F*cked - Denied

Story by Marthell on SoFurry

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#3 of F*cked

Date: CT2-5876/02/01

Writing the previous journal I had the distinct impression that this maybe the beginning of something I'm unable to control. I've opened the floodgates now, and that may be that. I'm here to bombard you with my most carnal moments, my most fabulous fetishes and my most elegant ejaculations from now until I get bored of sex and, well, I'm not planning on doing that.

Still, I'd like to mix a little of the personal in with the depraved from time to time. For all that my activities revolve around the stickier side of life, I am a person, you know? There's more to me than endless fucking. I know that's not what you're here for but, trust me, I can make it work.

Today's journal, for instance, details an encounter that may help elucidate how Mated life has been for me and, of course, I mean in _explicit_detail.

Date: CT2-5873/09/25

I had known Eliot a few years before we formally took one another as Mates. They are so utterly unlike me that I often wonder how it is we fit so well together. But, somehow, we do.

The only way I can think to explain it is that in their grace and rationality they ground me, giving me a sense of place and purpose, acting as a landmark by which I can measure myself. And I like to think that, in return, I lift them up, adding a certain wild impulsivity and guiltless joy to their life but, regardless of the truth of it all, I love them, and by some great fortune they love me too.

Eliot is beautiful by all metrics I know to measure. They're a cat morph, with short and sleek blue-gray fur, wide emerald eyes and a slim figure of restrained, but well sculpted curves. There's a pervasive aura of androgyny aboutthem that goes far beyond their appearance and, personally, I find it utterly alluring.

By the time of _this_particular encounter we had only been Mated a few months, and by my estimation things had been going pretty great. We'd been sleeping together on and off since we met but, Mated, we were fucking more than ever. Not that that's the measuring stick of a successful relationship but, you know, it was nice.

Although Eliot tended to present themself as epicene as possible, the actual details of their bodily arrangement changed from month to month, mood to mood, occasionally even day to day. Sometimes they'd be a total power bottom, shoving me down and mounting my dick, riding me like a damn jockey with their slick, wet pussy, leashing me up and calling me names. Then a week later they'd be packing something very different, snapping some commands at me and railing my ass with their spined, feral cat cock, leaving me moaning their name as I got rammed into the bed repeatedly.

That's not to say they're a strict dom, their sexual desires changed as often as their parts. Sometimes they wanted to lay back and be worked on, to be molded and shaped and used as I saw fit, and our sex was every bit as wonderful both ways around.

But, I can be moody too. Sometimes we'd both feel overwhelmingly subby, or super aggressive and dommy and on days like that we'd usually come up with something a little more _interesting_to do. This was one of those days.

Neither of us felt like taking charge, we knew that without even needing to discuss it, but we were both horny as hell. Not that that's saying much for me, I'm horny as hell for about 80% of my waking hours. Still, it presented a problem, given we were determined on enjoying one another's company.

I remember, amid a fit of kissing, they pulled away from me, giggling. I licked their neck and they complained about it tickling, I said something like: "the hairballs are worth it." They said something like: "asshole."

Fair observation.

They asked, with a quiet smile and perked ears: "any ideas how we should handle this?" Their big green eyes were half-lidded, pointed right at me in a dreamlike stare. I found it so easy to lose track of time and place whenever I was around them, I've always thoughttheir eyes had more tothem than the Cube ever could.

I couldn't tell you whether it took me a few seconds to respond, or an hour, but it didn't matter. All that mattered was being with Eliot, staying close to them, wrapping them in me and being wrapped in them.

"Well," I said, at some point. "I had been toying with the idea of locking myself up for a while." I grabbed my shaft and rubbed itthrough their fur, makingit extremely clear what part of me I was talking about. "Maybe you'd like to join in on that, then the two of us can go get pounded," I was very much thinking of the night I met Denn, but there _was_another idea teasing at my brain, something I had never done before. "Or..."


Their tail curled around my waist and they laughed at my hesitance. My muzzle was split open uselessly so they ran a finger down my nose, through the air and hooked it over my bottom lip. With just the slightest tug we were at it again, rolling around, a mess of tongues, tails and limbs.

On recovery I bucked up the courage to come clean. "Or, maybe, we invite one or two people round to fuck you hard right in front of me." Their eyes widened, but so did their smile. "While, you know, ignoring me. Or maybe, like, demeaning me."

"You want them to do that, or me?"

"Either? Both?"

I was getting hard just thinking about it. A surefire sign that I needed my dick locked away in a cage as soon as possible.

"You want to watch me get pleasured while my sexual partners and I verbally humiliate you?"

"Well, I mean, yeah?"

"So, the same sort of thing I get up to any random day that you're not around, but in front of you this time?"

It took me a moment to parse that. When I did I growled and pretended to pout, but their smug smirk said it all. Instead I burst into laughter.

It only took a few hours to get everything and everyone ready. Eliot caged me personally, enjoying every moment as they guaranteed my denial. I half-wanted them to disintegrate the key and never let me out again, but I could probably just generate another one and I certainly don't have the willpower to resist trying that eventually, unlike Denn.

Still, as much of a chastity amateur as I may have been, thethoughtofit was fucking hot. Ever since meeting Denn I'd got more and more into the idea, in fact I'd experimented with all kinds of related fantasies, this was merely another in a long list. Though, not 'merely'. Nothing is _mere_when it comes to Eliot. They always put their all into everything they do, and they treated my desire for embarrassment and temporarily restricted autonomy no different than any other pet project.

Case in point, when the 'guests' arrived I was exalted by the discovery that both of them were spotted hyena morphs, just like me. We started with introductions and polite chatter - we didn't know them personally as yet, they had just responded to the ad Eliot put out on some kink channels - the man was called Taylor, the woman Helga. As we talked we used our systems to lace ourselves with mild intoxicants, achieving a low, tipsy buzz to help loosen our tongues. Eliot soon enough told them I was caged and the two hyenas set their sights on me.

In moments Taylor was running his paw down my chest, belly then over my crotch, clasping the cage in his paw even through my clothes. He wiggled it and smirked. When he let go, Helga was at my pants, deft paws unbuttoning me as she said: "let's expose that useless little toy of yours."

Taylor nodded, adding: "a bitch like you doesn't deserve such discretion and privacy." Sure enough his paws were promptly under my tee, lifting it up and over my head.

Eliot watched, grinning like crazy as I squirmed and shuddered at their groping touches. This was about as much physical contact as I could expect for the night, so I thought I should enjoy it while I had the chance.

"He gets too comfortable around me," Eliot said. "Thinks he has a say in things, acts as if he's a normal person. He needs to be taught that he's nothing."

My dick had expanded to press up against the walls of the cage, but that was the limit of its ability, secured as it was. Taylor brought his muzzle to the cage and sniffed. "He's busting to get loose already. This pet of yours needs training." Eliot bobbed their head in agreement, beaming at me, loving all of this. Taylor opened his muzzle wide and touched the metal of my cage with the tip of his tongue. I whimpered and bucked my hips forward, at which he drew back, shaking his head. "Absolutely pathetic, no restraint at all."

Helga pulled my chair away from the table and drew a pair of handcuffs from her pocket.

"Such a poorly behaved pup can't be trusted to stay out of the way by himself." She extended her paw,handcuffs firmly clasped, towards Eliot. "Don't you agree?"

Eliot got up and came over, taking the cuffs from Helga. With the three of them standing around me, all fully clothed, and me sitting there with nothing but a collar and a cock-cage on, I felt extremely exposed, vulnerable, and just a little scared. It was exhilarating.

"I agree completely," they said and locked my paws behind my back with the cuffs. I didn't resist but I yipped and twitched at their touch, half unsure of all this, half drooling from my painfully un-erect dick. "Now be a good boy Zachy or I'll cuff your ankles too."

"Oh poor little Zachy," Taylor said, moving back in to cup my exposed balls now that my paws were securely lockedaway. He applied some pressure and tugged at them alittle. Pre seeped through the hole at the tip of my cage, beading and then running along its underside until it soaked into Taylor's paw. "You really thought you could satisfy a catch like Eliot with this puny sack and that pathetic little thing you call a dick?"

"I- I..."

"You- You what?" He asked. Before I could respond he shoved the wet patch on his paw right against my muzzle. I licked theliquid right off of him without even thinking. "That's right. A bitch like you could never."

All I could do was hum and moan in wordless protest.

"Admit it," said Helga. "We're here because you just can't satisfy Eliot's needs."

I looked to Eliot with pleading eyes. They shrugged and shook their head.

"Look, I'm sorry, you're cute and all and fun to be around, but it's true, isn't it? When it comes to sex you just aren't enough for me," they said. I whined. My violently wagging tail betrayed my conflicted thoughts and exposed justwhat my denied dick thought of all this. "Admit it Zachy."

I let my head hang in shame. I admitted it: "it's true. I'm not enough for you. You deserve real alphas to fuck you raw and fill you up, not whatever my shy little thing can squirt out."

"Then it's settled," they said with a clap. Moments later allthree of them walked out without me, down a hall and into thebedroom.

As the door slid shut behind them, my ears perked and my head lifted, at alert in a new found panic. They had just left me there, likeI was nothing but a nuisance to them. I was expecting _some_teasing and disregard for my desires but, wow. Eliot was really going for it.

I stood slowly, feeling a little off balance with my paws locked behind my back. My balls felt hot and heavy swinging beneath my caged shaft, oh-so ready to burst yet totally unable to do so.

As I stalked toward the door, making sure not to make too much noise, I heard the shuffling and flopping of clothing being removed and thrown to the floor along with the soft wet sounds of open-mouthed kissing and the licking of bare body parts.

I stood next to the door, doing nothing more than pressing my ear to it and listening in as their foreplay continued.

"By the time we're done with you, you'll wonder why you ever Mated that soft, whining pup out there," came a muffled assertion from Taylor between gasping bouts of fighting tongues.

"Yeah?" Eliot asked, breathy and high, obviously at the epicenter of it all, awash in euphoria.

"You'll call us back every week to start with, then every day," said Helga.

"Fuck yeah," Eliot said.

The fur on the back of my neck was standing up, my cock was in agony at its forced captivity. I was panting and leaking all over the tiles. I couldn't handle it. I collapsed to the floor and awkwardly slid my cuffed paws under my rear, then my legs, to finally bring them up in front of me, still contained, but at least more comfortable and maneuverable. At least like that I could stroke my own balls, touch my own cage... further my own excruciating denial.

There was a thump and shuffling creaks as the bed was landed on by one, two, three bodies.

"Gonna fuck you so good you'll never wantto let his dick out of that cage again," said Taylor.

And then... nothing but muffled sounds of movement, grunts, low moaning. I was weak. I had to see it for myself. I entered the room on my paws and knees, head low with the embarrassment of my lacking resolve.

There the three of them were. Eliot on their back in the center of the bed with Taylor to one side, sticking his tongue down their throat, running one paw through their hair and another over their breasts. Eliot's breasts were not especially large, but perky and perfectly shaped. Just looking at them gave me the desire to get my muzzle at them, to lick and suck and twist their nipples, to stick my dick between them but today I was doing none of that. Helga was further down the bed and face down, her head between Eliot's thighs, tongue teasing at their clit, fingers pushing gently in and out of their pussy.

The three of them stopped what they were doing and looked at me.

"You can watch, Zachy, but stay out of our way, okay?" Eliot said with a sigh. "I'm getting good sex for once. I would say watch and learn, but learning now would be pointless wouldn't it? You won't need that dick of yours anymore."

Damn it. I've done it again. Writing this has convinced me to cage myself again, immediately. I'm already streaming with pre just thinking about it. Zed, that was such a good day.

Okay... I'm locked up. Fuck.

Ahem. Back to the story.

I nodded my agreement and the three of them went back to pretending I didn't exist. Evidently I wasn't significant enough to occupy any more of their mental capacity.

Soon enough Eliot was moaning at the mercy of the two hyena's touches and gropes and licks and kisses. Watching Helga and Taylor drive my Mate wild filled me with a bevy of different emotions all at once: lust, jealousy, fear, excitement, even joy. I was glad Eliot was finally being sexually satisfied as they truly deserved, as I was unable to facilitate on my own.

Taylor pulled his muzzle away from Eliot's, ceasing the marathon of drawn-out tongue kisses, but didn't leave their muzzle free for long. He got to his knees and grabbed his junk with a paw, finally giving me a good look at what he had on offer. His dick must've been a good twenty-five centimeters in length, a lot more than I could claim, and his was thicker too, absolutely drooling a viscous stream of white that he painted up and over one of Eliot's breasts, along their neck and then right into their muzzle. They took it like a champ. Taylor clasped his balls with his other paw, pulling them up and giving them a little squeeze - I think just to show them off more than anything - they were huge, each half of his sack easily enough to fill one of my paws on its own.

"Gonna pump your belly full of cum," he said as he hilted himself somewhere deep within Eliot's throat. "Fill you upwith a real man's load."

Eliot shuddered how I'd seen them shudder so many times before. It was an involuntary motion of unfettered physical pleasure that I had delighted in bestowing on them in the past. Now I was nothing but an impotent observer, watching a more well endowed man take control and pleasure my lover in my place. I kind of hated it. I mostly fucking loved it.

Helga came up for air, a knowing smirk spread across her muzzle. She licked her lips while sneering down at me. I felt small and incompetent. As she brought herself to her knees her paw went to her crotch, and when she twisted briefly to regard me properly, I could see she was almost as well endowed as Taylor and, yes, still far more so than me. Both of them were downright packing.

Her attention fell back on Eliot as she began lining herself up, ready to slide her lengthy cock right inside of my Mate. From my angle I couldn't see any of the actual action so I crawled around the bed, whimpering at my demeaning circumstances, totally unable to get myself off as my lover was pampered and soon to be pounded in front of me.

"You want this dick, don't you kitty?" Helga asked. Eliot moaned a needy affirmative around the cock in their mouth. Helga chuckled and began working her rod inside of Eliot's welcoming slit. "God, you're fuckin' tight. Of course you are, living with _that_poor excuse for a hyena's tiny prick." Eliot was moaning these desirous, greedy moans, their pitch and volume increasing as their throat got railed concurrently with their snatch getting stretched and filled. "This is how sex is _meant_to feel Eliot. I'm gonna ruin you for small dicks. You're never gonna want anything less than this again." Eliot nodded as best they could with a dick in their mouth, then succumbed to pleasure.

The three of them all but devolved into animals, becoming one big gyrating, huffing, moaning, growling, writhing mess of rough, primal pleasure right in front of my eyes. My muzzle opened in jealous wonderment. I must have been salivating.

I put my cuffed paws on the edge of the bed, climbing only partway up. I was noticed almost immediately. Taylor stared me down with a cruel smile as he absently shoved the entire length of his cock into Eliot's muzzle, staying hilted as he spoke. "Eliot, your dumb pet is trying to get on the bed."

He kept his dick deep in their mouth for another couple seconds then, with a grunt, pulled it out completely. Eliot gasped for air and panted hard as they tried to catch their breath while simultaneously being preoccupied by the ongoing pounding they were receiving from Helga.

"Th-this bed isn't, ohh, isn't yours anymore Zachy," they were moaning and gasping and struggling to speak, so caught up in their moment. They weren't even looking into my eyes, just vaguely in my direction, their focus fuzzy in the midst of their sexual haze. "You c-can watch from overthere." They motioned for me to back up off the bed with a lazy flick of theirpaw.

I took their advice. Helga laughed at me between grunts. Taylor gave me a smarmy wink, then grabbed the back of my lover's head and shoved his drippy dick right back in their mouth.

Kneeling on the floor a bit back from the bed, I found that once again my paws had moved to tease and caress my balls and caged member, inadvertently torturing myself, but feeling totally unable to do anything else. I wanted to cum so bad. My semi-stiff dick was dripping through the hole in the top of the cage as it mashed up against it, uselessly trying to expand past its physical limits.

Zed, I regret having put it on again just now, but at the same time I'm glad I did. I've no idea how Denn puts up with it for so long, it's agonizing... yet even as I type that, part of me is fantasizing about keeping it on forever. Fuck, if I don't pleasure myself somehow I'm gonna scream. Okay, gonna go get something to shove up my butt, then carry on writing.

Ahem, so, anyway. I did as I was told and watched as the two dominant hyenas slid themselves in and out of my Mate, getting closer by the moment to filling them with, doubtless, more seed than I could hope to produce in four separate sessions. They were alphas. I was nothing but an accessory, unworthy of even claiming the title of beta pup.

I didn't have to wait long to see for myself exactly what their loads looked like. Within a few minutes Taylor was grunting and moaning low with an increased intensity that clearly indicated he was about to fire one off into the depths of Eliot's throat. He grabbed the back of their head with both paws and roughly pulled them in, forcing their nose to bury itself in his fuzzy crotch fur, Taylor groaning loudly as he hit the precipice of his climax.

Eliot's eyes rolled back with the bliss of submission as Taylor filled their throat with pump after pump of his seed, letting out a rolling succession of moans as he milked himself dry inside their muzzle. Eliot swallowed his load dutifully, getting multiple gulps of it down before Taylor pulled out and shot the remainder of his seed across their face and neck, his tongue lolling in orgasmic pleasure as he turned them into a sprayed-white canvas.

His climax seemed to trigger something in Helga; she began growling, her thrusting increasing pace rapidly, the sound of her balls slapping against Eliot soon filled the room. Eliot was still trying to catch their breath, but their frantic panting soon mixed with urgent moans of their own as their pussy was beat hard and fast on Helga's rabid approach to orgasm.

"Take it bitch," Helga snarled, her teeth bared, consumed by dominant furor. "Gonna fill that greedy snatch."

"Fucking breed me," Eliot groaned. "P-pump those pups inside of me."

With a bestial growl Helga exclaimed: "here they come, you little slut!"

She slammed herself home inside of Eliot, gripping their legs hard, claws dragging sharply through their fur as she came to her shuddering climax, fully hilted in the cat's pussy, the tension in her body partially giving way to twitching, shaky limbs as she utterly unloaded into them. Her outputwas so immense that excess cum spurted from Eliot's pussy around the base of her cock, getting all over the bed and both of their fur. I watched in slack-jawed amazement and barely-contained thirst, utterly entranced, wishing I were Eliot, or Helga, either would very much do, but instead I was a pathetic waste of space, watching from a distance, caged up and impotent and, as much as it was killing me - as much as my cock and balls were positively _aching_for release - I was loving it.

Helga was still panting and groaning in satisfaction as Taylor sidled over and pushed his muzzle up against hers, the two of them locking maws in a brief kiss and sharing a loving glance. Helga finally pulled out of Eliot, and without her substantial length plugging them up, another miniature torrent of cum drooled out of them, soaking right into the bed sheets. Eliot lifted their head a little and stared at me hazily; a sort of distant, spaced-out grin slathered across their cum-spattered muzzle. I couldn't not let out a single jealous, needy whine.

That did it. Helga and Taylor's eyes were upon me. They went still and silent, then Helga snapped her fingers forcefully. "Pet, clean me up." Her other paw was holding her cock out toward me. It was slick with all manner of sexual fluids. She stood up and approached me slowly, Taylor moving to join her, his own impressive length bobbing up and down freely as he moved, still wet with a little excess cum and plenty of Eliot's spit. "Clean us both." I looked into her eyes and nodded slowly. "Now."

"Eager little slut isn't he? He's practically salivating at the chance to mop up the leftovers, even though it's not gonna help get him out of that cage," Taylor commented, talking to Helga as if I weren't there. It was then that I realized my muzzle was hanging open, my tongue lolling out, looking like a sex-starved idiot. I didn't care. I just wanted to taste their cocks.

Helga agreed, laughing, rubbing her dick along the side of my muzzle, stickying my fur in the process. Before I could turn and take her into my mouth Taylor was grinding his own cock up on the opposite side, from the fluff of my neck and through the thicker fur of my cheek. I had a moment of decision paralysis, then instinct took over.

I grabbed each of their shafts in a separate paw, holding them close by necessity of my cuffed wrists. and impaled my face on Taylor's length, starting with the slightly larger of the two. I could barely breathe when he was all the way in. My tongue swirled around his cock, licking him clean thoroughly as the painful sensation of my desperate dick throbbing against the confines of its cage caused another useless whines to emanate from my throat.

Taylor grunted as I bathed his spent, still-hard dick in saliva. "You know we're not gonna fuck you, or even cum in your muzzle right, pet?" He asked, one of his paws finding its way to the back of my head, pulling me almost all the way off his length then pushing me back down again until my nose was in his crotch fur. "Though I appreciate the enthusiasm."

"And don't even fool yourself into thinking we might remove that cage," Helga added as she impatiently ground her dick along the side of my already-occupied muzzle. I must have given away my pent up state with a whimper, as she tutted and shook your head. "When it comes to sex you're an inconvenience. The least you could do is try to make yourself useful when asked, not be so selfish as to think about your own pleasure."

Taylor nodded in agreement and, after keeping my muzzle hilted on his dick for another few moments, he pushed me away until only the tip of my tongue was still in contact with his saliva-slick cock. "That's all you get from me, little bitch. Now see to Helga's and, remember, _these_are the cocks that pleasure Eliot now. Not yours. You're pathetic." He cupped my chin and lifted my head so that we were staring into one another's eyes. I gulped and nodded. "Say it, pet."

"I... I'm pathetic."

I swear, just following that simple commandmade my cock twitch and loose a substantial stream of pre through its cage. The frustration, the embarrassment, the sensation of total powerlessness and inadequacy... all of it was turning me on more than I could've dreamed.

Taylor loosened his grip on me, but before I knew it both of Helga's paws were firmly gripping the back of my head as she began to violently facefuck me with her airway-clogging length, practically choking me, forcing me to gasp for air through my nose as her cock repeatedly filled my throat. "Yes you are," she uttered the words as a growl, her teeth gritted in determined effort.

It was over all too soon, the familiar - though in this case second-hand - taste of Eliot's pussy and the foreign taste of Helga's cock lingered on my tongue when she pulled free, only a strand of saliva still connecting the two of us until even that was broken as she twisted away with a dismissive grunt. "That's all you get," she said. I tried to suppress my whimpering but was only partially successful. I leaned into my neediness and made an attempt to catch her or Taylor's eyes with a puppy dog stare, but failed. Both had eyes only for Eliot, lust written all over their faces. I looked instead to Eliot, who had propped their upper half up and - seeing me glance their way - winked at me as they ran a finger down through the fur their belly, then lower, ultimately reaching and teasing at their own clit. "Be a good pet and clean out your owner too."

Heat flushed through my cheeks as the realization of exactly what I was being asked to do dawned on me. I couldn't keep my eyes off of my partner's cum-soaked pussy while they pleasured themself in front of me. I licked my lips in submissive anticipation, eager to tongue the remnants of a superior sexual partner's load right out of my Mate's snatch.

I crawled onto the bed with some hesitance, remembering what happened the last time I tried, but having been given an order I was allowed to continue without rebuke. I dipped my nose to Eliot's crotch, looking into their eyes as I did so. They moaned as they continued to touch themself, ignoring me completely. I sniffed at their cum-soaked slit, getting the strong scent of Helga: an alpha who was able to pleasure Eliot in a way I never could. When it came to sex I was unnecessary, my only marginal use was to clean up after my betters.

In the back of my mind I knew that when all of this was over Eliot and I would go back to our usual ways, but the living fantasy of it was a very powerful and alluring one. In the moment I truly desired this to become my life: for me to become a caged little cucked bitch in endless perpetuity. The situation was driving me crazy, my mind and body were screaming in unison for a release they would not get. It was glorious.

"What are you waiting for? Get that tongue to work," Taylor commanded. I didn't hesitate again.

My tongue pressed to Eliot's slit, giving a long lick all the way from the bottom of it up to where I was obstructed by their busy paw, then repeating the motion, licking shallowly to start with, getting a good taste of both my partner's lower lips and Helga's recent load. I was tasting the seed of a superior lover, and of a person I hadn't even known before today who had just come into my home, came in my Mate and humiliated me in front of them. This was a kind of submission I hadn't experienced before, and the worst - or best? I don't know - part of it was that, for as much as it was turning me on, I couldn't get hard, I couldn't touch my dick, I couldn't cum. All bodily autonomy was gone, just as I had lost all control I'd once had over pleasuring my own Mate. I was below breeding stock. I wasn't even somebody's willing toy. I was just... there.

"Really dig your tongue in deep," Eliot commanded, still frantically stimulating their clit as they talked down to me between huffs and groans. "There's no point if you're just gonna graze the surface."

"You sure you want to keep this housepet around Eliot?" Taylor asked sardonically, his sneer not just adorning his face, but audible. "I'm certain you could find one actually capable of performingsimple tasks."

Helga didn't say anything. Instead she grabbed a handful of my hair and pushed me down, grinding my muzzle into Eliot's slit, thus filling my nose with the foreign odor of her dick.

My muzzle was smeared wet with sexual fluids as Helga forcefully dragged it along my partner's pussy. I stuck my tongue out further, digging it between Eliot's fold, tasting inside of them, lapping the remnants of Helga's load from their inner walls. Eliot was moaning at the combination of my delving tongue and their own nimble paw, but they managed to get out a few words. "Th-that's right. Get a good taste of her cum you pathetic little slut. She felt better inside of me than you ever have."

I could feel a hotness rise to my cheeks as I was verbally bombardednot only byour visitors, but bymy own Mate. My tail was wagging involuntary, clearly showing howaccurateEliot was about me beinga pathetic little slut. I was positively aching for release, but focused all of that horny energy directly into Eliot or, to be more specific, their pussy. I continued manically lapping and sticking my tongue as deep into them as Icould, even after Helgalet go of me. Eliotcarried on stimulating themself, their moaning increasing in pitch, frequency and volume over time. The knowledge that I was helping them approach their climax compelled me, and in that moment it felt like some kind of taboo treat, like something I shouldn't be allowed to do anymore. It turned out that, actually, I could_pleasure my Mate, I _could_make them-_

But, no.

Just as I knew they were getting close, a paw closed around my neck and pulled me backwards hard, wrenching me off of my Mate, and then off of the bed altogether. I collapsed back onto the floor with a thud and looked up with an open, sticky muzzle and wide, fearful eyes. Helga and Taylor stood over me, stony and cruel, saying nothing. The seconds passed and still they didn't move, nor say a single thing. I couldn't dare break the silence myself.

Slowly, deliberately Taylor dropped to one knee. One of his paws moved to touch the inner side of my leg. On contact I flinched, but quickly calmed myself, remembering my place as his fingers trailed slowly up through my fur, eventually reaching my dangling balls. He ran his fingers over them softly and I couldn't help but whine, watching myself as I fountained pre from my cock cage, in intense physical discomfort at my continued denial, my dick absolutely begging for an escape from its cold, hard confines. Taylor grabbed my caged cock in a single sudden motion and stared into my eyes.

"Never," he said, forceful and direct, the undercurrent of a growl permeating his every syllable. "I mean never,_try to provide your Mate a climax again. You know they would beinfinitely more pleasuredwith our assistance than with yours. You were selfish and weak to do what you just did. Try something like that one more time and you won't even be allowed in the room." He gave my cage a harsh tug and I yelped. "Is that clear?" I nodded. He tugged my cage again. "I said, is that _clear, Zachy?"

"It's clear," I told him, in no uncertain terms, matching his stare. He nodded once then stood. Seconds later it was as if both him and Helga had forgotten Iwas there, the two of them back on the bed and putting their paws all over my Mate, talking sweet and dirty to them, readying themselves for a second round as I lay there on the floor,still, leaking and useless.

In that moment I knew this was one of the hottest things I had ever experienced. A sort of masochistic euphoria that I didn't know I was capable of surged through me. A part of me returned to the idea of keeping the cage on forever, never sticking my dick in my lover again. Another part of me could only think about how fucking hard I was gonna cum when I finally got the thing off of me.

Kinda thinking the same thing _now_to be honest. Fuck. I'm a pathetic little bitch at heart.

Anyway, Taylor and Helga carried on with Eliot - fucking them again in front of me, using them in various ways to achieve each of their orgasms, keeping me apart from the whole thing - but that moment right there, on the floor, sprawled back, cuffed, caged dick throbbing and leaking, two bigger-dicked, more-dominant hyenas who barely even cared that I existed touching my lover on my bed... that was everything.

If you were hoping for some juicy climax here, some sexy snippet that would make you cum hard, well, you aren't getting one. If that's what you wanted then you kinda missed the whole point, didn't you?

This is about denial. Not fulfillment. How about, instead of finishing yourself off, you stop touching yourself right here and now and just live with it, knowing more deserving folk are out there getting their rocks off in ways you could only imagine?

Yeah, that's right.


Date: CT2-5876/02/01

That's it for today. Bit of an anticlimax? Well, good.

I think I'm gonna keep this cage on, at least for now. Was gonna buttfuck myself with this dildo until I came, but, I don't know, after writing what I wrote at the end there, it kinda feels like cheating.

I'm throbbing and aching and I wanna cum, but... no. I think I'll stay like this.


The next entry will be something from before I met Eliot. Got a couple different ideas in mind so we'll see how I feel when it comes to writing it.

Anything else? Hm.

Well, it's only been a day since the last journal, so not too much to report in my personal life. Hung out with Em for most of today, which is always nice. She seemed in good spirits too, which was heartening. Love you Em. Thank you for reading these and for being a great person in general.

Other than that? Been having fun with Denn, and writing this. I'll be going out to have more fun with Denn soon. And... yeah, that about covers it.

Okay. I think that's all I want to put in my little rambly outro for today so, yeah, see ya next time.

Don't forget to fave and follow, cum-junkies!


Em told me to add that last linein. In fact, she insisted. I have no idea what it means but she just kept cackling and repeating it when she told me, so I'm leaving it there.

Razed - Chapter 3

"_How are we on a scale of one to ten?_ _Could you tell me what you see?_ _Do you wanna talk about it?_ _How does that make you feel?"_ **Bring Me The Horizon,** **'Hospital For Souls'** Saph is eyeing me expectantly over her coffee. I stare her...

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Razed - Chapter 2

"_One: I like it like this_ _Two: I like it like that_ _Three: I like it like this_ _Again, again, again, again"_ **Dorian Electra,** **'Daddy Like'** "Oh, hey! Ben, right?" The large mountain dog looks down at me, his dark eyes and the black...

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Razed - Chapter 1

"_We found our way out_ _Of the suicide pact_ _Of our family and friends"_ **Phoebe Bridgers,** **'Would You Rather'** Hey, I'm Ash. No, that's not right. Hi, it's so nice to meet you. I'm Ash. No, that's not it either. I don't need to be so...

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