LBT: Sharptooth Attack

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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#3 of Nicobay Commissions

Legal Crap: Characters are (c) Universal and are perverted for fun. Comissioned by Nic...

Legal Crap: Characters are (c) Universal and are perverted for fun. Comissioned by Nicobay, so blame him.

Tria stretched out slowly and let out a soft sigh as she looked around. Topsy had gone off with Cera earlier, saying that he wanted to have a talk with her about something. Which was fine, her step-daughter was growing up fast and had to learn about life. Like Topsy, she knew that the younger three-horn had been playing around with Littlefoot for a few months now. She had managed to talk Topsy into being calm about it and letting their daughter have her fun with her friends. They couldn't produce any young, so she didn't see the harm in it. She smiled to herself as she remembered exactly how she convinced the bull how to let Cera have her fun. All she had to do was show him a little trick she learned from some Stone Tails she spent some time with in her travels.

Letting out a sigh, she looked around the clearing she shared with her family before rising to her feet. Walking over to a nest, she nosed each of the eggs gently, turning them. The sound of laughter and bodies crashing through the undergrowth made her look to the side as Littlefoot and Chomper came running into the clearing. The longneck looked up at her as the sharptooth came to a skidding halt next to him. "Hey, Tria. Is Cera around? We were going to explore around the lake some more today."

The pinkish female smiled at him, "Topsy took her off for a little walk, think he wanted to explain threehorn duties to her again." Looking at the brown male, she found herself thinking about what Cera had said about her friend. The two females had chatted in private several times about sexual things, and since Littlefoot was her daughter's main partner he came up a lot. Now she found herself thinking about some of the things that had been told to her. "I was about to go look for them, would you boys like to join me?" Together, the pair chimed that they would and waited patiently as she nudged some leave to cover the eggs.

With them covered, she turned from the nest and began to walk down a trail, the two younger males moving alongside her. She looked over at the sharptooth that trotted alongside her, his eyes darting everywhere as they spotted movement. She had been a little nervous at first when he moved into the Valley, but the swiftrunner Ruby kept an eye on him. He played nice enough to, but the young did tend to come back with bites and scratches. Nothing too troubling, and he did seem like a nice little boy. As long as none of the kids came back with large bite marks they'd be fine.

"So, Littlefoot. Topsy tells me that you and Cera have been experimenting some." She looked over at him with a smile as the longneck stumbled briefly. She saw his cheeks color with a blush as she turned her head forward. "No need to be embarrassed, mating is a natural act. It's good that you're trying out some things." Turning to look at him, she winked again; "Just means when you find a female longneck she'll enjoy it more." Her mind turned towards things that Cera had been telling her about Littlefoot and she found herself wondering how much of it was true. A blush colored her own cheeks when she realized what she was thinking of doing. Before she could back out, the older female asked; "Would you mind showing me what the two of you have been doing? It will be our little secret."

She stopped and turned her head to look at him as the young male stood gaping at her. Several times his mouth worked, trying to get words to come out, but he couldn't quiet manage it. After several long seconds, broken only by the sound of Chomper chasing down an insect, the longneck nodded and squeaked; "O-okay."

Tria smiled at him and turned off the road, fording through the brush as the young males walked behind her. The sharptooth squeaked, "Are we going to play a game?"

Before she could come up with an answer, Littlefoot moved around to talk with his friend; "Yes, it's like the game we play with Ruby, Cera, and the others." Stopping in her tracks, the female looked back at him with shock. The longneck looked up at her with a blush and smiled shyly.

Chomper squeaked, "Oh, I like those games."

Wondering just what all the kids had been doing, she walked into the clearing and looked around with a low hum. She was several times the size of Littlefoot, and Chomper was less than half the size of the longneck, so she had to find a place to lay down. This wouldn't be her first time with smaller males, but never anyone this young. Not to mention that she was mated to Topsy, so she felt a surge of guilt. She pushed that from her mind, reminding herself that she had caught him in the act of doing another female. They had reached and agreement easily.

Standing in the center of the clearing, she looked around quickly before spotting a log that would do nicely. The two males watched as she walked around behind the log and lowered her head. Butting her head against the wood, she shoved it into the clearing easily. Examining her work, she adjusted it some before moving alongside it. The pink-colored threehorn wobbled on her feet a moment before laying down on her side with a low grunt. Bending a leg, she let her other one lift up and rest on the log. With her resting like that, they would have free access to her vent. "Anytime you're ready, boys."

Until now, it had just been a bit of talk and imagining it, now Littlefoot could see her slit. Walking over slowly, he lowered his head and nudged her slit with his muzzle. He heard Tria let out a soft moan and let her tail slide on the grass, giving him more access. Sniffing at her body some more, he gave her a quick lick. Her taste was similar to Cera's, but had a heavier flavor to it. Running his tongue over her entrance, he teased her for several long moments. With each lick, Tria grew more and more aroused, blood rushing to her privates and making her lips swell up slowly. Littlefoot continued the task in front of him eagerly, parting her vent a little with his tongue and letting his oral muscle rub against her pinker insides. Chomper nudged against his side, "Does it taste good, Littlefoot?"

The longneck grinned at his friend and took a step to the side, "Have a taste."

The sharptooth stepped in next to his friend and stepped up on Tria's bent leg, letting him get closer to her privates. Little hands reached out to grip her labia, opening her up a little so he could lean in and lick over her insides. With Chomper holding her open, Littlefoot moved in to lick faster as well. While the younger dino tended to the upper edge of her slit, where her clit was already peeking from behind it's hood, the older one pushed his tongue into her vagina and wiggled it around some. Now he could get at the source of her juices, pressing his lips against her as he took long slurps of her pussy.

Seeing where his friend was eating her out, Chomper leaned in and licked around as well, stubby tail wagging behind him. Her flavor was more earthy than Ruby's was, a nice change. His pointed tongue slid along her body as he licked up her honey. As he licked, he spotted the female's clit and grinned. Ruby had made some very happy noises when he licked that on her, and while it was much bigger on Tria he was sure it would have the same effect. Placing a hand at the base of her clit, he closed his mouth gently around the button. With his lips covering his dangerous teeth, he let his tongue swirl over the orb as he suckled on it. The threehorn jerked her hips and gave a grunt as pleasure raced up through her body, making her shiver as more juices ran from her body.

Tria smiled when she felt both of the males start to lick at her body, a shiver of excitement racing up her spine. Her eyes shot wide open as Chomper closed his mouth around her clit and began to suckle on it, making her suck in air. She did her best to hold her hips still as she felt herself growing wetter by the second. The longneck's thicker tongue pushed into her body and began to slide deep into her. The muscle was incredibly strong as it flexed and moved inside of her. Leaning her head back, she uttered a moan as the two younger dinosaurs ate her out with a fervor that she hadn't felt in a while. The waves of pleasure began to rise higher up in her body, swirling like a great storm in the pit of her stomach. She began to pant louder now as her head swim. "Wai-wait!"

Littlefoot looked up at her over her thigh as Chomper peeked around the curve of her belly. "Did we do something wrong?" asked the longneck.

Tria panted, "Child, no. I just want a little more." Lifting her head, she looked from one boy to the next before nodding her head, "Chomper come up here." The purple male scampered up towards her quickly. Levering her body around, she let her chest lay flat against the ground, keeping her lower half as it was. Nuzzling the male's belly, she nudged him onto his back gently. The sharptooth lay back quickly and watched as she extended her tongue to lick over his lower body. Chomper moaned softly as she did this, feeling his member slipping out of it's slit quickly. Ruby had done this to him a few times, but she wasn't nearly as large as the threehorn, and her tongue wasn't as wide. With every lick, she ran her tongue from his tailhole, up to his slit. Shivering, he watched as his member slipped out, the pointed tip rising from his belly, followed by the length that taped down to his base. Several ridges wrapped around his length, going about a third of the way up, which Ruby had said felt very good. Just before the end, the cock gave a sharp upwards turn.

Purring, she looked at the erect length in front of her before glancing back. "Littlefoot," she called over her shoulder, "you can go ahead and mount me."

"Yes, Tria." She smiled when she heard that quiver of excitement in his voice. As she turned her head back towards Chomper, she felt the male's front feet press against her hips as he moved up. A shiver ran up her spine when she felt his cock slide over her body before finding her cloaca. Using her tongue, she licked over the sharptooth's meat before taking it into her mouth gently. At the same time, the male behind her thrust forward, burying his cock into her. He was a good size for his age, but due to their size difference, she knew she wouldn't feel too much. A soft murr bubbled up her throat as he began to thrust against her rear, tongue sliding over the younger male's cock and pressing it against the roof of her mouth.

Chomper's hands rested against her muzzle as she used her tongue on his dick, head falling back as he uttered a low moan. Already, she could taste some precum on her tongue from the sharptooth. His flavor was sharper than most male's, having a more bitter taste to it. Letting her eyes close, she lets out a low murr as her tongue slides along the underside of his member slowly. He was young enough that she didn't want to make him blow too quickly, not before she had some fun. Behind her, Littlefoot's hips crashed against hers with a steady thump. She was still excited from the licking her had given her earlier, and could feel the pleasure starting to build up slowly once more.

Littlefoot rested his forelegs on Tria's hip as he rutted her. She was far larger than Cera, so her body wasn't as tight around his cock, but it was good in its own way. Her tunnel didn't grab and pull at him like his friend's did, so he could go faster into her than he ever could with Cera. With one foot resting on her bent leg, his other braced itself on the ground as he thrust his thick pole in and out of her faster now. Tria wasn't moaning and pushing back into him like her daughter would, which touched something deep inside of him. The longneck male had to make her cry out, make her peak, That was his goal, his driving force. Digging his feet into the ground, he wiggled his hips back and forth, rubbing the leathery hide of his crotch against her body. He could rub against her clit a little, and did so each time their hips met, but he wanted... needed more. With a low growl, he changed his angle suddenly and let the mushroom tip of his cock jab hard against her inner wall.

Tria murred low in her throat as she curled her tongue around the male's cock, stroking it with her oral muscle. His fingers rubbed at her maw as his hips bucked up against her beak He was starting to pant now, his dick twitching against her tongue as she bobbed her head. Behind her, Littlefoot's motions were drawing little shivers of pleasure from her, inching her closer towards her pleasure. Then he moved just a little and lights burst in front of her eyes. Another explosion came on the heels of the first as the longneck kept taking her, followed quickly by a third. She sucked in a lungful of air quickly and pulled her head back, a deep moan breaking free as her insides rippled around the length inside of her.

As she pulled back, Chomper let out a squeak and jerked his hips. A squeaky roar came from the young male as he came, seed splashing across her muzzle and into her open maw. Littlefoot pumped at her body faster as her juices leaked out around his pole, her muscles rolling around him in waves. He had found that spot in Cera, Ducky, and Ruby, and now he found it in Tria too. Closing his eyes, he ignored the ache that was building in his legs and back as his hips crashed against her quickly, feeling her shift back against him. With nothing else to focus on, he felt himself tightening up quickly.

With a final thrust into her, he groaned, seed spraying deep into the threehorn female. Even before he finished, he was slumped against her, huffing as his head swam slowly. Tria looked back at him and murred as he smiled sleepily at her. Turning her head, she looked at the other male and smiled when she saw how he had fallen back. Streaks of white on his belly and chest matched the ones on her muzzle. Licking them up slowly, she made a face at the stronger flavor of his seed. It was different from any other male she had tasted, but not in a bad way. Setting her head down next to him, she smiled and rested there with the two males.

Several miles away, Ruby darted down a path, strong legs carrying her rather quickly. Chomper had gone to find Littlefoot so they could play some, and she had been heading towards where Ducky and Spike lived. She loved to run, and spent some days just jogging around the Great Valley, as long as she wasn't having to flee for her life it was fun. Most of the paths around here were well used enough that she could get a nice run in as well.

As she ran, the runner's nose picked up a scent that made her pause. Taking several long steps, she stopped and looked around, sniffing at the air. It was a scent she knew well, and the sound of a breathy moan confirmed what her nose told her. Turning off the path, she slid through the brush like a fish through water. Mating had always interested her, and she liked to watch almost as much as she liked to be a part of it.

Crouching lower, she peered through a bush and gasped softly. Cera was laying on her back on the ground, her father crouching over her. The gray-green male pushed his hips forward, making the yellowish female gasp. Ruby watched as the male's cock revealed itself between their bodies, rubbing against the female's chest before he drew back again. One of Ruby's foreclaws slipped down her belly, teasing her vent as she uttered a soft moan. She knew that Cera and her father did this, but to see it was something else entirely. Eyes wide, she watched the pair as the bull grunted something at his daughter, his hips rocking steadily.

A moan slipped free of Cera's maw as she lay under Daddy Topps, pushing her hips up. Each of his thrusts made the underside of his thick pole glide across her juvenile vent. She shivered as his flesh slid across her, leaving a trail along her belly. Her hide glistened with a mixture of his own precum and her honey, lubricating his motions as he pushed against her. Closing her eyes, she could just imagine his pillar parting her flesh and driving into her body. They had done that before, but it hurt her body to be stretched out around his cock. She was thankful that Tria had come across them during one of their sessions. Topsy, embarrassed at being caught screwing his daughter, had explained to his mate that this was a punishment for him catching her rutting with Littlefoot. The older female had convinced the bull to do this, since it was more comfortable for Cera. She did something else, Cera wasn't sure what since they did it in private, that made her father believe that playing with the other kids was a good thing. Topsy would still mount her like this if he caught her, but now he was gentler and even had some things to say to his daughter.

He pushed forward, his tip rubbing her breastbone; "Mm, you're pushing up against me like you want more." Drawing back, he thrust forward quickly, the wing-like flaps on either side of his shaft tickling her stomach. "Are you thinking about how it feels when you lift your tail for your friends?" His next thrust rocked the younger female into the soft grass. She gasped under him, using her tail to push up into the male. Topsy groaned, rocking his hips faster against Cera, loving the feel of her warmth against his length. He could feel her cloaca against his underside, a beacon of warmth and wetness just begging for his length. Ignoring the urge to drive into his daughter's vent, he pushed against her faster.

The scent of crushed grass reached their nose as he rocked the female with each of his thrusts. Her feet pressed against him as she uttered a low moan and quivered. "That's it, let the waves claim you, Cera." Her breath came in short gasps before she let out one of those shrieks that hurt his ears. He could feel a rush of juices coat the first couple inches of his shaft as she quivered under him. Grinning, the bull threw his head back and voiced a bellow as he pushed his hips down. The tip of his cock nestled against her breastbone before erupting. Streamers of his thick, hot seed spilled across Cera's body and the ground. Everything from her chest upwards received a healthy coat of his semen. His hips moved slowly as the bull emptied his load onto her and the ground, the pair panting heavily as they slowly came down.

Ruby as panting as she crouched in the brush, one of her longer forelimbs tucked between her legs. Her fingers slid in and out of her vent, playing with herself as she watched the much larger bull rub against Cera. Eyes shot wide as she watched him cum, watching as his seed sprayed from the tip and coated her friend. She could imagine how that felt, to have that thick, hot, sticky mess coating her hide and slipping across her form. To feel it dripping across her chest and belly as the warmth sank into her very being.

"Ruby! Are you spying on us?" Looking up, she saw that Cera had spotted her, and now both of the threehorns were looking right at her.

The swiftrunner gave a squeak and stood up quickly, waving her hands in self-defense. "No, no. Just running by when I heard a noise, came over here to see what it was. Yep, just running by."

Daddy Topps stood up slowly, his own chest bearing a few marks of the white mess that coated his daughter so thoroughly. "I think that maybe she should come over here and clean you up, since she was spying on us."

Cera grinned, staying on her back; "Yeah! It's not nice to watch others without asking first. Get your tail over here and clean me up or I'll charge you and beat you up."

The young threehorn's threat was nothing to worry about, she made them all the time, but Ruby feigned fright anyway. "No, I will clean you. Clean will I, no." Those legs of hers carried her across the clearing quickly, bringing her up close to the pair. Cera stayed on her back while Topsy moved to the stream, slipping down towards it to clean himself and get a drink.

Watching him leave, she ducked her head down and ran her tongue over Cera's belly, making the female giggle. She started at the glistening trail that ran along the trike's belly. The taste was earthy, with a hint of the plants that Topsy liked to eat in it, and a hint of salt that made her murr. Bending down some, she ran her tongue along the female's yellow hide slowly, drawing soft giggles from her friend as she was tickled. Instead of moving towards the stripes, despite how delicious they looked, she worked her way along the female's rounded belly.

Ruby let her hands rest on Cera's thigh as she leaned in and took a long, slow, lick around the girl's vent. Here she tasted Cera's familiar juices. It was Ruby had had introduced her and Ducky to the acts that could go on between females, her mother having introduced her to them as well. As her tongue moved along the lower lips, Cera's body arched up as she uttered a soft moan. The female murred as she moved to position herself between the dino's thick thighs, paws rubbing around her cloaca as she licked slowly. The female's honey was a sharp contrast to the male's precum, having a softer, less musky flavor to it. She took her time, making sure to get every patch of juice that she could, all the while teasing her friend's vent with her fingers. By the time she was done cleaning up, Cera was starting to pant again, her hips wiggling against the runner.

Instead of continuing with what she started, Ruby slid up her friend's body, shivering as Cera's tail rubbed her slit. Pressing her thighs against the threehorn's, she rubbed their vents together as she lowered her head. Using long sweeps of her tongue, she began to clean the mess off her friend's chest and throat, murring the whole time. Cera lifted her head and glared at the swiftrunner, about to ask why she stopped when Ruby lunged forward. Their mouths met right as the threehorn was about to voice her complaint. The words died off into a murr as her friend shared the seed that she'd been lapping up with her. Ruby broke the kiss after just a second, ducking her head to lap up another section of cum before returning to kiss again.

Topsy returned from his trip to the stream to see that Ruby was straddling his daughter, and the pair was locked in a rather erotic kiss. Bot females were gasping and murring at each other as they broke the kiss long enough for the runner to get another mouthful of his seed before sharing with Cera. The pair were so preoccupied with each other that they didn't notice as he moved around behind them. Topsy was already starting to feel like he was ready to rut again, he might not be the youngest bull around, but he had plenty of years ahead of him before he started to go down. Strolling around the pair, he lowered his head and sniffed at the females' crotches before letting his tongue slide over both of their vents slowly. Cera had already gotten her peak, but Ruby was dripping wet. Smiling, he moved his head and nudged her entrance with his nose horn, slowly pushing it into her.

A shiver ran up Ruby's spine when she felt the bull's tongue on her privates, moaning into her friend's mouth as their tongues danced with each other. Topsy's tongue was wide and strong, making her wonder what it felt like inside of her. Before she could wonder too long, something hard pressed against her and slipped inside. She broke the kiss with Cera and arched her back, looking over her shoulder. The bull smirked up at her and lifted his head, driving the horn on his nose into her again. She was thankful that it wasn't sharp, but the thick horn spread her vent open, letting her juices drip right onto his nose. "I think Cera has had enough of your attentions, Ruby. I think it's my turn." Pulling his head back, he gently lowered her down before removing his horn. Walking away a few steps, he rolled onto his side with a heavy sigh and lifted one of his legs to reveal his pole again.

Ruby gasped at the sight of that length and slipped off of Cera, scooting over to him quickly. Reaching down, she cupped the length gently in her foreclaws and stroked it. He was thick, and the tip of his member had a screw shape to it, just looking at it made her shiver and wonder how the thing would feel inside of her. Several inches behind that, was a pair of flaps on either side that looked like they'd be as interesting to feel as the tip. She uttered a soft coo as she leaned in, opening her mouth as wide as she could before slipping the cock into her waiting mouth. Her tongue ran along the curves of the tip as she took it into her mouth. With one hand to steady the length, and the other massaging it, she started to bob her head slowly.

Cera rolled over and watched Ruby taking her father's dick into her mouth. "What about me?" she huffed as she walked over, seeing the length disappearing into the runner's mouth.

Topsy moaned as he leaned his head back, "You had yours already, why don't you let Ruby have some fun?" Looking at the pink female, she saw light glisten off some juices around her friend's slit and grinned. Creeping up behind Ruby, she lunged; "Roar! Time to eat me some sharpmeat." Butting Ruby's tail up and away with her nose, Cera drove her tongue into the female's vent.

Ruby moaned, feeling that muscle sliding into her body. Panting around the cock, she stepped her feet apart and began to stroke it faster. Each time she pushed her head down, the tip threatened to slide into her throat, making her eyes water as her throat spasmed reflexively. She pulled her head back and took a breath before pushing down again, trying to relax completely as the length pushed into her throat. Topsy moaned, "Oh, damn..." An odd thrill surged through her as she feed the length into her maw, deciding to see how much more she could take. The pink runner bobbed her head back and forth slowly, feeding an inch at a time into her throat. It didn't take too long before she had to pull off, coughing. The bull's hide rippled as he laughed at her; "Too eager for my meat, eh?"

Blushing, Ruby looked at her hand to see how much she managed to take. Barely a quarter of his length had fit inside of her mouth. She took a moment to catch her breath before lowering her mouth over his cock again, bobbing her head faster now. For once, Cera didn't make a comment about the mishap. The threehorn rubbed her beak against Ruby's body as she licked at the other female's cloaca faster. Ruby closed her eyes tightly, panting around the cock as she bobbed her head quickly. Already, her efforts were being rewarded with some of the male's strong precum.

Topsy moaned as the female began to use her mouth and forepaws, oh those paws, on his cock. He'd always been fairly uptight about these sorts of things, it wasn't until Tria that he was shown that there was more to rutting than just the standard thing. But neither she nor Cera could move as fast as this little meat eater. A shiver ran through his body as she moaned around his cock. Lifting his head, he saw that Cera was licking her friend quickly, the runner's tail lifted up as her hips pushed back. It didn't look like she'd last much longer, but then again he wouldn't last too long either at the rate she was going. Laying his head back down, he closed his eyes as he panted deeply.

Ruby's head was swimming as she moved her head on the length, feeling it throb under her attentions. Cera's tongue inside of her body was incredible. She wasn't as good as Ducky, but she made up for it with sheer determination. A shiver raced through her body as she let out a squeal around the cock, feeling the waves of pleasure wash over her body as she peaked. Her grip tightened around the cock, hands stroking faster for several moments before Topsy let out a low bellow. His length erupted inside of her mouth, catching her off guard as the massive flood of seed hit the back of her throat. Pulling back, she let out a gasp, choking on the rush of cum that blasted into her mouth. The male rocked his hips forward with each spray, blasting her face and throat with his seed.

Cera pulled away and moved up around next to Ruby, licking at the tip as the other female stroked the shaft. By the time Topsy finished, both of them bored several thick lines of cum around their faces. Ruby bore some on her neck, and Cera had several adorning her frill. Topsy shivered and lay there as the runner let go of his cock, letting it slide back into his own vent. The male murred softly, "That was good." Lifting his head slowly, he looked at the sun and grunted. "Ruby, do me a favor? Clean up and go find Tria, we have a meeting with the other Elders soon."

"Kay," she chirped, dashing down to the spring to clean off before leaving to find Tria.

After a brief rest, and at her insistence, Littlefoot and Chomper had scampered off to find some of their friends. With some time to herself, Tria had decided that it was a nice time to go for a walk. She didn't clean herself up yet since she found the feeling of walking around with a male's load inside of her, and leaking out a little, oddly exciting. As she walked, she glanced up towards the sky and sighed, in a while she would have to return to the meeting place. The adults of the Valley were having another meeting, as they did every moon cycle. Still, a short walk wouldn't be bad, and she, d be back before too long. Turning around in the clearing, she made a couple circuits before starting off in a direction, not really thinking about where she was heading.

She hadn't been walking long when she started to go uphill and the plants fell away behind her. Turning, she began to follow the wall of the valley, keeping it on her left as she strolled. A breeze blew across her, making the female murr softly as she tilted her head back. It was a nice day, few clouds in the sky, and the air was starting to warm up. It was the type of day that made her want to go and play in the lake with the kids. Maybe she'd go do that after the meeting, would feel good to take a nice soak.

Tria didn't notice that she had company at first, not until the sound of rocks sliding made her look back. A large sharptooth male stood several feet behind her, a scar running down the left side of his face and his arm. It was Redclaw, the creature that had been chasing Ruby and Chomper. Spinning around, she brought her horns and armored frill to bear on the male as he advanced slowly. The male loosed a growl so low, she could feel the ground tremble under her feet. Off to the side a flash of green and blue caught her eye as the two fast biters that traveled with the larger male came from the forest. The pink female voiced a low hiss as she backed up slowly, eyes darting between the three sharpteeth. Redclaw continued to growl as he advanced slowly, sniffing the air as the wind blew past her and towards him. His growling changed to a deeper note as he seemed to grin at her. Off to her side, the other pair hissed and chattered with each other, stalking forward slowly. With her horns and frill bared towards them, the three were wary, a full-grown threehorn would be able to dispatch any of them.

"Tria! Where are you?"

The sing-song call made the three turn their heads as Ruby came out of the forest a few dozen feet behind the female. "Found you, Tria, you found! Topsy wanted me to..." The younger female fell silent as she looked past the threehorn to see the three sharpteeth. The fast biters grinned, moving towards swiftrunner, hissing in delight. Tria let out a bellow and charged at them, heavy feet thundering on the ground. The pair jumped to the side, out of the way of her deadly horns, but she had been expecting that. She swung her body around, feet skidding on the loose dirt and gravel. The pair were sent head over tails into the forest with a pair of screeches. "Run, Ruby! Go get help!" She didn't take her eyes off the male as they faced down.

Forgetting about the pair of fast biters, she focused on this male. For several long moments they stared at each other, neither daring to make the first move. Growing impatient, he let out a roar and charged. Tria let out a bellow of her own and lowered her head, thundering towards him. Despite his size, the sharptooth was agile as he hopped to the side. He wasn't agile enough to fully avoid her, one of her horns scoring a hit on his side. Tria tried to stop and turn, but the footing that had helped her moments ago, now hindered her. She slipped and slid, her flank hitting a tree hard enough to shake it. Wheezing for breath, she staggered away from the tree and began to turn. Redclaw was on her before she could start to swing around to face him. The male let out a snarl and shoved his body against hers, making her stagger as his hard body slammed hers.

Lunging forward, he bit onto her back, snarling as his tail hooked under hers. Tria thrashed some, pain searing at her back as she felt those teeth of his dig into her flesh. Redclaw snarled and pushed his body forward, using his strength to force her tail up and to the side. She gasped and looked back quickly as something hot and pointed jabbed against her rear. There, between the male's legs, was a much larger version of what she had been sucking before. Her cheeks flushed to a much deeper shade of pink as she realized he must have smelled the lingering scents of sex and arousal on her. Thoughts raced through her head as the male jabbed at her body, trying to find her entrance. She could probably break free, but there would be a lot of pain and wounds that would take time to heal, and she'd still have to fight him. If she wanted to get out of this relatively unscathed, there was only one choice.

Redclaw growled as he dug his teeth into her back harder, violently shifting his body as he tried to align himself. She could feel blood trickle down her sides from the bite, whimpering as she ceased to struggle. Tears began to fill her eyes as she stepped her feet apart and pushed her rear back, resigning herself to the one fate that might let her get out of this with minimal injuries. Angling her hips a little, she felt the pointed tip of his cock jab against her thigh before sliding over to meet her entrance. That spearhead spread her vent open as he lunged forward with a deep growl, pressing his cloaca against hers with that first thrust. He didn't wait for her to adjust before starting to rock his hips quickly, only working a small portion of his length in and out of her vent. Those brutally powerful thrusts drove the breath from her lungs with each shove as she lowered her head, submitting to the savage rutting.

Releasing his hold on her back, he let out a growl that vibrated through her body, reminding her that he was in charge. Resting his small forelimbs on her back, the sharptooth dug his claws into the ground as he hammered against her. His shape was much like Chompers, but the ridges were far more pronounced, producing wet pops and slurps as they slipped in and out of her. It felt like, but she wasn't sure, his ridges went further up his cock than Chomper's did. As he dug his hips against hers, she could feel his pointed tip stabbing against her walls as it felt around. He was as thick as Topsy, but wasn't as long as her mate. His hot tongue ran over her back, the male's chest vibrating against her spine as he purred. Leaning over her, the male hissed and snarled as his hips slammed against her.

Redclaw sneered down at the female as she gave in so readily, letting him drive right into her vent. He preferred it when they fought it more, made it all the sweeter when they gave in. Lowering his head, he licked up the blood that trickled from the wounds left by his bites. The taste of her warm blood sent a shiver of pleasure down his spine. Sliding his heavy jaws up her back, the male growled in his native tongue; "Gave up fast, bet you couldn't wait to get my cock inside of you." She shivered under him, tears glistening on her cheeks as he rammed against her. As much as he enjoyed a bit of tail from his own kind, there was something about rutting prey that delighted him to no end.

He'd often mount his prey and have his way with them before finishing them off at the end of it all, but not before having a nice, long, rut. He had to be careful about staying too long in the valley, too many elder prey that could take him down. The biters would catch the runner, but someone might still interrupt them. Still, no need to rush it, best to make it last. Slowing down a little, he started to use more of his length on her, grinding down to make those ridges pop against her vent at just the right spot. She shivered, uttering a low moan as pleasure shot through her body. "Mm, yes, that's it. Give into it like I know you want to." He licked over her neck and grinned as he shoved forward with a powerful thrust, drawing back slowly.

Tria shivered under the male, feeling dirty as he rocked against her. Each savage thrust of his sent pleasure racing through her body like a bolt of lightning. As he licked over her neck, she couldn't help but shudder. His next thrust forced a moan from her as she pawed at the ground, a moan slipping free of her muzzle. Redclaw pressed up tight against her and rocked his hips quickly. The threehorn choked on her next moan as lights danced in front of her eyes. Shame flooded her body, mixed with the pleasure that swirled through her and filled every corner of her being as the male made her peak. The sharptooth grinned and let out a hiss, "That's one." The crimson talon, from which he got his name, dug into her flank and drew back slowly, marking a single line down her side.

Ruby's lungs and thighs were on fire, and her body ached from where branches clawed at her. She had taken off the moment Tria yelled at her and hadn't stopped yet. Tria could hold the sharpteeth off for a little bit, but not long. She had to get help quickly or else something bad could happen. "Help!" she screeched, hoping someone would hear her as she fled towards the areas where she knew the adults frequented. Stretching her body out, the swiftrunner put those legs of hers to use, darting through the brush. A blue shape slipped out of the woods in front of her, Screech hissing at her; "Got you, Pinkling!"

She let out a scream and tried to turn away from the biter, but she was moving too fast and not watching where she was going. Her foot caught a root, twisting sharply as she tumbled to the ground. Pain shot up through her leg as she twisted her ankle, but the female hopped up and quickly tried to hop away. The green-colored biter, Thud seemed to melt out of the forest and grinned at her. Her mind was racing, trying to keep up with them as they spoke. She knew their tongue all to well, but it had been some time since she spoke it to anyone. Looking around frantically, she backed away from Thud, bumping into Screech. His arms wrapped around her as she screamed again, flailing in his grasp.

Thud's hand lashed out, smacking her hard enough on the cheek to silence her. She whimpered as he snarled, "Do be quiet, we simply cannot have anyone interrupting us, now can we?" Ruby nodded quickly, her body trembling with fear. Both of the Fast Biters were nearly half-again her size, and with her hurt leg she had no hope of outrunning them. "Should we take her back to Redclaw, Mr. Screech?"

Screech thought for a second, pressing close enough to her that Ruby could feel the male's growing erection. "I think not, Mr. Thud. I am sure that we both know what our associate will do with her soon enough. I propose to you that instead of venturing over there, we simply partake in some pleasures here with our prize." One of the biter's claws moved up to stroke her throat, lifting her head up so he could hiss into her ear. "And she'll play nice, won't you, Pinkling? Show us a good time and we'll let you go, yes?" She nodded, feeling his long muzzle rubbing her cheek. "That's a good girl." He released her and stepped back, watching her closely.

Ruby put some weight on her ankle, wincing as pain lanced up through her leg. It wasn't broken, which was good, just twisted. Looking between the two males, both of whom were starting to sport erections, she shivered softly. Her father had prepared her for this before she left for the Valley. Give them what they wanted, work them to exhaustion, and then maybe they'd let her go or she could escape. Better that than to have them take it and maybe lose her life. Taking a breath, she looked at Thud and ducked her head.

Reaching under his body, she gave his cock a slow stroke, the male uttering a groan as she moved closer to him. Coaxing him from his slit, she watched the length as it slipped out into her hand. Much like Chomper, and her father, the length was pointed at the tip and bore some ridges around the bottom third of his length. Unlike Chomper, the length tapered gently from just behind the tip to the base, becoming nice and thick at the root. Opening her mouth, she leaned in and ran her tongue around his tip slowly, making him gasp as she lowers her maw around him. He had a very strong flavor, sharper than Topsy's had been. Gripping his shaft, she pushed her head down, letting the first few inches slip into her mouth and glide over her tongue. "I say, it appears we have a willing partner here. Do you think the herbivores are the ones that made her this eager, Mr. Screech?"

The blue male tilted his head as he watched her take his partner's cock into her maw, quickly coaxing it to full length. "I would dare to venture that they have, Mr Thud." Reaching down, he gripped Ruby's tail and moved it aside, letting his finger trace the flesh around her vent. Screech lowered his muzzle and sniffed at her entrance before taking a slow lick at the puffy lips. "Why, if I had to guess, I would say that she was seeking pleasure with her plant-eating compatriots mere moments ago." Using two of his claws, he gently opened her privates and leaned in to sniff at her flesh. "Delightful," purred the male as his tongue slipped out of his maw and pushed into her body. Her cloaca was already moist and inviting around his tongue, the flesh springy under his probings. The female spread her legs a little and hiked her rear up, inviting him to go further. With a grin, he did just that.

Ruby closed her eyes, panting softly around her mouthful as she moved her head over Thud's length. The tongue at her entrance actually felt pretty good as it wormed into her. Moaning softly, she lifted her rear up and pushed her head down a little more. As she pulled her head back, she could feel his body rubbing against her tail and rear. Screech's tip found it's way to her slit quickly as the raptor craned his head to line up, using his hips and claws to position himself. His initial thrust was nice and slow, spreading her open around his tapered length. Her breath caught in her throat as he pressed up against her body, lips touching hers. She had never felt that full in her life. The only male that she'd lain with that came close was Littlefoot. Screech had the same length as her friend, but felt as thick as Spike around his base. Instead of stopping, he gripped the back of her head and pushed forward, "Shall we see if you can fully consume both of our members, Pinkling?" Instead of fighting, she relaxed her throat as much as she could, feeling the length slide down her throat. Taking a deep breath, she fought the urge to gag until her beak pressed against his base. "Oh will you look at that, Mr. Thud, she managed to take every glorious inch."

"So I noticed, Mr. Screech." Came the croon from the green male as he lifted his body up, giving her more access to his cock. As his partner drew back and released his hold on her head, the runner drew back with a gasp, coughing some. A string of saliva connected her mouth to his tip for a moment before breaking. Even as she fought to catch he breath, her hand moved over the cock, stroking it quickly. Behind her, the male pushed forward again, jarring her body with his thrust. Huffing, she opened her mouth and took just the first few inches into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it. Using hand and mouth, she began to play with the biter as his partner took her body.

Sinking down to her knees, Ruby tried to relax as much as she could, taking the male deep into her throat with each bob of her head. Claws ran over her thighs as the male behind her dug his foot claws into the ground, starting to thrust against her faster now. Each time he buried his length into her body, she would rock forward against the other raptor. Dropping to her elbows, she panted heavily, saliva running out of the corner of her maw as she closed her eyes tightly. Each thrust from the male sent a ripple of pleasure through her, those ridges making her muscles clench and tug at his length.

The green male reached down to cup Ruby's head as he pumped his length in and out of her maw. As she panted, the runner ran her tongue over his length, tasting his lust. In moments, she stopped her motions completely, instead allowing the males to take her at the speed they wished. They adjusted their pattern, both pushing in at the same time and pressing her between them before drawing away, making her stretch just a little before returning. Muffled moans, wet slurps, and the solid impact of flesh filled the air as Ruby scratched at the ground, moaning around the pole in her maw.

Before he could get too far into it, the blue male let out a thoughtful noise. "I find myself pondering on a potential opportunity we could share in, if you find yourself so inclined, Mr. Thud." His partner let out a questioning grunt, looking at him as the pink female bobbed her head over his cock, making him shiver as she licked around his tip. "It seems that our sweet little toy is rather elastic back here, and not quite as tight as one might imagine. So it stands to reason that, perhaps, she might be able to take both of our genitals into her vent. What say you, Mr. Thud?"

His partner had a dreamy look on his face, "It sounds like an offer I would not dare refuse."

Ruby heard what the males were saying, but it was lost in the haze of pleasure that ridged member was bringing her body. Thud stepped back, his cock sliding from her maw, leaving the pink female panting as she looked up at him with a blush coloring her cheeks. Sliding her tongue out, she licks around his tip as he stood over her. It wasn't until the cock inside of her vent pulled out that she looked back. Screech looked at her, lips pulled back to reveal his dangerous teeth as he backed away. Dropping down, he rolled onto his back and lay there, his raging red erection standing up from his blue hide. Thud leaned down and hissed into her ear, "Are you going to let my associate sit there and wait for you, Pinkling?" Swallowing hard, she shook her head. The male barked, "Then get over there!" She squeaked and went to him quickly, climbing up onto the male.

Screech looked at the other biter with, what seemed to be a permanent, grin; "Now now, Mr. Thud, mind your manners." Lifting his head up, he watched as Ruby gripped him with a paw and lined his pole up with her entrance, pushing down. Both let out a sigh as she took the length back into her slit; "The dear is just overwhelmed and rather excited by the intercourse we offer her." Her feet rested against his thighs as she moved both of her hands to hold onto the male's shoulders. This was a position she was used to, mainly taking Spike like this when they did this since he was so large. Lowering her head down, she rested her chin against his chest as she used her legs to bounce over the length. Her pleasure was starting to build quickly once again.

Thud cleared his throat as he strolled up to the pair; "Of course, allow me to express my most sincere apologies." His hands found Screech's on the female's thighs as they lifted her up until just his tip was inside of her body. Moving her tail aside, the green male pressed his tip against her entrance, letting it nestle against his partner's. Pushing forward, his cock slid past the other male's and moved deeper into her body. Due to his position, angle of his hips, and the upward curve near the tip of his cock, his member nudged against her rectum. "Just relax and I'll show you how sorry I am, Pinkling." Ruby shivered, gripping blue male's shoulders as she tried her best to relax. The pointed cock, slicked by her maw and slit, pushed past the ring of muscle and into her anus. "Oh that's delightfully tight," he moaned, arching his back.

Rudy trembled at the new feeling of a male in her rear, the other male nestled just inside of her. As one drew back, the other pushed forward, their cocks rubbing against each other. Huffing, she laid her head on his chest as her head swam from the new feelings. The males began to move their hips smoothly, paws holding her still. "I think she's enjoying herself, Mr. Thud. Shall we?"

The response from the other male was a low snarl, "We shall." Screech's feet hooked over Thud's thighs as they leaned forward, using each other for the next part.

Both males drew back until their tips were just inside of her, and as one, they pushed forward as they pulled her back. Her eyes shot open wide as her cloaca was stretched wide around the two cocks, Screech in her vagina and Thud in her anus. Working together, they pushed and pulled at her body, shifting their hips to grind their members against each other as they took her. She was lost to the feeling of the twin cocks burying hilt-deep into her with each thrust, stretching her further than she had before. Pain mixed with pleasure, making a cocktail that made her head swim. Her mouth hung open, cheek on his chest as she was swept away. She let out a throaty moan as her insides clamped down around the cocks, juices leaking out of her.

The biters let out a hiss as they felt her peak around them, insides clamping down around their cocks as juices covered both of their thighs. Rocking their hips against each other, they pushed her back, letting their members bask in the wet heat of her body. Each time their ridges rubbed against each other, it would send a small jolt of pleasure into their bodies. Pressing Ruby between their bodies, they began to thrust their hips faster. Thud dug his feet into the ground and pumped faster, Screech pressing his legs against his partner's thighs to thrust up. The blue male looked up and hissed as the other leaned down, kissing the other male firmly. Locking muzzles, their tongues wound around each other as they snarled and huffed into the kiss. Moaning into the kiss, they licked over each other's tongue and maws, rubbing each other's arms.

Breaking the kiss, Screech let out a barking howl as he tensed up, pressing close against her as he began to cum hard. Thud snarled at his partner, thrusting faster now. The ridges on both cocks tug and pull against each other, stimulating both the blue male higher and making the pink female utter a wavering cry as she hit a second climax. Shoving forward hard, the green male let out a roar as he finished as well, spraying his seed deep into the female's ass. Due to the stretching and the sheer volume of seed they gave her, some of their creamy spunk ran out from her body from around their cocks.

All three were breathing heavily as they slumped, savoring the feeling. They didn't have long to savor it though, as a bellow proceeded the sound of thundering steps. Daddy Topps came barreling out of the greenery several feet away, looking around quickly before spotting the Fast Biters. He let out a nearly feral roar as he turned towards them, pawing at the ground. Thud leapt off Ruby, his cock coming free with a wet slurp. "I do believe we have overstayed our welcome, Mr. Screech."

The other male rolled Ruby off of his body, pulling out as he quickly gained his feet. "I believe you are correct, Mr. Thud."

Topsy looked at the males as they hissed and snarled at each other and growled, "You have till the count of three." He pawed the ground slowly, "One...Two...." before reaching three, he began to run towards them, heads down. The two males turned and took off like a shot, claws digging into the ground as they fled. Looking over at Ruby, he decided to leave her for the others as he continued to charge. Mama Flyer had heard Ruby and came to find him. He had to make sure that he got the Biters out.

Tria lay with her chest against the ground, panting heavily. She had lost the strength to fight back, her body trembling under the relentless thrusting of the male over her. Her flank bore several long scratches, each one marking another peak she had under the male. Redclaw was savage, brutal, and yet at the same time she couldn't help but enjoy every second of their rutting. At times he would be slamming into her hard enough to make the large female scoot forward, at others, he'd barely be moving his hips against her. She had lost track of how long they'd been going at it.

A deep, growling purr came from Redclaw as he looked down at the female, smirking at how her head rolled to the side. The way her mouth hung open, gasping for each breath with eyes glazed over. He wanted to keep going even more, see how long he could take this female, but he reminded himself that there were plenty of dangerous prey around here. Resigning himself, he leaned over her and dug his powerful claws into the ground before letting out a low roar. His body crashed against hers with hard, resounding thumps. He had to almost kneel to keep fucking her since the female had fallen onto her side some time ago. Behind them, the ground bore signs from where he'd forced her to slide forward a little bit at a time.

The pleasure that he'd been fighting against for the longest began to surge up through his body as he panted heavily over her. "That's it. Take it all, Threehorn bitch." Hunching over her, he panted heavily, strands of saliva dripping from his maw and onto her back as he pounded her quickly. His growl deepened as he pressed up against her, the lips of his vent rubbing hers. The growl grew into a snarl, which quickly turned into a roar. Throwing his head back, he let out a cry so loud it could be heard across the valley. His length twitched and pulsed as it gave up the load that he had been building up. Redclaw drew back even as he was still spraying, his seed starting to leak out of her. As he finished, his length fell out, letting the mixture of juices come spilling out of her.

Panting, he looked at her with a smirk, letting out a growling purr as the female shivered, eyes closed. Licking his lips, he moved over towards her and looked down at the prone female. Redclaw leaned in slowly jaws opening, ready to savor the moment. Nearby, the Fast Biters burst from the trees and called out; "We should probably vacate the premise as fast as we can, Boss!" Swinging his head towards him, he narrowed his eyes and growled. "Your plaything's mate is a rather sizable bull and he is less than chuffed at our continued presence here."

Looking from the female to them with a growl, he turned away; "Let's leave then." Redclaw staggered a little as he started to run, but quickly fell into a thundering rhythm. The Fast Biters passed him, leading the way to their hidden entrance to the Valley.

Topsy was panting as he burst free of the trees, spotting the sharpteeth as they fled. He was starting to run towards them when he saw Tria laying on her side, breathing heavily. Turning quickly, he moved towards her as he looked at his mate with worry. As he approached, his nose caught the scent of sex and blood. Hurrying towards her, he leaned in and nosed her side gently with his muzzle. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled at him tiredly before rolling onto her feet. Leaning against him, they moved back to where the others waited by the lake so she could clean up and relax with friends.

Stormy Night

Michelle stumbled into her apartment with a low sigh, feeling run down after a long week. Her plans for the evening were forgotten, likely washed down the gutters like so much else once the clouds opened up. Like the streets outside, the skunkette was...

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Late Night Visitor

Legal Stuff: Tabra is (c) to Tabra, others are made for this story. Francis, or Frank as his friends tended to call him, sat in a dark corner of his barn. The bear was propped up against a wall with his legs splayed out in front of him, facing...

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Farm Fling

The truck pulled to a stop alongside the house. A moment later the doors opened up and a bull stepped out of the driver's side, grabbing his hat from the dash and planting it on his head. A mare hopped out of the other side before reaching into the...

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