Fall of man dawn of a new age chapter 2

Story by shetland on SoFurry

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?Raven Fox and I redid this chapter. We got rid of the point of view and added more plot and what Shelly was doing.

Fall of man Chapter 2 the next morning

Joe woke up, he felt a set of arms and legs wrapped around his body. He looks at a arm

that was around his chest. It was white, black and tan with long hair. He looks at his hand,

he saw it was covered with short course hair. His palm skin was hairless, thicker and heavily

calloused. Joe looked down to the front of his body it was covered in long course white

hair. He turns his head to look at Shelly, she was looking at him with light blue colored


"Joe, are you alright?" asked Shelly.

"I am fine, I just don't like the idea of picking up bodies and heaving them on to a truck,

likes it nothing. I know, I got the features of a sable colored sheltie, I still have the

feelings of a human being" Joe said.

"There is nothing wrong in feeling guilt" said Shelly. Joe looked over to her, she was

changed from a five foot eight woman with long brown hair into a six foot tall tri-colored


"Let's turn on the news and see what's going on"Joe said.

They went in the living room to check the TV again. There was a station on the air showing the news. The news

station was showing a female gray wolf standing at a podium at the white house, one hand on a bible,

the other raised taking the oath, of assuming the office of the president of the united states. The

graphics were reading, recorded yesterday evening, bottom was saying : Speaker of the house to

assume role of U. S. president.

"I sure hope she does a better job than her predecessor"said Shelly.

Joe knew she did not like the other guy. "I am not going to talk politics with you Shelly, all I

do is vote and that' s it, I agree with you, I do hope she does a better job" Joe said. "Look live shot

of the White House".

The news report just went live in side the press room. The announcer said "Ladies and

gentlemen the president of the united states".

"My fellow Americans, we just had a major disaster happen. Not at this nation, the

whole world. Something unknown has gotten released into the atmosphere. I have

appointed a task force to look in to it. I also with deep regret, had to pass a couple of

emergency orders. One to have all able people to have the grim task to collect the casualties

of this disaster. The other is freeze all prices on every thing til further notice, any price

gouging will be punishable by having your business closed and your license of business

suspended. I am recalling half of are armed forces, of what's left back from overseas for the

aiding of national security and defense. We are going to have emergency elections in two

weeks to replace your elected members of congress and state senators that passed away. We

are going to have the presidential election in the schedule time at the year of 2***. That is all,

I am sorry but I am not taking any questions"she said.

"Madam president" called a couple of reporters, as she walked away.

"Well, she's been real busy" Joe said.

"She's got a lot of damage to repair" said Shelly.

"I don't want to have her job right now, I bet she is under a lot of pressure" Joe said.

"Well, I better get dressed. I am not looking forward of what I going to do today." Joe said

he started to get on his clothes. Shelly started fondle his pubic area.

"Joe let's have a little fun before you have to leave" Shelly said, she grabbed his hand and lead

him to her bedroom. She laid him on her bed and removed her panties.

Shelly straddled his body and guided his penis into her vagina, and went at it. Joe thrust his

hips up to her, while holding on to her hips. After a while Joe tighten his grip to her hips to

slow her down, then her vaginal walls tighten and she climaxed. A few minutes later Joe shot

a load into her. "How's that"? She asked.

"Very very nice"Joe answered.

"Oh I not done with you yet". She started sucking on his member, while it was in her mouth

she wrapped her long tongue around it. And after awhile, He let loose another load. She sucked up

every last bit. Then Joe stuck his muzzle between her legs and put his long tongue into vagina and

worked on her clitoris, she moaned as she climaxed again, at the same time Joe got knocked out as

both her thighs hit him.

"Are you ok?," Shelly asked as Joe was waking up.

Joe looked a her and said "How was that?"

"What!! I knock you out and you asked how I am feeling!?" Shelly just looked at Joe.

"That was my first attempted of oral sex on a female anthropomorphic collie, and I was wondering if you

enjoyed it?" Joe replied looking at Shelly.

"Well I did enjoyed it, I am just worried about you" Shelly looked at Joe with a worried look on her face.

"I am alright, just give me a couple of aspirin and I'll be good as new". Joe said rubbing his neck.

She went and got the aspirin, shaking her head.

Later on, Joe was driving to the navy base in Everett. His neck pain was going away, from the earlier fun.

Shelly was upset for what she did to him, she told Joe she didn't have orgasm like that before. She gave him

two more pills in a zip lock bag, in case he need to take them later.

Joe pulled his truck in to the base and was directed to a area to park it. "Joe is that you?" He

turn to the voice and saw a anthro male fox walking up to him.

"Joe it's me John, I see they volunteered you to." He said.

"How are you John"? Joe asked rubbing his neck.

"Uh I am ok, what happen to you"? He asked.

"I was trying something different with Shelly and uh never mind." Joe replied.

"What did she changed into, just curious?" John asked.

"A six foot tall tri-colored collie, and Jill?" Joe remembering the blonde woman he's been dating.

"A fox vixen" he answered.

"Hey you two, get over here!" Said a male Doberman.

Joe and John walked over to him, a name tag on his shirt read the name sgt. Eddie Johnston.

He was a marine wearing a khaki shirt with the blue trousers with the red stripe going down the side.

"Just keep your mouth shut John, I dealt with these guys for four years while I was in the navy." Joe said.

"That is wise advice, squid!" Eddie said.

"Hey I am no longer in the service." Joe replied.

"Well I am in charge, what is your name squid?" Eddie asked.

"Joe D. Marsh" Joe said.

"And you foxy?" He looked at John.

"John T. Wilson" He said.

"Well, my name Sargent Eddie Johnston, just do as I say and well get along." He grinned.

They were lead to a section of the base with a bunch of city buses parked. "Squid, foxy,

you two are with me" Eddie said, standing at the doorway of a Everett transit bus they

walked on to it.

They were bused to the Everett mall, during the trip Joe saw industrial fork-lifts lifting

cars and trucks on to flat bed trailers. The worst Joe saw was body bags being thrown into

dump trucks. They pulled in the mall parking lot and stopped at the auto dealer entrance. The

parking lot was almost emptied of vehicles. There was a semi-truck and trailer near the

entrance door of the mall and a dump truck standing by.

Eddie issued them bio-hazzard suits and rubber gloves, while Joe was getting into the suit he

wrapped his tail around his waist. Then Eddie told them get in to a crew cab truck that had a flat-

bed trailer hooked up to it. Joe and John sat in back while Eddie sat in front. Joe saw the rest of

the bus passengers going to the different stores as their vehicle pulled into the mall.

It was a grim task putting bodies of different types of people in body bags. Later they

ran out, and Eddie broke in to a mattress store and grab all of the sheets and blankets and

had Joe and John use them.

"Joe, John, I am going have to report what I did to that mattress store so you guys

won't get in trouble for looting, so stay right here, I'll be right back." He walked off.

"This sucks, Joe I rather be turning wrenches with my hands covered in engine oil." John said.

"I know, there are some things, I rather be doing now to." Joe picturing Shelly naked on top of him.

"Alright guys break time is over, let's get back to work." Eddie was walking back to them.

"Are you in trouble?" Joe asked

"Nope, marines always adapt in any situation." Eddie replied.

"Any ideas on how they died." asked John.

"I am no doctor, looks like internal hemorrhaging, they got close to one hundred citizens for

autopsies." Eddie said.

They continued on with our grim job. They were taken back to the base at 4:00 PM. "You

guys did alright, I am sorry but you got to be back here tomorrow at 9:00." Eddie said.

"See you tomorrow John." Joe said.

"You to Joe, I'll be at Shelly's at 8:00, be there, ok?" John said.

"Alright, what's going on?" Joe asked John.

"I'll tell you later." Said John.

Shelly was doing the job of moving money electronically on a computer terminal. A male husky walked

up to her. "Are you Shelly H. Smith?"

"Yes" She replied.

"Just to let you know, the things you made an offer on last week are now yours. You can move in tomorrow, you

can pick-up the car at the yard tomorrow to." He hands her a couple sets of keys. He walks off to meet a older white

female wolf.

Shelly looks at the keys. One set had the chevy logo on them, the other set looked like house keys.

"Now to convince Joe to move in with me. I think he will, all I have is my aunt. He just has me.

Joe, I hope you do move in with me. So I can keep an eye on you." She puts the keys in her purse.

Me and Shetland only did minor changes on this chapter. I liked this chapter, I added what Shelly was doing while

Joe was doing the dirty work of cleaning up the dead. I know it takes weeks to process a offer on a house, so I added

Shelly's aunt. To show she might of twisted some arms, to get stuff done fast. Plus get her niece off the job for one


Raven Fox

Author's note: My real older sister is friends with a E R doctor. I have happen to hear a

story from her, about a guy who was having oral sex with his girlfriend while she was

sitting on the toilet. She hit his head when she orgasm with her thighs giving him whiplash.

It was very hard not laugh about that, I just thought to have that incident in this chapter.

Fall of man dawn of a new age chap 1 rewrite

?This story is a work of fiction. . This chapter is the introduction of the world I made up. No hate E-mails, just suggestions, I'll read them and think about using your ideas. I do love the state of Washington, that this chapter takes place in. I...

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