Snake Lords of the Desert 42

Story by SkyWing on SoFurry

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#42 of The Chronicles of Lore

The use of the former emperor continues for a while, then Lore begins to make plans on how to aid his new allies.

Despite the fact that they were on the clock, Lorenus rather enjoyed the show before him. There was something rather intimate about watching others fuck his enemy, and while it was not the pleasurable debauchery that he had enjoyed at his palace, it was not that far from it. The naga leaned back on his coils, the Old Hump standing beside him as a silent witness to the endless line of fucking going on.

As Sithembile took the lion prince's cock, it was clear that the elephant wasn't entirely happy about it, but there was no reason for him to be. He didn't have to be happy so long as he followed orders and didn't show that he was controlled. The elephant grunted every time that his thick, gray ass was invaded, huffing and gritting his teeth as he was fucked from behind. In, out, in, out, each time showing a little bit more puffiness around his rim as he was slowly but surely broken in.

It was quite the show, considering the prideful nature of the former Emperor, but now, the elephant was nothing but a fuck toy. He thought of the elephant's surly nature on the boats, and he felt no guilt for what was happening to him. If anything, he felt rather pleased with the fact that the large male was getting rutted like a good little bitch.

The lions were eager, too, Lorenus noticed. Even those that weren't under his control had been persuaded by Yukeci that this was the right way of taking revenge. They were intent on doing it as firmly and forcefully as possible.

One lion stepped out of the line, moving to the elephant's head. He grabbed Sithembile by the trunk, yanking his head up and forcing his mouth open before ramming his cock past the once-king's lips. The elephant growled and grunted, obviously not keen, but taking it regardless.

Of course, due to hypnosis, the elephant's cock was as hard as it could get, throbbing away under his belly, bouncing and throbbing and begging for attention. Lorenus chuckled as the miniature orgy continued on, shaking his head.

"You ssshould join them, Old Hump."

"I will pass, Master."

"Ah? You do not wissssh to wet your sssshaft?"

"I don't feel the need, Master."

"And if I were to command it?"

"I would follow your orders, though with little pleasure, and great delay."

"And that issss why I will not order it."

Mostly because he did not want to deal with the hassle. Ano was a good man, a talented servant, but he was the most stubborn of servants if it came to something that was more sexual than a bit of personal relaxation. The moment that it turned into something that involved someone else watching, let alone actually doing anything, the camel no longer wanted anything to do with it.

A pity, too, because he actually looked pretty good for his age. Not that they ever did anything, but -


He looked up to see Jahari pulling out after the fifth successive rut that the prince had managed, the lion's cock wet with cum and the elephant's hole drooling with it. The prince stumbled back, panting, shaking from the effort of fucking someone for so long. Lions did have a legendary sort of recovery time, but it seemed that even theirs wasn't completely unlimited. He pulled away as another lion stepped forward to take his place, pushing his barbed shaft between the elephant's cheeks and going to town.

The prince sat down beside the coiled naga, shaking his head as Lorenus chuckled.

"You certainly enjoyed yoursssself."

"He is an enemy that needed to be broken."

"He issss not broken yet."

"He will be."

"I'm ssssure."

"...You had a true prize, and yet you gave him up," the prince said, turning his head to face the snake. "You could have demanded more. Why didn't you?"

"I have much of my own. I could assssk for much more, but I would prefer to earn it."


"Becausssse then, nobody can take it. Nobody can quessstion it."

The prince didn't answer him after that, and he didn't expect the lion to. They just sat there, watching as the elephant was fucked. Again. And again. And again.

Soon enough, those wide cheeks were sprayed with a significant amount of lion cum, and they dribbled to the earth. In the background, a great bonfire burned, and the lions all but danced around it. It wasn't the celebration that they had probably planned for, he imagined, but they were getting something out of it, and that was probably all that mattered. The fact that their ancient enemy was merely humbled and humiliated rather than dead didn't matter, as long as he stayed that way.

Lorenus leaned back, tempted to order the prince to take care of his own erections from the sight of the orgy, but the snake held back. Not merely from the disapproving stare from the Old Hump, of course, but from his own reasons. For all that he had power, so did Yukeci, and so did the other shamans that called the village home. If he were to lash out, if he were to take something without asking, there was the possibility that he could be overwhelmed.

He was a guest, after all, and a guest did not take too much...when they were outnumbered, at least.

So, he waited, letting his cocks throb against his coils as he watched the fucking go on. Prince Jahari rejoined the line, taking his turn with the others, and Sithembile all but gargled on the massive loads left in his mouth. Lorenus shook his head.

"Thissss will lasssst a while."

"You were the one that suggested this revenge, sir."

"It letssss me keep him."

"I'm surprised you want to."

"He may yet be valuable."


"And I have not yet sssated myssself with that asssss."

"At least you are honest, sir."

He rolled his eyes, closing them as he settled in to rest. He would not get anything done for some time, not with the orgy going on. The constant schlick-schlick of the lions fucking his slut's holes didn't do anything to make his cock go down. If anything, it kept him hard as a rock without much recourse to aid.


By the time that the lions were done, the sun had gone down, then the moon, and then the sun rose again. Lorenus was drained and annoyed, and he was still sporting a pair of hard-ons that were desperate for even a little bit of action. Even the Old Hump was starting to look like he might be tolerable in bed. Only starting to, however, as the snake would need a great deal more persuasion before he'd ever take advantage of that.

The lions had drifted away from the bound and soaked elephant, and Lorenus slowly uncoiled. He groaned as his tail clicked and popped as he realigned his bones, shaking his head as his cocks pointed straight ahead. One glance confirmed that he wasn't going to be using that hole for a while; it seemed that some lions had come in and shoved a fist past that pucker, ensuring that it would remain gaping open for who knew how long. Shaking his head, he slithered over and tapped the elephant on the head.

"You may sssstand."

And immediately, Sithembile did. The elephant grunted, shaking his head.

"That was...humiliating."

"That wassss the point. Now, find water. Wasssh."


"And then return. We have much to disssscusss."


After demanding and getting a tent from Jahari, they were quick to settle down to council. Lorenus, the Old Hump, Sithembile - newly cleaned, thankfully - and his coiling post Jelani all took places within, with Lorenus choosing his to be draped across the jackal's shoulders. Jelani was much improved from his original training, and did not flinch as his weight rested across the canine's shoulders.

"We have come far," Lorenus said. "And I am pleasssed with all of you."

"Thank you, Master," the Old Hump said, and the other two merely grunted.

"However, we have much to do. The lionssss, they are completely on our sssside now?" he asked.

"According to the prince, yes."

"And they will march?"

"Provided we help break a path for them, yes."

"Sssshow me."

The camel nodded, and they matched eyes.


_It was always easier to exchange information this way, and now that they were not stared at by anyone else, Lorenus took the time to really examine the Old Hump's mind and information. _

_As ever, the camel's mind was organized, laid out in neat rows with grids arranging everything in easy reach. The avatar of the mind was right beside him, and the camel pulled a map from the information laid out before them. It came out as a great square of land, only to zoom in, and then do the same thrice more, revealing a patch that was reddened with blood and marked with fighting figures. _

"This is the current conflict, Master," the Old Hump said. "Though it is little more than a spat by our standards."

_"Still enough of a fight to make it difficult. Particularly with their reduced numbers," Lorenus admitted. _

"That is why they want us to help."

"It would be a good time to test out the orcas..."

"They will not matter as much, lost here. Later on, however..."

"And it would be better to find out if they are at all useful," the snake said, shaking his head. "They're already altered, and badly altered. If they're not salvageable, better that we know it before we go to war at sea."

"Indeed, sir."

"Show me what we're working with."

_Not all minds were so useful as the Old Hump's, but the camel's mind was as organized as could be, disciplined and focused compared to the other, ramshackle brains that he had been working with. The only one that came close was Sithembile, and that man's mind had been broken into various camps. _

_Not so, here. The information came swiftly, and was placed on the mind-map faster and easier than anything in the real world could have been. The camps were simple: three skunk war-camps faced an entrenched lion position, trying to get up through a ravine at the border. The lions had been holding out, but the ravine was the only way through the border without having to take miles out of one's way to get to a better crossing. _

_No easy way for the orcas to get in, but he wasn't expecting that. He'd just have to see how they functioned as ground troops. _


"One hundred for the lions, four times that for the skunks."

"Not ideal."

"They are fighting a defensive battle for now, but we will need to break through. Are there any brilliant ideas, Master?"

"...No. We're going to have to play with numbers, and hope for the best."

_He could feel the Old Hump's disapproval with that, but there was no clear strategy. They'd used up all the cukani in the strafing run through the orca people, and there was little chance to make more at sea. They were going to have to just hope for the best when they got there, and hope that the fleet that they'd brought along had enough numbers to shatter the other side fast. _

_And that the orcas would prove themselves a useful expression of the cukani. That was yet to be seen, but he had slight hopes. _

"Anything else I need to know?"

"Yes. You are prodding with your shafts."


"Apology accepted."


He looked away, and he was more aware of his cocks than he had been for a very long time. He groaned under his breath, pressing them firmly against Jelani's back, feeling the jackal stand a little bit straighter.

"Leave ussss," the snake said. "I have much"

"Yes, Master."


Sithembile and the Old Hump left, leaving him and Jelani alone. He groaned under his breath, his cocks throbbing as he lowered his coils slightly further, the twin tips brushing against the jackal's tail.


As the silent, muscular jackal did what he was told, spreading his legs ever so slightly to brace himself, the naga lowered his coils. The feeling of soft flesh waiting for him, the tight heat just under that tail beckoning him, was more than enough to distract him from the frustrations of the campaign. Yes, the various troubles would still be there after this was all said and done, but at the very least, he would be better equipped to deal with them. Less frustration, less worries, less tension through his body. It would all be better.

He rammed both cocks into the jackal in one smooth motion, and his perch didn't make a sound. He had been well-trained.

And as he lost himself to the silky clenches of that pucker around his cocks, as the warmth pulled him deeper and dragged him into the abyss of pleasure, he reveled in his power over others.

He was truly an Emperor.