Streams of Confidence 7

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#8 of Streams of Confidence

Amelia goes in for the next stream, planning to go big, but not expecting the chat to help so much.

Commissioned by Kacacarrotcake

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Streams of Confidence

Part 7

For Kacacarrotcake

By Draconicon

Amelia woke with a groan the next morning, starting to feel that maybe she was sleeping more than she used to. Hoping that it was just the new body and the whole getting used to all the new things going on and not something that meant that she'd be perpetually tired for the rest of her life, she rolled out of bed and stumbled towards the computer. Getting it booting up, she dragged herself to the shower, hoping that it would wake her up.

It did, and more than the coffee that followed, as a matter of fact. Sitting naked and wet in her chair, she crossed one leg over the other as she scrolled through the various options that the streaming site had.

Better get this done now, make it fair for everyone...

Though she had used the site for gaming, mostly, hoping to keep it as a sort of tip-only sort of income, she knew that it wasn't going to work like that for the future. She needed something that allowed the various viewers to pay evenly, something that they could plan around rather than having to shell out money every stream to get something from her. Tiers would be good, if the site offered it, but at the very least, a monthly subscription that offered access to the streams -

There it was. She smiled, sipping at her coffee as she looked over her options.

Amelia was genuinely surprised that things had gone as well as they had, pushing her to this point of actually considering this as a business. The whole thing had been...well, she had hoped that the gaming would eventually generate enough income to actually support her, to make it a lifestyle that she could enjoy, but it had always been on the cusp of actually failing. Now, she was well past that, and...

And she could probably milk the chat for more, she knew. There were some desperate men in there, and while DD was a local, she knew that he would be happy to fork out just as much as the rest for the streams. He wanted balls, and she was the one that could supply that sort of growth least for a while. He would keep paying, if she had the right sort of attitude to encourage his attention.

Just thinking that, however, left her feeling kind of dirty. Much as she liked the idea of being desirable, thinking of herself as the sort of woman that encouraged that level of simping just felt...wrong.

No, no, she was going to be a good stingray. Naked bodies and hot times for all, for a reasonable price.

As she worked on filling out some monthly tiers for her fans, she knew in the back of her head that this would start pushing some of them away. No surprise there; some people had been getting this almost entirely for free, so far. All of the people still in the chat were the ones that had supported her after the implosion of the gaming chat, and had sent some donation or other, but about a quarter of the group had been coasting on that since the start of this new era of her work. Once they realized that they'd have to pay monthly for more, they'd probably start shifting away, going to the free tit-streamers.

Hopefully, DD, Soles, and Servile, among the others, would stick around. She wouldn't be upset if they did leave - or at least, that's what she told herself - but she hoped that they would stick around.

Now, what's fair...

She eventually decided on tiers that started at $10/month and went up to $150 a month. The top tier people would all get a free, one-on-one - or invitational, if they preferred - stream every month, and she limited that to a total of ten. That way, she could manage it around the rest of her schedule, doing one every three days rather than having to hurry and get it all done at once.

Everyone below that would get different rewards for their contributions, but she imagined that it would be fairly fair this way. They would have better votes in how she showed off, what kind of kinks she did, what kind of shifts and transformations happened...

...If the others were local...

She blushed a bit as she considered taking DD up on the prostitution thing, at least on camera. The idea of using other fans as part of her show was...

Okay, okay, that's actually pretty hot...

Not that she imagined that most of them would want to bang a stingray. It was one thing to watch them, to jerk off and control her, but that didn't mean that all of them were that interested. And she doubted that DD would want to be on camera with her, even if it was part of his reward.

Ah, well...

Filing that idea into the wank bank for herself, she clicked the apply button on the screen. The new costs were set in stone, and notices were being sent out to all her fans. They'd find out the new status quo in a few minutes, more than likely. The complaints would follow, if there were any, and she'd be informed of whether she had killed her business or kept it.

For now, she needed to think of something else for a bit. Maybe another attempt at the kitchen.

"Okay...I'm going to need to make another shopping trip sooner than I thought. Who would have thought that French omelettes were so hard..."

Shaking her head after coming back to her computer with a plate with a half-right omelette on it and hardly believing that she'd gone through a dozen eggs trying to get that right, Amelia glanced at the screen. There were notices of people doing something on the site, alright, and a lot of them. The stingray winced.

" bad is it..."

She braced herself as she clicked the notifications...but it wasn't quite as bad as she thought. There were six people that had joined the top tier, which meant that she had a guaranteed $900 a month just from them. Others had hopped in among the lower tiers, with a total of 30 people that were paying about $700 a month between them. That wasn't too bad, all told, and a good deal better than some people that were doing this sort of reward model. And there was potential to grow another $600 in the highest tier alone.

Of course, of the group that she had started with, some had dropped out. That was to be expected. Her list of different fans has shortened by about ten, only for some others - possibly having seen tiers and knowing what they were guaranteed to get rather than guessing at what the tips would earn - to join in their place.

All in all, not a bad little shift.

Still has to get bigger, though. She reached up to her chest. Heh...and I have to get bigger, too.

And there was no time like the present, was there? She gave her almost-flat breasts one more fondle before reaching for her keyboard again. Now that she had tiers that she was working with, she could send messages out to different groups more easily, particularly as there were roles already assigned in the chat. A quick paragraph advertising some more breast growth was sent out, and she made sure that she would be able to make it for that. For now, though, she was going to take a quick run.

Might as well work up a sweat before she put herself on camera again. The fans seemed to love it when she got all shiny.


She definitely was shiny by the time that she returned home, and she panted as she kicked off her shoes and stripped off her coat. Her yoga pants were soaked through in the crotch and behind the knees, and she groaned as it felt like peeling off a second skin as she dragged it off herself.


It was increasingly clear that her aquatic body was not going to let her wear anything but the loose stuff. The coat had worked alright, but she doubted that she'd be able to wear anything under it for a long time. Underwear made her sweat, and anything that even slightly pressed close to her meant that she was sweating through it in record time.

What the hell am I going to wear out of the house?

She didn't have a clue, but that was something to be solved later. She just hoped that the stream liked what she had to show today. She sure as hell was going to be slippery and wet and all kinds of sexy to look at, considering the tastes that the stream seemed to have.

Amelia turned the camera on as she sat down, too tired to start the broadcast with an intro in text. The chat kicked in immediately, and she realized that they must have been talking while she was away.

**DarkSoles: Oh, hey there.

DarkSoles: So, DungeonDragon was sharing an interesting story.

DungeonDragon: Um, yeah...

DarkSoles: He said that he met you.

DarkSoles: True?**

"Um...yes, that happened."

**DarkSoles: I see, I see.

DarkSoles: Dungeon, we have some talking to do.

DungeonDragon: I can't talk about professional matters.

DungeonDragon: Uh, I mean...**

And just like that, the chat exploded into chat about how she was more than just a streamer, but a 'professional.' Amelia was surprised at the lack of judgment that came with it, half-expecting to be called a whore and shamed right off the stream again. Instead, there were other questions that came up.

What was it like to get paid for sex?

What was it like to show off that much?

Did she like that kind of fun?

Was it something that she'd offer them?

Could the top tiers get -

Amelia stared at the last one, her eyes going wide. She sputtered, shaking her head and holding up her hands until the chat went quiet.

"Alright, alright. Let's save that for later, okay? I'm happy to do a Q&A when we have a little more time, but I said that today was going to be for the boobs. Mind if we focus on that?"

The chat didn't seem to have a problem with that at all. They dropped the sex worker questions, much to her relief, and waited for her instructions about how it was going to work. Amelia nodded at the camera, reaching over to her chest of Recro-TFs, and pulled one of the vials out.

"See this? We have three of these," she said, slowly turning the breast-growth vial around for the camera to see. "No idea how much we'll grow if we use all of them, but I don't really want to find out. I'm sure that there's something to them that'll keep me from popping like a balloon if I take that many, but - no, no, I'm not into inflation."

She had to say that, because some of the messages popping in were already starting to mention that. Amelia had had some fantasies about cum inflation, admittedly, getting stuffed so full that she started to bloat from the seed her partner put out, but that was an entirely different matter.

"I'm going to stick to one. One vial should be more than enough to get some permanent growth out of this. You guys, however, will have to help with that."

**ServileSerpent: As ever, my lady, we are happy to help.

ServileSerpent: What is our task?

DarkSoles: At a guess? Keep her too horny to stop.

DungeonDragon: How do you do that?

DarkSoles: Well, either dominate her, the way Servile did...

DarkSoles: Which is still weird, by the way.

ServileSerpent; I am a man of many talents.

DarkSoles: Or give her worship like a goddess wants.

DungeonDragon: I don't think she's going to show her feet this time, Soles.

DarkSoles: You can worship other things.**

"Soles is pretty much right, actually," Amelia admitted. "I'm not that into the transformation part of this, I admit. I'm glad to be a stingray now, but the transformation itself isn't the hot part. It's the getting there and having something worth showing off."

The chat was quick to tell her that she didn't have to worry about that, but she pressed on, not letting it linger. She put the bottle down, pulling out a needle.

"So, it's less about the actual transformation process, and more about making sure that I stay in the mood the whole way there, so I don't stop too early. The hornier that you make me feel, the bigger that I'm likely to get. you think you can flirt me all the way to a bigger cup size?"

**DarkSoles: Easily.

ServileSerpent: I believe my skills are up for the task.

DungeonDragon: I hope so.

SlinkyTube: Hey, can I try?

DwelleroftheDeep: Oh, this is gonna be hot.

DwelleroftheDeep: What I wouldn't give to have you in my tentacles as you grow...**

That was the sort of confidence that she wanted to see. She leaned back a little more relaxed, almost feeling like her chair had become a throne of sorts, and she crossed one leg over the other. She was half-sure that Soles was going to be looking at her dancing toes, and she curled them slightly, giving him a little show for giving her some support, for being understanding. She was sure that the slight glaze of sweat down there would hold his attention.

Her cocks were already starting to stand out a bit. She was offering them a challenge, she knew. They probably didn't know that she wanted to get good and big right now, that she wanted to have big breasts that would wobble more than the average pair. It was almost a sure thing that they didn't know she wanted to be an Amazon.

But that didn't mean that they couldn't push her buttons, try and tempt her into growing even bigger. She liked the idea of testing herself, of putting herself against the world, of having them trying to corrupt her into being bigger, curvier, sexier.

"Alright, then. Let's get this show on the road. I'll even be nice and give you a little boost for this."

She took the needle, filled to the brim with the Recro-TF, and plunged it into her left breast. It went in just behind the areola, pressing in just enough for her to feel the heat of the drug as she depressed the plunger. She hissed softly, feeling it already getting to work. By the time that she dragged the needle to the other side, a little bubbling had already started in her chest.

**DwelleroftheDeep: Fuck yes, that's the ticket.

DwelleroftheDeep: That's what a bitch needs.

DwelleroftheDeep: You just keep growing those tits, little slut, and I'll make sure that you know where you belong.

DwelleroftheDeep: Deep in the dark, in the grip of my coils. My tentacles sliding around you, trapping your legs, spreading you open.

DwelleroftheDeep: Yeah, just like that...**

She had started spreading her legs, she realized, half-fantasizing about the idea of tentacles running up her thighs and around her knees, pulling at her and dragging her further into the water. It was rather hot, she had to admit, and Dweller seemed to have a pretty good idea of what to do with those tentacles.

Wonder if he's another transformed guy...or girl, for that matter.

Reaching down, she fondled her cocks, pulling at the twin pair as her breasts started to grow, pushing forward, bubbling out from under the injection points. Her nipples were definitely getting a bit fatter, more obvious to the eye, and she knew that it would catch the attention of people on the street more, that was for sure.

**DwelleroftheDeep: Go on, let out a few moans for us.

DwelleroftheDeep: We can all see how much you love it.

DwelleroftheDeep: Secret slut, thinking this is enough.

DwelleroftheDeep: They're not nearly big enough, are they?**

"Mmmph...not really..."

DwelleroftheDeep: Then make them bigger.

"Hmm...not yet," she said, holding a teasing smile. "I said that you have to keep me horny. That's not nearly enough just yet..."

She chuckled when Dweller responded with an angry-face emoji. He'd probably thought that he was hot stuff, that he'd be able to get her going with just his little bit of dominant pushy play. That was fine, and it wasn't bad, but it was definitely not enough to get her engine running enough to actually go further just yet.

She still showed off, though, making sure that they had a good view of her cocks, her pussy, even her ass from time to time as she rolled her hips around in her chair. Amelia stretched out her legs, putting her heels on her desk, running her hands down from her growing breasts to her hips, and then back up again to allow her viewers to see her tits filling her hands, going from a small A to a small B.

It wasn't much growth just yet, but it was something. As Dweller sulked, DarkSoles took a turn.

**DarkSoles: Let's be honest, my good stingray.

DarkSoles: You came here to show off.

DarkSoles: And you don't have much to show off yet.

DungeonDragon: That's a bit...

DarkSoles: Look at you. So naked, so horny.

DarkSoles: You want to be a good girl.

DarkSoles: You want to be a good, curvy girl.

DarkSoles: You can't serve with such tiny tits.

DarkSoles: You can't rule with tiny tits.

DungeonDragon: oh.

DarkSoles: Come on...give us a bit us what a good girl you are...**

That hit a bit harder, and she blushed. She squirmed a bit more, pre-cum running down her fingers as she squeezed her cocks that much harder.

"That...that's cheating..."

**DarkSoles: No, it's not.

ServileSerpent: We all know you, ma'am.

ServileSerpent: You're so good to us.

DarkSoles: And you want to be good for us.

ServileSerpent: A good girl is a curvy girl.

DarkSoles: A good girl is an obedient girl.

ServileSerpent: Now...

DarkSoles: Do as we say...

ServileSerpent: And grow...**

That was definitely hitting her a bit harder, and she groaned under her breath, curling her hands into fists. A good girl. A good, curvy girl.

Goddammit, you know what you're doing, you two...

Half-hating them for getting it right so fast and half-admiring them for doing it, she took the needle in hand again. The chat erupted in cheers for Soles and Servile as she pressed the needle in again for another dose.

Amelia shivered as she felt the heat already spreading through her breasts, adding to the dwindling expansion that was still there. Soon, she felt her skin stretching again, her nipples rising up slightly higher as her breasts pushed out further from her pecs. One hand pressed against them as she pushed the needle down, trying to breathe nice and evenly to avoid panting too much.

Not completely, though. She wanted the chat to hear how excited she was, to enjoy her obvious pleasure.


They were definitely getting that. Smaller tips were rolling in, probably because everyone had already paid their subscription fees and were a little light on ready cash. She groaned, rolling her hips forward against her other hand after putting the needle down, moaning under her breath.

" like that, huh? You like these breasts?"

**DarkSoles: Oh, they're alright.

DarkSoles: But they could be so much better.

DarkSoles: So much heavier.

DarkSoles: So much more eye-catching.

DarkSoles: You want people to watch. They need to hold attention. Everyone has breasts like that.

DarkSoles: What do you need, girl?**

" fucking..."

She could feel them growing, slowly sliding forward, ballooning, then filling with something less air-like and more like the fatty, fluid-y stuff that would actually be there. She could feel the weight of them on her chest...

But they weren't huge, yet. They weren't the sort of things that an Amazon - or a good girl - would have.


**ServileSerpent: You deserve great things, ma'am.

ServileSerpent: You want to be grand.

ServileSerpent: And you are.

ServileSerpent: But you can be even better. Let us see you for what you are. Grow, great stingray queen. Grow, and show us what you really look like, in your heart of hearts.

ServileSerpent: Grow for us.

DungeonDragon: Grow.

DwelleroftheDeep: Grow.

DarkSoles: Grow, like a good girl.**

"Cheaters...the lot of you..."

But she loved them for that. They were obviously paying attention, obviously getting clever about learning about her. Maybe DD had gone so far as to tell them how things had happened at the ID office.

If that was the case, she needed to talk with him about privacy. If not, then dammit, Soles and Servile were damn good at what they did.

She shivered, feeling her breasts still growing, but slowing at the mid-C range. She reached her hands up, wishing that it was enough to just go that far, but the more that she thought about it, the more that she wanted something that others didn't have. The dicks were a part of that, but she wanted her tits to be something that people remembered seeing, not just fading away when a new pair came to view.

They need to be big.

Her hand shook as she reached for the needle again. She'd already dosed herself quite a bit. She could get bigger - and wanted to - but if she went much further -

**DarkSoles: Grow.

DungeonDragon: Grow.

ServileSerpent: Grow.**

It was like a controlling chant of a cult, driving her hand back to her breasts with the needle in her grip. She swore that she was slowly becoming addicted to the pleasures that came from using herself like this, from changing herself, altering herself, warping herself. She moaned as she ran the sharp point of the needle along her nipple, feeling like she could just stab it into the sensitive flesh, almost like what a piercing might do.

Oh, that's an idea...

Her cocks jerked, twitching up and slapping her stomach and leaving a splash of pre-cum behind. The whole thing was so out of hand, and so much more than she had ever imagined doing. But it was fucking hot.

The stingray plunged the needle in, stabbing it into her nipple this time rather than the flesh just behind it. She moaned, shivering, panting, squirming, almost tearing up at the masochistic pleasure that the pain brought with it.

"You want...growth?" she panted. "I'll give you growth."

And she did. She jammed the needle in that little bit further and pressed down on the plunger, saving just enough to stab her other breast and give it the same treatment.

She barely had the energy to pull the needle free, or the time, for that matter. She arched her back and screamed as the pleasure hit her, the heat running through her chest as if twin suns had just blossomed in there. Her eyes rolled back and she screamed, spontaneous orgasms of chemical origin running through her. Even as her cocks sprayed the keyboard and the desk, even as she squirted under the table and down her legs, though, she felt like all the pleasure was just hitting her in the chest.

Cumming from her nipples? It was such a stupid, horrible hentai idea, but her chest felt so sensitive, so powerfully erotic in that moment that it was the only way that she could think to describe it. The drugs had her chest transforming into more than an eye-catcher, but a proper erogenous zone that rivaled her cocks for sensitivity.

She spasmed, shivered, shook in her chair as she felt the growth kick into high gear, running out through her breasts, making her nipples feel like they were popping from how hard they were getting. C turned to D turned to E, and she groaned as she felt the weight pulling at her shoulders, dragging her forward. She gripped the edge of her desk, hissing through her teeth as her breasts fell, hitting the edge of the desk and showing just how much bigger they were, how they hung down before they started to warp, pulling up as if she'd just had a hell of a boob job.


She was moaning louder and louder, unable to stop herself, another orgasm coming. The stream chat was going wild, but she didn't have the clarity of mind to read it. She could just about sway her chest from side to side, all too conscious of the feeling of her tits tapping against each other.


Even when she'd grown them for donations, they hadn't gotten this big. They were huge, fucking huge, and with how much she'd jammed into herself, they were going to stay this way. They were not going to get any smaller.

Nobody will forget these...

With a great wrench, she pulled herself back. She bounced, as if riding a cock, and the sudden pull down at the end of the bounce almost pulled her off her chair from how much new weight was on her chest. She moaned, cumming again, her body feeling almost like it was riding an electric current.





The chain of orgasms took a long time to stop, and by the time they did, she had blacked out for nearly a minute. She flopped back, sweatier and shinier than she had been at the start of the stream, and gasped for air. She had to blink through bleary eyes to read the chat, which had finally slowed.

**ServileSerpent: Dear, that was beautiful.

ServileSerpent: Well done.

ServileSerpent: But, um, I think you need a new keyboard.

DungeonDragon: And camera. That was a hell of a squirt.

DarkSoles: Feeling better now?**

"Mmmph...I'll tell you when the thinker thinks again..."

The chat chuckled at that, and she smiled. She was already pretty sure that she was feeling better, but fuck, that had been a hell of a lot more mind-blowing than she thought it would be. It took her a full minute to sit up, and her breasts were still hyper-sensitive, more of a tease to touch them than she thought. Even their way of rubbing against each other was almost like her dicks frotting against one another.

"Hoo, boy, that's going to take some getting used to..." She shook her head. "Guys? You're too good at that."

The regulars took their bows in the chat, while DwelleroftheDeeps quite obviously continued to pout. She chuckled.

"Hey, Dweller. Maybe bump yourself up to top tier and we can work out something in private, huh?"

There was no response, but she imagined that they would take it in good form. She wasn't being mean about it, after all.

"Alright, guys. I need to clean up, figure out what I'm going to do for new equipment, and, uh, probably go for a fitting." She hefted her chest, only to gasp as the big things hit her hard with another shock of pleasure. "Fucking - okay, that's really going to take some getting used to. I'll see you all later, and send you notice about when the next stream is going to be. DD, Soles, Servile, send me some stuff that you want to see for your private streams, and we'll work on getting those scheduled, too."

Giving them a wave goodbye, she cut the broadcast and flopped back. Fuck, that was good...but it was hardly the end. There was so much more. So much more that they could do...

The End

Summary: Amelia goes in for the next stream, planning to go big, but not expecting the chat to help so much.

Tags: H/solo, Stingray, Breast Growth, Needles, Drugs, Transformation, Growth, Orgasm, Cum, Squirt, Webcam, Series, Teasing, Dirty Talk, Good Girl,