The Hunter and the Lamb | Sample | Chapter 1

Story by AnewdGoat on SoFurry

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#1 of The Hunter and the Lamb

A taste of my newly-released erotic novel!


A young man is next in line to lead his tribe.

But when he meets a gruff handsome traveler,

he throws his destiny away in favour of a life of adventure.

However, the wild world outside his village may prove to be more than he bargained for...

Full story now available on Amazon:


Cover art by the amazingly talented Oselotti!



Chapter I

Dipping Your Toes In

Yovin hated feeling like he was missing-out on something. Much to his unceasing frustration, he had spent the better part of the past year feeling that way, about one thing or another. It seemed to him as though he had hardly set a single foot outside his home in months, much less attended any communal events, but he knew things would be different today; at least, he hoped they would be.

As the last living member of the former-Chief's family, and therefore soon-to-be-chief himself, Yovin was the only one who could properly perform in the tribe's annual ceremony. This was to be a special occasion, one he had been looking forward to being at the center of for as long as he was mature enough to understand it.

The only potential obstacle, as usual, was Larrick. As the tribe's Grand Advisor and current temporary-chief, Larrick enjoyed many privileges, including the authority to send Yovin away from the village until he was feeling well again.

The young lamb-son pushed through the dense

foliage and stopped to admire the view: thick steam in the form of wavy clouds rising from an amber-coloured river. Yovin inhaled the warm vapour deeply and already felt his nostrils become clearer. He chalked it up to rotten luck that, on the eve of such an anticipated day, he would fall ill. He was sure a relaxing and rejuvenating dip in the ancient steam-river would bring him back to health. Not caring so much about his own wellbeing, the impatient boyish side of him especially wanted to be well enough to return in-time for the day's activities. He felt he had moped-about enough this past year and was determined not to miss a rare chance to feel some genuine pleasure.

He set his leather purse and wooden spear down by one of the many large boulders that outlined the riverbank. Without delay, he untied the fine strings on his cowhide loincloth and let it fall soundlessly to the grassy ground. The steam gathered into dew drops that glistened as they clung to the bushel of golden hair resting above his soft swaying member. He strolled toward the water's edge, warm air enveloping his naked body.

He leaned over to peer at his reflection in the river and admired his curled horns and the exceptionally more-curly golden hair between them. He stretched out his leg and dipped a single toe into the hot water. The sensation instantly invited more and so he slipped both legs in until he touched the submerged ground floor. He waded out further and further, enjoying the heavenly heat rise past his soft thighs, and even softer privates. Once far enough, he sat down. The hot water rushing up to his chest made him sigh with a smile as he closed his eyes, leaned back, and rested his elbows on the cool earthen bank behind him.

He sat just-so for what seemed like hours and mere minutes all at once. The steam cleared his lungs and the flowing water washed away all the aches of his body, leaving his muscles relaxed and feeling loose. He felt at such ease that he even briefly considered staying there all day and missing the ceremony entirely. This line of thinking sent a twitch through his loins. He leaned forward to look at his lap through the water but when he opened his eyes he found himself head-to-head with the swollen red-purple tip of a large penis protruding from the water. It was only a few inches from his nose and for a moment his mind tricked him into thinking that it must be his own, that somehow the magic of the river had transformed his body. Upon a second thought, he realized this was not the case and proceeded to trail his eyes upward. His gaze led him past the bobbing tip and through the water to bear witness to the dark body it was attached to. Up and up, his eyes climbed atop mountainous muscles until he reached the peak: a snoring bull-clan's face amidst a shaggy forest of long black hair, leaning back against the riverbank opposite the comparatively little lamb-son.

Yovin was in absolute awe. I must have been more relaxed than I thought, he thought. Or maybe I had actually fallen asleep. He knew of the Bull-Clans and had even met one of their chiefs. He also knew that they grew to impressive size compared to his own tribesmen but this man seated before him was exceptional even still. Yovin had never seen a creature so massive. He knew Larrick would shriek at the sight of such a formidable foe from an enemy force perched so close to the only heir of their tribe; it certainly wouldn't help that they were both nude. The thought entertained Yovin's inner rebel.

A heat inside him began to build, different from the hot pool he sat in. The long dark slab of meat pulsed and swayed with the natural flow of the water in a hypnotic dance. It mesmerized the young would-be ruler; he could not look away. He became filled with an intense longing to reach out and touch it, to feel its firmness and warmth. He was practically drooling at the sight of it. He licked his lips. Want briefly overwhelmed sensibility and he suddenly found himself drawing his hand forward slowly. He stopped just as his fingers touched the skin of the thick shaft.

"Go on, boy." The gruff voice made Yovin jump, to the point where he was half-standing half-sitting and not at all poised gracefully as befitting royalty. He stammered and choked on words he could not grasp. All knowledge of his own language left him in that instant, leaving him to look quite the fool. Half-lidded eyes regarded him, above a sly sleepy smile. Yovin managed to fumble out a hasty apology and a word or two about manners and something about steam-induced delirium.

The bull man shifted and leaned forward lazily. Yovin's stammering ceased promptly. Their faces were now a foot-length apart, with the larger man towering above the smaller even while sitting. Dark-brown eyes flicked down to peer at the young man's lap. He followed suit and was stunned to find that his own penis was similarly engorged. In his current stance, it stood up halfway out of the water, leaving hardly a bit of modesty. It was red and swollen, and throbbed hungrilly, sending small tingling ripples of pleasure up Yovin's spine. Peculiarly, it appeared to be at least a couple of inches longer than he remembered.

Before Yovin could straighten his thoughts, the bull slipped a huge hand between the young man's legs, gingerly cupping his scrotum and lightly stroking the side of his shaft with a thumb. Those dark eyes locked with Yovin's for a moment, then that dark face slid down until the ends of the man's long hair were soaked in the water. The frozen lamb-son shivered as he felt warm breath from the bull's nostrils on his lower belly. A rough tongue lickeda droplet from the very tip of Yovin's penis; he was not sure if it was water from the river or if he had produced it himself through his mounting desire.

All remnants of thought were quickly scrubbed from his mind, as he felt the unique wetness and pressure of a mouth wash over his whole shaft. Each forceful smack of those lips and lashing of that tongue pulled him further and further along. He lost himself more and more to the heavenly sensation of being sucked on. Excitement spread up his body, filling his chest, climbing his neck and flushing across his face. He felt it build and concentrate at the place where the two men were joined; it was nearly sending him over the edge.

The feeling faded as the bull man pulled away and stood up. With a smirk and knowing-look, he jerked his head down in an obvious gesture for Yovin to return the favour. The young heir kneeled down, hot golden water rising past his perked nipples. The bull's belly stuck out slightly from him, appearing smooth yet remarkably firm to the touch, only partly concealing the powerful muscles underneath. Below was a trail of unkempt black fur that led to that same glorious sight Yovin had opened his eyes to mere moments prior.

Growing-up in an easy-going and expressive tribal community, he had seen plenty of men erect throughout his young life, often pleasuring themselves and sometimes their wives or even each other, though such activities were usually contained to partially-private areas in the woods just outside the village. He recalled sneaking-out in his earlier youth to spy on some of these events, fascinated both by how the men's moods changed when aroused and by the variety in appearance of their glistening rods.

The shining example of manhood that bounced in front of his face was of a whole other kind, bigger and darker than any he had known before. He gripped it with both hands and heard a deep guttural grunt from above. He felt its weight and the heat coming off it. A bead of clear liquid formed at the very tip; Yovin stuck-out his tongue and lapped it up, tasting the saltiness of it. He licked again, this time dipping his tongue a little bit into the opening there which suddenly produced more liquid. The young man tenderly licked and sucked all around the meaty head and shaft.

A huge calloused hand rested between his horns, fingers playing with his curls. Emboldened, he opened his mouth wide and pushed forward. He let the top of the squishy head slide across the roof of his mouth as he worked the underside with his tongue, earning him more approving grunts. He sucked harder and harder, the salty taste becoming stronger as the clear liquid spurting from the bull mixed with the lamb-son's saliva.

A second hand gripped his shoulder and Yovin sensed that he should stop. He pulled his mouth away, translucent strands still connecting him to the pulsing wet penis. The handsome bull gestured for the future-chief to turn around. The little lamb was filled then with tremendous aching desire, and surprising hesitation. Despite his rebellious nature, long-standing tradition nagged at him; he was meant to save himself for the day's ritual. He felt he could not give-in to his wants at that moment. But a sly thought crept into his mind, a loophole that would be just as delectable to his body as it would be to the mischievous side of him which enjoyed messing with his fellow tribesmen.

He stood up and softly spoke his plan. The bull-clan listened intently and smiled broadly at the end, agreeing to play his part. He brushed past the small lamb-son, who admired his gorgeous glistening backside as he stepped out of the water. Yovin followed and for a moment they stood in silence on the bank, each admiring the other's full dripping wet body. The surreality of the situation really struck Yovin then. An intimate encounter with a bull-clan was the last thing he had expected from this day. Lamb-Sons had been warring enemies of the Bull-Clans for hundreds of years, and only recently had a tenuous peace been brokered between most tribes.

Yovin refastened his loincloth and admired the bull man's penis once more before it was obscured by its own covering. The traveler's loincloth was clearly made from a pelt of shaggy earth-brown fur which appeared coarse and insulating. It looked to Yovin as though it would be comfortable to lay on. He imagined being by a fire late at night in the wilderness and burying his face in the material.

"Cowhide," the bull gestured to Yovin's groin. "Not common."

Realization dawned on Yovin and he instantly became mortified at his apparel. Suddenly stammering, he attempted to explain that the material came from the fallen chief of a rival tribe, that it belonged to his father and had been with their family for decades, and that he personally felt no animosity toward the Bull-Clans. The man waved him off, explaining that he held no loyalty to his brother-tribes or even his own, for that matter.

He gestured to his matted and torn bearskin loincloth and told of how it came from a ferocious warrior he had fought while on his travels. Yovin had only heard terrifying tales of bear-men and had certainly never seen one. They were not common on this side of the mountain. The thought of such a strong handsome man traveling across the untamed land, seeing wondrous sights and fighting fantastical beasts both excited and inspired the sheltered villager.

"I am Yovin," the young man stuck out his hand, "Only heir of the late-Chief Teerran. I would be honoured to learn the name of a worldly traveler such as yourself."

"My name is Jaina," his grip was remarkable, "Tribe-less wanderer. Honoured to have met someone of your position, under such pleasant circumstances."

"I am curious, what compelled you to sit with me in the first place?" Yovin asked.

"I happened-upon this river as I was journeying through the woods," Jaina replied. "You seemed to be enjoying yourself so much, I couldn't resist joining you."

The bull-clan winked and Yovin smiled, blushing. He slung the strap of his purse over his head and laid it across his body. The stomach of his muscular companion rumbled. It was then that Yovin remembered the peach-berries that he had with him. Taking out a handful, he offered them to Jaina, who sniffed and inspected them closely. He turned his large nose up at the berries, noticing a light chalky substance had been added to them. Yovin snarled to himself, figuring this little ingredient had likely brought-on his sudden sickness. Larrick, he mused, determined as always to rob me of any modicum of joy in this life. He greatly looked forward to seeing how the Advisor's face would contort upon sight of the young heir returning to the village in perfect health.

He thanked Jaina for his help and bid him adieu. The bull-clan grinned, watching the prince's ample rear as he walked away.

Even if no one had interfered with his food, Yovin felt it would still have been wise to take a dip in the steam-river. It had properties beyond restoring health and Yovin intended to take advantage of them. He spat into his hand and slipped two of his moistened fingers between his buttocks and deep into the opening there. The digits entered easily with no pain or discomfort. His insides were warm and tight. He almost envied those who were about to enjoy him.

He speculated that his erection was still so stiff that it might not fully dissipate by the time he returned. He decided he did not care. Let them all see I have no fear. He believed he had a greater purpose now. Determination to see his new plans through gave him an invigorating sense of confidence and sent him walking briskly back to the village. His body and resolve were stronger than ever. He felt ready for the day.