three

At the back wall, Saul opens the utility area access door and holds it for everyone else to walk in. Inside is a maze of pumps, pipes and maintenance equipment. The ceiling is low compared to the pool room. Crammed into remaining space are a few...

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Seeking history

He had waited impatiently all day for nighttime! He had wanted to try this for a while, and tonight he would have the palace and gardens all to himself. As he watched the sun set over the gleaming crystal towers in the distance through his futuristic...

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Echo Leo ending c

...In the distance I can see the lights on the train, slowly winding its way toward us." At this point dawn is just breaking. Somehow, it's only been one night, even though it feels like it's been several weeks. "Alright, for whatever reason that train...

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