Chasing the Sun - Chapter 17: Flowering

Story by hashtse_apxan on SoFurry

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#18 of Chasing the Sun

This chapter contains nudity, teasing, and references to sexual activity.

Also, sorry if I write their spat pretty short. I don't usually write lover's spat, maybe because I'm single haha ;-;

Octo put his headset off and leant back on his seat. There was nothing he could do for now; the presentation he was working on needed more data that he was too lazy to look up right now. His phone beeped on the desk, but he ignored it for now.

Thankfully, work did help him take his mind off his family problem. Like this, he felt useful. He could do something he liked and help people while at it... and being paid, even. He really enjoyed working here, even if it felt a bit boring at times.

"Here you go." Mingi then came to his table, making him look up. The otter's curious flirty remarks had been steadily decreasing, which Octo was glad of. He seemed to have his eyes on someone else.

The panther furrowed his brows when he looked at the folder the otter put on his desk. "I need the one from last year."

"Yeah that's the one from las--oh." Mingi laughed and took the folder back. "Sorry."

Octo just grunted. "We're well in March and you still forget that?"

"Shut! I was too busy!"

As the otter walked away, he reached for his phone. There was a new message from Kevin. He tapped on the notification, then his eyes narrowed in surprise.

Kevin Huntington: "waiting for u rn"

Along with the message, there was a photo that really shouldn't be sent. There was Kevin lying on the bed, his clothes lifted, grinning at him, although the eyes were out of frame. One of his hands was holding his dick, outlining it in the thin pants.

The photo didn't make him hard--he had seen far worse anyway--but the fact that the red wolf dared to send him this in broad daylight was making him fluster a bit. He should've probably prepared for this because this looked like something Kevin would do, but damn wasn't he prepared for this.

"2020's far in the back, ugh."

Upon hearing Mingi approaching, he immediately locked his phone and put it back on the desk. He tried to act nonchalant, hoping that Mingi didn't see that.



The otter raised his brows. " okay there?"

"I'm okay. Why do you ask?"

"You look like someone caught you doing something."

He leant on his desk. "Me? Just found something on the internet that I shouldn't look at when I'm at work."

"Was it porn?" Mingi put the document on the desk and grinned at him.

"No." He took the document and opened it, looking for the data that he needed.

"Mhm. Knowing you, looks like it's some intense stuff." The otter said with a small laugh before walking away.

Octo just chuckled nervously and continued working on his presentation file. Just what he needed for the final bits of the presentation. Putting his phone back on the corner, he left Kevin on read. That shouldn't really be something weird for someone like Kevin, but still, Octo didn't expect that at all. Also, honestly, that was rather hot.

A few minutes later, he pressed Ctrl and S on the keyboard and leant back on his seat. The file wasn't very difficult to compile, but there was a lot of data in it. He was just about to send the file to his boss over Zmail when he noticed that there were some new unread messages on his WhatsUp. After sending the email, he reached for his phone and unlocked it. Kevin sent other messages.

Staring at the notification, the panther debated whether he should open it or not. On the one hand, it might be something he shouldn't look at in the office, but on the other hand, the message said, "on read? im hurt".

After making sure there was no one behind him, he tapped the notification, then he regretted his decision.

Along with that message was another photo. This time, Kevin was shirtless with one hand gripping his pec. The pants he was wearing were loose and thin, and the outline of his dick was visible, pitching in the pants.

Octo locked his phone and stared at his monitor. He must say that one riled him quite a bit. Just how long had he been leaving Kevin alone? Work had been tiring, not to mention the operation that he had been very strictly keeping an eye on. They hadn't really had time for the two of them.

But that wasn't an excuse! Who sent nude pics at work?! As he leant forward on his desk, he felt anger rising. On other occasions he wouldn't mind, but right now he was about to present his report, for fuck's sake. Now it was still work hour.

A hand on his shoulder jolted him. He reflexively turned around and saw his boss standing beside him, spooked. Wiping his face with his hands, Octo apologised. "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention."

"Octo, are you okay?" The deer asked, concern in his voice.

"Y-yeah. Nothing important."

Fortunately, the deer smiled and put his hand on his shoulder. "Come on, this isn't your first time presenting. You can handle it."

The panther gave a sigh, grateful for the encouragement. For now, he pushed all those mixed feelings aside and stood up, easily towering over his boss. The deer didn't look disturbed at all, though. "Yeah, let's go."

Kevin was really concupiscible, yet really insufferable at times.

They made their way towards the marketing department. Octo politely greeted some of his colleagues. They chatted as they walked to the marketing department. There, they went straight to the meeting room. The meeting was productive like usual. He liked this; every meeting he attended was productive. His boss really was a very efficient person through that carefree attitude. It also didn't help that the head of the marketing department was also an efficient leopard. The panther took notes of the other departments' presentations to be skimmed over later.

Then it was his department's turn to present his department's report. He projected his phone onto the projector and opened his presentation file as his boss prepared. Octo handled the projection while his boss presented. Sometimes, he added more points between explanations.

"...increase in customer registration, confirming the report from the marketing department." He was speaking when he noticed a notification appearing in the top part of the projected screen.

He froze; it was another message from Kevin.

Kevin Huntington: "come on, your always busy with work"

Kevin Huntington: Photo

Fuck. Fuck! Fuck!

He dismissed the notification on his phone with slightly trembling fingers. The anger he felt towards the wolf intensified, but he forced himself to calm down. This was also his own fault for not turning on do not disturb earlier. "Sorry, just a friend." He said smoothly to the others, betraying his anxiously waving tail behind him, then he said to his phone, "Hey Zoogle, turn on do not disturb for an hour."

One of his colleagues from the human resources department joked, "Don't make your friends angy. Don't be always busy with work."

Everyone in the room laughed. He just meekly laughed along.

The rest of the presentation went ahead with no problems. When everyone was done, he followed his boss to go back to their department. His boss just joked with him easily, not at all bothered with that message. Octo was glad of that.

After his boss went into his office, the panther sat down on his desk, letting out a heavy breath. He then looked at the clock, and realised it was half to 19, far past the end of his shift. Packing his things, he glanced at his phone when it beeped again.

Octo huffed exasperatedly and turned it on. There was another message from Kevin followed by another photo. The message said, "im lonely Dx"

Angry, he tapped on the Reply button on the notification and typed, "Kevin, stop that." Unfortunately, after tapping the Send button, he accidentally tapped on the notification and holy shi--

This time, the picture was a full-on cover of a porn video. Kevin was lying on the bed, fully naked, grinning at him with hazy eyes, and spread out as if he were begging to breed. All naked, with his lower part all visible and erect and leaking.

Another message popped up. Kevin Huntington: "do u rly want me to stop :3"

He typed another reply. "Don't you dare leave your apartment."

Honestly, fuck that wolf. The excitement died down and was replaced by anger. Just what did the wolf think he was doing?! He was at work, for fuck's sake, and he was giving a presentation! Kevin was definitely going to have his arse whacked later.

Octo panther: "Don't you dare leave your apartment."

Kevin put his phone away, anticipation building up within him. He breathed heavily and stared at the ceilings, grinning giddily. Damn, that was kinky of him.

Well, maybe it would be better if he ate something first; he was hungry. The wolf sat up, then put some loose pants on and headed to the kitchen. His dick swayed freely inside the fabric, making him shudder a bit. It would take some time to get back into the sheath, though.

He took the leftovers from lunch in the fridge and sat back down on the bed, watching the television. There wasn't anything interesting, so he ended up watching the rerun of that TV series that he asked Octo about. It was on episode four or five now; the antagonist--the total arsehole--was picking on the protagonist--the nerd who had a crush on him. It was pretty funny, and Kevin found himself laughing at times, even after he finished his food and put the empty plate on the coffee table.

The credits then rolled in, then the ads. Kevin just stared at the screen while absent-mindedly rubbing his abs and sometimes lower into his pants. Damn, he was really horny. When was Octo coming anyway? He'd been holding back since a few days ago.

He glanced at the clock; well, it was still 20.10, so they had all night all to themselves.

The door then opened and a certain dark-furred leopard went inside. Kevin grinned at Octo; just as he was rubbing his abs. The panther just stared at him, looking tired. Kevin licked the side of his muzzle as an invitation.

Octo walked towards him and dropped his bag. Kevin thought he was just going to pounce on him like the wild predator that he was. Instead, the panther's indifferent expression turned into a scowl and he said harshly. "Why did you do that?"

His grin fell, replaced by confusion. "Do what?"

"Sending me nude pics while I'm at work?"

Shrugging, Kevin answered, "I'm horny."

"Your horniness was going to turn me into a company-wide scandal!" Octo snapped.

Taken aback, Kevin stared at him. Octo was breathing heavily, his fur bristling in agitation. His tail was swaying from side to side to signal his discomfort. He narrowed his eyes. "So what?"

"Don't 'so what' me! I was doing a presentation and your message came through! They would've kicked me out if they'd seen it!"

He stood up, facing the panther. "So what? You could've just fucking turned on do not disturb!"

"That's not an excuse!"

"Then what? You left me for almost two fucking weeks! Are we dating or what?!"

Admittedly, he might be too far with that, but that was true. They hadn't met each other for ten or more days after he went back home from Ausalt-on-Haye. It was the usual "work kept us busy" but worse because their work schedule was totally different. When Octo went home, he got to work. When he went home, Octo was already sleeping.

The way Octo just shut the door and shouted at him was getting on his nerves, though. He could've just gone inside and told him, but no, the panther decided to shout at him as if he had done something wrong.

They glared at each other, refusing to back down. Kevin almost bared his teeth at the panther, but Octo hissed at him and made him growl in return. He stood up, facing the panther directly. All they could hear in the room was their growls, not even the television was noticeable.

Then, Octo closed the gap and kissed him roughly. That threw Kevin off guard at first, so he bit the other's tongue and pushed him away. Octo pulled back, but shit, the panther looked so hot with that angry face.

Instead, Kevin took his head and kissed him again, grinding his body against the panther's. Octo replied to the kiss, their fangs scraping against each other as they fought for domination. The panther pushed him, pinning him to the wall and tried to take his hands. Not wanting to be bested, Kevin instead took hold of his arms, still not releasing the kiss.

That threw their balance off and they fell into the bed with a loud thud. They separated, staring at each other while heavily breathing. His dick was getting hard again. Octo then took his hands, successfully pinning them above his head. Kevin tried to break free, but Octo bit his neck and growled at him. "I'm gonna fucking punish you for that."

The wolf growled and writhed under the panther. When he managed to free his leg, he reversed their position and pushed the panther's face down into the bed while pulling his tail. He leant closer and growled to his ear. "I'm gonna fucking punish you for that."

Octo of course tried to break free, using his feet to throw Kevin off. Now pinned face down on the bed, the wolf just grinned. Octo pulled his tail roughly and bit his neck, making him growl. He blamed the testosterone as he groaned in delight when Octo smacked his arse hard.

Maybe he was right for sending those pics, after all. Octo was angry _and_turned on as hell. He was definitely going to make him go to work late the next morning.