[Serathin] Unconventional Hookup

Story by Negadrake on SoFurry

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Story by Serathin

Unconventional HookupIt was the first day of the fantasy convention and the lobby was buzzing with activity as people from all over gathered together for a weekend of fun and frivolity.  Two such congoers were Negadrake and James, the black and red dragons grinning with hanging from their lanyard.  An entire weekend where they could indulge in their all the fantasy worlds in their favorite books, movies, and video games.  Other furs were ready to go as well, some of them just happy to just geek out while others took it a step further and cosplayed as their favorite characters.Though it wasn't the largest convention in the world it was definitely one of the most centralized, which meant that furs from all different places to mingle.  That meant that there were a lot of people that were trying to make connections with friends and lovers that would otherwise be seperated by distance.  For Nega and James they had made plans with several others, especially dragons that they had communicated with, that they would have never been able to see if it wasn't for the excuse of the convention.  The best thing was that they were all those that were so interested in the same things they were, seeing some that just played while others did things like put on costumes.It was one of those cosplayers that they both managed to see, seeing someone that they easily recognized coming out of the dealer's den.  "Hey, it's Teryx!" Nega said excitedly, Nega grinning himself as he saw the storm dragon.  "We got to get him as the first picture in our roll, what do you think?""I think you're right!" James replied.  Both friends were avid dragon photographers and one of the biggest things they wanted to do were take pictures of dragon either naturally or with the amazing costumes they wore.  One of those dragons they really wanted to see was Teryx, whom the two had quite the online friendship and found out that for the first time they were going to be at the same convention.  The two quickly changed their paths from the lunch that they had been planning to take after their registration and went to catch up their friend instead."Well if it isn't Renzyl!"  Nega said with a wide grin as the storm dragon turned around.  "How is everyone's favorite rubber dragon?"Teryx quickly spins and looks at the two for a second before giving them a toothy grin and wrapping his arms around the two of them.  "Well if it isn't my two favorite dragons from the internet," he said as he gave them both a fanged smile.  "When I thought that we would meet at the convention I didn't think it was going to be this soon, though part of me is glad that you did.  Also I have to say that I very much appreciate the Renzyl comment."Both Nega and James chuckled at that, especially when they looked at the storm dragon's batch and saw that he had even gone so far as to put Renzyl on his badge for the convention.  The black and red scaled dragons enjoyed giving their friend a good teasing about wanting to become the rubber demon dragon, having read the stories he got such as In His Master's Footsteps and There Can Only Be One.  It was just a bunch of good-natured ribbing though, the two continuing to refer to the third as Lord Renzyl or asking when they were going to see that rubbery side of him.  Even though they were joking it was clear that Teryx was really getting into his role, even posing and talking as the popular fictional dragon to the point where Nega swore he saw those eyes flash red for a few seconds before he blinked and found them to be their original color."By the way Serathin is in the Dealer's Den this year if you want to go and talk to him," Teryx said as he held up a plastic bag.  "I just bought his latest book How to Enter Dragon Heaven, definitely a fun read if you like rubber dragons, which I know you do.  I was just going to head up to my room in order to drop this stuff off and then I had some stuff that I needed to take care of, though after that we can do dinner or something if you're interested.""Of course we're interested," James said with a grin.  "It's one of the reasons that we're here.  But before you go could we please get a few pictures of you?" The storm dragon nodded and they went over to a secluded area of the hallway so they weren't in the flow of traffic before starting to take their pictures.  Teryx did a number of poses for them, a lot of them rather regal in nature and once more attempting to give off that Renzyl vibe.  It was so believable that it caused Nega to stop more than once during the photo session before he was elbowed by his friend to stop starting and keep going with the pictures.  Nega took one of each pose as James attempted to take multiple ones, though every time he looked at his digital screen after he took one he frowned."I think the lighting is off in this area," the red and white dragon said in an annoyed tone after the fifth attempt with one such pose.  "I've tried everything in order to make this look right but there's something strange with the photo that I can't quite put my finger on.  Do you think that you could take a look here Nega and see if you can identify it?"The black-scaled dragon took the camera from his counterpart and took a look at the image that was on it, seeing Teryx standing there looking straight at it.  He could tell that his friend was right and that the storm dragon did look different and as he looked at the others that just happened to be in the background of the photo it was clear that whatever it was happened to the picture was actually centered on Teryx.  "I think Teryx looks... kinda shiny?" Nega speculated as the storm dragon shrugged his shoulders, the hint of a grin playing on the edges of his mouth as they continued to look at the picture.  "Heh, maybe you have got a little of the rubber dragon inside you... wouldn't that be nice to just have Renzyl out there ready to corrupt you, maybe even turn you into him like in those stories of yours."Though it looked like Teryx had something to say on that James sighed and put his camera around his neck.  "Well I think that's as good as I'm going to get in here," he said before nodding to the storm dragon.  "Maybe we can try again at dinner, but for now I want to get some lunch and then take a walk around Dealer's Den, maybe get that book you mentioned from Serathin or see if he still has any copies of The Search for Ka'Le."Teryx nodded and thanked the two of them for the picture and for stopping to meet him, hugging James first before going in for a hug on Nega.  "You know if you want to feel what it's like to be Renzyl you can," the storm dragon whispered into his ear.  "Just do what I do and walk around in his footsteps a bit, maybe make some changes like I had and see where it takes you.  I promise you won't be disappointed."Before Nega could follow up on any of that Teryx broke the hug and told them both to take care before walking away... the dragons unable to see his eyes truly glow red as he finally allowed himself a chuckle.  The two waved at the storm dragon before they went back to their original plans of hitting up the nearby food court for lunch, though as they sat there Nega looked less at his food and more at his phone.  James was busy looking at his camera to try and figure out what had happened to his pictures of Teryx to make them so strange as Nega continued to stare at his social media account manager.  He had no intention of putting anything out there, he and James had both flooded their accounts with pictures and videos of their arrival and at the moment he was in his configuration settings.Make some changes like he had... the words of Teryx had echoed in his mind ever since they were whispered into his ear, dripping into his skull like honey.  The storm dragon definitely had the whole Renzyl thing going for him and Nega remembered exactly what he was referring too.  For a while when he had gotten his first story where he was transformed into Teryx had shifted all his accounts to say that he was Renzyl, which when he had checked were still like that.  Walk around a bit in Renzyl's footsteps, the idea was intriguing and he had no shortage of pictures of the rubber dragon that he had saved to his phone that he could use for a profile picture and it wouldn't be hard for him to make a few changes...A few minutes later the two continued to eat as they checked their phones, looking at all the updates from others that were in the convention.  As Nega finished making a few replies he went back to finish up his plate and noticed that James was looking at him with a smirk on his face.  "Really?" the red and white scaled dragon said as he held up the screen that showed the reply Nega had just made.  "So I guess you're Renzyl now too?""Oh... that..." Negadrake said as he felt himself blush slightly.  "Teryx-""You mean the other Renzyl?" James interrupted with an even wider grin than before."Of course," Nega replied as he stuck out his tongue.  "Anyway I mentioned that I wished that Renzyl was real and would corrupt people like in his stories and he said that if I was curious to stomp around in those rubber feet.  It's just for a little fun and I'm sure he'll get a kick out of it later when we meet him for dinner."The other dragon just shook his head and the two finished their meal, Nega thankful that James didn't press further on the matter.  He was also glad that the other dragon hadn't decided for them to get up right then and there or else he would have had to explain the erection in his pants as well.  Every time he looked at his profile he got the mental image of himself as the rubber dragon, those shiny rubber muscles flexing as he was worshipping his own body.  A strong throb in his groin made Nega shake his head to clear his thoughts and he thankfully had managed to get his erection to go back down before they finished lunch and went back out for a day of fun in the convention.  The two tried to get as many pictures as possible while still trying to find other things to do in the convention.  As Nega and James got in position to take a picture of an otter in a rather stunning suit of power armor the black dragon had to stop when he didn't feel something quite right when he tried to press the button on his camera.  When he stopped and looked down at his hands his eyes widened slightly when he saw something different than his usual fingers.  What he had instead was a set of rubbery claws, the black glistening in the light as he looked at them in confusion.Suddenly Nega heard James say something to him that made him look up at the other dragon, and when he looked back down at his hand it was normal once more.  He wiggled his fingers a few times just to be sure and when the claws he had somehow grown were confirmed to have vanished he addressed the question that was being asked of him by the subject of their photo, which was where he could find a copy of them on social media.  "Thanks a lot for taking the photo!"  the cosplayer said, Nega thanking him for sharing such a wonderful costume.  "Well I'll definitely hit you up on your social media Renzyl, have a good rest of the convention."It took a few seconds for Negadrake to realize that he was just called Renzyl, and as the day went on it wouldn't be the last time that he was called that name.  There was something... arousing about being addressed as the lord of the rubber domain, the red-eyed latex demon that was the subject of so many titillating stories.  What Teryx had said worked, he was definitely starting to see what it was like to be Renzyl as more and more people talked to him about it.  Even James called him such once or twice as they finished up with a panel that they had wanted to go to and asked where to go next."So many people enjoy being me..." a voice said behind him, though when Nega turned around he didn't see anyone.  "You certainly will too, but a converter needs to be converted first."Nega looked around a few more times as he wondered where the deep, smooth voice came from before James interrupted his thought process by asking him where he wanted to eat.  The thought of food had put the mysterious voice and its possible origin out of his mind, especially when his stomach started to rumble.  He through Teryx a text that said that they were going to dinner and if he wanted to make good on their conversation to meet up for food.  It didn't take long for the storm dragon to answer back with the affirmative and told them where a great place to eat would be.About twenty minutes later the two met up with Teryx again at the restaurant of choice, the three greeting each other as they sat down at a booth.  "Hey, I didn't notice that before but they printed your badge names wrong," the storm dragon said as he pointed at the laminated pieces of plastic hanging from their neck.  "You should probably get that fixed the next time you go to the registration booth."When the other two dragons looked at their badges they realized that the storm dragon was messing with them, but Rega quickly realized that James had gotten the joke way before he did.  Maybe it was because he had heard it a number of times during the day but he had apparently gotten so into the Renzyl mindset that he was surprised when he saw the name Negadrake emblazoned on his badge instead of the rubber dragon's name.  Though he knew it was a joke it was so jarring that Nega told the others that he needed to use the restroom before they got started ordering and quickly made his way to the bathroom.  Once he was inside he made sure that no one else was there before shaking his head and sighing."Maybe you're taking this a little too far..." Nega said to himself as he took out his phone and looked at his profile, once more seeing those glowing red eyes staring back at him.  "I should probably just set everything back to my old self, been giving out my information a lot at the con... if I keep this up people will only know me as Renzyl.  Wouldn't want that...""Why not?" A voice said in a tone that was somewhat familiar as Nega was in the middle of splashing water on his face.  It caused him to pause, feeling the droplets roll down his scales before he slowly lifted his head to look up.  What he saw in the mirror was not his face, Nega's eyes going wide as he saw the visage of the black rubber dragon staring back at him.  His gaze was locked into those glowing red orbs as he felt himself backing away, unable to tear himself back before he felt his foot to slip out from under him and his body to quickly fall to the floor.But the fall to the ground never came, instead he felt a pair of arms wrap around him to prevent him from reaching the floor.  "Your friend was concerned about you so I volunteered to see if you're alright," Teryx said as he looked down at the fallen dragon with a sly smile.  "But personally I think you're more than fine.  Now if you want to know what that is I'll be more than happy to tell you, after dinner is over I want you to ditch your friend and come up to my room."Negadrake swallowed hard and nodded, the storm dragon walking back out of the bathroom.  Though something in the back of his mind told him that this might not be a rabbit hole that he wanted to tumble down the need was far too strong for him to stop now.  Once they returned to the table the three had a rather pleasant dinner, though the black-scaled dragon couldn't help but continue to look at the storm dragon, and once it was over they all parted ways.  As Nega and James walked back to their hotel room Nega made up an excuse that he wanted to go look at something quick and told the red scaled dragon not to wait up for him as he double-backed towards the restaurant.  Once he was sure that he wasn't being followed he went to the hotel elevators and continued to look out for his friend as he pushed the floor of the room that Teryx was staying at.A few minutes later Negadrake reached his destination and knocked on the door, only to find it open as he peaked inside the dark room.  The dragon swallowed hard and slowly opened it more before he crept inside and looked around.  All the lights were off and the curtains were drawn, which meant the only illumination came from behind him as Nega called out for Teryx while he slowly moved forward.  Soon he didn't even have that anymore as the door suddenly closed behind him, causing him to jump slightly as he was enveloped completely in darkness."There's no reason to be scared little one," a familiar voice said, but one that was not Teryx as two points of red light suddenly appeared.  "You are among friends here, though you may not know one of us.""Of course I know who you are," Nega responded, watching as those two orbs of light slowly began to move.  "I think I've read enough stories to know who Renzyl is."There is a chuckle as a light suddenly comes on, revealing the storm dragon standing there with his arms crossed.  "Well than I think introductions are well out of the way," Renzyl replied through Teryx's mouth, though his voice remained his own even through the maw of the possessed dragon.  "Since you know so much of me I surmise that you know what I'm about to offer next, though I'll state it anyway in case there was any moment of unsureness left in you.  I've seen my corruption influencing you in a way that shows that you truly desire me and I'm going to give you one chance for that to happen.  You can either continue on the path that leads to my embrace, or we can part ways now."He was just like how Serathin described him in one of his books Nega thought as Teryx's hand was outstretched to him, though the blues of his scales had started do darken into a deep black and turn unnaturally shiny.  Though the black-scaled dragon knew that it wasn't a decision to be taken lightly he knew what he wanted and before he even rationally processed the deal he found his hand already in the grasp of the other.  The second that he touched it the guise dropped and the storm dragon he knew became the rubber dragon he always wanted too.  This was no simple role-play or acting out of desires, Nega was about to get taken by Renzyl and every inch of his body trembled in anticipation for such a moment."You are almost as eager as the one whose currently hosting me," Renzyl remarked with a grin as he motioned for Nega to take off his clothing, which the dragon eagerly did so.  "I don't suppose you know a Wiki in this particular dimension as well?""Wiki?" Negadrake asked in confusion before a look of realization came over him.  "Oh!  From Hunt and Snare... no, I don't know him but if he's anything like in his story I bet we would also be friends."Renzyl nodded and closed the distance between the two of them before he leaned down and kissed Nega on the lips.  His taste in scent was like a mixture of rubber and a few other scents that he particularly enjoyed as he inhaled deep from the sudden embrace.  Though he knew that the latex creature was more assertive than aggressive the tender nature of it surprised him somewhat, even when that thick rubber tongue began to slide into his maw as they fell back onto the bed.  From all the stories that he had read Nega wondered how he was going to be transformed as his own draconic dick pulsated from the stimulation he was getting from that smooth body rubbing against his scales.It was clear what was going to happen next though as the muscular male continued to press against him, his hands slowly going up and down Nega's chest as he did the same.  The rubber felt warm under his fingers as he moved up and down the thick slabs of muscle that comprised the synthetic dragon.  At the same time he began to feel something probe up between his butt cheeks and his legs wrapped around Renzyl's waist as he braced himself for the insertion.  As the seconds passed other than the groping of the rubber hands the main event seemed to be stalled, and as his groin began to tingle and grow more sensitive he craned his neck to find out why.Nega's eyes widen he saw Renzyl's thick rubber draconic dick still hovering with the tip just pressed against his hole, but what really caused his surprise was the second growing maleness that had been his cock as it grew thicker and shiner.  Now that he saw it the pleasure from the transformation of one of the most sensitive parts of his body caused him to squeeze even tighter with his legs while the black rubber that had completely encompassed his changed dick began to spread along his groin.  It soon became clear to the dragon what the other male was waiting for as he finally felt his insides changing, spreading from where Renzyl's cockhead rested against his now vulcanized hole.  It was clear that the rubber dragon was waiting for his anal walls to become able to handle the ridged rubber flesh and judging by the hefty weight that now rested against his stomach he was grateful for the wait.But that wait was at an end as Renzyl pushed himself in, his cock sliding in easily now as his transformed muscles stretched open to accommodate him with the delicious feel of rubber on rubber.  As inch after inch of Renzyl's cock quickly disappeared in the hole of the one below him Nega could feel that corruptive influence that Teryx had originally infected him with when they first met begin to burn with increasing intensity.  He could also feel his hips thicken and spread out to match the ones that had just pressed against his stretched out hole while Renzyl leaned in and went another round with his mouth.  He could feel that tongue press deep down inside to the point where it was against his throat his muzzle began to tingle the same way and he didn't need to see it to know that his muzzle had started to go rubbery as well.Even though he could feel his skull expand and his horns begin to twist on themselves while they became rubbery the influence he felt on his mind was actually rather tame.  Nega figured it was probably because he was so willing, absorbing that mental essence like a sponge while his body did the same to the rubber that cascaded over his body.  The thicker scales on his belly smoothed out into shiny latex flesh that was marred only by the peaks and valleys of his growing musculature that ballooned out his pectorals and gave him a set of washboard abs.  Having such a similar body type to the nexus creature he was mostly undergoing the increased muscle growth and rubberization that was no doubt similar to Teryx, imaging Renzyl taking him over just like what was happening to him as he let out a moan of pure pleasure. As the last of those black scales were assimilated into the rubbery flesh the latex dragon that caused it began to thrust faster, their bodies squeaking as Nega's eyes turned redder as the mental programming sublimated into his own thoughts.  Even though the transforming dragon had read what it was like to have the nexus creature invade someone's mind and alter his thoughts it was nothing compared to the actual experience.  It wasn't like he was being replaced, it was like Renzyl was turning him so that while he was still him he thought just like Renzyl.  The best part was that it was so good being Renzyl, feeling his neck and shoulders thicken as his already transformed rubber dragon head eagerly reciprocated the kiss along with a similar tongue stretching out and filling the real Renzyl's maw.All that time being called Renzyl and seeing his own profile as such had softened his identity and the longer that their bodies were twined around one another the harder it was to distinguish one from another.  Though in the back of his mind he knew that one of them was Teryx and the other was Negadrake neither knew anymore, both so lost in the pleasure of one another that they didn't care either.  All it was now was a Renzyl on top was pushing as deeply as he could to spread the insides of the Renzyl on the bottom as they both approached their climax now that the transformation was complete.Both rubber dragons came at the same time, made easier by essentially being the same creature as they orgasmed hard.  With Nega already transformed there was no need to cum fluids and instead just kept their orgasms dry as Renzyl continued to assert himself in both hosts.  Their two bodies continued to rub and nuzzle against one another as they pleasured one another's bodies, and as Nega's thoughts continued to run concurrent to Renzyl's one in particular formed in his mind that caused him to grin.  The Renzyl on the bottom just looked at the one on top, who nodded and quickly pulled out of the rubber tailhole.As the Renzyl that had formed the thought in the first place continued to revel in the lust that was pumped into him he rolled out of the bed and returned the nod to his counterpart before walking over to the hotel phone.  The new rubber dragon absolutely reveled in the sensations that being Renzyl was and knew that his boyfriend would be absolutely thrilled to be such.  With their orgasms dying down they did manage to have some semblance of who their hosts were and it was Nega who made the call to their room."Hey, where did you run off to Nega?" James asked as soon as he picked up the phone.  "We're supposed to be going to a late night demo release in like two hours.""Sorry about that," Nega replied, returning his voice to its sound as best he could.  "I was just looking at a cosplayer and I happened to bump into Teryx again and he invited me into the room to show me something that he got.  I'd say what it is but I want you to come up here and see for yourself so I'll keep it a surprise... I will say thought that you are definitely going to want to see this."There was a small pause on the other end and Nega Renzyl on the phone looked to the one on the bed before he finally heard the other dragon respond.  "Alright," James said.  "Give me the room number and I'll be up there in like ten minutes."After Nega had given the other dragon the room number and way up he hung up the phone and bounced back into bed, the two Renzyl's once more unable to keep their hands off each other.  "So what do you think we should do for your friend?" the Teryx Renzyl asked as they tried not to rile each other up too much, lest they start getting into it and James just walks in to two identical rubber dragons having sex.  "I'm sure you have an idea or two in that handsome head of yours.""I may have an idea or two..." Nega Renzyl replied with a sly grin.********************************About ten minutes later both Renzyls waited in the darkness of the room, watching the door they had propped open with the door latch as they waited for their prey to arrive.  Soon the door opened, light once more spilling into the intentionally darkened hotel room as James slowly made his way in.  "Guys?" he asked as he peeked his head in.  "Hey, what's going on in here, you two still there?""We're here!"  Nega quickly replied, seeing that his friend appeared to look like he was about to turn back and leave.  "Sorry about the darkness but what Teryx is showing me works best in the darkness.  Just come on in a bit and close the door you should see us when you do."James nodded and took a few steps inside the room, closing the door behind him as the two watched with their glowing red eyes.  "I think I see you guys," James said as he put his hand against the wall to help guide him through the small entryway that led into the main room.  "Is it where the glowing red is?""You got it," Nega replied, the grin on his face growing as he headed exactly where they needed him to go.  As James continued to move forward the other Renzyl slowly crept out of the bathroom and came up behind him stealthily, getting ready to put their plan into action.  James let out a slight cry of surprise as he felt a pair of hands push him forward, his body flopping down onto the bed.  Thanks to the efforts of the two rubber dragons what he fell into was a thick sheet of latex that adhered to his body the second that it touched the bare scales.  The clothing that James wore quickly dissolved away as well, for what the two Renzyls had planned he wouldn't need such things anymore anyway."What the hell is this stuff?!" James shouted as he attempted to thrash around, only serving to get himself more wrapped up in the sticky rubber sheeting as Nega Renzyl turned on the light and caused the dragon to stop and his eyes to widen.  "No... no way... it can't be," he stammered as Teryx Renzyl moved around the bed and also stepped in front of him.  "Renzyl... is real?""Real as I'll ever be," Teryx Renzyl said with a chuckle before returning to his identical counterpart.  "And as such I'm certainly going to need servants in order to make sure that I'm as comfortable as possible and to recruit others back to their room.  At the moment however the only thing that we care about is the pleasure and desire that we're about to give you..."At this point James had been so wrapped up in the rubber sheet trap that only his head was exposed, though at this point he no longer fought as he just stared up at those glowing red eyes.  While he couldn't tell anymore which one was his friend the two Renzyl's still new, the rubber dragon allowing his hosts to recognize who they were since Nega had a very deep desire to have his friend join them.  Nega felt the rubber-covered dragon's body quiver as he ran a hand down it, though instead of fighting out of fear he was now squirming from pleasure as the red and white scales were almost completely covered.  When he put his hands against the bulge that was between his restrained legs he willed the synthetic sheet to soften, allowing the throbbing length to jut out from his body only slightly before a quick stroke adhered it back to his stomach.With a little more manipulation Nega had pulled the dragon's tail and shifted it to a position where he could get at what it was hiding as Teryx did the same.  The amount of lust coming off his friend was palpable and with Renzyl's senses it was almost like he could feel the soft rubber sheet suctioned against his own body as his hands rubbed against his own shiny skin.  Soon it wouldn't just be a covering anymore as his hands rubbed against the tight rear of the male beneath him, causing James to moan as Teryx took position in front of his head.  Though the red dragon continued to wiggle the other two males knew that it was from anticipation as they both felt the already willing James start to grow needy with the amount of arousal his predicament was putting him in."I love those that already know of me," Renzyl mused as he asserted himself over Teryx, letting Nega take more of a driver seat for his body as the storm dragon wiggled in his mental grasp.  "Who knew that I would be so popular in some of these worlds, my other brothers would be so jealous.  I'm sure you know that those that are more willing to give themselves to me the better the perks they get... and one of those is about to happen right now."That was a cue to Nega and he took his ridged rubber member to the pert tailhole that he was so eager to spread open.  Much like what with happened to him before he could already see that his rubber had already started to either penetrate or transform the dragon that was cocooned within.  James tried to say something but it was muffled around the cock that Renzyl had already started to fill the dragon's muzzle with his own thick length.  Unlike with Nega contact with the demon dragon didn't start changing his maw, at laest not on the outside.  As James slid out his tongue to try and please Renzyl, seeing that it had grown black and rubbery as it extended all the way out to the root.Nega moaned himself as he finally decided to fill the hole that was given to him, seeing the rubber cocoon stretch as the dragon underneath it arched his back from the insertion.  Though it wasn't nearly as graceful as someone who had been completely controlled like Teryx was he still managed to slide in the entire head of the rubber dick.  The sensation was unlike anything he had ever experienced before; not only did he get the pleasure from spreading open those altered anal walls, but also from processing James' desire through Renzyl caused him to feel something that was unlike anything else.  It was like he was being fueled by the lust soaking into him, and in turn he wanted to take that power and use it to retain the favor for his friend.The rubber sheeting that had normally just been sticking to the dragon's body began to look like it was being suctioned to James; form.  Unlike where his transformation had given him the body of the rubber dragon this was something different; it was like James was being smoothed out and instead of getting bulked up and muscular he was getting lithe and lean.  It was the body of a reptilian minion, one that he had seen so many times in the stories featuring Renzyl as the black rubber continued to press tighter against him.  Nega could sense that the rubber was no longer just covering those scales, it had transformed them just like he had.As Nega continued to slide in his cock into the transforming hole he suddenly found that James had regained the use of his limbs, the rubber that had connected them together splitting so that they were separate once again.  As James spread out his arms and legs, which in turn gave Nega even greater access as he continued to use Renzyl's body to plow into his friend, they both saw that his hands and feet had become webbed and almost gloved in nature.  Other than that James looked almost... featureless, other than being draconic in nature his rubber body was so shiny and smooth that he looked like a doll, or maybe...The word drone came to Nega's mind as his eyes glowed with a bright red, realizing what the other dragon was becoming.  The thought of creating a rubber dragon drone had caused his already rock-hard cock to throb inside the tailhole of the one that was becoming it.  At this point James had been transformed from the neck down, the only red and white scales were from the head that was sucking the cock of the other Renzyl in front of him.  Even though the real Renzyl could have already made him into something Nega could tell that it was on him to put on the finishing touches.With a bit of power James' eyes widened as the thick black rubber cascaded up his neck and began to cover his face.  As the latex went around the dragon's muzzle it actually began to seal his lips, Nega thinking that drones don't need to speak as the only space that was left open was so that Renzyl could continue to get his cock sucked as his head bobbed up and down still.  Those cute ears and horns were completely covered, turning black as well save for the inside that turned white.  As tendrils of the shiny substance continued to cover him the only thing left exposed were the eyes, the bright blue starting to glow as the rubber turned blue and turned into a visor.Nega didn't need to do much to push James towards the drone mindset, watching as his friend reveled in the lust that came with his transformation.  When he looked up at Renzyl he saw the rubber dragon smirking, reaching forward and petting his identical clone on the head as he continued to thrust into the stretched hole.  With the transformation complete Nega felt Renzyl's personality starting to assert himself once more, letting the dominant personality of the rubber dragon wash over him as something similar happened to James.  The two Renzyl's continued to use their new minion while the rubber drone in the middle actively stepped up his game to pleasure his new masters.There was another hour where the two Renzyls had their way with the rubber drone, watching him flex and contort as he showed off for the rubber dragons.  Though their minion had his cock throbbing hard behind the bulge of rubber that contained it they allowed it out on more than one occasion to play with.  Renzyl even allowed both Nega and James to have their way with his body, though it was Teryx's form that they had their way with.  By the time the three were finished they lied there as all the synthetic creatures laid there in a pile."Master Nega," their drone said as he nuzzled one of the Renzyl's groins, his mouth unsealed for the time being.  "We still have the demo that is coming up in an hour.  Do you still wish to go or is there something else you require?"The two rubber dragons looked at one another, their glowing red eyes gazing at one another as Nega grinned.  "It might be fun to go," Nega said to the possessed Teryx.  "There is still plenty of convention left to explore and it is night now."************************As the game demo finished the crowd started to disperse and leave the auditorium, all of the furs moving to other places in the convention or room parties at this point.  Those who were in cosplay went to the side as several people said that they wanted to take pictures of them.  One such group that was being called over were two dragons dressed head to toe in rubber with a third that looked like he was in some sort of racing outfit or something like that.  The three waved off the draconic sabrewolf they were talking to and joined the others in the photo op."Your costumes are unreal!" one said to Nega as the two Renzyl clones grinned at one another.  "You guys must have taken hours making those suits with a lot of coordination.  How did you manage to get into something so tight?""You could say that it was poured on," Nega replied.  "And to answer your previous question we actually just met one another at the convention, but this one right here was able to help me put on this.  It's so comfortable... almost like I'm wearing nothing at all.""Well I can tell," another said as they went up to their drone, motioning to ask if he could touch the faceless male who nodded and puffed out his chest for him to touch.  "I'm more impressed by your drone here, like don't get me wrong your Renzyl outfits are amazing but I bet I could be this one's best friend and not know who it is.  This is what I would want to be if I had the chance."Nega looked at his latex counterpart and watched the devious grin grow on the dragon's face before looking back at the growing crowd that was gathered around both them and their minion.  "How many people here are really interested in our little friend here?" he asked, seeing a number of eager hands in the air.  "You know... does anyone here have one of the suites in the convention center?  Because we were thinking about possibly having a room party but if these many people want to talk to us about this we're not going to have room in our hotel room."There was one ocelot who raised his hand and immediately both Renzyl's trained in on him, asking if it would be alright if they threw a small gathering in it as long as they provided the entertainment.  With those glowing red eyes looking at him he couldn't help but nod, the others cheering and shaking the feline in celebration.  The two told the others that they had to go back and get some stuff so that others would be able to experience being a drone and after getting the room number they dispersed.  While they didn't actually need any supplies, they were plenty capable of transforming others on their own, but once they were properly away from the rest of the group the rubber dragons let out a laugh."This is easier than I thought it would be," Renzyl said as he scratched the possessed storm dragon's cheek.  "You can sense the lust in this entire place, people wanting to be with those that they can't have while others desire the characters that they represent.  I had to restrain myself not to convert those that were practically drooling over my body.""Well I'm glad that we're going to wait for the party," the possessed Nega replied as he took a second to grope their drone.  "Once we're there I'm definitely thinking that we will have quite a few more to keep James here company... who knows, perhaps by the time this convention is over we might have an entire harem that will follow us when we leave."Renzyl just looked around, first at himself and then at all the furs that passed by them as they stood there.  "An entire convention to convert..." he mused as his smirk grew wider.  "I think I might like the sound of that, perhaps we could even change the theme this year or see an entirely different array of cosplaying..."

Unconventional Hookup

It was the first day of the fantasy convention and the lobby was buzzing with activity as people from all over gathered together for a weekend of fun and frivolity. Two such congoers were Negadrake and James, the black and red dragons grinning with hanging from their lanyard. An entire weekend where they could indulge in their all the fantasy worlds in their favorite books, movies, and video games. Other furs were ready to go as well, some of them just happy to just geek out while others took it a step further and cosplayed as their favorite characters.

Though it wasn't the largest convention in the world it was definitely one of the most centralized, which meant that furs from all different places to mingle. That meant that there were a lot of people that were trying to make connections with friends and lovers that would otherwise be seperated by distance. For Nega and James they had made plans with several others, especially dragons that they had communicated with, that they would have never been able to see if it wasn't for the excuse of the convention. The best thing was that they were all those that were so interested in the same things they were, seeing some that just played while others did things like put on costumes.

It was one of those cosplayers that they both managed to see, seeing someone that they easily recognized coming out of the dealer's den. "Hey, it's Teryx!" Nega said excitedly, Nega grinning himself as he saw the storm dragon. "We got to get him as the first picture in our roll, what do you think?"

"I think you're right!" James replied. Both friends were avid dragon photographers and one of the biggest things they wanted to do were take pictures of dragon either naturally or with the amazing costumes they wore. One of those dragons they really wanted to see was Teryx, whom the two had quite the online friendship and found out that for the first time they were going to be at the same convention. The two quickly changed their paths from the lunch that they had been planning to take after their registration and went to catch up their friend instead.

"Well if it isn't Renzyl!" Nega said with a wide grin as the storm dragon turned around. "How is everyone's favorite rubber dragon?"

Teryx quickly spins and looks at the two for a second before giving them a toothy grin and wrapping his arms around the two of them. "Well if it isn't my two favorite dragons from the internet," he said as he gave them both a fanged smile. "When I thought that we would meet at the convention I didn't think it was going to be this soon, though part of me is glad that you did. Also I have to say that I very much appreciate the Renzyl comment."

Both Nega and James chuckled at that, especially when they looked at the storm dragon's batch and saw that he had even gone so far as to put Renzyl on his badge for the convention. The black and red scaled dragons enjoyed giving their friend a good teasing about wanting to become the rubber demon dragon, having read the stories he got such as In His Master's Footsteps and There Can Only Be One. It was just a bunch of good-natured ribbing though, the two continuing to refer to the third as Lord Renzyl or asking when they were going to see that rubbery side of him. Even though they were joking it was clear that Teryx was really getting into his role, even posing and talking as the popular fictional dragon to the point where Nega swore he saw those eyes flash red for a few seconds before he blinked and found them to be their original color.

"By the way Serathin is in the Dealer's Den this year if you want to go and talk to him," Teryx said as he held up a plastic bag. "I just bought his latest book How to Enter Dragon Heaven, definitely a fun read if you like rubber dragons, which I know you do. I was just going to head up to my room in order to drop this stuff off and then I had some stuff that I needed to take care of, though after that we can do dinner or something if you're interested."

"Of course we're interested," James said with a grin. "It's one of the reasons that we're here. But before you go could we please get a few pictures of you?"

The storm dragon nodded and they went over to a secluded area of the hallway so they weren't in the flow of traffic before starting to take their pictures. Teryx did a number of poses for them, a lot of them rather regal in nature and once more attempting to give off that Renzyl vibe. It was so believable that it caused Nega to stop more than once during the photo session before he was elbowed by his friend to stop starting and keep going with the pictures. Nega took one of each pose as James attempted to take multiple ones, though every time he looked at his digital screen after he took one he frowned.

"I think the lighting is off in this area," the red and white dragon said in an annoyed tone after the fifth attempt with one such pose. "I've tried everything in order to make this look right but there's something strange with the photo that I can't quite put my finger on. Do you think that you could take a look here Nega and see if you can identify it?"

The black-scaled dragon took the camera from his counterpart and took a look at the image that was on it, seeing Teryx standing there looking straight at it. He could tell that his friend was right and that the storm dragon did look different and as he looked at the others that just happened to be in the background of the photo it was clear that whatever it was happened to the picture was actually centered on Teryx. "I think Teryx looks... kinda shiny?" Nega speculated as the storm dragon shrugged his shoulders, the hint of a grin playing on the edges of his mouth as they continued to look at the picture. "Heh, maybe you have got a little of the rubber dragon inside you... wouldn't that be nice to just have Renzyl out there ready to corrupt you, maybe even turn you into him like in those stories of yours."

Though it looked like Teryx had something to say on that James sighed and put his camera around his neck. "Well I think that's as good as I'm going to get in here," he said before nodding to the storm dragon. "Maybe we can try again at dinner, but for now I want to get some lunch and then take a walk around Dealer's Den, maybe get that book you mentioned from Serathin or see if he still has any copies of The Search for Ka'Le."

Teryx nodded and thanked the two of them for the picture and for stopping to meet him, hugging James first before going in for a hug on Nega. "You know if you want to feel what it's like to be Renzyl you can," the storm dragon whispered into his ear. "Just do what I do and walk around in his footsteps a bit, maybe make some changes like I had and see where it takes you. I promise you won't be disappointed."

Before Nega could follow up on any of that Teryx broke the hug and told them both to take care before walking away... the dragons unable to see his eyes truly glow red as he finally allowed himself a chuckle. The two waved at the storm dragon before they went back to their original plans of hitting up the nearby food court for lunch, though as they sat there Nega looked less at his food and more at his phone. James was busy looking at his camera to try and figure out what had happened to his pictures of Teryx to make them so strange as Nega continued to stare at his social media account manager. He had no intention of putting anything out there, he and James had both flooded their accounts with pictures and videos of their arrival and at the moment he was in his configuration settings.

Make some changes like he had... the words of Teryx had echoed in his mind ever since they were whispered into his ear, dripping into his skull like honey. The storm dragon definitely had the whole Renzyl thing going for him and Nega remembered exactly what he was referring too. For a while when he had gotten his first story where he was transformed into Teryx had shifted all his accounts to say that he was Renzyl, which when he had checked were still like that. Walk around a bit in Renzyl's footsteps, the idea was intriguing and he had no shortage of pictures of the rubber dragon that he had saved to his phone that he could use for a profile picture and it wouldn't be hard for him to make a few changes...

A few minutes later the two continued to eat as they checked their phones, looking at all the updates from others that were in the convention. As Nega finished making a few replies he went back to finish up his plate and noticed that James was looking at him with a smirk on his face. "Really?" the red and white scaled dragon said as he held up the screen that showed the reply Nega had just made. "So I guess you're Renzyl now too?"

"Oh... that..." Negadrake said as he felt himself blush slightly. "Teryx-"

"You mean the other Renzyl?" James interrupted with an even wider grin than before.

"Of course," Nega replied as he stuck out his tongue. "Anyway I mentioned that I wished that Renzyl was real and would corrupt people like in his stories and he said that if I was curious to stomp around in those rubber feet. It's just for a little fun and I'm sure he'll get a kick out of it later when we meet him for dinner."

The other dragon just shook his head and the two finished their meal, Nega thankful that James didn't press further on the matter. He was also glad that the other dragon hadn't decided for them to get up right then and there or else he would have had to explain the erection in his pants as well. Every time he looked at his profile he got the mental image of himself as the rubber dragon, those shiny rubber muscles flexing as he was worshipping his own body. A strong throb in his groin made Nega shake his head to clear his thoughts and he thankfully had managed to get his erection to go back down before they finished lunch and went back out for a day of fun in the convention.

The two tried to get as many pictures as possible while still trying to find other things to do in the convention. As Nega and James got in position to take a picture of an otter in a rather stunning suit of power armor the black dragon had to stop when he didn't feel something quite right when he tried to press the button on his camera. When he stopped and looked down at his hands his eyes widened slightly when he saw something different than his usual fingers. What he had instead was a set of rubbery claws, the black glistening in the light as he looked at them in confusion.

Suddenly Nega heard James say something to him that made him look up at the other dragon, and when he looked back down at his hand it was normal once more. He wiggled his fingers a few times just to be sure and when the claws he had somehow grown were confirmed to have vanished he addressed the question that was being asked of him by the subject of their photo, which was where he could find a copy of them on social media. "Thanks a lot for taking the photo!" the cosplayer said, Nega thanking him for sharing such a wonderful costume. "Well I'll definitely hit you up on your social media Renzyl, have a good rest of the convention."

It took a few seconds for Negadrake to realize that he was just called Renzyl, and as the day went on it wouldn't be the last time that he was called that name. There was something... arousing about being addressed as the lord of the rubber domain, the red-eyed latex demon that was the subject of so many titillating stories. What Teryx had said worked, he was definitely starting to see what it was like to be Renzyl as more and more people talked to him about it. Even James called him such once or twice as they finished up with a panel that they had wanted to go to and asked where to go next.

"So many people enjoy being me..." a voice said behind him, though when Nega turned around he didn't see anyone. "You certainly will too, but a converter needs to be converted first."

Nega looked around a few more times as he wondered where the deep, smooth voice came from before James interrupted his thought process by asking him where he wanted to eat. The thought of food had put the mysterious voice and its possible origin out of his mind, especially when his stomach started to rumble. He through Teryx a text that said that they were going to dinner and if he wanted to make good on their conversation to meet up for food. It didn't take long for the storm dragon to answer back with the affirmative and told them where a great place to eat would be.

About twenty minutes later the two met up with Teryx again at the restaurant of choice, the three greeting each other as they sat down at a booth. "Hey, I didn't notice that before but they printed your badge names wrong," the storm dragon said as he pointed at the laminated pieces of plastic hanging from their neck. "You should probably get that fixed the next time you go to the registration booth."

When the other two dragons looked at their badges they realized that the storm dragon was messing with them, but Rega quickly realized that James had gotten the joke way before he did. Maybe it was because he had heard it a number of times during the day but he had apparently gotten so into the Renzyl mindset that he was surprised when he saw the name Negadrake emblazoned on his badge instead of the rubber dragon's name. Though he knew it was a joke it was so jarring that Nega told the others that he needed to use the restroom before they got started ordering and quickly made his way to the bathroom. Once he was inside he made sure that no one else was there before shaking his head and sighing.

"Maybe you're taking this a little too far..." Nega said to himself as he took out his phone and looked at his profile, once more seeing those glowing red eyes staring back at him. "I should probably just set everything back to my old self, been giving out my information a lot at the con... if I keep this up people will only know me as Renzyl. Wouldn't want that..."

"Why not?" A voice said in a tone that was somewhat familiar as Nega was in the middle of splashing water on his face. It caused him to pause, feeling the droplets roll down his scales before he slowly lifted his head to look up. What he saw in the mirror was not his face, Nega's eyes going wide as he saw the visage of the black rubber dragon staring back at him. His gaze was locked into those glowing red orbs as he felt himself backing away, unable to tear himself back before he felt his foot to slip out from under him and his body to quickly fall to the floor.

But the fall to the ground never came, instead he felt a pair of arms wrap around him to prevent him from reaching the floor. "Your friend was concerned about you so I volunteered to see if you're alright," Teryx said as he looked down at the fallen dragon with a sly smile. "But personally I think you're more than fine. Now if you want to know what that is I'll be more than happy to tell you, after dinner is over I want you to ditch your friend and come up to my room."

Negadrake swallowed hard and nodded, the storm dragon walking back out of the bathroom. Though something in the back of his mind told him that this might not be a rabbit hole that he wanted to tumble down the need was far too strong for him to stop now. Once they returned to the table the three had a rather pleasant dinner, though the black-scaled dragon couldn't help but continue to look at the storm dragon, and once it was over they all parted ways. As Nega and James walked back to their hotel room Nega made up an excuse that he wanted to go look at something quick and told the red scaled dragon not to wait up for him as he double-backed towards the restaurant. Once he was sure that he wasn't being followed he went to the hotel elevators and continued to look out for his friend as he pushed the floor of the room that Teryx was staying at.

A few minutes later Negadrake reached his destination and knocked on the door, only to find it open as he peaked inside the dark room. The dragon swallowed hard and slowly opened it more before he crept inside and looked around. All the lights were off and the curtains were drawn, which meant the only illumination came from behind him as Nega called out for Teryx while he slowly moved forward. Soon he didn't even have that anymore as the door suddenly closed behind him, causing him to jump slightly as he was enveloped completely in darkness.

"There's no reason to be scared little one," a familiar voice said, but one that was not Teryx as two points of red light suddenly appeared. "You are among friends here, though you may not know one of us."

"Of course I know who you are," Nega responded, watching as those two orbs of light slowly began to move. "I think I've read enough stories to know who Renzyl is."

There is a chuckle as a light suddenly comes on, revealing the storm dragon standing there with his arms crossed. "Well than I think introductions are well out of the way," Renzyl replied through Teryx's mouth, though his voice remained his own even through the maw of the possessed dragon. "Since you know so much of me I surmise that you know what I'm about to offer next, though I'll state it anyway in case there was any moment of unsureness left in you. I've seen my corruption influencing you in a way that shows that you truly desire me and I'm going to give you one chance for that to happen. You can either continue on the path that leads to my embrace, or we can part ways now."

He was just like how Serathin described him in one of his books Nega thought as Teryx's hand was outstretched to him, though the blues of his scales had started do darken into a deep black and turn unnaturally shiny. Though the black-scaled dragon knew that it wasn't a decision to be taken lightly he knew what he wanted and before he even rationally processed the deal he found his hand already in the grasp of the other. The second that he touched it the guise dropped and the storm dragon he knew became the rubber dragon he always wanted too. This was no simple role-play or acting out of desires, Nega was about to get taken by Renzyl and every inch of his body trembled in anticipation for such a moment.

"You are almost as eager as the one whose currently hosting me," Renzyl remarked with a grin as he motioned for Nega to take off his clothing, which the dragon eagerly did so. "I don't suppose you know a Wiki in this particular dimension as well?"

"Wiki?" Negadrake asked in confusion before a look of realization came over him. "Oh! From Hunt and Snare... no, I don't know him but if he's anything like in his story I bet we would also be friends."

Renzyl nodded and closed the distance between the two of them before he leaned down and kissed Nega on the lips. His taste in scent was like a mixture of rubber and a few other scents that he particularly enjoyed as he inhaled deep from the sudden embrace. Though he knew that the latex creature was more assertive than aggressive the tender nature of it surprised him somewhat, even when that thick rubber tongue began to slide into his maw as they fell back onto the bed. From all the stories that he had read Nega wondered how he was going to be transformed as his own draconic dick pulsated from the stimulation he was getting from that smooth body rubbing against his scales.

It was clear what was going to happen next though as the muscular male continued to press against him, his hands slowly going up and down Nega's chest as he did the same. The rubber felt warm under his fingers as he moved up and down the thick slabs of muscle that comprised the synthetic dragon. At the same time he began to feel something probe up between his butt cheeks and his legs wrapped around Renzyl's waist as he braced himself for the insertion. As the seconds passed other than the groping of the rubber hands the main event seemed to be stalled, and as his groin began to tingle and grow more sensitive he craned his neck to find out why.

Nega's eyes widen he saw Renzyl's thick rubber draconic dick still hovering with the tip just pressed against his hole, but what really caused his surprise was the second growing maleness that had been his cock as it grew thicker and shiner. Now that he saw it the pleasure from the transformation of one of the most sensitive parts of his body caused him to squeeze even tighter with his legs while the black rubber that had completely encompassed his changed dick began to spread along his groin. It soon became clear to the dragon what the other male was waiting for as he finally felt his insides changing, spreading from where Renzyl's cockhead rested against his now vulcanized hole. It was clear that the rubber dragon was waiting for his anal walls to become able to handle the ridged rubber flesh and judging by the hefty weight that now rested against his stomach he was grateful for the wait.

But that wait was at an end as Renzyl pushed himself in, his cock sliding in easily now as his transformed muscles stretched open to accommodate him with the delicious feel of rubber on rubber. As inch after inch of Renzyl's cock quickly disappeared in the hole of the one below him Nega could feel that corruptive influence that Teryx had originally infected him with when they first met begin to burn with increasing intensity. He could also feel his hips thicken and spread out to match the ones that had just pressed against his stretched out hole while Renzyl leaned in and went another round with his mouth. He could feel that tongue press deep down inside to the point where it was against his throat his muzzle began to tingle the same way and he didn't need to see it to know that his muzzle had started to go rubbery as well.

Even though he could feel his skull expand and his horns begin to twist on themselves while they became rubbery the influence he felt on his mind was actually rather tame. Nega figured it was probably because he was so willing, absorbing that mental essence like a sponge while his body did the same to the rubber that cascaded over his body. The thicker scales on his belly smoothed out into shiny latex flesh that was marred only by the peaks and valleys of his growing musculature that ballooned out his pectorals and gave him a set of washboard abs. Having such a similar body type to the nexus creature he was mostly undergoing the increased muscle growth and rubberization that was no doubt similar to Teryx, imaging Renzyl taking him over just like what was happening to him as he let out a moan of pure pleasure.

As the last of those black scales were assimilated into the rubbery flesh the latex dragon that caused it began to thrust faster, their bodies squeaking as Nega's eyes turned redder as the mental programming sublimated into his own thoughts. Even though the transforming dragon had read what it was like to have the nexus creature invade someone's mind and alter his thoughts it was nothing compared to the actual experience. It wasn't like he was being replaced, it was like Renzyl was turning him so that while he was still him he thought just like Renzyl. The best part was that it was so good being Renzyl, feeling his neck and shoulders thicken as his already transformed rubber dragon head eagerly reciprocated the kiss along with a similar tongue stretching out and filling the real Renzyl's maw.

All that time being called Renzyl and seeing his own profile as such had softened his identity and the longer that their bodies were twined around one another the harder it was to distinguish one from another. Though in the back of his mind he knew that one of them was Teryx and the other was Negadrake neither knew anymore, both so lost in the pleasure of one another that they didn't care either. All it was now was a Renzyl on top was pushing as deeply as he could to spread the insides of the Renzyl on the bottom as they both approached their climax now that the transformation was complete.

Both rubber dragons came at the same time, made easier by essentially being the same creature as they orgasmed hard. With Nega already transformed there was no need to cum fluids and instead just kept their orgasms dry as Renzyl continued to assert himself in both hosts. Their two bodies continued to rub and nuzzle against one another as they pleasured one another's bodies, and as Nega's thoughts continued to run concurrent to Renzyl's one in particular formed in his mind that caused him to grin. The Renzyl on the bottom just looked at the one on top, who nodded and quickly pulled out of the rubber tailhole.

As the Renzyl that had formed the thought in the first place continued to revel in the lust that was pumped into him he rolled out of the bed and returned the nod to his counterpart before walking over to the hotel phone. The new rubber dragon absolutely reveled in the sensations that being Renzyl was and knew that his boyfriend would be absolutely thrilled to be such. With their orgasms dying down they did manage to have some semblance of who their hosts were and it was Nega who made the call to their room.

"Hey, where did you run off to Nega?" James asked as soon as he picked up the phone. "We're supposed to be going to a late night demo release in like two hours."

"Sorry about that," Nega replied, returning his voice to its sound as best he could. "I was just looking at a cosplayer and I happened to bump into Teryx again and he invited me into the room to show me something that he got. I'd say what it is but I want you to come up here and see for yourself so I'll keep it a surprise... I will say thought that you are definitely going to want to see this."

There was a small pause on the other end and Nega Renzyl on the phone looked to the one on the bed before he finally heard the other dragon respond. "Alright," James said. "Give me the room number and I'll be up there in like ten minutes."

After Nega had given the other dragon the room number and way up he hung up the phone and bounced back into bed, the two Renzyl's once more unable to keep their hands off each other. "So what do you think we should do for your friend?" the Teryx Renzyl asked as they tried not to rile each other up too much, lest they start getting into it and James just walks in to two identical rubber dragons having sex. "I'm sure you have an idea or two in that handsome head of yours."

"I may have an idea or two..." Nega Renzyl replied with a sly grin.


About ten minutes later both Renzyls waited in the darkness of the room, watching the door they had propped open with the door latch as they waited for their prey to arrive. Soon the door opened, light once more spilling into the intentionally darkened hotel room as James slowly made his way in. "Guys?" he asked as he peeked his head in. "Hey, what's going on in here, you two still there?"

"We're here!" Nega quickly replied, seeing that his friend appeared to look like he was about to turn back and leave. "Sorry about the darkness but what Teryx is showing me works best in the darkness. Just come on in a bit and close the door you should see us when you do."

James nodded and took a few steps inside the room, closing the door behind him as the two watched with their glowing red eyes. "I think I see you guys," James said as he put his hand against the wall to help guide him through the small entryway that led into the main room. "Is it where the glowing red is?"

"You got it," Nega replied, the grin on his face growing as he headed exactly where they needed him to go. As James continued to move forward the other Renzyl slowly crept out of the bathroom and came up behind him stealthily, getting ready to put their plan into action. James let out a slight cry of surprise as he felt a pair of hands push him forward, his body flopping down onto the bed. Thanks to the efforts of the two rubber dragons what he fell into was a thick sheet of latex that adhered to his body the second that it touched the bare scales. The clothing that James wore quickly dissolved away as well, for what the two Renzyls had planned he wouldn't need such things anymore anyway.

"What the hell is this stuff?!" James shouted as he attempted to thrash around, only serving to get himself more wrapped up in the sticky rubber sheeting as Nega Renzyl turned on the light and caused the dragon to stop and his eyes to widen. "No... no way... it can't be," he stammered as Teryx Renzyl moved around the bed and also stepped in front of him. "Renzyl... is real?"

"Real as I'll ever be," Teryx Renzyl said with a chuckle before returning to his identical counterpart. "And as such I'm certainly going to need servants in order to make sure that I'm as comfortable as possible and to recruit others back to their room. At the moment however the only thing that we care about is the pleasure and desire that we're about to give you..."

At this point James had been so wrapped up in the rubber sheet trap that only his head was exposed, though at this point he no longer fought as he just stared up at those glowing red eyes. While he couldn't tell anymore which one was his friend the two Renzyl's still new, the rubber dragon allowing his hosts to recognize who they were since Nega had a very deep desire to have his friend join them. Nega felt the rubber-covered dragon's body quiver as he ran a hand down it, though instead of fighting out of fear he was now squirming from pleasure as the red and white scales were almost completely covered. When he put his hands against the bulge that was between his restrained legs he willed the synthetic sheet to soften, allowing the throbbing length to jut out from his body only slightly before a quick stroke adhered it back to his stomach.

With a little more manipulation Nega had pulled the dragon's tail and shifted it to a position where he could get at what it was hiding as Teryx did the same. The amount of lust coming off his friend was palpable and with Renzyl's senses it was almost like he could feel the soft rubber sheet suctioned against his own body as his hands rubbed against his own shiny skin. Soon it wouldn't just be a covering anymore as his hands rubbed against the tight rear of the male beneath him, causing James to moan as Teryx took position in front of his head. Though the red dragon continued to wiggle the other two males knew that it was from anticipation as they both felt the already willing James start to grow needy with the amount of arousal his predicament was putting him in.

"I love those that already know of me," Renzyl mused as he asserted himself over Teryx, letting Nega take more of a driver seat for his body as the storm dragon wiggled in his mental grasp. "Who knew that I would be so popular in some of these worlds, my other brothers would be so jealous. I'm sure you know that those that are more willing to give themselves to me the better the perks they get... and one of those is about to happen right now."

That was a cue to Nega and he took his ridged rubber member to the pert tailhole that he was so eager to spread open. Much like what with happened to him before he could already see that his rubber had already started to either penetrate or transform the dragon that was cocooned within. James tried to say something but it was muffled around the cock that Renzyl had already started to fill the dragon's muzzle with his own thick length. Unlike with Nega contact with the demon dragon didn't start changing his maw, at laest not on the outside. As James slid out his tongue to try and please Renzyl, seeing that it had grown black and rubbery as it extended all the way out to the root.

Nega moaned himself as he finally decided to fill the hole that was given to him, seeing the rubber cocoon stretch as the dragon underneath it arched his back from the insertion. Though it wasn't nearly as graceful as someone who had been completely controlled like Teryx was he still managed to slide in the entire head of the rubber dick. The sensation was unlike anything he had ever experienced before; not only did he get the pleasure from spreading open those altered anal walls, but also from processing James' desire through Renzyl caused him to feel something that was unlike anything else. It was like he was being fueled by the lust soaking into him, and in turn he wanted to take that power and use it to retain the favor for his friend.

The rubber sheeting that had normally just been sticking to the dragon's body began to look like it was being suctioned to James; form. Unlike where his transformation had given him the body of the rubber dragon this was something different; it was like James was being smoothed out and instead of getting bulked up and muscular he was getting lithe and lean. It was the body of a reptilian minion, one that he had seen so many times in the stories featuring Renzyl as the black rubber continued to press tighter against him. Nega could sense that the rubber was no longer just covering those scales, it had transformed them just like he had.

As Nega continued to slide in his cock into the transforming hole he suddenly found that James had regained the use of his limbs, the rubber that had connected them together splitting so that they were separate once again. As James spread out his arms and legs, which in turn gave Nega even greater access as he continued to use Renzyl's body to plow into his friend, they both saw that his hands and feet had become webbed and almost gloved in nature. Other than that James looked almost... featureless, other than being draconic in nature his rubber body was so shiny and smooth that he looked like a doll, or maybe...

The word drone came to Nega's mind as his eyes glowed with a bright red, realizing what the other dragon was becoming. The thought of creating a rubber dragon drone had caused his already rock-hard cock to throb inside the tailhole of the one that was becoming it. At this point James had been transformed from the neck down, the only red and white scales were from the head that was sucking the cock of the other Renzyl in front of him. Even though the real Renzyl could have already made him into something Nega could tell that it was on him to put on the finishing touches.

With a bit of power James' eyes widened as the thick black rubber cascaded up his neck and began to cover his face. As the latex went around the dragon's muzzle it actually began to seal his lips, Nega thinking that drones don't need to speak as the only space that was left open was so that Renzyl could continue to get his cock sucked as his head bobbed up and down still. Those cute ears and horns were completely covered, turning black as well save for the inside that turned white. As tendrils of the shiny substance continued to cover him the only thing left exposed were the eyes, the bright blue starting to glow as the rubber turned blue and turned into a visor.

Nega didn't need to do much to push James towards the drone mindset, watching as his friend reveled in the lust that came with his transformation. When he looked up at Renzyl he saw the rubber dragon smirking, reaching forward and petting his identical clone on the head as he continued to thrust into the stretched hole. With the transformation complete Nega felt Renzyl's personality starting to assert himself once more, letting the dominant personality of the rubber dragon wash over him as something similar happened to James. The two Renzyl's continued to use their new minion while the rubber drone in the middle actively stepped up his game to pleasure his new masters.

There was another hour where the two Renzyls had their way with the rubber drone, watching him flex and contort as he showed off for the rubber dragons. Though their minion had his cock throbbing hard behind the bulge of rubber that contained it they allowed it out on more than one occasion to play with. Renzyl even allowed both Nega and James to have their way with his body, though it was Teryx's form that they had their way with. By the time the three were finished they lied there as all the synthetic creatures laid there in a pile.

"Master Nega," their drone said as he nuzzled one of the Renzyl's groins, his mouth unsealed for the time being. "We still have the demo that is coming up in an hour. Do you still wish to go or is there something else you require?"

The two rubber dragons looked at one another, their glowing red eyes gazing at one another as Nega grinned. "It might be fun to go," Nega said to the possessed Teryx. "There is still plenty of convention left to explore and it is night now."


As the game demo finished the crowd started to disperse and leave the auditorium, all of the furs moving to other places in the convention or room parties at this point. Those who were in cosplay went to the side as several people said that they wanted to take pictures of them. One such group that was being called over were two dragons dressed head to toe in rubber with a third that looked like he was in some sort of racing outfit or something like that. The three waved off the draconic sabrewolf they were talking to and joined the others in the photo op.

"Your costumes are unreal!" one said to Nega as the two Renzyl clones grinned at one another. "You guys must have taken hours making those suits with a lot of coordination. How did you manage to get into something so tight?"

"You could say that it was poured on," Nega replied. "And to answer your previous question we actually just met one another at the convention, but this one right here was able to help me put on this. It's so comfortable... almost like I'm wearing nothing at all."

"Well I can tell," another said as they went up to their drone, motioning to ask if he could touch the faceless male who nodded and puffed out his chest for him to touch. "I'm more impressed by your drone here, like don't get me wrong your Renzyl outfits are amazing but I bet I could be this one's best friend and not know who it is. This is what I would want to be if I had the chance."

Nega looked at his latex counterpart and watched the devious grin grow on the dragon's face before looking back at the growing crowd that was gathered around both them and their minion. "How many people here are really interested in our little friend here?" he asked, seeing a number of eager hands in the air. "You know... does anyone here have one of the suites in the convention center? Because we were thinking about possibly having a room party but if these many people want to talk to us about this we're not going to have room in our hotel room."

There was one ocelot who raised his hand and immediately both Renzyl's trained in on him, asking if it would be alright if they threw a small gathering in it as long as they provided the entertainment. With those glowing red eyes looking at him he couldn't help but nod, the others cheering and shaking the feline in celebration. The two told the others that they had to go back and get some stuff so that others would be able to experience being a drone and after getting the room number they dispersed. While they didn't actually need any supplies, they were plenty capable of transforming others on their own, but once they were properly away from the rest of the group the rubber dragons let out a laugh.

"This is easier than I thought it would be," Renzyl said as he scratched the possessed storm dragon's cheek. "You can sense the lust in this entire place, people wanting to be with those that they can't have while others desire the characters that they represent. I had to restrain myself not to convert those that were practically drooling over my body."

"Well I'm glad that we're going to wait for the party," the possessed Nega replied as he took a second to grope their drone. "Once we're there I'm definitely thinking that we will have quite a few more to keep James here company... who knows, perhaps by the time this convention is over we might have an entire harem that will follow us when we leave."

Renzyl just looked around, first at himself and then at all the furs that passed by them as they stood there. "An entire convention to convert..." he mused as his smirk grew wider. "I think I might like the sound of that, perhaps we could even change the theme this year or see an entirely different array of cosplaying..."

[TwistedSnakes] Blackened Storms

The soft bed was a huge relief as James the dragon flopped into the thick feather-stuffed mattress, tired from a day of hectic work. The silky bed sheets felt cool and smooth against scales, red except for his white undersides, horns, and mane which...

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[Tanorath] Vanishing Act

Vanishing Act I had turned up to work to find a relatively fat folder dumped on my table. I snorted as I sat down and placed my coffee off to one side. The folder bore the logos of the local police department, which was unusual. As I flipped...

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