Encounter with the Promenade Dance Mom

Story by TulipSquirrel on SoFurry

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Allister Strauss, and Justine Astra. One is a young man on the cusp of adulthood, and heir to an airline fortune. The other is a former model and fashion designer, as well as mother to a young woman herself. The two know each other well, due to Allister being friends with Justine's daughter, Dawn. But prom is soon approaching, and what was once a friendship has blossomed into young love for Allister Strauss. But perhaps - when prom night actually comes - the one he loves at night, may not be the one he's expected...

Hello everyone, to another story from TulipSquirrel.

Okay, so, a bit of history. Nine months ago (Holy crap! Nine months ago!? Jeeze!), I wrote and posted a story called 'Encounter with the Hardcore Delinquent Mom'. It has proven to be my most popular story on this site by far! Like, the most views, the most favorites, the most votes and everything! After writing it, I thought about either making a sequel, or making a series of different 'encounters' or something like that. Instead, I ended up writing Drachenmagd, and that's that.

And then last week, I got inspired to write... this! This long, long, long, long, LONG, story. By far the longest single story I've written on this sight, and perhaps the longest single story I've written ever... though I'm not completely sure; maybe I have some longer story on my hard drive somewhere, but I'm getting out of hand. Anyway, because of this length, I have quite a bit to say about this story, so I'm gonna say it!

I can't tell you why I got inspired by this story, but I can tell you what helped; the main characters: Allister Strauss and Justine Astra. They were background characters I'd say in an RP I had (that has, unfortunately, fallen to the wayside), that - for some reason - I just latched onto. Justine's a mother, and Allister is a quiet rich kid, so for some reason, I just thought they'd click together. And thus, I began writing out this story!

It started out simple enough, but quickly snowballed into this long, long, long, story I have before you tonight. I worked on it for a week, then spent all day proofreading and editing it, something I actually loathe to do. But... it was still fun. The characters, the interactions, the moments; it all flows together well for me, so re-reading this story was fun for me this time!

That being said, due to its length, I figured that it would probably be a lot to get through in one setting. Maybe some people will do it better (I, personally, am a slow reader), but I know some can't, probably don't even want to. So... I decided to break up the story in acts! It's a little bit of a flourish, and to some, it probably won't even matter, but still, I separated the story into four acts so that you can read bit by bit of it at your own leisurely pace. And, if you're just here for the smutty time, then search for 'Act 3', that's when the fun begins! Heh heh!

I wonder how people will feel about the characters in this story. Of particularly note, how will people view Dawn Keystone? I poured a lot of life into the main characters of this story, so I'm curious to see how people view them all. Creating them and writing about them was so much fun, I'll love to visit them all again sometime in the future! And since I've started writing some quick sequels to my stories, maybe that'll happen some time! But for now...

For now...

I'm gonna rest for a couple of days, I guess. Give this story time to simmer, and my own brain that time to as well! Phew! I got a comment saying they don't want me to burn out, and I agree! So... I think I'll just wait a bit for my next story. How long that'll be though? Well, I love to write, so there's your answer!

Also, how am I 'TulipSquirrel', but it's taken me this long to write about a squirrel? Jeeze, how did I do that!?

That is all, my readers! I hope you all enjoy this story, because I really, really loved writing it! I... don't really have much else to say aside from that, though I know that - later on - I'll be like 'crap, I should've said this too' or something to that affect. Oh well!

Uhh... uhh... ko-fi, commission... okay, I'm going to bed now.https://ko-fi.com/tulipsquirrel

Encounter with the Promenade Dance Mom

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!


Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!


Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Haahh...! Haaa...!"

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!


Windswept beaches were her backdrop. Waves softly rolled upon waves on this beautiful, sunny morning. Cars drove upon an idyllic roadside mountain, with distant horns blaring and honking. A city metropolis sat just in view, with palm trees looming tall over boardwalks. At this time of day, all of it was far more quiet that it would become in just a couple of hours, making it the perfect place for her morning run. With all these attributes combined, this location could only be...

Oceanside! Glorious Oceanside! The Most Beautiful City in the World!

Sweat had formed upon her body, causing the feline to slow her jog to a light walk. Long black hair tied up into a ponytail fell from her head, while her midnight fur shined thanks to the sheen of sweat and the morning sunlight above. Her figure was tight, her physique athletic, with smooth shoulders, slender arms, a thin waist, wider hips, a curvaceous chest, and a voluptuous form. But it was smoothness that was most on display, from her flat stomach, to her slick thighs, her angular face, and her sharp eyes.

Sharp... eyes...

She was a cool beauty, with her pointed nose and elegant verdant gaze that could pierce all around. Her face was mostly unobstructed by her hair, though two long, skinny bangs were stylized in a way that they arched over her face like the antennae of a bug... or the fangs of a_viper._ Dressed in tight, blue gym pants and an equally as tight, blue sports bra with the words 'KEYSTAR' printed upon their side, this woman was clearly a fitness minded individual who was out on her mourning routine.

But it all came to a stop when she got the sudden beeping from her smartwatch. Was it her cardio app telling her she was going too fast? Or maybe one of her social media apps had updated? No, when she ran her eyes upon its surface, she saw she had gained a text message.

From her daughter...

Hey mom when are we dress hunting Taylor just texted me


The feline brought over her fingers, prepared to answer her daughter... but she stopped. A wind blew along her body, drawing her gaze out to the ocean waves in the distance. Hmm... was it her, or was there a_stirring_ in the air? Maybe...

Maybe not.

It was time to get back home.


Act 1: Prom Proposals

Green and gold draperies? Garish posters plastered about? The school's gymnasium - graciously named the 'Ballroom' - is completely empty and devoid of any trash, dirt or grime? And no one's allowed to enter for fear they would actually track said trash, dirt, and grime? This can mean only one thing.

Prom Season...

The James N. Taylor Academy of Innovated Technology. When you hear that name, what do you think about? Power? Intelligence? Greatness? All of thee above? Well, add 'affluence' to that list, and you'd be on the right track.

Resting just outside the bustling city of Oceanside, it was a place where many heirs and heiresses, prep kids, political children, and whatever other word for 'rich brat', went to in order to prepare them for the greatness their parents already have pushed into their heads. All the cars in the student parking lots - the student parking lots - were of the stylish and extravagant kind, while their more meager teachers and professors drove their mid 2010s cars... and some were even older than that! Some were so rich, they didn't even need to drive themselves to school, having maids and butler to do it for them!

So when it comes to Prom Season for a school that doesn't know the meaning of the word 'modest', what do you expect to see? Simple letters? Hah! Get real! Try--


That would be Corey Fethers and his on-again, off-again girlfriend, Linda. And right now, hugged close to her chest was a prom letter... wrapped around a ticket to Galle Yacht's river tour for an after prom special. And if you know anything about Galle Yacht's river tours, well... 'touring' is easily the last thing anyone does on them. They're also far from the word 'cheap'.

Ironic then that this was by far the cheapest Prom Proposal to occur today. Gifts of all shapes and sizes were being given out before even the first bell rung, with the price and lavishness only dialing up as time went on. Rings of gold and silver, with jewels and diamonds, someone had hired one of thoe flying planes to propose for them, and from what word around town was, Jon Cole was going to be giving his date an entire car.

But, once again, that's just a rumor... though he wouldn't be surprised if Jon did do something like that.

So with all of this going on, all this lavishness, all this money, all these young fools on the cusp of adulthood, you'd assume that he would be similar. He too went to this school after all, and he'd been living in the lap of luxury since birth, so of course he'd be a rich brat, right?


Allister Straus was a curious young man. The son of an airline owner, from a young age, he knew not the hard life in the least bit. Any problem that came his way, any trouble he found himself in, his father and his money could easily make it all go away with the greatest of ease. A mere 'Snap!' of his fingers, and problems would turn to dust. For most people, such a thing could - and most likely would- inflate their ego, making them feel as if they were better than their colleagues and fellow man. But not for Allister. No, for him, it did the exact opposite...

It_humbled_ him.

In the halls of their academy, Allister was seen as being rather indifferent, incredibly quiet, and yet, remarkably kind. So easily one could ask him for help, and he'd do everything in his power to do so. Ironically enough, most would avoid him however, due in part to his cool, aloof looks, and his rich and powerful father. He was a squirrel, eighteen years of age, fur that was a light brown, and hair that was a golden blond. But it was his brown eyes that always had people turning away, for they were almost always in a sharp, cool squint. It was something he had inherited from his father. Another thing he inherited from his father?

His diminutive height.

Now, look, Allister's not short, but he isn't exactly tall either. Many of his peons tower over him with ease, despite their equal age. His voice also wasn't the strongest, being instead more soft spoken and more polite in comparison to the others. Nor was he the most chiseled or masculine of individuals, instead being more graceful and lithe, probably thanks to all those dance classes his grandmother enrolled him in throughout the years.

Look, let's be frank; Allister's not some gleaming Adonis. About the only thing he has which seems to go in stark contrast with his youthful features, would be his facial features. His cheeks were angular and chin was pointed, his nose was curved and sharp, and of course, his aforementioned eyes which were piercing and brown.

But he never let his perceived lack of masculinity get him down, never complained about it, never was bothered by it... even if he wouldn't mind being a smidgen taller every now and then. For Allister, the faults he had within him - the ones he saw and did not see - would be ironed out in due time. He just needed to focus on the here and now, the today. And today?


The halls of the academy were appropriately packed today, causing them to be a myriad of colors thanks to the school's mandatory uniforms. Each one was a different color in order to designate one's grade: Freshmen wore blue, Juniors wore red, Sophomores wore purple, and Seniors wore green. About the only thing they shared would be the brooches they wore on their chests, that of a black and gold shield; the symbol of their school.

And as for Allister? Well, he was wearing green.

With Prom Season in full force, and Prom Proposals being handed out left and right, Allister himself felt a bit lost amid the haze of it all. He too had his desire for an unforgettable proposal, but he just needed to gain the courage to actually do so. His heart was twitching and bucking with pangs, freezing up in his chest as he kept thinking to himself what he should do and how he should do it, which in turn only caused him to second-guess himself, then triple guess, and quadruple guess, so on and so forth until he ultimately psyched himself out!

Like, did anyone know how difficult this was!? His classmates were going through proposals like he goes through gacha pulls, but here he was shifting from foot to foot, his usually cool eyes looking everywhere but at the door. For as courageous as he could be despite his typically aloof nature, he felt that this was - without a doubt - the most horrifying thing he's ever done!

But that's what life's about, right? Taking risks and adventurers? His father often said that he had the presence of a businessman, but lacked the gumption of one. Allister could look suave and play it just as suavely, but he just didn't have the bombastic energy one needs to push their way forward. He needed to take risks and get that thick skin on the back of his neck! At least, that's what his grandfather would say.

So here he was to do just that; walking up to the titular 'Writer's Guild'. That's uh... the name of the author's club. Almost every morning they meet up before classes, and almost every day they meet up when classes end. Since Allister was a child he's had a love of literature, driving him to write his own stories throughout the years. And since the academy not only has a writer's club, but also requires one to have club activity in order to graduate, he leaped at the chance to further along his personal hobby. After all, he'd one day have to help and even take control over his father's airline business, but no one said he couldn't be a world-class author on the side.

So he joined the club... only to come to the realization that it was less a club for writers to hone their craft, and more of a hangout spot for people - mainly girls - to just bum around. It was disappointing at first... but then it wasn't... for _obvious_reasons.

"So... Chester do his prom proposal yet?"

"Yeah, he's taking some girl named Michelle to prom."

"Hmm~~! And you? Have you gotten yours yet?"

"Of course I have. What, you though Vincent wouldn't propose by now? He knows what's good for him."

Walking into Classroom #227, Allister drew his eyes up. Before him sat his fellow classmates; just four of them at the current moment. There was Lisa, a brown-haired vixen, Cassandra, a black-haired bat, Mila, a two-toned, black and gray-haired human-horse hybrid, and Teresa, a blonde golden retriever. They - like the rest of their colleagues - were casually talking about prom and proposals, only shifting when he walked in, to which they called out to him in unison with a hearty--

"Hey, Allister!"

"Hello," he said with that typical coolness of his, making them giggle.

On the outside, he was so cool and collected. On the inside, he was blushing a furious storm.

Sitting upon his desk close to the window, Allister brought over the satchel that hung on his shoulder and zipped it open. Within were a variety of his text books and other such minutia, but one of them stood out from the rest. Where most were large and weigh heavily, this book was small and slender; a paperback book like the kind you'd find at a bookstore. However, when you gaze upon this novel, you'd realize it didn't actually exist. Anywhere.

'Sun Dial' was its name, with the picture of a sun dial having perfectly been drawn upon its surface. It was a high quality book cover; the kind that would instantly draw one's eyes in if they saw it on a rack somewhere. But this book wasn't just a novel, no, it was - in his own eyes - Allister's first completed work. It wasn't sold anywhere because he had yet to get it published, so this was just a mock up he created in his spare time.

Still, the hours he poured into this book could not be understated. While it was a mere novel to others, to him, it was the culmination of his dreams in life. He wanted to write, he loved writing... but there was someone else he felt like he cared for a little bit more.

Within the first page of this book, there laid his prom proposal. A mere letter; nothing more, nothing less. But the envelope was what is important here, for said envelop was 'Sun Dial' itself. He was going to give his first novel to the girl he wanted to ask out. And she would be appearing right--


"Hi guys!"


She walked in through the door; her chest covered in a slightly unbuttoned white blouse which showed bits of her cleavage, green blazer that was opened to both show her status as a Senior and her lax nature, her brown skirt almost an inch too short to flaunt her legs, and white knee-high socks.

A feline. Black fur, sprightly figure, with blonde hair styled up into a ponytail, and various clips slid into it. She had hazel eyes that were somehow both sharp as expected of a cat, but also cute as befitting her overall personality. And quite the personality it was: mischievous and playful, fang-flashing and snide; she exuded the air of a Cheshire cat only multiplied by a thousand!

This feeling of vibrancy and playfulness extended to her movements and expressions. A wide smile, her eyes leering in, and her fingers raised to give the peace sign, all as she entered into the room with the subtly of a bomb exploding. It made her instantly attractive, drawing eyes to her even when she didn't say a word... though she almost always had something to say. Not hurt by how she casually strutted into the place, hands on her hips and nose stuck up in a bombastic pose, all as her hazel eyes gleamed with shear radiance.

And her every step - the sounds of her feet clicking against the ground - seemed to coincide with the thumping of his heart.

"Hey Dawn!" said the four girls in unison as she walked up and--

"Aaah! Purrrfect! Nyah hah ha!"

Sat down... right on Allister's desk.

He pulled back, looking at her soft yet shapely thigh as her skirt and socks framed it. Then he drew his gaze up, bringing it to her face as she stared down upon him with her lips in a smirk, and her arms crossed. No... he didn't look too hard; that would be ungentlemanly of him. Still, the uniforms on girls can be rather... kind, to put it lightly, and was it him, or has she seemed fuller than usual? Not fat, no, no, just... just... just...


"Good morning, Lister!"

"G... good morning, Dawn..."

Dawn Keystone. Whenever he stared upon her, his eyes would actually grow wide. It wasn't as if she'd captured the brilliance of the sun, no, Dawn was the sun. She warmed him, elated him, was one of the few people here to actually make him smile... such as right now. And when she saw those lips of his curl softly, she flashed her teeth at him in a wide, cheeky grin.

"Hah hah! You're looking particularly ecstatic today!" the feline said sarcastically, "Tell me, did you finally ask out a date to the prom? Is that it, Lister?"

"Uhh... w-well... umm..."

Another rare change in him; Allister actually began to blush. She continued laughing, only to stop when his brown eyes once again gazed into her hazel ones. He was usually quick to return to his book while she'd rush off to be with her friends, with things rarely progressing beyond that. He remembered times when they had longer, more varied conversations, but that changed as time moved on. She had her friends, with the two rarely interacting with one another beyond these designated club meet ups. And yet she still called him 'Lister' like she would eons ago, reminding him of the friendship they once had.

And the attraction he had now.

"Well... n-no... I mean... I have my eyes set on who I want to ask out..." Allister mumbled, making Dawn's eyes light up.



"Do tell!"


Like vultures to a meal, everyone of the girls in this room suddenly slid their seats right up to Allister. All around him, Lisa, Teresa, Cassandra, and Mila all surrounded him, further causing his cool mask to crack and shatter. Instead his eyes grew wide, darting around towards all the girls as his mind worked in an attempt to find a way out of this situation.

"Uh... is something wrong?" he asked, to which Lisa giggled.

"Fueh heh! Nothing's wrong but... you? Have a date?" the vixen remarked, "And we were all thinking you were just going to skip prom as a whole!"

"What? Why would I do that...?" asked Allister, only for Mila to nudge him in the shoulder.

"Well, to be fair, Allister, you just seemed so... above it all," the human-horse hybrid remarked, "Heehee! Like... you just seem like the kind of guy who'd stay at home and read all day!"

"Hey! Bugger off of him," Teresa said as she brushed hair behind her ear, "Personally... I think its great Allister wants to go. He's probably going to be way more suave and cultured than the other guys. Buttt..." she nudged him too, "Stop keeping us in suspense! Who is it?"

"You can't ask him who his date is! Then they'll say no!" Cassandra claimed with a flap of her wings, "Though... I do want to know too... who is it Allister would ask out to prom?"

"Nyah hah! She's probably some cultured chick too!" Dawn said as she pumped up her hair, "Like, a soft-spoken, bookish type who also doesn't get out often! Hah hah! So... who is it? Is it Cassandra?"

"Hey! I get out plenty!"

"Or is it that tabby girl? Mona? Or... uhhmm... who's someone I know who's bookish? Oh! It could be Kiki! She's a--"


Okay... a bit loud... and rather at odds with his usual demeanor. Even the squirrel realized this as he held his head low and took in a deep breath in an attempt to settle his nerves.

Immediately everything grew silent. Not even the sounds of people in the halls could be heard; it was like their classroom was trapped in a void. Allister's head was busy looking down, either incapable or simply afraid to pull up. But for as apprehensive as he could be, courage would swell within him eventually, forcing him to bring his eyes up to face the feline sitting on his desk.

The_stunned_ feline.

Dawn's eyes were wide and her mouth was open, like she'd been blindsided by a sudden smack to the face. She even raised her hands, raising it up as her head struggled to parse together this information. Her eyes scrambled over towards the rest of her friends for help, only to see that they were just as surprised as she was.

When she looked back, his usually cool face was replaced with something a bit more desperate. But this is Allister we're talking about; he could recoil from anything quickly, even his own sudden explosions. So when Dawn spoke...


He moved himself, grabbing his novel and lifting it up.

"Ahem... I apologize... I didn't mean to yell it like I did," the squirrel stated as he regained his composure, "Dawn... would you like to go to the prom with me?"

And then he handed her his book, with the feline holding it softly between her fingers.

"Lister, what is this...?" she asked as she stared upon its surface.

"Remember how... how I've been working on my novel?" he asked, to which she swallowed her spit.

"Yeah... you've been talking about it since middle school..." she answered, "It's... called Helio Sea, right?"

Ah, she remembered its original working title, even after all these years! Just hearing her say it had his heart fluttering, though he quickly calmed himself down from getting too excited.

"I renamed it and... uh... I finished it over the summer," Allister claimed, "I've re-read it, re-edited it, re-read it again, re-edited it again and... uh... this is the finished project. This is what I'm proud of so..." he blushed as he scratched the back of his head, "I know it's not something shiny and big but... ummm... hrghmmm... mphh... I..." he looked back at her, "I wanted to give you something of significance to me so... here's my book."

Jeeze, saying it out loud like this felt so lame! Like, who gives their crush a copy of their book? It sounds egotistical! But that wasn't his intentions! He truly loved this novel; it was something he spent hours working on until he got it to this state. And of all the people in the world he could give it to, he wanted _Dawn_to have it.

She fidgeted as she parted his book, opening to the silver envelope with the Strauss family seal on it. Not only was he giving her his book, he still had a more traditional and beautiful invitation to give her as well. If she were any other girl, they'd be swooning right now.


Fingers tugging at the book and at the letter, Dawn's hazel eyes stared down towards Allister's face. She opened her mouth to speak, but she_feared_ what she would say wouldn't be to his liking. And the last thing she wanted to do was hurt him; he was her friend! But that's just the thing: he was her friend. For as kind and as reliable and as smart as he was, she just never felt that sort of way towards him.


She looked up and away from Allister, staring towards the faces of her friends. And all of them - _all of them -_were so excited. She could see it in their eyes; the giddiness, the excitement. They didn't need to speak a word; their face's alone told her the same thing over and over again.

Say yes!

Ironic then that now, it was Dawn who felt put on the spot. She wanted to say one thing, but she felt something else, and before she knew it...

"Lister, I--"


Everyone tensed up, their eyes gazing towards the ceiling together as they all stood from their desk. Hey, rich socialites though they may be, they all needed to get to classes... or else. Some of them - like Mila - wouldn't be getting her trust fund if she didn't do good on her grades at all! So while they would love to see Dawn's reaction...

"Time to go!"

"See ya later!"

"Crap, I have History today..."

"It's gonna take me forever to get to Gym from here... ah!"

Allister and Dawn lingered behind however, with the squirrel zipping up his satchel, and the feline standing up from his desk. Clutching his book close to chest, she opened her mouth so that she could say something, only to pull back in. Allister likewise said nothing as he clung to his satchel's strap, though he had it in his mind that whatever she wanted to say... probably wasn't good.

"I have to go to class," the two said in unison, their mixing of voices briefly bringing smiles to their lips... only to frown as they turned away from one another.

They had things to do...




Water rushed upon her illustrious form, illuminating the midnight fur which adorned her body. Wet, stringy, yet so silky and smooth; her body was like a velvet highway of sensuality. It glowed in the light of her bathroom, and the light which pierced through the curtains of her window, as if to further bring vibrancy and life to her form.

Raising her hands, she slid her fingers through her long black hair, which now fell along her back like a waterfall. It felt relaxing to scrub the soaps and suds into her head, furthering along those cleaning agents to truly make her body radiate light and life. She was both elegant in her figure and athletic, but also mature due to her age. She was not a young girl or even a young adult, but a woman.

A beautiful, divine, woman.

And right now...

Beep! Beep! Beep!


She had business to attend to.

Reaching over, the feline grabbed and twisted the knob of her shower, turning it off. Steam wafted around her, covering the ebony form of the slowly emerging feline within. Her tail slithered sensually along her back, while her cool verdant eyes cut across her opulent bathroom towards the smartphone resting upon her sink's edge.

She stepped out of her shower stall, walking upon the mat beneath her towards the sink. Grasping the phone and lifting it, the mature feline saw she had two messages. One was from her job - naturally - the other was from her daughter. Curious; if memory serves, her daughter should be in the middle of Math class. She'd be angrier about getting such a message when she should be learning, but it was the contents of the text message that was most surprising.

Mom I need to talk to you.

Grasping a towel, the woman wrapped it around her neck, covering her athletic form as she looked at the message with an eyebrow raised. Capitalization? Actual use of a period? Sure, the message was short, but the older feline was capable of gleaming the importance behind this message. It brought a frown to her face, her sharp verdant eyes gazing skyward as she wondered what could be ailing her so. And with it being so close to prom... ah... no, no, she didn't want to start jumping to conclusions so soon. Save that for later. For now, she'd focus on herself.

The prime of a woman... hell, the prime of anyone, is a moment in life that often passes by before you know it. You just wake up one day, wondering what happened tot all of your youthful features and assets. If you're not paying attention, your flesh sags and your body gets warned down, sometimes with very little to show for what was once there. But for her - for this feline - it appeared as if she'd somehow mastered the art of only growing more_beautiful, _more_vivacious as time went on. Probably because it was kind of her _job.

She couldn't look anything less than the absolute best.

Her verdant eyes gazing upon her reflection, the feline began gliding her fingers through her hair with one hand, while the other hand continued holding her towel up towards her impressive bust. With practiced movements, she drew out those antennae-like bangs of her hair, having them stream over her mature and sharp face. At around the same time, she heard more beeping echo from her phone, this time being a specific ringtone she used for work. Which means...

"Alright... here we go..." the feline muttered to herself as she slid her smartwatch upon her wrist, clicking a button to answer it with a cool sounding, "Talk to me."

"Good afternoon, Miss Astra. I assume you're enjoying your day off?" a dry, bored, apathetic voice came humming through her watch, much to her amusement.

"Please, Thomas, don't act too charming," she replied sarcastically, garnering a groan through her speakers, "Did you get the information I needed from you?"

"Of course I did; it's my job," the man through her watch replied, though he didn't sound too pleased about it, "Which, to be fare, I think may be an abuse of your power. Even if you are writing my paychecks."

"And don't forget it," the feline retorted.

"Oh believe me; I would if I could..." he stated, before shifting audibly in his chair, "Anyway... if you're looking for dresses, I recommend a place on the east side called Bridal Tailors. And before you jump down my throat, this place specializes in both prom dresses and wedding ones. I know you're little girl isn't getting married any time soon."

"Tch... with how much of a free spirit she is, I don't think she's getting married ever," the feline replied.

"Well... you say that now, but these things change. I know your little Dawn is eighteen now, but you should really enjoy these moments when you can. I sit here and think back to when my daughter was eighteen, and how much I wouldn't mind seeing her like that again."

"Oh yeah... you've been through this prom song and dance a few times, haven't you, Thomas?" the cat said as she leaned against her bathroom's sink.

"Yeah... about three times... four if you count my niece," Thomas stated, garnering a chuckle from his superior.

"So... what was it like? Did you take your children to get their suits and dresses?"

"I took my son and my eldest daughter. My wife took my youngest to get her fitted. Hmm... it was pretty fun. Though my eldest daughter had her boyfriend at the time there with her. He was her prom date, so they got their clothes together. I never really liked him, personally."

"Hmm... what was it like?" the feline asked as she stood up straight, "You know... the whole prom date thing? Her boyfriend?"

"What? Didn't you go to your prom? Shouldn't you have some insight on this?"

"I did go, but I didn't choose my clothes with my prom date. And my father wasn't there with me, so... yeah..." she shook her head, "I was just curious to know your input as a parent, as this is my first - and will likely be my _only -_prom night with my child. It's not like I get do-overs... just wanted to know what I should do."

"Well... tell me this, do you know who your daughter's going to the prom with?"

"Huh..." she crossed one arm beneath her chest as her body shifted, "Hmm... huh... well... if Dawn has gotten a prom proposal, she hasn't told me. And seeing as how energetic and loud my daughter can be, I'm just going to assume no one's asked her out yet."

"Do you know her friends? Is there any you'd peg as her date?"


Growing silently momentarily, the feline closed her eyes as she thought about it. Dawn had many girl friends, but not many guy friends. And, no, her daughter is not a lesbian, so that helped narrow the list down even further. She remembered her daughter talking about some guy named Tyler before, but when the feline pictured who'd be her date, she saw someone... shorter. Someone with blond hair. Someone with brown eyes. Someone with an aloof face. Someone who was a squirrel.

Yeah... she saw him... she saw...

"Justine? Are you still there?"

"Yeah, I'm still here," said the feline as she straightened up, "Look, thanks for the help Thomas. I'm going to head out now."

"Alright. I know prom isn't for a couple of weeks, but you still shouldn't sweat it. Years from now, you'll look fondly on these days, I swear it."

"Yeah... thanks for the wisdom."


Her expression faltered, her eyes cutting towards the door of her bathroom as she grabbed her phone into her hand. Stepping out into her bedroom, she allowed a billow of steam to follow her into a home that had a Spanish style to it. Wooden floors, white walls, a white bed, all clean and spacious, and all tied together with a balcony that gazed out over their backyard pool. Walking over towards said balcony, the woman grasped its curtains to close it... but then she stopped.

"Hmm... Allister... he would... aahh..."


Why the hell did he do this!? Why the hell did he do this!? Why the hell did he do this!? Why the hell did he do this!? Why the hell did he do this!? Why the hell did he do this!? Why the hell did he do this!?


This was really one of those moments of 'you never really know what's going on in someone's head.

On the outside, Allister was as calm and composed as he could possibly be. If he did have any tells to his inner, conflicting emotions, they certainly weren't showing on his face. The sharp gaze, the indifferent expression, the powerful stride; everything about the squirrel was completely normal.

Everything_inside_ of the squirrel, was anything but.

It came down to the smaller details. Allister's ears usually were laid to the side horizontally in relaxation. Now they stood straight up like towers. Typically, his tail clenched in softly; nothing too extreme. Now his tail had enough squeezing pressure to bend steel. But perhaps the most telling shift in his body - if anyone cared to pay attention - would be how much his fingers fidgeted.

They fidgeted during his classes, they fidgeted during lunch, they fidgeted during his silent studying in the library, and yes, they even fidgeted during gym. Not all of his failed returns in badminton were his fault, he swears!

The reasoning behind it all? Does it even need to be said?

Since this morning, Allister has seen not sight nor tail of Dawn. And that's really difficult, because Dawn's the kind of person you always notice. Always talking with someone, always posing, always laughing, always doing something. The blonde feline with the black fur was just that magnetizing; she was impossible to gaze away from!

So why couldn't he even find her in the first place!?

It was both a curse and a blessing. A curse because he really wanted to know her answer and see if she would accept his proposal. A blessing because he feared the answer would be 'no', and he would have his heart broken. A part of him thought this was stupid; he was not ignorant to the false importance of a prom proposal. Hell, his father went to prom with some girl whose name he can't even remember! It's not like him going to prom with Dawn would somehow shift the entirety of his life!

But tell that to a young man! Sure, he's smart enough to know this is silly on some levels, but he's not smart enough to not _feel_it! His emotions were out of wack; both horrified by being told 'no', but also needing the straight confirmation so he could just get it over with. Be happy, or be sad; he'd choose one of those over being in this state of anxiety!


"Huh? Oh pooh! And I was just getting to the good stuff!" his teacher - Miss Comet - said as she stepped away from her white board, "Well everyone, I suppose we'll continue next time. Remember, read chapters 4 and 6 tonight! We'll continue where we left off next class!"

All around him, his fellow students began rising up, gathering their things and leaving the classroom, with Allister being a bit slower on the uptake. He was hesitant and horrified, knowing he'd need to head to the writer's guild where he'll hopefully get his answer... be it good or bad.

So at a pace a bit slower than what was typical for him, the young squirrel made his way through the large, opulent halls of the academy towards the writer's guild. He walked by many of his fellow students, even a few more prom proposals, but none of that mattered when his eyes fell upon the doors to Classroom #227. It was closed, but the lights were on. He took in a deep breath and reached forward.


The door was locked.


Well... that's not good. Now his eventually sentence would be drawn out for even longer, and he wasn't sure if his heart could take it. Where could she be then? He wanted his answer, he needed his answer. Yes? No? Anything was better than just not knowing! He couldn't stand not knowing!

Should he call her? No, that's... that'll make him come off as needy. Then what should he do? Just wait for her to come to him? Guess that was the best outcome, even if it would continue to eat away at his heart and soul. He needed to just go home and think, calm down, relax... hah... do something to take his mind off of things.

Stepping outside, everyone was getting into their cars to leave the academy. There were many - like Shane Dudley - getting into cars driven by their personal servants, some - like the Morris twins, Amelia and Cassandra Morris - were getting into their own car to drive home, and even a rare few - like Nami York - were getting into an Escalade driven by her mother. Where did Allister fall on this spectrum?

"Good afternoon, Mr. Strauss."

Her expression was flat, her tone no-nonsense, and her eyes were as sharp as his own. Funny that, because she wasn't a cat, or a bird of prey, or some other predatory species, but instead an older human woman. A human with such cold, calculating eyes. Modest in size, short black hair, bespectacled face, and wearing clothes that made her look like some CEO's secretary, the woman stood outside of a silver van of some sort as she opened up its back door.

"Hello, Kasumi," Allister said whilst tugging at his satchel's strap.


To everyone else, his words were simple; a mere greeting and nothing else. Hell, he didn't even say them in an exasperated or emotional manner; he was just as professional as usual. But to Kasumi, she could instantly tell something was wrong with him. The reverberations of his voice just weren't strong enough, his tone wasn't as mono either, and his brown eye didn't look on her person with quite enough strength. All these things combined told her one thing.

"Something is wrong." said the woman as she cocked her head, "What is it? What happened?"

"Huh? Nothing. Nothing happened," he stated, a lie that would easily fool anyone... anyone but her.

"Liar... you've been acting strange all morning. I ignored it before, but I can no longer do so," Kasumi muttered as her head cocked to the other side, "What is the matter, Mr. Strauss? Did something unscrupulous happen today during school?" she then shook her head, "No... if you've been acting weird strange since we've arrived in the morning then..." she stopped herself, "I see... prom season. The proposals... are you thinking about your own, Mr. Strauss?"

"I uh... I..."

He swallowed his spit and looked aside, blushing a bit as his servant called him out so expertly. She was one of the rare few people who could dismantle him to see that which he was hiding beneath him. He could tell her to stop, but he never felt comfortable bossing around Kasumi. However, he also didn't feel comfortable telling her the truth, wanting to just swallow his spit and go home. Perhaps later on he'd have the courage to explain things, but as they were now, he--


His ears perked from the sharp cry, causing his head to turn over towards the distance. Despite the distance and despite the number of people around them as well, Allister was still capable of hearing her voice stand out strong against all the rest. She rung like a bell, and instantly captured his attentions: the blonde cat with the mischievous personality and vibrant expressions. It took him a few moments, but eventually he snapped his eyes upon the feline as she bounced up and own outside of a white and blue convertible.

Attracted to her, Allister walked towards the feline in the distance, completely ignoring Kasumi as he did so. His servant stepped to follow him, only to stop herself. She was smart enough to decipher what was going on.

"Alright, it's time to--"


She stiffened up in place, her hazel eyes bulging slightly as her name was called out to. Of all the people who would possibly speak to her right now, why did it have to be him?_She was scared, horrified even, because she knew that - sooner rather than later - she'd need to give him the answer he needed... even if it may not be what he _wants.

"Lister..." Dawn muttered.

Turning around, the cat's eyes befell the squirrel who called out to her, his expression not as tight and as professional as it usually is. He looked lost and scared, like a puppy needing guidance, and the only person who could give him that guidance was her. But Dawn - for all of her vibrancy - wasn't sure if she could give him that which he wanted. She was scared too, because she didn't want to hurt his feelings with what she may say. He was her friend, but with all of his cool indifference and professional expressions, it made it hard to gleam what his true feelings were beneath his calm exterior. Of all the people she ever thought she'd get proposed to, he was perhaps last on that list.

All she needed to do was--

"Lister?" another voice came echoing from the car beside them, "As in 'Allister'? Little Alli?"

The hood of the white and blue convertible came sliding back, attracting their eyes over towards the person driving it, the _woman_driving it.

Tall, athletic, stylish, cool; these were the four words one would use to describe this feline. Midnight black fur, long black hair with two long bangs stylized like fangs, she sat behind the wheel of her car with circular-rimmed shades resting upon her face. But when those shades came pulled up, she flaunted the beautiful, sharp and cool verdant eyes she used to penetrate everyone and everything around her.

She was dressed like a woman heading out for a day of fun. Slick, cool, tight jeans hung close to her curvy and toned legs, her chest was covered in a sports-bra like garment with how it stretched over her busty breasts, meaning her toned midsection was flaunted as well, and she had a cool white jean jacket hanging open on her shoulders. Even her movements were tight and flawless, shifting her head over to look at the young man who gazed back.


"Miss... Astra?" Allister said as he was trapped in the net she cast by her gaze alone.

"It is you, Alli...!" Justine replied whilst sitting up straighter in her seat, "It's... been a while."

Justine Astra extended her hand, with Allister reaching back for her. He was hesitant at first, trepidation... gazing into those verdant eyes, and that alluring smile. She owned this vivaciousness that he's only seen on someone else: Dawn. But this was more...

Refined... if that makes any sense.

He touched her hand, squeezing it. She smiled.

"A firm handshake... lovely. You've grown since I last saw you, Alli," Justine said as she pulled her hand back, leaving him blushing softly.

Blushing... softly... Allister never gets this flustered.

"We last saw each other on... uhhh... umm..."

And_his voice was getting caught in his throat? He knew the answer... he just couldn't _say the answer, for some reason. It's okay, because--

"Kufufufufu! I remember when we last saw each other," the feline stated, "It was on Dawn's last birthday over the summer, right? It feels like forever ago!" she cocked her head, "Apologies that we couldn't make it to your birthday, but Dawn was staying over with her father at the time."

"I... I know I... umm..." he swallowed his spit as he looked away, "It's okay. I didn't mind."

"Hm... I've seen all these prom proposals going on while I've waited so..." she raised her eyes as she flashed him a beguiling smile, "Have you proposed to anyone yet?"

"MOOMMMM!!!" Dawn screamed out, fearful that her question would reignite Allister's search for her answer... but it didn't.

Allister didn't say the obvious of 'Oh, I asked Dawn and am waiting for her answer', or anything like that. He just stood there, frozen on the spot like a block of ice, his usually calm and composed looks being replaced by this wide-eyed gaze. He didn't know what to say as he looked at Justine, while she cocked her head the other way to give him a more concerned look.

"Alli? Is everything okay?" she asked, though he just--

"Uuhh... uhmmm... hmmm..."

"Let's go, Mom!" Dawn said, cutting her friend off as she hopped into the passenger side of their convertible with a pout on her face, "I've been here all day, and I'm dying to go home!"

"Haaaah... calm down, Dawn. We'll be home in a little bit," Justine said before sliding her shades down upon her face, "Well now, it's been lovely talking with you, Allister. I hope to see you again later!"


Pressing her foot to the gas pedal, Justine was quick to peel out upon the roads like a girl half her age. She didn't even bother pulling the top of the convertible back up, allowing the wind to blow along her face and through her hair. Like streamers in the wind, her raven hair blew alongside her daughter's blonde hair, flowing and flowing and flowing until they eventually vanished from sight.

And Allister remained standing there, frozen solid as his gaping mouth slowly closed. And after a few second, he finally said...


"Mister Strauss?" Kasumi's voice rang from behind, bringing him back to normal.

"Yes, Kasumi?" he replied as he turned to face her, his aloof expression having returned.

"Are you ready to go home?"

He took in a deep breath.

"Yes, Kasumi..."


"So... Allister proposed to you, didn't he?"


"Well, if I didn't know before, you just told me now."

In Oceanside, it's a common sight to see lavish cars roaring down the roads at high speed. Rich, powerful socialites, flaunting their affluence in the most bombastic manner possibly. From CEOs and their mistresses, to politicians and media moguls; everyone seemed to be breaking some sort of traffic law here. Ironic then that - somehow - Oceanside has such a low car accident rate.

Driving over Carver Bridge - the main bridge leading from the outer countryside to the city itself - a certain blue and white convertible was drifting between other cars at nearly sonic speeds. And who was behind the wheel of said car? Justine and Dawn of course.

The older feline was stroking her hand through her hair casually whilst driving their car, while her daughter stared up to her with eyes wide. How did she know? And so expertly as well? What? Did she somehow gleam all of that from her text message? While she wasn't surprised that her mother figured she'd gotten a prom proposal, she didn't think her mother could so flawlessly tell that it was Allister who gave it to her. Dawn hadn't even brought it up yet! They were just going home and the feline sprung it on her!

Noticing this shift in the younger feline, Justine let out a sigh as she decided to finally put her daughter's concerns to rest.

"I know this may shock you at times, but I am your mother," Justine stated whilst looking at Dawn, "Both of your body languages just_screamed_ awkwardness..." her eyes returned to the roads, "The moment Allister ran up, your eyes got wide and you stiffened up like a statue. When I asked him about if he'd given a prom proposal yet, you tried to cut me off, and he locked up. Honestly..." she looked away, "I don't think I've ever seen Allister get so flustered before..." her eyes then returned to the road, "Hmm... so with all that being said, I assume Allister proposed to you, and you said no."

"What? N-no... I... I didn't..." Dawn said whilst scratching her head, "I didn't um... I didn't say 'no'..."

"So you said yes?"

"No! I didn't... I didn't say 'yes' either. I said... I said..." she shook her head, "I said nothing. Look, it's complicated."

"No, it's not that complicated," Justine replied matter-of-factly, "Allister has known you since middle school. Every birthday you've had with me, he's been there. Always. So on the lead up to prom, he musters as much courage as he can within that indifferent exterior of his, and asks you out. Knowing a guy like him... hm... he probably gave you something... _sentimental?_Being the son of an airline owner, he's surprisingly modest, you know. So..." she raised an eyebrow, "Is that why you texted me? You don't know what to do, do you? You want to tell him 'no'... but you can't."

"Look, Mommy, he's my friend!" Dawn said in an exasperated manner, her hand resting on her forehead, "I don't want to... I don't want to tell him 'no'... that'll hurt him. And... I don't want to hurt him! Allister is... haah..."

"If Allister is as much of your friend as you claim him to be, then you_should_ tell him 'no'," Justine stated, "It'll hurt him. He's young, and as cool as he can be, he looks in the now as oppose to the future. He probably feels like this is the most important decision of his life. If you tell him 'no', he'll probably cry about it for a little bit in secrecy, and then..."

"And then what?"

"And then he'll get over it. He's young, Dawn, and he likes you. Honestly, it seems as if the only person who doesn't realize this is you... but probably because you're attracted to someone else. Or attracted to a lot of other people..."


"Anyway, if you don't just tell him 'no', it's going to hurt him even more in the future," Justine stated, "You're as beautiful as me, Dawn, and even if you don't realize it, you're as smart as your father. I'm sure some other guy is going to propose to you for prom, so you should tell Allister 'no', so that when this other guy does propose to you, and you say 'yes', then Alli won't be too hurt. Maybe he'll even ask out someone else but..." she shook her head, "I don't think he will..."

"Ugghh... this is the worse..."

Palming her face again, Dawn opened her mouth a few times to say something, but nothing came out aside from groans. She hated the idea of breaking Allister's heart, but what else could she do? While she wasn't dating anyone outright, the young feline did have her eyes set on someone... and that someone had his eyes set on her. She knew it was only a matter of time before he popped the question, and when he did, she knew she would say yes.

And there was Allister in the middle of it all; an unknowing third wheel. Fuck, she hated this...

"So how did he do it?" Justine suddenly asked, snapping her daughter's gaze back, "How did Allister propose to you? I have to hear it..." she then allowed a smile to spread out over her lips, "It was sentimental, right? I was correct about that?"


Looking up, Dawn realized they were now driving slowly upon smaller roads, with opulent and elegant houses sitting around them. They had returned to their neighborhood, with dazzling homes of all kinds resting around them. What does it say when your home which is a virtual palace, is nothing more than an another home a midst many other virtual palaces? Dawn herself didn't seem to mind.

From the outside, their home appeared minimalist: a garage, a walled perimeter, the building itself being made of rectangles and squares. But on the inside, it had a very Spanish architecture, like a hacienda straight from the beautiful city of Belmond.

Parking outside of their garage, Justine slowly turned off their car before shifting herself over, staring at her daughter. In return, Dawn grabbed her backpack, resting it on her lap as she unzipped it and slid her hand inside. What she brought out was a book, which took Justine aback.

"Is that... Helio Sea?" she asked, to which Dawn shook her head.

"Noooo... it's called 'Sun Dial', now..." the young feline replied as she palmed her hand upon its surface, "He changed its name apparently... wait..." she then looked up at her mother, "How did you know its name?"

"How could I not?" Justine replied with a soft smile, "Allister has always spoken about it. He loves writing, you know. During your birthdays, he'd give me an update on how his book was going. But for him to change its name to Sun Dial... I didn't know it. Kufufufu... I prefer this name, personally."

"Well... I... um..." she shook her head, "He gave this book to me... with his proposal letter."

"So it is sentimental..." Justine remarked, her eyebrow raised, "Hmm... well... when you tell Allister 'no', you should give it back to him, okay? And let him down gently, Dawn. If he's as much of a friend as you say he is, then he deserves this. He _deserves_this."

"Hmm... well..." she patted her mother on the shoulder, "We're still going dress shopping, Mommy! I want to try a lot of them on, you know!"

"Yes, yes, Dawn, I know," Justine replied with a smile.

As the two got out of their car, Dawn did so with a gleaming smile on her face. While she had yet to tell Allister her choice, the conversation she had with her mother actually had a positive affect on her. And, you know, it may have been helped by the fact that she will be trying on dresses soon. The promise of goodies almost always had a shift on the feline!

Grabbing her backpack, Dawn slung it on her shoulders whilst leaping out over the car's edge. She truly did have a face that could match the sun in its brightness, her gaze leering up at her home from grinning cheek to grinning cheek. And then...

Fwoosh! Fwoosh!

"What the!?"

A banner; it fell over their second-floor balcony, covering their home from the banister down to the bushes below. Dawn and Justine stepped back as the front doors of their home was covered in a black and golden tapestry of some sort, shimmering like the light of heaven itself had come down to shower upon them. And there, written upon the golden banner in bold, elegant, black cursive letters, were the words--


But before either Justine or Dawn could speak... music began playing from their balcony as well. It was slow, starting with a drum beat, but as notes were stricken, the young feline's tail sprung up with realization. All she needed were a few notes, and her mind instantly began filling in the rest with realization. This music, this song, it was not just familiar to her; it had to be her favorite song in, like, ever.

"Daily Pure?" she whispered audibly.

But this wasn't some poor rendition of 'Daily Pure', nor was it a half-bad copy of it either by some busker on the street. While it didn't sound as good as it would be in studio since, ya'know, they were outside, it sounded like a perfect copy of the song as if they were live on stage, just minus the speakers. It were as if the band itself - Nutrel - had come down to her home just to perform. And...

Then she saw him: the Lead singer of Nutrel, Stitch himself! He appeared near the edge of the balcony, with his guitar in hand and stylish hair done up; a cool black hound with the most piercing blue eyes she's ever seen. And then over his shoulder, the bassist of the band, Hammer! And if they were here, then Victor had to be here too, playing his drums!

This wasn't just some facsimile of Nutrel; this was Nutrel! And this wasn't just some copy of Daily Pure, this _was_Daily Pure! The band Nutrel - her favorite band - were standing on her balcony playing Daily Pure - her favorite song - for her! This was, like, a dream come true! But who brought this dream to reality!? Well...

The banner fluttered as a person emerged from within, stepping out from under it in order to approach the two stunned felines standing on their front lawn. He was a tall raccoon, taller than Dawn, though not as tall as Justine. Slender too; his figure was athletic and strong in all the right ways. His white hair slick and cool, his blue eyes equally so. He was dressed in a white and black suit like some spy in the 60s, and had as equal as much charm to him.

Tyler McDonald. Son of Jason McDonald, an owner of more than just a few power plants and oil platforms out in the ocean. Tyler - like his father - was cool, suave, and the eye of more than just a few admirers at school. He was also that guy Dawn had her eyes on, if that wasn't obvious enough.

"So, will you go to prom with me?" Tyler asked with this cool smirk on his lips.

"YES! GOD YES!" was Dawn's immediate and earth-shaking cry.

Without hesitation the overjoyed feline launched herself into the raccoon's arms, hugging him as she laughed and giggled. All the while, Justine stood back, gazing up to the band on her second floor balcony as a rather poignant question came to mind.

"How the hell did they get into my house?"


Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!


Saturday mornings were always a calm affair for her. The cool winds blowing out from the ocean, the sunlight pouring in through her windows, the lovely smell of sea salt, all caressing her as she went through her morning routine. The mature feline pulled down the stretchy fabric of her sports bra, then pulled up the equally as elastic sports pants, putting on her typical running attire. The blue and white clothing hugged close to her athletic and tight form, showing off her Olympian beauty and elegant form. Once those sneakers got tied to he feet, she gazed for the door to her bedroom, exiting out as she swiped a vest from off her coat rack.

Walking through the halls of her home, Justine recanted yesterday's events; that boy band, Tyler's prom proposal, the endless amounts of squealing and giggling Dawn did yesterday; it was a lot to take in. But while her daughter may have lost sight of the third wheel in this situation, Justine certainly hadn't.

How her daughter could be so flippant with Allister's emotions, Justine didn't know. All she needed to do was simply tell the squirrel 'no', and everything would be okay. But the young feline seemingly forgot that her friend even proposed to her in the first place! Aahh... Justine would be angrier, had this not been a near perfect reflection of herself at that age.


"Good morning, Mommy!" Dawn said as her mother came downstairs, her verdant eyes leering at the younger feline.

She was resting on a nearby chair after their shared breakfast, wearing some shorts and a shirt as she cradled close her phone. Already Justine could see her daughter was texting up a storm, probably telling dozens of people the same things over and over again. Like...

OMG! Guess who's going to prom with Tyler!

Wait... do girls still say 'omg'? Oh well...

"Good morning, Dawn. We'll go dress hunting today as I promised, but let Mommy do her morning workout first."

"Oh! Kufu! Don't worry about it!" the blonde said with a dismissive wave of her hand, taking her mother off guard.

"Hm? What was that?"

"I said 'don't worry about it'," Dawn repeated, "I'm going to go dress shopping with Tyler today. We decided we should go together so we can coordinate our clothes! Same color, same style, same everything! Kekekekekeke!!! I can't wait! He's coming over in a little bit, so by the time you get back home, I won't be here!"


Dawn really had a one-track mind, didn't she? The moment Tyler appeared, it's like Allister didn't exist. And, yes, while she wasn't required to go to prom with the squirrel since he asked first, she felt like her daughter should at least update him with her choice in prom date. Who knows what the young man was doing right now; probably tossing and turning a he waited for Dawn's answer to his proposal... though a smart kid like him probably already came to the correct conclusion.

Once again, a sigh left Justine. She even opened her mouth to scold her daughter for her actions, but decided not to. With how happy Dawn was right now, she didn't want to sour her mood by reminding her of her friend's own proposal. So Justine nodded, heading for the door as she said,

"Be sure to call me before you leave. I want to make sure everything's going well."

"I will, Mommy!" Dawn replied, before snapping her eyes back to her phone.

By now, the entire academy probably knew she was going to prom with _thee_Tyler McDonald. And if those gossiping prep boys and girls knew it, then all of Oceanside knew as well. Did Allister know, Justine wondered? She sure hoped not; finding out that Dawn was going to prom with someone else through a third party would only make him feel worse.



Justine knew where Allister lived. She could take a slight detour on her morning run and head towards the squirrel's estate. She could break the news of Dawn's decision before anyone else could. It would probably still sound better coming from her daughter's lips, but this was the next best thing. Now then...

But before Justine could exit out of her house, her eyes traveled over towards her couch. Resting upon it was Sun Dial: Allister's novel. Such a shameful way to completely disregard her friend's book; Dawn didn't even place it upon the counter or put it in her room or anything. At least she took it out of the car before completely tossing it aside.

Hmm... well...

Justine swiped the book, deciding to give it back to Allister for her daughter. She then shook her head and slipped out of the house, allowing the calm rays of sunlight to come flooding upon her. It brought a smile to her face, though as she clenched her hands in, she squeezed them over Allister's book. Drawing her gaze down, she pulled his novel up, giving it a curious glance once or twice.

She knew the general plot of the story from what Allister told her, but not a lot. He often kept things secret, wanting her to eventually read it one day, spoiler free. Now that she had it in her hands, well, she could read it, right? Though... Allister probably wanted Dawn to read it first, but that's clearly not gonna happen. So...

Hey, a little peak never hurt anybody.

Justine opened to the first page of the novel, her eyes running upon its beginning words. And...

Quite a way to start.

From the rays of the sun, life was birthed.


Act 2: Birth of the Sun Goddess

She was the sun given form. A glowing, golden, gilded goddess of radiance and brilliance. When she stood, she did so without a flaw or bend or sway in her tight figure and form. It was power incarnate, with the raw strength to break and bend those beneath her heel if she so chose. But from this power and strength, she exuded this warmth; both physically, and metaphorically. It was the kind of warmth you'd both feel on a calm, Sunday morning, and also the kind of warmth you'd gain from a mother's loving embrace.

Power and grace. Unyielding brutality, yet motherly love. This woman, this phoenix, this being, she was all of this and more. So very, very much more. And when she extended her hand towards the stunned onlooker resting beneath her, she spoke with the power to quite literally shake both the heavens and the earth.


What started off as a passing curiosity became a genuine desire to keep reading the novel. The first chapter itself detailed the birth of a goddess' mortal form, descending to a world of man. And now - some several chapters in - she's revealed her true form to that of the main character, Adler.

And Justine couldn't get enough of it.

Her morning run had shifted into a jog, which shifted into a walk, which was now a casual stroll. Traveling along the sidewalks of Oceanside, she had the beach and the boardwalk to her left, homes and buildings to her right, with the main city even beyond that but still in view. The calm gentle winds blew upon her, and she passed by many others as she walked toward her destination, but the mature feline's focus was locked squarely upon the novel in her hand.

To give one a quick summary from what she had read thus far, the goddess Olympia was both a vain and powerful goddess. The oldest deity in her pantheon, she spent her times toiling within her palace - the Solaria Pagoda - where she more often than not, groomed her hair again and again and again. Being a god, she - like her fellow gods - could take on whatever form they pleased, though she typically took the form of a phoenix.

Worshiped since time immemorial, Olympia was the goddess of the sun, goddess of life, and - rather important to Justine - the goddess of_motherhood_. And in Allister's story, she was stated as being unequivocally the most beautiful creature in existence. No matter what form she took, she always had a golden body, brilliant red hair, and an alluring face that attracted all to her.

But even with all her beauty, all her power, and her great standing not only among mankind, but among the gods themselves, Olympia was not cruel. Egotistical, perhaps, conceited, most assured, but she was not one to abuse her level of power. She had the ability to warp reality to her whims, to create a world where everyone bowed and groveled at her feet without end.

But she didn't. Olympia helped maintain life.

She raised children - both divine and mortal - to bring out nothing but the best within them, she blessed her worshipers with gifts so they could live fulfilling lives, and she preserved the peace among her fellow gods in order to stop pointless wars with one another. And while she may be belittling and even scathing with her words, it was always clear that she had love for the others. To be blunt...

Olympia was a mother, through and through.

And now - for reasons known only to her, and had yet to be divulged within the novel proper - the sun goddess had descended to Earth, taking on the mortal name of Amaterasu Helios in order to live among man. Gotta say, if Justine had met someone named 'Amaterasu Helios' she'd assume something was up with them, but that's besides the point.

Learning of Olympia's journey among mankind with the mortal man she came in contact with - the main character, Adler - had made not only for an entertaining read, but a surprisingly emotional one as well. Nothing too powerful had happened yet, but Justine found herself gaining a connection with the sun goddess. Despite Allister being, well, a young man and some would even consider him still a teenager in some lights, he'd somehow so perfectly grasped the nature of what it means to be a mother within the character of Olympia. And being a mother herself, Justine really appreciated that.

It also doesn't hurt that Justine kinda feels like she and Olympia share similar appearances.

Sure, Justine was not a phoenix, or an avian of any kind for that matter, nor did she have golden fur or red hair. But the athletic figure? Check. The divine stature? Uh-huh. The - admittedly - busty chest? Well... Justine's not the type to toot her own horn, but these babies are still rather perky despite her being in her early forties!

But this was all probably just coincidence. This book was also given to her daughter; maybe Allister compared Dawn's appearance to that of the sun? Was Dawn supposed to be Olympia? Or maybe Justine was reading too deep into it? Yeah... she was probably reading too deep into it.

Still, the idea of comparing herself to Olympia? Felt rather amazing!

But beneath her feet, Justine realized the ground was changing. The sidewalk opened up, there were more parks around and less stores, fences and walls were laying around, and the number of stylish cars had grown as well. In the distance, she saw more opened fields, more opulent walls, more homes. No, not homes; palaces.

If Justine was rich, then the homes before her were... well... simply put, richer. And one of those richer homes belonged to the Strauss family. Fortunately, Justine knew which one. Time to get a move on.


Gray sweater vest? White undershirt? Matching gray slacks? Black suede shoes? Even on a casual, sunny day like this, Allister made sure he looked his best.

His comb stroked through his blond locks, drawing out his bangs so that they'd fall over his head like a curving 'S'. It was a rather cool appearance for someone like him, but he found himself focusing on this one cowlick that stood in the center of his head. He combed it back again and again, but it would keep standing back up, much to his frustrations. His ears bending and his tail twitching, the young squirrel was just about ready to attack his hair with the comb in his hand, but...

Knock! Knock!

"Mister Strauss," Kasumi's voice rung from his door, "You have a guest."

"A guest...?" he repeated.

Looking away from his vanity mirror, young Allister guided his eyes along the massive chamber that is his bedroom. So massive in fact, that it took him about seven seconds to walk up to his door, opening it to see Kasumi on the other end. She stepped aside, gesturing down the equally as decadent halls of his home towards the distance. Thanking her silently, he traveled along a carefully practiced path, knowing where it would bring him.

"Who is it?" he asked as he walked, only to cut himself off with genuine excitement, "Is it Dawn?"

"Dawn? Oh... no Mister Strauss. It is Dawn's mother, Justine."

"Huh? O-oh..."

And another shift in his body.

He looked away and stopped himself, his fingers raising up to his chin and curling. In an instant, the cool and composed young man was replaced with someone far more anxious. His heart even began racing, with realization befalling him soon after.

If Dawn wasn't here and Justine was, then...

Well... he was smart enough to figure things out.

"Then... let us not keep her waiting," he said, his voice having become dry and distant.

"Yes... Mister Strauss..."

Gotta say; this personal lounge was way better than her own personal lounge. Not only was it wide and spacious, not only did it offer her a plunging view at their nearly endless backyard and garden, but did you see the stuff it had inside of it? A pool table? A personal bar? A plethora of leather seats and couches that looked softer than any bed? Every video game console in existence? An 80 inch Ultra 4K HD Television screen? Hers was only _70_inches! And, gotta say, those inches makes all the difference! Heh!

Tugging upon the collar of her vest as her tail slithered along her back, Justine waited within the Strauss lounge room for Allister. She had his book within one of her vest's pockets, while in her hand laid Allister's prom proposal letter. She was using it as a bookmark, but now that she was going to give it back, she took it out. It's unfortunate, because she didn't get the chance to finish the novel on her walk here; she still had more than a few chapters to go.

And things were only getting better.

"Miss Astra?"

Her ears twitched and she turned around, facing the entrance to the lounge room where her eyes befell Allister. And quite the dapper young man too. His clothing nice and cleaned, his hair groomed and flawless, even his brown fur glowed with a certain radiance to it. And when his brown eyes met her verdant ones, Justine found herself tucking some of her hair behind her ear. He was truly a handsome young man, and with his kind personality, he was going to make a woman so very, very happy in his future.

The feeling of awe was mutual.

Imagine Allister's face when he came to the lounge, seeing Justine in all of her gym wear. The sports bra that hugged up close to her chest, the tight pants that hugged to her hips and legs, the vest which hung over her shoulders, and the glowing light of sweat which adorned her body. Justine's form was without equal, and that's saying something considering where he lived. About the only person whom he could say had a body equaling that of Justine's, would be Dawn's, but even then he felt like he was pushing it.

Justine was just... was...

"Kufufu! Well now, you look really handsome today, Little Alli," Justine said as he walked up towards him in a cool stride, her verdant eyes gazing upon his face as a smile adorned her lips, "Are you going somewhere today?"

"Not... no... I don't have anything planned yet," he answered earnestly, his voice shifting about uncharacteristically, "I uh... I just... um..." he shook his head, "We just finished having breakfast not too long ago, my housekeeper and I."

"Oh... your housekeeper? That woman who greeted me, Kasumi, is she your housekeeper?" Justine asked, to which he nodded.

"Yes, she is."

"Aaahh... hm... is your father around?"

"No, I'm afraid. He is a very busy man, so... he's not home often," Allister answered, before shaking his head, "Please, Miss Astra, would you like to sit? It's a long walk from your house to here... assuming you did walk."

"I did, kufu, and I'd love to sit," Justine said.

Extending his hand, he gently took her hand into his in a surprisingly firm manner. He then guided her over towards one of his couches, sitting in it beside her, while his aloof face started to become long. Justine sat beside him, her nostrils flaring as she took in a deep breath, causing her chest to rise and lower slowly.

"You... know why I'm here, don't you?" she asked, making Allister nod.

"I'm no fool..." the squirrel answered, "I figured things would end up like this when Dawn didn't immediately tell me yes or no yesterday. Haaah... I blindsided her, so I thought that's why she didn't answer but..." he shook his head, "I can tell I was just fooling myself. She isn't going to the prom with me."

"Oh Allister... I'm sorry," Justine apologized, but he shook his head.

"No... you shouldn't say that... I'm the one who... got his hopes up... I..."

His face grew longer and he looked away, his brown eyes quivering. It was clear he wanted to get more emotional, but whether it be from his own suppressed feelings, or the fact that Justine was right there, Allister held it all in. But being a mother whose seen more than a few people attempt to hide their feelings, the mature feline was capable of seeing through his mask.

"It's okay to cry, you know," she said in a comforting and soothing manner, "You shouldn't try and swallow all of that in... it's bad for you."

"No, I..." he shook his head, "I feel so silly getting emotional over this; it's just some stupid dance! I...! I shouldn't even..." his shoulders slumped over, "Maybe I shouldn't even go."

"Don't say that, Allister," Justine said as she got closer to him, her hand falling on his thigh to give it a reassuring pat, "This is your prom; you only get one in life! You should enjoy this. Go with your friends, dance like an idiot, make some memories. Even if my daughter won't go with you, I'm sure there's some other girl who'll love to go out with Allister Strauss."

"I suppose I could, but..." he muttered with a shrug of his shoulders, "There's no one else who I'm attracted to like I am with Dawn. And I don't really have much friends either. Besides, I don't think anyone will like being my 'runner-up' choice."

"Kufu! A rich kid like you? You'll have women throwing themselves at your feet!"

It was a joke; Justine even said it like a joke! But it had the opposite affect on Allister. He didn't smile, didn't laugh, he just grew even_more_ upset.

The squirrel that is Allister Strauss is, well, a person like everyone else. He has his likes, his dislikes, his favorite meals, his favorite songs, his hobbies, his things that make him a complete and whole person. But the only person who knew this side of him was Dawn. She's the only person at school who knows he likes to write, or that his favorite color is gold, or that he's a classically trained pianist, among other things. Everyone else at school only sees him as the quite kid who's even richer than they are. They typically see the money and power first, and not the person he is beneath all of this.

And Justine seemed to reaffirm that, even if she meant it as a joke.

Now, part of this is his fault; he is the one who gives off an aloof air, even if he doesn't mean to. But he's had more than a few girls and guys come up to him over the school year, asking if he could get them a private jet flight to some country or whatever. Everyone only sees what he can do for them, everyone but Dawn.

He tried. He tried his damnedest. He tried so hard not to cry. But these damn, young emotions of his; they were stronger than him. He didn't sob, didn't moan, didn't want to come off as pathetic, but tears did start sliding down his face. He silently cried, the sight of it drawing over Justine's finger. Like a loving mother, she stroked her digit upon his eyes, smiling at him as she coaxed him to look over towards his face.

Such a cute young man. His cheeks were rounded now, and his brown eyes were quivering. He just needed a little bit of guidance.

And Allister himself felt... calmed by Justine's face. Her verdant eyes and how they glowed, and the reassuring smile on her face. 'Everything is going to be okay'; that's what her face said. So he calmed down and closed his eyes, while Justine guided him in towards her chest.

Hugging him gently, she nuzzled Allister's face up against her bosom. He hugged back, his silent crying drying up, as his nose began flaring. In and out, in and out, in and out, he sucked in the soothing, calming... snifff... spicy... energizing... sniff... sweaty...enthralling... odor that... wafted off of Justine's body.

She smelled so nice.

"Now stop crying, Allister. There's nothing to be ashamed of."

Beep! Beep!

"Oh... oops..."

Bringing over her hand, Justine gazed upon her smartwatch and the text message she suddenly got through it. Images of dresses from Dawn; she was already trying to compare what she should and shouldn't wear for the prom. A few moments later, she got images of suits Tyler wanted to try on too, showing their matching set of colors and styles. Grimacing, Justine found it rather ironic that she got such a text message now of all times while she was hugging Allister. It also told her that it was time to get a move on.

"Sorry, Alli. It's time for me to go," Justine said as she pulled away, though his hands continued to grasp at the air for her.

"Hm... I uh... I understand," Allister said as his hands finally retreated, "But before you go... could you tell me...?"

"Tell you... what?"

His voice trailed off and his ears twitched; a brief window into his true feelings. He wanted to ask her who it was Dawn had chosen to go to prom with. He was smart enough to figure that someone had asked her out and that she had said 'yes', but be it from embarrassment over the situation, the feeling that asking would render him pathetic for how much he cared about it, or just his own fears that he couldn't actually handle the answer, Allister decided to switch the question before he asked it.

"I gave Dawn a book," he stated, "You remember Sun Dial, right? The book I've been telling you about? The one I've been working on? I gave it to her as my prom proposal. Did she uh... did she want to give it back?"


Justine brought back her hand, palming her vest's pouch where the book laid. She came here with the expressed purpose of both telling him Dawn was going to prom with someone else, and giving him back his book. But now that it was time to return said book, she hesitated, desiring to keep it longer. She at least wanted to finish the book first. Fortunately for her, Allister continued speaking.

"I want her to keep it," the squirrel stated, taking Justine aback, "It's alright. I have it on my computer and I can just print off more. I'd still like it if she kept that one. At the very least..." he smiled, "Heh... she could give me a review on it."

His comment was his own attempt to lighten his mood, but how effective it was, Justine wouldn't know until after she left. But to know he was trying to smile after all of this, trying to brush things off, well, it brought a smile to Justine's face. Her hand meanwhile reached into her vest, pulling out the proposal letter he gave Dawn, holding it between her fingers. And when Allister looked up at her smile and her pose, he felt his heart grow warm and his sadness subside.

Justine was always an exotic and beautiful woman, but he wasn't sure if he's ever seen her in this light before. The warmth she exuded, the kindness, the vibrancy; it all came flooding from her face and body like the rays of sunlight. He stiffened in place, his brown eyes meeting the reassuring verdant eyes on her face. And when she spoke...

"It'll all be okay, Alli. Promise."

He truly felt it.

"Thank you, Miss Astra," Allister said as a more genuine smile came to his lips.

"Don't mention it," Justine replied as she handed him back his letter and stood up from his couch, "Now if you don't mind, I have to get a move on. It took me a while to run all the way out here, ya'know."

"Oh, right! Right!" he said whilst standing up with her, "Let me walk you back to the gates; it's the least I can do."

The mature feline nodded, watching as he extended his hand towards her like a true gentleman. Her heart warmed, Justine giggled and reached back, grabbing his.

"Hmm... such a firm grip, Allister."

"Oh... uh... thank you..."




Oh, the follies of youth. Back in a simpler time when she only had to worry about tests and quizzes, and whether or not her friend's boyfriend was right for her. Sometimes, she missed those days: no bills, no jobs, no daughter to worry about or any of that. Days when things like prom was the most important event of one's life; when you felt like your prom date somehow affected your standing in life.


Water came caressing down Justine's body, her hands stroking back her hair. Bit by bit, the sweat which adorned her form was washed down the drain, while her mind drifted to thoughts of Allister. That poor boy; she could still envision his face. The misty brown eyes, the long frown, his slumped shoulders; he truly was riding on going to the prom with Dawn, wasn't he? And though he had prepared himself for the disappointment of being told 'no' a part of him still hoped against hope that things would be different. Justine herself could only hope that being told the truth would release whatever weight was on his shoulders.

Allister was a good kid. A bit too cold at times, though she blamed it on the air of loneliness he exuded. Truth be told, Dawn was probably his only real friend. Even his entire estate pulsated with this lonely air. Aside from his housekeeper, Kasumi, did Allister have servants to tend to him? Was it really just him for many hours of the day, without even his father to speak to?

"Hmm... mmmm... maybe I should invite him over for dinner some time..." Justine muttered to herself, "He could use the company. Hell... _I_could use the company... kufu..."

She giggled softly at the thought of it, imagining Allister coming over sometime. He'd be blushing furiously, she could tell; he wasn't good at hiding his emotions from her, it would seem. She'd bring him in for dinner, feed him some of her nice cooking as oppose to whatever he usually gets. It would be a lovely evening; just her and him.

Hmm... when's the last time she's actually had dinner with someone, platonic or otherwise? Even Dawn seemed to eat out with her friends more often than not these days. So the idea of Justine enjoying a lovely dinner with Allister all alone was nice... and rather thrilling.

Her and a younger man... aaah... and such a handsome young man too. Always so polite, always speaking in such an eloquent and refined manner, and when he turned to face her, the way his eyes grow wide... such cute... beautiful... brown eyes... she wouldn't mind having them lock on her some more. She wouldn't mind... aahh...


He would make some young woman happy in the future, right? Some young girl who he could shower with love and adoration. Some young_girl who he could fawn over, and be fawned over in return. Some _young girl... some young girl...


_Justine_could do it too, right? She wouldn't mind grabbing him softly, hugging his head up to her bust in a warm and loving embrace. He had such soft and kind fingers too; he'd hug her back in that embrace. And as she lovingly embraced him, she'd feel his body grow hotter... and her body would get hotter too. And when those heats mixed, they would...


Justine tensed up, her eyes wide as realization stuck her. Did she... was she... even for a brief moment there? Was she fantasizing_about Allister? That's... that's_weird. Why would she fantasize about Allister? He was her daughter's friend! So what if he was kind, and intelligent, and talented, not to mention so suave with his aloof nature, well groomed, cared about his personal appearance, and would shower her with affection? So what if he had all the qualities she'd like in a man? And so what if they had a massive age difference by, ya'know, 22 years!?

Honestly, in Oceanside, it's not an uncommon sight to see some uber rich socialite - typically a male - gallivanting around with their much younger lover. If they did do something like that, it wouldn't be too out of place here... but...

"Klnnghghhgh!? Dammit, Justine!" the mature feline groaned to herself, "What? Are you horny? Just grab your toy then! Just grab your... hmmnnmnnm..."

Raising up her hands, Justine began stroking and gliding them upon her body. Even the slightest touches of her fingers upon her form, caused ruminations of pleasure to start rising. She brushed her palm upon her stomach and guided her other hand towards her bosom to start kneading herself. Then her digits sank into her busty chest, lifting her breast up and down in a lofty bounce, while her lips opened to let out an airy sigh.


Biting into her bottom lip to stifle a growing moan, the feline started stroking her hand along her hip, where it came over to clench upon her buttocks. Heat was rising and bubbling from within, causing her pink nipples to grow hard and stand tall among her black fur. Bringing up her groping hand, Justine bit into her bottom lip even harder as she pinched and flicked her nipple hard.


But this was all a mere backdrop to what was going on within her head. Closing her eyes as she leaned back against the shower stall's walls, Justine allowed her imagination to run wild. She pictured a certain blond squirrel, thinking about his hands as they traveled upon her body. He'd touch her in a curious and exploratory manner, because he was new to this; he was a virgin! He'd need her guidance to know where to touch her, and how. She'd say something like...

"Draw your hand along my stomach..."

And then he'd do it, he'd drag his hand sensually along her stomach, bending and brushing aside the fur which adorned her flat, toned core. She'd feel his hands stroke along her navel in particular, drawing a moan from her lips.


Her thighs began rubbing together, stimulating her moist cunt as the heat between her legs grew thicker than the heat from the shower around her. Justine didn't care as she continued kneading her bosom, while her other hand slid between her thighs. Up and down, her slender fingers stroked upon her wet labia, flashing her pink pussy to an invisible audience around her. No, not an invisible audience; to him.

Am I doing this right?

She swore she heard Allister's phantom ask within the shower.

"Hmmmn ~~~Mmm-hmm! You're doing great," Justine replied breathlessly, "Haaaaahh~~~! Now just take your finger, and... Nnnghh! That's it!"

Taking her middle finger, the mature feline slipped it inside of herself, fingering her cunt. But in her mind, it was all Allister, squirming his digit around with her body with the skill of a virgin. He'd be new to all of this, new and confused, but willing - if not_desperate -_ to learn. He'd probably shove his finger into her too hard at some times, then not hard enough at others. He'd squirm his finger inside of her, while he pussy would clinch down to show how tight she was. He'd gasp, then moan, and as he heard her growing arousal, he'd grow more courageous. And the more courageous he'd become, the better she'd feel. And the better she'd feel, the more aroused she become, which would make him even more courageous, which would make her feel better, so on and so forth until!



Justine's verdant eyes grew wide as she plucked at her vaginal walls, triggering hr climax suddenly. Before she knew it, her legs were spread as a loud stream of orgasmic juices came rushing down her thighs in a steady stream. It splattered upon the floor of the shower stall, eventually being washed away by the showers around her. But... it all happened so fast; she wanted to sit on this climax for longer. For longer...

Her face dazed, Justine leaned against the wall for support while her orgasm slowed to a trickle, then petered out into nothing. Juices were still staining her thighs, and the odor of it was somehow stronger than that of her cheery soaps. But really? She didn't care. She was coming down from the haze of her self-pleasure, wondering why oh why had she done such a thing?

Did she really masturbate... to Allister?_She knew it had been a while, but of all the people in Oceanside to masturbate too - including handsome men she knew - why did it have to be _him?

"Haaah... fuck..." Justine muttered to herself in disbelief as reached for the shower's knob.

Twisting and turning it all off, the mature feline exited from the stall as she grabbed her towel. It didn't take long for her to dry off her fur, leaving it glowing as she reached for her bathrobe. Sliding the white garment on her athletic form, Justine exited out from her bathroom with a face of disappointment for herself. And that face only grew longer when she drew her eyes over towards her bed, where resting upon it was Allister's book, Sun Dial.

Seeing the novel on her bed made Justine pout; it was like the universe was making fun of her.

"Oh shut up..."


Monday morning at the James N. Taylor Academy of Innovated Technology, and the air was already thick and strong. Prom was just around the corner; every passing day drew it closer! For those who had yet to ask out their dates, the pressure was on, for only the best of the best waited so long into the week! Most Seniors had already paired up, leaving just a rare few. But the talk of the school was a certain feline's prom proposal, whose prom date - which was a certain raccoon - proposed to her with her favorite band playing her favorite song.

Everyone_in school knew about it; didn't matter if you were a Senior or a Freshman, a teacher or a faculty member, a lunch lady or the groundskeeper; _everyone knew about it.

And then there was Allister.

If he had any reaction to learning this information, he didn't show it. No, he remained as cool and as indifferent as ever, a face that actually scared off a bit of his colleagues who thought he was a just that emotionless. They could only think about what was going on in his head, since more than a few Seniors knew he had proposed to Dawn first. And yet, he didn't seem to care.

He just went to school as usual, his satchel on his shoulders, his brown eyes locked ahead. The same practiced footsteps through the same halls, making way for Classroom #227. Time for the Writer's Guild to meet up, which means...

"Look, at this, DRESSS!! EEEEEEEEEYYYY!!!"

Dawn shook on the desk as her squeals filled the room, her bouncy movements nearly launching her phone from her hand! All around her were the typical culprits of the Writer's Guild - Lisa, Cassandra, Mila and Teresa - gathered to see the images on her phone. And what images were they?

Dresses and suits; one by one by one.

Some were white, some were red, some were blue, some were even pink! But they all shared similar designs, they all were _incredibly_expensive and extravagant, and they all were matching with one another like a his and hers coffee mug.

"See? See?" Dawn said as she flaunted the clothes to her friends, "These are the ones Tyler and I were focusing on most. I really, really like the red one! But he likes the green one... hm... but since he was where white when he proposed, maybe we should go with white? What do you think, Mila?"

"I think you should--"


The door opened and everyone gazed towards it in unison, drawing their eyes upon Allister. And when he entered with his cool and indifferent face, well, you could say it was like a bomb was suddenly set off. Look, these four knew what had happened; Allister proposes to Dawn, she doesn't say anything, and then later that day, she agrees to Tyler's proposal? And now here was Allister in the first time he'd seen Dawn since Friday afternoon? Let's just say this was a little_awkward_...

It showed on the feline's face, her eyes wide as she seemingly forgot that this would happen. Every morning she sees Allister, but suddenly, his existence felt like a surprise. Her eyes were wide and her mouth was small, like she'd been caught red handed with her hand in the cookie jar.

And Allister? Well, he was being very 'Allister' about things.

"Hello..." he said.

"Hey Allister..." the girls sans Dawn said, their tonal strength noticeably weaker than usual.

He didn't seem to notice as he walked over towards his desk and pulled up his satchel, going through his everyday motions like this was just another Monday morning.

All the good vibes within the air seemed to vanish just thin. It was so silent, one could hear a pin drop and think it was as loud as a gunshot. Dawn herself tensed up in place, her eyes looking over towards her friends, who all stared back with telling expressions. They didn't need to say anything; they just gestured towards Allister with faces that said...

Well? Are you going to say something?

And the answer in her head was...

Absolutely not!

This wasn't just awkward, no, Dawn felt like she was put on the spot again by the squirrel. It's not her fault that she didn't want to go to the prom with him, is it? She just... didn't like Allister like that! He was her friend - of which she has many - and she didn't see him as anything more than that. Is that so wrong?

Still, what she feared she'd end up doing, she did anyway, and without a second thought as well. She didn't want to hurt Allister because he was her friend, and yet she went and said 'yes' to Tyler without even a moment's hesitation when she hadn't even properly tell Allister 'no' yet. He knew by now; he'd have to know. But that wasn't good enough... she needed to...

"Haaaah... dammit," Dawn muttered under her breath as she stood up from her desk, facing Allister as she said, "Lister...?"

"Hmm?" he said as he stared up from his satchel, looking at her with his aloof eyes.

"Umm... uhhh... haaah... damn... uh... did you hear?" she asked, fearing the answer.

"About you and Tyler?" Allister replied, still looking and sounding as cool as usual, "Of course I did; how could I not? Everyone's talking about it at the academy."

"Riiiight uh... s-sorry for not... for not telling you sooner... I should have... I should have just told you 'no' Friday..." Dawn said with an awkward scratch of her head.

"It's okay... your mother told me."

"Wh... what?" the blonde feline said, eyebrow raised, "My mother told you Tyler asked me to prom?"

"Well... yes and no. Miss Astra came to me on Saturday and told me you weren't going to the prom with me," Allister explained, "She didn't tell me who you were going to the prom with. I learned that when I got here."

"Haaah... fuck, look, I'm sorry Lister, I really am! I should've told you, not my mom, and not anyone else," Dawn said, though - and much to everyone's surprise - Allister smiled. And it didn't appear to be some forced smile to reassure her feelings, but a genuine one.

"It's okay, really," Allister claimed, "Tyler's a good guy, and I know you like him. He had Nutrel play your favorite song and everything!" he took in a deep breath, his smile fading, "I'm just happy I worked up the courage to ask you out in the first place. Oh! That reminds me..." he smiled again, "Have you read my book yet?"

"Your book? Your boooook..."

Once again put on the spot, Dawn gazed towards the distance. Yes, his book; the book she totally forgot about. The book he's been working on for years now. It's one thing to put him down, but it's something else entirely to completely demoralize him by telling him she had not only not read his book, but she totally forgot it existed! So instead, Dawn did what anyone in her situation would do.

She changed the subject.

"So... are you going to prom with anyone?" she asked, to which Allister pulled back.

"Uh...no, I don't think I will be," he claimed, "There's not really anyone else that I'm interested in and... besides... I don't think any girl wants to be my second place so..." he shrugged his shoulders, "I think I'll just go to prom alone. You only get to go to prom once in life so... I'll make it worthwhile somehow."

Everything Allister said was genuine. He didn't come off as hurt, nor angry, nor spiteful in any way. No, he just took it all in stride, with that cool and aloof face of his. Dawn smiled herself, trying to appear amicable, but it was clear her expression was half-assed. In a way, it was like she expected to get yelled at for some reason, and even would have _preferred_it. If she got yelled at, then she could yell back, they could get into an argument, then she wouldn't feel bad for breaking Allister's heart. But instead he was so cool with it, it almost made her feel like he _didn't_care.

Did she even know the _real_Allister?

"Well... uh... th-thanks for understanding, Lister!" Dawn said, putting on her cheeky grin.

"There's nothing to understand. Let's just try to have fun on prom," he replied.

And then things grew silent in the room for few moments... before Lisa raised her hand.

"I... I wouldn't mind being your second place!" she said with a wide-spreading grin, "You could take me on your yacht afterwards, Allister!"

Whether or not it was a joke, it kinda tugged at the squirrel's heart... and_not_ in a good way. Justine's words replayed in his head.

A rich kid like you? You'll have women throwing themselves at your feet!

He sighed.

"No thank you..."


The rest of the week went by normally. There were more prom proposals - many elaborate, and many were expensive - but none seemed to out do Tyler's proposal to Dawn. Even days after it occurred, people just couldn't shut up about it! Very few seemed to know that it was Allister who proposed first, and those who did know didn't want to confront him about it. Not only was it none of their business, no one wanted to get on the perceived bad side of the aloof squirrel.

With his money and his power, not to mention his cool indifference, there were a dozen things he could do to any of them that no one could stop. Some people who did know of Allister's proposal, were even fearful that he could have something done to Tyler for supposedly 'taking his girl'. But of course, this was just the flagrant rumors of teenagers in high school. Nothing happened, because nothing was ever going to happen. Life just went on until--


May 12 __th._It had finally come; the big day! _Prom Night!

Standing before her mirror, the usually energetic and bouncy feline was uncharacteristically still. Her hazel eyes sat upon the mirror before her, gazing at the image of the young woman reflected in its surface. Her midnight fur which was now shimmering and bright, having put various tonics to bring out this perfect sheen, her usually wild blonde hair now tied into these curling drills known as princess curls, her sharp eyes having mascara and eyeliner applied to them, she had thicker lashes that helped make her eyes pop, and of course, there was her body.

Opulent, regal, slender; these were the three words one would use to describe her dress. It hugged close and tight to her body; a shimmering garment that was jade-green in color, and seemed to sparkle when light struck its surface. The middle was tied tightly around her waist, flaunting how fit she was, while the bodice came up to cup and even lift her generous bosom. The cleavage of it was both wide yet modest, while the straps of the garment came up to wrap around her neck as oppose to her shoulders. In doing so, it offered everyone a wide view of her elegant backside. The bottom of the dress was just as elegant, having a skirt that was slender, long, and parted on the left to expose her thigh and leg. Tie all of this together with the black heels on her feet, and the young feline began exuding an air comparable to that of a duchess, or a noblewoman, or even a queen!

If only she could work her mannerisms to fit that role.

"EEEEHHHH! I LOOK PERFECT!!!" Dawn cried as she began hopping up and down in place.

"Dawn, this isn't your first time wearing the dress," her mother's teasing voice rang from behind, "How many times are you going to say that?"

"As many times as it is true!" the young feline replied, "And since I feel perfect every time I put it on, then every time I put it on, I will say how perfect I am! Kufufu!"

Raising up from Dawn's bedside, Justine flashed her daughter a warm smile. Decades ago, she was going through the same little dance with her own mother. She could remember how giddy she was that evening, brimming with barely restrained excitement for what she thought was going to be the greatest day of her life. She was going to the prom with Dawn's future father, her future husband, and her future ex-husband. At the time, yes, it did feel like the most important event of her life.

But she knew better now than she did back then. Sometimes your high school sweetheart is not your forever and ever, and sometimes, your forever and ever may not actually exist. Still, Justine wouldn't change anything, for meeting her ex-husband and falling in love with him - at the time - birthed her beloved daughter. But this wasn't about her; tonight was all about Dawn!

"So... what's the plan? Is Tyler coming over to drive you to the academy?" Justine asked as she walked up behind her daughter.

"No, no! He's having his personal driver pick me up. He'll take me to Tyler's estate, then we'll take his limo to the academy! Eeeeeeeeeey!!! It's going to be like a red carpet event! I'll be like a movie star!"

"You little feline," Justine said as she placed her hands upon Dawn's shoulders to gently knead them, "Kufu... you look so excited..." then they both gazed into the mirror before them, "Hmm... I'm so happy for you, Dawn. You look so amazing. I'm proud of you."

"Oh Mom... you don't have to get so sappy; I'm just going to prom!" she said, though Justine shook her head.

"You say that but... hah... I remember when you were still rolling around in mud outside of our old home as a toddler--"


"I suppose I'm just feeling a little old now. You're growing up right before my eyes, and there's not a lot I can do to stop it. Hmmm..." her hand stroked upon her face, "I'm just... happy for you, is all."

"Moooommmyyyyy... I promise, I'll be back in the morning, and everything will go back to normal!" Dawn said as a cheeky grin appeared on her face, "Then you can yell at me like usual!"

"Kufufufu... I will, especially if someone decides to stay out for longer than she's supposed to!"

"Mooooom! We agreed on--" Beep! Beep!"Huh? Oh! That's the driver; he's here!"

"Okay, Dawn," Justine said as she stepped aside, "Be safe, okay sweetheart? And text me when you get to school!"

"I will, Mommy!"

Following Dawn outside of her bedroom and through the halls, Justine walked with her daughter up to the front doors of their home, where outside laid a black Escalade with a valet standing at its side. When she approached, the valet bowed before the young feline, before stepping to the side in order to usher her into the car proper. All the while, Justine stood idly by at her home's doorway, waving as she watched her daughter get into the car. The doors were closed soon after, the valet got into the driver's seat, and then they drove off.

Misty-eyed, Justine retreated into her home and closed the door, while her eyes looked over towards the living room. On her couch sat her remote, her phone... and Sun Dial. Grabbing the book into her hand, the mature feline leaned against her couch's arm rest as she began reading it where she last left off.


Across the city at a far larger, far more impressive estate, a young squirrel was going through a similar little dance to that of Dawn. Only, instead of being showered in the loving and adoring words of his parent, he had...


Allister stared at his reflection, his hand sliding down the peak-lapel dinner jacket he wore on himself. It was gold in color, its collar black, and it shined with this unparalleled brilliance to it. His slacks were equally gold in color, equally as brilliant, and equally as suave, giving him this debonair air to him. And the fine black shirt he wore beneath matched with the golden color of his overall outfit. In his jacket's coat pocket, there laid a silver letter; the proposal letter he gave to Dawn, now repurposed to add a certain pop to his clothes.

As usual, his blond hair was meticulously groomed; he had the curving, 'S' shaped swoop of his bangs, his hair shined brightly, and he finally did away with that annoying cowlick which stood at the center of his head. And with his brown eyes as sharp as ever, his face just as cool, and the clothing he had on his body, Allister looked like your favorite spy on a the silver screen.

Though he didn't feel anywhere near as suave.

Eeearr! Whump!

"Mister Strauss," a voice came ringing from the doorway.

Turning around, Allister faced the entrance to his bedroom, his eyes falling upon Kasumi. His housekeeper nodded in his direction, with him nodding back as he slowly approached her.

"You look lovely this evening, Mister Strauss," she said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Thank you, Kasumi."

"Should I take pictures of you? I'm sure Master Strauss will love to see your outfit," his housekeeper asked, though he shook his head dismissively.

"Hmm... no thanks. I'm sure there will be plenty of photos to be taken at the school," Allister claimed, "So there's no need for either of us to waste our time with taking photos now."

"Understandable," Kasumi said whilst stepping aside, "Then shall I prepare a car for you?"

Once again, he shook his head.

"No... I can drive there on my own. It's not like I'm planning on staying out longer than need be anyway."

"Understood. Now, onto your prom flower wrist corsage."

"Wh... what? A prom flower wrist corsage?"

"Yes, don't you remember?"

Reaching to her side, Kasumi pulled over a small glass case containing exactly what she said: a prom flower wrist corsage. A meticulously cared for and tended to flower; a rose specifically, and a special one at that. Why? Because it's color was blue. A beautiful, flawless, azure, blue.

"Remember, Mister Strauss?" Kasumi asked as he gawked at the flower, "You had it specifically bred for your prom date. The florist spent a month getting the blue color down perfectly."

"Huh? Ooooh! Nnghh! Darn..." Allister muttered whilst shaking his head, "Haah... I counted my eggs before they hatched; this corsage was mean for Dawn! But I'm not going to prom with Dawn... aaahh!" he face palmed himself, "Ooh... I feel like a fool..."

"Well... would you want me to destroy it?" Kasumi asked, to which he shook his head.

"No, don't. I spent so much money on it, I might as well keep it. Maybe I could give it to Dawn anyway."

"Understood," his housekeeper replied as she handed him the corset, "Please, do have fun at your prom, Mister Strauss. You only have one in life, so try to make it memorable."

He stopped himself as he thought about her words, even opened his mouth, but then drew himself back. Nodding, he just accepted them before saying,

"I know. And thank you, Kasumi," then he stepped past her, exiting out into the hall, "Enjoy your evening. Prom doesn't end until 12, and after prom doesn't end until three, so don't wait up for me."

"Yes, understood, Mister Strauss."

Traveling through the silent halls of his estate, Allister came down to the mighty garage of their home which contained a near plethora of vehicles and cars. Reaching his hand into his pocket, he readied the keys to one car in particular; an Aston Martin. Hopping inside, he slid his key into the ignition, twisted and turned it, then caused the shutters of his garage to open. Straight ahead of him was one long road up to the exit gates of his estate; it was time to go.

But as he put his foot to the gas pedal, his hand reached over to palm the square case containing the blue rose corsage. It wouldn't take him long to get to Dawn's house; he could pass by, drop this off, then head to the academy. Would it be awkward? A little, but he's long since mastered the art of traversing an awkward space. No one said he had to stick around longer than need be. Just drop off the corsage, then leave; nothing more, nothing less.

Allister drove off.


Act 3: Encounter with the Promenade Dance Mom

The skies were a raucous fury, brimming with fire and heat the likes of which could cook over a thousand worlds a thousand times over! And this - with all of its power and strength - was still but afraction of the sun goddess' ability. It was like a showing of force; a bark from a hound to show just how dangerous it could be. So when you see the skies explode as if an innumerable amount of stars were dancing just within the stratosphere, you knew that this hound - this phoenix - was no ordinary being. Even among gods, her powers were awe inspire.

And all of this - all of this - was aimed towards the being before her!

Saturnia, the goddess of space, and the one being who could dare consider herself Olympia's equal. But even with all her might, and even though they had warred many a millennia ago, this showing of power was beyond anything she had ever experienced before. And why?

All of this power, all of his anger, all of this fury... for one mortal man?

Ooooooh, Saturnia was going to get it now!

Her legs curled as she fitted herself into the corner of her couch, making her feel like a girl twenty years her junior. No phone, no TV on; just her and a really, really good book. Was it the greatest book she had ever read? No, not really, but that didn't matter. It was well written and entertaining, and above all, it was engrossing. The characters, the actions, the visuals; all of it! And it all built to this; the final battle between Olympia and Saturnia!

This chapter was over; now onto the next one. She opened the pages and pulled it open, her fingers twitching with barely contained excitement, when...

Knock! Knock! Knock!


Closing her book and placing it aside, Justine gazed towards the front door of her home. Who was here at this time? She didn't order pizza, did she? Hmm... wouldn't mind having some pizza right now. Ah, but focus.

Getting up from her couch, the mature feline walked towards the door of her home, peering through its peephole to see--


"Miss Astra?" he replied, having her heard through the door, "Are you there?"

"Oh yes, um... give me a second..."

Unlocking and opening the door, Justine pulled it open to reveal the squirrel. He stared back up at her in his opulent gold suit, holding in his hand a blue rose which sat inside a glass case. And here she was in return, wearing a simple and baggy white hoodie, with blue boy shorts on. The difference in clothes left her feeling understandably under dressed, even if she wasn't planning on going anywhere or doing anything.

He looked incredibly handsome in his gilded clothes, by the way. The sharp eyes, the cool blond hair, his meticulously groomed and cleaned fur; everything about him was flawless. Justine felt disarmed by his charms, leaning against the doorway of her home as she crossed her arms while her lips curled into a smile.

"What are you doing here, Alli?" she asked, before bringing her eyes back down to the rose in his palm, "Is... is that for Dawn?"

"Uh... yes," he said, not even bothering to hide it, "I had this made by a florist for prom. But when I got turned down, I forgot about it. My housekeeper brought it to me, and I figured I should just... give it to her, I guess. I have no use for it."

"Hmm... is that so?" Justine replied, "Well if you're getting rid of it, then I assume that means you don't have a prom date?"

"Well... yes," he said with a nod, "I'm going to prom alone, I'm afraid."

"Haah... oh Allister..." she muttered before gesturing inward with her hand, "Why don't you come inside? Let me get you something to drink."

"Huh? But... I have to get to prom," he muttered, to which she shook her head.

"Allister. I can tell you don't really care about it. Without Dawn to go to prom with..." she pointed to the rose in his hand, "You even brought that with you. You must really be smitten with my daughter, huh?"

"Uh? W... well... um..."

He looked down, his hand smacking his head as he came to realize just how stupid he must look. What's the word called? He was 'whipped' or something like that? Ah, it didn't matter; Justine was right. He was just going to prom mostly to keep up appearances. It was expected of him to go to prom, so he went to prom; it's not like he actually wanted to. If he went with someone he wanted to go with, then it would be fun. But to go alone? It would just be...


"C'mon, let me pour you something to drink. At least top you off before you head on your way."

"Uh... well... hm..." he nodded, "Okay..."

Stepping inside of her home, Allister drew his gaze up as Justine closed the door behind him. It locked and snapped in place, while the mature feline walked up towards him. Reaching down, she grabbed the glass case in his hand, taking it slowly from him as she looked it up and down. It had an impressive level of beauty on display: the plucked thorns, the elegant band, and of course, the rose itself; all grown to complete perfection.

"You have an eye for detail, Allister. But... why blue?" Justine asked.

"It's... it's Dawn's favorite color, isn't it?" he asked, to which the feline giggled.

"Dawn's favorite color changes every other day. I think you confused her favorite color for my favorite color," she turned to face him with a smile, "Blue is _my_favorite color."

"Huh? Oooh... guess I got... mixed up a bit."

"It's okay, its okay. Go ahead and sit; make yourself comfortable," she stated as she led him to the living room, "Let me go and get that drink for you."

Sitting down on her couch, he placed his hands upon his knees as he looked forward to the reflective blackness of her TV screen. He could see himself in its surface; glowing like a golden idol. But he was frowning and looking down, wondering how everything ended up like this. He felt both foolish and pitied, though those feelings subsided when Justine returned with a wine glass in hand.

"Here. Don't worry, I'm not giving you anything alcoholic; I'm not _that_loose," the older feline said as she handed him his cup, "You like cherry soda, right?"

"Uh... yes, it's my favorite," Allister said as he took the cup from her, holding it in his hand.

Justine meanwhile would drink some sort of alcoholic beverage, though the squirrel couldn't tell you what it was. Beer? No, that seemed to crass for a woman of her caliber. Then wine? Yes, that seemed more accurate. Even when wearing something as simple as a hoodie and some shorts, Justine exuded this cool, elegant air about her.

She sat down beside him, her body shifting so she could face him fully, while the umber lights of her living room danced around them. Reds and blues mixed together to create purple, giving the room both a foreboding atmosphere, yet a thrilling one. Allister didn't know what to make of it, but when his eyes looked over towards Justine's verdant ones, she lulled him into a sense of calm.

"Thank you for the drink, Miss Astra," Allister said as he sipped from it.

"Kufu... don't mention it, Alli," she said before taking a sip of her own drink, "So... you didn't take another girl to prom, huh? Well... I suppose it's their lost, not yours."

"Really? You think so?" Allister asked as he palmed his forehead, "I feel... differently about it. Maybe I should've just swallowed my spit and asked some girl to prom..."

"Ah, don't say that. You shouldn't do something just because you feel like you should do it," Justine said with a dismissive wave of her hand, "If you keep getting pressured into doing things you don't want to do, you'll end up making a lot of stupid decisions. Take it from me."

"Oh? You did something like that when you were younger?" he asked as he faced her fully, making Justine laugh.

"Oh yeah, sure, of course! All the time!" she replied, "My friends and I were a bunch of stupid girls when we were young, always doing stuff we shouldn't have been doing. And since I was always quite the looker, hah, I was never bereft of suitors and the like. It seemed like every week, I was dating someone new."

"Is that so... huh... I'm not surprised," he looked down, "You have such an approachable personality, and you said it yourself, you're... you are so beautiful..." he swallowed his spit, "Anyone would be thankful to be with a woman like you."

"Oh, you're flattering this old cat," Justine said with a wide smile, only for it to simmer down into something smaller.

"I wouldn't say that," Allister replied with a shake of his head, "You're being far too modest, Miss Astra. You're always working hard on yourself, always running in the mornings, always working out. You're no longer modeling, but you keep up your fitness like you are."

"Modeling? Kufu... you remember that?" she asked, her lips softly smiling.

"Of course I do. I remember almost all the things you've told me," he answered as he sipped his drink, "Mmmf... you're... you're always easy to speak with, Miss Astra. Whenever I'm with you, just talking like this, I feel... I feel..." he took in a deep breath, "I feel all... warm..."

Did that come off as strange? It was the best way he could describe it. He felt warm and happy, like a puppy who's drawn to the arms of his beloved owner. Just sitting here with her brought more of this sense of warmth to him, further allowing him to relax and calm down.

"I like talking with you," he stated.

"I like talking with you too, Allister. You're easy to talk to. You always listen, and you always remember," Justine replied before taking a sip of her drink, "When I was your age, I had already been modeling for years. I'd say... I started modeling when I was sixteen, I think?"

"Fifteen," he corrected.

Justine smiled. He really did listen.

"Kufu... yes, I was fifteen. I began modeling for teen magazines, usually beastkin specific ones, though a few for some human magazines as well. Hmm... when I became an adult, I got more opportunities to... spread my wings, so to speak. Even when I got pregnant with Dawn, it helped my career, because there's always a need for pregnant models, surprisingly enough. But uh... the modeling business is cruel and competitive, and the one thing you can never fight is age. Sometimes there's no reason for you to be passed over. Sometimes, there's just someone younger and prettier than you are."

"I couldn't name many people who are prettier than you," Allister stated, "Of all the women I've met before... and even those I haven't, I think you are by far the most beautiful."

"Kufufufu... really..." Justine asked as she scooted a little closer, causing him to look down first towards her long, luscious legs, then up towards her alluring, beguiling face, "Even prettier... more beautiful than... Dawn?"

"I... uhh... ummm..."

His fingers prodded together. Allister was always so firm, always so straightforward, always so honest, that it took a bit to catch him off guard. Whenever someone asked him a question, he answered it quickly and concisely. Now, he was hesitant to do so... but only for a few moments.


"Kufufufu... thank you," Justine said as she leaned on her fist, her verdant eyes giving a magnetizing glow within the relative darkness of her living room, "You're not half bad yourself, Allister. You have this..." she reached over with her hand, gently palming his smooth cheek, "Suaveness to you that you naturally exude.... it is impressive," her hand then came up to his hair, stroking his S-shaped bang, "And you're always so meticulous with your outward appearance. You care about yourself. Kufu... you've been this way for as long as I've known you."

"I just don't like being dirty. My grandmother told me how... unbecoming it was quite a lot when I was a child," he stated, his eyes closing, "Hm... I have to look my best. I'm not some random hick; I'm a Strauss. I have a... family name to uphold."

"So it's a sense of duty to your family that makes you the way you are?"

"I wouldn't say that, but I just... um..." he shook his head, "Not a lot of people have it in them to come up to me. They're afraid of me, I think, but I don't know why. I guess I'm just too rich? That must be it..." he sighed as he looked away, "It's why I like Dawn so much; she wasn't afraid of my name or money. She probably doesn't even know what the Strauss family does. And..." he looked back up to Justine, "And you too. You're not afraid."

"Kufu... I've been around the block more than a few times in my life," Justine replied, "As a fashion designer, navigating rich people is pretty much required. I make dresses and suits for so many people..." she then brought her hand over, tugging at the collar of his jacket, "And I must say, Alli, you have such a fine outfit today. Did you suit it on specifically?"

"Since I wasn't going to prom with Dawn, I had my suitor put on whatever it is I wanted," he stated, "And... well, I love the color gold, you know."

"Of course you do. You like the color gold, you love to play piano, and you love to write. Particularly, you enjoy writing the story of a certain sun goddess who came down to Earth, and travels the land with her human partner named Adler."

"Huh? Uhhh... have you been... have you been reading my book?"

Allister's face absolutely _beamed_in Justine's direction. He was stunned she could tell him so much about his book, though he wondered if she had read it or just remembered the brief snippets he told her throughout the years. Both were impressive in their own right, but the answer came around soon after.

With expert maneuvering of her tail, Justine brought over Allister's book, offering it within her curled grasp. He gasped, confused as to why she had the book, only to realize that, yeah, Dawn probably hadn't read it. He'd be more disappointed, had he not already seen this coming. But while Dawn hadn't read it - and probably never will read it - Justine had.

"What did you think?" Allister asked, making the mature feline giggle.

"I haven't finished it yet - you cut me off before I could read Olympia's battle with Saturnia - but I'd have to say that so far..." she smiled and nodded, "I love it. You have a vivid way of describing people and feelings, and it's clear to me you like exploring the relationships between people. Olympia's relationships with her fellow gods, her relationships with the mortals of Earth, and of course, her relationship with Adler. Which - by the way - I hope they end up together, even if he is a human and she's a goddess. Although... I have to ask..." she leaned in, "When you were making Olympia... who were you _thinking_about?"

"Huh? I uh... I..."

He stopped as his cheeks turned red, trying to muster up enough courage to tell her who he was thinking about. The answer was simple, but like the bashful young man he is, he struggled to bring it out of him. When he looked up towards Justine's face, he saw those alluring verdant eyes and her beguiling, disarming smile, causing his heart rate slow down. But then she reached over, gently stroking her hand upon his cheek and chin to further reduce him to nothing but putty in her grasp. She wanted the know who he based Olympia off of, right? So he told her.

"I based her off of my ideal woman," Allister stated, causing Justine to cock her head, "I wanted Olympia to be perfect;_she's a goddess, the goddess of the sun, and the most powerful deity of them all, so she _must be perfect! So... I just thought about the perfect qualities I see in a woman. She's tall... she's kind yet abrasive, she's reliable, and nurturing. And she's so beautiful too..."

"And_busty._ Don't forget she's busty."

"Yes, she buuuuussss... oohh..."

Allister stopped as he blushed furiously, his head hanging low. Justine began laughing in a teasing manner however, her elbow even jabbing his shoulder slightly.

"It's okay, it's okay!" she said, "There's nothing to be ashamed of! Promise!"

"I... I created her when I was in middle school! Maybe I shouldn't be so vivid with my descriptions of her chest!" Allister said defensively, though Justine continued to shake her head.

"No, no, it's okay! I actually quite like your descriptions of a woman's body."

"Huh? What?"

"You... you have an eye for detail, Allister. When you described Olympia revealing her true form, I felt it. I could perfectly envision her vibrancy, her power, her beauty. Kufu... it's almost as if you had a_model_ to draw inspiration from. Someone strong..." she raised her leg, placing it upon her couch as she exposed it to his unflinching eyes, "Someone... haah... vibrant..." she cocked her head, her verdant eyes attracting his gaze back towards her face, "Someone... beautiful..." raising her finger, she stroked it upon one of her antennae-like bangs, allowing her slender face to be unobstructed, "And... kufu... someone... busty..."

Then she leaned in, allowing her chest to strain against the baggy jacket she wore, flaunting her bosom's curvature and size. And if Allister wasn't blushing before, well, he was blushing furiously now. His face was red, his eyes were wide yet pupils small, and sweat was starting to pour along his face like droplets of rain. Constantly he darted his gaze from Justine's legs, up to her chest, up to her face, then back to her legs to repeat the process over and over again.

Was this... seriously happening? Or was he just _thinking_something like this was happening? Justine is a naturally vivacious and even _sensual_woman; everything she did carried with it this arousing connotation. Perhaps this is just how she acts casually in her home, and he only thinks she was being more seductive than she meant to.

Then again...

"So Olympia - who is your perfect woman - is someone strong, someone beautiful, someone athletic, someone busty, someone reliable, someone kind, someone nurturing, someone mature, and someone divine... am I right?" Justine asked.

Allister hesitated... but then swallowed his spit.

"Yes..." he answered breathlessly.

"So... your perfect woman..." Justine moved in closer, "Is someone like... me?"

He swallowed his spit again. And...


"Sooooo..." her finger came over, stroking along his bang to guide his gaze up towards her alluring face, "I am your perfect woman, Allister?"

His eyes grew sharp.

"No... you're better than my perfect woman," he stated, making the mature feline cock her head.

"Oh? And why is that?" Justine asked.

"Because you are real..."


Her reaction to his words were... muted to say the least. Justine gave a face of mild intrigue, like he'd just told her a surprising - yet ultimately superfluous - fact. She then brought her cup to her lips, elegantly drinking it down bit by bit until it was empty. And once it was, she placed the cup down upon her living room table, while her eyes looked back to his face.

"Tell me, Allister, and be honest with me. Have you ever _kissed_someone before?"


"Kufu~... do you want to kiss me?"


Gently, Justine guided her hands over, placing them upon Allister's shoulders as her body turned to face him completely. He looked up, his brown eyes meeting her verdant ones, watching as they slid into sensual glares, and her lips curled into a vivacious smile. Nodding softly, the mature feline moved in and whispered...

"Good choice."

Then she moved in closer and closer, her eyes slowly closing shut. And Allister sat there, his eyes closing shut too. He just waited for the moment to come, waited for the eventual explosion, waited for the fireworks.



And... oooh yes... it was amazing.

Justine's lips pressed up to Allister's, parting his mouth with her expert movements. He felt her pull open his lips, allowing her deft and skilled tongue to slid into his mouth. Frozen solid, the squirrel said not a word as the mature feline traced her tongue along his teeth and gums, before drawing it over to brush along his own. Her saliva came oozing into his mouth, giving him this burst of flavor he's never experienced before.

It tasted better than good. It tasted like every one of his favorite drinks rolled into one, and even a few more he's never had before!

Amid the kiss, Justine's chest pressed up to his chest, allowing him to feel her soft, warm, busty chest as she hugged him in close. His nose flared as well, soaking in the luscious odor that flowed from her body. And with the heat and the taste and the feeling of her lips and tongue, haaah, Allister found himself getting drunk on Justine's body.

But it was not to last forever.

Justine pulled away slowly, leaving Allister to hang with his mouth opened softly as his tongue hung in the air. A thin sliver of drool hung from his tongue, snapping when the mature feline pulled too far away and swallowed her spit.

"Mmmf... lovely," Justine whispered as she licked her lips, "Haaah..."

"Haaaannn... Miss Astraaa..." Allister whispered, his eyes lost and dazed as he stared up towards her face.

But she shook her head as she once again parted open the hair upon his face,

"Please, Allister. Call me Justine," she stated, making his eyes grow wide.

"Jus... tine..."

"Kufu~! You're so cute, Allister. So very, very cute!" raising a hand, she tossed some of her own hair over her ear, "Now then... are you ready for it to stop?"



Grabbing the zipper of her hoodie, Justine slowly pulled it down her body, all as Allister watched. He leaned back, melting into the couch with eyes wide as the zipper slid down... only to stop right at the center of her bosom. Teasing the young man, Justine giggled as she flaunted her cleavage, allowing him to gaze upon her perky and busty chest as they were cradled softly in the jacket she wore.

"Not yet, Allister," she whispered whilst moving in, "We still haven't completed your kissing lesson."

"Kissing lesson..." he repeated, entranced by Justine's magnetizing beauty.

She scooted over towards him on the couch, before mounting his body in order to straddle his hips. Looking down Allister not only got an unabashed view of Justine's cleavage, he also felt her weight as she sat in his lap. Suddenly, his golden slacks weren't being the most kind to him, causing his swelling manhood to poke against them... and poke against Justine's crotch.

"I can--" he said, only to be cut off as the feline placed her hands on his shoulders.

Silenced, he looked back up at Justine's face, her verdant eyes attracting him without fail. She could feel his rigid length, and it excited her. So much so, that Justine began grinding her hips against his hips, coaxing a groan from the squirrel's lips.

Such a cute noise from such a cute boy... Justine wanted to just eat him up. Soo...



Her eyes closed and his likewise, the two entered into another liplock. Justine was feistier now than she was before, swirling her tongue about within Allister's mouth with great speed and power. At first he was hesitant, merely allowing her to do as she pleased. But after a few moments of him remaining static, the squirrel suddenly grabbed her hips. Justine moaned in surprise, only for it to transition into a sweater tone. Following his grab, the squirrel grew more bold with his side of the kiss, slowly drawing his tongue along Justine's to match her. She was still his superior, but he was an ever willing student to learn.

Kissing, kissing, kissing, kissing more. The smackings of their lips bounced off the walls, while lusty moans and hungered groans followed suit. Sometimes they'd part, just to catch their breathes and for Allister to catch up, but once their panting subsided, they moved back in for more.

Every meeting of their lips and tongues was just as earth-shaking as the last for Allister. Justine's spit came oozing into his mouth to further drug him on her body, while her weight and heat surrounded him. But it was that smell which was most damming of all. Her cherry scent mixed with sweat; the same sweaty smell he got a hint of on Saturday. Every time he took it in, he felt a strange combination of both relaxation yet stimulation. Like he both wanted to melt into the couch, but also grip her body tighter. So... he did both.

Allister laid back, allowing Justine to tip his head up to better face her. But his fingers gripped tightly upon her hips and waist, once again taking her by surprise. The feline moaned and groaned, her kissing slowing up... only to double back down with more speed, more voraciousness! She even gripped his shoulders tightly, drawing a high-pitched grunt from the squirrel's lips!

He was a curious young man; just as she imagined him to be in that shower. Eager to please, eager to learn, eager to touch her, and be touched back in response. For as quiet and indifferent as he could be, Allister had a surprising level of boldness within him. She just needed to keep bringing it out.

This time when their lips parted from one another, the mature feline stared down upon him with a grin on her lips. He opened his mouth to speak, but Justine ground her hips against his yet again, stimulating his cock through his pants, and making another groan flow from his mouth.

Bringing down her hands, the mature feline began stroking them upon his chest, only to guide them down to the dinner jacket he wore on his shoulders. Grabbing it, she pulled it up and over his head, unveiling the button up black shirt he wore beneath. One by one she undid those buttons, revealing his flat chest to her as it laid covered in soft, brown fur.

"So cute..." she whispered, her hands palming his chest.


Looking down, he felt the smooth palms of her hands as they stroked his chest around and around in circles. Her touch made him feel warmer with every brush; she knew how to please a man. On a virgin like him, she probably wouldn't need to touch him so passionately to reduce him to malleable flesh. But Justine didn't want him to just enjoy himself, she wanted him to get lost in the pleasure of it all. To think of nothing but her.

As if he could think about anything else...

"Jussstiinneeee~" Allister moaned, making her ears twitch as her tail slid along her back.

"Mm-hmm... more of that, Allister," she whispered as she moved in, her lips resting near his ear, "Moan more for me..."

Extending her tongue, she began licking and slicking and dragging her tongue sensually along the shell of his ear. At first it was warm, then ticklish, then cold, but soon he melted further into the pit of pleasure Justine had captured him in. Every kiss, every bite, every suckle against his ear, had the squirrel's already hot body transform into a roaring volcano, while his hands kneaded and groped at her back and hips. His nose meanwhile...


Justine's breasts pressed up to his nose, giving him an unfiltered smell into her sweaty cleavage. And fuck, it was _amaaaaaazziinnngggg!_Allister further intoxicated himself upon her odor, snorting it down harder and harder; more and more! And with Justine's voice humming into his ear as she continued to kiss and nibble upon him, it was like the squirrel's entire body was being dominated by the mature feline.

Drool came hanging from his lips as he hugged Justine closer, his mind being hazed over in the swirling rush of lust and pleasure. Her lips continued their assault, while her hips grounded further and harder along his crotch.

"Such a cute boy... I'm just gonna eat you up..." Justine whispered straight into his ear.

"Juuustinnee~~" Allister moaned back, much to her joy.

"Shhhh... it's okay; just sit back and enjoy this..."

Pulling away, Justine kept one hand on his shoulder to hold him in place, while her other hand came over to the zipper of her jacket once again. But this time when she grabbed that little tab, she pulled it down fully; all the way to her navel in fact. And once it reached the end and she pulled it apart...


She... wasn't wearing a bra.

When that zipper came down, Justine's fit, round, perky breasts, were on full display. The soft black fur which coated them, her round and pink areola, and of course, the hardened nubs of her nipples themselves. Here they sat out in the open for him, attracting and capturing his gaze.

Mesmerized, Allister remained silent as his hands palmed at the cushions of the couch beneath them. He wanted so desperately to grab her breasts, to squeeze them, to grope them! But he waited silently, and instead watched as her perfectly perky chest raised up and down with her every breath.


Justine's giggles filtered into his ears, while she swayed her chest left to right in a taunting display. Her breasts wobbled then bounced, further ensnaring him into the luscious trap that is her body. And once Justine had gained enough pleasure from teasing the poor boy, she reached down to grab his wrists and guide them up to her chest. Allister swallowed his spit, while his fingers moved closer and closer until--



Allister watched as his fingers sank into Justine's bosom, pushing up as the curvature of her chest pushed back against his palm. His hands alternating in their movements, the squirrel groped her tits with brimming curiosity. He explored their size, their weight, their smoothness, their surprising pliability. Yesss, such silky and malleable breasts, allowing him to toy with her as he saw fit.

Her hard nipples rubbing against the palm of his hand, shivers ran both through her body and his own. When Allister pulled back, he gazed at those bright, hard, pink nubs, his digits reaching in to squeeze upon them. Tweaking them softly, he pinched and rolled her nipples around, poked them in, then pulled them out softly. And as if to flaunt how elastic her chest was, her nipples just kept stretching and stretching until he released them, allowing them to snap back in place, where her breasts jiggled to a halt.

All the while, Justine sat there upon his lap, basking in his exploratory touches. Soft and low moans left her lips as he danced his digits upon her supple flesh, squeezing and lifting, then pulling and dropping, only to roll them around and around, again and again.

"You have such lovely hands, Allister," Justine exclaimed, causing his ears and tail to twitch up, "Kufu~! You're so soft and tender, like you're afraid you're doing something wrong, but..." she shook her head, "You're doing nothing wrong. Come on, come closer," she curled her finger inward, "Get deeper into it. Hmm... kiss me. Riiiight..." she then gestured towards her neck with her finger, "Here..."

Justine was right, ya'know; all Allister needed was guidance.

His eyes looked up her body, snapping his gaze upon the area where her neck met her shoulders. Suddenly drooling more than he had before, Allister leaned in close amid his groping hands, planting his lips upon her neck and shoulder. At first he kissed her, but when a moan left Justine's lips, he grew more bold with his touches. He kissed her again, then licked her, then took his soft fangs and--


"Mmmff! That's it!"

He bit down. Not too hard, but hard nonetheless. His teeth and fangs graced her flesh, sending prickles of desire rushing through her form. Reaching up, Justine cradled the back of Allister's head to hug him in closer, wanting to feel more of his hungry mouth. Kneading and groping him close, the mature feline's body grew hotter as well, while his lapping tongue drew lustier and louder moans from her maw.

"Haaaah~~! Hooooh~! Oooh myyyyy~! Mmnnmm...! Nyaaaaah~! Allister! You're really good at this," Justine commented, causing him to draw his mouth back.

"R-really...?" he asked, his cute astonishment making her giggle.

"Kufu~! Do I look like a liar, Allister?" Justine asked as she ground her hips more into his lap, "Go ahead... I know you want to..." she moved in closer, covering his face in tits, "Suck them..."

His eyes widened and his ears straightened, while his face became as hot and as red as a stove top. Lips rumbling, he pressed his mouth upon the side of her bosom, peppering her breasts with a flurry of kisses. But amid his wild assault, his maw eventually trailed over towards one of her nipples, where he opened it up wide and--


Arching her head up, Justine brushed her hand along the back of Allister's head as his mouth finally captured her nipple. His warm and wet maw oozed all around her hard, pink nub, lathering it with saliva and spit. Then came the pressure of a hard suckle, drawing on her tit like a straw to a drink. Her tit was pulled into her mouth, her hard nipple and areola brushing along his sharp teeth. His broad tongue too lapped at her nipple, dragging upon sensitive flesh and fur with heady lick after heady lick. But being the greedy young man he proved himself to be, Allister wasn't pleased with just one tit; he quickly swiped over to the other! Again and again, he'd assaulted both of her breasts and nipples with his hungry mouth and suckling, leaving them both coated in stretchy and thick spit. And every one of his attacks had Justine crooning and moaning, her head looking one way, then the other, then the other, while her finger curled with barely restrained desire beneath her lips.

"Mmmfff~~~! Aaaalllissterrrr," she groaned, "Haaaah... nyaaaah...!"

Her hips continued rocking on his lap, grounding their crotches together and further stimulating his manhood through his pants. Allister bit down upon her tit in response, causing her to feel just as much tension and pleasure as he felt for the briefest of moments. Then he pulled back, releasing her spit covered tits from his maw as he revealed his glossed over face. And when Justine saw said face - his red cheeks, his dazed eyes, his wobbling mouth - she smiled back and licked her lips.

"When you keep making faces like that, Allister... how could I not want to_take_ you?" Justine asked as she stroked her hand upon his face and cheek.

"Hmm... what?"

But she just let him hang on that thought while she finally pulled away from his lap, freeing him. Grabbing her jacket, Justine pulled it off of her body, allowing the green garment to fall upon the floor. Coated in the umber lights of her living room, Allister could see the flawless and fit physique of Justine's immaculate body. The way the lights bounced off of her curves and shadows, her definitions and straights; she was like an Olympian bust brought to life before him.

She truly was his perfect woman.

Her verdant eyes captured his gaze, while she slowly got down upon her knees before him. Stiffening up like a block of ice, Allister's mouth opened to ask what she was doing, but all that came out were groans. Why? Because her hand fell upon the lump in his pants, rubbing at the head of his penis through his gilded slacks. Giggling softly, Justine treated his penis like a joystick; moving it around to coax twitches and reactions out of Allister's body. He grunted and groaned in response, gripping the cushions of the couch beneath him tightly in order to release even a little bit of this tension.

It didn't work.


In fact, it only got worse.

"Justine... Justine!" Allister muttered, watching as she trailed the zipper of his pants down his body.

The grip of his slacks suddenly grew loose, freeing him from their constricting grasp. A bit more maneuvering, and his underwear came sliding down as well, revealing--


His penis. It stood up tall and proud in the living room around them, attracting Justine's eyes down. And her verdant eyes truly glowed. She wasn't sure what she was expecting on the young squirrel. She probably thought - and by no means is this an insult - that his length would be smaller than this. He is young and a squirrel, not to mention short; of course his penis wouldn't be quite up to snuff with larger, more predatory species and lovers.

But no...

Allister's penis was longer than she expected. Thicker too. Splintering veins slid along its sides, and from its tip oozed such delicious and clear looking precum. And below... oh my... below, his round and furry balls swayed, their size appropriately large for such mighty equipment he was handling. His penis was impressive, but Allister himself didn't seem to think so.

"I'm sorry!" he said, moving his hands over to cover his cock, "It must not be large enough!" Grab!"Huh?"

"Why would you think that...?" Justine asked as she gripped his wrists.

Using an ounce of her power, she moved his hands aside, allowing her to gaze upon his beautiful penis.

"Mmmfff...! You... are you ashamed of this?" Justine asked.

"I just thought... like..." he looked up and around, "I just thought it wouldn't... you wouldn't like it. Girls like it larger, right? But..." he shook his head, "I don't know. I think... I think that's just some myth online that girls like larger penises. I don't know... maybe you don't like it larger? Or maybe you do? Or maybe you--" Clinch!"Aaahhhaah~~~!?"

Suddenly, Justine's hand wrapped around his length, allowing him to feel her smooth grip upon his sensitive dick. Drool even began oozing from his lips, slicking and sliding down as he was caught within her relentless and skillful snare.

"You naughty boy, you! Kufufufu! And here I thought you were pure, but you look up enough dirty things to know about that whole 'bigger is better' thing? Kufufufufu~! But... you're right; it is just some stupid myth that bigger penises are better," Justine explained as she began slowly stroking her hand upon his cock while her verdant eyes stared up to his face, "I suppose it depends on the species though. Horses for horses, dogs for dogs; you know? That sort of deal! Kufufu..." her jerking hand sped up, "In truth I would say that penises are more like... more like... hmmmm..." she nodded, "Kufu... penises are more like keys. They can fit in all sorts of locks, like penises can fit into all sorts of pussies. Kufufufufu~! Buuuuut... out there, somewhere, there's one lock that just...perfectly fits that key. And when it slides in, mmmph... it unlocks nothing but pleasure. Sooooo... do you get what I'm hinting at, Allister?"

"Are you saying... I might... uhuhhh... aaaahhh~ I might perfectly fit your 'lock'?" he asked, making Justine giggle.

"Maybe... we won't know until we try and find out! Kufufufufufufufu! But until then..." her eyes leered back down to the head of his penis, "Let me properly introduce myself to your... little guy. Kufu!"


Grasping the hilt of his cock, Justine pointed it up towards her face as she moved in closer. Such a lively penis; it throbbed and bucked within the grasp of her hand, whilst offering more of his precum. It oozed down from the tip and slid upon her fingers, all while she giggled sultrily.

Then her head moved in, her lips pursing and eyes closing. She came closer and closer and closer until--



Justine's soft, thin lips pressed to his cock in a sensual kiss, sending a jolt through the young squirrel's body. When he opened his mouth to speak,,Justine silenced him with another kiss, and another kiss. Each kiss had him tensing up, while drool broke from the creases of his lips and slipped out of his mouth.

Then slid out Justine's slender tongue, brushing along the side of his penis and tracing upon his veins. Her teasing licks had him bucking in place, feeling that tongue slid up and up and up, before coming back down and down and down. Again and again, she polished his cock with her lashing tongue, leaving him to melt in place and devolve into a moaning statue of lust.

"Juuusttiinnneeee...!" he groaned, while she continued pleasuring him.

Aaaah, the wonders of youth. This lively and energetic throbbing, this salty yet sweet taste; only a young, pure, and untouched man could exude such energy. It's such a shame that - after tonight - she was going to take this from him. But... he didn't seem to mind.

Coming up to the tip, Justine kissed the head of his penis... then opened her mouth wide. Allister's gaze quickly snapped down, her hot breathing tickling his dick. And when her maw started to descend, she said--

"Here I go~~ Slurrrrrpp!"

"Oh my!? Aaaahh~!?"

Her lips perfectly sealed around his long girth, causing Allister to lean back as his mouth split open. So hot, so wet, so tight; that's the words he'd use to describe her fellatio. While slow at first, Justine began drawing her lips and mouth upon his cock. Pushing down slowly, taking in more than just half of it, then pull back to the tip. Her tongue slicked and slid around his penis, playing with it as he struggled to keep his voice in.

And how could he not? A blowjob was something he's only seen before online, but to experience it was something else entirely! She danced her tongue along his side, graced his penis with her teeth, and as her jaw grew wider, she began sinking down even deeper upon him. Unparalleled in her skillful fellatio, Justine brought her mouth all the way down to his shaft, completely covering his cock in her mouth. His dick even slid into her throat, where she clinched it around him, making him yip, like--


And Allister himself? He tasted phenomenal.

Precum and sweat mixed together in Justine's mouth, creating a delicious concoction of flavors and tastes. When she pushed down deeper, her nose stuck to his crotch, taking in a hit of his own odor. The sweat that collected here had combined with whatever body wash he used earlier, creating a sweet flavor that danced in her nostrils.

But Justine would have to say his sounds were the best of all. Hearing Allister moan, grunt, groan and yip, was like music to her ears. He was a smorgasbord of pleasure for the mature feline; everything about him just brought her so much joy. How could she not like to tease him?

So Justine pulled back, freeing Allister from her mouth and letting him drop down, his tail curling as his eyes looked up. But when he stared down, Justine drifted in close with her chest, her hands coming in to cup the side of her bosom. Lifting them up and bringing them closer, the mature feline gave a sensual giggle as her tits brushed up first against his firm cock. Allister groaned lowly and long... and then those tits came to completely envelop his manhood.


Looking up to to the squirrel with a smile on her face, Justine's tits had sandwiched his cock on both sides. His hard length felt like a rod of fire; burning up with this intense desire as he felt her pleasure his dick with her warm and malleable tits. Up and down, the mature feline slid her tits upon the sides of his cock, causing him to lean back into her couch as he moaned out louder and louder.

Justine's mouth wasn't just good at pleasing him; the feline's tits could please him just as well! With expert movements, she caused her breasts to rub and massage the full gamut of his cock, drawing out louder moans from his lusty lips.

"You're so cute, Allister," Justine remarked for what had to be the umpteenth time this evening, "And your cock is so hot. It feels like it's gonna burn me up! Kufu!"

Looking down, she extended her tongue, letting it hang over his cock. Spit began oozing from out of her mouth, drooling out to lather the tip of his dick again. But then her head began drifting forward,, allowing her tongue to dance and tease the tip of his cock, and even toy with his slit. Around and around that tongue swirled, before guiding his cock straight up into her mouth.



Her breasts, her mouth; Allister's entire cock was completely surrounded by Justine's philandering touches. He couldn't escape her, didn't want to escape her! All he felt was that growing, intense, explosive desire to... to!


Thrusting up with his hips, Allister's balls drew up close to his body, sending a surge of thick, hot spunk roaring through his cock. It rose, bubbling and bubbling and bubbling, eventually roaring out as a titanic eruption of sperm!


And Justine loved it!

Copious amounts of cum came rushing out of his dick, roaring into her mouth which slipped off to allow his ejaculation to shoot up higher and harder. The mature feline watched it, allowing his dick to coat her face in line after line of spunk. So healthy, so good, hmmmm... so much! Whenever she thought he was stopping, he'd just unleash another torrent of jizz! Before Justine knew it, her face was coated in semen! It oozed down her cheeks, slid along her nose, and dripped upon her sultry lips. The heat, the smell, the sight, the feel; all of it was amazing. But the taste was best of all.

Some cum swam around within her mouth, but Justine extended her tongue to lick clean her lips. And when she did, that burst of flavor once more came swirling and rushing within her. Her eyes rolled back as the salty and bitter taste had this sweetness to it. Mmm... Justine was no doctor, but she could tell that Allister was a very healthy young man.

"Sniff sniff..." Oh my... "Sniff sniff... mmphh..." she was getting... "Sniifff... sniirrrkk... Haaaahh...!" very, very, hot!"_Snnniiiifffff!!!!_Haaaaah!"

Dragging some spunk off of her face with her finger, Justine plucked it into her mouth. Its taste and flavor bounced along her tongue, causing her to swoon as she stood up straight.

"That was... rather lively of you, Allister," Justine remarked as she gave him a smile, "Haaah... someone must not masturbate often."

"I uh... I... n-no..." he said with a shake of his head, "Not me... I... no..."

"Kufu... it's alright; there's nothing to be ashamed of," the mature feline replied, "Though it could certainly help with your stress. It feels good to climax, doesn't it? Like everything just feels great? Kufu... but..."


"You're not the selfish type, are you, Allister?" Justine asked as she stood up tall before him, towering over the young squirrel with her looming height, "Here, let me just..."

Hooking her thumbs into her boy shorts, Justine slowly pulled them down her body; inch by inch. Her plump and round buttocks slid out of the garment, while it continued sliding down and down her sensual and luscious legs.

And... there.

Gazing up, Allister stared upon Justine's nude body as it glowed within the dark lights of her living room. Her fit figure, her busty breasts, her thin waist, her slender shoulders, her wider hips, her toned physique; everything about Justine was perfect. Even the way she stood with her hands on her hips and a grin on her lips, exuded this untouchable boisterousness that made her feel even more elegant.

What did he write in his book again?

Justine was the sun given form. A glowing, golden, gilded goddess of radiance and brilliance. When she stood, she did so without a flaw or bend or sway in her tight figure and form. It was power incarnate, with the raw strength to break and bend those beneath her heel if she so chose. But from this power and strength, she exuded this warmth; both physically, and metaphorically. It was the kind of warmth you'd both feel on a calm, Sunday morning, and also the kind of warmth you'd gain from a mother's loving embrace.

Power and grace. Unyielding brutality, yet motherly love. This woman, this feline, this being, she was all of this and more. So very, very much more. And when she extended her hand towards the stunned onlooker resting beneath her, she spoke with the power to quite literally shake both the heavens and the earth.


Brushing one of her antennae-like bangs, Justine stood before her young lover with every inch of her nude form for him to view. He looked her up and down, mesmerized to the point that he was rendered speechless. His brown eyes so bright, unflinching, incapable of looking anywhere but at her.

And Justine basked in it...

"Looking at me with those lustful eyes... hmm... I feel all hot and tingly," the mature feline remarked as she hugged herself close, "Here... let me show you all of me."

"All... of you?"

"Kufu... all of me."

Walking up closer, Justine lifted one leg and placed it upon the couch, allowing Allister to gain an unobstructed view of her pink pussy. The fur here between her legs were slick and moist thanks to the nectar from her pussy, and a delicious, hot and spicy odor wavered from her folds as well. Still silent, all Allister could do was marvel as Justine's fingers formed a 'V' above her cunt, spreading her labia apart so her young paramour could peer deep into her folds.

"Uh-huh... look at it," she said, her middle finger coming around to stroke her pussy, "See this? This is how wet you made me. Ooooh... I haven't experienced something like this in a long, long time."

"Glp... Justine, I... I uh..."

"You like it, don't you?" she asked, to which he nodded.

"Yes, I do."

"Do you want to taste it?" raising her other hand, she curled her finger in a 'come over here' motion, "I know you want to. Hmm... come on. Let's just," Touch, "Aaah... there we go..."

Placing his hands upon her thighs to hold her legs open, Allister's head came forward with his tongue hanging out. Then his eyes closed shut, and--


"Aaah...! That's it..."

From the bottom to the top, Allister's tongue slicked along Justine's folds, making her croon. He was nubile as one would suspect, and didn't want to displease or discomfort her with his tongue. So the first few slicks were chaste, just brushing his tongue along her pink pussy to draw out more of her juices. But the more he licked her, the louder Justine's moans became, and the more juices she began to secrete.

So... this is what it's like to lick a pussy. The mature feline's cunt was both firm yet soft, not to mention so damn wet. Every lick produced more honey than the last, causing it to flood him in her sweetness. And as he drowned deeper int her nectar, the hungrier and more courageous he became.

Losing strength in her limbs, Justine fell back upon the couch, resting upon it with her legs spread. Looking down, she watched as the lovely blond head of Allister's laid between her thighs, his mouth latched upon her pussy still, and his hands keeping her legs open.

"You're so good at this," Justine remarked, honestly surprised, "Hrrrnngh!? That's it! Nyoooh~~!"

Suddenly his tongue slipped inside, splitting open her folds. Flavor oozed into his mouth and tongue, making Allister moan and groan into her. Those moans further reverberated through her body, making Justine do likewise. Reaching down, she palmed the top of the young squirrel's head, wanting to keep him as deep and close to her cunt as humanly possible.

But Allister's eyes soon found a new target, one that was pointing straight towards his face. Looking up, he brought his gaze towards her clit, watching as it throbbed. It was so hard and pink and...delicious looking, much like her nipple. If he bit on it like he did her nipple, would she like it? Would it make her climax too? His mouth opening, he was going to put that to the test. So first he licked her clit.


Oh? Oh yes. That was a wonderful sound. So he licked it again.


Even better than the last time! And louder too! One more lick.


Now to finish her off. He opened her mouth, and--



Reaching back, Justine grabbed a couch cushion above her, while her hips jutted up and into Allister's mouth. His eyes grew wide too, for with her roaring moan, there came an intense rush of orgasmic juices. Spicy, hot, and clear, it flooded into his mouth without end, completely covering his tongue, teeth, and gums in juices. He remained attached to her pussy however, while every fiber of fur on his body stood tall.

So this was a woman's orgasm... it was amazing.

It pushed through her pulsating pussy, matting down Allister's face and lips with her sweet honey, much like he had done before. He was marked in her flavor, her scent, leaving him incapable of thinking of anything but Justine and her body. It swarmed him, dominated him, and made his penis swell once again between his legs.

All the while, the mature feline laid there, catching her breath as the stars which danced in her vision began to subside. When it did, she drew her gaze down, feeling the sweat on her form. Allister meanwhile arose from between her legs, licking his lips to catch as much feminine cum as he possibly could.

"Hooh... so good..." he remarked.

"Kufu... thank you," Justine replied whilst stroking back her hair, "Haaaah... goodness... for such a cute face... hmm... you know how to please a woman, Allister."

"R-really? No, I don't think..." he muttered, only for her tail to come around and slick upon his face.

"Oh... don't be so modest. You've got a surprising talent for something like this, oh..." sitting up on her buttocks, she stared him in the face, "Haaah... and look... you're already back in fighting order. Kufu... you're a natural born stud, Allister."

"Huh? What?" he said, blushing from her words, "I... uhmmm... I... th... thank you..."

"Kufu... come here, you."

Her hand resting on his cheek, she drew him forward, pressing her lips to his in a soft kiss. Every dance of their tongues further aroused Allister, with him moving in to lean his body against Justine. Upon her couch, the two lovers started to softly make out, the lips and tongues clicking and slicking against one another, before pulling back in unison to breathe.

"You know what happens now, right?" Justine asked, her hands kneading his shoulders while her hips ground against his hips, "This is the moment where I take your virginity. Give all of it to me."

"Take my..." he muttered, only to stop as he found her pussy slid against his rigid cock, "Oh..."

"Kufu... now then... do you need help guiding it inside?"

"I uh... I... huh... no... I don't need help," he said as he looked down her illustrious body towards her pussy, "I can do this myself."

"Kufufufu... so manly of you, Allister," Justine said as she softly kneaded his shoulders, "Okay... do it... give it to me. Give me your virginity."

Looking down towards her pussy, the young squirrel nodded in an affirmative manner. Gripping his cock by the shaft, he brought it over towards her moist womanhood, feeling her toned yet soft pussy start to bend. The head of his dick was smooth and round, pressing and smearing up towards her folds. Then they parted, allowing his cock to come sliding in. Grunting, Justine opened her mouth to tell him to go down, but she didn't need to. After a bit more shifting, Allister found her vaginal tract. All he needed to do was--


"Nnnghh~~~ Uh-huh! Nyaaah...! That's it!"

His cock slid into her pussy, feeling it spread apart around his spearing length. Her labia was tone yet soft, while the insides were soft yet tight. Her pink walls surrounded and captured his dick, holding him hostage and refusing to let go. Allister didn't want to go; he just kept pushing and pushing and pushing, reaching as deeeeeeeep into her womanhood as he could possibly go, not stopping until the head of his length...


Touched up to her womb.

"Oh... haah... Justine..."

Looking down, there was no more space between them; their hips were touching. His cock, his long, hard, rigid cock, sat as deep inside of her as it could possibly go. The space between them was practically nonexistent. Every inch of her pussy was brushed and toyed with by every inch of his cock, meaning all of her buttons were being simultaneously touched.

And it had Justine twitching.

Eyes closing, her alluring face broke into an expression of surprise and lust. She even raised her hand, covering her mouth to stop a moan from leaving her. Why had she done that? The answer was simple.

Allister's penis was perfect.

She couldn't remember a time where she felt so full, but without the discomfort associated with such a thing. And the way it plucked at her nerves, really brought to mind that whole key comparison she came up with before. And right now, ooh, her 'lock' seemed to have found its perfect 'key'.

"Is... is everything okay?" Allister asked, concerned for the woman beneath him.

"Mm-hmm...! E-everything's fine," Justine replied as she spread open her legs wider, "Haaah... you... you just took me by surprise. I wasn't expecting you to feel so good inside of me. How... how does it feel, hm? Your first time?"

"It feels... haaah... you're so warm and hot, Justine and... hmm..." he laid against her, resting his head against her chest, "And so tight. I..."

"Kufu... oh... you're so cute, Allister," she remarked, her legs lifting to hook upon his hips, "But this isn't the best part. Now you thrust. Draw your penis aaalll throughout my pussy. Hmm... it'll make both of us feel good. Don't stop."

Pulling away from her chest, Allister nodded in an affirmative manner, while his hands grabbed her thighs to lift up her legs. With a nod of her own, Justine told him it was okay to start moving now, and that she was ready for it.

She was wrong.

Sliiiiiiiiiidee... PAT!


It happened again, only faster and stronger this time! All of Justine's buttons were abused, sending a roaring bolt of electricity through her body. At least, that's what it felt like. She shivered and quaked, her mouth splitting open to let loose a cat-like cry, while her pussy clinched down upon his cock. But Allister wasn't finished yet, for with another...

Sliiiiiiiidde... PAT!


He slammed into her again, sending another wave through Justine's body. Laying her head back, her hair wavered and her tits bounced, while her body arched like a 'C'. Just what the hell was going on!? Why did this feel so good!?


Oh no, not again!



With every thrust into Justine's body, Allister felt her growing looser. Was she clinching before, or was she just growing more comfortable with his cock? He wasn't sure, but it allowed him to move in and out of her easier. She was slicker, wetter, softer, lewder... and Allister was going to abuse this fact.

Biting into his bottom lip, he gripped her thighs and lifted them. To Justine's surprise, she suddenly found her legs dangling in the air, with her pussy impaled on his cock. She couldn't move, allowing him to--

Sliiiiiideeee! PAT!


Keeping her legs spread, Allister began driving his dick deeper and deeper; as deep inside of her as he could possibly go! The feline's once sonorous voice was now moans of slutty, whorish desire, taking his dick, pound for pound for pound. Her breasts clapped and bounced against her chest, her mouth a lewd 'O', and her verdant eyes locked upon his face.

His cute, sweet, face.

Allister was just as lost in the pleasure as she was. Moaning and groaning, the young man slammed into her pussy with all the strength he could, while his tail curled and unfurled behind him. The couch was shaking around them, bouncing and creaking against the floor as he rushed into her harder and harder.

His thrusts were fast yet strong. Every punch up against her womb had her moaning louder, her face twitching and head turning as her fingers curled. She tried to stop herself from moaning, but another_PAT!_ would make her scream out--


Fuck, she couldn't think about anything but sex! Justine didn't seem to care that he was Dawn's friend, or about prom night, or anything! This young man was rutting her into a couch, showering her with his love and lust, and making her feel better than she'd felt in such a long, long, long time.

And Allister?

His mindset was similar. Prom night, Dawn, the academy, everything; none of that mattered, not to him. He just kept slamming his cock into her pussy, drawing out louder, lustier moans from Justine's lips. He wanted to pour all of his feelings into her, make her see heights of pleasure, and be brought to them as well! So he fucked_her. He fucked her _sooooo gooooood!

The raw passion of a young man; wild, untamed, untouchable... and Justine was feeling all of it. Some thrusts were stronger, some thrusts were weaker, but all thrusts aimed to do the same thing: make Justine see stars. And she did see them; bouncing and dancing and swirling around in her eyes. They got brighter and brighter and brighter and brighter and brighter, until--


Her voice reaching a pitch higher than ever before, Justine jutted up with her hips and Allister's cock slipped from her folds. Roaring from her cunt was a waterfall of feminine cum, her climax rocking her body harder than his mouth did. The torrent of cream covered and coated his cock, leaving him soaked through with her hot, spicy scent. All the while, Justine's moaning mouth quivered, and her eyes crossed over, while her body fell back upon her couch in defeat.

She was reduced to a reclining heap, moaning and panting in an attempt to catch her breath, while her pussy continued twitching. Had he really brought her to climax? And to such strength as well? She couldn't believe it, could barely think; she just needed to...



Looking down, Justine saw that her legs were still wrapped around Allister's hips, and that his hands had grabbed upon her hips. Cocking her head in confusion, the dazed feline tried to figure out what he was up to, only to suddenly feel him pull her up. The squirrel was small, but he was strong, owning to years of fitness placed upon him by his grandfather. And though it may not be as extensive as the mature feline's own workouts, it had borne some fruit within his aloof exterior.

Justine was sitting up on her couch, basked in shadows and umbra lights, body drenched with sweat. She was trapped within Allister's grasp, feeling his hands grip and knead upon her hips, waist and even coming up to marvel at her stomach. Stroking her body, his hands were like a worshiper praising his idol.

However... this feeling was mutual.

Reaching back for him, Justine placed her hands on his chest, her verdant eyes gazing upon his cute face as it too was drenched in darkness and umber lights. Though unbuttoned, his shirt was still clinging to his chest, drawing the feline to pull it from his nubile body. In doing so, Allister's head drifted up close to hers, allowing them to--



Kissing one another slowly, softly, passionately, Justine pulled his shirt off of his body, rendering him just as naked as she was. In return, Allister grabbed her hips, drew her up and--



Fuck, did it feel so good.




"Mmmfff... Allister..."

Pat! Pat! Pat! Pat! Pat!

"Mm-hmm... haaah... more of that... nyaaaaaaa...!"

Up and down, Justine road upon Allister's cock, her hips shaking as she matched him, thrust for thrust for thrust. Her smooth and round buttocks clapped against his waist, jiggling nice and soft, while his cock slid in and out of her cunt. It was slower now than the last time, less fucking, more... lovemaking. Yeah, that; lovey-dovey sex. It's a stupid way to describe it, but...



When she moved down to kiss him while his cock pushed into her pussy, Justine couldn't call it anything but this: lovemaking, lovey-dovey sex, passion; all of these things and more.

Again and again and again their lips met, while Justine felt the unique twitching in Allister's penis. It was rising again, threatening, if not outright yearning to tank every bit of semen he had inside of Justine's body. And she swore she felt her own womb lowering to meet him. Maybe she was just so overwhelmed with sex, that her mind was imagining things; she could barely think as is! But whatever happens...


Laying back on the couch, Allister gazed upon Justine's body as she road his cock; impact for impact for impact. She rocked, she rolled, she moaned, she groaned, eventually her hand fell upon her forehead, brushing back some more hair. Mouth opened and eyes closed, Justine was hovering over the ocean of ecstasy, just waiting to drop right in.

So Allister began pushing - if not outright shoving - her in

Pat! Pat! Pat! Pat! Pat! Pat! Pat! PAT!!!


PAT!!! PAT!!! PAT!!! PAT!!! PAT!!! PAT!!!




His hips were a blur, slamming up into Justine with all the power his body could muster. She bounced back with equal strength, riding out this pleasure as their moaning voices continued raising higher and higher. Wobbling couch, lustful voices, pumping cock of so much virility and energy!

Just... a little... bit... harder! Aaaaannndddd...!




Rushing, surging, building; it all came roaring from his balls, straight to his dick and right to her womb. Fresh, piping hot, white, thick, virile spunk. Copious and voluminous, it coated Justine's walls completely, making her body double with heat! She felt hotter now than she's ever had before in her entire life!

And that heat... that heat, that heat, that heat, that heat, that--



She couldn't remember an orgasm being this... strong before.

A thick arch of her feminine juices came squirting out, splattering out over the squirrel's cock, stomach, hell, some even reached up to his chest and face. He was coated in her juices, much like how he coated her face in seed before. Resting down here, his mature lover still impaled on his dick, Allister gazed up towards her elegant form

Justine swayed softly from the left, to the right, before...


"Hmmnn... mmmnnn..."

All he felt was her sweaty, black, fury body as she completely covered him.

Justine laid atop him, covering him in her form with her body one way and the couch the other. Allister didn't mind, he even began hugging her closer to him, indulging in the feeling of her body against his. Pursing his lips, he kissed her softly a couple of times, before relaxing back into the couch.

Then Justine laid to the side, resting beside him upon the spacious couch, as her hips pulled off of his now softening dick. And when it did...



The lewd sound of cum came sloshing out of her pussy and oozing upon the soft leather seats below. There they laid, softly gasping and groaning, panting for breath following these climatic orgasms. Their gazes looked up to the ceiling, with Allister in particular wondering if this was all a dream. Had he gotten into a car accident on the drive here and just forgot what was happening, or was he still in bed, having the greatest, lewdest dream of his life?

But Justine reached down, grabbing his hand and squeezing it, attracting his gaze over towards her face. Brown eyes meeting green, he could see her smile even amid the dark lights of her living room. She pursed her lips and he did likewise, the two kissing each other chastely once, twice, thrice, before the mature feline pulled back.

"You did amazing, Allister," she whispered, "I can't believe that was your first time... kufu..."

"I... I... hm... thank you, Justine. Hmm..."

"Kufu... its a bit... tight on the couch here... would you like to come up to my bedroom?"

He swallowed his spit.



"Mm... chu... mmmm... chuu... mmmmfff... chu..."

"Hmmm... Allister..."

They say the morning sun is most beautiful in Oceanside. The sun glimmers over the mountains, rising steadily over the eastern horizon, casting the city, its roads and highways in shadows. The skies are painted a myriad of colors - reds, oranges, greens, pinks, blues, you name it - while the darkness of night is steadily beaten back. And the warmth, oooh, the warmth; it pushes against the coldness of light, while the morning winds keep things from getting too hot.

And right now - glowing through the balcony windows of a certain high-class house resting on Oceanside - the sunlight illuminated the sight of an illicit duo resting within a comfy bed. Was it comfy because of the mattress itself, or who they were resting with?

Again and again, Allister pursed his lips, kissing Justine's shoulder in loving smooch after loving smooch. She giggled softly from some kisses, moaned from others, all whilst clinching upon the young squirrel's comfortable tail, for it was better than any pillow she's ever experienced.

They... didn't get much sleep last night. At least, the paramours didn't remember getting any sleep last night. Their night was filled with sex - both wild fucking and lovemaking - where they explored each others' bodies without end. And now here they laid, in Justine's bedroom, cuddling up to one another in a sweaty, exhausted, naked heap.

The mature feline continued to hug close Allister's tail with one arm, while her other hand came up to clutch the side of her lover's head as he kissed her shoulder. Such an amorous squirrel; he touched her in ways she either hadn't experienced in a long time, or had never experienced before... ever. And now he kissed her, again and again, loving and soothing, sweet and kind. His hands stroked upon her flawless figure, touching her stomach, her side, her breasts, her hips, then back again in slow stroke after slow stroke.

"Mmmm... chu... mmm... chu... mmm... hmmm..."

"Mmm? Is something wrong, Allister?" Justine asked.

She heard and felt as he shifted his body, leaning her over so that he could rest his head upon her chest. At first she giggled, thinking he was just attracted to her breasts like any young man would be. Instead, when Justine looked down, she saw a more pensive and serious face on. He looked both worried, scared, and serious. But when the mature feline opened her mouth to ask why, he cut her off, saying--

"I'd like to... take you out to dinner sometime, Justine."

It surprised her, with Justine remaining silent for a few moments. He wanted to go on a date with her? Like... how does she respond to a statement like that? She could either answer sensibly - as if any of this had any sense to it - or she could answer_honestly_. Answer with what she wanted.

Justine's face was first surprised by his statement, but then her lips curled into that alluring smile only she could give, and her verdant eyes glowed softly.

"I'd like that too, Allister."

Naturally, his response was muted. He didn't shout with joy, or hop up and down or anything like that. No, the squirrel's ears merely twitched, his brown eyes looked away, and perhaps the widest smile she's ever seen him give, spread out upon his face. Such a cute young man.

Maybe... maybe this wasn't a half bad idea...

"Come on, let me make you breakfast."


Act 4: Finale

That stupid... fucking...


What time was it? Fuck, did she even care!? With how much anger was boiling about within her blood, she wasn't sure if she had enough patience to grab her phone and check the time... without then chucking said phone as far into the distance as she could.

Stupid fucking Tyler! She never wanted to see him again! Oooohhh! If she sees him stalking around the halls of the academy, she was going to rip his fucking face off! How could he possibly ruin this evening! She was like... putty in his hands, and he still found a way to fuck it all up! 'Suave' her fucking ass!

If it isn't obvious, Dawn was not having a good day... err... morning.

She walked down the sidewalks of Seacrest Avenue, elegant homes to her left, and elegant homes to her right. Her jade dress was still on her body, though the opulent sash in the middle was undone. Something else undone? Her hair, which fell all messy and long upon her face and back. She stroked it back a few times, though it almost always found a way to bunch up in her face, making her look more crazed and hinged than she intended.

Didn't matter. With her mood, anyone would be insane to try and strike up a conversation with the young feline.

All she wanted to do was get home, get out of this stupid outfit, then fall face first into her mattress. Actually, no, scratch that; get out of this stupid outfit, take a shower, then fall face first into her mattress. Only after all of that was done would she be happy.

If she could be happy following all of this shit.

But, hey, small little victories, yeah? Bringing her head up, Dawn's gaze befell her home, which brought a smile to her lips. But uh... whose car was this? This... old looking thing? It wasn't her mother's convertible. Hmm... maybe mom bought a new car? She wasn't dating anyone, so this car couldn't belong to someone else. Unless it was? No... that doesn't... that doesn't sound right. Besides, this car looked vaguely familiar, like she's seen someone drive it. Someone she knows...

Whatever. Dawn was not mentally strong enough to handle this. Who knows, maybe it's her dad coming over for a surprise visit, possibly to see how well her prom went. If he was here, uuugh, she did not want to tell him about the absolute train wreck it was.

Bed, bed, bed... that's all that matters here.

Walking up to the front door of her house, Dawn put her hands into her purse in order to find her keys... only to realize that she must have misplaced them somewhere.

"Fucking hell!" she growled to herself, "Ugh! Can anything go well today? Fuck my life! Ah!"

Okay, fine!

So Dawn circled around to the back of her home, coming to the glass doors which led from the living room to their pool. This door didn't need keys, and instead used a code, of which the feline knew, of course. So she put it in - 74269 - just like that, and then she opened the door.

Beep-Beep! Click!


Sliding open the glass door, Dawn stepped inside and--

"Whoaaaa!? What is... sniiiifff! Mmm!? What is this smell!?"

Covering her nose, she stared around in confusion, trying to fight off the intense odor which flowed into her nose. Smelled sweaty and hot... and like... cum. Yuck! But before she could even question this to herself, Dawn looked down and saw...


Yes, clothes! Like... there was her mother's casual jacket and boy shorts, and mixed in with it was...? This gold and black dinner jacket? And a black button up shirt? And some gilded slacks? What the...? And they looked small too, like it would fit on someone...younger?



Bringing her head up, Dawn heard the sound of a frying pan, sizzling as food was placed inside of it. Oh, her mother was cooking some breakfast! And the moment the smell of it struck her nose, oooooh, the young feline could hear her stomach growl and felt it churn. Yeah, she hadn't eaten much last night following prom, and with her having walked all the way over here, not to mention the fact that she didn't sleep last night, was it any surprise that she was hungry? So maybe she'd eat first, then shower, then sleep? Yeah, that sounded like a plan.

Slowly Dawn walked over towards the kitchen, her face long and annoyed, her hand palming her stomach. And when she rounded the corner, her hazel eyes peering inside, she--

"Good morning Mo--"

And... her eyes doubled in size. You know that look, right? Wide eyes, pupils small, mouth agape with shock and surprise. And...

She saw that face staring back at her. Twice in fact.

At the table, Allister. Naked, save only for a bathrobe he wore to cover himself.

At the stove, her mother, Justine. Also naked, with only an _apron_on for some attempt at kinky modesty. No, wait, she had something else on her nude body; a blue rose corsage which was attached to her wrist. She was cooking yes, but that came to a stop so that she and Allister could both look at Dawn with the same wide-eyed, small pupil, mouth open with shock expression that she gave.

And then, the entire room grew silent.

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds.


When someone spoke, well, it wasn't just one person, it was both Justine and Allister speaking at the same time. They said...

"I can explain."