A new home

Story by Patrick Lambert on SoFurry

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Far away from home, Bheni and Jello are working alongside their crew in a new colony for ERO. But the blue dragon, used to being a wanderer in the universe, have been experimenting something new after being surrounded by people he have come to trust. And this might not be part of what Jello had planned for them.

A third entry into the ERO saga commissioned by Rpadi

Bheni and Jello's job was simple: expand the Hive. The blue dragon had the most experience traveling across the galaxy. Even before their road trip, Bheni spent a considerable amount of time exploring other planets looking for relics and artifacts. The call of adventure ran through his veins. It was pretty much natural to him to move from planet to planet, eager to find out what new discovery was ahead.

This made him an important asset for Queen ERO. The parasitic entity wanted nothing but to take over the galaxy and made every living thing on it part of the collective Hive Mind. And someone who knew the best way to move around without being found was excellent for such a task. Jello convinced her of that.

Bheni was ok with that. He never thought about setting down anyway. Having a family and a house could prove detrimental to his dream. He was an explorer, and he would die as one. And if that could help the Queen, he was more than happy to keep doing it for the rest of his life.

Until he couldn't.

It was 5 in the morning when Bheni came out of his tent. Nights at planet Gartuk were shorter, and the colony was programmed to start working once the sun rose. The other members were already out of their tents and walking toward their activities. They all greeted Bheni, as he was the leader of the colony. He gathered several species under Jello's advice--the goo dragon wanted to test how good ERO could adapt to different bodies.

It wasn't on Bheni's plans to stay for that long. They usually made a quick recon before going to the next planet. However, Gartuk was a common stop for cargo aircraft, and Jello took it as a strategical point to spread the Hive across multiple worlds with less effort. In theory, it was a good plan, but Bheni was afraid it could attract unwanted attention if an egg or a host were discovered. So far, they haven't found any trouble.

A white lion approached him by surprise. He was almost over him by the time he or Jello noticed his presence.

"Rodrick! Don't do that," Bheni exclaimed.

"Oh, sorry boss. I thought you've seen me," Rodrick giggled. He was dressed in simple blue overalls and a yellow t-shirt under them. His long mane was still covered in the dirt from the previous workday. "I just came to inform you we're almost done with the new chamber."

"Please don't tell me you stayed working until late," Bheni shrugged.

"Well, I won't tell you."

"Very funny. Take a bath and rest, the others are gonna finish the work. And that's an order," Bheni finished by crossing his arms.

"Yes, sir," with a chuckle, the lion left in the direction of his cabin.

Bheni sighed. He was happy to see them motivated, but too much work could be dangerous. The last thing he wanted was a wounded member. Jello perceived his worries and spoke from the inside of his mind.

"We should find more hosts."

"There's no need for that. The colony is working perfectly as it is."

"But it can work even better," a long string of green goo came from Bheni's left arm, taking the shape of Jello's chest and head. "The sooner we establish the colony here, the better."

"I won't rush it. The Queen agrees that this could be an excellent point to spread her influence, so I wanna take my time and do it properly. No loosen ends."

"We've been doing an excellent job so far. And you were the one who wanted to leave the planet as soon as possible."

"And I said I don't wanna rush things now," Bheni growled. "We can't afford to be discovered, that could put the Queen in danger. Besides, I can't ask for more members just like that. The 'expedition' was planned for a set team. Requesting someone else could raise suspicions."

The goo dragon frowned but didn't reply to that. In some way, he knew Bheni was right about it. The colony was partially funded by Bheni's university--he convinced them he was doing some research on ancient ruins. While the committee had some doubts, they agreed on his expedition. But they were hoping for the smallest mistake to cancel everything, and they couldn't risk that.

"You're changing," that was all he said before going back into Bheni's body, leaving the blue dragon puzzled about it.

Was he changing? Things were happening too fast. He was in charge of his own team now. One by one, he turned them into hosts for ERO, and now they were following him. The dragon wasn't used to having people under his command. But he had to admit it felt nice. Things were changing.

Even he looked different. After Jello merged back into his body, Bheni noticed the green stripes moving slightly. His fusion with Jello had become stronger since the trip where they found ERO. Several green stripes covered most of his body like a serpent, representing Jello's presence within him. He also had been growing some muscle, a direct result of helping in the excavation. At first, he wasn't sure if all those changes were a result of him merging with Jello, but the compliments received by his team had been giving him more confidence. He was a different dragon.

He shook his head and discarded that thought. Whatever Jello had tried to say with that wasn't that important. He was convinced of his work and decided to leave the colony in a good state before moving on to the next. There was still a lot of work to do before that could happen.

The camp was only a facade and will remain as one, just a boring archeology camp that had nothing of interest that could attract attention. Under it, the subterranean chambers were almost done. The dragon opted for that choice over a cave, as the second choice could be explored by strangers if left unsupervised. Besides, it was easier to expand when needed.

The camp was located inside an abandoned quarry. A mining company left after discovering it had no valuable minerals. That alone helped with several tunnels, as they only had to reinforce the pillars to keep the structure stable--the quarry was abandoned more than 30 years ago. Bheni approached the entrance, which was guarded by two black wolves--twins, with one of them having a scar on his right cheek as the only way to call them apart. They greeted Bheni and let them in.

The tunnel descended several feet into the quarry before the seedbed started to appear in the walls. Looking almost like moss and acting as the only source of light, the purple substance made Bheni feel at home almost instantly. It was good to put his paws over it and ran his claws across the surface. Soft and warm, the dragon constantly told himself it was like touching the Queen herself--it even shone with more intensity at the points he touched.

Ahead of where the seedbed started, the tunnel forked into three paths, each one leading to a different chamber. The design was simple--Bheni had a slow but steady growth planned for the colony, which meant they didn't need a huge colony yet. That would be a job for the new members. Most of the members were in charge of taking care of the seedbed. It took around 10 of them to feed it properly.

Bheni walked into the first chamber to his left. He could already hear it. And it became louder and louder as he approached the chamber. His arousal grew under the scent expelled from the seedbed. That sweet smell was too strong to ignore, and no one could resist its effects. Bheni had already a notorious bulge pushing against the overalls, begging for release. And all just by the sound and smell of it.

When he walked into the chamber, he found six egg-shaped pods hanging from the walls. In each one of them was a member of his crew "feeding" the seedbed. The pods emitted light from the inside, turning visible their silhouettes. Bheni licked his lips, already conscious of what was happening inside. All it took was putting a hand over a pad to share part of what they were feeling. His legs trembled as the pleasure ran through his body.

Inside, someone was being fucked from both sides by the tentacles, while another one ensured to get up to the last drop of cum out of his balls. It was all the seedbed needed to grow, as weird as that could be. Bheni's crew was made up of a group of beefy and horny males, each one personally inspected by Jello to ensure they produced a vast amount of cum. The great development of the seedbed was due to that little factor.

Bheni inspected each pod. It was his task to ensure the crew was ok inside--the pheromones were stronger inside, and it was common they over-extended the feeding process just to keep being fucked. He went over that several times while he was at his uncle's house, where they made the main colony. The dragon wasn't against sharing a private moment inside just for the pleasure of it, but that could lead to potential harm. They were still young and having trouble dealing with their minds merged with the Hive.

"They're doing an excellent job," Jello said inside his head.

"T-they are," Bheni replied between moans. "The seedbed is growing stronger. It should be able to keep the eggs easily this way."

"ERO will be pleased with this". After saying that, Jello abandoned Bheni's body and quickly went back to his original shape beside him. The jelly dragon smirked after putting a hand over the same pod Bheni was touching. "Too bad I can't feel what you're feeling. What a shame I'm not compatible with the seedbed's genes. There are some things I'd like to try with it."

"You better don't let the Queen hear you saying that," Bheni made a pause from his inspection and took a moment to recover his breath. "She might not like someone tampering with her creation."

"Oh, she's very well aware of that. Despite not being able to merge with her, I'm still part of the Hive Mind, especially when I'm inside you. She knows exactly what I'm thinking."

"I forgot about that". Jello was right. It was a simple but effective safeguard the Queen implanted after meeting her in the forest.

"She doesn't mind. She just doesn't care. There's no reason for it if I can't do anything with the seedbed."

"Good point," Bheni looked at his brother. Jello looked just as always. For someone who could pretty much change his shape at will, he was still comfortable with his look.

The green dragon looked at him with a cheeky smile. "There's some stuff I have to check at the Alliance colony. I'll let you have some fun in the meanwhile," Jello messed with his mane before leaving the cave. "But try not to have too much fun. I don't wanna go back and find ERO all over your body."

Bheni laughed at it, but it quickly turned into a sigh once his brother wasn't nearby. He shook his head and take a better look at the pods. They all looked so inviting that Bheni couldn't choose one. His tail lashed against the soft ground and he bit down his lower lip. It was always the same problem. Bheni loved each member of his crew--if only they could all be inside one massive pod, pleasing each other and the Queen.

In the end, after letting out a growl of exasperation, the dragon chose the pod closest to him. His overalls fell with a swift move, revealing he was wearing nothing else under. He pushed both hands against it as the surface turned into goo, letting Bheni walk inside of it. That was a nifty trick Danny taught him after he got assigned to a colony, and the young dragon had been taking advantage of it.

Occupied by a tiger named Oley, he reacted with surprise after seeing his boss appearing just like that. Before he could do anything, Bheni already had his hands over him, squeezing his pecs as hard as he could. The tentacle got out of his mouth and he embraced and kissed Bheni, surrendering himself to the dragon.

Bheni knew how it felt being inside the pod. But sharing it with someone else was a completely different experience. While malleable, the pod tightened around the user's body, applying more pressure to an already sensitive body. With two persons inside, it was even better, as both bodies were forced together by the inner wall. Now both cocks were trapped together, rubbing each other and leaking more pre than normally.

From the outside, the pod took a bigger and more amorphous appearance, and it moved more than the rest. But inside, Bheni and Oley started to find it more difficult to move, but that just made it better for them. The duo was moaning loudly as they rubbed their cocks, surprised by how fast was to reach climax inside while under the pheromones effect. Bheni squeezed and spread his ass cheeks, and the tentacle that was still fucking Oley went deeper inside his hole.

He had the feline whimpering at that point. He was getting dangerously close to climax--and so was Bheni. Two tentacles squeezed in between them to suck both cocks just in time to receive their loads. The horny males hugged each other as they came together, trembling under the effects of a maddening orgasm. The size of their loads was visible in the big lumps going down the tentacles, and it continued for several seconds.

Bheni was more used to it, especially since he pleased the Queen herself. He calmed down faster than Oley, who was still very sensitive. And because of that, the dragon stood out of the pod and left his partner for another feeding session. All Bheni heard was a muffled sound before the pod closed in his nose.

With his cock still hard and dripping cum, the dragon tried to dress up, although his wobbly legs were against it. It took him three attempts to get just one leg inside the overalls, and he almost fell if it wasn't for Rodrick, who appeared just in time to catch him.

"I thought I told you to go to sleep," Bheni reminded him.

"You're welcome, boss," Rodrick said with a big smile. "I tried, but I have so much energy I couldn't even close my eyes."

"Well, Jello said you were the most energetic. But you still need to rest."

"Maybe a big plushie could do the job."

Bheni blushed after that comment. Instead of saying something, he used the lion as a support to pull his overalls up.

"C'mon boss, it's been a while," Rodrick insisted, this time hugging Bheni and pouring loudly.

"I still need to check the other chambers, but...," Bheni sighed as soon as he saw those big black eyes looking at him. He hated felines because of that damn look. "Ok, ok, but just a moment. And you gotta help me with the chambers first."

"Yes, sir!"

Moving like his shadow, Rodrick helped Bheni with checking the conditions of the two remaining chambers, especially the one that he had reserved for the Queen. The seedbed was in excellent conditions, and so were the other pods. The results didn't surprise him. Jello made an excellent job selecting the crew. All that was left was to strengthen their position on the planet to ensure a constant but discrete flow of hosts. But that was mostly Jello's work.

The eggs were growing at a good pace too. Given by the Queen herself, she instructed Bheni to take care of them and use them only when the colony was ready. The giant eggs glowed as a way to salute him. There were more than 20 still waiting to hatch.

"They look good, boss," Rodrick said.

"I don't know... they're not ready either. It might take a month before we could use them properly. I don't wanna take any risk and get the larvas out without being sure they're in good condition."

After that, Bheni made a quick inspection of the security and perimeters. The main chamber had a seat similar in appearance to the Queen's, but it was mostly done as a watch post. It connected to several tendrils outside the colony that worked as "cameras"--Danny said it felt more like astral projection. Bheni made it so any member of the crew could use it, hence its lack of characteristics, like forcing the transformation. In everything else, it was just like the one at home.

"Rodrick, sit on it," Bheni asked.


"Take off your clothes and sit on it. I need to confirm it works for every colony member". He was telling the truth, he only omitted details he considered irrelevant.

Rodrick wasn't sure at first what to do. The excitement shone in his eyes, but he was also ashamed of taking a spot that important. Doubtful, he approached the throne after getting rid of his clothes and sat over it. Nothing happened at first, but he made a hand gesture to say it was comfortable. But a moment later, a set of tentacles appeared and tied him to the soft seat. With a surprised meow, he looked as the tendrils moved all over his body, and moaned after one made its way inside his hole. His claws clenched to the armrests, and he started to moan louder and louder.

"So... how does it work?" Bheni asked while kneeling in front of him. It was quite a show to watch his cock getting harder by the moment.

"P-perfectly... oh lord... I can see through each tendril... fuck, is it supposed to be this intense?"

"Well, the tentacle inside your ass wasn't necessary, but I thought it was a nice addition," with his hand holding Rodrick's cock from the base, he played with the small barbs over it.

Rodrick squirmed in the seat. "Great idea, b-boss," he took a deep breath and tried to relax. "I can move between each tentacle with no trouble."

"You should be able to 'walk around" a short distance," just to tease the lion, Bheni exhaled warm air through his nose. His cock twitched much for his delight.

"Some feet, yeah... fuck, can you suck it already... please?" He added that last with a discrete begging tone in his voice.

Bheni giggled and closed his lips around the fat shaft. Rodrick let out a loud moan and arched his back as his cock slid inside Bheni's mouth. The dragon immediately got some globs of precum out of it, which he gladly swallowed. His flavor was slightly sweet, a big difference compared to the salty taste of the rest of the crew. His tongue wrapped around the shaft, moving up and down to please Rodrick even more.

He went on sucking and licking for several minutes. One thing he loved about the lion was his stamina. He lasted longer than everyone and had the biggest loads--no wonder why the seedbed kept him working extra hours. But it wasn't just his sexual performance that made Bheni admire him so much. There was something special about the way a lion so strong and masculine squirmed during sex. He showed certain vulnerability during the nights they spent together. And he was always there by his side, supporting him without considering the consequences. All the crew was there for him, but Rodrick did it in his own unique way.

He roared loudly, and his orgasm took Bheni by surprise. Most of his seed get out of his mouth as the desperately tried to swallow it all. His cheeks were all round, and some cum came through his nose, and fuck him if he didn't love that. Rodrick's seed fell down his balls and splashed over Bheni's chest, and the dragon continued sucking because he knew the lion was far from finishing.

Using some of his cum as a lubricant, Bheni started to jerk off quickly. He was already feeling Rodrick's cock throbbing harder, getting ready for a second load. His huge stamina wasn't a joke. The lion was a stud, and his most particular trait was cumming twice in a row. Being covered in his seed was hot enough already, and god that musk was intoxicant. The dragon was already dizzy just by having to smell it directly. And he was already sensitive after his quick session at the pod--adding Rodrick's cum to that was no help.

Bheni came "first". He shot a fat load against the throne. The climax felt like one shock after another going through his entire body. It was strong enough to make him shed a tear. And just like the previous one, Rodrick's second climax took him by surprise. However, this time what surprised him was the claw that forced him to swallow the entire thing. With his arms strapped to the throne, how strong was Rodrick to get free of it? Bheni had no time to answer it, not with the fat load of cum he was forced to swallow. One lump after another appeared in his throat as the seed made its way down. And the dragon was out of words by the intense display of sheer masculinity.

Bheni pull it out and rested his head over his leg. He was speechless, with a string of cum hanging from the right side of his maw. The lion was in a similar state, trying to cope with the two consecutive orgasms. His expression was a mixture of happiness with incredulity, something commonly seen after each of his encounters.

The tentacles released him--including the one in his hole--and Rodrick helped his boss to get up. "I-I think it works perfectly," the lion said between huffs.

"Good to hear. Now, I believe you earned a rest."

Rodrick's smile grew and held Bheni's hands. Reinvigorated, he guided him out of the colony and back into his tent, leaving his clothes behind. The dragon was more than happy to follow him all the way, loving that cheerful attitude he was displaying.

Back inside his tent, the lion took a moment to relax. Bheni took a quick look around, but he couldn't find something worthy of his attention. Some dirty clothes and tools he never used, and that was it. Everything they needed was provided by the seedbed, and if it depended on them, the entire crew would be walking around naked.

When Bheni looked back at the lion, he showed a small smile after seeing the purple slime coming out of his mouth. In a matter of seconds, Rodrick was entirely covered by the thick substance, and his body began his transformation, turning taller and with more feminine features. Two massive tits formed, her hips took an hourglass shape, and around her arms grew two big armlets with a point at the end. The first thing to appear was the large, green eyes in the armlets and at the helmet over her head, from which two tentacles came out and fell down her back.

A sexy deep blue glowing body appeared from under the slime. She looked down at Bheni and offered him a warm smile. Bheni did the same. She was different, yes--blue skin instead of purple or orange--, but she was still his Queen. She took him between her arms, and Bheni shoved his face in between the two giant tits. Her skin was still slimy and warm, and the dragon had to give it a lick.

ERO laughed in response. "You little rascal. But I believe you earn your reward too."

Bheni looked at her from his safe spot, a dumb smile visible on his slime-covered face. The alien creature wiped some of it with a long finger before bopping at his nose.

"You've been doing an excellent job here. I'm proud of you," ERO continued. It was like hearing Uncle--even the expressions and gestures were similar. "I think this one might be your best colony so far."

"Well, you gotta give Jello some credit, too."

"I will, but right now I'm talking with you," her massive tongue ran all over his face. The pheromones in her saliva quickly affected the horny dragon, who got a hard-on almost instantly. ERO helped him to get rid of his clothes. "You've been supervising the construction and feeding process. This colony is almost ready. I knew you were made for this job."

ERO led him to bed with her. The sexy creature laid down and extended her arms to Bheni. A shy dragon crawled back into her arms, laying his head over the warm chest, right where he believed was her heart. Of course, she had none, but Bheni liked to believe the contrary.

"I know something's bothering you, Bheni. But I prefer to listen it from you."

She knew. Of course she knew. There was no way he could hide a secret from the Queen. But... he could hide it from Jello. Bheni started to move his finger around ERO's belly button, then sighed.

"This blue tone... is it because of me?"

"You've been leaving your pawprint over this colony, even more than in the others. If your spirit is strong enough, it will affect those who you transformed."

"Then why do I feel I don't belong here?" He moved his hand down, following the shape of her hips. It was always a pleasure to feel ERO's body. "Even since we started, I have this feeling something's missing."

"And you know exactly what that is."

"... yeah. I can transform and that, but I don't feel you the same way YongSeop or Danny does. And it makes me feel... out."

"You know you can become a bigger part of ERO anytime you want. You have the tools and the will to control it. All you need is to take the step."

"I know...," Bheni sighed again. ERO had been so respectful of his choice--rather than just forcing her way inside his mind, the Queen has been giving him time to take it at his own pace. "Can we just cuddle for now? It's been a long morning."

"Of course we can, as long you move that hand downwards."

Bheni laughed. "Yeah, I think I can do that," and so he did. His fingers moved down until he found the tight and wet pussy just waiting for him. He made slow and tender movements above the surface, barely touching the "skin".

ERO was sensitive enough to feel it and enjoy it. That was good to begin with, let the stud take his time. Right now that's what Bheni needed. Some simple and romantic foreplay. While his fingers continued their job, he started to lick and suck ERO's tits, jumping from one another. The alien breathed heavily as the pleasure increased, and Bheni felt happy with that reaction.

He continued like that for several minutes, until her host couldn't maintain the transformation due to the exhaustion. When he reverted into his original body, Bheni cuddled up with him until both fell asleep.

Jello didn't arrive until dusk. The crew had finished working and now were chilling around a bonfire, eating and drinking as they usually did. Bheni was among them, but when he saw Jello, he decided to follow him into his tent.

The jelly dragon looked tired. It wasn't common to see sections of his body losing some consistency.

"Something happened?" Bheni asked, trying not to sound worried.

"Long day, that's all," Jello said in front of a crude desk. He opened his laptop and started writing a report. "The colony is in a worse state than I thought. The Alliance pretty much kicked them out, which might make things easier," he looked at Bheni over his shoulder, a grim expression indicating he already had a scheme in motion.

"Are we gonna take advantage of desperate people?" Bheni guessed.

"I wouldn't call it like that. We're just gonna offer them a profitable job in alien archeology," with the enthusiasm of a child, Jello made his chair spin several times before stopping to face Bheni, holding both arms in the arm. "Begin your career with us and travel across the universe."

"You're still insisting on expanding the crew."

"Future colonies will need more people. These people might not be a part of the Alliance, but they keep getting money from it," Jello made emphasis on that by rubbing his thumb and index finger. "Cargo aircrafts made a monthly stop here, and sometimes part of their stuff vanish. Not too much so they don't call attention. We can slowly take over the colony and get our funds from it so we don't have to depend anymore on what your school is giving us."

"Now we'll be getting it from the Alliance," with hands on the hips and a challenging expression, Bheni approached his brother.

"Not too much so we don't call attention. Everything's gonna be working perfectly, I swear," Jello faked an innocent smile.

"That's a machiavellian plan above your standards."

"You know I like to challenge myself."

Bheni shook his head. That was the thing with Jello, he always had a plan for everything. It wouldn't surprise him if that was the reason why he chose that planet from the very beginning.

"Well, it might work. The security system is working and we're far enough from the colony to consequence. But," Bheni approached him and put one finger against Jello's chest before the dragon could celebrate, "let me finish here first," he said making a pause between each word.

"Of course. I'm gonna consult it with ERO later, but I'm pretty confident she would agree too."

"That doesn't explain your look. You look like shit."

"Yeah, I know. Nothing to worry about, but there's a group of alien hunters in the colony."

"A what?!" Bheni yelled, his eyes wide open.

"Alien hunters. They weren't looking for me, but I had to merge with someone to move around and... yeah, it wasn't a pretty experience. You know I hate jumping into poorly cared bodies. I think they were here just to spend the night."

"They better not-"

"They didn't follow me," Jello interrupted and stood up. Placing both arms over Bheni's brother, he offered him a sincere smile. "Brother, I can take of myself. I've been traveling more than you, remember."

Bheni looked in different directions before letting out a long sigh.

"Yes, yes, sorry."

"Now, why don't we go to sleep? It's been a long day," Jello pressed both maws together.

As he changed into a liquid, he merged back with Bheni by going down his throat. The green stripes appeared once more around his body, and Bheni stretched his back and arms until he heard a snap. It was always good to have it back.

"So much better," Jello said with relief.

"Yes," Bheni took off his overalls and fell over his bed. He was also exhausted after another long day. "Hey... ERO suggested I should merge completely with her."

"I assume you said no."

"I didn't answer."

"C'mon little bro. It's always been you and me. You don't need her to protect you, that's why I'm here. Besides, we're doing an excellent job together."

"Yeah, I know but-"

"If it's not broken, why fix it?"

Bheni sighed. "Yeah, you're right."

"Let's go to sleep, then. It's been a long day."

Bheni didn't say anything else. He knew Jello was too stubborn to talk about it, so he tried not to push it further. After all, he was right: he was his brother and has been always by his side, taking care of him. There was no need to change that.

Bheni fell asleep trying to convince himself that Jello was right.

A week later after that small talk, Jello had to leave for another job, leaving Bheni in charge of the colony. The blue dragon supervised the final touches needed to have a self-sustainable hive. The crew even managed to bring two naive targets to be their test subjects under the promise of quick credits. The security system--this time managed by an owl, who offered himself voluntarily for the entire day--worked flawlessly, and the pheromones immediately crushed the victims' defenses even before they walked into the tunnel. Bheni was pleased to see the seedbed taking them with ease and making tight and strong pods.

"They shall be able to feed it daily without suffering any type of exhaustion," Rodrick said at some point.

The colony was pretty much ready by that point, faster than what he originally expected. All that was left was Jello's part in ensuring a safe route with the Alliance colony and that was it. They could move to the next planet and make another colony. Back into the exploration he loved so much. Back to the planning board, with Jello by his side. If that was it, why did he feel that emptiness?

"Boss," Rodrick approached him. "Let's celebrate another successful colony. We did an excellent job with this one."

"Yeah, I think we did. But you know what Jello says about parties," the dragon shrugged.

"Oh, but he's not here, and Eddy said he'll warn us if he approaches," Rodrick added with a big smile on his face.

"Is Eddy still in the Overseer post?"

"He's probably a little too happy with it," it was Rodrick who shrugged now. "And you always say we should encourage having the initiative," Bheni tried to say something, but the lion interrupted. "We made sure he's well-fed and hydrous, don't worry."

Bheni was still unsure about it. The scenario made him feel like a teenager hosting a party while mom and dad were out. And he wasn't comfortable with having fun while his brother was still out there doing his job. It made Bheni feel ungrateful. However, it was also ungrateful to ignore those big, begging eyes Rodrick was showing, with his paws in the front and the ears flattened against his head. Damn felines...

"Fine, but let's keep it short," Bheni gave in after a sigh.

Rodrick jumped out of happiness and guided his boss towards the middle of the camp, where the rest of the crew was already making a bonfire. A wolf passed him a beer and a bear put an iron pan over the fire. Bheni tried to help, but the entire crew refused to it, saying it was a party in his honor. "You opened our eyes to the Queen's glory. We owe you everything," they said. And they weren't wrong--Jello chose them, but it was Bheni who took control over them.

The party started like any other dinner they had before. Some jokes here and there, comments about what they did and how they felt, nothing out of the ordinary. Bheni couldn't stop himself from feeling back at home, with his uncle and brothers sharing a family dinner. But as they continued eating and drinking, their spirits heated up. One by one they took off their clothes, and the jokes turned into innuendos. The group moved closer, their hands landed over each other's legs, and Bheni noticed a change in the ambient.

Time ago, that might have made him feel uncomfortable. But at that moment, Bheni was happy at that display. Rodrick leaned against him, and Bheni couldn't resist the urge to play with his balls, while the brown bear--named Harold--started to lick at his cheek. Bheni couldn't describe how good that made him feel. There was a certain touch of familiarity, a type of bond he hadn't experienced until that moment. With each kiss and lick and caress he felt closer to them.

That had been going on for a while. He spent private moments with each one of them, laying not only in their ERO form but in the real one too. He knew their smells, the texture of their fur, and the type of sounds they made while sleeping. And not only that, each one of them shared their thoughts and feelings with him. His crew trusted him and taught him to trust them too.

The adventures were great. Going from planet to planet was fun. But Bheni had found something else, something better by traveling alongside them: a place to belong. It was hard to describe it, he never experienced that feeling of "setting down" Uncle or Danny had. For a long time, he actually believed his entire life would be as an explorer. But now he wanted to start something else, something new. And if that was with his crew, much better.

Rodrick kissed him, and he followed his lead while Harold moved down to suck off his cock. He saw a member of the crew turning into his ERO form for the others to please her. They were just making out, as they usually did. But it was clear they wanted something else. One of the twin wolves that guarded the entrance knelt behind Bheni to nibble at his neck.

"Does this feel good, boss?" The wolf asked. Bheni only whimpered in reply.

"I believe the boss is having a very good time right now," a member of the crew said, but Bheni couldn't recognize the voice among his moans.

"And with good reason," that was ERO's voice. Bheni opened his eyes and saw her walking towards him, that beautiful sexy alien. "My darling has done an excellent job. I must say, dear, I had some doubts about your potential," one of her fingers ran under Bheni's chin, a simple and soft caress that already felt like an orgasm. "The younger of three brothers, eager to live adventures but shy and insecure. But now look at you," the others moved aside to let ERO have the dragon, who knelt and touched Bheni's body as she talked, "those arms, those pecs, and god, your musk is almost as strong as my pheromones. And you achieved all of this without having me completely inside you."

"Just think what you can achieve if you let the Queen in," Rodrick said.

"Heh, you're giving me too much credit, my Queen," Bheni tried to say, but ERO put one finger against his lips, and the dragon couldn't say anything else. Instead, he took his Queen's hand and slowly sucked her finger.

"Bheni, my sweet Bheni, you should give more credit to yourself," she squeezed his arm with her other hand. "You got this," she followed by looking at the crew. "You earned their trust. You are a powerful and masculine dragon and you must see that."

ERO went back to her seat, wagging her hips much for the other's enjoyment. It was hypnotizing.

"Boss, we've been traveling a lot. I think it's time you become one with the Queen," Rodrick insisted.

The tiger named Oley came closer. His enthusiasm was contagious. "Yeah, we're curious about how would you look as ERO."

"I think you have seen that before," Bheni chuckled.

"Yes, but that's not the full transformation, right?" The bear asked.

That was a good question. Bheni had noticed his current appearance, while hot and sexy, was also juvenile and in development. From the size of the tits and thickness of the legs, his ERO form was different compared to Danny or YongSeop. Was it because he wasn't fully merged with the Queen?

"Permission to talk, sir," Torment, the other black wolf twin, spoke out. Even under ERO's influence, he was still loyal to his military training. Bheni nodded in response to his request. "I believe I speak for everyone when I say we like this planet. We've been working hard, more than with the other colonies. The weather is excellent and the seedbed satisfies all our needs. This could be a perfect spot for us to settle down."

The crew agreed vigorously. The smallest and youngest member, a white rat named Jacob, stood up. "I agreed with Torment, boss. This place rules! I can't find anything bad about this colony."

"Was there something bad with the others?" Bheni questioned, keeping a cheeky smile so Jacob knew he was joking.

The rat, being a rat, didn't notice it. "Ah-!" He squeaked. "No! They are all perfect places to live," a lynx approached him to offer some comfort.

"What Jacob wants to say" Rodrick interceded in name of his friend, "is that we put a lot of effort into making this place the one where we wanna live. You know we would follow you to the end of the universe, but if you were to choose a place to stay, well," he kissed him in the cheek, "this place could be perfect."

Bheni looked at each member of the crew, one by one. They all nodded to agree with what Rodrick had said. He never imagined one day he would have people like them to support him. A single tear ran down his cheek the moment Rodrick embraced him.

"And if you decide to stay, we're gonna need a good queen to guide us," he said. Bheni turned to face him. The first thing he felt was the cold nose against his.

"You're giving me too much credit. Any of you could be a good queen too," Bheni tried to discourage them, but he was conscious his words had no effect.

"Boss, you're ready."

It was ERO who said that. From the other side of the bonfire, the dancing flames gave her a mystical look. The bear and the rat were at her sides, sucking off her huge tits. Even under that stimulation, the creature remained calm and looking right into Bheni's mind. Her confident smile reminded him who was really in control of everything.

"You like being called that, right? Boss," she licked her lips and spread both legs. Her figure was perfect and attractive in every way. Even from that distance, Bheni wanted to be on his knees pleasing her just as she deserved. "Yes, it's a strong word. And you're worth of said word. Boss. You know what the colony needs. You can lead them on the right path. Just like YongSeop and Danny do."

Receiving a compliment from the Queen was no small thing. Even a word from her could provoke a shock of pleasure. Rodrick and Torment were already on their knees, praising Bheni as the leader he was. But the dragon couldn't see beyond the trap ERO set for him. If the Queen was telling him he would be a good leader, it had to be true. She wouldn't lie to him.

"I... I think I could try," the dragon muttered.

And she heard it. The rest of the crew didn't, but ERO did. The alien nodded in approval, placing in Bheni's mind the image of the spot he had to take for the seedbed to implant the rest of her essence in his brain and body. The flames raised for a moment, covering the Queen's image, and then she was gone, and in her place was the crew member who turned in her minutes ago.

But the Queen was still there. When he turned to his left, he caught a glimpse of the lion's body before the slime covered it completely. ERO took shape in a matter of seconds, breathing heavily against Bheni's face. The dragon blushed under his cheeks, a natural effect she had on him whenever she was close. From her scent to her sole presence, he simply couldn't control himself. He had to stop himself from kissing her the moment her face appeared from under the slime.

"Now, that's a voice I like to hear," she said. With a hand over Bheni's chest, and her tongue slowly licking his left cheek, ERO moved so she could be face to face with him. "You're starting to act like a man."

"Y-you think so?" It was particularly hard for him to say those words.

"Oh, I'm sure of it. Just take a look at this," her hands started to explore Bheni's body. Her soft touch made the dragon tremble, and he couldn't stop his bulge from poking at ERO's pussy. The alien creature traced the muscles with her finger, huffing loudly when she started to notice the same draconic energy he found in YongSeop coming from Bheni. "You are so strong now."

Bheni couldn't find the words to reply. He was far from thinking logically at that point. With a dumb smile on his face, he tried to think what to do. There were a plethora of choices for him to take, all of them so good that his brain couldn't pick one.

"What's the matter, Bheni? Am I too much for you?" ERO licked her lips slowly and seductively.

"No, my Queen."

"Of course I'm not. I am exactly what a male like you deserves," ERO squeezed both tits together just to tease him more.

An intimate and romantic moment? Yeah, he could do that. But the flames of lust were visible in her eyes, and that sexual energy was the one thing he couldn't match yet. Intense, almost feral, ERO's lust was so hard to satisfy. But the dragon wouldn't disobey his Queen. So he put both hands over her hips and moved them upwards.

That hourglass-shaped body was a delight to the touch. The way his hands followed the curved hips put a smile on his face. ERO's body continued amazing Bheni--so familiar and yet different in each encounter. The way she could adapt and offer a completely different experience depending on her host. Almost as if she had been designed with pleasure in mind. And that was just from touching her.

"Good, good," she praised him.

Biting her lower lip, she moved her tits closer to Bheni's face. The dragon was hit by the scent, sweet and salty at the same time. He wanted to shove his face in between them, but at the same time keeping his distance was also enticing. It was a way to tease himself that ERO provoked through her pheromones. The smile on her face after watching the desperation in Bheni's eyes was proof of that.

Whining like a little kid, he continued exploring a body he knew very well. His hands finally reached the side of her boobs, and ERO allowed him to squeeze them together. She moaned in delight and her entire body reacted to the pleasure he provoked. It was an exciting and enticing view, a reaction that woke up the most primal desires living inside Bheni's mind. With rhythmical movements he rubbed his bulge against ERO's pussy, getting his pants wet with the liquids coming out of it.

The creature suffocated his dragon between both tits, and her louder moans attracted everyone's attention. It was embarrassing to do all of it in front of the crew, but Bheni was enjoying every second of it. Being there with ERO, touching and feeling her body like that, causing her pleasure so intense. And the more he touched her, the more he wanted to feel the same.

Bheni wanted that same attention. He craved for his crew to worship him. He pictured each one of them on his knees, doing everything within their reach to please the insatiable lust of Bheni trapped inside ERO's body. While his tongue tasted the sweetness of ERO's skin, he transferred that same sensation to his chest, with Rodrick being the one whose face was squeezed between her massive tits.

She was the definition of perfection. He could worship ERO from head to toes. Lick every inch of her body. And even that wouldn't be enough to show how grateful he was for having a chance to be with her. Bheni moved both hands all over her back, pulling her closer to him. When he raised his view, ERO smiled at him and nuzzled him.

"You know what to do, darling," ERO said, telling him she read his mind. Her shape melted in his arms, leaving a naked Rodrick over him. The lion was exhausted, and he leaned over Bheni expecting the dragon to hold his weight. Of course, he couldn't, and the couple fell to the ground among laughs. When they stopped, Rodrick licked Bheni's lips and laid his head over the dragon's chest.

They continued chattering for a while and stopped before Jello arrived. During all that time, Bheni couldn't get out of his head the confidence his crew imbued on him. Was he ready to take on ERO's blessing and become the colony's Queen? The more he looked at the hive, the more he wanted to stay there. He never thought about putting an end to his travels, but there he was, unable to erase the smile from his face over the idea of living on that planet for who knows how long--maybe his entire life.

Jello wouldn't agree on that, though. The green dragon had been a part of him since they found ERO. Even when he wasn't there at that moment, he could still feel his presence through his body. He also had a lot to do with the establishment of that colony. That didn't confer rights over Bheni, however.

When the party ended and Bheni walked back into his tent, he decided it was time for him to take his rightful place in the Hive Mind. He went over the right speech to convince his brother it was the right choice--the Queen herself praised his skills, which was an excellent sign of his performance. Despite his trickster attitude, Jello knew when to take things seriously. Bheni had confidence everything would go nice and smooth.

Jello arrived later than expected. By the time the jelly dragon walked into the tent, Bheni had almost fallen asleep. Their eyes met for a moment before Bheni wiped the saliva from his chin. A quick look at his brother revealed he was in no better shape than the last time he visited the Alliance colony.

"Sorry for waking you up, bro," Jello apologized right after falling over the cheap plastic chair closest to Bheni.

"That's fine. But what happened to you?" He was still trying to recover from the slumber.

Jello waited for Bheni to finish his yawn. His long sigh should have been enough to show how tired he was, but his brother was the kind of person that needed the full picture at all times. After a brief moment of relaxation, Jello leaned forward and tried to put on his best face.

"Well, I've secured a safe and excellent route of subjects. Remember that I told you some cargo disappeared now and then?" Bheni nodded. "They have a small smuggling operation going on with a group of rebels. The cargo is for them, that's how they got credits to keep the colony alive. It's just a bunch of anarchists with nothing in concrete, no one's gonna miss them," Jello swiped the air with his hand. "Anyway, I managed to get in contact and told them we found some old relics that need to be taken out of the planet through other methods to sell them in the black market."

"You know there's nothing of value here, right?"

"Yes, I took care of that already. I have a friend that's gonna help us with that," he put his hand against his chin and thought about it for a second. "No... he's more like an acquaintance, but he owns me a favor. No other friends or family that I know, he can become part of the crew too."

"And how long would that take?" Bheni sat at the bed's edge.

"A couple of weeks. These anarchists might not be a threat to anyone but they do have some very good aircraft. That's gonna be helpful once we cut contact with your school."

"Good timing. The colony is ready. We have two subjects being milked right now. I wanna test if they can be there 24/7."

"That's great!" Jello jumped off the chair and sat right beside Bheni. "Nice work, bro. I knew this colony have a lot of potential. I can't wait till we finish here and leave this damn planet."

Jello fell over the bed with his arms spread. Judging by his face, he meant those words. For a moment, Bheni reconsidered talking with him. But he could feel the crew inside his mind, giving him the courage to take the step.

His sigh was everything Jello needed to know something was odd.

"Speaking of it. I talked with the crew. They seem to be happy with this place. They wanna stay here."

"Well, we're gonna need some of them to stay and get in touch with the smugglers-"

"No, I mean- They all want to stay."

Jello frowned and slowly got up until he was face to face with Bheni.

"They like this colony. They put a lot of effort into making it functional," Bheni continued, but his brother's face had started to discourage him from going on. "I think it's only natural they wanna make this their home."

"I'm not against that. We can always find another crew. But if they decide to stay that means they're gonna need a queen..."


"Ok, I know where this is going and I am NOT ok with it," Jello stood up from the bed, walking away with his fists clenched. The reaction alone was enough for him to regain his usual consistency.

"I don't get why you're against it! The Queen believes I can do a good job."

"She's gonna tell you anything to convince you, can't you see that? I took you from her and she's doing everything in her power to get you."

"And why is that so bad or so different from what you're currently doing?"

"I'm taking care of you, that's the difference," while Jello tried not to raise his voice, the way his fists trembled said how mad he was. I know how that kind of entity works. I am one in case you forget you."

"And you're different from her because you're my brother?"

"Exactly," he made a pause, raising both hands and taking a long breath. "Look, I know it looks bad, but I'm doing this for your own good. You're not like Danny or Uncle, you don't have their resistance. ERO might break your will and she knows it. That's why she let me take over your body in the first place."

"But that was before. I have changed. I'm no longer the dragon I was months ago! You think I can't handle it now?"

"Yes, no, I don't know. I'm not gonna take that risk," he shook his head rapidly. "Look, I know how bad it can affect you if you're not strong enough. I don't want that for you," with a smile on his face, Jello slowly approached Bheni, trying to give a vibe that could gain his trust back. "We're in this together. We have always been. Why do you want to change that?"

He tried to hold Bheni's hand, but his brother moved out of his reach.

"Maybe I want to have control over my own life," Bheni's words came in the serious tone he could make.

It was the first time Jello was left speechless. And hurt. The green dragon took a step backward, then looked down. His trickster and carefree attitude disappeared for the first time in his entire life, and that silence made Bheni question if he went too far. Then, he looked back at him. If he could cry, he would have been doing by that moment, judging by his expression.

"Then have it. And I hope you know what you're fucking doing."

He left in a rush, leaving Bheni alone in the tent and with his thoughts. He wanted to follow him, already regretting saying what he said, but at the same time, he was still angry at Jello's overprotective attitude and lack of confidence in him. And the conflict those thoughts caused only made him angrier.

A growl and a strong stomp at the ground weren't enough to express it, so he threw everything that was in reach until there was nothing else. And when that happened, Bheni pressed his face against a pillow and cried.

Silence had to reign again for Rodrick to gather the courage to walk into the tent. He found Bheni sitting in the corner, as even his bed became a target of his rage when he got tired of crying. The pose made him think of a grounded kid. He had some self-inflicted scratches on his arms that were already healing. The tail surrounding his body told him to stay away--at least enough to evade any sudden attack.

Bheni glanced at the newcomer before hiding his face back under his arms. Not a single word came out, but he didn't give signs of rejection, so Rodrick took it as an invitation to stay. He sat with his legs crossed some feet away from his boss.

"You must believe I'm pathetic," Bheni said after a moment. He tried his best for his voice not to break.

"We're not drones, boss. And I don't think expressing your emotions is a sign of weakness."

"This looks more like a stupid tantrum."

"Anger can be... yeah, it sometimes looks like this. But it's sane to vent it. Otherwise, it might hurt you," he kept quiet for a while. When he saw Bheni wasn't ready to talk, he continued. "Forgive us. We couldn't ignore the discussion you had with Master Jello. But we haven't looked into it through the Hive Mind. Although I have a feeling it might not be necessary."

Bheni finally decided to show off his face. He still had some tears rolling down his cheeks. "Maybe I went too far," he finally said.

"I don't see how speaking up for yourself can be considered going too far."

"It can with the wrong words. I should have waited or taken my time, I don't know."

"Boss, you've been taking your time for too long. And we know you wanna stay here too. Do you think it's fair to let go of a good change in life just so he doesn't feel hurt?"

"Well, he's my brother-"

"And that doesn't give him rights over you," the lion let out a long sigh. "I've seen into your memories, boss. I can see how strong your bond with Jello is. And maybe all of this comes from a fear of change. Yes, you could have gone with a better choice of words, maybe, but that doesn't change the fact he's the one that must understand things are not as they were. Don't punish yourself by overthinking what you did. Give him some time. You can talk with him again after he calms down."

"I don't know. Jello is quite the stubborn sometimes," the dragon chuckled.

"But he will realize that your bond is more important. Be patient."

"Maybe you're ri-"

"Boss!" Oley, the tiger, rushed inside the tent. With a panicked expression and his claws out, he looked directly at Bheni. "Jello's in trouble."

"What?" Bheni and Rodrick asked.

They followed Oley outside the tent as he started to explain the situation. "One of our men has been watching the Alliance colony under Jello's orders ever since he discovered that gang of alien hunters. He wanted to be sure that if they made a move we'll be aware."

"Yeah, I remember he mentioned something about them," Bheni said.

"Well, he called and said Jello appeared in the colony using his usual host, but for some reason, he lost control and got expelled out of him. The hunters saw captured almost instantly."

"No... that's not possible! Jello only lose control when...," Bheni stopped. He realized his brother's mistake, one he ignored over his anger and stubbornness, "when his emotions are out of control. Jello needs to be in calm to maintain control over his host. Fuck, this is my fault!"

"Boss, no, no, this isn't your fault," Rodrick intervened before Bheni lost control. "This is not the time to start blaming people. We have to act fast."

"There's an old research lab they took for a base. Our explorer said they took Jello there," Oley continued.

"It's gonna be heavily guarded," Torment said, who had approached more. "They probably gonna try to get some info from him before taking him out of the planet."

"What kind of torture are they gonna apply on him?" A bear asked.

"They better don't fucking touch him," the dragon growled. As his initial guilt faded, the rage slowly started to take control of him. He knew stealth was their best approach, but the fear of losing his brother "I'm gonna teach those fuckers what happen when they mess with my family."

"What's the plan, boss?"

"How far is that camp from the colony?" Bheni started walking towards the Hive.

"A couple of miles. No one is gonna suspect a direct assault," Torrent said.

"A direct assault might put us in danger. At least in this state."

They followed him into the Hive. The crew shared concerned looks, already knowing what he had in mind. However, none of them was sure to talk about it, not in the current situation.

Bheni walked into the chamber with all the eggs. As if the larvas insides were conscious of his presence, they all glowed in response to his entrance. They weren't ready, and they needed a Queen before hatching. But Bheni had no time to waste in ceremonies. The quicker he acted, the better.

With a quick inspection, he found the one egg that was almost ready to hatch. Even with a portion of ERO inside his mind, the process was long and required him to rest, and that was a luxury he couldn't afford.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Rodrick asked.

"I'm not sure of anything at this point. Uncle or Danny won't be here in time and they might leave the planet at any moment. This is the only thing I can come up with."

The dragon stood before the seedbed. It wasn't how he expected things to happen, but there were a lot of things he didn't expect to happen either since the family trip where they met ERO. And the entire point of an adventure was living things you weren't expecting.

Bheni held the egg against his chest when the tentacles took him in. For the first time, he didn't enjoy the slime or the bindings or anything of the process. While the cocoon formed around himself, the only thing he had in mind was to save Jello and take care of the assholes who kidnapped him. He closed his eyes when the slime tightened around his body, breaking the egg and releasing the larva, who went immediately towards his head.

Outside, the crew watched as Bheni's figure slowly started to change into his ERO form. But they knew it was different from the one they had seen before. It looked bigger and stronger, and some of them were afraid it could break the pod if he continued growing like that.

Instead, a blue liquid started to come out of the pod. As if it was conscious, the slime converged in front of it, making a huge puddle. The crew moved apart when a figure slowly rose from it; the head came first, and then the rest of the body. As it continued, the shape became too notorious to not recognize her. At first, it looked similar to the ERO form the crew has adopted, but the more they looked at her, the more notorious the differences became. It was her Queen in a shiny deep blue skin with green glowing strips covering her body and green feather-looking barbs coming out of his shoulders and elbows. Her vertical pupils narrowed as she inspected her colony. Her entire body had a semi-translucent aspect, a sign that she was entirely made of slime.

None of them could find the words to describe it. She was glorious, and at the same time, her aura was frightening. The chamber trembled under the first step she took. The green eyes in the gauntlets and the top of her head narrowed too, reflecting the anger burning inside her.

"Now... where is this little gang?"

Some miles away from there, a boar in dirty clothes was making guard outside an abandoned research laboratory. As far as he knew, it was full of plants and other stuff he didn't care to learn about. They didn't pay him to learn science shit. All he wanted was to get drunk and hunt aliens, in that order. He picked his nose, then took a look at the bugger stuck in his finger. When he failed to throw it away, he spread it over his gun, as he usually did.

The boar yawned. There was nothing interesting happening at that point. There was nothing interesting happening on that planet. They got lucky an alien made of goo was there, but that was a lucky shot. Even when the boss was convinced there were more around, all he wanted was to sell him and spend his share on some beers and a nice hooker.

And then, something caught his attention. He saw a cloud of dust in the distance and it was getting closer. It had to be a vehicle. No one from the gang had left, and even if they did, they had by rule to notify through the radio when they were getting closer. Maybe the boss was expecting someone? It wasn't common for the Alliance to personally come and recollect a bounty, but with those goo creatures, they needed a lot of security.

He took his radio and was ready to notify his boss, but a massive presence behind froze him. The work of an alien hunter was dangerous, but that was the first time he experience what some might call... a murderous intent. He tried to turn quickly and shoot at whatever was standing behind him, but even before he could finish that thought he found himself tangled in dozens of tentacles.

The jeep stopped in front of the compound. Rodrick, Oley, and Torment came down. When they looked down at the boar, he was already inside a small egg-shaped cocoon. ERO looked at them with a wide smile.

"I was expecting more, but they're not armed to face me."

"Our agent said only one of them carried a stun gun. But I don't think that might affect you," Rodrick explained while Torment took the cocoon to put it over the jeep.

"I'll make quick work of them. You stay behind, I don't wanna risk any of you," ERO ordered.

"They might be armed but they lack the discipline," Torment stated. "As soon as they witness your powers they're gonna drop their weapons."

"Is it safe to assume that?" Oley asked.

"They care only for money, but they're not gonna risk their lives for a so-called mission. They probably gonna sell each other out if they have the slightest hope that's gonna save them."

"Good. Then I'll make sure to have fun with them. Take care of the stragglers, they're gonna feed the colony from now on," ERO dissolved back into slime and went under the fence surrounding the laboratory.

What followed could be easily defined as a massacre, even if there was no blood involved. With absolute disregard, ERO entered the laboratory and jumped from thug to thug, capturing in a thin but durable layer of slime. The layout wasn't so complex, just a long hallway connected to several rooms. The gang members scattered across the laboratory got attracted by the brief screams of terror, only to get caught themselves before they could even point their guns at the invader.

Far from there, inside his cocoon, Bheni was experiencing an adrenaline rush without precedents. He knew he was still at the Hive, guarded by the rest of the crew. But he wasn't just seeing what his slime clone was seeing--the dragon also felt and smell everything around him. He knew he was there too. That mass of slime had a fragment of his consciousness, of his mind.

His actions followed an instinct he never experienced before yet felt so familiar. The movements of the clone were fluid and coordinated to perfection, despite having no recollection of being in that form before. It was ERO, of course. Bheni knew he was acting guided by ERO's memories. For the first time, he was fully in touch with the Hive Mind.

The hallway led to a small greenhouse. ERO kicked the door open, but the moment she stepped in, a metal bolt pierced her chest. She barely caught a glimpse of the cable connected to it before a strong electrical discharge ran through her body. Holding the crossbow was a bull with his right horn broken, and next to him a polar bear--both wore a black tactical vest. Trapped in a glass cell behind them was Jello, terrified to see his brother being shot.

The smile on the bull's face slowly disappeared when he saw ERO was not reacting the intended way. The alien frowned while looking at the bolt, then his eyes moved over the duo.

"Is this supposed to do something? Tickles, maybe?" With no effort, she pulled the bolt out. Her arm turned into a tentacle and it extended to catch the buff bovine. "Well, I can't blame you for trying, regardless of how pathetic that attempt was."

The polar bear switched expressions with Jello and pointed a gun at ERO. She only looked at him with a challenging smile, all while the cocoon around the bull took shape.

"Oh, darling, please. I wanna see you try it. I'm confident that a bullet is gonna be more effective," the mocking tone in her voice was no different from Jello's. Even in that cell, the green dragon couldn't stop himself from showing a brief smile.

The bear, on the other hand, wasn't that happy about the situation. His gaze jumped between the creature and the cocoon in which his friend was trapped. The crossbow was next to him.

He shot once. The bullet went through ERO's body, losing a lot of speed and falling a couple of feet behind him. When she looked back at the bear, he was on his knees and next to the cocoon. She leaned his head, waiting for the stud to charge the weapon.

"D-don't come any closer!" He tried to maintain the authoritarian tone that he probably always used, but it was too obvious how scared he was.

"Oh, back to that thing? I think you should stick to the gun."

ERO didn't even move and the bear still decided to shoot. This time it went through her shoulder, but the discharge had no effect, again.

"Why isn't this thing working?!" He mumbled, shaking the crossbow as if that could fix it.

"Darling, please, I have no core like him. How do you expect to hurt something that isn't even here."

Those words froze him. He dropped the gun and slowly raised his head, only to find ERO standing right in front of him.

The creature enjoyed the dreadful expression on the stud's face. She reminded hosts of being grateful for becoming a part of her and taking a place in the Hive. They usually were already under the influence of her pheromones to feel anything but lust. However, a slime clone couldn't emit pheromones. Nothing could stop the bear from experiencing absolute terror for what was coming.

ERO looked at Jello inside the cell and winked. And right after that, her entire body wrapped around the bear's body and became a cocoon. He struggled for a moment, and it looked like an egg about to hatch. But after a moment, it stayed still.

When Rodrick, Torment, and Oley walked in, everything was silent. By that moment, all the cocoons had hardened and tightened enough. The quality was incredible, matching the pods made at the colony. Even Jello was surprised, as he couldn't remember if YongSeop or Danny could do something like that.

Oley opened his cell and the four gathered around the biggest cocoon. It glowed for a moment, revealing the body trapped inside.

"Is she still alive?" Torment asked.

"Well, technically, it was a clone. I wouldn't describe it as alive," Rodrick clarified.

"You know what I mean."

"Of course I know. What do you want me to say? This is all new to me. I wasn't aware the Queen could do that."

"She can," Jello started, "but only inside the colony. Keeping control over a clone from that distance is..."

He didn't have to finish the sentence. It was very clear for the four of them. But that led them to ask themselves how Bheni managed a feat none other member of the family had achieved. Everyone except Jello felt something new for a second. A momentary pride that came from the dragon inside the pod.

"We better go back to the Hive," Jello said in a somber tone.

The crew carried all the cocoons in the jeep and made the trip back. None of them said anything on the way there, afraid of what Jello could say. But the dragon remained quiet, looking at the stars above them with a yearning look in his eyes.

The pod in which Bheni was slowly dissolved and the dragon came out of it covered in a thick layer of blue goo. He still carried the broken eggshell but dropped it to clean the slime from his face. Once he regained vision, the first thing he saw was Jello standing in front of him in the center of the chamber. Bheni immediately recognized his judging expression.

"I know what you're gonna say and I just want to-"

"I'm sorry," Jello interrupted.

Bheni felt the phrase like a gut punch. He couldn't decide how he should feel about it. And when Jello saw his brother had nothing to say, he continued.

"It wasn't my intention to treat you like a child. I guess I always think of you as my favorite host, for weird that might sound."

"It does sound weird..."

"I like invading people's bodies and minds, but yours makes me feel good and, I don't know, safe I guess. That's why I never push you to do things you wouldn't like. But it looks that at some point I lose control over myself and... yeah, this happened," Jello lowered his head and sighed. "I guess I wasn't ready to let you move on. Heh, for a moment I really believed it could be the two of us forever, since you also were always looking for a new adventure. That's why I always opposed the idea of you fully merging with ERO. But I never thought about what you wanted."

Listening to Jello speak about how he felt wasn't common. He was used to the jokes and laughs and schemes that he usually forget he had other sides unknown to him and everyone. Bheni approached his brother and put one hand over his shoulder.

"I messed things up too. I should have known that's how you felt after having you inside for so long."

"That's a very awful choice of words," Jello interrupted, smirking.

"I'm trying to have a special moment here, you idiot," it was finally Bheni's turn to mess with his brother's "hair". "I never knew it meant so much to you. And I'm sorry for it. I thought I would spend my entire life traveling across the universe, even after we met ERO. But the colony and the crew made me feel something new, and it all made me reconsider it. I guess setting down isn't as bad as I thought. And I want to try it."

"Well, you already merged with her so it's not as if we have much of a choice here," even in that state, he tried to smile. "And you did one hell of a job there. I probably wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you."

"You definitely wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me," Bheni corrected him, adding a soft bump to his chest.

"Oh, details."

The two brothers shared a giggle that slowly turned into a laugh. They hugged each other and walked out of the chamber.

"You know," Bheni continued, "I still need someone to take care of the Alliance colony and manage where we'll be sending the new eggs."

"Oh, are you offering me a job? That's tempting. But since I can't fuse with your magical seedbed, you better offer me some good benefits. Healthcare, paid vacations, dental plan, the full thing."

"You're gonna have an entire colony for your amusement, isn't that enough?"

"I'm a picky employee."

The brothers laughed again as they walked out of the Hive. Then, for a moment, Bheni felt inside him the approval from the Queen. He found his crew out, waiting for him, and in their faces, he knew they noticed that same gesture. She had allowed them to stay there. Bheni shed a tear and looked at the stars above him, just the same way he did when he was younger and eager to travel to each one of them. He never imagined that one of them would eventually become his new home.

While the entire crew rested, Rodrick was still working in the Eggs' chamber. Bheni gave the order to put the alien hunters there to feed the seedbed and the eggs, and the lion wanted to check their connection was stable. "They might be douchebags, but they're studs too", Bheni said, and by the look of it, he was right--well, the first part was true. But much to his surprise, they were doing a good job cumming constantly. He was almost surprised.

His devotion to work was admirable, and that's why it didn't surprise Bheni to find him there. Of course, he wouldn't notice a presence similar to his, but when Bheni let the slime cover him from head to toes, the lion's ears twitched. Bheni grew in size as he made the transition into his ERO form, similar to the clone he made hours ago. Rodrick looked over his shoulder, dropping his tablet after finding the Queen mere feet away from him.

"If I'm not mistaken, I believe I gave an order to everyone to rest," ERO exclaimed in a severe tone.

"Yes, you did, my Queen," Rodrick was keeping it cool, but his tail continued wagging energetically. "I just wanted to make sure everything was working properly."

"So diligent as always," ERO took the lion by his chin and licked the side of his face. "Even if you have to disobey me."

"I wouldn't do something like that. But the safety of the colony is a priority to me. You know how much this place means to me," it was getting hard for him to talk. ERO noticed the increased heartbeat and the loud breathing, consequences of his excitement. Rodrick clenched his fists.

"And I appreciate you from that," ERO proceeded to kiss the lion, holding him against his maw so they could share her breathing.

Rodrick almost melted in her grasp. It was his first interaction with Bheni as the new Queen, and it was nothing like they had done before. ERO felt it in the way he kissed him, and in his visible struggle not to do more than a kiss. The alien creature experienced Bheni's joy from having his wish fulfilled--she found it cute and appropriate for someone like Bheni.

Trying to keep the dragon at the edge, ERO moved apart and gave him one last caress on his cheek. Rodrick was left stunned and with a massive boner begging for release. He didn't notice that his Queen was already leaving the chamber until she looked over her shoulder and called for him.

"Come with me. I might have a special job for you, Rodrick. I wouldn't trust anyone else but you for this," she said, ending the phrase with a hiss.

ERO disappeared after walking outside the chamber. The lion, however, was now frozen in place. A task given personally by the Queen was an honor beyond his imagination. He wanted to run after her, but his legs had forgotten how to function so he almost tripped after his first step. With a wide smile on his face, he dragged his paws out of the egg chamber.

She had left a trace of blue slime on her way to a new chamber, one that wasn't there moments ago. The seedbed glowed with each step he took, and the sweet scent had him whimpering and desperate. He realized the Queen had total control of the seedbed now, so expanding the colony was an easy task for her.

After walking in, Rodrick found ERO laying on his fours over something that resembled either an altar or a bed, but it was at the right height for what ERO expected him to do. She raised her tail so Rodrick could have a better view of the two fingers playing and spreading her pussy. Even from that distance, Rodrick noticed how wet it was. The view acted like a magnet for the horny lion, who took all his clothes out before reaching his Queen. The scent was even stronger there, and his claws came out while the insatiable lust tried to take over him.

Rather than a voice, he noticed her urge too. it was like an itch inside his mind. ERO wanted it. The Queen wanted him to breed her pussy. The entire crew would do it eventually, but the privilege of being the first one belonged to him, and only him. The deep growls coming from his throat somehow excited ERO even more, as she went from panting to moaning without needing Rodrick to put a hand over her.

She didn't need any preparation. The Queen was always ready to take a cock, no matter the size. And Rodrick had gone mad already to care about anything else that wasn't fucking that tight, hot alien pussy. He pushed his barbed cock against her vagina, and both moaned together while the tip made its way in. Her insides were so hot and tight, and it sucked Rodrick's cock even deeper. Before the lion could notice he was already balls deep inside her.

Acting as a wild beast, Rodrick started to fuck her rough and deep. With both hands holding ERO's hips, he pulled her towards him during each thrust. The loud claps from both bodies clashing against each other echoed across the chamber, almost as loud as ERO's moans. It was music to the lion's ears, to know he was provoking such sensations in his Queen. It motivated him to keep going deeper and faster.

Her first climax arrived rather quickly. Her moans didn't sound any different, but Rodrick felt a thick liquid running down his thighs, and her insides squeezing his cock. That didn't make him stop. The last thing he wanted at that point was to stop. Each thrust would extend and increase her climax, and he was decided to give her the fuck of a lifetime. Growling and smiling, the lion put one paw over the altar and added his weight to each thrust.

Bheni and ERO were in absolute ecstasy. The barbed cock scratching her insides was driving her mad. It was a completely different sensation, and one she immediately loved. It was like having multiple fingers inside fingering and poking around. And it only made her climax even more intense to the point that was drooling with her face over the seedbed. Her entire body was trembling, and she almost lost control of Bheni for a second. ERO considered stopping Rodrick, but the stud was already in absolute control of the situation. It wouldn't end until he wanted. And she was more than happy to go with that.

Several thrusts later, the lion put his other paw up. Now climbing the altar, he could use his entire weight easily. His balls slapped against her with each thrust, and his cock reached different spots in that position. But that also pushed him closer and closer to his orgasm. Eventually, his thrust became more erratic. The drooling beast tried to focus on one point in the wall, but the physical effort had him dizzy. Before he lost all his energy, Rodrick held tight to ERO's hips and put a final effort. One deep thrust after another. And with a potent roar, the lion came and filled ERO with a massive load of hot lion seed. ERO moaned alongside his roar, squirming from the delightful sensation of the cum filling her insides and leaking out of her ruined pussy.

Their climax took several minutes to fade. By the end of it, both were exhausted but satisfied. Rodrick waited until his cock came out alone from ERO's pussy, followed by a good amount of cum the Queen couldn't keep inside her. The lion fell to one side and tried to recover his breath. His legs weren't responding, so he assumed he wouldn't be going anywhere soon.

ERO fell next to him. The night ended up being wilder than she expected. But Rodrick's presence give her some comfort, especially after the lion took her in his arms. He was snoring some seconds later, but he kept a strong grip around her. ERO giggled, and closed her eyes too. Her body turned into slime and dissolved, returning Bheni to his original shape. By the time that happened, the dragon was asleep too, holding Rodrick's hands against his chest. His last thought was the lion's smile and the happiness of knowing he was there for him.

The King of Ashes

The screams of thousands of tormented souls woke Teryx from his slumber. Trapped in the burning ruins of the Capital he swore to protect, the blue dragon looked around but his friends were nowhere to be found. He was alone in that sea of pain and...

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Hive Invaders

After the family of dragons returned from their camping trip, ERO moved to YongSeop's house--the cave was too far away from civilization to find suitable hosts. Jello advised her in said move. And since the city in which the dragons lived was...

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The Fabricator

Time stopped at some places after the Seven Hour War. The metro stations became temporal shelters for either the Resistance or small groups of survivors, before being abandoned after the Combine Army raided said camps, leaving a trail of death and...

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