Big Bad Mr.Wolf

Story by Pizza Tiger on SoFurry

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#2 of Scat

Mr.Wolf gets a craving for a dog and cat ~

Well, this was a very fun nearly self-indulgent piece to work on that ended up featuring an anonymous friend of mine in the form of the german shepherd featured prominently in the story. This was a patreon preview which you can now also find the full story on as a patron for as low as $3 month with access to a community discord, voting, early content and more!

Pizza is obviously my character and Mr.Wolf and Mr.Snake and The Bad Guys are part of Dreamworks. CW: oral vore, anal vore, digestion, disposal, cop prey, choking, breath play, bones, bondage, Scat-eating, graphic digestion, kissing, tail job, gross

"You know I am the villain of every storybook, the big bad wolf, but I am not such a bad guy." With a toothy grin, Mr. Wolf looks to face you momentarily with those yellow eyes with black irises, his shiny brown fur gorgeous in the warm illumination of the sun. Then, he jumps into that stylish black car, throwing on a pair of sunglasses and stuffing a large bag into the backseat. "I'm not usually a lone wolf, but today is a special day, ya know? It is a 'me day.' Sometimes a wolf needs his space, ya dig? I'm not too fond of the gang knowing my favorite food, my indulgence given by a rather reputable supplier. So, I invented 'the me day' just for this, somethin' I can have as a treat." That voice is smooth as silk as a growl rumbles through his words as he huffs out his hot breath.

The vast stretch of road across the desert with that wavy sand is a familiar sight to Mr.Wolf. His shoe firmly floors on the gas, his car practically flying across the wasteland on his phone, hip-hop music blaring from the speakers as he bobs his head along to the beat. "Okay, okay, gotta tell you the truth, working with a new guy, hoping he doesn't blow it. He has impressive skills, but I must be sure he is ready before introducing him to the crew! This heist should be a simple job."

Within the heart of the police force, the yellow feline wears a disguise as an intern. His scantily-clad clothing doesn't leave much up to the imagination. The feline short shorts, a loose-fitting tank top, and sandals with fake glasses affixed poorly to his face. It almost seems like anyone with eyes could see the yellow feline's disguise and realize he didn't belong inside a police station. Still, he was handing everyone doughnuts and getting comfy with a particular canine.

The police chief, the operation leader, Mr.Shep the cat, showed off his curves to the dog, lulling under the cat's figure with how voluptuous the figure is in each juicy contour lost in lust, panting wildly.

"Hey, handsome, do you love these curves? Maybe you should have at them, boy. Wouldn't you want to be a good boy, let all those pent-up desires you have at work fly free? It seems all your buddies are having a nice nap. Not a soul would notice our act of shameless desire." Across the vast sea of sleeping law enforcement. The german shepherd looks concerned before that thick cat ass pressed into his face, a tent arising in those tight-fitting pants. The dog seeing that bright pink underwear huffing in that gentle musk as he has to take just a peek at that rear in full, his face beaming with lusty curiosity.

"Mmm, I want your sexy ass, cutie, give it here, let me lick it! Let me service that rotund rear of yours." The cat couldn't have a more mischievous grin spreading across his toothy face as he shakes his ass teasingly before briefly pulling it away. "I will let this cat ass be all yours for the taking if you can unlock this station's treasury. Yours is still one of the few stuck in the past, a nice big vault. I can appreciate it staying open to look at it respectfully. I am an inspector of precious, valuable items. My actual profession is the investigative collective inquiring minds treasurers of the technological gathering association of management and design." Those confusing collection of words make the tiger's flakey appearance and bizarre claims seem legitimate the dog knew bureaucracy and positions were growing ever more complex in the modern age!

Thinking about it while lust further clouding his state of mind, the scent of musk fuming ever higher into that sensitive nose, those trillions of glads betray his mind. He gets up and leads the tiger to vault the chief himself, reaching that massive vault showing the cat the most basic code to enter such a vault, 12345; even an idiot could crack something so simple it almost insults the tiger with how smoothly the plan is going.

Pizza wanders into the open vault while using his thick body to keep the canine distracted. "What a stupid mutt." The feline thinks to himself while he pulls out a burlap bag looking at the sea of riches that cops ceased. "So as the investigator of valuable riches and prized possessions union of authorized collectors and assessors, I need to use my assessment satchel to ensure the security of some of these assets properly." Surely the dog wouldn't fall for the word salad the tiger is tossing, yet the stupid shep nods as he drools, staring at that fat cat ass.

Pizza has to look away as his face nearly recoils in sheer disgust at how that pig observes that feline's form. Then, he starts wildly stuffing stacks of cash into the bag, gold bars, wristwatches, and various precious items stuffed with sloppy disregard, some bending and breaking under the newbie to theft on this scale. The bag swells with various valuables as the tiger drags it across the floor, seeming to have no issue with carrying the sack as he begins to head out of the station, noticing the time on his watch as he smirks. "Well, Mr. Shep, my colleague is here. We will do a thorough analysis with our state-of-the-art assessor of valuable data algorithmic technical mechanical device." The dog mindlessly nods as that body still causes him to whimper with a desperate need as his tail thwacks back and forth.

The distracted canine loses sight of the handsome tiger as he hauls all that impressive loot into Mr.Wolf's car as he drives up to the station. "Very nice work, rookie. Surely that's not all of it. Well, in any case, let's get the most valuable thing here, lunch. Did you feed all the targets donuts?" The tiger nods as the wolf gives a heart-melting grin, exiting that spectacular-looking vehicle. Then, of course, the tiger's eyes would scan up and down the wolf's form noticing that he is wearing all black, skintight clothing, the bulge of his heavy sheath and balls not being very well hidden, almost flaunting his package! With a casual blush, the tiger looks back up to Mr.Wolf.

Casually walking alongside the tiger, they head back into that station. "Surely you're joking, Mr.Wolf. There is still plenty left in the safe to steal. I mean, we can grab a bite to eat later. I know a few good places where they wouldn't miss a minimum wage slave going missing." A firm chuckle escapes the wolf as he looks at Pizza with a cheeky grin and wraps an arm around the cat's shoulder. "Why do you think I made you knock out all but one guy, eh? It's simple, buddy. I am looking at the bigger picture here. He may be a dumb, gross pig, but he is strong, keep a guy like that around, and eventually, my luck will run out! So take em out of the picture. The force will be scrambling for a missing person for at least a few months. Or trying to find a new guy, ya dig?" The tiger gives a giddy smile finding new appreciation in just how far ahead this plan had gone. It was almost shocking considering how Pizza heard that many of their plans were very surface level.

The two finally approached that German Sheperd and the tiger grabbed him around the shoulders from behind while the wolf stretched open those black jaws revealing that sharp row of teeth. That vast tongue, wide and full to the brim with sticky strands of saliva and his hot and humid breath. The tiger's hands dance across the clothed musclebound canine as the chief has a firm blush plastering across his face as he looks into that inviting maw.

"H-hey, don't I get a say in this? I have a city to serve and protect. My officers are going to miss me. H-huff but Mr.Wolf, your maw, is so perfect it is so lovely." The tiger chuckles at the officer and is seemingly eager to vanish down that gullet without questioning anything. "That's right, doggy, your brains are thinking the right thoughts, I will shove you into that nice warm maw, and you can stop usin' that tiny brain of yours. Just relax, big boy. It is going to be okay." That silky smooth voice rumbles through the canine's sensitive ears wiggling across his mind as the dog leans towards Mr.Wolf's open jaws. Pizza pushes that head onto that appendage and watches as the jaws clamp down around the canine's head, that drool splashing around the neck as the look of sheer satisfaction smears across the wolf's face.

Mr.Shep's ears flatten against the roof of that lupine maw as the fumes of that warm breath wash away any doubt he might have, the tongue savoring his rich flavor as it slathers across the furred face. Then, with a weak whimper, his mind starts changing, staring at the wet and slimy abyss pulsating welcoming in that big meal. A wet reverberating gulp bellows out in the station as that head turns quickly into a lump tunneling down Mr.Wolf's neck, his prey sinking toward that greedy gut as the cat pushes the shep further, fitting those broad shoulders inside the ravenous blackness. It didn't matter what the meat thought anymore. His figure squelches tightly in the folds of the esophagus as it tunnels down that tight vice, clinging and clenching so eagerly onto his sluggishly slippery figure.

Pizza watches in delight as his cock pressed tightly against the loose-fitting shorts that bulge rather obvious to even the distracted Mr.Wolf, that gullet bulging out further. The thick chest of the dog follows suit of his head down that stretchy throat into the caustic chamber. The piggy in blue has his bulge firmly crying out against those pants, and the tiger rubs against the aching bulge of the shep. "Mmm, that's a good boy. You're both such good boys." Mr.Wolf stops swallowing for a moment letting the canine lodge halfway into his throat. That thick lupine tail wags side to side, his body shuddering now all of them were hard. That throbbing wolf meat contained tightly within the skintight suit those slipping bulges in the Mr.Wolf's throat almost on the brink of breaking the outfit open with how valiantly his writhing meal thrashes.

The shep is slipping down that slimy and wet throat, and each gulp had the cat rubbing Mr.Wolf's contained beast of a dick before its sheer strength bursts out of the outfit, ripping a seam in the otherwise well-made material. Tight bulges squirm through that throat and fill out the stomach as the shepherd splashes into the blistering bile, slooshes upward, and then falls back down as his bulky figure is cramped within the constricting confines. The mounds of flesh are squeezing into that writhing figure that puts more seams into the skintight suit as the wolf moans, his dick getting stroked so expertly by the frisky feline. "H-heh, bud, you can stop now. I want to finish later. I know my cock is impressive, but we gotta get out of here before they wake up!" The tiger jolts with a firm blush on his face as he stops and nods. Pizza is now heading towards the car as Mr.Wolf follows suit. His outfit jostles and makes all sorts of rubbing and squeaking sounds as his belly bounces up and down, splashing more fluid onto the withering canine. "L-let me out of here! I will arrest you! I will call back up!" The wolf laughs on his way to the car as he jumps into the driver's seat and floors on the gas, seeing the tiger in the passenger seat already. "Excellent job, rookie; at this rate, the others will accept you no problem!" A cheerful expression comes from the tiger as his tail flicks back and forth somewhat flusteredly. "You cats are so easy to read." Mr.Wolf's boisterous laughter shakes his stomach as it tightly squeezes against the seatbelt and the steering wheel as he drives through the city, evading any cops, much to his surprise. "Hey! We aren't that easy to read, ya know! We can be mysterious and crafty!" The tiger is pouting as the wolf continues to laugh while driving at high speeds reaching back into depths that the cops don't go towards the hideout. "Whatever you say, pretty kitty." Mr. Wolf drives the car into a tunnel into a lift, howling out as that gut shrinks while the vehicle goes to the base, the tiger and wolf jumping out, hauling the valuable stolen goods. Pizza huffs, dragging the heavy load against the couch, and flops down on the cushiony pillows shortly afterward. "Gosh, what a lovely place you've got here, Mr.Wolf!"

A fat layer of flab smushes into the feline's face! The lupine's squirming heft, bumping and thrashing so violently, a testament to the strength of the police chief not showing an inch of power absorbed into pudge yet. "Squeeze and rub, buddy, before I decide you're joining this pathetic mutt!" The bulbous bounds of the bulges get a vice-like constricting that airtight cloth still holding together despite all the seams from the massive meal occupying it. The tiger's cock throbs violently, feeling that squirming heft engulfs his view with the plush-furred flab while listening to the scratchy screams of the German Sheperd. Those eager hands clutch against the folds of flesh and flab, squeezing it, helping the canine churn and mulch around that severe and merciless stomach, hearing painful snaps. Within the hellish depths of the corrosive pit, it spills around the canine's mouth entering his open jaws, and from the inside out, the intense burning grows. His right arm feels numb after it grows limp after the sound of the snap. Agony couldn't describe how much pain the dog was in as fur and flesh lop off into the pit. His bones are so frail against the pulverizing force of the wolf's stomach. "H-help me, sexy intern! Surely this isn't part of the job!" The two laugh at the pitful pleas of the helpless meal as his form loses shape in the vast sea of enzymes, eager to sap away at that meal. "God, I thought you were dense but not that dense! It was all a lie, dumbass mutt! Did they not warn you about scammers in police training!? They only give ya two weeks?" The tiger cackling pressed roughly into that squishy stomach, moaning at the loud CRACKKKKKKK, and then there was silence. The dog's body bent in half in that mulching stomach, his life ceasing before the acids could even lay claim to that fading flame of life. "Ugh, you're a bad kitty! I wanted that guy to suffer more! Whatever, he's dead now." Mr. Wolf squeezes his slowly shrinking stomach with a sense of disappointment.

"So this is what you do in your free time?" A slithering sound makes the wolf's ears twitch before he looks around to see where that voice is coming from, not finding a single sound source. "You honestly didn't think I'd leave you alone, dork. I knew you would get into trouble without us." Snaking around Mr.Wolf's neck were cold and thick coils of scaley skin peering into his vision. Mr.Snake enters, facing in front of him that brown upper half of his face and yellow underbelly of scales, the smug grin on the snake's face unmistakable. "So, did you bring back dinner?" His tail pointed at the tiger, who blushed at being referred to as food. "Well, his name is Pizza, at least according to what Ms.Turantula got on file. It is bizarre, no birthplace, no parents, no friends, nothing, all they had was a name and a list of crimes he is wanted for in various places."

Mr.Wolf shrugged, looking at the tiger. That scent of pizza had been bothering him ever since he snacked on the dog. "That's impossible. Even we have more than that! Surely we got a dangerous guy on our side, and you brought him here!?" Concern fills the serpent's face as Mr.Wolf has a growling concerned look on his face realizing that he effectively put a stranger into their secret lair. "Hey, you two, I am right here, you know. You could at least try to whisper. I have no intent on killing you, your skills are too valuable to dispose of, or I would have done so before wolf got here." A metaphorical shovel digging a six-foot deep hole for the tiger where he lays as that casual tone only further raises the fear in both of their eyes. "Hey, what if you use the remains of your last meal to humiliate him. I bet he won't feel so cocky with a stomach full of your shit."

A devilish proposition, but he knew that something else was going on with the cat by further examining the feline. That feeling of something beyond his understanding sunk into his mind as he looks at Pizza. It was like staring into the eyes of something that only wanted destruction and pain, nothing more, nothing less. Mr. Wolf hurriedly strips off his clothing as his naked body makes the tiger blush. The lupine knew that cat had been gawking at that rump of his nonstop when they met up. He knew that feline couldn't resist the padded-out wolf ass. Those plump cheeks wedge between the tiger's jaws as he gives out a surprised yelp but doesn't bother moving out of the way. That ripe wolf pucker pushes against the tiger's spread open jaws as his tongue hands out while blushing profusely as he admires the musky darkness.

His tongue laps against the pucker without a second thought as Mr.Wolf lets out a heavy moan in delight as that wet sensation greets his rear. That coarse texture of the tongue made the feeling all the more interestingly intense as the thick swabs of drool slather off the grime trapped between the asscrack. That throbbing wolf cock gets coiled around by Mr.Snake's body while his coils tighten around the lupine's throat as he starts to gasp while the air is getting constricted by his lover. "GHk Fuck yes!" Those wheezing pants creep out of Mr.Wolf's jaws while he gets so much attention. "Good boy, you know, ya' should just let the tiger have it. You know you want to dump the mutt right into that pretty kitty's jaws."

That tail is thwacking violently against the tiger's head. It thrashes as a thick brown coil squeezes out of that bulbous pucker and the lulling tongue of the cat accepts the foul and better deposit into his jaws. The potent aroma of the ass fumes into the cat's sensitive nostrils as he indulges in the warm and wet flaked shit crumpling along the tongue as it pushes down the tiger's throat, tufts of the canine's fur intertwined within the putrid flavored shit. The rotten flavor runs along the broad side of the tiger's tongue as Mr.Wolf moans in muffled and buckles his ass back onto the tiger's face while Mr. Snake passionately kisses the lupine, sucking out his breath with those constricting coils. There is a tumultuous explosion of moans as the wolf grows ever closer to orgasm with each stroke around his leaking cock. At the same time, more shit squeezes out of that hole, the wet and wild gulps of the feline aid and bringing the wolf to the brink of his inevitable orgasm. Gulp after wet and sloppy gulp, Pizza's stomach swells with the lumps that used to be the remains of the chief, clothing, chunks of fur, and broken bones clumped in a chaotic cluster of grotesque disharmony, giving a bumpy texture to the steaming hot logs of crap. The hefty load of shit feels so hard to swallow as the hunks of shit grow thicker, the bones wider, the fur heavier clumps, it makes the tiger nearly gag from the rotten flavor, but he doesn't have much choice beyond gulp or suffocate under a mountain of wolf turds. Mr. Wolf's neck gets one final good squeeze from the snake's coils, and his hot ropes of cum spurt wildly across the cat's body, painting him in the visceral fluids of spunk. He splatters across the vast stretchy fabric and onto the couch as Mr.Snake lets go, letting his precious wolf gasp for fresh gulps of air while the cat continues to swallow the brown slop from the wolf's ass. The mortification is beyond anything the feline could vocalize even if he wanted to while his stomach swells with the grotesque globs of mud as it plugs out his rotund gut.

It is entrenching within the warmth of that black ebony pucker; the German Sheperd's skull peaks out of that warm hole. It wriggles out of the socket like soft-served ice cream as it loops into those shit-caking jaws. Pizza must endure the foul flavor retaining such a macabre delivery method as it surges onto his hesitant tongue. Pizza gags from the intense and persistent flavor as it drizzles with careless abandon, compelled to gulp the hefty remains under the threat of being concealed by the muck. Hundreds of pounds of waste fill out his maw as Mr.Wolf indulges in making sweet sensual love to Mr.Snake as they sloppily kiss each other on the lips as steam and spit exchange from their mouths. That thick lupine tongue tunnels its way down the serpent's jaws as his big hands rub against the snake as his ass grinds against the tiger's face, blotching it with gunk and grime. The tiger winces as his beautiful creamy yellow fur quickly turns into a brown mess as his face might as well be toilet paper to Mr.Wolf.

That pucker yawns open, and it descends on Pizza's face. His eyes widen as the blackness eclipses his view as his head tunnels inside the tight, clenching bowels. The tiger is shuddering within the warm clasp of the asshole as it pulsates around his figure as Pizza travels deeper. His body is now pressing against the lodged skull as it sloppily slips out to make room for the bloated feline. Pizza's paunch wobbles with each jerking movement from the lustful lupine. His body is plunging deep into the tight clutches of the wolven walls of flesh. The vice-like grip only grows more suffocating as Mr.Wolf cums again. That hot load thrashes everywhere on the tiger, lubing up his body and making him glide even faster into those voracious insides. Pizza's broad hips force Mr.Wolf to stand up and slam his ass down to engulf the tiger's fat ass into the greedy chasm. The thick legs plunge like loose noodles along with the tail as that ass sheathes the feline within the compact intestines. He is intensely sluggishly yanking up from the rippling walls as the tiger's head arrives at the sphincter ushering Pizza to the smaller intestines relatively quickly. Pizza keeps tunneling deeper into musky walls as he huffs in the horrid air, as it is so awful that he can barely stand it. However, the tiger is nothing more than Mr.Wolf's ass food as his head pokes inside that acrid belly finding his head doused in the stinging pit of bile. The feline wanted to scream in dismay as every angle of his head stung. The scalding heat of the sludgy vat made it nearly impossible to breathe.

The tiger's figure soon squashes inside the sapping mire, his face already digested mainly by the sapping slurry. The cacophony of guttural wails fills his ringing ears as it booms within the blistering gut. What made the feline all the more queasy as his figure maneuvers within the enzymes is the guttural sludgy slosh of his stomach, feeling that shit sift as his strength saps away. Mr.Wolf rubs out his rotund figure as it bulbously bulges from the thick walls that entrap the feline in a suffocating vice. "Not bad, for a rookie, too bad you're gonna stew into slop like that mutt did, dangerous or not, you can't escape my gut. Only a rare few have succeeded. You won't get to be one of 'em, buddy. Maybe I should drop you both back off at the station." The wolf massages against the bulging bumps in his tummy as the tiger violently pounds and hollers within the mighty walls!

His damped outcries devolve with a weakening sober wheeze as he accidentally gulps the acrid juices scorching his figure from the innards and out as his lungs restock with the eroding enzymes. A corrosive heap of sludge splashes over the fading feline as his moments struggle to reach out to the layers of flesh as it burns him down. The intense sauna softens up Pizza as the juices pump through the contracting muscles. Each soft squelch squeezes out more of his rapidly fading life, his eyes no longer able to close.

Eventually, everything became oblivion for the tiger as his life ceases within the stewing acrid air. The fleshy walls collapse around his curling-up figure, and a loud SNAP echoes as his bones break under the pressure of the muscles. Pizza's body is soft enough to pulverize into more of the wolf's stomach soup. "Heh, snake, ya had the most frightened look on your face, buddy. This tiger might as well have been nothing more than a cat with bigger teeth! Now, look at this sorry sap!" The wolf pats his stomach as that soft orb jiggles with a newly added girth as it sags over his sheath.

Mr.Snake weakly chuckles and blushes, admiring that gut, but he grins, considering something teasing to say to Mr.Wolf, the lupine sighing with joyous relief while processing the remnants of his meal. "Oh yeah, well, you lost a bet! Remember what we bet on yesterday? I said that you owed me an entire case of push pops if you ate someone on your time off again." His yellow eyes widen, hearing that taunting confidence as the wolf recalls that bet. How assuring Mr.Wolf had been when making a bet, now realizing he would have to get a case of those tasty treats for his friend. More, the humiliation of losing a bet made it worse for him. "Say you know what would make those pops all the sweeter? If you were my toilet bud! Think of it. You could cleanse your pallet afterward would make you want to savor it more, no?" Mr. Snake's tail wags at the process as he looks at it betraying him in saying anything other than agreement. That cunning wolf always has another card up his sleeve, and Mr.Snake's expression made him realize he had a full house in terms of catching him red-tailed in a dark desire.

The thought of being a toilet is so lewd to the snake he has seen others service Mr.Wolf countless times their expressions were never ones of joy having to gobble up that foul muck. "I-I mmm, fuck you, buddy! I could never in a million years; think of anything better than to eat up your shit, I guess." Smug couldn't begin to encapsulate the toothy look of satisfaction on Mr.Wolf's face as it lit up! "Well, I am pretty damn bloated, ya know. Maybe you won't be able to handle it. How about a bet to sweeten the deal for you, friend?" A scary look cascades onto Mr.Snake's expression as he can tell he is being toyed with like it is nothing! "Listen here! It would be best if you were thank-" The wolf smirks even wider. "A supply crate, all yours."

Mr.Snake's eyes widen at the prospect of a supply crate of push pops all to himself. "God damn it! You know how to play with a man's heart, you cunning, handsome, smart, fuckable, son of bitch!" That tail rattles back and forth from frustration to love. His scaley lips press hotly against the wolf's once more while his coils rub against that smooth paunch of a lupine gut. Mr.Wolf breaks that passionate kiss with another string of saliva and heat between them. "So, that's a yes. Well, don't worry, your little head. I promise I will not tell another soul." Mr.Snake hisses for a moment, almost like an angry cat. The snake sighs and slithers down towards that ass crack, partially dreading the fact he is making another bet with his friend. That push pop promise ruminating through his mind makes him race to that ripe ass. Mr.Snake arrives at the ground. His jaws hastily latch to the wolf's foul pucker, and that grimy flavor rubs against his flicking tongue. The serpent was almost ready to recoil and call it off from the taste, but that musk, the sweat, the heat it felt so right and wrong at the same time!

The lumps of wolf crap spew out of the wrinkling hole are girthier than before, at least as wide as a beer keg; the spirals of shit stretch out while Mr.Snake swallows away at his dinner. Those hot mud cakes were a whole batch of rotten flavored brew intertwining with bones and tufts of fur scattered out to create an odd texture. The musk is intoxicating; it made the gulping of that gag-inducing waste all the easier to pack down. The snake's stomach coils are getting far fatter with each eager gulp as the steady flow of turds continues down Mr.Wolf's toilet. Lodging firmly in the layers of muddy mounds of muck is the shattered elbows of a wolf's feast.

Mr.Snake's cheeks puff as he struggles to swallow down the bones that hadn't broken down as efficiently, pieces of shoulder blades, columns of lengthy spine pieces, femurs; it is a menagerie of remains. Even Mr.Snake, who might as well be a long tube with scales, struggles to contain the hunks of shit getting fed to him, but determination stays with the snake as he gobbles up load after textured load. Those widening beady eyes feel something sharp and broken lodge itself into his jaws; it was the dog's shattered skull as it clatters awkwardly against his tongue and gullet. The snake's muscles contract and scrunch and squish, crushing the skull into smaller pieces before he swallows it down. Mr.Snake finds the officer's torn-up clothing in his maw, making for a wet collection memoir of the pig that went down so quickly.

The ability to unhinge and relax his jaws made the next portion of the remains of that fat ass cat a lot more leisurely as Mr.Snake scarfs it down, not a single slew of grotesque mud escaping his jaws. That warm compilation of sludge seems to slowly taper off the mixture getting thinner by the moment, while the serpent's face is wetter than a used towel from all the sweat. The home stretch felt closer to the horizon as more of the bones had a feline structure to them, some of the dog's broken skeleton still present, but it was less apparent to the snake's tongue. The mushy heap has finally met its match with those mighty jaws able to consume the last soft and sloppy onslaught.

The last of the slew of brown slurry is finishing gliding down the long throat of Mr.Snake as his eyes wilt at the sight of that perfectly clean ass hoist away from his face as his lusty face slumps to the ground. "Oh fuck, that's the stuff right there, buddy, that sorry excuse for an officer and rookie are now in a much better place!" Mr.Wolf claps his hands together, admiring his friend's bloating bulging shifting mass of flabby scales full to the brim with wolf shit.

That lusty lupine squishes the massive lumps in the serpent's coils as he enjoys the soft sensation of that lovely figure. "You're one hell of beauty, all nice and plump! I'm not even mad I lost; impressed that you managed to do it!" The snake smiles as his weary head stay down far too full from the feast to even have some snide or playful remark. Those soft lumps churned down as the two unwound from the most successful heist yet, as that wolf hid the officer's badge that had somehow managed to wedge itself into his hole as a buttplug. The texture of the cheap metal felt oddly satisfying to keep inside of the tight bowels as it clenches onto it holding his prize, a souvenir, while he basks in the afterglow of such an exhilarating day. "Well, there you have it, I am the bad guy of every story you've seen, and I love every moment of it. Of course, there's plenty of reasons to be scared of me but, who knows, you might end up liking being part of my hips."

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