Pack life chapter 2

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"You are banished from this pack April," Leon snarled as he pointed his finger at her as she stood trial. She heard angry shouts from the pack saying that's too light, death should be her sentence, she should be tortured. "Silence!" Leon roared over the crowd.

April cried out, "Please Leon, reconsider! I do not wish to leave you, please! Don't make me leave you, I love you Leon!" Tears formed and fell like rain as she pleaded. The crowd around her chanted, Banishment, banishment, banishment over and over. She continued to plea but was drowned out by the chanting of her pack.

Towering over her she looked up to see her mates eyes glowing blue as his figure was nothing but a black outline body. Grinning he said, "You're mine now, my bitch." Looking at him in terror as he bent over to grab her arm and lead her away it was not her mate but Barry.

"No!" she cried out jerking up as her eyes flew open from her sleep. She was in a cold sweat as she frantically looked around the room. She was in her room then felt a paw touch her back. She instantly tried to strike the person who touched her but was stopped short but a tight grip around her wrist and tender voice.

"What's wrong? Have a nightmare baby?" Leon asked as he let go of her wrist and rubbed her back comfortingly. Looking at him, she fell into his chest hugging him tight crying. He embraced her gently rocking her. "Shhh, it's okay, I'm here." He soothed her trying to calm her best he could.

"I-it w-was terrible," she sobbed. "You w-was banning me from the p-pack and they said i-it was to light that I deserved deeaaath." She cried harder pressing into his chest.

"It's okay baby," he said calmly and softly letting the tenderness be heard in his voice for her. "I would not banish you for something you did not want to happen. You're my mate, April and I love you with all my heart." He gently rubbed her back and got the box of tissues from the bedside table. "Here," he offered, "blow your nose sweetie."

"T-thanks," she sniffled as she took one and blew her nose. As she reached for another, she felt something wide, wet, and warm moving across the sides of her face and over her eyes. Her mate was licking her tears away and cleaning her face off. Smiling, she blew her nose again and hugged him tight murring.

Smiling, he embraced her, then looking at the clock suggested, "Let's go back to sleep baby, it's only 5 a.m. Mark and Crystal can run the pack until we wake." Gently laying back down and pulling her down with him, he pulled the covers over them. She got close as possible to him, wrapping her leg around his then rested her paw and head on his chest. Kissing her forehead he said, "Night, sweet dreams."

Yawning she replied, "Niiight, love you..." With that she was fast asleep. He gently scratched her back as she slept seeing a smiling cross her face as she stretched out. Looking over at the clock now said 5:15 a.m. slowly he reached over and turned the alarm for 6:30 a.m. off with a quiet click. Yawning, he slowly slid a little deeper into the covers. She's had a rough few days, he thought to himself, I'll let her sleep long as she can today. Mark and Crystal can care for the pack for a few hours extra. Closing his eyes, he gently scotched up against her backside and wrapped his arm around her. Instinctively, she pressed against him and he pulled her close as they slept together.

Waking slowly, she reached for her mate slowly opening her as she felt only a warm imprint where he was laying. Fully awake now, she looked around to see his clothes laid out on the bed and then realized the shower was running. He must've got up early and started to get ready leaving me to sleep, she thought as her gaze slowly ventured to the clock and her ears pricked as the clock said 1:20 p.m. Awe man, the packs going to really be upset now.

"Hey sleeping beauty," Leon was drying his long scruff as he stood in the bathroom doorway. Then casually strolled over and kissed her as his fur dripped water on her chest as he was bent over. Kissing back she gave him a stern look afterwards. Tilting his head confuse he asked, "What?" She pointed at the clock then raised an eyebrow.

"Why did you let me sleep this late into the day?" she asked then continued. "The pack will not be happy about me now slacking my duties after what ...hap-...-pened." Her voice broke as he grinned at her leaning close. She was unsure of what he was planning now which scared her slightly.

"You needed to sleep after your ordeal and as for your duties for the next few days," he answered, "are to me until your heat cycle has passed." He kissed her gently as he held her check gently. "Mark and Crystal know how to run the pack for at least five days. Your heat won't last much more than a few days," he whispered. "Now," he continued, "do you wish to work or get to relax for the next few days?"

Smiling she answered, "A few days off with my mate sounds nice." She grinned then continued, but there is a small problem."

"Hmm?" he questioned tilting his head. The only problem he could think of would be a rival male or weather problem, except there were no rival males nearby willing to challenge him and the weathers nice. He thought for another moment then shrugged.

Pulling the covers off, she freed her feet then answered, "You got to catch me!" Poking him on the chest gently, she jumped out of bed and ran out of the room. Once out she shifted to her feral wolf form and darted down the hallway.

"Hey! No fair!" he cried as he chased her shifting to his feral wolf from as well. "You can run but you can't hide!" Seeing her turn to take the stairs he chased after her. She made leaps and bounds down the she airs to get the upper hand. She turned the corner jumping off the wall to help push her farther. He was close behind no matter how fast she ran. Ducking under the table she slipped into the living room.

She stopped beside the couch confused and a little worried. The thump of his heavy paw prints had stopped at the stairs. Looking around she thought what if he tripped and got hurt. Or worse. Gasping at her thought she turned around, but before she could leave the couches side something hit her. Instinctively, she attacked back biting into fur as she growled before noticing who she was attacking.

"Gotch ya," Leon said with a smug grin on his face despite the fact that she had her jaws clamped around his throat. Shaking his head as if just getting out of the water he laughed, "You still have the bite of a puppy and the teeth to match." Slipping off as he shook, she pouted and then tackled him knocking him to the floor. With her own smug smile she sat down on hi slightly as she wagged her tail.

"Hmp," she huffed as she sat there, head held high as if she won. Her ears pricked as he laughed darkly as he grinned. She tilted her head unsure what was so funny.

"So," he started, "you think you've got me? There's one problem with this picture though, I'm supposed to be on top." As he lifted up she fell forward slightly landing on her front paws then suddenly started to laugh. He was ticking her with his snout grinning. As she continued laughing from the ticking she fell over on her side dizzy as he quickly got up. "Now payback!" Eyes widen slightly as he stood over her. She flinched shutting her eyes waiting for his massive weight to come down on her.

"Huh?" she said confused not feeling his weight. As she looked up he stood on his hind legs then came down. He landed so that he had her pinned under his chest and between his front paws. He licked her muzzle smiling then nuzzled her.

"Did you honestly think I was going to sit on you?" he asked laughing slightly. She returned his lick and nuzzled back nodding. Shaking his head he said, "April, you're not one of my rough heavy weight males, you're my light weight, clever, and gentle mate. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you on purpose." He stood up over her so she could stand. Slowly getting up into a sit position he smelled her mane closing his eyes as he pressed his nose against it. Growling quietly deep in his throat, he did his best to control his urges.

Looking back at him she smiled and slowly raised her hind end up making sure she rubbed lightly against his sheath. As he gave off a silent grunt she knew she succeeded. Deciding to torture him a little more, as she walked forward, she gently rubbed her tail across the length of his sheath swaying slightly. Unable to silence it, a deep growl rumbled from deep inside his throat. Letting his instincts take over, he nuzzled her lips moving her tail to the side. She turned around quickly spooked as she yipped to see her mate, eyebrow raised, licking his lips.

Smiling she rubbed her head on his chest inhaling his musk as the scent floated past her snout. Becoming a little playful, she nipped his ear gently then jumped back bowing to him. Her instincts were taking over and he knew it. He pounced at her as she jumped then ran back into the kitchen and up the stairs. He chased after her staying in full view and nipped her tail gently when close just to get slapped on the top of the snout with it. Laughing, they ran up the stairs missing one each time then fled to the bedroom. Stopping at the bed, she yipped for the next thing she knew she was upon the bed dizzy with her mate on top.

"Okay, okay, you win," she laughed as he stood panting over her with a smile. She placed her paws on his chest and gently pushed him to the side ordering, "Let me up." Lying down on his side he wagged his tail as the scent of her heat announced her starting to climax again. She gave into the urges letting her instincts tell her what to do as she lay down beside him and rubbed her head on his chest. Wagging her tail, she continued to rub and nuzzle on him and lick his muzzle until it was time.

Standing up, she rubbed up against him and turned around presenting herself to him as her heat reached its climax. Smiling, he rolled over onto his feet and started to lick the outside of her entrance. As she moaned, he licked deeper into her until he was satisfied and pulled away. She pricked her ears and looked behind her to see him slowly lifting up to mount her.

Gently biting her scruff he pulled himself up onto her and slowly started to move his hips back and forth sliding his rod in and out of her. Growling in pleasure, she held still as he bit and humped her so he could insert himself fully inside her. As he pressed forward more and more, he wrapped his front legs around her sides and kept at it growling. She could feel every ridge along his shaft as he forced it into her, her walls pulsing and tightening around it.

Finally, his knot formed as he started to pound against her tightened entrance. She yelped slightly from the force of his thrusting, but this did not help make him ease up or stop. Instead, her yelps only pushed him farther as he snarled slamming his knot into her entrance, going deeper with each thrust. Yelping loudly, he bit her scruff as he slammed his groin against her as his knot was now locked inside her. As he continued to pound against her, he released his seeds letting them pour into her womb until he had nothing left. Feeling his warm fluid inside her, she climaxed and came to him.

Slowly stopping with a few final thrusts, he let go of her scruff and licked her neck tenderly before dismounting. Panting, they stood there on the bed for a bit as his knot slowly shrunk and her entrance started to relax allowing them to separate. Pulling his rod away, he quickly turned around and licked his mates' entrance to help clean her. She returned the favor and licked all around his shaft before it went back into the sheath.

Once done, they curled up together nuzzling and licking one another. Although it was time for dinner they were both exhausted and too tired to even eat. With a big yawn, April laid her head on his shoulders as he wagged his tail tip. Drifting off to sleep unable to stay awake any longer she mumbled something. The only sounds coming from her was her soft breaths as she was lost in her sleep.

Smiling, Leon whispered, "Night, love you too baby." Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes letting the calm darkness take over his mind as he fell asleep. Stretching out with a yawn, she opened her eyes smiling as she saw Leon curled up around her.

My big bad protector, she thought to herself then kissed his forehead. Letting out a quiet moan, he stretched out then rolled onto his side slightly still asleep. So cute, she smiled then continued thinking. I should make breakfast and wash up some for him. Slowly crawling out of bed she jumped down landing on her paws quietly and shifted to her anthro form. Pulling on a silk robe she padded out of the room and down the hallway. Stopping at the stairs she wondered, should I shower first? If I cook now it'll be cold when he wakes but I'll look nice. Then again showering first hen cooking would mean I'd look nice and the food would be warm. She kept finding a new reason to switch choices each time a thought entered her head. Shaking her head, she dismissed all thoughts deciding to shower first. Turning around she bumped into a black wall of muscle as two paws gripped her arms.

"Careful, you almost fell," Leon warned as he held her. As she looked up, he smiled down at her and kissed her softly. Giving in and kissing back he slowly pulled her with him as he stepped away from the stairs. "So," he started, "what was on your mind so strongly that you weren't paying attention?" He raised his eyebrow as he looked down at her.

Blushing she looked down as she answered, "Was debating whether I should shower or make you breakfast first." Still holding her, she looked up to see him raise his eyebrow higher and tilt his head slightly. Rolling her eyes she continued, "I decided to wash off first so I'd look nice before you woke and that way the food would still be warm."

"Awe, you're so good to me," he quickly embraced her in a hug moving his paws from her arms. "How about I tell you something?" He leaned in close then whispered, "Your more beautiful than ever when you've just woke up." With that, he let her go and pointed her towards the bathroom. "Now, off with you," he gave her a gentle pat on her bottom, "I'll cook while you clean up today.

Before she could object he was already halfway down the stairs. Pouting, she flicked her tail. Males, she thought. Think they can just boss us around and get their way with a few sweet words. Snorting she crossed her arms as a grin crossed her face. I'll show him. She headed down stairs into the kitchen. He was bent over at the fridge gathering a few items out.

Walking up behind him, she asked, "Hey, watch ya making?" Jumping slightly, he hit his head on the top of the fridge as he hugged the food close to his torso not to drop it. Gasping, she ran to his side and apologized, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to spook you." Her ears drooped as she apologized and offered to take the food from him. "Here, I'll cook while you sit."

"I'm fine and it's okay," he reassured. "It's just a small bump and as for breakfast, your favorite. Ham and eggs with honey buttered toast, jelly, and crispy bacon." She wanted so bad to tackle him with a hug but forced herself to remain calm as he set everything on the counter. "Now," he said turning back to face her, "you can either help me make your favorite breakfast or go wash off." Tilting his head slightly he waited for her decision.

"I'll wash off only if you brush my hair," she said running her paw through her black mane. Shaking it out as she lowered her paw she asked, "Well? Is it a deal?" She walked up and lightly leaned against him placing her paw on his chest.

"Hmm? Well, I don't know," he started, "you've got me doing so much right now as it is with cooking. I'm not su-," he stopped abruptly as she kissed him holding his head so he couldn't pull back. Giving into her, he leaned into the kiss and hugged her as he closed his eyes, savoring the moment. She wrapped her paws around his lower back and pressed against him as she rubbed up on him slightly. Pulling back, he finally responded, "Okay, I'll brush your mane and after breakfast, we will pick up where we left off."

"Okay," she murred as he rubbed his groin against her knowing she wanted him now. Letting go of her, she quickly ran up the stairs to be off before breakfast. Once in the bathroom she growled at herself. How could you just become so obedient to him? Letting him rub you then tease you knowing you wan it. She started to run some water for a quick shower. Then again it'll be a miracle if I get pregnant for him this time.

Sighing she dismissed the thought and started the shower. She has gone through three years of heat this being her forth since starting. Each year brings two chances for one to get pregnant by their mate. Once getting pregnant their heat cycle stops completely for three full years. Their body recovers quickly from the birth but if they went into heart every time scheduled the pup would have less of a surviving chance.

At first, this was not very attractive in the females, since the males motive was to pass on his genes to as many as possible. But as time pressed on, they noticed the females wit h this condition, their pups lived to be healthier and stronger. They started to give males the choice of taking a special pill or to get fixed. Some took the pill because they wanted another pup but others got fixed not wanting more than one pup.

Today's generation of females naturally go by the three year rule but sometimes there's the once gene that shows and she continues her heat. For these males they get put on the pill. Only way for a male to be fixed is if both decided they want no more pups or if the female runs out of eggs.

As she finished her shower, April turned off the water and dried off. Dressing quickly, she quickly ran down the hallway and padded down the stairs. As she turned the corner leading into the kitchen, she turned once again hit the wall of black fur of muscle that was her mate. Taking a step back, she shook her head then gave an embarrassed smile.

"Hungry much?" he asked catching her in his arm as he held the skillet with eggs in his paw and a plate of toast in the other. He kissed her passionately as he helped her stand.

"Maybe a little," she answered laughing slightly returning the kiss. Standing and now looking were she was going; she made her way to the table to sit down. Pulling her chair out, she sat down as he dished out the contents to their plate. A big pile of scrambled eggs and ham, two pieces of honey buttered toast, and two slices of bacon.

"What would my lady like to drink?" Leon asked.

Blushing, she answered, "Um...sweet tea would be nice."

"Sweet tea it is, my lady," he responded as he stood getting them both a glass and adding ice. Opening the fridge door he pulled out the tea jug and filled both glasses full. After putting the jug away, he set the glasses on the table and kissed her. "Do you need anything else, my lady?"

Laughing at how he was talking she answered, "No that will be all, my lord." Smiling, he nodded as they ate quietly. Looking up she noticed he was looking at her. Tilting her head she asked, "Hmm?"

Sighing he answered, "I need to let you know what's going to happen when you heat is over tomorrow. We are going to search the boarders of the territory for Barry. Once we find him, he will stand trial in front of the pack court, and then be sentenced." Looking down with sorrow, he continued, "If you get pregnant, and the pup isn't mine, I will have it killed."

Wincing at the last sentence, she prayed that the pup be born his pup. Swallowing she said, "I understand. May I search with you? I want to make sure he pays one way or another."

"I do not want you put in danger April," he rubbed her cheek gently, then continued, "But, there's nothing I can say to stop you. If you're pregnant, then during the last few stages you are to stay here preparing for birth." Nodding April kissed him then took his paw and gently stepped back holding it.

"Come, my lord, your lady requires your presence," she commanded pulling slightly. Standing he took her up in his arms and made out with her. Holding the side of his face she wrapped her arm around his neck as they headed upstairs. Laying her down on the bed, he laid upon her as they kissed and made out.

He let his paws venture across her entire body, feeling every curve and inch she had as he rubbed against her. Laying his head against hers he breathed in her intoxicating scent as he let out low growls of lust for her. Moving her snout across his neck and chest, her nostrils became filled with his overpowering musk. She let her paws venture all over him as he continued to rub his groin against hers.

Unable to take anymore, she started to undo his pants as he took advantage of removing her bra. His pants, finally undone, she pulled them off as he pulled her panties off. Lying back down, he slowly forced his rod into her as she struggled slightly. Stopping, he kissed her passionately until she returned the kiss. Closing her eyes, she kissed him back only to wince in pain as he forced his rod deeply into her.

As he thrust forward, he rubbed her sensitive spots starting with her back and gently rubbed his paws across it. Then he tenderly nibbled and licked her ears as she sighed in some pleasure. Lastly, he caressed her bottom as he thrust into her. She moaned in pleasure as her paws tensed, raking her claws up his back as he snarled in sudden pleasure.

As his knot formed, her walls started to tighten around his rod. Snarling loudly in pleasure, he could no longer control himself and was pounding his knot against her. Each pound forced his knot inward as she cried out in pleasure. Gripping his waist only encouraged him to go harder as her voice became high pitched cries of pleasure. With one more shove, he was finally locked inside her once again and his instincts took over. As she cried out leaning her head back in pleasure, he bit down and slammed his groin against her repeatedly for a moment.

As he finished his last few thrusts, he let go of her neck and kissed her, his semen still pouring into her womb. Kissing back she wagged her tail and hugged him. Hugging back, he rolled them bother over so she'd be on top as he rubbed her back. Laying her head on his chest, she laid her paw on his chest and gently scratched it.

"If we have a pup, I hope it's a boy," April stated still scratching gently. "He would be as handsome, kind, and strong as his father is." He ran his paw down her back as she finished and rubbed her head on his chest murring.

"If it's a girl, she'll be sweet, beautiful, and as kind hearted as her mother," he said smiling as he looked down at her. Feeling his knot going away he grinned down at her. "Oh, and she'll no doubt be as ticklish!" he laughed as he tickled her sides making her jump and yip.

Getting away from his tickly paws she glared at him as he laughed. Grinning she saw he was still erect. "Yeah," she started, "she'll be as ticklish as me and him as sensitive as you!" She pressed her cold, wet nose to his wolfhood as he yelped in surprise. She laughed at him then kissed apologizing. "I'm sorry, just head to do it."

"I know," he said kissing back then continued, "Why don't we wash and then finish off the rest of the stew Mark made?" Nodding she got out of bed with him right behind her. Wrapping his arms around her waist he led the way slightly to the bathroom. "I'll run the water if you get the towels," he suggested.

"Okay," she said nodding and padded over to the closet as he started the water. Hmm, she thought to herself looking the towels over. I could get him a pink towel to tease him but that's too easy. She lowered her glance to the toys they had. Grinning, she spotted the perfect towel. Heheh, he's going to get me for this but it'll be so worth it. She grabbed their towels and padded back over. "Okay, here's your towel," she snickered holding his out to him.

His eyes widened at the site of the towel as his mouth dropped open. She was holding out a sex gag towel. It was wrapped up to look exactly like a gigantic penis. The straps holding it gave the details to the enormous object. Blinking, he shook his head getting rid of the sudden shock.

"Okay, miss smarty tail," he laughed, "in the shower." He grinned as she set the towels down nearby and held the curtain aside for her. He bowed slightly as she stepped inside then turned the warm water to and icy cold.

"COLD!" she yelped jumping away from the icicle droplets. He stood there laughing at her sudden yelp. Glaring at him, she quickly moved out of the shower and behind him. He was too busy laughing at her to notice what was happening until it was too late. She pushed him into the raining ice cold shower laughing at his sudden yelps.

"SHIT! COLD!" he yelped in surprise as he jumped trying to get away from the water. She laughed at him as he kept repeating the same word over and over until he changed the waters temperature. "COLD! Cold, cold....Ah warm," he sighed as the water quickly warmed up. Looking at her as she laughed he said, "Thought that was funny, huh?"

Her ears pricked as she stopped laughing and looked up just in time to see him grab her wrist. Yipping, he quickly pulled her into the shower and kissed her lips before she could do anything else. She gave into his kiss as her paws wrapped around his waist letting the warm water pounded against her back gently. Wrapping his paws around her waist, he held her for a moment before letting go.

"Come on," he said, "Let's get you cleaned up baby." He picked up the shampoo bottle and squeezed some of the thick liquid into his paw. Smiling, she turned around letting him wash her mane for her. She wagged her tail tip as he slowly massaged the shampoo into her fur. She loved when someone else washed her mane; it always felt so good knowing she could relax while being pampered.

As he continued, she started to drift off enjoying the feel of it. He quietly hummed a soothing sound as he continued washing her body as her tail tip swayed. Slowly, she had drifted off to the pleasure and quiet hum of his song oblivious to even the warm waters gentle pounding.

Pack life chapter 3

There was a gentle rub down her sides and a voice speaking. As she came back from here land of pleasure she made the words out. She blushed deeply embarassed for zoning out on him. He wrapped his paws around her waist and leaned against her back...

Search for Geneva's heart chapter 2

As we flew over the tree tops, our home slowly disappeared behind us. Looking forward, I prayed silently to Fenrir that we make it back in time before the village was forced to move. An sharp pain stung my heart as my throat tightened with sorrow....

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Search for Geneva's heart chapter one

Don't make a sound, I thought as I waited for the doe to come a little closer. My bow was drawn back as far as it would allow. The tension on the flexible wood I figured would have snapped from the strain I kept it at. My stone head arrow was pointed...

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