Unwillingly UnFaithful

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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A lioness in heat finds herself experiencing just how aggressive, and persistent males of her species are. Even her own son.

See more stories at https://www.patreon.com/KalansPhantom

Lynia itched slightly, a burn that was curling through her lower belly and growing worse by the moment as she stood in the bathroom and felt the steam curling up over her nude body. The water running was loud in her ears, but not loud enough to distract her from the fact that her body was flush with a need that she was doing her best to ignore. It was deep in her lower belly, spreading with tendrils that left her panting shallowly as she folded her ears down against the line of her head. The pale white-gold lioness stepped forward beneath the water, the sharp heat struck the length of her head in streamers of water that ran against the curve of her neck, her ears spread to either side.

She had woken up last night with the start of her estrus, an all too familiar sensation that had made her realize that she'd skipped the meds she was supposed to be taking to inhibit coming into season. She hadn't meant to skip them, but she had been busy and when she finally remembered it had been far too late. Her body had kicked itself into high gear, beginning to start that deep burning itch that travelled through her swollen passage and signaled the fact that she was ripe and fertile. Her nostrils flared open wide as she picked up the bottle of soap and squirted some of it out so she could begin washing her fur vigorously.

_At least Chijo isn't in town. _ She thought with relief while she scrubbed the soap into her fur vigorously.

Her husband was volatile at the best of times, but she knew that if she were in season he would become possessive and domineering, claiming her with a rough thoroughness that would barely leave her able to walk. Lions were a harsh civilization, no matter how they tried to integrate in the modern world, they were still in touch with the more primal creatures. The males were brutes, driven to hold their females, sometimes even multiples, to breed and have as many offspring as possible, something that meant the females relied on drugs that were meant to subdue their heats to make sure they weren't constantly pregnant. She was lucky that her husband had left town for business, leaving her alone for her heat.

She dipped her head further under the water and tried to ignore the burn between her thighs, the desire to be filled and feel the sharp bite of barbs inside of her to stimulate her into ovulating. The only downside to the drugs she used to subdue her heat were that when she was off of them her estrus was sharp and poignant. It meant that she was burning with it, running a small fever that wasn't going to stop until the pills she had taken had a chance to shut down what was happening. That would be at least 48 hours, and until then she was just going to have to deal with the effects of it and do her best to ignore them where she could.

She took her time in the shower, working the soap over herself, trying to wash away the sensations that were making it hard to think straight. Her soft breathing tried to center herself while she shifted her weight in place again and finally the hot water began to run colder and colder as she ran out the hot water heater. She had begun to feel slightly more herself, though she knew that there wasn't going to be a normal for a while. It made her blow out a breath and give herself a little shake, her ears flapping against the line of her ears while she shifted her weight and stepped out of the shower. Her ears twitched just a little bit, swinging around to listen to the sound of the basement door shutting.

The loud noise made her tip her head to one side and sigh a little bit as she realized that her son must be home. It made her regret the fact her daughter had finally moved out, having another female around would have been a relief, but her fifteen year old son was at least more interested in his video games than anything else. She'd have to avoid him, but that was easy enough, as it was, he rarely even came out of his basement unless she dragged him out. It made her puff out a breath as she wrapped the towel around herself and tried to ignore the fact that her nipples were swollen and perked up on the tips of her breasts.

"This is going to be a long few days." She said softly to herself in the fogged up mirror and gave her head a shake that flapped her ears lightly. "Maybe I'll try a cold shower next."

She opened the bathroom door and felt the blast of cooler air hitting her as she made quick tracks towards the bedroom. She wanted to get dressed and keep herself locked in her room, maybe take a nice long nap. The thought made her tired just thinking about it as she padded into the bedroom and heard the sound of steps coming up the stairs. She shut the door behind her rapidly just as she heard the sound of her son coming upstairs and the thud of his bookbag being thrown to the ground. She stiffened up in reaction and made sure that the door was firmly closed behind her and she leaned against it with a small huff.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Alic twitched his nose slightly as he padded down the hall and picked up the thick scents on the air, the mixture of it had drifted down to him from the moment he'd walked in the door. He had been intending to crash on the couch with his games, but he found his nose working and twitching as he twitched his whispers rapidly with a little pant. His tongue tip just barely pushed between his lips while he tossed his bag down and ran his tongue along the sweep of his lips. He pushed down along the length of his whiskers and he felt his stomach tightening slightly while he let out a rough noise from low in his throat. His breathing was coming faster, panting out in a little rush while he shifted his weight and twitched his ears back.

"Mom?" He called out and his voice came out as a growl as the scent was stronger near the bathroom, steam was still creeping out of the open door.

It was growing until he could taste it on his tongue and his body stiffened up in reaction, his sheath bulging with a surge of desire. His breathing was too fast, his chest was tight feeling as he ran his tongue over his lips again and panted out a low growl. Heat, estrus, the thick fertile scent was flooding his senses and made his heart start to pound faster. He had smelled it before, it had been at school and quite light, but half the guys in his class had been worked up into a near fighting fury until their teacher had sent the girl home. This was nothing compared to that scent, this was thick and harsh, making his entire body run hot and cold in turns.

He let out a lower growl as he moved towards the bedroom door that had been shut, his eyes flashing a little bit as he parted his jaws and stuck out the tip of his tongue. He started to breathe faster and rolled the taste along the roof of his mouth. It was growing heavier by the moment, making her sway slightly while he whined out a breath. That scent, how could she take away that scent, it was right there beyond the door while he growled and shifted his weight. His tail was twitching back and forth while he tried to open the door, but it was locked. Why would it be locked? He huffed and growled out slightly, his ears folding down tight to his head as he gave a rough knock against the door.

"Mom!" He snapped out angrily and he heard the growl entering his voice. "Did you lock the door?"

"I'm just getting dressed, hon, it's fine." She responded and that only roused a surge of anger in him as the scent of her heat began to grow fainter.

"Let me in!" He snapped out angrily, his breathing catching in the back of his throat as he did so.

"Just a minute!" The cheerful response only made his anger grow as he felt the arousal building low in his chest.

There was a fertile female here, and she was denying him, the locked door a slap in the face that had him growling low in his throat as he threw his shoulder against the door. It rattled loudly and he heard her moving on the other side, but she wasn't coming to obey him the way that she thought he should. His breathing was rapid and short, turning into a loud snarl of frustration when he wasn't given the appropriate response. How dare she hide herself away from him? She was a female, and females meant that they were to be used for the pleasure of the males. It was outrageous that she thought she could simply ignore his demand. He curled his lips back with a sharp snarl that vibrated from low in his throat.

It was a new sensation, one that he had only felt the briefest touches of when he'd been at school around other females, but this was more all consuming. His mother was in his house, there were no other males around, by rights she belonged to him. The idea that she was locking herself away from him only fueled the pounding of his fist before he grabbed the doorknob and gave a shove. The bedroom door wasn't like the door to a house, it was hollow and as he threw his weight against it he heard the lock give under the pressure. His loud snarl echoed in his ears as he pushed his way into his parents room to see his mother trying to button up a pair of pants, completely topless.

And smelling of estrus...

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Alic!" Lynia said with a nervous edge of fear as her son glared at her with his eyes narrowed down on her and his lips twisted back in a snarl.

In her mind, she had seen him as a cub still, chubby and easy going, a little moody, but nothing that she hadn't been able to handle with some amount of ease. Now, now she was staring at a young male lion, the line of his mane had been growing in to show that he was well into puberty, but now she was aware of his size. His weight and muscle that he had been putting on while he had been in football was evident as he flared his nostrils and his amber eyes locked on her with a sharp suck of breath. His tail lashed wildly behind him as he advanced step by steady step, his teeth bared with anger and she immediately shrank backwards.

"I can smell you." He growled the words out, thick and deep sounding while his tongue darted out briefly. "You're trying to hide from me."

"I'm your mother!" She snapped back, putting force in her voice even as her body reacted to the sight of the male standing in front of her with eyes that were blazing with desire. "Get out of here, right now, young man!"

"When you smell of need?" He answered and took another stiff step forward, not even reacting to her tone of voice.

There was lust in his eyes, blazing as she stumbled backwards and gave a little shake of her head while the thick hot musk of the male filled the room. It wasn't like the scent that she was used too, it wasn't as thick as her husband's, but it was still male and made her chest tighten strangely. She kept backing up, her ass soon pushed right up against the line of the dresser as her son advanced on her with intent, reaching out with one hand that grabbed her breast roughly, his fingers flexing down with a slide of claws that dragged against her bare skin. She tried to push him away, but he snarled at her, his muzzle looming in close to her own as his body shoved against her with a demand that no son should have had for her mother.

She tried to shove her roughly against his chest, but he refused to be budged, his low throated growl was thick and heavy in the back of the throat while he clutched against her. There was a grip that refused to let her go, refusing to back off as he pushed against her and his body didn't feel like a child's at all. The lips were twisted back to show the sharp white teeth and he huffed out a heavy breath of her scent and the bulge of his pants pushed against her. She snarled at him, trying to push free, but the broad paws only clutched her harder before letting out a sharp angry snarl.

"Did you think you were too good for me?" He snarled at her and gave a rough grind, forcing upwards. "Think you could just hide in here?"

"N-no, Alic! This is your Mom! Stop this immediately!" Lynia panted out as he fondled her breasts again, kneading and squeezing with a rake of his claws.

"You reek of heat, were you fingering yourself in here?" He panted out and licked his lips hotly. "All alone, when what you need is my seed in your belly..."

He roughly reached down and she wasn't able to do anything to stop him as he ripped at her jeans, tearing roughly to pull them off of her naked body, causing her to jerk in place and her eyes flashed open wide with fear and outrage. He pushed her pants down shamelessly and panted out a breath, his eyes wild looking as he adjusted his weight and refused to listen to her struggles to get free. Her fighting shoves and movements only seemed to excite him as he jerked her away from the dresser. There was a sudden shove, throwing her towards the bed with a snarl, leaving her scrabbling to pull her pants back up to cover her estrus laden mound.

She wasn't able to pull it up nearly enough before her son was on her with a snarl, shoving her back onto the bed and flipping her so that his head forced her muzzle against the mussed up coverlet. She writhed and let out a noise as he tore her pants off entirely, throwing them away so that he could lay her nude body out with her legs hanging over the bed. Her nostrils flared open wide, gulping down a breath as she bucked beneath him and his jaws suddenly dropped down and jaws closed down against the nape of her neck. The teeth sank down roughly and yanked her head up in a dominant hold that sent spasms racing through her body, her fingers curled against the ground while she bucked in place.

"Let... go!" She snarled out, her anger building as she began to pant a bit faster while her own son shifted above her.

"No... I deserve to fuck you.." He growled out against her neck, his voice muffled and rough sounding.

There was a maturity to his voice, a thick rough noise that was entirely masculine in his desire and she knew that he wasn't going to let her go. He was like his father, the hot breath was puffing out in waves that ran along the nape of her neck and caused her to squirm in place. It was a reaction that roiled low in her belly, making her breath come in short shuddering gasps while he gave a grind, his covered pants shifting against her until one of his hands moved between them. There was a small tug and pull, startling her as she was forced to feel the jeans loosen and spread open. The sudden spread of the fabric treated her to the shocking feel of her son's bare cock pushing right up against the line of her ass with a forceful grind that made her realize that he wasn't going to let this go.

Her heart was pounding rapidly and it wasn't stopping as she tried to make her heat fogged mind work, the rank sharp musk of the young male was making it hard to think, harder than she wanted. She felt the deliberate slide against her ass, the grind that scraped barbs against her bare fur and made her shudder. She had to regain control somehow, she couldn't keep him from fucking her, but she could keep things from going too far, she had to keep things from going too far!

"Th-then at least.. get condoms... from the drawer." She panted out. "Just reach over and grab them, then you can f-fuck me."

The last word came out with a choked noise she couldn't stop as her teenage son huffed out and shifted above her. To her relief he moved to one side, straining towards the end table. She let out a breathy little noise as he dragged open the drawer and fumbled through it for the condoms that she kept there. She could sometimes talk his father into wearing them, but now she was desperately grateful that they didn't use them often and there were plenty left. It didn't take him long to pull out a string of foil packets out and she let out a sigh of relief.

"There they are.." He panted out and flung them onto the bed, right in front of her nose. "Plenty."

"I'll put one on you." Lynia said with the relief plain in her voice while she shifted her weight up only to be shoved back down to the bed. "ALIC!"

"No... I think.. not.." He growled out and the teeth gripped her nape again while he used his paws to force her legs open to either side.

She writhed and felt a surge of fear that was rising up in the air and causing her to pant shallowly, her eyes glazing before the length of the bare cock nudged up right between her lips. The grinding shove sent out a dribble of precum, drooling messily along her soft outer lips and the barbs raked against her, dragging backwards with just enough force that caused her to feel the rough scraped against her aching body. It nearly stroked against the bud of her clit, sharp pain rocking through her as she jerked in place. Her breathing came out in a rush while she balled her fingers down against the covers, her lips parting with each little noise before Alic's cock tip caught right against her swollen tender opening.

He didn't hesistate to give a plunge forward, his hips quivering slightly as he forced his engorged flesh into her passage, stretching him open wider and wider. The burning pain ran through her as he pushed his way home with a sudden jerk of his hips, causing her body to jerk in place. She cried out raggedly, her lips parted open wide as she writhed in place only to feel another thrust push through her. Her walls opened up wider and wider, swallowing around the stiff length until she was writhing in place. Her inner walls started to squeeze down immediately as she felt the brush of the barbs raking through her at all the wrong angles. She choked out another cry as the hips gave another rolling thrust forward and shoved her ass up in the air.

The flex was twitching, drooling out a dribble of precum that was growing by the moment, smearing through her as the grip on her neck flexed down roughly and pulled dominantly. The length of the stiffened spire began to work deeper inside of her, bottoming out with a rough plunge that made her feel the balls pushing up against the curve of her ass. Her inner walls contracted down again, squeezing and giving a powerful drag as the barbs flared open and he began to draw backwards. The pain was sharp and immediate, rushing over her as her body reacted with a powerful spasm that had her stomach tightening down. The painful drag of those barbs worked through her, deliberately making her body react as cramps rippled across her ovaries to prep them for releasing their eggs.

Her moan spilled out roughly, humiliating her even as her son gave a plunge back into her body again, splitting her open wide, making sure that she was trapped. Her breathing was ragged, her entire body jerked in place and tried to break free of the hold on her. He put more of his weight down against her bare back and his breath was hot against the nape of her neck and her entire body felt the impact of her own son's hips against her. The thrusts were lewd and obscene sounding, pulling around her at all the wrong angles as the barbs raked through her painfully, leaving burning lines running through her and she choked out another protest as the hot slimy precum drooled out of the tip and dribbled deep inside of her.

She could feel it churning and mixing with her own juices, messily smearing over the edges and pushing outwards as there was a powerful series of thrusts inside of her. The barbs kept spreading open wide, straining wider and making her clamp down tightly. The sharp pain had her letting out a choked noise and her body arched upwards, writhing and trying to push her son off as the weight of his balls slapped against her. They were heavy and swollen feeling, stretching open as she felt the small spasms running over her belly. The sharp painful pressure growing by the moment as she panted heavily and her body arched upwards with a sudden spasm.

"Please.. don't.." She got the words out, strained and turning into a high pitched cry as her son yanked against the nape of her neck.

The scruff was pulled backwards tight, making sure to keep her pinned in place with no hope of evading his attention as she gave a jerk and felt the sudden squeeze of the cock tip pushing in deeper. The barbs began to stand out to either side, growing erect so that they were ripping through her body, stimulating her, making her unwillingly react to him. She struggled to contain herself, to make her body ignore the flashes of heat and pressure running through her. They were growing worse by the moment, twisting through her belly and making her give a small jolt and push her ass up higher in the air. The cock sank in deep, every last inch seating inside of her as the cock tip nudged right up against the barrier of her cervix.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Alic sucked down a breath, his entire body rigid with pleasure and delight at the feel of the feverish hot length that was swallowing up along the length of his cock. The small twitches and spasms caused him to snarl softly, his eyes narrowed down a little bit as his mother tried to writhe out from beneath him. The feeling of the fight caused him to feel a surge of rage as his teeth yanked back harder. His panting breath sent out waves of heat, flushing downwards the back of the neck while the fingers moved to slide right up against the curve of her hips and felt her body shuddering as he pushed his cock tip right up against her cervix and some part of him felt a flush of raw pleasure and eagerness run through him.

The waves tantalized, keeping him worked up while he drew back and his barbs spread outwards to catch against that swollen hot flesh. That sensation sent another jolt through him, startling him and he delighted in the knowledge that the way his barbs were working through the passage and he felt them lifting upwards, the tugs stimulating him until he was letting out a panting breath and the precum was dribbling out in a thicker roll. It trickled down along the outside of her passage, running in strands, spilling through her as the hips roiled and arched beneath him, the attempts to get away only making it more pleasurable for him.

He'd fucked girls before, but never one in heat, never with the exquisite muscle control that left him feeling as if his cock was being dragged and pulled, the movements trying to drink down every last drop of his precum into the depths of her fertile body. It was enough that his tail began to lash back and forth wildly behind him. His snarling cries were sharp and loud in her ears as he withdrew a few inches and he allowed himself to bask in the way his barbs flared out again. He choked out a lewd moan of pleasure as she gave another wild writhe beneath him. Her hips were jerking upwards at an odd angle and he found himself pushing even deeper.

His glans pushed forward deep enough to actually push up against the line of her cervix. He felt her body seizing up around him, trying to grasp and hold onto his length as he let out a series of short shivering pants. His eyes squeezed tightly shut, his body adjusting and changing, every last moment was worked through until he could feel the line of his back growing tense. His lips twisted backwards and showed his teeth as he gave a small series of thrusts that were designed to stimulate his barbs, uncaring of the high pitched cry that erupted from his mother. The sound of pain only egging him on and making him crave more of her fertile body to use for his own pleasure.

I should have done this before.. gods she's tight. I didn't imagine she could be so tight.. Alic thought with another arch of his muscled back.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Lynia was shuddering under the feeling as the spill of precum was dribbling out, oozing along the dilate opening of her passage as her ovaries began to release her ripe tender eggs into her waiting womb. She kicked her legs a little and tried to writhe out from under him, but he only snarled angrily and began to saw his prick in and out of her gaping cunny. The powerful movements making sure that he was impaling him at the apex of each stroke. The balls were pulling upwards again, tightening as they went and her body trembled in place as her stomach muscles tensed up once more. Her breathing wheezed out heavily and she squeezed her eyes shut.

He was moving his hips in a deliberate series of movements that were designed to work the barbs through her, finding places that made her body react with powerful ripples. Her breathing a little too fast, making her feel dizzy as the next thrust pushed him right up against her cervix. That light touch sent a thrill of lightning through her body that brought a cry from low in her throat and tearing upwards. The loud sound of it rang in her ears as she threw her head backwards and her tongue curled outwards from between her lips. Her body jerked slightly and he pushed down harder against her as there was a sudden spill of precum, hot and sticky feeling and pushing deep enough she felt an edge of warmth caressing her and bringing on more panic.

"Don't cum.. please.. not in me... you can't.." She was choking on the words, begging Alic even as her son snarled again and there was a powerful hunch of the hips that tucked inwards.

She felt his balls twitching, the length of his cock was swelling open wider and wider, engorging so that the barbs roughly dragged through her again. They were tearing and leaving reddened furrows along her sleek passage, making sure that she was trapped and unable to think straight past the next spasm that hit her. She choked back a noise as her son gave another rolling thrust forward and the length of the cock started to twitch inside of her. He pushed his paws against her hips, the talons were sliding free to scrape against her bare flesh in furrows that left her gasping for breath before the next rake tore the barbs through her passage and nearly slipped all the way free.

"STOP!" She shrieked the word out, fear twisting through her stomach as she felt her son pushing towards his peak.

The next thrust came with an obscene squelching noise, juices churned together messily while the teeth actually punctured the line of her neck and she let out a choked yowl of pleasure. She couldn't stop herself, her body reacted to the feel the barbs catching right along the opening of her cervix and there was no escape. She felt her son's balls heaving upwards, twitching and churning as he tucked his hips down tight and went still. His roar was loud and choking, ringing in her ears as the first hot stream of cum began to bubble up along the length of him and sent out a creamy mixture that poured out, rope after heavy sperm laced rope right into her vulnerable womb.

The barbs were forcibly squeezed into her swollen tender flesh as her passage suckled and pulled around the cock, each fresh rake making her body react to him greedily. She had no escape, her body was trapped and her hips were twitching slightly as her lips parted open wide. She felt each contraction of the balls, the heaves upwards and pressure that sent another warm squirt of the thick cream rushing into the depths of her passage. She felt the contractions rippling through her, one after another, making sure that she was absolutely pinned in place and forced to feel each new twitch of seed inside of her belly.

She couldn't do anything to evade it, the wetness and warmth were spreading ever deeper inside of her and growing worse by the moment. His balls were churning and working, thick with rich sperm and flushing ever deeper so that she was shuddering and arching herself in place. The world narrowed down to just the feeling of the twitching throbbing flesh inside of her and the barbs that left burning sensations spreading through her lower belly. Her breath came out in a little pant, lips parted and her tongue tip sticking out while she arched her body and then relaxed back down again with a throaty groan. This couldn't be happening to her, but there was no pretending it wasn't happening, not when her body was flush and ripe with her heat.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Chijo had his ears back with exhaustion as he padded into his house for the first time in over a week, grateful to be off the train, out of the cab and away from the masses of people that were travelling to work. He had known that going home a day early was going to be busy considering the time, but it had been worth it in his mind until he'd been crammed onto public transport. The lion moved his hand up to smooth his dark black mane back from his eyes and set his bags down in the garage, peeling his shoes off with a little kick. He did his best to contain his anger and irritation, replacing it with relief as he padded into the rec room and drew in a deep steadying breath.

He hadn't enjoyed being out of town, it always irritated him to leave his wife at home, but that was nothing new. Most lions were territorial, it was part of the territory, just like many stallions and wolves were, but they were supposed to be civilized. That's what he'd been raised to believe, but he didn't feel that way that often, many times he felt as if he were clinging to a weak thread and struggling to remain calm. It didn't help that Lynia was beautiful, witty and desirable, making him all the more concerned that others might get a sense of what he'd caught. He lashed his tail as he took the stairs up to the main part of the house two at a time.

"Lynia?" He rumbled as he came to the living room and twitched his ears, catching the faint scent of his son on the air. "I decided to come home early, be able to have some-"

He was continuing on with the pleasantry, but he froze as he took a deeper breath, past the familiar musk of his young son and caught something pungent and aggressive. The reek of sexually active male was filling the air, the musk that was used to mark a female as their own and it was making him pant out a little bit with a snarl that vibrated low in his throat. The sudden surge of anger made his chest tighten as his breathing came out in a hot rush as he parted his jaws and extended his tongue slightly to suck in the scent. The rutting male scent grew thicker as he heard sounds from the bedroom and he was already moving. He wasn't even thinking about it as he rushed through the hall and he choked out what was nearly a roar of anger.

"LYNIA!" He roared those words, the warmth and pleasure in his voice replaced with raw rage as he slammed the door open and found his wife still naked in the bedroom.

Her fur was mussed up, flattened to one side and showing every sign that she had had it pressed flat to the bed. Her eyes were glazed and her neck fur was stiff with what looked like saliva from a male biting at her neck. His entire bedroom was rank with the scent of another male, making him see red as he twisted his lips back and his hand closed around the doorknob, nearly breaking it with his rage. His body was shuddering in place as he tried to contain it, but it was an impossibility as he took a step and his eyes jerked down to see his wife's cunny wet and drooling cum, reddened from being fucked by an intruder, and he sucked in a breath before letting it out in a shivering wave. His stomach muscles were bunched up as he took another shaking step forward.

"Chijo... I.." She started and her voice was rough sounding, her breathing was coming a little too fast.

He swung his eyes around the room as if half expecting to see the male crouching and hiding somewhere, ready to attack him. He gave his tail another lash and another, realizing that the scent was not quite fresh. He balled his fists up and his eyes blazed with outrage as his wife dared to shrink back and look at him with guilt and horror in her eyes. She had cheated on him, she had cheated on him with some damned male. The rank scent of lion wasn't able to be hidden, not when he could tip his head back and gulp down a breath and then another. And worse, he could smell something else on the air as he took another step forward and slammed the door behind him with enough force a few pictures fell off the wall.

His wife was in season. The thick scent of it was thick and heavy, mixing on the air and growing worse by the moment, causing him to pant out and his vision darkened even further with red. She wasn't supposed to be in heat. He spent a small fortune on damned pills that were meant to control her estrus because she didn't want to have any more children. She had said that she was too old to want more, and he'd believed the whore. She hadn't been in season in over a year, and yet here she was, reeking of her heat while he wasn't expected home. What the hell had she thought he would do? Just let it pass? Not question when she showed up pregnant?

Probably blame the pills for not working right.. He snarled to himself, imagining her passing off another male's cub as his own. It was enough for him to taste bile rising in the back of his throat. I'll make her pay, by god, she will carry my offspring one way or another.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"SLUT!" Chijo roared loud enough that the very walls vibrated. "Did you think I wouldn't be able to smell that another male has fucked you? And in heat?!"

Lynia stared at her mate in all of his anger and shrank back on herself as he paced in front of her with lips that were twisted back with rage. She felt her heart pounding in her ears as he was in fuel display, his lips parted and his breathing harsh and ragged as he raged at her. There had been no real way to hide what had happened to her, not when her son had used her repeatedly during her heat. His calm assumption that he was supposed to simply behave that way was mortifying as he did his best to make sure she would be carrying his offspring. It had gone on all the way until her husband had come home and she knew that she wasn't going to be able to hide what had happened to her.

When he had arrived here, there had been cum drooling from her pussy still, she had been frantically trying to clean herself up when he'd stormed into the bedroom. She hadn't been able to hide what had been done, not when it was right there on her inner thighs. She had felt ashamed, flustered and stammering a little bit as she had tried her best to come up with an excuse, but nothing had come to her lips. She hadn't been able to think straight, not with the mature thick scent of enraged lion on the air choking her.

_I can't let him know it was Alic, he'll kill him. _ The visceral knowledge that a male lion would and could thrash or even kill his male offspring was something every lioness grew up knowing.

She felt a little shiver run down the length of her back and spread outwards at the thought of him finding out. Her back tensed up and her breathing began to come a little faster as she had immediately lied. She'd talked about a man she'd met when she had been out shopping, she'd known she shouldn't leave while she was in heat and it was her fault. She'd made excuses, but they weren't anything like the truth, it meant that her husband was in a rage and he was constantly moving. The pacing movements back and forth were short and jerky as she sat on the edge of the bed, her heart still hammering wildly in place.

"Since you have decided to be a whore, than I reserve the right to invoke our prenuptial agreement." Chijo snarled out, his voice holding an edge of satisfaction. "That is the only way that this ends, with you fat with my cubs one way or the other."

His voice was cold and sent a chill running down the line of her back and her eyes widened to show white as she stiffened up. It was a standard clause that was written into any lion marriage. There was always a portion that described what they would do if a female was unfaithful. Most simply outlined that the lioness would be turned out and forbidden any alimony, she would be disgraced and agreed to leave the city with any offspring she carried that wasn't her mates. Hers was a little different, taking into account the age they lived in, her husband had outlined that if she were unfaithful for him, if she were in season, he would be able to chemically alter her for his pleasure.

The drugs that could be used would force her into fertility, something that forced her to not only ovulate, but release more eggs than should have been naturally possible. It meant that she would bear more than the normal amount of offspring, in fact, it would make sure that she would carry up to six cubs at a time, a real litter. It was dangerous and outrageous, and at the time she had just smiled a bit and shaken her head at her mate's willingness to forgive her any transgressions. Now, she realized that if he did this, she would be risking her own life trying to carry so many cubs. Evolution had taken them away from bearing litters for a reason.

"Ch-chijo.." She stammered and he narrowed his orange-yellow eyes at her, his lips curling backwards with an edge of white teeth.

"Think you're too good for that, eh? Think you're so good that you deserve to be pampered for cheating on me?" He snarled out angrily, the lips twisted backwards further. "Maybe you think you should be rewarded?"

"NO!" She protested as he moved out of the way, padding towards the door with a lash of his tail. "I just.. please, Chijo, I'm sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen, I forgot to take my pills and then it was too late..."

"Excuses. You knew you were in heat when you left the house." He snapped out, his ears folding down flat against his head. "You will be grateful I don't kick you out of this house. Come here!"

The rough snarl came with a yank against her shoulder, pulling her off the bed so that she was stumbling and his claws bit down roughly against her as his enraged face loomed above her. His eyes were blazing as he forced her back down onto the bed and she cried out, trying to squirm free simply from fear as he wrinkled his nose up in disgust when he shoved a knee up between her legs. He forced her to open them up for him, showing the strands of cum that glazed her pussy and she jerked her head up to try and look as vulnerable as she could manage. It didn't appease the male, instead it only seemed to make him furious as he forced her legs open wider.

"Slut!" He snarled out and freed up one hand to reach down for his belt, pulling the buckle of his belt open. "Do you think I'd just overlook this? Let you saunter away with another male's cum in your belly?"

"Please.." She panted out the word and shrank back as he pushed his hand roughly against her bare shoulder.

He unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants, the line of his soft sheath visible, the tawny gold and white of it standing out and pushed his pants open enough to reach down to grasp the pouch of flesh. The tip of the red cock just barely slipped out, fat and glistening wetly in the light as he aimed his way down at her coated lips. At first, she thought that he'd end up getting hard and fucking her right here and now, the thought making her tense up and her stomach muscles bunched up in all the wrong ways. She tried to writhe her way free as he huffed out and a few more inches of his cock flesh jutted out from his sheath and he pulled himself down nearly touching her well fucked mound.

She wasn't prepared for the stream of piss that escaped him, hot and burning as it erupted out of the tip and poured along the length of her lips. The sharp acrid scent of it filled her nostrils until she was nearly choking on it, her eyes watering in horror as she choked out a soft protest and there was another stream of it hitting her as he lowered himself. The trickle was washing away some of the cum, coating her inner walls and marking her with the raw musk-scent of her husband. She knew that scent, but it was sharper now, as if the knowledge another male had fucked her had made him more feral.

He didn't hesitate as he dropped his hips and pushed his cock tip up, catching between her pussy lips and just barely pushing inside of her. The hot streamers of cum poured out in a wash that flushed into the depths of her passage, washing out the cum as she choked on the scent that had her dropping her head down. Her cheeks were flushed hotly in humiliation as there was another wave that poured out and trickled down against the line of his ass. The messy splatter coated and caused her to whine out a little bit in horror, feeling it and he grunted out as he flashed a feral smile at her. She knew that the piss would kill her son's sperm, what hadn't reached a potential goal, but it was feral and demeaning.

"That's right, you're mine, now whatever damn male that has been fucking you will know that." He hissed into her face and pulled his hips up, the last few dribbles running along her stomach. "Get up, go into the hall cupboard and bring back the little amber bottle marked Feritcel."

"Y-you.. have it already?" She asked and swallowed as he stood up and yanked his shirt open, a few buttons popping off. "I've never-"

"Call it a... safe guard, because I'll be damned if I'd let another male's seed take root in you while I wait for a prescription." He responded and she felt the heat burning her ears as she stood up and slunk towards the open bedroom door.

Ferticel was called a miracle drug, something that was used to make sure that a female was able to carry and conceive. It was mostly used with mix species' couples that needed the help, when used on a more natural pairing, it could make a female over ovulate. There were warnings about doing it that way, warnings about how many females had ended up so overly swollen with offspring that they hadn't made it to birth. Just going into the cabinet and finding it tucked away in the back made her stomach bunch up oddly and she let out a wheezing breath as she felt the liquid moving about in the bottle. It made her whiskers flatten down to either side of her muzzle in a fearful grimace before she returned to the bedroom.

Her husband had stripped off his clothes roughly, pulling them free and throwing them in a heap in the corner of the room. The sight of his tawny body nude and muscular made her feel strange with her stomach bunching up. She tried not to think about the piss that coated her inner thighs, the humiliation of him actually pissing on her making her stomach roil oddly before she gave her head a wild little shake. She tried to clear the rest of her thoughts, but they were slow and strange feeling as her body's heat made her react to him even as she dreaded what he was going to do.

"Time to pay your due." He growled at her, the thick voice ragged with an edge of lustful desire and rage.

The emotions were blending together as he reached out to grab the bottle and cracked it open. He reached down to his still damp sheath and tipped the bottle upwards so that the syrupy mixture started to drool out of the opening and coated down along the furred opening. It was drooling into the depths messily, rivulets spread over the edges and drooled down further. It made her fold her ears down flat to her head and she flinched as he gestured with one paw down towards the ground with a demanding jab. The gesture didn't need any words to tell him what she was supposed to do, and her cheeks heated up.

She had expected him to make her drink it, but instead, she dropped down to her knees at his feet and he took a step forward with a wobble of his head swollen balls. They were bouncing against the inner thighs, weighty and promising as she let out a noise from low in her throat. She didn't want to do this, she didn't want the drug, but she wasn't able to refuse him, not if she wanted to keep herself from ending up on the streets and pregnant with her son's child. She felt her eyes watering a little bit as the rough hand grabbed her by the back of her neck and yanked her forward, her muzzle smearing up against the fat sheath and the trails of the drug that dribbled downwards.

"Go on, whore, lick, lick like you probably licked your lover's cock." He snarled out and she couldn't even protest as her nose pushed down harder.

Her tongue was forced out, scraping against the length of the sheath so that she felt a smear of the drug coating her tongue in a rather bitter mixture. She licked out again, the powerful movements rolled upwards with a drag that raked and pulled, slipping up higher in the air. The mixture was coating her tongue and the taste was growing thicker, strangely bitter and the musk was growing as he gripped harder and forced her head in tighter. She bathed the outer edges of his sheath, darting and smoothing downwards before slipping back up. The tip of the tongue pushed right up against the opening of the sheath and there was a squelching noise as there was a dribble of thick drugs that were oozing outwards.

She had to lick it up, the bitter taste that flowed down along the course of her tongue and she was pushing down further. She suckled and dragged, her muzzle opening up as she lavished her attention on the cock even as the drug burned down the length of her tongue. It felt hot as it trailed down the back of her throat, uncomfortably spreading the sensation so that she was whining out. Her breathing came out a little too fast, hot and humid as she did her part, seeking out the drug to swallow down. Her lips pushed with a bit more force, working and massaging, her tongue starting to push downwards along the line of the sheath. She suckled with a little more heat pushing so that she felt the taste of the hot bare flesh pushing out.

She flinched a little bit and splayed her ears to either side of her head as the length of the cock started to push outwards smoothly. The inches running along the spread of her tongue and growing a bit thicker, feeling the edge of the barbs as he huffed out hotly. The hand moved to press against the top of her head, flexing downwards with just a bit of force as he gave a rolling pull backwards. There was another thrust upwards and suddenly more of the flesh pushed out, filling her muzzle and he roughly pinned her head in place as he hardened. The snarl rang in her ears, loud sounding and her tongue swept up again, slurping with a little trail against the bulge of the glans.

There was a sudden trickle of precum oozing out, spilling to either side of her tongue and she suckled again obediently. The harsh sound of his pleasure was too loud in her ears as she was forced to feel the cock stuffing its way into her throat. The length of it was forcing its way down her throat and the hold on her head refused to let her pull back. She choked as the cock tip started to sink home and she gagged again, her throat tightening down again, the small movement making her give a small jolt. The chemical taste of the drug began to fade slightly, replaced with the harsh musk of the lion, causing her to tighten her throat painfully down again before she pulled backwards.

When she fought him there was a rough hiss of pleasure and he deliberately made her deep throat him, the fat length of his cock bulging her muzzle open before the barbs opened up inside of her. They scraped along her throat and made her choke and gag, her throat tightening and relaxing in turns as she tried to deal with the burning sensation. He huffed out again and his hips twitched, sawing in and out just enough to torment her with the pain of the barbs working through her, digging deep inside of her throat. Her lips tightened down again, flexing a little bit with a lewd wet slurping noise.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Chijo glared down at his wife with rage bubbling up from low in his belly and he kept his hand on her, refusing to let her back up as her lips closed around him. The drug had been thick and syrup like as it had coated his length so that his wife had to lick it clean. His anger hadn't stopped at all, no matter that she was doing her best to make up for what she had done, the transgressions. She had cheated on him, some other male had been inside of her, on her and she had allowed it while being in heat. The very idea that she had put herself into heat after begging to be allowed to no longer be impregnated had been the last straw in his choice to do this to her. To make sure that her body was pushed to the brink of her fertility.

The way she stretched herself out even angered him since he saw the way her neck was marked by a male grabbing at her. He didn't even know who it was or if he knew them, all he knew was that he was beyond outraged. When he'd married her he'd made sure to put in a clause to punish her if she ever so much as stepped out of line in being faithful. He refused to allow himself to be turned into a cuckold, and now that she had crossed that line, he was counting on the drug to counteract what had been done to possibly impregnate her. Already his piss was working to kill the sperm in her belly, hoping that he was at least in time for that much. It had been a visceral pleasure to do that to her, to mark her, coat her in his piss.

"Come on, you can do better!" He snarled down at her roughly and gave another firm thrust and grind forward.

He stuffed her maw with his twitching cock, feeling her struggle to pull backwards to get away from his attention and he refused to let her. He rasped the barbs through her throat because he enjoyed the way that she was gripping around him and suckling. The small movements tantalizing him as he shuddered just a little bit and then lashed his tail behind him. He leaned forward over her and began to fuck her muzzle and throat without a care on how she choked and gagged around his length, the jaws were suckling and squeezing. The small movements were pulling and dragging out more of the thick mixture that was used to prime her body for him, exactly the way he wanted it.

The scent of her was growing stronger, helping to chase away some of the male's scent, much of it still clinging to her body despite the thick mixture of his musk. The mixture would begin to spread through her lower belly and trigger her ovaries to give up enough ova for nearly half a dozen heats. He would fuck her until he was sure that she was going to grow so fat with his offspring that she wouldn't even be able to stand up. She'd be waddling and panting just to manage a few steps. It sent a shiver rushing down the curve of his back and grew by the moment as he gave a series of wild plunges and thrusts forward. Hard and brutal, forcing into her to the point that she started to arch and gag again, jerking away.

When she dragged backwards while the tongue swept up against the underside of the barbs, raking a little bit and then he was stuffing his way home again. He felt the barbs spreading open, catching her and raking, tearing into the tender throat and he didn't give a damn. She should feel pain after what she had done. She should hurt and whimper, the tears in her eyes only served to arouse him further as he began to shorten his thrusts and gave her less and less time to brace herself. The little jerks and spasms only added to his enjoyment as his balls slapped right up against the line of the chin. The messy twitches and her lips squeezed down again as she choked out a sound like a sob.

The small convulsions rippled and started to tighten even that much further as the barbs raked and tore a bit further backwards. There was a small pull that caused him to shove forward again, the nose stuffed right up against his lower belly with a jerking lift upwards. The swell of his cock grew larger, filling out and making her jerk backwards again, the shove pushed and gave a little turn that sent the barbs tearing back out of her throat again. He could feel her body reacting to that pain, the sharp moments that had her trembling and he savored them, hissing out while the pressure started to rise by the moment.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"That's right, slut.." He growled down at her and she rolled her eyes up to look at her husband as he forced every last inch into her muzzle.

He had never been a small male, but before he had always let her take him as much as was comfortable. They could be rough sometimes, but nothing like this, this was painful and immediate, straining her open to the point that she was gagging again in response. She worked her lips and flexed, pulling back a little bit before the barbs raked through her throat and made her seize up with another loud gagging noise. Her breath was too fast and she licked her tongue up against the line of the glans, catching barbs that were sharp as they roughly pulled along the roof of her mouth and her husband snarled out in response.

He leaned over her and then started to thrust with a brutal series of strokes that were working through her. The sharp immediate pain ran through her as she struggled to pull backwards while she felt the cock tip jabbing deep inside of her throat again. She was closing down, her breathing came out in a short burst, eyes watering slightly and growing worse by the moment as he ruthlessly began to use her muzzle. The fingers dug down against the top of her head, making her hold still rather than being able to relieve any of the pressure as the cock forced into the depths of her throat. There was a sudden sharp scrape, the drag raked and made her choke again, tightening so that he was snarling out a sound of pleasure.

It was obvious that he was enjoying himself, sampling her in a way that left her jolt a little bit while she tried to squirm back again, the pain tearing through her as he snarled down. Her lips flexed a little bit, tightening and feeling the twitch that sent out a stream of precum right into her muzzle. She had to swallow, there was no other choice as she licked upwards and the barbs raked along the spread of her tongue. They were stimulating him in all the wrong ways, making her jerk backwards a little bit and he began to thrust in powerful driving thrusts. He violated her throat brutally, making her writhe in place just a little bit as she hissed out again.

She gave a little pull and then he was driving back home again, the ruthless exploration made sure that she was shuddering and tears began to roll down her cheeks. They were wet and darkening her fur as she swallowed around the cock, some of the precum escaping along the curve of her lower lip. The barbs slid through her, raking and tearing, her tender throat opening up wider and running furrows along her throat. She tasted the coppery edge of blood as the barbs were used to tear through her throat, her breathing wheezed out in a rush. She balled her fists up tightly and grabbed his hips, trying to brace even as his barbs worked through her again.

She couldn't take it, it was like alcohol on a raw wound, stinging until she was constantly trying to suckle and squeeze. She felt the twitching of the cock working deeper and there was a splatter of precum, oozing downwards through her so that she was tightening down with a swallow. The powerful movement made her suckle, dragging along the stiffened length that was jerking upwards again. She pulled nearly all the way off when his hand shifted and forced her head forward. He made her take every last inch of his cock inside of her maw, her throat, her lips pushed up against the line of the sheath and ground her nose against his lower belly.

His breathy noises were coming out faster, panting and shivering just a little bit as she gagged again and choked. The sounds and sensations made her shudder in place, sobbing out a choked noise as he violated her muzzle with powerful roiling movements. Each one working to fill her, overfill her, making sure that she wasn't going to be able to evade his attention. He claimed her in a way that left her gasping and she balled her fingers up. Her throat convulsed again, swallowing down with a suckle before the length jerked upwards again. The small twitch made her body jerk in place, writhing ever so slightly in place as she let out a whimper.

He was going to fuck her full of her cubs, half a dozen or more, she had heard stories of other females being fucked to the point of swelling that they had to be bed ridden. Where labor wasn't just four hours, six hours, or even twelve, but days as her body was forced to try and give birth to the offspring inside of her. That thought made her sick as she felt the thrusts surging through her once more, speeding up and making her sob out with the pain. She had heard that those that had survived the labor had wished they hadn't, that it had been too much, their bodies to abused, too overcome with pain to process it as the doctor's didn't dare give them anything that might mute it.

He snarled down at her, a brutal and harsh noise that had her gulping again, working with a sliding stroke before there was another flex and squeeze. Her throat was open up wide, filled up and the barbs caught against the inside of her tender throat to make sure that she was violated. Her choking sounds grew pained as he gave a series of short rolls, sawing and dragging, leaving a trail of blood as her throat was cut up. She was breathing and swallowing as the precum began to thicken up further and further. His cock was growing larger, filling out, making sure that her chin was pushing right up against his balls. The tightness of the orbs heaved up higher, jerking a little bit as she felt a small shudder run through her.

She felt another trail of tears rolling down her cheeks, her sobbing harsh and muffled by the thick cock flesh before the balls began to twitch up. His snarling sound of pleasure echoed loudly in her ears, making her flinch miserably in an attempt to get away as rope after heavy rope of cum began to pour out of him. She was forced to swallow, her throat working and rippling, drawing another mouthful of cum that burned her scored throat. She was choking a little bit, the taste salty and mixed with the medicinal taste of the Fertical made her grimace even as her throat ached and twitched under the assault.

How could her own husband be doing this to her? How could he treat her like she was something that was disposable? He was obviously intent on doing everything he could to fuck his cubs into her. She could almost feel the way his precum was flushing into the depths of her passage and that made her body jerk. The pain she was feeling now was nothing compared to what she had waiting for her once she began to swell with his offspring. The very idea mortified her, making her choke down breath after heavy breath, her mind roiling with what was happening to her and there was no way out. The only outcome here was her obscene pregnancy and the inevitable end.

Her husband lingered, his barbs raking and dragging, pulling with a stroke that made her flinch and whimper a little bit. Every movement was a torment as the thick creamy taste of the cum was mixed with the coppery scent of blood. Her husband panted down and Lynia flinched, her ears folded down flat to her head as she gave a little bit of a shake of her head. She tried to deny the sensations, tried to ignore the way her body was aching. Her throat was twitching with small spasms as Chijo gave a sudden yank, tearing his cock from her muzzle with a lewd slurping noise. The trail of wetness splattered against her chin and she whimpered as he panted above her.

"That's better.." Chijo snarled out and smeared his cock right along her muzzle, cum and saliva coating her fur, a bit of blood from her throat marking her as she flinched away. "A proper lesson..."

Lynia gagged and panted a little bit, her tongue jutting out from her parted lips as she tried to get rid of the taste. It didn't work, not the way she thought it should. Her nostrils were flaring open wide, panting out a breathy noise while licking her upper lip. She tried to clean off the mess of her muzzle as she leaned back on her ass and her husband padded around her. Her throat was throbbing and swallowing was a torment while she felt her body starting to tense up oddly. The drug was starting to take effect, sliding through her with a caress that left her breathless. She shrank back and tried to stand up, her legs shaking as she did so while her husband opened up a drawer of the side table and began to dig around.

She moved her jaws a few times, swallowing with a convulsive ripple that made her feel each pain that ran through her. She coughed a little bit while her husband drew out a dark black silicone band from the drawer. She'd never seen it before, but as he drew it out she had no doubt that it was used for something she was going to dread. She shrank backwards just a little bit and panted out a breath, her lips parted and her body beating hotter. Her cheeks were flushed and her mate reached down to slide the band down along his shaft.

It didn't take much time for him to recover, all lions had rapid recovery in that area, but now she wasn't appreciating it as he loomed towards her with narrowed eyes. The expression on his face was still angry, making her want to pull backwards as she felt a little bit of a shudder run down the length of her spine. It was a small movement that caused him to snarl out at her and the line of the silicone ring pushed down over his cock, sliding all the way down towards the base. It was tight, too tight, moving all the way towards the base of his cock. It was so thick and tight that it formed a ring that pulled inwards and snugged down tight.

The moment it slipped down into place the barbs rose up and stood out the same way they would when he came. They were designed to stand out at that moment to make sure that they impregnated a female, but normally they were smoothed down tight to make sure the penetration went smoothly. She blanched a little bit as she realized what that meant and she tried to pull away from him. His frown deepened at that, but she couldn't help herself, she wanted nothing more than to get away from those stiffly erect barbs and what they meant. There was no way that this was going to end well for her. Those barbs would tear her apart even as he was given new levels of pleasure with what he was going to do with her.

"Chijo..." She breathed out with a little shudder of fear, nearly choking her words off as he snarled at her. "Please, don't..."

"Maybe you should think of that before you fuck another man!" He snarled at her and shoved her back against the bed, his hand moving down to grip her throat. "A slut like you doesn't deserve to have someone be gentle. You deserve to be treated however I want..."

She flinched at the rage and dismissal in his voice, the way he talked made sure that she was aware that he truly believed that she deserved this. Lynia was nothing more than a slut of a wife that he was punishing, craving to make sure that her body would be nearly torn apart with his offspring. She had heard those stories, how some females didn't even make it to labor if they'd been foolish enough to take too large a dose of the drug. He had no idea how much she'd already taken and what it would mean for her, he hadn't even bothered trying to measure out a sane dose. He didn't care, he didn't care about any of it.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Chijo felt his cock driving into his wife and he felt the way her walls were working down around him, her body was shuddering and trembling in place. Her body was tensed up and he enjoyed even her tears. He could easily imagine another lion inside of her body, feeling as if he had a right to her. Now he was working his barbs through her and making her ovulate for him. He could feel the twinges and ripples, small movements that were designed to make sure that her body gave up her ripe ova. There was a squelching noise as his thick base pushed her open wide and she gave a buck beneath him. That movement drove him right against her cervix and he shoved against it, nearly driving into her, splitting and stretching her.

"I've heard... some girls... can end up... with every ova impregnated..." He snarled out with a wave of anger as he glared down at her. "Every future... child.. a reality..."

"Please.. I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry.." She rasped out, and her voice was quite rough thanks to the way he had fucked her throat raw.

"That.. won't... save you.." He punctuated each word with another thrust forward, the sinking weight stretching her wider again.

He nearly pushed through her cervix as her body twitched and he imagined he could feel her body giving up the eggs into that ripe soft womb. The lewd wet noises were growing louder as the precum dribble constantly out of the tip, spilling backwards. The weight of the balls slapped upwards again, hitting hard against the curve of her ass. The messy trail of juices and the smear of his piss pushed outwards again and he basked in the thick hot taste of his scent on her as he overrode what the other male had done. His whiskers pulled back a little bit before he yanked backwards, withdrawing inch after inch, slurping free with the barbs spread open wide.

He drew his cock tip free with a wet noise and his wife choked out a sound as if she were relieved, the loud noises filling his ears as she rapidly tried to thank him. Her hands reaching up to curl along his hips as if she were going to try and hug him. His cock tip drooled the syrupy precum down along the puffy lips. The trail ran all the way down towards her pucker before he let out a harsh laugh. He ground his cock tip upwards, pushing and caressing right against the clit with a rough drag of his barbs that had her bowing her back upwards again with a sudden shove that pushed right up against his chest and stomach before he took fierce satisfaction before driving downwards.

His cock tip pushed into her once more, the powerful roll of his hips came in a sharp wild shudder, splitting her pussy open wide as his extended barbs raked through her again. Her body reacted with a mixture of pleasure and extreme pain, the fact she was in heat made her tender, made her vulnerable and he basked in it. He was sawing his body and roiling, stuffing forward before his balls hit hard with a slapping sound. He could feel the barbs tearing through the depths of the passage, scraping at all the right angles to make sure that he was tearing through her, marking her cunt with bloody streaks thanks to his barbs. She was his and his alone and he would make sure that she would never forget that fact. Never.

~ ~ * ~ ~

She choked out a noise as the weight of the body pushed above her, the cock with the barbs standing out was twitching slightly, dribbling out a trail of precum that was growing by the moment. She whimpered out breathily and tried her best to shrink backwards. She was tensed up and trying to get away, but his knee was brutal and unforgiving as he forced her legs open wide and he shoved her harder against the mattress. The line of his cock was jutting out and twitching, spilling out a trail of precum that drooled downwards with a messy spill before there was a sharp hissing noise that came out low in his throat. The breathy sound made her tense up, tears already springing up as her already sore pussy felt the cock tip prodding against him.

There was a firm jerk and twitch, the tip pushing right between her lips and that's all he needed to find her opening. He didn't ease into her, he didn't even give her a chance to warm up, he drove himself in with the barbs standing straight up so that she choked out a scream of pain. They raked all the way through her, finding the spots where her son had violated her, tearing and making her body seize up. Her breathy noises were coming out faster as he forced his way into her depths. The forceful rolls working with a sudden jerk that lifted her ass up in the air.

He made sure that every last inch was driven inside, splitting her open wide as there was a tearing of the barbs right near her vulnerable cervix. Her body seized up oddly and she folded her ears back as the ache tore through her lower belly. It hurt, hurt badly enough that she couldn't think past the spasms that were hitting her. Her walls contracted down despite how she attempted to make them relax. She didn't want to feel the stretch and burn of the barbs tearing into her. Raking furrows that she knew were bleeding thanks to the trickle of precum that stung her. She writhed again, but it only made it worse as he snarled down into her face and gave another rolling thrust inside of her.

She felt her body responding, the medication made sure that she would over ovulate in all the wrong ways. The barbs raked again backwards, tearing through her brutally as he huffed out a hot breath down at her and there was another rolling push. The weight of his cock split her, his hands gripping her roughly to make sure that she couldn't get away and the brutal stab drove his cock tip right up against the line of her dilated cervix. It made a cramp hit her hard, stealing her breath away as she let out the rasping cry as she pushed her paws up against the lion's broad bare chest. He snarled at her even more loudly, sharp and immediate as he forced his cock tip to bottom out into the depths of her body.

"You were... eager for your lovers... cubs... come on.. moan." He snarled out with thick rage in his voice. "Moan for me... Moan for just how.. large you'll... be..with my cubs..."

She flinched in misery as she imagined just how fat she was going to end up being. His cubs would be splitting her open, like the stories they had told her in high school about it. They had giggled and whispered, someone always had that 'friend of a friend' or 'cousin' that didn't read the directions and ended up far too pregnant. They said that there was so many screams that the doctors had a special room just for those that were going to give birth and which each thrust he was making sure that fate was going to be waiting for her. She felt sick, her stomach twisting as she tasted bile on the back of her tongue, terror blinding her to everything as the inevitability crashed over her.

She wasn't going to be able to stop what her husband wanted to do her, she wasn't going to be able to do anything besides feel the building pressure rise faster and faster by the moment. His eyes were fixated her and he let out a harsh noise right down in his face.

She could feel her lower belly start to strain and give out, the rippling movements started to spread outwards as the heat started to make her feel her ovaries begin to overproduce. She felt it in the way her body was flushed with hormones, but even they couldn't stop the feel of the brutal strokes. The precum was splattering out with a heavy rush, smearing out into the depths of the passage and her walls clamped down again. The squeezing flex dug down until the barbs actually tore into the flesh of her passage. It made her body jerk upwards again, she tried to writhe her way free and he brutally pushed her harder against the bed, thrusting deeper, violating her as deeply as he could possibly manage.

"What's the matter.." He snarled down at her. "This is nothing compared.. to what your.. labor will be!"

The harsh voice was mocking and made her flinch as she felt him dragging out and he gave a series of thrusts. The movements were raking backwards, sliding and pulling, raking the barbs harder right up along the ridge of her g-spot. It made her jerk in place and her entire body roiled upwards as there was a twitch of thick precum. It was drooling out heavily, spilling and running own along depths of her passage with a messy splatter. Her body was shifting in place and trying to find anything to relieve the pain, but there was no relief. There was only the spear of heat that burrowed into the depths of her passage and her walls tightened down again.

She forced the barbs into her tender swollen flesh, feeling the heat of it tearing through her as she curled her toes and writhed in place. She gave a little twist and tried to shove him off again, but he responded with a lunge that tore through her. The barbs found a mark deep inside of her and she could feel her body reacting with that painful cramp. Her body was tense and jerking a little bit as her stomach muscles bunched up and he sawed his length in and out of her, bloating his length with a lewd slurping noise, uncaring of her pain, uncaring of anything except his own pleasure. The barbs ran over the same spot again and again, leaving raw patches that were only tortured through each agonizing stroke.

Her body was toyed with, every part of her responding to both his barbs and the drugs, overproducing helplessly as he kept bottoming out into the deepest part of her body, hitting up against her cervix with sharp painful strikes that left her struggling with the wrenching that worked through her. She gave another shudder, her body arching and twisting back, trying to find some way to ease the pain. It was causing her to tighten up, her body trying to do exactly what it was meant to do in estrus. She felt the barbs catching in her tender flesh, tearing backwards until she spasmed and her entire body stiffened up. Her rasping cries turning into hoarse noises, guttural and helpless as the lion's hips shifted upwards again and the next thrust made her feel the weight of his balls slap against her ass.

"If you.. survive.. birth... perhaps I'll forgive you..." He snarled down at her, his face contorted in a mixture of rage and lust.

She flinched at the way he spoke, her own husband knew that there was every chance that she wouldn't be able to get through this, that she wouldn't carry his offspring to term and he didn't seem to give a damn about it. Visions flew through her head, every story, every article, everything, all of it ran through her mind one after another. She was lost beneath it all, finding herself drowning in those fears as the hips moved into a flurry of motion, as if he were punctuating each bit of knowledge with another thrust of the hips and a slap of the ass pushing up against the curve of her aching ass cheeks.

There was no denying the way that her body was reacting to him, the twinges and the flexing as he dragged all the way back. His barbs scraped right along the narrow opening and caused her to give a wild jerk upwards. The pain had fresh tears springing to her eyes, her jaws opening as she choked out a little begging noise. There was every chance that she wouldn't survive birth, this sort of thing was beyond frowned upon, it was dangerous. It was more than just a punishment, it was a risk, on that he enforced on her with every effort to make it as fertile as possible. It caused her body to give a jerk, lifting upwards, the sudden brief movement causing her to be thrown harder against the bed.

The claws dug into her hips with a brutal grip, talons sank into her, digging down with a rake that caused her body to give a small spasm. Her stomach muscles were leaping, almost electric shocks striking over her and making sure that she was helpless beneath his grasp. He began to shorten his strokes, the movements making the burning settle low in her belly over and over again, the impact of the tip against her cervix making her suck in a breath before she started to pull backwards. Her eyes were quite wild looking as she panted out, a wheezing breath that tore from deep inside of her and then his hips pushed down again. The weight of the cock twitched inside of her, spitting out a hot stream of precum deep inside of her.

The next drag came when she clamped down and the pain suddenly caused her to shriek out, the barbs were lifting up further, straining wider. They were standing to the widest possible point and he sped up his thrusts. The hits against her ass were sharp as the balls slapped and bounced against the line of her, making her body seize up slightly before the first hot shudder ran over her. Her vision blurred with hot tears as the broken sob was torn from her throat, her body trembling as her husband gave a final lunge forward and his roar filled her ears. The rough sound was vibrating through her even as the barbs locked into her abused and bleeding flesh.

She felt her stomach starting to ripple down again, her body giving up more ripe ova for his use as there was a sudden squirt of hot thick cum pouring out of her. The hot stream poured into the depths of her lower belly. It was spilling and spreading further and further, slipping deeper, making sure that she was horrifyingly aware of the fact that her body was drawing that seed into her belly. The squeezing pulls made the flush spill right into the back of her womb, puddling as every twitch stirred the barbs inside of her, making sure that she was forcibly reminded of just how virile he really was.

Horribly, her body was suckling and pulling rope after rope inside of her. The weight of it was spreading through her and there was another twitch and squeeze. The small movement made him thrust again, the small movement tearing her, opening her walls wider and wider, making sure that she was letting out a harsh breath. Her eyes squeezed shut as she let out another broken sob, imagining all of his seed plunging into her belly, spreading outwards, seeking out each and every ova that she had released for him. She had no doubt that he was going well beyond what her son had done, he was making sure that she was going to be ripped apart as part of her punishment.

The barbs actually spread open and caught right against the narrow opening of her cervix and caused her body to seize up again. There was just enough force to tear along her cervix and there was another hot squirt of his cum. It burned her, stinging and reliving all of that pain that made her eyes water and she squeezed her eyes shut. Her choked noises were coming out a little bit too loud and he let out a lower growl before the hips shifted backwards. There was a sharp yank, pulling back just a little bit and the rip tore backwards with a hot squirt of syrupy mixture, the rush of sperm flooded even deeper, pushing through her, making sure that she was aware of how he claimed her.

"That's right.." He huffed down at her. "How many... five cubs? Six? More..." He trailed off as if the idea aroused him.

Lynia opened her mouth to say something, but all that came out was a ragged noise, her throat soar and aching. She flicked her ears flat back to her head before there was a sudden spasm and another rope of seed poured into her. It was leaking backwards, stinging her, making her body burn where the barbs had torn into her in all the wrong angles. She panted out again, her breathing too fast, eyes glazed over in misery as her husband let out a rough laugh. His hips shifted again, pulling back with a little jerk that suddenly ripped the barbs from her body. The wet trail of cum was pink with her blood as he yanked free and hissed down at her with his lips twisted up in a smile.

"Don't get comfortable... I have every intention of making sure that you are going to end up at the extremes of what this drug can do." He said and slapped her hip and ass possessively.

She flinched, her body beating in time with her heart as she felt the curl of dread spread through her and slide deeper into her lower belly. There was no doubt that his sperm was already hard at work to make sure that what he promised would come true, and he had only just begun. She wondered if each and every story of women that had ended up so pregnant that they didn't make it were because of situations like this. Had it only been the once or had it been repeatedly? Was each new violent thrust of his body there to make sure that she was going to give into the drugs that were surging through her body. She managed a sob, a broken sound as she gave up and gave in. There was nothing she could do to save herself. There was no saving herself. Not from this. Even as he thought it her husband hissed out a little bit and shifted, moving a little closer so that he felt a twitch of thick flesh against her upper thigh. Ready again.

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