Cerberus Day Off...

Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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The fires of the underworld danced as they always did as a dark figure walked towards the realm of Hades: hot, scalding and forever primordial but he held no fear of them. Stepping onto the sickly glowing sea of souls and ignoring the cries of those who were damned, the black god treaded onward towards his destination with a single minded determination as his padded black feet padded over the murky dregs of torment and corruption without faltering. He smiled bemusedly as he looked around and noticed how the underworld was just as dark and downtrodden as it had been since the first soul cried its last breath on earth, but then again that was to be expected. Those in Olympus kept the golden light and fields of the heavens eternally hidden away from those souls who should ought to bask in its light in this realm. Again, not really unexpected for the upstart gods, but perhaps it should be something worrisome to him.

Times were changing and soon war would break upon the land of mortals and gods alike. Many would die while thousands of souls would disappear forever all together however, for the water walking deity in question this was just a passing fact. He was the one who helped the dead along towards their destined afterlife. He was neither an ally of those who took blade in hand and fought for their beliefs and therein die for them, god or mortal alike, nor was he against them; he was completely neutral in his duty as the judge of souls. Time and again, the feelings of despair from the lost below him would brush over him but never pierce the fortress of his mind. He was beyond them. Beyond everything in life, in truth, save for the fleeting aspects of the most primitive parts of the self; a true curse or blessing, depending on how one looked at it.

A small, oaken boat appeared before his amber eyes carrying a figure in brown robes rowing his oar through the murky sea. When the small ferry passed him the skeleton figure of Charon nodded in his direction, which made the black god's head dip in respect, before both moved onward. Minutes or hours passed without end, time was but a blur in the bowels of this forgotten place, and then the deity finally found himself where he wanted to be. A gate of golden shimmered from the flickering flames and soon a dark rumbling shook the void around him, yet steady and unwavering the black god held himself straight as he watched the form of the guardian of the underworld pad up towards him.

Three massive heads held high upon a body more than twelve feet tall looked down at him with burning six vermillion eyes surveying the smaller deity with curious intent. Fangs were bared in question, glinting in the hellish light of the underworld's flames as a long serpent for a tail whipped behind the beast leisurely as the guardian sat himself down upon the worn ground beneath its feet. What little hostility was met towards the black god vanished as the monstrous canine remembered the familiar scent of the being that had come long before into his presence and humbled him with a single word. Its midnight fur shone from the flickering flames shimmering almost glossily as the guard dog sat, unflinching, in front of a creature that rivaled its master in power.

The god sighed as he stepped from the sea of souls, letting the last of their misery dribble free from his manicured toes, and then walked in front of the massive beast. When they stood together, face to chest, the black god waved his hand down for the other to lower himself. The three headed dog whined and did as it was commanded before settling itself onto the ground and allowing the god to stroke over its heads. The feeling that came from the subtle touch was more than blissful, almost to the level of euphoric as the black god rubbed against all three massive foreheads and even behind each of its six ears. Glowering eyes slowly slid to half mast as the beast began to close them in pleasurable contentment.

A chuckle from the god made the guard dog raise one of its heads and lick over the deity's entire body, something the black god found amusing to no end, before a massive shudder ran through the beast's fur, halting the shared moment. Pulling away from the welcomed touches, the canine stood to his full height and then growled when his master appeared before the both of them.

"So, you're here again..." The voice of Hades quipped as his flaming head danced with a blue light symbolizing his bored amusement.

"I said I would return when my work allowed me the time." The other god answered the unvoiced question. His head turned to regard the other with his glowing amber iris before stepping up to the master of the underworld.

"So I see. Now, what is it you want exactly?" Hades asked as he looked down at his sharpened claws for fingernails and began to survey each one in turn.

"To borrow Cerberus for a small portion of time," the black jackal said as his face and muzzle could more easily be seen from the cool light dancing from Hade's naked scalp. His long, upturned ears flickered as he regarded every nuisance of sound within the underworld while keeping his piercing gaze on one of the most unloved deities within the Greek pantheon.

"And why, exactly, should I allow you to do this, again?" Hades asked as he kept his eyes focused on the other god instead of his faithful 'pet' who was looking between the two nervously, if the overgrown beast could produce the emotion.

"No reason on your part, save for this..." Anubis said getting a raised brow from Hades before the jackal god snapped his fingers and manifested a small, bejeweled box from nothingness.

The box floated over to Hades, who casually snatched it and then opened the container. A burst of light radiated from the shimmering jewels inside, momentarily blinding the fire-headed god before he shut the container and looked at the other deity bemusedly.

"I'm touched but I don't think you're my type."

"No, but Persephone is to come soon, is she not?" Anubis said with a wicked smirk curling on his lips.

"So, what's your point?" Hades asked as the blue embers on his head began to flicker red.

"I heard that the lady has had an...altercation...with her mother. She's been in a particularly foul demeanor as of late and I can only wonder what will happen if she were to come and release her...frustrations...here."

Hades tried not to let it show but his eyes did narrow as his mind thought over what would happen when his Iron Queen were to come to him in a foul mood. The picture that was painted was one that made a fine sheen of moisture dew down Hade's face, amazingly considering the flames on his head, before he turned his head down to look at the jeweled box and then to Anubis.

"Fine, but no more than a day," Hades said before turning his head to Cerberus and nodding to the Herculean beast.

"Every three months for the next millennia." Anubis added with a joyful chuckle crisping his words.

"WHAT??!!" Hades barked making the flame on his head ignite to monstrous vermillion levels before it cooled down to its original azure hue.

"I believe my words were sound, after all; the jewels in your hands are the most precious from the collection of Mother Isis of Egypt; a gift no woman could find objectionable. Surely this would be something more than fair for time spent with your bored guardian if it can soothe the anger and discontent of your beloved, do you not think?" Anubis said with reverence to the other god's widely known source of anxiety.

"Fine," A sand glass appeared beside Hades and then was snatched upside down allowing the golden sand inside to drizzle down into the empty space below. "Twenty-four hours and not a second more!" Hades shouted before puffing away in a grayish cloud of sulfur with the box of gems clutched tightly into his clawed hands.

Anubis released a breath he hadn't realize he had been holding before letting his shoulders fall to a slump and then turned to regard his newest attainment. Cerberus tilted all three of its heads back and forth as it tried to understand the circumstances for his master's anger before giving a canine shrug, his master was always mad anyway, and letting his three tongues ghost free from his muzzles while barking at the Egyptian god. The jackal deity chuckled despite himself and the patted the big beast's foreleg in reassurance, though who he was comforting would be a guess. Not wanting to waste his already dwindling time, the black jackal walked deeper into the other canine's personal space before waving his left hand into the air and transporting them both away.

When next the two canids reappeared they shimmered into Anubis' throne room, much to the excitement of his four guardians jackals. The large beasts ran to their master joyfully but before they could tackle him in happiness of his return, they stopped and regarded the new creature next to their god with curious apprehension. Hackles rose up as the four feral canines looked at the now much smaller Cerberus, who stood at Anubis' upper chest instead of so far above him, only to have the three headed canine rear up in defense and bare his cavernous jowls towards the others in defense.

"Settle down! All of you!" Anubis barked making seven heads turn towards him in shock and awe.

It was almost unheard of for Anubis to raise his voice as the power of his words was like an ocean wave washing over the entire room making the torches sitting on the wall quiver in deference. Once order was returned the black jackal smiled and then began to disrobe himself with a slow and methodical pace. Living in Egypt negated the need for much clothing as the burning heat of the day seeped into the chambers of Anubis' throne room heating the entire temple leaving the black god not much to have to take off. The four feral jackals watched with hunger glittering in their ambers eyes as their lord let his ceremonial kilt flutter to the cool marble floor followed by the golden collar encircling his neck before he stood naked before the five quadruped guardians in his naked glory.

The four jackals ignored the newcomers as they walked up to their lord and then began to bask in his glorious presence. Warm, male musk drifted up from the unclothed god's sweat laden body as his sheath and scrotum were finally allowed the freedom to drift without restraint from the, surprisingly, constricting piece of fabric. The four quadruped jackals padded as close to their lord as they could, rubbing against Anubis and allowing the deity to reach down and caress them to show his familiars his love and adoration for them in turn. The connection between the god and his guards was more than physical; each one was a part of his being, sharing with him his life force and therefore making them more akin to being godling aspects of himself that he could touch and feel and bond with on a spiritual level rather than just beast of burden.

Cerberus watched all of this with a curious eye, all six of them actually, as he sniffed the five jackals and found their scent arousing something in him that he had never felt before. Having been in the service of Hades for as long as he could remember after being taken from his mother and his brother, Cerberus had never known anything other than the duty of guarding the underworld realm. However, as the triple-headed canine watched the jackals rubbing and nuzzling against one another so honestly, the three headed canine began to feel a sense of wanting that he hadn't known before. It was slight at first, starting in his chest but soon it enveloped the dog completely as he felt his lower regions began to tighten and pulse with newfound desire.

Without thinking, Cerberus brushed up and into the fold of the four feral jackals' tightly knit ball of worship for their master and then nuzzled and licked at Anubis' form. The four guardians, though each a scant few inches shorter than Cerberus, growled at the intrusion but were soon hushed by the jackal god's quiet murmurings.

"Forgive me for not explaining things to you earlier my faithful guardians, but this is Cerberus and he will be here to join us in pleasuring one another on this day. Will you all accept him as a brother and let him participate with us?" Anubis asked, trusting that he knew every aspect of himself thoroughly enough so that his plan would come to full fruition.

The four jackals backed their muzzles away from Anubis and then turned to growl and huff at one another before looking to the three headed canine. Two walked over to sniff over the underworld's guard with questioning noses while the bigger beast pulled himself back and sat his haunches onto the ground, the serpentine tail of his hisses angrily as it was almost squashed in the process.

Cerberus wasn't sure of any of this, having been away from Orthrus since puppyhood; the bigger canid wasn't certain how to respond to the questioning noses of the other guardians snuffling him. The quartet of muscle and fur circled the bigger male quadruped, making sure to sniff under his tail while not getting snapped at by the venomous serpent that was his tail, before one of them lifted itself up, eye to eye with the bigger canine, and pressed itself nose to nose with the three headed dog. A soft growl bubbled from tightly clenched lips, making Anubis thin tail raise up to show his readiness to stop the altercation before it began, before a wet slobbery lick traced its way across Cerberus' center snout.

The middle head lifted up in confusion, turned towards its other heads to question them, gained a unsure blank stare from his two other appendages before lowering itself and returning the affection it was shown in a single saliva soaked lick of its own. Seeing the acceptance given by one of their own, the other three jackals went over and began to lick their new 'brother' across his face and nose, getting whimpers of contentment from Cerberus, a wag of his serpentine, much to the snake's annoyance, and finally a boisterous bark of glee symbolizing the binding of the new pack unity.

The five canines raced around the empty throne room for a good thirty minutes after that, making a happy smile form on Anubis' lips, as they cemented a newfound friendship between them and restructured the ordered hierarchy of the group as two of Anubis' guardian's put the other three canines into their place under them. Those two, even though all four jackals were perfectly identical, represented the most dominant forces inside of Anubis' mind and soul and carried themselves like alpha males of this pack. Cerberus acquiesced to their dominance and bowed his heads to lick both under their muzzles before getting passive licks in return for his submission.

The other two jackals found their place underneath Cerberus when the three headed canine wrestled with them onto the ground and then bit at them playfully enough to show his strength over them. The last two, mirroring the first, were composed of Anubis' submissive nature made physical and showed their belly for the larger beast as he sniffed over their lower ends and huffed his domination at them.

The jackal god chuckled as he realized that the place of the guardian of the underworld had come more easily than he would have thought and idly wondered what more time between the five feral males would bring when he remembered his time was limited. He could have spent many days letting the five of them play together, but thought it best to move things along and then enjoy what would come afterwards once they were all sated. Snapping his fingers, the five quadrupeds came to skidding halt from their racing as seven heads turned towards the naked god in confusion to look at their lord in question.

"Forgive me my friends, but time is not our ally on this day. Come; we have a different game to amuse ourselves with in my sleeping chambers." Anubis whispered sensually making the four jackals bark and pant hotly as they knew what the deity meant when he spoken in that tone.

Cerberus was the only one who was confused but soon gained an understanding as two of the jackal's padded behind him and then began to herd him forward. Walking under his own power, once he could figure out where the others wanted him to go, the three headed canine found himself watching the short, swaying tails of the jackal god and the two other feral male's on either side of him with another hungry in his chest. Anubis turned his head to look back at the underworld guardian before smirking mischievously. Getting to the backdoor behind his throne, Anubis pressed his palm into the twin barriers, allowing the door to creak open and reveal his plush sleeping area filled to the brim with pillows and cushions of various types.

Each pillow and cushion had been crafted by hand and given to the jackal god personally from kings and queens from all throughout Egypt and each was a reminder of how loved, respected and worshiped he was by the people of this realm. On the walls were tapestries and paintings from all over the world, which Anubis had collected when he could assume the guise of mortality and wander at his leisure. Torches lit the small sanctuary as the scent of jasmine incense covered the air while on the shelves stood lines of treasures the jackal kept from only those he truly respected and admired within this kingdom.

In a true canine fashion, Anubis kept only his most precious of material possession inside of his room, which really wasn't much other than some trinkets given to him by pharaohs of the past, the ones who he truly liked anyway, some kilts and perfumes, jewels given to him in honor of his Naming day by his mother and father, along with oils for the body which Anubis planned to use within the next few hours. The scent of the room was thick with Anubis' masculine scent mingling with the smell of the burning jasmine and the instant the four quadruped jackals smelled their master's familiar pheromones mingled with their own inside of the room, each of their sheaths began to thicken and grow wide between their legs. Very few beings knew of Anubis' lust for muscular canines, be they biped or quadruped, and even fewer knew of fetish for coupling with his guardians but soon Cerberus would know of his secrets, if the god had his way.

Getting into the center of his sleeping area, Anubis sat himself down onto one purple, silk threaded cushion and then turned to have his pets circle around him and then plant themselves down into one of each cardinal directions, enhancing the connection between each other.

"Now then, normally I would have all of my guardians' pleasure me with their tongues and teeth before allowing each of them to mount and be mounted by me in turn, but today let us do something different. My beloved guards, I wish of you to initiate Cerberus here into the fold of our kind of pleasure, if he will allow you the honor." The jackal god commanded as he spread his long, muscular legs allowing his furry sheath to hang on display as the deity reached a hand down and then began to palm over his heated sex.

One of the jackals, one of the more dominant ones with its head held high and ears perked forward, went over to Cerberus and then began to nuzzle the three headed beast before licking at his snout. The guardian of the underworld blanched for a moment and then stepped back in confusion. The quadruped jackal backed away, thinking it was doing something wrong. It looked to the others who were equally confused and then to their master who snickered at the scene.

"Forgive me, but Cerberus has never mated before. He will be confused to your advances, so go easy with him my children." Anubis' words rang softly as he touched himself deftly, letting his dark onyx fingers roll back his sheath to allow his turgid red erection to fill the space between his legs.

The four jackals turned to one another and then barked, growled, whined and whimpered before focusing their attention onto the unsure Cerberus. This time two of them went up to the bigger beast's front and began to rub themselves over the hellhound's chest while the other two went on the side of the greater beast and licked at his lower torso and underside where his sheath was quietly nestled. The sensations that came from the four bodies around him made Cerberus pant heavily and wetly as his three heads groaned and whimpered in unison with undisclosed pleasure while his hips quivered and his serpentine tail whipped back behind him instinctively. The tongues that were underneath his body slowly edged towards the massive dog's sheath and balls which were soon taken into heated maws and lapped over gently.

The two jackals in front raised themselves up to Cerberus' eye level and then showered the three heads in affection as the canids showed their love in the only way capable of their kind.

Anubis panted hotly as he watched the scene play out before him; having his dream from the months passed coming true before his eyes made the jackal god too excited for words. It was just as he had fantasized it would be with his familiars basking in the glow of adoration for the bigger beast while the triple headed hound stood there and soaked up every drop of love he could take while wanting more and more. There was no way of counting how many decades and centuries Cerberus had spent guarding the underworld all alone, but for now Anubis would attempt to make the guard dog's longsuffering worthwhile with the earthly pleasures of the flesh.

The minutes passed like the wind over a hill as the five feral males soaked each other in affection and saliva, Cerberus having decided to return the favor let all three of his heads lick over the two jackals standing in front of him, ghosting them in the mark of his scent. Down below, the two black canids that were tonguing over the bigger male's sex released Cerberus' testicles to instead lap at the long pole of his cock that had slipped free from his sheath. The red mass of flesh was perfectly proportioned for the hellhound's size as eighteen long inches complete with a pointed tip spouting fluids and an oversized knot swelling up at its base jutted out from between the Herculean canine's legs. The maleness of the beast was so thick that the two jackals underneath could actually wrap both of their tongue together around the fleshy log with just enough space to press their muzzles together and nuzzle each other.

Anubis watched eagerly as the three headed canine's anatomy surged forward almost as if pointing at him making the Egyptian god feel a sense of expectancy he hadn't thought he could muster in all of his long life. Spurts of watery fluids rained out from the pointed head onto several of the pillows coating them in the scent of Cerberus' desire before one of his familiars positioned itself directly in front and then underneath the triple headed canine before opening its muzzle to swallow down the hard length of canid meat. Anubis swallowed thickly as the lump in his throat refused to go down while at the same time his hand never left his growing jackalhood, pumping at him restlessly and instead summoned his other palm to rub at his loose hanging testicles between his thighs.

Cerberus was in a world like no other as pleasure surrounded him from all sides made the hellhound bark and whine while spreading his legs to get more of the sensations coming from underneath him. The snake at the end of his tail had grown so dizzy from the constant wagging it had been doing it looked almost drunk as it fell unconscious while the rest of its upper body rattled with the pleasure. The scent of the incense was finally snuffed out some minutes later letting the male odor of sweat and musk waft about from the five quadrupeds, filling the small area to the brim with male pheromones and as Cerberus breathed more and more of the sexual stench in his heart began to beat wildly as his instincts kicked into overdrive. Growls and barks echoed from the room startling all of the jackals, including Anubis as they looked to Cerberus in concern before watching the other buck his haunches forward and drive himself fully into the canine sucking at his cock.

The black beast choked for a moment and then readjusted himself so that he could fully take on the task of pleasuring the newest member of their pack completely. Not having to breath helped in this mission as the feral guardian opened his muzzle as wide as he could and licked over every inch of maleness being shoved into his throat. The other guardians backed away to watched the performance and even Anubis grinned as he began to lower his fingers from his scrotum and then play with the hole underneath his whip thin tail.

Cerberus was a truly frightening sight as the three of his heads growled and snarled letting their muzzles coat over in saliva while his hips jumped forward endlessly. The amount of sexual tension coming from the beast was about as awe-inspiring as it was shocking and none of the four jackals could believe that this monstrous canine had been deprived of something he, quite eagerly, enjoyed so much. It was as if all the frustration and anger and sorrow that the guardian of the underworld had stored over the millennia was finally being released through his cock and as the jackal under him took on the burden of absorbing that burden, the smaller feral male's own erection bobbed and splattered his juices onto his lower chest and the pillow beneath him. As testament to his skill as a cocksucker, the smaller beast grunted and took Cerberus almost all the way to his knot before tonguing over what he couldn't reach out of his maws inability to stretch so wide.

The black god could feel the sensations coming from his familiar as if he were the one suckling on the big beast while his slim digits poked at the entrance to his lower depths; the keeper of the dead moaned and threw his head back in rapture. The three guardians around him looked to their lord and then to the spectacle before them and communicated with each other as to what they should do next. Between their master and their two brothers each taking their own pleasures the other jackals weren't sure as what to do next, so the three remaining males fell back on instinct and padded over to their lord and then began to lap at his sweat soaked form while still keeping an eye on Cerberus and the other jackal.

The triple headed canine had all three of his tongues, which looked to be almost swollen from the acrid breath gushing from the triple headed beast's muzzles, hanging from his maw as gelatinous strands of drool dripped free from his muzzles onto the cushions and the jackal's back underneath him. The pleasure was divine as his doghood was coated by the warmth of the other male's jaws while the feeling of power and dominance over the smaller male became sinfully addictive. Cerberus looked down to the other resting between his forelegs and then to the god that had invited him to join in the earthly dalliances that mortals freely partook in. Rumbles spilled from the underworld dog's chest as he thrust his hips fully into the other male while forcing the other to pleasure his knot more with his tongue while the greater beast eyed the underside of Anubis' tail with intentions to have the other under him in a different manner floated through his consciousness. The jackal at his underside was only too happy to please the larger dog and soon he was humping against one of the pillows he was standing on as his own knot to plump and fill between his legs.

Anubis was able to situate himself so that he could see what his familiar was doing to Cerberus even as his other three guardians were now bathing him in their devotion and wiping his most intimate areas with their tongues. His nine inch length of jackalhood was reminiscent of a stone as it stood up to his lower torso and spouted his sexual fluids like water from the Nile only to have it drunken up by two of his guards who were incessant on pleasing him with both of their muzzles. The third familiar that was between the god's legs nearly had Anubis purring as it delved into the tight entrance between his rump and opened him up with the broad width of its moist organ. His legs twitched as they longed to rise up and allow the other to have his way but between the two on his chest and the show before his eyes, Anubis chose to instead roll his thighs enough for the other to dig a little deeper into him as best it could.

Cerberus' body was becoming a shadow of movement as he jacked his hips forward at an almost bruising pace. His body was overheating and needing to release the pressure coiling within. It was only when the jackal under him began nibble on his knot that canine instincts told the three headed dog that his release was soon to come in a rush of sensations. Claws tearing into the pillows underneath him, the air in his lungs hot and acrid, and his tail standing up to the ceiling as his testicles twitched for liberation, Cerberus raised his three heads to the sky and let out a echoing howl of gratefulness for life as he bucked his thighs once more and came for the first time in his existence.

The mass of semen that the three headed dog let out was like a geyser shooting water from the earth. The first impact made the jackal between Cerberus' legs yelp and turn the heads of the other four jackals in the room before a fountain of creamy thick dog cum raced out into his throat and down into his chest, bloating the beast's once muscular form until it looked to be swelling with life. The next scene to play out was one of the quadruped jackal backing up and away completely from the long flesh pole and then being showered by a stream of male scent and fluids spraying against his face and body. The smell inside of the room was instantly drenched in Cerberus' musk as the three headed dog came and came in a single continuous shower instead of bullet like shots that had been expected.

Anubis and his other guardians watched with unblinking eyes as the outrageous amount of semen seemed to go on forever before finally slowing down and then continuing out in short bursts that anointed the sacrificial jackal over the eyes and ears. It was almost funny in a way, Anubis chuckled as he literally felt his familiar's shame and pleasure at having been so thoroughly coated in another male's essence, when the white and yellow painted jackal pulled himself back and then came into his own orgasm, matting the underside of his already wet body with his own fluids further, as he came from such liquid testosterone being doused upon him. The other three feral canines looked between each other in wonder before happily barking and then going over to clean up their brother who didn't know which way was up as he dropped onto the bedding and panted in ecstasy. Tongues licked up every drop of cum from the exhausted guardian as the three jackals brushed themselves over the other, trying to get up every ounce of semen that was splattered into the once pristine black fur.

Cerberus finally ended his climax as his eighteen inch maleness finished blasting out the last of its load leaving the three headed canine to shake himself before flopping to the ground and lay his head between his legs in weariness. His first orgasm; a memory he would treasure for as long as he existed. There could be no other pleasure like it in all the realms and as the guardian of the underworld raised up his hind leg and looked down at his quietly seeping tip, the big beast had no idea of what more was to come as he began to lap his three tongues over himself to clean the dregs of his satisfaction from his body. However, what he did know what that there was a body moving closer to him and snapping his middle head to look forward, Cerberus got a glimpse of Anubis in his full splendor smiling down at him with his amber eyes glowing passionately.

"A joyful thing, the pleasure of flesh, is it not?" Anubis asked as he reached out to pat the hellhound's three heads and received a massive bark in answer. "Good, then when you are ready again, I would like for you to have another sampling of such earthborn rapture but one of a different manner." A cocked head from Cerberus and four raised heads from his guardians hushed the room from the rampant set of licking echoes filling the room.

Anubis smiled as he got down onto all fours and then lifted his thin tail up so that the wet pucker of his tailhole could be seen by the hellhound. Cerberus nose caught the scent of clean and ready canine wafting out from between the black jackal god's rump and before anyone could blink, the three headed dog was back up and shoving his tongue into the Egyptian god's anus.

"W-well...that w-was...quick of you..." Anubis grunted as the much larger middle tongue from the triple headed canine smashed through his inner walls and breached them open enough to move things around a bit. The four feral jackals watched the happenings in concern for their lord as the now halfway clean canid that had taken Cerberus down his throat telepathically relayed to his master the girth and force of the tool he wanted to take within himself. The black god chuckled and returned their concerns with quiet mental assurances that he was ready for what was to come.

The digging inside of his rear continued for a few seconds more before Cerberus found everything prepared as it should be, or as well as his instincts whispered that things should be, and then padded forward to overshadow the god below him in his bulk. The phallus between his legs was still hard, even after such recent use, and the twin globes that had given their contents were ready to go again as they filled back up with canine seed in preparation for another bout of rutting. The serpent at the end of Cerberus' tail was still out of commission so there was no danger of it snapping out and injuring the deity, even though he was immune from harm anyways, so when Cerberus thrust forward and ran his eighteen inch maleness over the jackal the first miss came as a subtle relief to Anubis.

The long pole of flesh made the jackal god quiver as it slashed through his well groomed fur on his back, both parting it and marking it in the three headed dog's scent. Another thrust, a bit lower, had Cerberus missing his target once again, something Anubis expected since this was the bigger beasts first time mounting anything. Feeling the weight of the heavy sack between his legs plus the wrist thick caninehood pressing into his own sex, Anubis called for one of his guardians to approach and help their brother enter into his hidden depths. The most dominant of the jackal guards stepped up and then went around side to help position Cerberus' flanks with his snout. It was both awkward and somewhat entertaining for the three canines to try and get this furry syzygy into alignment but once it did Anubis let out a howl of a bark so intense that his familiars recoiled from the pain they all shared in tandem with their lord.

Cerberus was an animal, in the purest sense of the word, he had no kind of concept of waiting or empathetic bonding with his new conquest, only the burning need to mount and thrust and bury himself as deeply into the male beneath him as he could. His hips moved without pause and though Anubis could not be killed by the monstrous cock attacking him from the inside, he could feel pain and he could express that pain in the most sincere way imaginable. Tears prickled from his eyes as his body was given to the feral male without question. Cerberus took and took gratefully as his three heads frothed around their muzzles and drooled along the stained pillows under him again. His cock was like a battering ram as it moved inside of Anubis' rectum, altering the shape of the god's insides and making a curving tunnel that dug deep into the jackal's guts further up until it got towards his stomach.

Anubis, for his part, focused his mind on the pleasure rather than the pain, though the suffering he felt right then was great and his brain could barely take on the concept of something so large and unforgiving battering inside of him. Slowly, the jackal god slowly grew use to the torment and was soon gasping heavily in spite of his need not to breathe. Looking at his guardians, Anubis whimpered for them to come to him and soon four furry forms, one still drenched and dripping with cum, edged over to their master and began to sniff and lick at him to calm their own and his anxiety. Muzzles and tongues pressing into his face and sweat soaked bodies brushing against his snout, Anubis was able to harden the connection between his familiars to the point where they could again return to enjoying the shared sexual play between the six of them. Upon sending the four to play with themselves, Anubis was able to pant harshly and look down to see the outline of his Cerberus's maleness running back and forth into his stomach and then down further to his own erection dangling and raining pre cum onto his already messy pillows. The sight was enough to bring about his climax but the jackal god wanted more, much more from his newest lover before he was done.

Cerberus let out a light growl as he watched the four other jackals come closer to him and the being between his legs, though neither of the other guardians seemed to notice. He didn't understand it but a fiery form of protectiveness washed over him as he watched the males lick and soothe the deity between his legs. That was supposed to be his duty. He was the one who was supposed to be making the god feel nothing but pleasure. He just didn't understand it. The feeling of the body wrapped around his cock were as good as the cascading fire from the underworld as the hellhound drove into the other again and again making Anubis yelp in pleasure. When the other's backed away the feelings for the need to lash out at the others dissipated and soon the three headed dog was ramming the insides of the god's body as hard as he could, making the knot at the base of his shaft push at the jackal's anus. The male beneath his legs belonged with him and Cerberus was resolved to show the other that he didn't need anything but as he continued to fuck the Egyptian deity with all the force he could muster.

Anubis tried not to wince or groan as he felt Cerberus speed himself up and pile drive into his ass with the force of a chariot moving at full tilt. The jackal god bit his lip when the massive ball behind him smacked at his butt again and again, almost as if seeking entry but he knew there was no possible way it could breach his tailhole. It was just too big so instead Anubis moved his eyes over to focus on his four familiars as they mounted each other, two by two, as they shared with them the feelings of submission and dominance between themselves and their lord while pounding hard into one another. Tongues hung out and hind legs jumped as the feral bunch mated alongside the bigger canine that was fucking their lord with endless fervor as the canine instinct to breed scorched through the room like a sun kissed whip. Anubis could feel them riding the wave of joy towards coming as he could feel himself and Cerberus getting towards the highlight of this round between one another.

Cerberus was happy to feel Anubis' body molding further underneath and was too happy to oblige his desires as they whispered for him to lock his jaws around the jackal god's neck and then growl into the jackal god's ears of his claim over him. No words needed to be said and no promises needed to be uttered as Anubis understood the meaning behind the soft rumbles that shook the floor as his nap was held firm and without question. The three headed canine let each of his tongues lick over the god's nap, soaking it through the dense fur to his skin where his saliva could thicken and the mat down the other male with his scent. The center head carefully took the scruff of Anubis' neck into his fangs and held him firm while his other two heads howled in glory as their body thrust harder and deeper into the submitting male. His gigantic sac swung back and forth hammering the smaller deity's own orbs into his body while making clear the intention of where the contents therein would be planted. Cerberus yipped happily as he could feel the acceptance of the other when the jackal god spread his legs wide, reached between his legs to fist over himself and barked out his cries of surrender for all to hear.

Anubis' mind jolted from the feeling of having his neck hanging in the bigger brute's teeth while his tail wagged between their bodies signaling his readiness to be bred fully. The massive knot that was outside of his body pounded into the jackal god's ass, forcing it to spread wide and allow entrance for the canine anatomy, despite what the god had thought earlier. Anubis didn't think it was possible for him to have such as thing inside of his ass but as Cerberus knocked at the gates of his body, something responded back in turn. A shrill yelp from the god made heads turn but no one stopped what they were doing as the energy of the room enraptured everyone into staying into place and finishing their own mating frenzy. The ball had driven home and planted itself deep making Anubis beat his fist into his bedding to try and numb the pain. It hurt, it hurt on levels that could not be described with plain words or sounds of agony but felt so good at the same time that the only way to describe the feelings truthfully, were to call it insanity.

Cerberus grunted as he felt a sensation like no other course through his veins. He had halfway completed his first act of mating as bred the male underneath him and connected to him wholly. His vermillion eyes blazed with feelings unvoiced as the three headed dog howled in joy at being one with his mate. His hips moved forward despite his mind floating on towards eternity and as the Herculean beast pressed farther into Anubis a sense of realization that he was now bonded with the jackal deity, a male god no less, impacted upon his sense imprinting every detail of his partner into his brain. There would be no other for him after his moment; the only source of comfort for the hellhound would be inside of the body of this creature. Even if he were never to sire pups and never know the joys of having a female wrapped around his sex, there would be no other entity that could pleasure him as Anubis could.

His thighs hugged up into the jackal's own back legs, while his swollen testicles radiated a gratifying heat inside of Anubis' tailhole diminishing the pain and turning all into mind shattering happiness. Anubis cried, both in suffering anguish and thrilling bliss. His body hurt yet his heart was almost bursting. This was the moment that his eternal life was meant to find. The hand on his maleness removed itself as the jackal reached it up instead to rub against Cerberus' middle snout. A thick tongue ghosted over his encaged scruff, showing the deity that the feelings and knowing were returned with equal gratitude before Cerberus began to move himself forward again at breakneck speeds.

One canine claiming another was an old ritual dating farther back than the human's first crawl upon the earth and as Anubis listened to the rhythmic sucking sounds of his backside swallowing around Cerberus' caninehood, the black jackal god smiled as he thought everything being worth this very moment no matter the uncertain future to come.

Cerberus could smell the anticipation of the jackal god like a heated fragrance teasing his nose. The heady scent of the room combined with the electric shocks of pleasure zinging through him and the heavy sounds of panting and groaning jackals tightened the triple headed dog's body, focusing his determination. He could feel that it was time, time to finish this primordial act and baptize in the dregs of his claim over the other and seal the bond between them with the gift of life itself. Pulling back and lifting all three of his heads up to the top of the room again, Cerberus roared as he came again, blasting thicker ropes of cum into Anubis and filling the other with so much seed that not even the plug of his knot could keep it all in. The flat washboard stomach of his mate swelled out, the same as with his first familiar, before Anubis coughed and swallowed as he could taste the salty essence of Cerberus' cum rushing up through his muzzle only to have it flow back down and pool inside of his belly.

Alongside of the two newfound mates, the four feral jackals were just now experiencing their own orgasms as they bit, snarled and growled out their pleasure from feeling their lord's climax resonating within them. Cum flew everywhere inside of the room, soaking into the pillows, the fur of all six canines and even the walls before everything began to slow down and then settle into a pleasant haze. Cerberus, wise enough to know not to flop down and hurt his mate, fell onto his side, dragging Anubis with him, before huffing quietly and then bending to clean the other off with all three of his tongues. His furry nuts were aching by this point but the hellhound didn't care as he sniffed and lapped at his mate, wanting to be sure to care for the other rather than worry about his own trivial wellbeing.

Anubis was still conscious, though barely and soon found himself basking in the warmth of Cerberus' red organs while rubbing a hand over his distended belly and patting it. His underside was wet with his own seed but it was miniscule compared to what covering his back, legs and thighs and even a bit of his feet as Cerberus had inseminated him to capacity on his first breeding attempt.

The jackal god looked to his familiars who were slumping down and curling around each other to sleep and then turned his head to stare into the eyes of the three headed dog before nestling close to him and following his guardian's path into slumber. Cerberus didn't know what to think as he felt the smaller deity's body began to form into a tight ball, but once again his instincts saved him the trouble as the bigger beast wrapped himself around his mate and then began to drift off into Nod. The serpent along his tail hissed quietly as it finally woke up and then slithered its way around both canines before hissing and flicking its tongue to scent any kind of danger in the air. Being the guardian of the underworld meant that some part of Cerberus would always be awake and as the hours passed in succession, nothing dared venture close to the six sleeping canines, not even the two gods peeking into the messy room before they quietly closed the door and walked away out of the temple.