The thing about bad luck...

Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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Zen grunted as he stepped off of the school bus, or more like was shoved off by Mike McMillan, and landed on unsteady feet onto the concrete sidewalk. Turning and looking at the other with his burning green eyes, Zen swore up and down in his head at the other, while Mike smirked and gave him a sarcastic apology for what he had done. The bus driver just rolled her eyes before closing the doors to her bus and then drove off; they weren't her problem anymore as far she was concerned once they took that last step. As the bus shrank into the distance, Zen and Mike glared at one another for another second before both turned and walked to their respective homes. Zen happening to live right where the bus pulled off turned his head to look at Mike jog back three doors down before whipping his head back and heading into his house.

Being sixteen and not having any parents come home until dark gave Zen a chance to relax and take a breather as pushed the door of his home open, threw his schoolbag onto the couch before starting to take off his clothes. Dropping them all over the living room as he walked towards the kitchen, Zen sighed as he felt the cool air brush over his pale skinned body and stretched his arms up to take a good sniff of his underarms. Chuckling and grunting from his own heady scent filling his nose, the sixteen year old high school student lowered his hands to his side and then went to raid the inside of the fridge.

Mom had apparently left him some steak so that was good. Pulling out the plate that they were left on, Zen turned and closed the refrigerator with the side of his hip before walking into the living room and plopping himself down onto the sofa. Feet up on the table, back pressing into the cushions, and food on his lap the auburn haired boy let out a small sigh as the world around him began to fade to a dull hum. The wind chimes ring happily against the wind outside were the only noise that permeated his calm resonance as Zen grabbed one of the brown slabs of meat and brought it up to his mouth. Viciously tearing into the cow meat, Zen let the cold juices roll down his neck as he chewed on the tender piece of flesh before swallowing it down his throat and murring happily.

Taking another bite and then doing the same afterwards, Zen recalled some of the events from today and forcibly reminded himself that his parents weren't stupid creatures, just too idealistic to realize that lycanthropes did NOT belong with humans. Take today for example, at first things had been very well; Zen had gotten off of the school bus and walked into the front doors of Caledon High just as the first warning bell was ringing. Not unusual, but then things started to rapidly deteriorate as the sixteen year old found himself getting a tardy after having had rescued one of the new freshmen from a jock who was trying to initiate the other into the first year of the rest of his life at Caldeon.

Not that that was all bad because he got a chance to strike a little fear into the wannabe bully's heart after twisting his arm backwards behind his back making the other yap out loud like a wounded mutt. To Zen, there was just something...thrilling...about twisting a human's limb into an awkward position and making them beg for mercy not to get their shit broken. The canine in him just loved to hear those sounds of pain as Zen established his dominance over the weaker human. Sending the kid on his way and then releasing the bully with a clear warning, Zen found himself three minutes late for class and getting the evil eye from Mr. Payne. Again, nothing unusual since the older man had been told to watch his behavior and report him to the principal whenever he got out of hand or was late to class for an extended period of time. This only served to annoy Zen as he kept getting unwanted attention from the almost bald headed human for the entire hour making him twitchy and edgy to growl at the other.

After that, things had gone well all the way up to lunch when a fight broke out. Now, that it happened around Zen's table was something that made the sixteen year old sort of aggravated as lunch was the only time he could get a chance to sleep in school before his next class. So being abruptly awakened from his nap, the changeling had growled and went over to break the two idiots up just in time for security to come in and grab him and the two other boys and haul them to the principal's office. That's when things got even more vexing.

Mrs. Price was a bitch who had it out for anyone disrupting her orderly school grounds and had a habit of making examples out of students with suspension and expulsions. So when she suspended the two fighting males Zen was all but ready to get his bag and take himself home but it seemed that the woman could read his mind today and decided on another course of action. Instead of suspension for three days, Zen was going to have to be responsible for after school cleanup with a bunch of others who had too many detentions under their belts.

Pissed off didn't begin to describe how Zen felt as he curled his lips back and had to snap his hand over his mouth to keep from barking at the woman. Leaving her office, or more so being thrown out, Zen had stomped back to class so mad that everyone who saw him jumped out of the way lest they catch his glowering eyes. In class, Zen had gone and sat straight in the back so that the teacher would purposely ignore him, but again someone was pissing on his luck. Mrs. Shelby, a teacher that Zen actually liked, had gone home early because of a problem with her newborn baby and so that left Mr. Payne in charge of her class, the school being too cheap to hire substitutes meant that his normal class and Mrs. Shelby's had to merge for the day. So that meant everyone had to get up and trudge down to the gym just so that they could have enough space for the sixty some odd students to have class in.

A real bother for Zen since he was still sleepy and wanted to pass out on his desk, but things got to the boiling point when walking down the hall Mike had decided to smack him on the back making him bump into Jesse Switcher who fell in Darwin Elps and then so on and so forth. When everyone looked back at him Zen had turned to find Mike walking ahead of him with a smile on his face. To say he wanted to rip the guy a new one was an understatement. Zen had to count to forty before his claws would shrink back down into nails, though they remained black for the rest of the day, before he apologized to Jesse, he happened to have a crush on her but knew it would never work between their species, but hormones weren't logical, and then flipped everyone else off.

Mr. Payne didn't say anything but when he did get everyone to the gym he singled Zen out and asked to 'speak with him' after class. By the time the hour was up, Zen was the first one bolting out of the gym as he made his way to his last class before 'baldy' could even voice his name. The last class of the day would have gone smooth but then Mr. Christophe had gone and thrown everything off balance with his 'surprise pop quiz', that was worth a tenth of their grade. Tired, cranky, and irritable Zen didn't even bother to write his name down as he laid his head across the desk and drooled on his test. When the class was over Mr. Christophe had to prod him awake and took his test with a sad shake of his head.

Day shot with at that point, Zen grabbed his backpack and walked out of class as fast as his feet could carry him but it was like some curse was following him as there in the hall stood Mrs. Price, with two security officers who herded the brown haired youth to the lunch room and had Zen stand around for half an hour while the others who were in detention came to aid him in cleaning up. It was no small surprise that the bully from this morning and Mike showed up but seeing several other boys show up caught Zen slightly off guard as he wondered what kind of vendetta Mrs. Price was on this week. The first two glared at him while he smirked and pulled his lip back over one very sharp canine before Mrs. Price yelled for everybody to start on an area and get to cleaning.

Lycanthrope speed and good dexterity made the job easy for Zen as he did his part and then walked out. Mrs. Price tried to get him to come back but Zen finally couldn't take it anymore and flipped the woman off. The sight of her face turning red was priceless, her suspending him for three weeks was not, but at that point Zen didn't care and stormed off out of the building just as the school bus was pulling off. He waved the bus driver down only to have her stop and Mike jump in front of him to get on first. Not bothering to try and figure out why and how the other had gotten down the hill ahead of him so fast, Zen just got on the bus and then made his way to the back row. Mike, having also gotten a seat in the back, meant that the other boy was going to leer at him the entire ride, not that Zen minded the constant barrage of stares from the other but again he had to count to eighty to keep from changing and going for the human's vitals. Zen had to literally dig his claws into his bag while holding the pack against his chest as his animal nature rose up to the forefront and was begging him to just let everything go.

Murder was why his grandfather had to move to a new city once a year; Zen knew his parents would skin him if he even came close to grabbing the other's neck with his teeth. So there he sat, for the next thirty minutes, looking out the window at nothing until his stop finally came up.

Now as he sat at home and unwinding, Zen realized that maybe he could have handled some of that better but his bestial self still blamed stupid humans for causing his bad day. Why...oh why...his parents couldn't just accept their own nature and moved some place far, far away from humans was always going to be a mystery to Zen. The lycanthrope city up north would be a great place to live and raise their family, but no, his dad just had to branch out and try to mingle with the furless ones. Ok, the fact that his mother was half lycanthrope and that he had met her outside of any pack he had known was a small factor. She could change so that's all that counted in the end, at least in his mind.

"Fuck it," Zen grunted as he raised the now empty plate up and began to lap up all the excess juices still covering the ceramic.

Finishing with dinner, the young changeling grunted and headed back to the kitchen where he washed his used dish before putting it away on the rack. Going back to the fridge and seeing that there was enough frozen food to make something for tonight's dinner, Zen got out a large thing of chicken and set it in the sink before running some water over it. Why the doorbell rung during he didn't understand, but going to the door in the nude seemed the best way to get rid of the bothersome person.

Grinning and opening his door wide, Zen pulled himself against one side of the inner frame and then,

"Yes?" His canines were showing under his lip, glinting off of the sunlight.

"Oh, hi. Uhm...are you Zen Summers?" A tall young man with a broad chest, grey hair and ivory white skin asked while looking down at Zen nervously.

"Yes I am. And you are?" Zen asked without the barest hint of shame coursing through his body as he looked up at the other and mentally questioned himself on just how this person knew him when he was sure he didn't know then other.

"Oh, good. My names Zachery Thompson. I just moved here to stay with my aunt and uncle and I thought I'd come and introduce myself to you and your kin." Zackary said while smiling and extending his hand in greeting.

Looking down at the offered hand and then up to the person's face, Zen gauged the other male intently before pulling himself from where he was leaning to step forward and sniff at Zachery. A strong odor of spicy musk and deep earth made a shiver run down Zen's spine as he scented lycanthrope musk coming from the other boy. "You're like me. Why are you here? Who told you about us?" Fur started to roll from around Zen's shoulders as he felt his beast start to come out from the possible threat the other posed to him and his family.

Having lived in the town all his life, Zen knew every person's scent that lived in the area. There were no other lycanthropes around here other than his mother and father, something his folks had taken into consideration hen moving here, and this intruders moving into his territory had Zen's beast ready to go at it with the other for claim of his terrain.

Zachery whipped his hand back as fast as he could before getting into a defensive position. "Whoa! Whoa! There's been a misunderstanding here! I just got here a few days ago and I sniffed around and found the smell of lycanthropes distinctly coming from this area. I just asked my cousin who around lived here and he told me your name! That's it! Honest!" Zachery kept himself from changing as well since they were visible for anyone on the street to turn their heads and see them.

Zen's face was midway to becoming a muzzle when he contracted his nose and pulled the scents coming from the other boy. When he didn't scent the sour like bite that signaled the other was lying, Zen stepped himself back into his house and then calmed his beast down enough so that he wouldn't try to attack Zachery. His features melted into his human guise before sighing and then nodding his head for the Zachery to come in. The taller boy was hesitant at first but a growl from Zen got him inside before the front door was shut behind him. It was only after he did so that Zachery realized he might have just trapped himself inside with what could be a loose cannon of a lycanthrope.

"Sorry about that. You never can be too careful, human surveillance and all. Have a seat." Zen waved over to the couch where his clothes still were strewn around before going back to the kitchen and turning off the still running tap water.

"I'm sorry I scared you."

"You didn't scare me. If you were someone trying to invade my land you'd a corpse right about now." Zen said through the kitchen as he found the chicken to be half way thawed and ripped open the cellophane before dumping the meat out into the sink. Turning the tap back on, but this time putting the stopper into the drain, Zen let the water cover the white meat, turning the water pink, and then shut it off again. Walking back into the room, Zen saw Zachery watching everything with keen eyes and scenting around before turning his hazel eyes around to stare at the still naked auburn haired changeling.

The two males watched each other for a minute, the tension in the room getting heavy as their beasts rose up and then glared at one another in dominance. Zen's fingers clenched and Zachery wet his bottom lip before the both of them turned away at the same time.

No dominants here. Both were equally matched to one another, ironic given Zachery's timid display a second ago.

"So, yeah. Uhm, well...I don't know what else to say." Zachery explained as he tried to keep his eyes above Zen's waistline.

"You and your aunt and uncle are all lycanthropes?" Zen asked before walking over and plopping down in his former seat. Legs up and resting on the table once more, the sixteen year old spread his legs letting his crotch sit between his thighs in full display for the other.

"N-no. Just me, but only I'm only a halfling. My mom's side of the family is human so I'm going to stay with them for this year to see what it's like to be around full humans. You're a wild, I take it?" Wilds being what lycanthropes are called when they choose to express more animal tendencies verses human traits.

"Yeah, or at least I would if it wouldn't bother my folks so much whenever I leave the house." Zen covered his chest with his arms and then huffed. "Why they want to be like humans I don't get, but whatever. So you want to stay for dinner?" Zen questioned, taking Zachery by complete surprise.

" just...and now you...huh?"

"I show my kind respect, even if you are a half lycan, and respect to them because they deserve so, unless proven otherwise. So do you want to share my food or don't you?" Zen bared his fangs at the other getting a shiver from Zachery in return.

"Uhm, let me call my folks and ask them. I just moved here so I'll probably have to go back and finish unpacking, but then again..." Zachery muttered as he picked his phone out of his pocket and then flipped it open, not even noticing when Zen cringed and moved away from him.

The grey haired youth dialed the number to his dad's cell and then put the piece of machinery next to his ear and waited. A few seconds later someone picker up, "Hello?" A woman answered.

"Hey Aunt Maggie, would you mind if I stayed over at Zen's home and ate dinner with them?"

Zen's ears picked up on every word Magnolia said next, completely ignoring the fact that it was good manners not to listen in on someone else's call: human good manners anyway. "Well I don't know. Have you talked to his parents yet? They might be feral and not like outsiders until they get to know you better, dear." Maggie said with her voice seeped deep in worry.

"We're not feral, my parents are too domesticated for that. Tell her its fine." Zen said moodily as he sulked to have to actually say such things about his sire and mother before staring at Zachery and then unfolding himself.

"Uhm, I think it'll be okay. Besides, this way I can introduce myself to them and then get approval from them." Zachery said cheerily while Zen just watched with a shake of his head.

"Oh, alright. Just be sure to be back before it gets too late."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Alright then, good bye."

"Bye." Zachery said before hanging up and then flipping his cell closed. Looking up after pocketing the phone, Zachery came face to face with Zen who was staring at him with a tight purse of his lips.

"I-is something the m-matter?" Zachery said as he leaned back and tried not to inhale the other's scent.

"If I told you I was going to throw you down onto the ground and mount you, what would you do?" Zen asked with complete seriousness.

"W-WHAT??? Are you crazy!? I'm a guy!" Zen yelped, sounding way to canine at that moment and having to cough to get his voice under control.

"You didn't answer me but I have a feeling you'd try to fight. You're not some domestic. Not yet anyway. I can see it right there in your eyes," Zen leaned in close enough so that his breath ghosted over Zachery's nose. "Right there, your beast is waiting to get out. I bet if I were to grab you, your beast would surge up and throw me down to the ground." Even after saying this Zen reached out and took Zachery's shirt into a firm hold. The growl that came from the bigger boy made a happy shiver run through Zen's back as his green eyes flared and his beast raised its hackles in eagerness for a fight.

"Look, you may like to be Wild but some of us want to be normal people with jobs, an income and security. Not everyone wants to throw it all away just to eke out a meager existence trying to hunt in some lands where the nearest cell phone connection is fifty miles away. Now get your hands off of me." Zachery's shoulders rose as he peeled his lips back and stared Zen into the face.

"Hah, you sound pretty convincing but you don't want all that bullshit. You want to run and howl and be free. I can taste it from your scent. You let others tell you how you're supposed to feel and you submissively go along, but what you want you won't take. I bet you, if I were to run with you under the moon tonight, you wouldn't stop chasing after me until we were clear across the city." Zen did release Zachery but instead of backing away he pushed forward so that his nose touched the taller boy's.

"Back off." The threat was real and unwavering but Zen's blood was pounding in his veins dulling out any kind of humanistic rationale. It'd been too long since he's had a playmate to contend with. He wasn't about to let this grey haired lycanthrope go so easily. Not now when he found someone to rival his own beast.

"No. Not unless you make me. Make me and my beast submissive to you and then you will see us stand down in your presence." Zen said as he let his claws lengthen and then make tiny tears into the seams of Zachery's shirt.

A pair of hands pushing forward sent Zen through the air and back onto the table. Thankfully his weight didn't cause it to break however, it did call his beast to attack and when Zachery got up to apologize he barely caught a glimpse of Zen moving before he was thrust back down into the sofa.

Claws and fangs were tearing into Zachery's clothing trying to get its way to flesh making the older boy yelp and growl before he pushed Zen away for a second time. The green eyed youth was able to fall back onto all fours with his muzzle lengthening and his ears shifting to the top of his head as he looked up to see the other lycanthrope tearing off his shirt and glowering down at him.

"You're just an animal!" Zachery said with his voice having gone an octave deeper than his former soothing tenor. Eye blazing and his hands ripping through his pants to get out of them, Zachery barely noted that Zen had ample time to attack him but chose not to before he was on all fours feeling his body ripple and his beast howling through his veins.

The two boys growled and snapped at each other there on the floor of the living room, Zen having transformed faster than Zachery since he and his beast were on even levels of control over their shared body. Unlike many lycanthropes who let their human side dominant their animal, when both consciousness were at equally proportionate levels of control these lycans could tap into a greater well of their powers than their more domestic kin. Bones didn't pop or realign for Zen as they did for Zachery. The change for the auburn haired youth came as easy as water down a river as his body shifted and melded into its 'proper form', a Zen called it. Soon an oversized black and white husky, standing on four proud legs, was looking into Zachery's changing eyes as the grey wolf finally finished his change with a last outcry that became a whimpering bark as he shook himself and then glared at the other male.

Ironic it was that while Zachery was bigger in human form he was an inch smaller than Zen and his beast were in their transformed state. The two looked at each, wagering what point would be the right place to sink fangs and claws when Zen's ears lifted and he turned his head to hear a car pulling into the driveway. Not a wise move as it gave Zachery the right opportunity to leap out with his fangs bared for his throat.

Zen didn't think as his legs buckled underneath him and he rolled his body to the side avoiding Zackery's attempt at an attack. When the wolf caught air he turned, only to have Zen crash into him and then bite him onto the scruff of his neck before dragging the other into the back of the house. When the two males got into the kitchen Zen released Zachery and darted out of the house through the doggy door that his parents had installed and into the backyard. Zachery blinked and took off after the other without a second thought as his beast growled in vengeance at the fleeing husky.

By the time the two lycans were running outside, into the back and then on deeper past the mass of trees that led further that they could see, Zen's parents were just stepping inside. The married couple was so busy talking to each other that it took a full minute for the both of them noticed an unfamiliar scent cloying at the air. Looking down and seeing clothes all over the floor, Zen's father went and picked up a shirt he knew his son never wore, it being a size bigger, and then sniffed over the article of clothing before swearing and handing it to his confused wife. The lady of the house scented the piece of material and sighed before raising her nose and searching for her wayward pup.

Inside of the small forest like area, Zen was still running from Zachery, the grey wolf racing after the other with his mind intent to bodily harm the husky lycan. He and Zen had made their way to a small clearing before Zen stopped his running and flipped around to face the angry grey wolf. Zachery skidded to a stop some feet in front of the other, both of them panting hard and viciously growling at each other before Zen puffed himself up and snapped at the air trying to get Zachery to bow down and submit to him. The grey wolf refused and countered his rival's actions until the both of them look like two balls of knotted fur. Sweaty and yet excited beyond reason, both lycans stood their ground while glaring into each other's heated eyes.

Then Zen rushed forward.

Barreling into an unprepared Zachery, the other bore his weight for a split second and then was sent down onto the hard earth with a snap of fangs and a swipe of claws. The husky growled and bite at his opponent trying to get his teeth into a vital point where he could snap into flesh and submiss the body before him.

Zachery and Zen tussled for a second before the wolf pushed the other down causing Zen to roll back and then away. Tufts of fur stuck in his fangs, the husky spit them out before licking over his lips and gauging the other male. Zachery didn't give him time to enjoy his sense of victory as the grey wolf pounced and aimed his claws towards Zen's muzzle. The husky turned away and yelped from the hit but it was paid the wolf in return with a savage bite onto the other's foreleg when his body absorbed the impact of the falling lycan. Biting down and getting a yelp of surprise and pain out of the wolf, Zen didn't let go until the coppery taste of the other male's blood ran over his tongue. When he did release him, Zen swiped his own claws at Zachery's face, missing and dig into a firm grey chest instead.

The wolf yowled and snapped at Zen's ears, missing them by a hair's breath, making his teeth clack together for his trouble.

Headbutting the grey wolf, Zen knocked the wind out of Zachery, making the other cough and gasp and opening him completely to his next attack. Diving to the side and then behind the wolf, Zen snapped at Zachery's tail making the other yelp once more before he watched the furry appendage rise up out of the way of those sharp, unforgiving fangs. With a wicked smile on his bloody face, the husky hopped up on top of the wolf and then grabbed him by the back of his neck and pressed his full weight onto the other before mounting him.

Through the battle Zachery hadn't noticed Zen's sheath filling up and his cock slipping out of his furry pouch however, when that fat piece of canine anatomy breeched the walls of his rectum and then filled him to the brink in one shot, the wolf let out a howl loud enough to make birds flutter into the air. Blood dripping onto the grey wolf's back from the shallow, but painful cuts on his face, Zen took the male beneath him with steady and forceful thrusts of his hips while holding the other in between his teeth with all the strength he could muster. Bucking like a bronco, Zachery tried everything he could to get the bigger husky off of him but nothing worked, instead his actions seemed to be spurring Zen on as the dog jammed all of his nine inches of meat into his rear, more and more.

Zen moved his hips quick and fast. There was no pause or break to try and get himself into a better position. The husky used all of his might to force the grey wolf's chest down onto the floor while jack hammering into him with staccato like humps of his powerful hips. The blood on his face finally stopped running as the wounds began to heal on their own from his rapid genetic healing but the few drops that did fall onto Zachery's back were lapped up by a broad, sweeping tongue. The taste of himself combined with the sweat soaked scent and pheromone coated smell of their battle excited Zan to new levels as he drove into the wolf making Zachery yap and yowl as the more dominant between the two of them was made irrefutable.

Their bodies rocked together as one long cock speared open the depths of the beaten wolf making Zachery lower himself down and uncoil the tension that was dripping from his body. He had been beaten, but not only that, he was being taken by the husky as if he were some kind of common bitch. The fact his body was growing less pliant to the other's ministrations only served to confuse Zachery as his human mind refused to wrap around what it meant for his body and his beast to become so...willing to be taken like this.

Zen paid no mind however, he just kept moving and pumping and thrusting while his head kept a tight hold onto the neck between his jaws.

Zachery didn't want to admit that he was defeated by this Wild anymore than he wanted to admit he was enjoying the fucking he was receiving, but as his own sheath began to fill and his turgid length spilled outwards, it was an inevitable conclusion. Tail pressed onto his back, breath caught into his throat, Zachery was made into a female for the husky who furiously slapped his balls into the wolf's own loose hanging orbs. Feeling the defeated male underneath him submit totally, Zen grabbed the other's scruff into a tighter hold before power slamming his cock into the wolf with the force of a piston. His knot was just starting to form when Zen suddenly stopped all motion.

Thinking that the other was through with him, not to mention thoroughly humiliated, Zachery let out a grateful sigh when Zen pulled out of him and then hopped off his back after releasing his throbbing neck. It was only when the other stepped up to face him, the husky's muzzle now covered in flecks of dried blood staining his black and white fur, that Zen leaned next to Zachery and began licking him on the muzzle.

Thoroughly confused, the wolf folded his ears back onto his head in surprise as Zen lapped his tongue over his face over and over until it was thoroughly shining with his spittle. The wolf got a second surprise when Zen backed up and then leaned down to sniff around until he found the leg he had bitten and leisurely lapped over it, drying the fur and closing up the wounds with his saliva.

Zachery didn't know what to think, he was too confused and disorientated from the fight to understand the implications but his beast let him know that his alpha had won their fight and was now doting on him. Confused, Zachery questioned his beast and was informed that the husky's beast and Zen, both now saw him as their subordinate. When he had given up the fight the wolf became beta to the other canine and now the dominant was tending to him as a member of his pack. Head spinning and thoughts jumbling, Zachery turned in enough time to see Zen backing away from his, now healed, leg and sitting down on his rump with his legs spread and his cock glistening upwards at the sky.

Zachery's beast was moving them forward without his consent and soon he and his beast were delving their nose between the alpha's leg and snuffling at the musky tool which had dominated him, not but a minute ago. The pink flesh was covered with his scent making his beast somewhat proud that it was worthy enough to be taken by this Wild male while Zachery...

Zachery was straight, he had a girlfriend waiting for him at the college he was supposed to be attending this week, but the smell of himself over and across the husky's maleness made him whine before he snaked his tongue out and lapped over the fat piece of meat. Hardly believing that it the plump doggycock had been in him a second earlier, Zachery licked over Zen getting a grumble of praise from the canine as he trailed his tongue down the other's length to where his knot had just started to grow thick with blood. Cold, moist nose rolling against Zen's balls, the wolf ran his muzzle around those twin oblong, memorizing the scent of the more powerful male before yipping and pulling himself back like he had been stung.

Zen watched Zachery with amusement flowering through his green eyes before opening his muzzle and letting out a feral laugh that made the wolf shiver. His cock bounced and sprayed pre up and over his groin soaking it with the proof of his arousal while his gaze never left the confused wolf who was trying to argue with his instincts. Any moment now...

Licking over his muzzle and tasting his...the alpha male's fluids and his own, Zachery's beast berated him for not submitting completely, even as he argued that he wasn't some Wild, and that he just lost a duel with a stronger male was all. The two forces of will went back and forth with Zen watching their inner conflict like a spectator at a ball game before the husky got bored and decided to end the little inner dispute.

A stiff bark had Zen and his wolf turning back to look at the husky before noting the other shifting and growing to a form mixed between his human guise and his feral shell. Now standing at a good seven feet tall, Zen towered over the wolf and stepped forward to grab the other. Zachery let out a series of whimpers as he was forced to turn around and his tail slowly rose against his will. His beast understood and told him that the alpha was going to seed him now and finish his claim of dominion. Shaking his head at not wanting that to happen, Zachery tried to lowered his behind only to have something warm and wet delve into his rear and began opening him up in ways no one ever had before.

Zen wasn't without mercy as he and his beast prepared their second to be marked thoroughly and completely by their canine cum. Both he and his beast shared in the pleasure that came with rimming the smaller male, the scent coming from the wolf being intoxicating as well as thrilling since it was a mixture of fear, shame, arousal and submission. Letting his eye travel downwards, Zan found Zachery's sheath still full, well half full now, and leaking onto the upturned dirt underneath them. Wondering how far he could push the other into ecstasy, Zen reached forward with both paws and spread the wolf's cheeks open and then pushed his muzzle as far into the other as he could.

The yelp that Zachery let out was amusing, but the moan he made afterwards was like a clear signal to the anthroid husky to keep doing what he was doing. Faster and harder, he swept his tongue through the tight ring of muscle, wetting it more than it already was from his first claim over the other with his length of meat. The tight ring of muscles seemed to protest the entry of the foreign object before settling down and massaging the husky's tongue as the wolf groaned and let a tight shiver roll through his body all the way back to where the two were connected. Zen bobbed his head back and forth making sure to get his tongue as far in as he could go before finally deciding that his beta was prepared enough. Pulling up and licking over the loosened hole, Zen gave the tightened star a kiss just for the hell of it and got a shiver out of Zachery for his trouble, making him smirk, before adjusting himself over his second so that his cock was at the wolf's tailhole. Grunting and making sure his legs were spread wide enough, Zen pushed his hips forwards and mounted his beta for a second time that evening.

Zachery didn't yelp as he was taken again, his back tunnel opened and relaxed enough to take the girth of his alpha, the wolf found his tongue lolling out of his muzzle as he and his beast accepted the dominance of the husky. Zachery still considered himself to be straight, but at this moment he became whatever his alpha wanted of him, or so said his beast. The animal side of Zachery forced itself backwards onto the, now fourteen inch, monster that was plowing into him before he knew what he was doing and giving Zen all the acceptance necessary to start a real mating between the both of them.

Claws digging into the earth while paws gripped the grass in front of Zachery's head, Zen began a series of thrust with his hips that were so hard that they shook the wolf beneath him like a piece of jello. His furry testicles, now bigger than Zachery's because of his third form, the weredog hunched upwards into his beta letting his half hard knot kiss at the ring of flesh he was claiming before quietly slipping in. Zachery yelped as Zen smiled, with a maw fully of cruel fangs raised upwards towards the dying sunlight, while the husky pulled himself back unknotting himself from the other. Looking down and seeing his beta trying not the clench up in pain, Zen bent downwards and licked over the wolf's nap, soothing some of the hurt and getting the other male to calm down again. Neither he nor his beast were cruel enough to want to actually damage the other permanently so it was only when the wolf had settled, with his anus was no longer gripping him like a steel clamp, that Zen eased his hips forward again. Up to the knot but not letting it breech the lupine's depths just yet, Zen kept lightly pounding the other, waiting for Zachery to thrust back on his own.

The two of them danced together in the forest with the world around them watching as these two lycans became the start of what would later become a much bigger pack. For now though, Zen grunted and murred as his nose inhaled the scent of his beta while Zachery groaned and whimpered as he lost a virgin part of himself to the will of the stronger canine. His mind was like a shuffling deck of cards as both he and his beast tried to make a clear understanding of what all this meant. However, his cock was going to be the deciding vote as the length of his hard eight inches were fully extended between his legs and jumping up and down eagerly while coating the land in his pre fluids. The wolf grunted when his furry nuts met Zen's on a particularly harsh thrust and he felt his hind legs coil in the attempt not to buckle at the pleasurable sense of pain that just shot through him. The kiss of their bodies meeting, the warm fur of the husky atop of him, and the knowledge that he belonged to the other finally made something click inside of Zachery's head.

It took a full ten minutes before the wolf was ready, he and his beast both drooled and lost themselves to the pleasures of submitting their flesh to their alpha, before the wolf's haunches brushed back against Zen hips. The husky let out a happy barking howl before he tilled the earth and began to plow his cock all the way up and into Zachery's body. His knot, now fully hard from the stimulation of taking the wolf like a bitch, Zen pulled his claws from the ground and gripped the wolf by his side and drove forward hard enough to make Zachery yelp and pushed his own legs hard into the ground as he was fully knotted. The fat plug of tissue held firmly inside of the, now somewhat distended, hole before Zen began to really pile drive into his beta. Rough wasn't the word to describe the unending series of thrusts he put into moving his hips as he moved like an animal possessed by as Zen and his beast urged their shared form onwards to stake a claim in the wolf so strong neither time nor death would separate them. Paws gripping into the grey fur and holding tight, the husky leaned down and breathed his bestial breath onto Zachery's head before licking the other's ears in show of his appreciation.

Zachery folded his furry appendages onto his head as he felt the course, wet tongue rub across his head again and again matting the fur there. Still not totally wanting to admit it, Zachery's beast and his human side couldn't help but enjoy the passionate mating his alpha was giving him. His entire body felt like it was on fire while between his legs his sheath had long since given away to his full cock, which was now copiously spraying fluids out onto the earth. The knot at the end of his animal erection was as hard as a baseball and just as big showcasing the wolf's readiness to let loose his own seed. Grumbling happily, Zachery leaned up and licked at Zen's face, showing his willingness and his acceptance. It just felt natural to do so at this moment, but by doing so he sent the husky's into overdrive.

Fast paced thrusts were the reward for the wolf's deference as Zen pounded and grunted his way through the other male until he could feel the dregs of his seed coming up and out through his balls. The furry oblongs pulled up and then fastened to his body before Zen reared back and let out another howl that made more birds flock away from their nests as his first orgasm as alpha took hold of him. His seed erupted from the tip of his shaft surging through the lower wolf's body and into his guts warming the other to the point where Zachery's own load shout of from his cock in several, wet bursts. Knot firmly wedged inside of his beta, Zen's cum rushed around until it got to the wolf's stomach and began fill the empty space therein making the wolf look almost bloated from the oncoming amount of fluids being milked into him. Zachery's own load had tapered off after the seventh shot with a few miniscule dregs of clearish-white fluid dribbling out from his tip as he stood, breathing hard and long, as his lupine legs began to tremble below him, ready to give out.

Zen looked down once he came back down from his high and then smirked at his beta who looked completely exhausted. Getting a wicked idea, the husky picked the other up and gently lifted Zachery into the air before laying himself down onto the ground. The wolf looked around in question as he meagerly defied gravity before he found himself nestled on top of Zen's form with the other's cock lodged firmly in his ass. Still not sure what was going on, the wolf got a big surprised when one of his legs was lifted up and he was slowly turned rotisserie styled onto the husky's cock until he was face to face with Zen.

The still anthroid looking male was panting shallowly into Zachery's face, making bark like chuckles in his throat before he raised a giant paw onto the wolf's back and forced Zachery to settle down on top of his body. It looked really odd with the two of them in such a position but thankfully canine anatomy was so limber and maneuverable, Zachery found himself lying down and nestling up into the seven foot husky's chest and lightly dozing. Both Zen and Zachery's beast had come to an accord with who was the dominant and now rested happily, the only one who was wide awake after this was Zen who turned his head and watched a pair of gleaming eyes looking at him expectedly.

Turning back around and leaning down to nuzzle his beta, Zen rolled his lids over his eyes and let his breaths even out, shutting his parents out entirely. He'd explain things to them after he and his second got back home, after a couple of orgasms later anyway.


Traditionally, prostitution was supposed to be a simple process; you picked a whore up, quoted a price, make the deal, lose some hours of life by exchanging a couple ounces of body fluids, pay your fare and go about your separate ways. However, when...

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Spread 'em on the fast lane...

Third for my police story arc... Picture : []( Picture by: []( Story by:...

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Arc's tight ass...

Picture: []( Request by []( Story by:...

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