Easy as Pie (An MLP Jeeves Prompt; posted with permission)

Story by FerretFyre on SoFurry

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#74 of Smut I Commissioned

Pinkie Pie is overjoyed to hear that her sister Marble is visiting. This means she can help drain her sister's relentlessly needy balls and cock. Written by Jeeves, posted with his blessing.

  • It's been a good chunk of time, relatively speaking, since we dropped by Equestria, so why not see what happens when Marble decides to visit Pinkie and release all that pent up sexual lust she has jammed in her cock. As you do. As always, this is written by the legendary Jeeves, so follow him on SoFurry or FurAffinity, and maybe donate to his Patreon.

Easy as Pie

Pinkie beamed as the door to Sugarcube Corner swung open, and Rarity stepped through the door. The unicorn looked as gorgeous as ever, but although it didn't make Pinkie Pie's smile fade in the slightest, she couldn't help but notice that on this particular occasion her dear friend looked a little more flustered than normal. A little flustered might not have meant much to a normal pony, but to one who took such pride in her appearance as Rarity, that was a sure fire sign that something was weird.

Leaning over the counter, Pinkie tilted her head and fixed Rarity with a curious glare.

"Okay, what's weird?"

Rarity's face flushed beneath her snowy white coat.

"O-oh, oh my, is it really that obvious?"

The earth pony giggled and nodded.

"Yuh-huh! You're like... two point one one three percent less prim and proper than normal when you go out shopping. So, what's weird, and can I see it? I like weird!"

Rarity's face burned hotter, but she couldn't help but smile at her friend's light-hearted response to her apparently obvious nerves.

"Well, I'm hoping so, yes. You see... it's actually about your sister."

Pinkie Pie's eyes widened, and she squealed as she leaned further over the counter.

"Wait, Limestone's in Ponyville for a visit? Eeeeeeeee-"

Her squeal of delight was cut short as Rarity shook her head. Pinkie fell abruptly silent, then her eyes bulged even wider.

"Maud came to visit?? Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-"

Another, longer squeal. Another shake of the head leading to abrupt silence, and this time a more genuinely thoughtful look from Pinkie.

"Well, huh. Then... I mean, it can't be Marble. Can it? Is it? Omigosh, Rarity, is Marble in town???"

Before Pinkie Pie could burst the windows of the bakery with her latest supersonic squeal, Rarity nodded.

"Yes, Pinkie. She arrived at my shop not too long ago. She was... actually being really chatty, compared to the last time we met. She was talking all about how much of a fun day she'd had. How nice everyone is, how pretty so many of the ponies are here and... well, then she got this look in her eye. Fear, but... something else too. Something I couldn't quite place, and the next thing I knew she'd locked herself in my studio. She asked me to go find you, said you'd understand. So... do you, Pinkie dear? Because, I don't mean to sound indelicate to your sister's personal problems, but I do have work I planned on getting done in that studio later today."

Pinkie Pie giggled, her face flushing a little beneath her own coat, but thankfully not showing up due to the already rich, bubblegum pink of her fur. She nodded eagerly, and was already trotting out from behind the counter, hurrying to the door and flipping its sign to 'closed', before turning back to face Rarity with an excitable grin.

"I know exactly what's wrong with Marble. And, I can totally handle it, and make sure your studio will be free for you to use later on! But... um... there is just one teensy, tiny little detail of how I handle it that I might have to ask for your help with, Rarity. Is that okay?"

The unicorn smiled, and reached down to touch the hem of her dress, curtseying warmly before her friend.

"Why of course, darling! If I can do anything to help the sister of one of my dearest friends, you just name it!"

Pinkie Pie beamed from ear to ear, and as she ushered Rarity back out of the bakery and they began to hurry back across town to the Carousel boutique, Pinkie explained everything.


Less than ten minutes later, Rarity stood outside the dressmaking studio door, her heart racing and her panties sodden. Her head was spinning with the scent oozing through the door, and her mind was flooded with visions of what she had seen just seconds ago as from within Marble Pie opened up the door to let Pinkie inside. The walls, the floor, the tables, the mannequins, everything had been streaked with cum. Not a solid mat, but lashed with the dark staining of obviously copious, impossibly numerous ribbons of seed. Rarity knew her job was simple. Keep the store closed for an hour or so, stand at the door, and don't let anyone in or Marble or Pinkie out, no matter what. Then, she was assured that Marble Pie would be fine again, and that Pinkie Pie would help her with any clean-up required. Suddenly though, as simple, if a little embarrassing as the job had sounded when Pinkie Pie explained her sister's unique situation, Rarity felt obligated to press her entire body up against the wooden surface of the door. Half in a gesture as though she was physically seeking to bar it shut, but half really so that she could push an ear to the woodwork, and listen to what was going on within.

"Omigosh, Marbs! I haven't seen you this worked up in months! Naughty pony!"

Pinkie Pie giggled, her voice muffled slightly, but only for a moment, almost as though she was pulling something over her head. In response, Rarity heard a breathless, gurgling whinny, and a second later she lurched back from the door, almost shrieking in surprise as something, or perhaps two somethings slammed against the woodwork with force enough to make the frame rattle. From the other side of the door, Pinkie Pie screamed. Purely out of instinct, Rarity's horn began to glow and she readied herself to cast a protective defence charm around her friend after bucking the door open. A split-second later though her brain caught up, and she was able to process the context of the scream. Not one of shock or pain or sorrow or fear, but unmistakably a scream of pure, rapturous pleasure.

"Mnnhhhahhhhyesss, Pinkie! I... h-hhahhh, I had so much fun today! I tried to be quiet. To be calm and t-to stay withdrawn, but... Ponyville is just too fun! Too stimulating! I... I... yes!"

Marble's voice was almost unrecognisable from Rarity's first encounter with her. She sounded even more wildly unabashed and eager than she had when Rarity left her in the shop to go find her sister, and quite frankly the degree to which her tone matched Pinkie Pie's own rampant enthusiasm made Rarity's loins quiver all the more. After all, she and all her friends had spent more than their share of time in bed together, and the thought that Pinkie Pie's whole family might be as wild and unhinged as her in bed made Rarity glad that she'd locked the boutique door under her friend's instruction. For that reason, she didn't feel at all bad in reaching between her legs and starting to rub her pussy through her panties, while on the far side of the door she heard Pinkie Pie screaming louder and louder as her thick, plump body was pinned to the door and rutted hard by her untamed, apparently obscenely endowed sister.

"Maa-ahhhhhahhhhhhhhhh! Marbbhhhhoohhhyesssssss, cumming! HhhhoohhhbyCelestiayesssssss!"

While Marble just grunted and huffed and snorted in mindless ecstasy, Rarity's head span as she listened to minute after minute of Pinkie Pie's vocal, unabashed shrieks and wails. She was screaming about her own sister. She was squealing to the heavens about incestuous, ball-slapping, g-spot pounding sex, and as Rarity's own second orgasm soaked her already drenched panties just listening to it, she felt a surge of desperate temptation overwhelm her as the creaking and thumping of bodies against the door ceased, and instead she head the dull thud of two writhing, entangled forms collapsing to the floor as their rutting went on.

Rarity knew she'd been told to stay outside the room. To keep the door shut, and not to let anyone else, not even herself take a peek inside. After all, Pinkie Pie knew what she was doing. She knew how to wear her sister out. But if someone else got involved, and Marble Pie was able to feed off the excitement and enthusiasm of that other, unfamiliar pony witnessing her lewdness in all its glory, the unicorn had been duly warned that it wouldn't just take many more hours to satisfy Marble, but potentially days.

So, despite knowing all that, why was her hand on the handle of the studio door? Why was she telling herself that just a glimpse wouldn't harm anything?

And why, beneath all that, was Rarity admitting to herself that she just didn't care about any of what Pinkie had said... and that quite frankly, if it meant there was a chance of joining in with those frenzied screams from the Pie sisters, she couldn't believe she'd waited this long to open the door?

She pulled it open just a crack. Immediately, a thick rope of cum, more voluminous and high pressure than the entire loads of some... no, all of her most productive lovers in the past, lashed Rarity from belly to horn. Its sweet-salty taste exploded in her muzzle where it had been slightly open as she panted in anticipation, and even before Rarity's eyes could fully focus on the sight of Marble Pie straddling her sister's face, slamming her long, thick cock between Pinkie Pie's breasts and grinding her ass down on the pink pony's muzzle while Pinkie's pussy gaped and oozed obscene amounts of cum, the unicorn was throwing the door wide open. She was staggering inside, dropping to her knees, and pressing her face between Pinkie's powerful thighs to stop another drop of Marble's glorious, copious cum from going to waste on the studio floor.

"Pinkie! Y-your friend! She's... ohhhCelestia'ssweetclit, she's eating you out! Ohfuck, Pinkie! She's looking at me! She's looking at my big, t-thick mare cock! She's so pretty, s-she's... oh! Ohhno... Pinkie, I... I can't hold back! I... I want her to keep watching! I want her to be here with us! I... I... yes!! Fuck yes! Fucking take my cock, take my cum your gorgeous pony sluts!"

Marble's screams echoed out beyond the walls of the Carousel Boutique, and on the streets beyond ponies eyes widened, cheeks flushed, and loins ached. Inside though, that was what mattered to Marble Pie herself. Anyone could listen, anyone could watch. She didn't care. She wanted them touching her. Wrapped around her. She spent so much of her life holding back so she didn't get like this. So she didn't spend entire days, entire weeks fucking a whole town into a drunken daze and cumming until the nearby rivers and lakes were flowing thick and white as they burst their banks. But in that moment, she didn't have a clue why. It was amazing. It was incredible. It was everything.

One moment she was stuffing her cock down her sister's throat, wailing and whinnying as she watched Rarity caressing Pinkie Pie's belly as it physically began to swell with the sheer volume of cum the earth pony was gulping down. The next thing Marble knew, her cock was fountaining between Pinkie and Rarity's breasts as they pressed them against one another astride the grey earth pony's prone body, splattering against the already soaking, dripping wet ceiling and raining down yet more cum over their matted bodies. What might have been minutes or hours after that, in a brief moment of lucidity Marble realised that it wasn't just the three of them anymore. Rarity and Pinkie Pie were lying in a crumpled, panting heap in the ankle deep cum flooding out across the entirety of the boutique and onto the street beyond, while a whinnying, screaming earth pony with apples on her flanks was riding Marble Pie's cock cowgirl style, and two pegasi, one with a rainbow mane and the other with a pastel yellow coat, were squealing and visibly squirting as they wrestled around in the still free-flowing lake of cum.

Close by, in the doorway of the studio where she was lying down, Marble could see another pony. An alicorn, almost certainly the Princess Twilight Sparkle herself. The pony was clearly trying to solve the situation. To figure out a way to get everypony back under control and leave Marble Pie satisfied before the whole of Ponyville flooded. Even as Marble's eyes met with hers though, the earth pony giggled with mischievous glee so much like her sister, licked her lips, and beckoned Twilight Sparkle forward.

The alicorn stumbled into the room. She fell to her knees, already naked, and as Applejack bellowed in yet another frenzied orgasm and dragged herself off of Marble Pie's colossal cock before the continued rapture could force her to pass out, Twilight Sparkle was right there to bow her head forward, to feel Marble's hands grab at her hair and her horn, and to begin immediately cumming herself as Marble's cum flooded down her throat with such force that within moments it was already dribbling out of the corners of her mouth, and the overwhelmed, bliss-ridden alicorn's nostrils too.

Close by, Pinkie Pie weakly lifted her head and looked over just in time to see her sister starting to muzzle-fuck Twilight. She giggled, and looked over at the still passed out form of Rarity, her face half resting in the floods of Marble's cum, and as a result her pussy still convulsing, still squirting even as she lay unconscious from sheer over-stimulated exhaustion.

Pinkie Pie knew that if she got her sister alone, she could tire her out with ease. She could bring this whole situation back under control.

All she had to do was convince her friends that they didn't need to keep cumming constantly for the rest of their lives. And... all she had to do in order to achieve that, was to convince herself that there was a good reason for her friends, and herself, not to spend the rest of their lives cumming alongside her insatiable sister.

It was a simple matter. Easy as pie, really. And... in fact, perhaps it was so simple that Pinkie Pie really didn't have to be in so much of a rush to actually do it. She could absolutely stop this wild, hyper-sexed orgy before it got even more out of hand, and she would. In an hour or two more, maybe.

Or, a day. A week at most.

Well, maybe more than a week, if it still seemed like everyone was having fun.

She could totally do it. She really could.

But first...

"Mnh... hey, Marbs? Fluttershy squirts so hard when you fuck her ass. Wanna see?"

By Jeeves.

An Extremely Goofy Summer Break (A Disney Jeeves Prompt, posted with permission)

- Our first Roxanne and Max lewd, which is also an achievement, and with equal parts gay incest, lewd Goofy, lewd Sylvia, and all four of them together. Debauchery is fun. As always, this is written by the legendary Jeeves, so follow him on...

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An Extremely Goofy Date Night (A Jeeves Disney Prompt, Posted with Permission)

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Something New About Mom (A Jeeves Prompt, posted with permission)

- Sometimes you just ask Jeeves, "Man, we just need debauchery." And the man delivers. This time, a nice, normal housewife enjoys some quality time with her family. And is able to induce extreme arousal just by being in the room. Wholesome times. As...

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