Underestimating the Opposition [YCH]

Story by Myles Cobalt on SoFurry

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Wolf is an intergalactic mercenary who is hired to eliminate a tribe of kobolds menacing a mining colony. He assumes it will be an easy job, but gets more than he bargains for when he underestimates his quarry and strikes out against them alone.

~4,375 words. A YCH auction won by badwolfpuppy on FA who requested the D&D inspired prompt be 1st-person PoV take a sci-fi twist. Please keep your eyes open for more YCH story auctions by me in the near future.Content Warning: Bondage, Rape, Watersports

If you enjoy my work, please consider supporting me on Patreon.Ko-Fi tips are always appreciated.

I stood at the outskirts of the dry squat of a mining colony and cast my gaze out at the jagged hills. It wasn't a particularly pleasant view. The soil of the planetoid was dark, metallic rock that had formed itself into unworked obelisks clawing angrily at the sky. The moon I was standing on orbited a gaseous giant whose burnt aura dominated the heavens, with only a crescent of purple twilight to indicate that the roiling hues of orange were in fact a celestial body (and not merely the color of some cosmic debris). The air was technically breathable, although dust devils composed of metal shavings swirled in all directions. The locals often wore masks when outside to keep from shredding their lungs, or so my briefing file had informed me. It didn't give me any clues how they handled the constant flickers of electricity in the air or the endless and ominous rumbles of thunder..

I hadn't been given a lot to go on, but as far as I was concerned it should be an easy job. In and out. The public posting on the mercenary boards came through to wipe out a clan of kobold-class creatures that had regularly ransacked the "town" and terrorized the workforce. Kobold-class monsters were savage pack hunters, usually quite small draconic or reptilian beings, who typically protected their warrens with booby traps and raided defenseless settlements with primitive weapons (and, on occasion, magic). I'd handled more kobolds than I could count in my days. I didn't even bother bringing a crew. If I kept my head on straight there was no need to split the bounty. Spears and rocks couldn't penetrate my armor.

I didn't speak the language of the locals, and the seemingly random fluctuations of the moon's magnetic field put my universal translator on the fritz, so the best I was able to get out of the weathered laborers was a crooked finger pointing out at the barren wasteland. I'd have to find my quarry the old fashioned way.

I am an artificer- a technomancer. I'd long since mastered the art of manipulating electronic equipment with a spark of arcana, but even I was no match for a powerful, natural magnet the size of a small planet. I would need to recalibrate my plethora of gadgets every few minutes if I had any hope of them working, and even then they wouldn't be reliable. At least my ship's shielding was designed for such extreme terrain, so I'd be able to leave that hellscape behind when the contract had been completed and I collected my due.

As I strode out into the desert I caught sight of my distorted reflection on the surface of a metal spike that jutted up from the ground. It had been polished by millennia of sandstorms. My name is Wolf, and I am indeed a lupine. My entire pelt is a deep blue, although more often than not my coat is covered with black and chrome body armor. The flesh of my nose and paw pads are onyx, as is the skin inside my knife-like ears, although they appear closer to the color of plum wine when illuminated from behind due to my fur. My eyes are a shade of amber-like liquid gold. I was in my early thirties, and while my career kept me fit, age had its way of catching up with me. I had started to get just a bit of pudge around my midsection, so my bodysuits certainly fit a bit tighter than they used to. Recovering from job-related injuries took a bit longer with each broken rib or twisted ankle and they happened more often with time. While my senses, both physical and mental, are still sharp, my reflexes have slowed and those fractions of a second could make all the difference.

It wasn't long into my directionless trek that I began to find hints of the blighters. It was mostly discarded bits of scrap tech, likely castoffs from a recent pillaging, but also an unfortunate number of anthro bones. The signs of the kobolds' passage in the unforgiving wilderness were few and far in between, but what was there formed a definitive path. I followed the trail, feeling uncommonly exposed. The howling winds and stinging plumes of ferromagnetic dust meant I could rely on neither my radar nor my biological senses. It wasn't often that I had to risk being caught unaware, and that made me uneasy considering the targets were known for being guerilla combatants. I couldn't help but glance over my shoulder every several seconds despite visibility being next to nil.

The breadcrumbs eventually led to a yawning cave mouth only several klicks from the colony. Its entrance was shielded from the elements by an overhanging crag. The inside of the cavern resembled cooled, molten iron streaked with glittering impurities. Smoothed-over ridges like the threads on a massive screw twisted along every surface burrowing deep into the ground. The place reeked of magic. The tribe must have a gifted witch doctor.

I shoved my goggle lenses up onto my forehead and produced a small, spherical gadget from my belt. I channeled energy into the device with my will. It first levitated off my palm and hovering soundlessly near my shoulder- then it scintillated, bathing several meters in all directions around me with its soft, rainbow glow. I crept down into the subterranean warren. Eventually the worked tunnel gave way to a sprawling, labyrinthian cave complex. My ears perked up. I should have come across a sentry by then, but all there was was unnerving silence and gloom.

I pulled down the heavy scarf I'd been using as a mask and sniffed the air. Under the ambient scent of ozone were indicators of civilization. Refuse, musk, pheromones; all the subtle stenches of life. I focused my mystic energies into my gauntlet with a basic spell to transfigure it. It shattered into countless tiny cogs, screws, and sprockets that suspended themselves in the space around my paw, rotating as if in zero gravity. With a twist of my wrist, the pieces compressed and reassembled in a new formation: the hilt of a sword. I gripped it and mentally guided my spirit to flow into it. It made a staticy crackle and a beam of violet plasma erupted from the crossguard, blazing to about three feet in length. Its own contained gravitational field gave it the balance and heft of a proper, steel sword. I flourished with it to stretch my shoulder and reacquaint myself with its weight.

Between the additional burst of magic to create and sustain a weapon and the invocation I had used to light my way, I knew I was making myself a target. I didn't really have another choice beyond tucking my tail between my legs and scampering off with empty paws, and I didn't believe that to be an option worth considering.

I don't know how long the reptiles had been stalking me in their den, but it didn't take long for my prey to sound the alarm once I had a blade in hand. A guttural croak ememenated from deeper down and echoed through the cavern, lower in tone than one might assume of kobold-tier cretins whose yapping was normally a high-pitched cacophony.

Uneven bits of cave wall shifted in the shadows forming the outlines of bodies as the kobolds stepped away from the walls they had camouflaged themselves against. The creatures' scaled, nobbly hides shifted colors from the leaden gray to a myriad of earthy hues- greens and browns chief among them, but claylike reds and moldering yellows mixed in too. They were lizard-like, resembling others that I had battled before, but much larger. Taller than even I was by a few heads. Most of them seemed to average about eight feet in height, but some were even taller, and even the "runts" among them could look me square in the eye. This wasn't even taking into account their wide bow legged gait from their reptilian heritage. Were they to place their legs together and stand fully upright they could easily add a foot or more to their stature.

Most of the kobolds were entirely naked, presumably to take advantage of their ability to blend in with the moon's geography. The ones that weren't were dressed in simple loincloths made out of torn, dirty jumpsuits pilfered from the miners that did very little to conceal their genitals. They wielded chunks of nickel and cobalt, some short and blunt like clubs, others slender and pointed like javelins. A few had rough fashioned serrated daggers with the handles being wrapped in hide that I hoped belonged to a non-sentient creature. Their long, thick tails dragged along the ground in their wakes.

An ambush wasn't ideal, but I wasn't overly concerned. They were unexpectedly big, sure. And it's true that they had me surrounded, but with my equipment and my magic I had faced worse odds. There were only two dozen in the vast chamber with me at most (but who knew how many more scurrying around in the warren's tunnels). I flourished with my weapon again and adopted a defensive stance. Eldritch energy engulfed my free paw. They didn't appear as intimidated as I had hoped.

The ranks of kobolds snarled at me and chittered to one another, brandishing their own implements of death, but parted to let another of their tribe through. The creature that I believed to be their shaman strode toward me. His nude body was painted with occult runes that glowed like phosphorescent fungi, and he bore a staff crafted of a metal alloy I didn't recognize. It was long, smooth, and cylindrical until two-thirds of the way up the rod where it split and flattened to resemble a massive tuning fork. He smirked cruelly and muttered something arcane while gripping the staff in both talons and holding it aloft before him. He brought the butt of it down hard onto the ground where it resounded with a hum that I felt in my bones as much as heard. A crackle of electricity sparked along the cavern floor.

I sensed the disturbance before I realized what was happening. The clan's spellweaver had electrified the metals of the cave to amplify their natural magnetism and make them into a powerful electromagnet. My gear and my arcana both went haywire. My blade fizzled and faded to nothing, and the light from my hovering torch sputtered and died. The tiny bauble crashed to the earth with a dull thunk. I felt the magnetic pulse in my blood, disrupting the natural bond I had with electronic equipment. It made me feel weak and helpless. The magic user waved his staff and it illuminated the cave once more, this time by intensifying the light emanating from the multitude of glowing symbols adorning his physique.

I reached for my belt, where I carried a carbon steel dagger for when all else failed. I never managed to draw it from its sheath. One of the shorter kobolds, who was maybe six feet tall, scrambled forward with a cruel smile on his crocodilian face. He flung a patchwork cloth sack at me. I dodged it, but its contents exploded several feet in all directions from where it landed near my foot-paws. The substance within was a viscous, black tar that had a chemical smell to it. The goo slithered and writhed as if it had a mind of its own, erupting in an array of rubbery tendrils. The tentacles swiftly coiled around my wrists and ankles, then compacted into themselves and solidified, anchoring all four of my paws to the ground with hardened latex shells that reached almost to my elbows and knees. I was trapped, prone on all-fours and at the mercy of the kobold tribe.

The monsters closed in around me in a rough circle, speaking to each other in their own language full of hisses and throaty rasps. One trotted forth with a rough-hewn pestle and mortar. He scooped up whatever sickly yellow-green paste he had concocted in the bowl with a couple of his talon-like fingers and smeared it on the straps and buckles that held my armor together. He sparked it with a strike of flint and steel. The mixture sizzled and popped, burning away the joints of my gear and causing my equipment to clatter to the cavern floor, where it was collected by the reptiles. The kobold proceeded to draw and use my own blade to cut away at the fabric of my clothing, until it was ragged enough to rip from my immobilized body.

I was imprisoned, naked, and fully exposed. One of the creatures painfully tugged up my fluffy tail to reveal my pucker and the back of my fuzzy scrotum. I flinched, eliciting what I can only understand as laughter from the clan. My ears folded back, and I growled, but this was only met with further mirth on their part. The priest or sorcerer (or whatever he was) chanted for a few seconds and touched his own throat. When he next opened his mouth I could hear him speak his native tongue, but understood it as though he were speaking my language. The two voices layered strangely, like overlapping radio signals.

"You foolishly ventured into our den and are now my captive to do with as I see fit. However, in our tribe we share the spoils," he said. I didn't like the lustful glint in his eye or the way he licked his chops salaciously. I twisted and craned my neck to see quite a few of the kobolds' members were plump or outright erect with their glossy glans- paler and pinker than their scales- straining their foreskins. Some reached for the impressive sacs between their legs and adjusted themselves lewdly. Their thighs, like the rest of their bodies, were muscular but lithe. "I think it is only fair that one who captured you gets to enjoy the taking first."

The runt who threw the glue bomb forced his way through the throng, and ripped off his loincloth as he reached the front (not that it did much to conceal his arousal anyway). His shaft was fully hard and curved smoothly upward several inches from where it protruded from his groin. I could smell the lustful pheromones wafting from him. He drew close enough that I could watch as the glistening bead of pre forming at his piss slit grew too heavy and lazily dripped to the floor, trailing a gossamer strand. He sauntered right up before my muzzle.

I briefly considered biting his junk before he did anything to me to show that I wouldn't be used and humiliated, but as it was I still had a slim chance at an eventual escape. As gratifying as it would feel to resist, I didn't want to jeopardize that opportunity. I steeled myself for everything that was about to happen.

"We will all defile you, in any and all ways that we see fit. As often and harshly as we desire. From the least of us to the greatest," the shaman continued. Another kobold, barely larger than the first practically dashed behind me. He ground his hips against my hindquarters, sliding his member between the pert globes of my ass and humping along my cleft until his crown prodded at my ring. Meanwhile the one in front of me tangled his claws in the fur at the back of my skull and forced my snout into the hollow between the base of his maleness and his low hanging sac. The scales there were smooth and soft like velvet, and slightly damp with his sweat. "You will worship us all! Your new place is to be our slave and our plaything. If we feel your enthusiasm is lacking, you will be punished severely, so use your tongue and tailhole well, whelp."

I trembled with an intense mixture of fear and anger, and unfortunately no short supply of arousal in spite of my situation. Some of my captors noticed my swelling hard-on, and poked at it or cupped my testicles while howling with laughter. I begrudgingly stuck forth my tongue, and ran it beneath the kobold runt's scrotum, tasting his sensitive flesh. His weighty orbs were heavy on my tongue, and I rolled them this way and that. He quivered and shot a jet of pre that landed between my eyes and dribbled down the top of my muzzle.

He quivered and slackened as I lapped at his genitals with all the fervor I could muster. The scaled anthro obviously enjoyed the sensation as much as he relished degrading me. The one behind me never stopped rubbing his tip against my entrance, threatening to spear me at any moment. I felt its thrumming heat, signaling the impending penetration that I hoped wouldn't be done raw. As if on queue, the kobold with the pestle and mortar shuffled forward again, bringing a fresh concoction to the male grinding against my ass. He laid the bowl on the floor with a bow and backed away, eying the unfolding scene with his obvious arousal bobbing between his thighs under its own burden.

The kobold underneath my tail reached into the basin and when he withdrew his talon it was coated in a slick, clear substance. Enterprising alchemists that they were, they seemed to have made lube with basic tools. Never underestimate ingenuity. He slathered the mixture on his length with a wet slapping noise before lining his turgid cock up with my tailhole, without even bothering to stretch me first.

The reptile whose balls I was licking let go of my fur and stepped back to pirouette so that his backside was toward me. His hefty tail thumped into my side as he spun and were it not for the rubber shackles I would have been knocked over. He bent forward and placed his talons on the cavern floor while hoisting his haunches, causing his long tail curve upward toward the back of his head.

I knew what the scalie wanted, and swallowed my humiliation at being forced to tongue fuck the bandit. I forced myself not to scrunch my face in embarrassment, lest I find myself in even less ideal circumstances or give them further reason to revel in my torment. I poked forth my tongue once more and started at the back of his scrotum and dragged it up the entire length of his aperture to the base of his tail. I repeated this over and over, practically lapping at his hole. He wriggled his hips back against my face, burying my muzzle in his ass. I flickered my moist tongue at his entrance and heard him hiss loudly in satisfaction.

At almost the same second that I began to force my tongue into the reptile's ass, the kobold behind me decided it was finally time to penetrate me. My eyes bulged wide and I failed to stifle a tremendous groan as the bulbous, mushroom tip of his veiny rod drove hard into me. He was girthy and long, and if he were truly one of the smallest of the creatures at almost seven feet tall with a nine inch phallus, then I was in for an exhausting and intense experience when the larger members of the tribe took their turns. He pressed forth slowly and steadily, not giving me anytime to adjust to the size of his organ as my hole unwillingly swallowed it.

I could feel it twitch and and throb within me, becoming more frequent the closer he came to hilting me. It jumped with each of the lizard's heartbeats. He clutched my hips, talons digging painfully into my pelt, nearly breaking the skin beneath. I knew that once he had fully buried himself he was going to enter a rutting frenzy. I'd been with enough guys to notice the signs of a selfish, ravenous lust. His trembling hardness massaged the sweet spot inside of me, causing me to blush in shame as my ignored cock leaked a veritable river of runny pre.

The monster in front of me was not to be ignored. He kicked back against my collarbone with his heel and squawked angrily to prompt me to resume eating his ass. I rammed my tongue into his tight heat as far as I could, and he clamped down around it while shivering in delight.

The scalie raping me completed hilting his length in me, driving home the final two inches with a rough buck of his hips. The impact of his large, heavy sac against my own was audible and I moaned weakly, lost in a mixture of pain and embarrassed pleasure. He pulled back smoothly, until only the very tip of his penis remained in my abused hole, then slammed forth again, burying himself in me with a fluid motion. I whimpered, and the kobold I was rimming used the opportunity to spin back around and tap his cumbersome maleness against my muzzle.

I parted my lips and let him slide into my maw. His shaft glided against my tongue and the potent taste of him lingered. I gagged as he humped into the back of my gullet. He fucked my throat with wild abandon, and the reptilian in my rump did the same. Their hips worked like pistons in a well-oiled machine- one going in while the other went out and worked themselves into a frantic, erratic pace. Every once in a while I squeezed my ring around the invading member or choked involuntarily, which only spurred them on more. They grunted and chirped in bliss as they used me.

More of the clan approached closer, until I felt completely crowded with kobolds inches from me in all directions. Many languidly stroked themselves as they waited for their opportunity to treat me as a plaything or a pet to be broken in, chattering at me words I didn't comprehend, but understood to be insults. Others were too eager to wait patiently for their time and furiously masturbated themselves. Some of the larger beasts, who were nearly 10 feet tall, had erections the size of my forearm and I was grateful that at least for the time being, not every single one of them would be shoved violently up my backside. They had prodigious tesiticles to match, and when they splattered me with their cum, their loads were every bit as voluminous as one would expect from such virile creatures. Their seed sprayed over me, wetting the fur of my face and splashing against my cheeks until I was dripping with their thick ropes of milky essence.

My jaw and ass were sore beyond belief, and I hadn't yet even finished pleasuring my first of many partners.

The reptile behind me spasmed and tensed. His load of alien ejaculate pumped my sore entrance while he breathed raggedly, tongue lolling out over one jaw in ecstasy. Even with how tight I was around his hardness, some of his nut still managed to gush out. At about the same time the kobold I was blowing braced himself by grabbing my shoulders and shuddered with a husky moan. His wad erupted onto my tongue. I sputtered as I swallowed two mouthfuls of his warm, salty load. He milked out what remained in his spent shaft and wiped it on my tongue before standing on shaking legs.

Instead of moving aside immediately for another kobold to take his place, he held his penis in his claws and gently peeled back his foreskin, aiming his piss slit at me. His chest heaved from the exertion. Without any further warning he began to pee on my face. The pale yellow arc of his urine glittered through the air as the flow struck my muzzle and steadily intensified. I had been panting and coughing, so my mouth was still open and he had no qualms about aiming directly at my tongue. I grimaced at the acrid smell and taste. It dribbled through my coat down onto the ground where it formed small puddles on the uneven minerals. He waved his phallus back and forth, soaking my fur with his urine and setting the precedent for any of his comrades to do the same.

A fresh heat began to flood my ass, and I soon realized that the softening cock still lodged within my tailhole was unleashing a torrent of piss as well. I couldn't believe he was filling my guts with his urine. I was being marked inside and out. He sighed noisily in relief. Both their streams tapered off. The runt in front shook the last couple of droplets in my face before finally abdicating his position in favor of another horny kobold.

The reptile in back tugged himself free of my gaping ring, letting free no small amount of his piss and adding to the growing pool around me. After taking a rod of his size, I felt hollow and frail. The empty feeling wasn't going to last long though, as a familiar yanking up of my tail demanded my attention. I could barely see beyond the press of bodies, all pissing on me, cumming on me, or waiting to fuck me. Hours passed in a haze, and I lost track of how many of the monsters had crawled out of their endless warrens to rape me.

When I was at last abandoned by the tribe, with the shaman himself being the final one to torture me, I was left trapped against the cavern floor, soaked through with piss and cum, with an aching hole and sore throat. My ignored cock was solid as steel between my legs, quivering and in dire need of relief. My sac had the dull pressure of a load just waiting to fire but lacking the stimulus. Urine and ejaculate from more scalies than I could count trickled down my inner thigh from my punished pucker.

I pondered if I would ever find a way to free myself, or if I was doomed to this life sexual slavery until the tribe tired of me.