Blood & Carrots: Celestial - Episode 8

Story by GCStargazer on SoFurry

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#8 of B&C 3

Welcome back, my lovely reader! This week's episode is rife with drama! The past slowly catches up with the present and a key event from prior tales is about to unfold. How will our lovely fox handle such tribulations?

Ah yes, this episode will have love, death, and plenty of drama. Bonds and faith will be tested, promises will be kept. Through it all though, perhaps a silver lining, perhaps a chance to comfort and reinforce one's love?

Let's jump right in!

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Patreon or Ko-Fi helps make that happen. Patrons even get to see stories a week early to avoid all that pesky waiting. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy the episode.

And with that out of the way...

Welcome back, my lovely reader! This week's episode is rife with drama! The past slowly catches up with the present and a key event from prior tales is about to unfold. How will our lovely fox handle such tribulations?

Ah yes, this episode will have love, death, and plenty of drama. Bonds and faith will be tested, promises will be kept. Through it all though, perhaps a silver lining, perhaps a chance to comfort and reinforce one's love?

Let's jump right in!


Episode 8:

Love and Console me

'Four lovers? Did I have incubi-blood in me?' That was what Ezekiel said laughingly when he found out about Charlotte. I explained I knew an incubus quite well and it was a much different situation, but then we fussed over me spending time with not only a vampire but a demon as well.

My best friend never got over that, so we eventually just avoided the topic of Lorelai and Val, seeking to keep the peace between us. We agreed to disagree and let it lay at that. Ezekiel was finally appointed to the Bishop's a few years later, I got word of it from a messenger while with Charlotte on a small campaign of hers.

The wolf convinced me to leave the citadel from time to time, joining her as she simply traveled the world of the mundane, helping cadets with issues like vampire or demon attacks. Sometimes I'd spend seasons away from home, just I and the archangel wandering the lands. You'd think flight would help and you'd be right, but the world was vast and huge, even we had limits to what we could do in a timely manner.

It didn't help Charlotte was a romantic when it came to travel, she spent much of it on foot, enjoying the natural beauty you only got to enjoy when right atop things. Flying was a joy to her each and every time, she seemed to treat it as more of a pleasure than a tool for her duties.

Speaking of pleasure... Gods, she was ravenous and I even learned how to make love in flight with her, though we ended up crashing from the sky several times in the learning process, finishing in the fields or woodlands we may have landed in. She made love with reckless abandon and despite my other lovers, she wholly devoted herself to me, regardless of my protests to keep her own options open as well.

I recall with vivid clarity the night she confessed in earnest to me...

We were seated there at the small bonfire I had constructed, both of us fully bared before the flickering flames, our armor and clothing in a heap near the rest of our belongings. Charlotte was pushed up to my chest, sighing in relief at the lovemaking we'd just had. She left me with bruises and a few bite marks, but I gave as good as I got, they would be healed by morning anyway.

"Charlotte, do you resent when I spend time with my other partners?" I spoke out as I looked down into her hair while she pushed her cheek into my chest.

She looked up at me with those bright sky-blue eyes, her white tail wagging slowly. "I am jealous when you are not by my side, but I do not resent them or you." She showed a grin and rolled her eyes. "Perhaps I resent the sheep a little, but nothing I lose sleep over."

"Ha! At least you don't just outright hate her on principle as Ezekiel does."

"He lost many close friends in the crusade, I did as well. Elder vampires are truly frightful things, Ryder. War changes people." Charlotte got a distant look in her eyes, no doubt recalling some of the tribulations of that time.

I pulled her close, reassuringly. "Love changes people too, does it not?"

"Love... I've said I loved you many times while in the throes of passion, Ryder, do you think I've changed for you?" She returned her gaze to me, quirking a brow in curiosity.

"Of course I do, I love you too Cha-" She silenced me by pushing her fingers to my lips, shaking her head.

A moment later she was before me, straddling my lap as she sat against me. We were spent from the sex not long ago, it wasn't an erotic position, just one of closeness. I bit my lower lip as she took my hand, placing several soft kisses on my fingers. "These years with you... know in my heart of hearts, I love you, my fox. You have my heart and my very soul. A warrior of the gods I may be, but I belong to you now and always."

I barked out at the earnest words, my cheeks growing hot as I shook my head. "Charlotte... I am unworthy of such a... such a monumental confession... but I love you, I love you with my everything."

"As you do Toroah... Rachel..., and... Lorelai?" She gave me a sad smile and I watched her ears droop slightly.

My heart twisted as did my stomach and I looked away, clenching my teeth. "I-"

"No, it is fine. Love is not a finite resource, Ryder. We can create as much of it as we will and give as much of it as we choose. Perhaps the day will come I will find someone I love as I do you, but know that until that day, you are my everything. You are my lover, my best friend, my comrade in battle, and I'd make you my husband if the times saw fit for it. For now, I am content to offer you my heart and soul."

I felt tears fill my eyes, shaking my head as I couldn't find any words to even remotely compare. My body just took the reins for me as I moved in and pushed against her soft lips. Charlotte threw her arms around my neck, drawing herself back upright, her large wings wrapping around us as my own instinctively folded.

We stayed like that for several moments, it was not a kiss of passion, it was one of understanding, of solidity. Nothing else mattered right now, just her in my arms and me in hers.

Finally, she broke from my lips with a pitiful bark that gave way to a sob. "You must think me foolish for this, confessing so earnestly when you cannot return the gesture in full."

"Charlotte, you said it yourself. It's not finite, and even if I have others I love, you have my heart, you have me as I do you. I will love you as my everything, and I will do so even if you find another in the future." I quickly spoke the words while wiping her cheeks, kissing the tears away as she shook her head, then gave me a resolute nod.

"I apologize for my outburst, I'm just so happy, but also I feel selfish, I do not wish you to think this is a means to try to coax you from your other lovers."

"I don't think that at all, I swear it. I accept your love and all you offer." I pushed a hand to her chest, feeling her heart beating hard as her own laid across mine. "So long as I draw breath, so long as life is in my bones, I will love you and I will cherish what is mine."

She gave a small happy bark, then pushed her forehead to my own, both our sets of ears folded as we simply held one another, the only sounds filling the air the crackling of the fire.


The Faith:

Celestial's derive most but not all of their power from the faith of the mundane. Since the angels are the tools of the gods, it only stands to reason the faith in the gods will, in turn, strengthen them.

Faith can control everything from the pool of power a celestial can draw from, to the number of recruits that can be gathered from within the flock. There are exceptions to this rule though. High-ranking members of the celestial military need not rely on faith for their power, but can still call upon it with special prayers or rituals.


"What the fuck do you mean, burned down!?" I screamed the words in Toroah's face, both my hands gripping his robes, having pulled the taller rabbit down to my eye level. "When? How?!"

"Two weeks past, the local clergy in the city," Toroah spoke the words calmly despite me having spat all over his cheeks while snarling and huffing.

"Two weeks?! And you only now tell me of this? Do you have any idea-"

"The cadet only just gave the report to us, Ryder! I was just as unaware as you, and they were not aware of the gravity of that particular house. It just came up in the monthly activity report!" Toroah snarled the words as I was now shaking him, my hands shuddering as I clenched, growling and feeling panic settle into my soul.

"Gods... Gods!! Lorelai, Val... her whole..."

"Calm yourself!" Toroah finally shouted out, sending a heavy push of his will into the words. I had no choice but to obey them as I staggered back a pace, pushing a hand to my face, tears already on my cheeks at the thought of losing her.

"Ryder, we'll get to the bottom of this, just give me time to-"

"To hell with that!" I barked out furiously as I turned and threw open a gate right above the city. I glared over my shoulder at the rabbit as I drew my longsword. "My wings can turn black as night, Toroah, but if something has happened to her, I'll butcher every last member of that clergy myself!" I snarled the words and didn't wait on his response, diving through the gate and making sure to close it behind me.

I growled with fury as I came out of the gate above the city. The mid-day sun was high overhead and I'd learned long ago I couldn't use my powers to track those that were at rest, I would have to wait for nightfall before I could pick up her aura.

Feeling helpless I let out a furious howl into the air, screaming my rage as tears rolled down my cheeks. A moment later I clenched my teeth and snarled, thinking with my brain instead of my heart. I glanced over the city and pushed my will out. I hadn't interacted with much of her family, but I had some of them, namely some that might be awake, those mice in particular.

Focusing I tried to sense those twins and then my ears lifted as I found their energies still in the city. I gave a slight sigh of relief, if the servants were alive, perhaps she was alright as well. My ears perked again as I narrowed the focus and realized it was one of hostility, no... fear.

Snapping my wings I went straight into a dive, making sure to snarl out some words of power to properly shield myself from mundane eyes once I drew close enough to the city to be seen. Those with supernatural awareness or particularly devout followers would still feel my presence, but to the populace at large, I would be imperceivable.

I was able to quickly narrow down the energy of the two and found them in a rather dire situation to be sure. The mice were in an alley adjoining two buildings and the massive outer wall of the city. Both looked winded with their clothing soiled and tattered as if having been worn nonstop for several days.

The male twin of the group, Jeremy was holding a small dagger in his right hand, on a knee with a bolt from a crossbow lodged in his thigh. His sister Jennifer, stood between him and a small group of knights from the church, a shortsword in the grip of both her hands, definitely snarling at the acolytes.

My eyes widened at the scene, there were six knights in total, all armed, one of them reloading a bolt into their crossbow. The twins I had watched grow up over the years I'd been meeting with Lorelai, both now well into adulthood, standing off against them. I felt fury well up in my soul, these bastards burned down my lover's home and now stood here ready to cut down helpless servants.

I know what I said to Toroah about my wings turning black and killing the whole clergy, but the reality was, we as divine beings had limits on what we could do. I simply could not strike against a follower of the faith unless I witnessed atrocity being committed. Granted striking down helpless servants would fall in line with that, but I had to witness or hear the intentions.

I racked my brain for what to do in those heartbeats. If they fired another bolt I could possibly just deflect it and swoop in, or just outright show myself as a messenger of the gods, demand their-

"We have made no slight against you or yours, leave me and my brother in peace!" Jennifer hissed the words out as she reinforced her grip on the sword, her brother trying to stand before grunting and taking a knee with a pained snarl of his own. The dialog brought me out of contemplation as I clenched at my sword, waiting to see how this transpired.

"We know you were servants of those monsters we put to flame a few weeks past, you should have known you couldn't avoid us forever. Lay down your arms and there may yet be a way for you to repent, little girl."

My ears lifted at the offer of clemency and I felt my tension ease slightly. Jennifer took a step back, drawing closer to her brother to shield him, her own brow rising as she met the acolyte's eyes. "Truly... you would guarantee me and my brother's safety?"

The knight showed a sneering grin on his face. "Oh, we're only offering you repentance girl, a beauty like you we could find lots of ways to make you... atone." Some of the other knights gave their own chuckles at the proclamation as the mouse clenched her teeth and reinforced the grip on her sword.

My grip was reinforced on my own sword too, and rage filled my soul as I snarled out to myself while looming over the scene on the rooftop, "Hmm... and that's all I needed to hear..."

"Bring the whore down, but don't aim for any of the parts we'll be using." The lead knight hissed out the orders as the crossbowman lined up a shot and fired right at Jennifer. The bolt slammed into the screen of light I projected behind me as I had swooped down between the two parties. Jennifer's eyes widened and Jeremy's mouth gapped as I stood facing them, my large set of wings spread out as if they had repelled the bolt.

I gave the two mice a smile, then my face contorted to a scowl as I turned to face the small group of knights who all stood in awe, eyes wide at my presence. I was pushing my divine will out as I took slow methodical steps towards the group, all of them dropping to a knee as if prostrating themselves before me to show their devotion.

"You strike against the helpless, even mean to take the sister of the two but show the brother no clemency?"

"W-We were simply-"

"Silence!" I roared out the words, clenching my sword which was now as white as my wings. I could take all their lives, send them to the gods for judgment and it would be within my right to do so.

"You two!" I called out over my shoulder and thrust my free hand out, the bolt in Jeremy's leg burned away to ash, his wounds healed. "Come step before these... followers..." I sneered the last word, showing my distaste for giving them the title.

Jeremey was helped up by his sister as they both walked over to me, blinking up at me in awe. They had seen me many times, no doubt heard some of the things I and their lady had done, but I had never shown this side of me to any of them.

My eyes met theirs and I gave a nod. "You are safe now, and I leave their fates in your hands. What say you?"

The knights looked up, fear in their eyes as they realized the reversal of the situation. Jeremy snarled out bitterly. "They hunted down the other servants, they were all put to the sword or worse..."

"Members of our lady's house were also burned to death in the midday sun, though she had a strict no-killing policy in place. One of them was even a physician that tended to the poor of this city."

I swallowed hard before asking, "What of your Lady?"

"We could not find her or any of the main households remains. I believe she has taken flight of this place, which we were trying to do to reunite with her, return the family wealth these men were attempting to take for themselves."

"Your sins weigh heavy upon all of you. Lest not one of you loose your tongue or I'll cleft it from your maw," I barked the words then nodded at the twins. "What say you?"

Jeremy shook his head. "Their blood will not return what is lost, so long as-"

"Kill the one with the crossbow, he hurt my brother and did unspeakable things to one of the other servants before putting her to the sword." Jennifer hissed the words out towards me.

The knight had no time to react before I was before him. I lifted him from the ground and ran him through, my teeth showed in a snarl as I watched the life start to drain from his wide shocked eyes. "May the gods have mercy upon your soul, for I will show your mortality none!" I hissed the words, pushing the sword harder, hearing his spine sever before I dropped the lifeless figure to the ground, the remaining five overcome with fear as they all whimpered.

"Any others?" I squarely looked upon Jennifer and cocked a brow, the mouse looking stunned that I had done it with no hesitation.

She shuddered then shook her head. "That was the only one, thank you for saving me the time of having to come back for him later."

My teeth showed in a sneer as I walked amongst the remaining knights, my wings brushing against each of them as I willed forth an enchantment, a curse more accurately. "Rest assured, the rest of you are not safe from the judgment of the gods. I have marked all of you and should you so much as consider any more atrocities, your hearts will give out on the spot and the gates of the nine hells will be all that awaits any of you."

"Rise!" I spat out the order as they all stood and I took a moment to take stock of the remaining five, even as the sixth's body was now nothing but ash and armor. "I will return one year hence from this day and if I feel you have not made proper amends as knights of the church, I will send you to the gods for judgment. Leaving the city or clergy will matter little, I have marked you and will find you no matter where you roam..." I snapped my teeth together pushing my divine will out once more. "Am I clear in my words, mortals?!"

"Yes, your holiness!" All of them spoke out like soldiers to a commanding officer and I nodded my head.

"Speak not of this to anyone, even amongst yourselves, for if you try, the brand upon your heart will take hold. Carry your shame inside and do good in the gods' names, now leave my sight!"

Once alone with the twins I sighed and folded my arms, leaning against the alley wall as I looked upon the two mice. "Glad you two are okay..."

"That was... something else, Ryder, sir..." Jeremy frowned as he looked upon me, still with awe in his eyes.

"I didn't think you'd go through with it, but... thank you... the one he took and killed, she was a dear friend." Jennifer frowned as she looked away.

"I will speak with my commander, make sure she gets sorted properly, maybe gets a chance to sign on with us, that physician you mentioned too, along with any of the other servants or family" I thrust a thumb into my chest, showing a playful grin.

"Thank you... we should get out of this city and on our way." Jennifer nodded at me.

"Where do you intend to go?" I tilted my head curiously.

"We will follow our Lady and return the coin she left behind for the servants. All were slain but I and Jennifer, we'd rather see it back in the home's coffers." The brother gave me another look. "Thank you again."

"Come, we will leave now. Stay within a few feet of me and none will see your passing." I started walking with the twins, projecting my power forth to shield all three of us from mortal eyes.

I saw them outside of the city as well as made sure they had horses and proper supplies for the trip. Jennifer looked at me while atop the primitive horse. "What will you do, Ryder?"

"I will find Lorelai and explain this was nothing to do with the celestial council. I will also explain to her that you two are-"

"Do not," Jeremy spoke out pointedly. I tilted my head curiously at the request.

"This is a family matter and... we should be the ones to break the news of her brothers and sisters, as well as the servants... please understand, sir... we do not wish our lady to imprint such painful memories upon you. Also, it is our obligation."

I frowned and gave a nod. "I think I understand... it is best left as a family matter then. I will seek her out, make sure she is well, but we will keep this whole meeting between the three of us out of her ears. Deal?"

"That sounds fine to me, sir. I am thankful for everything you've done, I knew you cared about our lady, but it makes me happy to know you cared about her family at large and she wasn't just a fun diversion for you." Jennifer spoke rather pointedly to me, showing she had misgivings prior to me seeing her.

I smiled at her and gave a nod. "I love Lorelai, and so her family is just as important to me as she is. I have left an enchantment upon the two of you, it will only last about a week, but it will let you two travel relatively unmolested so you can properly recover, so long as you do not engage in any violent actions."

"I think I've had enough violence to last me for a while, thank you." Jeremy laughed as he pushed his horse into motion.

"Thank you, Ryder. I'll not forget this, and I hope we will see one another again." Jennifer gave me a nod as she pushed her own horse into motion and I sprang off my feet, taking to the sky once more.

I stayed there in the air, flapping my wings as I watched the two for several minutes, then lifted higher and started flying southwest in the direction they had mentioned, knowing it would take the rest of the day and most of the night to cover nearly two weeks worth of ground travel.


The Church:

Faith across the mundane world comes in every shape and size, but all worship leads to the same place. Celestials consider all faith across the spectrum of mundane society part of their 'flock' as it were. Only the rare few that blatantly follow the dark gods are exempt from this.

Celestial's protect their flock, particularly the clergy of their faith, but the church at large is mundane controlled and its own entity. It is rare indeed for the celestials to attempt to guide the clergy in a direction, and rarer still to try to actively force the church in a direction.

Ironically, being a member of the clergy does not exempt a mundane from judgment upon their passing. In actuality, the gods are stricter upon those members given they are representative of the faith.


I felt Lorelai's energy once the sun was down, my heart feeling lighter as I deviated my flight to a more direct route. I couldn't even fathom what she would be like, but I had to see her, I had to let her know I was there for her and that I had no part in this horrible affair.

It was getting close to the morning twilight when I was within range of her, a few hours before the sun would start to rise. I saw the sheep jerk her head up sharply when she sensed my presence, pulling her horse to a halt so quickly it reared. The other three with her halted abruptly and I watched them hold an exchange before she pointed and ordered the foxes to move forward. I saw her take a few moments to speak with Val who seemed to focus, then looked towards my direction as if acknowledging my presence even though he couldn't see me.

Once the incubus followed after the foxes, I moved in to speak with her. Lorelai pulled her horse to the side of the path and tied its rope to a small tree before pacing away. I landed a few dozen yards from her, folding my wings and standing there with my hands clearly visible. I could feel her fury and crushing will even from here.

"Ryder..." She hissed my name out, one part bitterness, one part relief to see me.

I didn't bother hedging words or trying to beat around the bush. "It had nothing to do with us, I came as soon as I found out, Lorelai!" I spoke the words earnestly, my arms parted as I took a few steps towards her. "I was terrified that I had lost you..."

Her eyes softened and I felt the fury ease in her, a moment later she was in my arms, hugging tight to me, pushing her forehead into my chest. Her small curled horns hurt a little as they pressed against me, but I didn't say anything and just held her tight, a hand brushing through her soft hair.

We just held one another tightly as I took in her scent and even the slight warmth of her body, her heart now pounding in her chest, though I wasn't sure if she was meaning to do so or not. After a few minutes, she composed herself and pulled from my arms, a hand gently resting on the hilt of one of her swords.

"I do not show gratitude to the gods very often, my angel fox. Though in this case, I am thankful you and yours were not involved. It would have shattered my very heart to put you to the sword for your treachery, but I would have done so."

"To offer you years of companionship as well as my love, only to use it to strike against you and your family? Being put to the sword would be more than I would deserve for such acts. Rest assured, my love, this had nothing to do with me or my kind." I gave her a firm nod, meeting her eyes and letting her fully read me to know it was true.

She sighed and gave me a nod, then met my eyes. "How did you find out?"

"One of the cadets stationed in that city gave us the details in a report, but they didn't think it important, so I only received the news today."

"And you flew straight here to me huh?" She smiled and fully relaxed her stance before me.

"After checking on the city, yes." I gave her a nod.

She winced, then I saw her look away, clearly seeing the worry and fear in her eyes before looking back to me. "Did you... sense anything?"

I shook my head. I wanted to tell her about everything, but I had given my word to the mice and felt they were most likely correct, that it should be a family thing. "I couldn't say, love. You know yours and Val's are really the only two energies I could really pick up on?"

"What of Jennifer and Jeremy? Surely you'd interacted with them enough to sense their presence?" She tilted her head skeptically, but I couldn't blame her, she was desperate for any news of her family.

"You may not know this, Lorelai, but my powers won't track a being at rest. I think it's the gods way of keeping me from being some sneaky pervert. Mayhaps they were resting when I arrived, but I do believe I felt their presence in the city before I started this way." I was not a good liar but she seemed to be somewhat relieved to hear I at least felt their presence slightly.

"It's something. I'll just hope the others are en route already." She met my eyes and shook her head. "Ryder, I'm no stranger to betrayal but had you... even without the threats of violence..."

She clenched her teeth and I watched her put a hand to her chest. Lorelai was such an immensely powerful being, but she looked so weak and small in this moment. "The idea of it, it made my heart ache so badly. I wasn't aware just how much I loved you..."

"I wish I could have stopped it, I wish I could have come to you sooner." I moved forward and took her in my arms once more. Lorelai shuddered and shook her head, then I felt her grasp my robes and pull me down, her lips crushing to my own as my eyes widened at the violent kiss.

My body happily responded, both our tongues meeting before I purposefully grazed my tongue against her sharp tooth, letting blood mingle into the kiss. Lorelai snarled at the taste of my blood, her tongue lapping harder with my own before she parted from my kiss, her teeth bared and eyes red as she looked upon me.

I said nothing and simply tilted my head, of course, I had been channeling my energies to keep from burning her. The sheep lunged forward, wrapping her arms around my neck and plunging her fangs into my throat, riding me to the ground as she started ravenously drinking from me, as if she were afraid she'd never have it again.

I sat upon the grass, one hand resting upon her rear, the other in her hair, holding her as my tongue lolled out, the euphoria having full grip on me as I felt her draw forth my divine blood by the mouthful.

She didn't want to stop, hell, I didn't want her to stop. The euphoria in me wanted her to just drain me and kill me in her arms, the thought of it sounded like heaven, to have my life ebb away in the embrace of such a perfect sheep. She snarled as if she were angry and finally pulled free with a gasp, her bloody tongue lolled out as she regained her composure.

I felt the supernatural tether break, my reasoning returning to me as I winced and focused on healing my wound, feeling a little lightheaded from the blood loss. "Damn... you were... hungry, love..."

"I've not been feeding much, been too upset... I've been sipping a bit to make the others not worry, but I simply couldn't bring myself to..." She whispered the words, pulling a small handkerchief from her trousers to wipe the blood off my collar and from her chin.

"I'm so glad you're safe... your family too..." I growled the words, pushing my hand to her cheeks, feeling them flush and warm as my blood started to fuel her smaller body.

Her eyes averted as she nodded. "Yes, Val, Sarnai, and Elias are all safe with me. We had a few siblings in outlying homes that I'm worried about, but they are smart and capable, I'm sure they'll be along..."

She looked like she was saying the words to herself more than she was me and I felt my heart twist at the knowledge I had sworn not to reveal to her. I just gave her a nod and pushed my forehead to hers. "What is your destination?"

Her red eyes met mine as she moved closer, giving me a small kiss, then playfully bumping her nose to mine before her eyes slowly shifted back to that soft brown. "We make for Istanbul, I have a sister there and we can seek asylum while I wait for the rest of my family to regroup."

"So, I'd wager you're about halfway so far?" I pulled her closer, the sheep now sitting in my lap facing me in a straddling position, her legs locking around behind me as my tail batted against her boots.

"I'd wager that, yes. I knew it would take about a month on horseback. I could probably be there in a few days had I a nice set of wings like yours." She hummed the words, seeming to have relaxed now that she had my blood in her and my company.

"I could try to get a gate opened for the lot of you if you like?" I offered as I moved in, giving her a few more kisses, happy to see her more relaxed.

"Thank you, my angel-fox, but no. It would take a lot of effort to explain things to Sarnai and Elias, also I feel a journey is always worth taking, it's good for the soul."

"Heh... that sounds like Charlotte!" I barked out a laugh and Lorelai frowned at me.

"Ah, the wolf... I'm still not thrilled she is with you, but I'll not begrudge you her affections, as I wouldn't any of your lovers." She snorted at me but I could see it did annoy her.

"I'm sorry, I wish you two could get along, you have so much in common!" I smiled at her and wagged my tail, trying to keep the momentum of the calm mood going.

"Perhaps, that is why we find ourselves at odds then. It is possible to be too compatible with another, Ryder." Lorelai lifted a finger as she spoke, then her gaze softened as she sighed and looked into my eyes. "You have eased my heart a little. I'm grateful to you for that, my angel-fox."

I grasped her hand, giving it several small kisses. "I knew you would be upset, I knew you would be concerned about what play my people had in this. So, I knew I had to reach out to you with post-haste and ease your mind."

"You have grown to know me so well in these years together... more so than partners that lived with me directly for several decades. You are truly a thoughtful fox, and I love you," Lorelai spoke as her lips lingered on my own, then she drew me into a deep kiss.

My body responded as it always did to her affections and I could smell the desire the ewe was building, my hands moving against her form, coursing over her soft hips with my left, my right in her hair once more, nails digging into her scalp and brushing along her horns as our tongues danced together.

"I apologize, it would appear you're about to see me rather upset," She whispered the words while rubbing at my cheek. I looked confused before I realized why, sensing the presence she had already picked up upon.

"Brother, why do you see fit to ignore my orders? Am I not allowed one moment of comfort in this trying time we face? I have not begrudged you or your sister your times to scamper off and comfort one another during this journey!" Lorelai snarled the words, her eyes already red as she climbed from my lap and offered me her hand as I rose to my own feet.

"You underestimate my senses, my Lady. I simply felt a divine presence and-"

"Do not play me for the fool, Elias!" The sheep whirled around to face the white-tailed fox that had stepped forth from the shadows of the night. "I know very well Val would have intercepted you and explained things, the goat is not stupid, though I question your own logic in provoking my ire this night!"

The fox was around my stature but slightly taller, I had not actually seen him since that fateful night I met Lorelai for the first time. I could feel he had gotten stronger over the years since our last meeting though.

Elias growled and focused squarely upon me, his eyes smoldering red as blue flames wisped from his tail and ears. "My mate is distraught and our home lies in ruins. Do you think I did not smell you upon my lady?! You come into our lives and-"

"You will not talk over me, Elias!" Lorelai snarled with fury as she stepped between the two of us. "Ryder had no hand in this matter and my personal dealings with him are my own!"

"Can- Can you assure that statement, my Lady?" The fox tilted his head, his flames tapering off slightly. I could feel the hesitation to upset her further, but feeling he had to assess the situation himself.

"Brother, you have-" I put a hand to my sheep's shoulder and she looked up at me with a snarl, her sharp teeth showing, still tipped red slightly with my blood.

"May I speak on my own behalf, Lorelai?" I quirked a brow but gave her the due respect to ask, given it was her family member.

The sheep huffed and put her hands on her hips, her eyes still red but her demeanor shifting to look more fussed than angry. She said nothing and just turned her back on the two of us, standing there as I watched her fluff of tail flicking in agitation.

I met the red eyes of the fox and snapped my wings out before folding them, then put a hand on my hip. "Do you think I play your lady for a fool, Elias? Know that I love her, regardless of your misgivings."

"I have smelled you upon her and sensed your presence many times over the years, funny you enter our lives, then our home is torched and-"

"You seem to misunderstand our relationship with our followers, Elias. We cannot order them to do anything, and we rarely coax them!" I gave a snarl and spat out bitterly at the other fox, "You have my word, I had no hand in this and simply came here to reassure my lover and see that all of you were safe!"

"How good is the word of one of your kind?" He folded his arms, his flames growing hotter as he tilted his head looking unconvinced.

"Celestials die if they break their word or give it falsely, brother!" Lorelai snarled over her shoulder, glaring at the fox. I realized now why she was so upset. It wasn't because he overstepped his position, I could smell how ardent her desire was for me, she no doubt had planned to take things further.

Elias growled and folded his ears. "I understand, yet I find it hard to believe it took you this long. Why were you not-"

"Lorelai, may I speak with your brother alone? I swear we will catch up and spend a few hours together when this is settled." I gave the sheep a gentle nod.

"Elias, I suggest you do not push things with Ryder and you put your ego on a shelf. He has been training with me regularly and he is your better in combat. If you provoke him unjustly, I'll not stay his sword arm," Lorelai hissed the words as she pushed past the fox, bumping into him as she walked by, then stopped a few paces later. "Also, we will be having words about your disrespect later, regardless of how well placed it was, brother."

I watched the other fox swallow a lump in his throat as the sheep moved to her horse, untying it and pushing it into motion after climbing upon it. I stood there for several moments, waiting until I knew she would be out of earshot of us.

"Was this worth the hell that sheep is going to lay upon you later, Elias?" I spoke out dryly.

"To ensure her safety and that she is not being manipulated? Yes." He growled back as he clenched a fist and held it up, showing the flames rolling off his knuckles.

"You have my word, I practice no misgivings with Lorelai, I love her, truly I do." I opened both of my hands, showing a submissive posture and displaying this was not going to turn into some sort of ego display between males.

"Good... My family is everything to me, and were Sarnai to lose her... I-"

"That is the vixen you found the night I met the two of you, yes?"

"Yes, she and I have grown close, I love her and wish to see what she loves protected. Not that I do not also love my Lady and wish to keep her safe." He gave me a strong nod as I watched his stance ease slightly.

With a sigh I shook my head, putting my hands upon my hips before meeting his now blue eyes. "I will impart news to you to show my intentions are genuine, however... I will have your word it stays between us, you will speak not of it to your mate, your brother, ... or your Lady."

"Is it information that could hurt my Lady or family?" He folded his arms, looking at me skeptically.

"Yes, but not in a physical way that will jeopardize their lives or safety," I growled the words out point-blank.

His eyes grew wider at the implication then he looked away as if he already had processed it was not information he wanted to hear. "So be it, on my word, the knowledge stays here between us."

With a resigned sigh, I explained everything to him. I explained about saving the twins and learning of the fate of the rest of his family. It was a selfish thing really, but I felt someone needed to know on their end, someone needed to be prepared for what would come and it allowed me to ease the burden upon my own soul. After all, I had only given my word to not speak with Lorelai of it.

"Thank you... those mice are still my brother and sister, mundane or not. To know you stood in their defense and now to come here to see if we and our lady are well... I apologize for my misgivings. Val is right, you are a good dog for our Lady."

He handled the news with grace and I bowed at his words. "Thank you for your trust. Know that no matter what comes between our people, I will always keep Lorelai and your house's best interest in mind."

"I am thankful for that." He gave me a forced smile though I saw his eyes were racked with pain.

"Val has spoken of me, has he?" I called out conversationally.

"He has, when I approached him with concern over feeling your presence, smelling you, and ... hearing you and my Lady a few times." He gave me an amused smile.

I barked out a laugh and rubbed the back of my head. "Yes, well... I try to keep it down, but she also gets a bit loud sometimes..."

"Indeed, but it makes me happy to know she has a confidant to lean on. We all love her, but we are still her siblings as it were. She sees it as her duty to protect us and guide us, it's not so easy to lean upon us when she needs it."

"You are very astute, Elias. Does your sister, your partner, also know of me?" I tilted my head curiously.

Elias shook his head. "She is younger than my brother and I, her senses are not as sharp yet. Her bed chamber is... was on the other side of the manor. I do not feel she does, and frankly, I feel it best that way. She is vengeful and distraught over this, and that will be amplified when she learns of what transpired with the rest of our family. Best to leave you and the other celestials out of things for the time being."

"A sound judgment, I will let you return to your-"

"Are you as powerful as she says?" He cut me off with the question and I saw his eyes harden as he spoke.

I frowned and simply held my right hand up, willing a small sphere of pure divine radiance forth. I watched the fox shudder and drop to a knee, holding his head and snarling. "Can you find your footing in this, Elias? How could you stand before me in a fight if you can't even rise?"

His teeth snapped together hard as I watched his knees shake while he rose, blue flames bursting forth against his ears, tail, and limbs. My brow quirked as I felt those flames on him intensify and realized, they were divine. They weren't merely fire, they had divinity in them.

With a show of my will, I pushed the light out of existence and saw him regain his composure. I frowned at him and gave a shrug of my shoulder. Most of our high-ranking members can use that trick, Elias. It is nothing for us to summon it, toss it into the air, and keep fighting.

He shuddered at the realization of it and spoke out bitterly, "And Lorelai can stand before it?"

"For a time, but it causes her great strain to do so. It is not a fair tactic, but it is in our arsenal all the same."

"It is a power to be feared and respected, I'll be sure if I find myself facing one of your kind, I will strike without mercy to bring them down before they can summon such a thing." He clenched his fist with a snarl as he met my eyes.

"Understand only first-class knights and higher ranks can use this, Elias. If you cross swords with any lower knights or cadets, I would appreciate considering a little mercy if you have the upper hand, they cannot use that." I frowned and folded my arms.

"And you have shown mercy to my kind or Val's?" The fox scoffed the words mockingly at me.

"On many occasions," I spoke back pointedly, the fox looking shocked at the words. "Over the last years, I have sent nearly a dozen in the direction of your Lady to seek how to control their powers and find their place. The only ones I strike down and send to the gods are the truly mad or evil of your kind."

"Why would you show such mercy to our kind, Ryder? Do you not consider us abominations?" Elias cocked a brow as I gave a bored shrug.

"I do not, Lorelai and your family have taught me that your kind is capable of everything we or the mundane are, likewise with Val's kind."

"You are an oddity amongst your kind, but I am thankful my Lady has you. Come to call when we are settled, I'd very much like to test myself against you from time to time, with and without that power of yours." Elias turned from me and gave a nod as he started back towards the others.

"I shall, and I'll speak with Lorelai later, try to tell her to take it easy on your tail for getting out of line, no promises though!" I barked the words out jokingly and watched the fox flinch at the reminder before giving an appreciative nod.

Lorelai and I caught up shortly after Elias parted from me.

I did explain things to my ewe after the fact, tried to ease her anger so the fox wouldn't have too hard of a time. Of course, none of that really mattered right now as the sheep was pushed to my chest, on her toes leaning in to kiss me while snarling with hunger.

My tongue rolled with hers as my own hands roamed over her body, quickly tugging free straps and buckles on her armor as her own moved to part my robes, baring my chest to her before she raked her nails down my muscles, making me break the kiss with a hiss.

Lorelai dragged her tongue up each deep track on my flesh, lapping the blood away, her saliva healing the wounds, while her hands grasped my sash to pull it open, fully exposing my body to her as my robes slacked against my shoulders. The ewe gave me an eager grin as my length sprang forth, clearly showing she wasn't alone in her want.

"You have no idea how much I need you right now, Ryder!" She sighed the words, her red eyes glittering as she peeled her own trousers away before stripping off her blouse, those ample full breasts freed and showing the tight peaks clearly.

"Oh, I can smell just how much you do!" I barked out and grasped her hips, pulling her closer as we moved to kiss once more, both our bared bodies fully exposed now. The ewe flicked her tongue against mine, her hand moving down to grasp as my length, pumping and squeezing it, feeling it throb in her grasp.

"Gods... I can't take it anymore, let us do it right here in the grass!" Lorelai moaned up at me as I felt her start to shift but I gave her a playful grin and gripped her wrist, halting her. The sheep cocked a brow at me, looking confused.

"Let's try something new... something I think you would enjoy, my love." I hummed the words as my tail wagged, seeing her brows disappear into those curls at the word 'new'. Lorelai was an ancient ewe and new experiences were rare for her.

"What... do you intend, Ryder?" She asked me skeptically.

"Come here." I took a knee and opened my arms. She looked at me curiously but did so, stepping into my embrace. My hands moved to support her backside as I stood with her.

Lorelai grunted as she realized I had lifted her from the ground, then let out a soft bleat as I lined her right up with my length, pushing my tapered head past her silky petals and deep inside. Her tongue showed once I pushed to her core and she blinked into my eyes with a whimper as I felt her honey already spilling forth against my length.

"Ngh... it feels good, but it is not new, Ryder. You and I have done this before, both with you supporting me like this, and against a wall." She panted the words out while wrapping her legs tightly to me.

I showed my beautiful vampire a wide grin then hugged her nice and tight. She sighed as I gave a deep push, wrapping her arms around my neck and moaning while nuzzling, then she gave a startled gasp as I sprang off my feet and straight up into the air.

Her legs and arms locked tight to me as I supported her with my own hands at her rear. My wings made heavy beats as we scaled several stories into the sky before I eased to a more stable flight, simply keeping us aloft as the sheep looked down then up into my eyes while feeling my hips moving as she moved her own, both of us grinding against one another while in the air.

"Ngh... T-this is new! Huff... a little exciting too!" She groaned out and I lowered my ears with a grin, feeling her clenching walls telling me she approved as much as her words did. "Still, I am confident I could survive such a fall, I could jump this high with ease, so it's not too unnerving."

"Ah... my mistake, one moment." I hummed the words as I clutched tight to her as Lorelai's eyes widened.

"Ryder, that was not what-" She bleated out as I launched higher into the air with a massive flap of my wings, a cocky grin on my face as I took us high into the night sky and even brought us above the cloudline.

I sometimes forgot that most mundane never see this view and apparently Lorelai hadn't either. She clutched tight to me, her nails digging hard into my shoulders, her breasts pushed into my chest as I shuddered and growled with approval as she simply crushed me inside her in response.

"Tch... R-Ryder... I am not the type of girl to desire such excitement during love making, the ground was fine you know!" She bleated out in a surprisingly cute and shaken voice while clutching to me for dear life, but her hips were grinding against my length all the same.

"Ha... tell your body that, Lorelai, ngh... you're going crazy..." I coo the words, digging my own nails into her plump rear, pushing my hips hard while my wings kept us in a stable flight, the rays of the sun starting to show in the distance horizon.

I plunged deep into my ewe again and again as she bleated and clung to my neck, moaning out while wiggling her tail, her own hips working just as frantically. I could feel her heart pounding in both fear and excitement, something I wagered she didn't get as much these days.

"Ha! Ha... Ryder... gods I love you!" She sighed the words into my flicking ears, her breath hot against it in the biting cold of the sky, both our bodies refusing to halt as my knot pushed against those soaked petals with each plunge I made.

"Love you too, my ewe... Divines above do I love you, Lorelai!" I moaned the words while pushing hard into her, a little nervous with that sunrise in the distance. I wasn't quite sure how much cloud cover or horizon was needed before it started to affect a vampire.

It mattered little as I felt my sheep lock her legs and jerk her hips hard with a savage snarl, forcing my knot in herself as I impacted her core. Her hands reached to tangle into my platinum hair and grasp my black ears, jerking my face to look upon hers. "Show me your love then! Let me feel how much you love me!"

My body shuddered at her orders, feeling her will push forth with them as I got lost in those red eyes, my body responding as she gave a sharp bleat when I erupted at last. She moaned out, rubbing my ears and pushing to my lips as I happily returned the kiss while she groaned against my mouth, feeling my heat rushing into her again and again.

The relief was too much as I groaned out and simply stopped flapping, losing myself to the euphoria as Lorelai bleated out from the ensuing freefall. I felt her crush hard as she resumed her clench to my neck, clinging to me until I finally shook my head and snapped my wings out once more, bringing us back to a halt, now beneath the cloudline.

"Ha... y-you did that on purpose!" She snarled as she glared into my eyes, jerking as she felt the last rope of my love for her fill her, her own walls milking at my length as her honey dripped from my sacs.

"Huff.... I really didn't... ngh... but gods did you clench hard from it. Maybe you're into this sort of thing, love?" I barked the words lovingly as we held one another.

"This was fun and new, but... I am ready to be back on the earth now if you please!" She grumbled the words but pecked my lips a few times even as she felt us descending.

I came to rest right on my knees, laying her down in a small plot of grass near where we had started, looming over her as I pushed to her mouth, kissing her several times as we lay there. Of course, I would have never tried this had I not had plenty of practice with Charlotte, but no need to bring the wolf up during the after-glow.

She pulled from my lips a few moments later and just stared into my eyes, her palm resting against my face, still panting slightly as our bodies tried to calm. Finally her brown eyes looked away as she sighed out, "Thank you... that was fun, and I truly mean it when I say I love you, Ryder."

"I mean it too, Lorelai. You mean the world to me, I never want to be without your love, and... I'm really happy you enjoyed that, I'll do it again any time you like." My tail wagged against her ankles as she gave me an amused grin at the offer.

"We'll see. I much prefer satin sheets and a roaring fireplace to clouds and biting wind, but it was exciting, thrilling even. Another first... you spoil me..." She moved in and gave me another kiss, then a small nip of my lower lip, sucking upon the wound a moment before looking into my eyes.

I of course knew the look all too well and without a word, I tiled my head, baring my throat for her. The ewe gave a ravenous sigh and pushed into me, rolling us over. My wings splayed out under me as I sighed with euphoria as she broke the skin and started to drink from me again, her hips grinding and showing she wasn't done with me yet.

"Yeeees my sheep, my love..." I moaned out as she started to ride me in earnest while pushing to my chest, making love to me as she drank from me. We started another session of frenzied lovemaking right there in the field, dragging out every scrap of time until we finally had to part before the sun fully rose.

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