Kaluno's stowaway

Story by dipdoo on SoFurry

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This is another commission for FA: Kadaire this time involving his Avali girl Kaluno and his otter OC. I hope you enjoy!

I'm still open for comms!

Hello! I usually upload on Furaffinity but I thought I'd post some things here too! If you're interested in more from me check out my FA: Dipdoo

Kadaire knew settling on a frontier world was risky, but he had no idea just how risky until a distant pair of what sounded like explosions echoed through the small, valley city he lived in. Everyone in the streets turned to look towards the source of that sound, peering around the mountains that surrounded the city.

Nothing, not for the first few minutes at least, but then he laid eyes on a massive, feathered beast climbing between two of the tallest peaks. It was half the height of the mountains it squeezed between and covered in black feathers, save for a crimson patterning along most of its backside and the golden-yellow trimming around the crimson.

The otter focused in on it with his bionic eye and spotted wings attached to its arms and a tail sprouting from its rear where some gray feathers made themselves known. He caught sight of some white feathers on its head, looking much like hair, and a splash of white under its wings as it perched on a third peak, arms raised at it looked down to the city.

His eyes opened wide and his jaw dropped as it leapt from its perch and spread its arms out wide, starting a frighteningly fast glide towards the city's heart. Others had taken notice too as he heard more than a few panicked shouts and a handful of screams. Some people sought shelter while others tried to drive away despite the traffic. Others decided to just plain run, Kadaire among them as he desperately hoped to reach his fortified basement in time to secure the body-printing machine there.

As he ran, he could hear an immense amount of air being displaced by the huge beast that glided through it. Then came the edge of its shadow, casting him in darkness and making his chest tighten as he ran. The cacophonous crash of its landing forced him and everyone else nearby to cover their ears or risk permanent damage to them.

A not so distant and disarmingly innocent yelp came from the small mountain sized creature as it tumbled end over end a couple times, turning much of the city's heart into an elongated crater, some of their feathers scattered around the edges of that crater. Their voice rang out next as it stood up and brushed itself off. "Jeez, the gravity readings must've been off. I shouldn't have fallen that fast!" The pitch of its voice and the slight lilt to it made it clear that it was a she. And she spoke the same language too.

Kadaire turned to look up at her and realized that they were an Avali. He'd seen some of them before, but most didn't stand much taller than his waist. And here this one was, standing so tall that he had to crane his neck from a few blocks over to see her face.

"Oh well, there's still plenty of 'exploring' to do~" She grinned wide, letting a set of razor-sharp teeth shine in the midday sun as she looked down at the city, the tallest building left only reaching her waist.

He resumed his run as she hip checked that skyscraper and sent it toppling over into its smaller cousins. People of all sorts ran out through nearly every structure nearby as it became clear that there wouldn't be any shelter that could stand up to her. A giddy giggle would sound out before a sudden rush of screams followed by a THOOM-Crack reached his ears, silencing much of those screams and shattering the asphalt like half-baked clay.

He needed to get back home fast, before it was turned into a pawprint. So on he ran, ignoring the chaos behind him as best he could. Luckily, she kept herself busy with the more populated center of the city, giving him and quite a few others time to make it to the small city's surrounding suburbs and outskirts. He didn't care to close the front door behind him as he rushed down a flight of stairs into his basement, where his most expensive lab equipment rested alongside his precious 3D printer, specialized for body reconstruction.

Wasting no time at all, he started to wrap it up in shock-absorbant sheets that resembled mattress toppers. Once he was finished, Kadaire hurried topside again to check and see how good a chance he'd have of trying to pack up and escape. To his dismay, she was stomping down the main street that connected his section of the suburbs to downtown.

He watched her digitigrade, pink-padded paws compact concrete, cars, and people alike, sending all sorts of sounds his way. All while she wore an innocent smile. His eyes lingered up high for just a moment too long as she lifted her head to scan around her surroundings.

Her golden eyes locked onto him and she squinted, focusing on the speck of an otter and the bionics in him. He froze, jaw dropping as her smile opened into a grin and she hurried her crushing steps along.

His legs acted on their own as they took him inside and down to his basement, where he would hug against his printer and hope.

Everything shook and shuddered as she stomped down on either side of the house the otter rushed into. Then everything went quiet for a moment, up until a whistling reached his ears followed by what seemed like an explosion as the titanic space-raptor landed on his home with both paws.

Just a single toe would've been enough to flatten his house. But she wanted to prove a point to everyone who thought they could hide as she stepped out of the deep two-pawed crater and continued her romp.

The last thing Kadaire could remember was the ground-shattering impact and the deafening noise. He opened his eyes expecting to see the inside of his printer, but instead he would be greeted by a black-scaled wall to his front and its twin against his back. He struggled and squirmed, but he wasn't moving nearly enough to get free before exhaustion took over.

He turned his head from one side to the other to try and find his printer. To his relief, it was beside him, with a third wall of scales cradling it. That's when he realized where he was. Between her toes...

She woke up a moment after that realization hit him. She grumbled and stretched, her digits pressing against each other hard enough to stun the toe-trapped otter.

The avali stood and looked around at the flattened city with a satisfied smile before nodding and taking a few steps from the city's outskirts. Stopping in a clearing, she would tap at a device on her wrist and a beam would slowly reach down from orbit, aimed at her. She closed her eyes and relaxed as that beam touched her and gradually sapped her extra size, returning her to her usual three foot tall self, blissfully unaware of the otter and his printer.

He only barely recovered from the dazing steps and the stunning stretch by the time that beam hit, making everything seem to unnaturally tighten up as both him and his machine were shrunken down.

Kadaire hadn't noticed the chill before, but now it was clear as day. She was cold to the touch, very cold. Her extra size must've made her give off enough heat to make the chill hard to notice. But now that she was at her regular size again and he was positively puny, he started to shiver.

She tapped at her device again and another beam would stretch down, this one wider and softer as it lifted her up higher and higher, guiding her into her ship.

The gravity-defying lift felt extra strange while he was caught in the firm grip of her toes. But he wasn't quite as miniscule compared to her as he was a moment ago. Her whole body seemed to be relaxed, but the hold her toes had on him felt tighter than it did when he woke up.

He tried to squirm again, but to no avail as the Avali set foot on her ship again. Its lights dim enough for most people to consider it dark, but it didn't seem to bother her at all.

"Welcome back Kaluno." said a synthesized voice.

She simply grunted in response while walking towards her room, rubbing the nap's bleariness from her eyes as her paws haphazardly whumped along the clean plating on the ship's floor.

Kadaire wondered if he might pop with one of her steps, or fall between one of them as his body was squeezed by her toes over and over again.

That inhuman voice spoke again. "Kaluno, your scanning equipment is ready."

"Thank you, I'll be planetside again soon." She replied while entering her room and opening her closet with a press of a button.

She would stretch again, reaching for the ceiling while lifting one paw for its own stretch and balancing on the other. Kadaire wheezed out his breath as all her weight rested on the paw he was part of, only to gasp a new breath back in as all the pressure left for a moment.

And with that pressure went his printer as he watched the hefty machine fall to the ground. He knew the padding he wrapped it in would protect it from the fall, but he was worried that a step might break it.

His attention soon turned to the fresh air he could feel on his legs then as they dangled from the bottoms of her toes. He definitely wouldn't survive the fall, so he tried to grip the scales on either side of him. They wouldn't provide the handhold he needed though as he slipped further and further. Only the padding of her middle digit gave him enough to grip.

Just in time too as her toes splayed, threatening to fling him free. One hand lost its hold, but the other clung on tight. He glanced down with a gulp, hoping to see something other than hard, metal plating.

To his delight, he was dangling above what looked like leather in the low light of Kaluno's room. As his bionic eye focused in on it though, he would realize that he was staring into her boot. Not only that, but she was lowering her paw towards it. He doubted he would survive being dragged along the paw-wear as she fitted it on, so he let go of the pink padding and fell towards the boot.

He tried to control his fall, but ended up tumbling as he bumped into the inside of the boot's neck. He finally came to a rest flat on his back in the very center of the insole. He sat up, dazed and aching, hoping he'd still have the time to find the best place to hunker down in the boot.

But the sound of a paw sliding against leather let him know that it was already too late. He flattened himself out again and watched as her plump toes stuffed the boot's entrance before reaching towards him, coming closer and closer as he whimpered and shivered. If he was gonna be caught in a boot, he may as well try to enjoy it, and Kadaire's love of paws would certainly help with that as her middle digit plapped against him before sliding along, smothering him for a few seconds as she sluggishly fit her paw inside. He was hoping to get his last breath of fresh air as the gap between her sole and toes passed over him. He underestimated just how thick her sole was as it smooshed against the boot's insole and spread to cover that gap, leaving him smothered for far longer than he expected.

All while giving his entire body a long stroke, dragging his cock up to full mast by the time her paw had finally settled in. He had room to breathe almost comfortably as he laid there, spread eagle. Even the cold embrace of her paw was a bit more manageable now that his own body heat had nowhere to go but into the pad. Then she tapped a button on the back of the boot and it tightened to fit her perfectly.

The pea-sized otter wasn't accounted for as the boot's soft insole gripped Kaluno's paw, pinning Kadaire in place so thoroughly that even his cock stopped throbbing for a moment. He was paralyzed by the pressure, his lungs only barely keeping hold of air.

Then she lifted her other paw and her full weight smashed down on him. He let out a muffled scream as his pride violently squirt-splut-splattered its seed into her sole. All while his joints groaned before letting out a cacophony of pops, leaving him completely helpless.

Her four, extremely sensitive ears only heard the sound of her other boot gripping her paw tight. But she could've sworn she felt a tiny splatter of warmth on her other paw's sole... Oh well, it was probably just a hitchhiker that she just turned into a stain.

She stood up and strode out of her room, heading for a utility closet of sorts near the ship's entrance.

Every step squeezed Kadaire tight enough to burst blood vessels in a different part of his body each time, resulting in rapid bruising. And his poor crotch just couldn't catch a break. His position against the very center of her sole exposed it to constant, overwhelming stimulation with every step she took. All while sapping his body heat from him faster than he expected, making him want to shiver and shake, but unable to thanks to the firm hold the boot had on her paw.

Kaluno calmly squatted down as she searched for the tools she needed for a quick trip planetside.

The squat put even more pressure on the already half-squashed Kadaire, making him moan out what little breath he managed to eek in between steps as his cock was sealed away in the grip of her sole. He tried to struggle or squirm, hoping to get her attention, but it was no use, his muscles were useless and the pinning pressure was far too much. She seemed to take notice of something though as she twisted slightly on both paws.

His pride let out its own whine before it exploded with a single SPLURT of cum as his balls were forcibly emptied. And the pleasure, oh god the rush of pleasure!

The tiny otter's eyes rolled into the back of his head as his jaw went slack, leaving his mouth stuffed full of pink sole-pad. His fingers twitched and legs shuddered despite the pressure, his hide tingling as his tail thrashed just once before everything went completely limp, including his mind.

All he could think of was paw as the ecstasy of being juiced of all his seed so effortlessly muddled his thoughts. The cold would slow his ability to process things too, making the sensations stack upon each other thanks to how slowly they would fade.

He only realized she had stood up again when she swung her paw through the air, granting him a moment to gasp in air before it was forced out of him again as she stepped back down.

He was terrified a moment ago, but now he was in heaven as her paw pounded into him repeatedly, tenderizing his body and weakening his will as desire overcame any other feeling he had.

Except for exhaustion. He was beyond dead tired as she set foot on the frontier planet again. The gravity of it was ever so slightly stronger than the artificial gravity aboard her ship, and that didn't bode well for him as a sharp jolt of pain hit one side of his chest, making him groan into her sole.

Time was passing faster than he could perceive it as the minutes blended together in his boot-tomb. The only moments of clarity he had came with sudden spikes of pain as one bone crackled and another snapped.

Kaluno kept checking where she stepped, wondering if there was a twig she didn't notice every time she heard those tiny kricks, but there was never something odd underfoot that she could see.

There must've been something though... That warm splatter! Maybe that hitchhiker was still alive? She pulsed pressure onto that paw, listening closely to see if she could hear any signs of life.

Kadaire moaned with every pulse and gasped between each one. His fingers started to twitch again as her paw ruthlessly pumped him with pleasure and weight. His brain was scrambled as his cock tried to find more seed to spray, but there was only a tiny squick that came as he grit his teeth and let out another scream, this one of pleasure.

She heard it all, every moan and gasp. Then a tiny burst of warmth and a muffled scream. She smirked and tapped at her wrist, ordering her ship to bring her back up early.

The avali took both boots off the moment she was on her ship again and peered inside the one that held him.

It was that same otter she spotted earlier. "Wow, you're one lucky little guy! I can't believe you survived that jump stomp!"

She excitedly carried both boots to her room and set them back where they normally went before reaching inside to fish out a frigid, bruised, and battered Kadaire.

"B-Bones..." He wheezed out, still as limp as could be, his muscles were made temporarily useless by all the weight she smashed him with.

"Broken bones, that would explain the snaps." She stood and started to turn towards her nightstand, but a mini, neatly-wrapped tube caught her eye. She scooped it up in her free hand and sat on her bed with a raised brow.

"What's this?"

He could feel his consciousness starting to fade as the adrenaline in his system stopped flowing. "Body p-printer... Help please."

She squinted at him, wondering if he really had access to technology like that, something even she hadn't seen. But he would pass out before she could inspect it.

With a disappointed huff, she set both him and his expensive machine down on her nightstand. "Ship, prepare a medical kit."

"Yes Kaluno."