Wet at the Beach

Story by Diamondog16 on SoFurry

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Haze takes Theo to a more private section of the beach. Theo's not in a good mood but that might change after draining his bladder...


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Soft sand under their paws and the sound of waves rolling nearby. The bigger of the duo had led his friend to a more secluded part of the beach, away from the larger crowd of beach-goers. Following behind was a fennec, looking around the private section, cut off from prying eyes thanks to thick foliage and tall rocks. It was a small spot, but just as promised it was peaceful.

"So this is the spot," Theo said, taking a good look around. Haze spent years at this beach and probably knew every little part of it by now. The seaside city was the perfect place for the panda to do some swimming, surfing, or just lazing around on the sand. While Theo had come to the place from time to time, he preferred the urban setting of the oceanside cityscape. "It is pretty nice."

"See. You should get out on the beach more often, dude. Plus, I'm the only one who knows about this. I didn't wanna just spend the day alone, y'know?" Haze leaned down and nudged his best friend, who gave a small smile.

Theo had to admit that it wasn't that bad. He didn't have anything against the beach, but there was a factor that kept him away. The city was in a prime location, always warm and sunny. That attracted a lot of tourists year round and that made the beach rather clogged. There was something suffocating about it that made it hard for the small fox to truly enjoy himself. He found more peace in the city, even with all the noises and crowds that it had as well, being more digestible for him.

"You're never alone. We live together and share a bed," the fennec pointed out.

"Still. Good to get a change of scenery..." Haze shrugged, already settling down and watching the waves. Theo got close and sat down next to him. At first he was doing the same, but his nose caught the scent of something.

It was plenty sunny outside and hot as well. Naturally that made the both of them sweat. But at his height, Theo's face wasn't that far from the panda's underarm. His sensitive nose could easily pick up his friend's musk, now twitching as he focused on the area directly, taking stronger whiffs.

The bear's ear flicked and he knew what Theo was doing. Nothing was said at first, letting the canine indulge in his smell. He had already spent a few hours under the sun before getting the fox to join him. And it was only now that he noticed the smell of sweat that wafted off of him.

"Heh. And there is another thing that makes a private spot so great..." Haze's tone became more playful as he reached down and into his shorts. He could feel his own cock stirring, wrapping his fingers around as it pulsed lightly. With a soft moan, he squeezed and rubbed it a bit, feeling himself becoming erect.

"Isn't it supposed to be sex on the beach?" Theo teased. He leaned against the chubby bear. With no one to see, he pressed his nose to the red and white fur, taking deep whiffs of his friend's musk, a strong and earthy smell that continuously teased his sensitive nose. It made him wonder just how long Haze had been out here.

"Sometimes it is. What? Did you think you're the only one I've invited here?" the bear chuckled. "I'm pretty lucky that none of them have come back here."

The two of them spent time just sitting on the beach. Haze comfortably sat with his legs spread, idly rubbing himself through his shorts while Theo leaned against the bigger male, enjoying the warmth that radiated from his soft body and the familiar scent that met his senses. But there was something that was getting in the way of his own comfort.

He could feel it inside of him, the tingling and throbbing of his bladder, now full and needing to be drained. The public toilets were back in the public area and didn't want to risk anyone seeing him, exposing the spot that they had to themselves.

"Haze," he said.

"Hmmm?" the bear asked in response.

"I gotta piss," Theo admitted, his big ears flattening.

"Then go," Haze simply said. "It's not like..."

"Yeah, I know..." Rather than talk about it further, the fennec rose to his feet and sighed deeply. He didn't have a problem with just whipping it out and relieving himself, but there was something about Haze being so close by...

Just getting up made the sensation stronger and he quickly made his way to a clump of bushes that grew in the sand. Pulling down his shorts and gripping his cock, pointing it at the foliage before he started to focus a bit, making a small push before he sighed.

The pleasure of relief washed over him as a stream of piss trickled from his tip. Grunts and small sighs came from as he just let it drain out of him. With eyes closed and ears lying flat, the fennec enjoyed the feeling of pissing into the bush, hearing the fluid splattering onto the leaves and the sand below. He had only just realized how badly he needed to go, his piss lasting longer than it usually did.

The blissful feeling was soaring through his body but it was paused when his ear twitched, the sound of sand crunching under the weight of approaching steps. He didn't say anything and just continued, even when he heard shorts falling to the sandy floor. There was a prod to his hole and a push was easing a cock inside of him. Shudders ran down his spine from the dual sensations of pissing and being stuffed with bear cock. He managed to finish just as the whole thing was inside of him, thick arms wrapped around him, lifting his smaller body up.

With legs in the air and his body being held secured against a soft belly, Theo felt the cock in his ass starting to move, already starting out with strong thrusts, sliding back and forth against his sensitive lining. With each push inside came the smack of his ass and Haze's hips meeting. Following were deep moans that came from him, reeling from every rock that slid it back and forth, already at a brisk pace. There was already the warm feeling of pre being spurt inside of him, making his ass perfectly slick as well.

"Fuck! You're real pent up," the fox managed to chuckle.

Haze's own groans came as a response, holding his smaller friend close as he thrust into the soft hole. It hugged his dick perfectly and now he was bucking with force that made the panda's balls smack into his friend's. As he fucked the smaller male, a series of pants and whines came from Theo, making it clear how much he was enjoying this.

"I've been waiting for you all day," Haze admitted, his voice strained. "But I didn't want to ruin the surprise." The thrust was hard, shoving every inch inside and keeping it in there for a few moments. "Mmph! P-plus it was pretty hot watching you piss."

The sex between them continued. Being out of sight and far enough to not be heard, the panda and fennec let themselves be heard, basking in the pleasure they shared. Haze had picked up the pace and delighted in reaching deep into the smaller male's tight ass, being treated to firm squeezes that steadily milked ropes of precum that made the hole so slick and hot.

For the most part, Theo allowed himself to just enjoy the feeling of being fucked, feeling the cock slide in so far, touching those spots that forced him to moan and pant. But through it all, he managed to grab his own cock, jerking it at the same pace as the thrusts. Their pelts rubbed together and now the smell of panda sweat had overpowered his own smell, something he certainly didn't complain about.

"D-dude... It's coming! You want it in?" Haze asked him through clenched teeth. His thrusts were deep and came with the deep slurps of his cock sliding in and out.

"Fuck yeah!" Theo grunted, jacking himself off even faster. He could feel himself getting closer but the throbbed under his tail made it clear that Haze was already at his breaking point.

And with another thrust, the panda grunted deeply, he shoved it all in and held it deep inside. Following hard throbs were ropes of cum that were pumped into the fennec's tight tailhole, most gushing into his guts while some excess was dripping down the pulsing shaft and balls it all came from. As Haze enjoyed the bliss of cumming, Theo basked in the feeling of bear seed filling him up, spreading a comfortable heat throughout him. Though he enjoyed it, there was still the little issue of him being just short of reaching his own climax. He expected his friend to pull out, unaware that the panda had a little something in mind.

Theo was unaware of the changing expression on his best friend's face. Haze grunted a bit then sighed deeply, a new kind of bliss coming over him. Theo only became aware the moment he felt more of that heat inside of him, but he was certain that Haze was finished.

"Hey, Haze. Are you...still cumming?" he asked.

"Heh. Nope..." The panda grunted and Theo could suddenly feel it full force, the heat growing stronger and the filling sensation being way more prominent.

After just a bit of thinking, the fennec realized that his friend was now pissing...inside of him. "S-seriously?" Theo asked him.

Haze let his actions speak for themselves, his grip on Theo loosening a bit from the sensations of an after-sex piss. His cock was still mostly hard, plugging the hole as he emptied the contents of his bladder. Joined by the sun above and the rolling of waves nearby, he was totally relaxed while just letting it run out of him.

"Holy shit..." Theo groaned. His hand was still wrapped around his cock and he couldn't help but start pumping up and down, feeling the fluid pour into his ass. It was so hot and there was so much of it. He was already panting and with just a few strokes, he came and shot ropes of his cum against the bushes that he marked before. Heavy gasps and pants came from him as the sensations of his orgasm and the ongoing flow of mixed together...

"I think this is something I'm into, dude..." Haze groaned as he finished.

"Mmm... Fuck, me too..." Theo admitted. He was lifted and hissed as he felt the mix of urine and cum oozing out of him. "Let's just keep it between us, alright..?"