The Making of A Trophy Sissy Chapter One

Story by TheHypnotizedQuill on SoFurry

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#2 of Erotica-Male on Male Focused

In this tale penned by The Hypnotized Quill we follow Roger, a lion who recently found his confidence and a new body as well as new abilities, who takes revenge on his cheating wife by absorbing her into his cock and turning her lover into his new wife. This chapter covers the cock transformation and the beginning of Nate's journey into Natalie the sissy house wife of Roger. Included is: Verbal abuse, cock transformation, humiliation, feminization, cock shrinking, hypnosis, domination, orientation corruption, and more.

Please, enjoy your stay and your read, and feel free to let me know what you think of the first chapter.

The Making of A Trophy Sissy

By The Hypnotized Quill 03/13/2022

It was 3pm, and her husband wouldn't be back for at least another two hours. He'd expect dinner on the table when he arrived (doordash), a foot rub (as if), a cold beer (that she could do), and maybe a blowjob (too musky for her tastes). Instead of doing her "wifely duties," she was getting her brains fucked out by a young stud she had found a few months ago on ChtR. There were apps for everything nowadays, including adultery.

The young stud was a wolf, six foot two, covered in toned, firm muscle and with a rather impressively large cock between his thicc, muscular thighs. They were fucking right in her marriage bed, that cock splitting her wider than her husband had ever managed. Grunts and moans filled the air as the wolf grinned and leaned in, biting her neck. "Hey! Watch that, he'll notice! He bought the lies about the underwear in the laundry and the condoms, but ahhnnn~ bite marks he won't!"

"Why don't you just leave that loser and be mine forever?" the wolf asked, eyes glowing a cool blue. She relaxed and sighed, gripping the sheets and losing herself in the pleasure as the hypnodom wiped her worries away, leaving only pleasure on her mind. "Ahhnnn...." She rolled her hips and came across that cock, something her husband just couldn't accomplish these days... Nate was all the man she needed~!

Roger steeled himself, taking a slug from a bottle of whisky. He looked at the book his buddy Maverick gave him.... He'd suggested he try his "system for dealing with cheaters," a book he wrote along with a nutritional supplement program, after Roger had opened up to him at the bar about finding out about his wife's cheating. He'd been taking the pills for weeks..., finding himself toning up even without working out, his musk becoming more prominent to the point his wife pointed it out as a negative. The women at the office were swooning over him, begging for him..., but he wasn't a cheater. He was a one woman man, and he'd still be that way after tonight.

He had read the book cover to cover, watched the private videos Maverick had hosted on a TOR node. He called himself a "marital problem solver" in his free time, helping men and women solve their issues with cheaters, thieves, and just overall bad partners. The book was a blur, it always was. Roger started reading it while listening to the videos, and always woke up an hour later, with a literal hard on for revenge. Tonight was the night he punished the cheaters and took back his perfect home.

The door opened and was slammed shut with no thought for stealth, he wanted them to know. The lion, once a barely-maned male, was now almost a perfect male specimen, and he strode towards his bedroom with confidence. The buttons on his work shirt almost popped as he flexed, staring into the hallway mirror. "You've got this," he said, hearing Maverick's deep equine voice in his head.

"Shit! He's home early," she cried out, cumming again, gushing for the wolf as he rubbed and fingered her overheating cunt. There were several full condoms, Magnum XL of course, tied off and sitting on the nightstand. Nate got up and snarled, rather than trying to run.

"Time I met him then and showed him what a real man --" It was then that Roger opened the door, a scowl on his face.

"Freeze," he said with a deep snarl, a flash of green eyes locking Nate's joints in place, eyes wide as his own will was picked up and crushed into submission.

"Shit! Roger I can --"

"Quiet, slut," he growled, turning his gaze to her. Her voice stopped in her throat, a warbling croak the only sound she could make, her body trembling as she sat up and reached for the phone. Within a second, before she could even touch the phone, Roger was there, grabbing at her wrist and pulling her up. She squeaked and stared with fear into his eyes. That was mistake number 2, as his enhanced and perfectly honed will cleaved through her pitiful defenses.

"Love, honor, and obey. I didn't ask for much, and you couldn't manage any of them. The maid would've been a better wife than you, she wouldn't have cheated." The last word echoed in her head, filling it so totally that her thoughts were pushed out. She had cheated. She wasn't a wife, not a lover, just a cheater.... "That's right, you're just a cheater... you don't even deserve a name."


"What's your name?"

Oh... oh god, what was her name? She couldn't remember, all that she could say was... "Ch-cheater."

"That's right. Consider this our divorce." He pulled her to him and sat in the large arm chair in the corner of the room, unzipping his tight slacks and pulling out a massive, throbbing feline cock with soft barbs along the tapered length. A powerful musk filled the room, enough to make her grow instantly wet and hot again, even making the straight wolf groan in confused arousal as his cock ached and leaked beads of pre.

With no love or care he spun her around and sat her down onto his cock, pushing deeply into her well worn cunt. He grunted as even her freshly gaped cunt was tight for his new size. "Oh big! When did you get so--"

"You would have noticed if you paid attention to me instead of your wolfy fucktoy," he growled. "As far as I'm concerned you both deserve to be punished. But you? You broke your vows, and that's unforgivable. So...."

He began to chant something that he knew was the right incantation, though he didn't know how he knew that. The outline of the lioness's form began to glow and pulse, her body seemingly throbbing with the quickening pulse of her husband's monster of a cock.

It was such a weird sensation as she bounced roughly on his lap, letting out loud, impassioned cries of lust. There was a tugging and pulling at her limbs as her legs swiftly vanished, sucking back into her torso, her hands and arms the next to go as her torso shrank down and fused into his huge, aching balls. Her mouth and nose started to warp into a single vertical slit, her eyes widening as she realized all too late what was happening. "N-no, Roger, I'm sorry, I-- glgg...!" Her eyes rolled up just as they vanished when her first orgasm as his cock wracked through her, a huge rope of cum shooting from her mouth, his cumslit, spraying onto the floor.... Her thoughts throbbed, pleasure consuming her. *No, wait... I'm not a... huge... musky... cockkkk...." She had no more thoughts after that, the pleasure fusing her spirit to his and leaving her nothing more than a cock about to claim his new, faithful wife.

Nate was freaking out this whole time, watching the guy he was cucking absorb his cougar of a lioness into a cock that was now several inches thicker and longer, balls huge and churning. "Now, as for you, Nate," came the growl from a smirking muzzle.

Nate trembled, frozen where he was, his cock hard but no longer on par with the enhanced male's own. He remembered seeing pictures where the former wife was taller than Roger, but this alpha Lion was at least a foot taller than Nate, who'd been more than a head taller than his lover. What had he gotten himself into?

"H-hey man, she came to me! I didn't--" he started, trying to defend himself. The lion picked up the wolf's phone from his discarded jeans and quirked his brow.


"I'm not gonna--"

Roger turned his head, his eyes glowing an emerald green. "Password," he said, no longer a question.

"1567...," Nate whimpered, unable to stop himself from answering. With a small sound the phone unlocked and the Lion leaned against the wall.

"My, my.... ChtR, huh? That's the app for homewreckers, isn't it? So even if she messaged you first, you were looking for married women to bang. It seems like both of you are guilty here, so I don't think I'll let you off the hook, either." Nate's eyes glanced down to that cock, his heart leaping into his throat in terror of being absorbed.

A loud, warm, throaty laugh with just an edge of bitterness bubbled from Roger's throat. "No no, that was HER punishment, 'til death do us part' and all that. No, yours is going to fit your crimes." Roger stood properly and moved towards him, cupping the wolf's chin in his paw and pulling it up to look into his eyes. "Y'know, I never bothered telling her, but I'm not straight. I'm bi, always have been. Dated a few guys before I met her, fell in love and settled down. You're a hunky piece of meat, but that's not what I need right now. It's unfortunate, really, I've suddenly found myself a husband...," he said as his eyes began to glow,. "without... a wife." There was a pulse of that green glow and the word echoed in his head. Nate's eyes rolled back, eyes fluttering as he suddenly felt his muscles unlock. He swayed and fell against the lion's chest, groaning.

"Go ahead and sleep, babe. I need to call some friends over for an appointment. I'm sure Sally and Arty would love to come and meet my bride-to-be."

"Not... a woman. Not a... bride," the wolf slurred as Roger laid him out on the mussed up bed, splattered with the juices of the pair of cheaters.

"Oh, babe, you don't need to be a woman to be a bride, no no. You just need a... makeover," he said with a smile that was genuinely sweet, even as his eyes showed a cruel twinkle of vengeance. "Now sleep for me..." came the whispered command, and the wolf found himself being tucked into the most comfortable bed he'd ever had, falling deeply and helplessly into the best sleep he'd ever had.

Roger stepped out, scrolling through the wolf's phone idly as he called his friends. "Sally? Yeah, hi, it's Roger.... No yeah, I've been... yup, that's the one. Yeah, so I found out she was cheating.... Yeah, some 20-something chasing MILFy cougar tail. Her? Not important. It's him I'm calling you about. I need your services. No, not the massage, the... yeah, the Salon Treatment. Yup. Oh, and by the way? I'm going to be getting married soon. Yeah, it's related. Come over for dinner and meet the lucky girl?" he said with a cruel grin curling his lips. "Good. I gotta call Arty and Mav. See you at 7."

"Arty? It's Roger. Short version, she was cheating. I made her worship me for the rest of her life and I'm getting remarried. Wait? Why wait, I need a wife, and I have a perfect candidate. Yeah, I need your conditioning expertise. You're the best eloquence coach, well, the only one I know, especially one that's a hypno-dom. Oh no, it's a guy, no worries, I know you're more queer than a Pride parade. Oh? Turned 'em all into faggots? The whole church? Damn, you'll have to tell me about it. Seven tonight, dinner at my house? Sally will be there. Good, see you then..."

The doorbell rang soon enough, the hours passing by quickly. An extremely voluptuous Hyena woman was at the door, snapping her gum, her styled fauxhawk hair a bright vibrant neon pink, her ears pierced with large loops. She had a restaurant bag on one arm and a large bag that might have been a doctor's bag, had it not been vibrantly purple, on the other. "Roger!" she said in a thick, feminine Brooklyn accent, leaning in and kissing his cheek, giving him a firm, friendly grope to the loins. Roger rumbled as his cock swelled. She always was handsy, even when she knew he was a one woman kinda guy. "Good to see you! Oh damn, you got thicc!" She cackled in a way that might have been vicious on someone who wasn't a Jersey salon owner that side-gigged as an African fertility goddess.

He chuckled and nodded, kissing her cheek back. "Thanks for cumming, Sally." He let her in, showing her to the dining room where a roast chicken dinner was set up.

"I brought some sides and desserts," she said with a grin. She had plump lips, perfect white teeth, breasts that could smother about three and a half twinks (her toy of choice), and a bulge that rivaled the lion's own enhanced one. "Sorry ta hear 'bout th' cheatin' floozie." She frowned, sitting down as he pulled the seat out for her. The antique wood groaned under an ass that could have, and had in the past, smothered anthros double her size.

"She had it coming. It was her choice, her consequences," he said, shrugging, moving towards the door as the doorbell rang again.

"Is it true ya turned her into more cawkmeat?" she asked, pulling out a bottle of wine from the restaurant bag as she poured herself a glass.

The door opened and a short ferret grinned up at his buddy. Arty was dressed in a shirt that didn't cover beyond his nipples, those gleaming gold rings studded with small gems today. He rocked a rainbow hairstyle today, and had a doberman on a leash behind him dressed as a butler. The ferret wore sandals, stylish pants, bangles, was perfectly groomed and manicured, and when he spoke, he spoke with a feminine lilt and lisp. "Oh my gawd hun you look gorgeous~! Mmmff... I'd totally turn you into one of my Rent-A-Hunks!" Arty gave Roger a firm grope to check his package size, checking for padding and groping that toned ass. Arty threw up his paws as Roger gave a patient smirk and opened his mouth. "I know, I know! You're monogamous! A shame, so old fashioned, but that's why you need my help with the new 'girl,' eh? Get her used to a more traditional, old school life?"

"Exactly. The last one didn't even try to help me live out my fantasies. She wanted to be served like a queen even though she was more of a pauper. Didn't do anything, didn't deserve anything.... No, this one I want to properly understand her place in our relationship, as the housewife, the caretaker of the home, someone to wait on me, and someone I can lavish with love and attention," he said, smiling at the thought.

Arty snapped his fingers, "Hey! Hun! Snap out of it, babe! Invite me and my current project in. He can't enter without being ordered to by the 'Master' of the home," Arty said, tugging the leash. The Doberman was wrapped in a suit, hugging his pecs, his biceps, his crotch...and it looked like it could be torn away. The doberman also wore a tight, heavy leather collar, and had a slight swirl of rainbows to his eyes.

Roger smiled and stepped aside. "Please, Arty, you and your manservant are welcome in my home. Manservant, you can help me serve the guests. That's a good boy," the lion rumbled to the Dobie as he walked by. The canine trembled and whimpered, getting a small jolt from the collar.

"No whining!" Arty chided him. "You're to be seen and not heard unless your owner wants to hear ya," he huffed. "I swear, good help is so hard to find, kidnap, and brainwash these days." He rolled his eyes, no sarcasm or irony in his statement.

Sally beamed at Arty and stood up, picking up and squeezing the twink into her chest. "So good to see ya! And thanks for sending that church group ta my salon! Great workers and 'amenities'' for my guests," she giggled.

Arty struggled in those huge breasts, "Ghkk.... Babe, darling! You know I love ya, but you're crushing the gay life out of me!" he wheezed. She gasped and dropped him, helping him unrumple himself.

"Oh, so sorry, it's just been too long!" she grinned.

"It has! And glad you liked the new recruits to the gay agenda," he snickered. "Lucifer, that was a blast!" He wiggled his hips, lost in thought for a moment.

"I'll go wake her up so you can meet her," Roger said with a smile, letting the manservant pull the chair out for his trainer and then serve them plates of food and wine.

Roger stepped into the room that still smelled of sex and smiled, sitting next to the stud and nudging him awake. Nate yawned and woke up, hard and dreamy. Roger gently grabbed it and stroked it. "Sleep well, my sweet?" Nate had been groaning and humping the paw until he heard the voice and snarled. Roger gave the wolf a glower and spoke in a cold voice. "You're going to replace what you took, no ifs, ands, or..." he suddenly softened his gaze and smiled, "nuts."

Nate spasmed as the word was said with a glow of green that overwhelmed his mind and sent him over a hair-trigger edge. He blew a thick and virile load, a load that would have knocked up Roger's former wife. That would definitely have to go. The wolf's cock shrank visibly as he came, losing an inch. "What the fu--"

"Good wives do not swear," Roger warned.

"Wife? My guy, are you a faggot and blind? I'm a hunk and a half!"

"Mm, if I can go from a dweeb to an Adonis you can go from a hunk to a sweet little wifey. Now, be a Good Girl and get up. We have guests."

Nate walked out, glaring back. "Do i have to wear the fuck-- ghhnn!" as he swore as his cock leapt and blew a load, ejaculation without orgasm, and another inch gone. He'd spent a few before he would let himself be led out, now down to nine inches.

Arty stood up from his plate, beaming. "She's gorgeous! Well, too much muscle for a proper wife, and she definitely needs training and breaking in," Arty said with a smirk, cocking his hip and looking Nate up and down, pacing towards him with confidence.

"Touch me and die you little fa-ghh...!" Nate bucked his hips and orgasmed again, staining the panties more as they tented lewdly from his body. He grunted and panted, down to 8 inches...

"Oooh, you used that curse I taught ya, huh? The shrinking punishment curse, nice, nice." Arty grinned, flicking the tip of the wolf's cock, standing up to only just under his pecs.

Sally got up and swayed her massive hips over. She hip-checked Arty away gently and pressed her large bulge against Nate's, grinning down at him. "Oh hunny, you'll be beautiful once I'm done with ya~." She pinched and pulled and groped at his body.

"For now, sit and eat," Roger said, sitting Nate down in a chair at his right side, where his wife would have sat. Roger sat and began to eat, Sally ravenously eating three or four portions of food, needing to keep her fertility goddess body, while Arty ate happily at the food, chatting with the other two.

Nate scowled and ate his food, finding it tasting...salty and sweet? There was an odd sauce on his chicken and potatoes. It made his tongue tingle, and his body buzz gently, his mind fogging up. He ate quietly, feeling more docile. Arty and Roger smirked at each other, Sally grinning at Nate.

By the end of the meal Nate was calm and cleaning his plate, eyes slightly pink in the iris. "How do you feel Natalie?" Sally asked, her chin on her folded hands, grinning a predator's smile.

"I'm not... I uh," he stuttered, his eyes crossed as he shuddered, whimpering softly as a pleasant sensation filled him at the thought of being Natalie. "I uh... I feel weird, but good?" he said in a husky voice tilted up into a higher, softer register.

"Voice needs some work," Sally said simply, "need to lose some muscle mass, gain some curves before she can be a proper wifey," she added.

"She also needs to be taught how to be a proper 50's wife, with a twist of course," Roger said with a smirk.

"Bring her to my salon and I'll work on her in the morning. Standard package?" Sally asked, groping Nate's ass, making a mental note."No, deluxe," Roger replied. Sally's eyes widened, tilting her head curiously, though it turned into a wicked grin as Roger nodded with a smile, "I just got a windfall. And a promotion," he rumbled, grabbing Nate's ass and biting his neck gently. Nate trembled and gave a girlish moan.

"Deluxe package on personality softening and training?" Arty asked eagerly, not for the money, but for the fun. Roger grinned and nodded at him over the soon-to-be Natalie's shoulder. "Oh goody! I love this part! You get her for the next couple days, I pick her up on friday?" Arty asked Sally who smirked and nodded.

"It'll take that long to soften all this damn muscle. You picked a ripped boy to turn into your wife, hun," she cackled.

Soon it was time for them to leave, having finished dessert and drinks. The doberman manservant had been such a good boy that on their way out Arty grabbed a remote from his pocket and hit a few buttons. The manservant gasped and whined out, humping the air and orgasming, eyes rolling back, something bulging the front and back of his trousers. "Such a gooood boooy," Arty chittered, something in the doberman's mind snapping finally. A dreamy smile covered the face that had been nervous and uncertain. He moaned in a deep, warm voice.

"I obey my Master... I am a good boy for Master, I am a slave for my Master." He chanted the mantra as it burrowed permanently into his psyche.

"Good! This was a great night, thanks Roger!" Arty grinned, waving as he and his finished project got into a limo and drove off. Sally got into a large purple SUV and drove off as well.

Roger was alone with Nate who was starting to stir, frowning and glaring at Roger. "Y-you're... gonna make me a woman?" he asked, nervous and upset.

"Of course not, babe. Just a sissy. I want to keep you as you are, just... less of what you are." He chuckled, pulling the wolf's chin up and kissing him warmly and sweetly on the lips. Nate tasted the alcohol and sweet on his breath, and he relaxed. Roger embraced Nate and the kiss went on for several long moments. Nate exhaled and relaxed, grinding against Roger.

Roger brought his soon-to-be wife into the bedroom that still bore the signs of what had happened earlier. He sat Nate on the side of the bed that was his wife's, and pulled out a bottle he had been given by Sally. He pulled out two pink gel caps and offered them up with a glass of water. Nate frowned and went to object, to question the need. Roger gave him a stern stare. "Relax, babe. Be a Good Girl." The command made Nate slump and take the pills, swallowing them down without complaint.

A wave of fatigue hit Nate as he crawled under the covers. He felt himself being swallowed by the comforting sheets and the tumultuous sleep full of dreams and nightmares of what was to come. Roger smiled and patted his head, stripping down and climbing into the bed, stretching and falling asleep slowly over several minutes of reflecting on the day. He'd "divorced" his cheater of a wife and had a new one in the works, and this one he knew wouldn't be unfaithful, she'd be unable to be so after proper work with his friends, the doll maker and the re-educator. He drifted to sleep with a smile, grinning slightly to himself before nodding off to dream of his future.

Arthur's Middy Night Ride

Arthur's Middy Night Ride By: The Hypnotized Quill, 03/08/2022 Arthur got ready to go to the clubs, again. He was a sophomore in college and he hadn't been able to score even once. He'd gotten to grope up a gal but when he tried to push forward...

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