Dark Lord Substitute 20

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#20 of Dark Lord Substitute

A great deal of fun is had between Bertram and his slaves.

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Dark Lord Substitute

Chapter 20

By Draconicon

The Dark Citadel was just as he had left it: tightly secured and well-sealed. The interior hadn't even been invaded by dust as of yet, and as he wandered through the opening at the ground floor, he could see how the great structures had managed to maintain their security between the various wars. Its modular tech seemed to respond only to him and those that he designated, and if the other cycles had been at all similar to this one, that meant that all past Dark Lords hadn't had any underlings that were capable of turning on them. No Dark Lord, no way of getting into the Dark Citadels.

And it shifted to suit his mood. As he stepped inside, it expanded, becoming a vast, empty space with nothing but dark panels that ran up along the inside. He turned his head left and right, looking at the way that it all streaked together in the shadows, becoming almost like a void in and of itself. It was beautiful in its own stark way.

It was also useless in the grand scheme of things. The Citadel should have been the center of his operations here, but with Mistrum still under minor assault from Starry Sea troublemakers, he knew that he had to deal with that before he could start reorganizing Soledad's government.

Not that it necessarily needs reorganizing, he told himself, shaking his head as he turned on his heel, the cape of the Dark Lord spinning at his ankles. You don't know how it was run before.

Again, he didn't know nearly as much as he wished he did. There were so many things that he kept imagining were run a certain way, and he had to remind himself that he didn't know that for sure. He needed to be ready to shift his thoughts at the drop of a hat, and that...

Bertram sighed. Sometimes, it was just easier to pretend that he didn't know anything.

" Do you have any secrets, hmm?"

There was no response from the building, not that he expected one. For all that he was the Dark Lord of the Void, servant of the Dread Star, the menace of the Free Systems, he wasn't exactly given a lot to work with. The whole cycle was still buried beneath layers of mystery that he had yet to penetrate, and he only hoped that he eventually would. If he didn't...

Well, this little war was going to go tits-up in a horrible way.

He sighed, rubbing his head through his helmet. He was about to start digging through the building to see if there was a mysterious basement or something along those lines when the sound of footsteps caught his ear. He turned on his heel to see several of his underlings walking up the steps of the Dark Citadel.

It took him a moment to realize that they were naked, and in public, at that. Of course, the most terrifying realization was -

" You?!"

Ilia, the serpent-woman that had been his first test for custom Indoctrination, smirked at him as she reached the top of the stairs. Her lips turned up for a moment, only to part as she looked at him more directly. Her eyes burned with need, and he braced himself for a sudden rush and tackle.

It never came. Instead, she lowered herself to her knees, looking up at him.

"I've come to serve your needs, Master."

" ...This is...a surprise..."

"Good. I'm glad that it worked," Lazir said, the fox strolling into the chamber with a smile on his face and a bounce to his balls. "As you might remember, General Twist did suggest that you take some fun. I took the liberty of changing my name to 'fun', so please take me."

"Slut," the snake woman said, shaking her head.

"You're a fine one to talk, oh Miss Plugged One."

" Plugged?"

Ilia's cheeks turned up again as she slowly turned around. She raised her long tail, and there, standing out between her ass cheeks, was a plug. A thick-based metal thing, he could only imagine that the weight pulled at her pucker constantly. The lenses of his helmet fixed on it and zoomed in, not only providing him the weight of the plug - four kilograms, quite weighty for something like that - but also giving him a full view of her pucker as it clenched around the plug, holding it in, making sure that it couldn't shift from where it had settled in her. He imagined that, were it to come out, she would have quite a bit of 'trauma' back there, 'trauma' that would be begging for attention.

The thought was enough to stir his cock in his pants.

The fox leaned back against the doorway, smiling as his shaft slowly bobbed upwards. The diplomat smiled.

"In all seriousness, though, Master, it is time that you took a little time to yourself. We have days in which to come up with a plan of what to do next. Let's enjoy ourselves, hmm?"

" ..."

"Or failing that, let us enjoy you. Soledad will be here later, and he will want a turn...but we want our turn first."

" Is that so?" He cocked his head to the side. " And are you planning to share with General Twist? Mark, what brings you here?"

The hyena smiled, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand as he marched up the stairs behind the other two slaves. The General had already unbuttoned his shirt, pulling it off and tossing it down the steps. Bare from the waist up, he slowly reached down, groped himself, then pulled his hand aside as if remembering his orders from their last session.

" I think that I am owed an explanation, slave."

The emphasis was intentional, and it sent a visible shiver through his hyena. Mark didn't crumble, however. He just smiled, nodded, and bowed his head.

"I think that you need to get off a few times. You were feeling better after everything we did, Master, and I think that you should show them how good you are."

" Is that the only reason?"

"No, but it's the one that's sexier." Mark smiled, then let it drop as Bertram kept up his level stare. "But seriously. You were better after you let loose with me. I think that, if you just admit what you need and let loose with them, too, you'll feel even better."

It wasn't an illogical idea. He had been wound tight, with little in the way of indulgence. Certainly not nearly the amount he imagined his fellow college students would have given themselves if they had taken his place. For that matter, he would have been surprised if they ever left Mistrum if they had been given the same opportunity that he had. It wasn't a bad place, and even if they had eventually lost, they would have gone down with a harem of millions to enjoy. Most college men would have found that a good way to die.

He, on the other hand, preferred to live...and as focused as he was on results, Bertram agreed that his stress levels were less since taking his pleasure with the hyena.

The Dark Lord sighed.

" Fine."

Before his slaves could jump for joy, he held up one hand. They froze in place, almost comically, and he shook his head.

" But. Mark will only watch."


" You want to see me be better? Then you will watch as I put the rest of them to use, just as you have been. You will see what they get rather than you. And you will not touch yourself."

The hyena's cheeks burned all the hotter as Bertram gave his orders, but the ram already knew that they would be followed. Their extensive time together in transit to Mistrum meant that he had indulged himself many a time with the hyena, teaching him how to be a good, obedient slut, addicted to scent, soles, and more. The various things that they had done had convinced him that the Indoctrination worked best when it played off of what someone already wanted, and Mark had wanted nothing more than to be a good slave when they were together in the bedroom.

He turned to the other slaves, looking up and down their bodies. Lazir had been with him most recently, Ilia further back. He wanted to say that he had no fear of her any longer, but...

She smiled at him, hissing her tongue past her lips, and he barely suppressed a shiver. He still remembered how raw his dick had been the last time that she had been allowed to run wild, and he wasn't going to risk that again. Not when he had the option of someone else first.

" Lazir."

"Mmmm, I told you that he'd do the fun one first," the fox said, chuckling as he bowed. "Yes, sir."

" Come here."

The diplomat did as he was told, deliberately swaying his hips as he walked across the floor. He'd barely made it halfway to the Dark Lord before Bertram had a thought. That thought became reality a split second later.


Chains and shackles appeared from the floor, slapping themselves around the fox's ankles. They pulled him upright, almost flipping him around. As he was tossed into the air, more of the panels shifted position, creating a ceiling over them, one that was much lower than the vast heavens of the black panels that had been there before. More pieces came together, forming chains that snapped around the fox's new restraints. He hung from them, his head twisting this way and that as he tried to decipher his position.

"What - ah - you - what is this?" Lazir yelped from his upside-down position. "What are you - mmmph!"

Another thought had conjured a simple restraint, one that forced the fox's muzzle into a gag. Two bars came up from the floor, pressing to either side of the talkative diplomat's face. That pointed, vulpine muzzle was pinned with two more half-circles of metal pushed under his lips, creating - in essence - a ring gag that ensured that his mouth would stay open for the proper use of it.

Of course, hanging upside-down as he was, the little slut was as exposed as could be, his orange-furred ass spread with his legs being pulled apart. He didn't bother covering himself up, either; if anything, the startled fox still had the right instincts, his tail pulling down over his back and exposing his hole.

" All of you belong to me. Remember that. You belong to me, not the other way around. The pleasure flows towards me; what you get, you must earn."

It was a sterner way of putting it than he had done before, but Lazir seemed to like it, swishing his hips more, pushing his ass back as he tried to get comfortable within the bindings. Of course, he could only move so far, his face trapped as it was, but it was still a good view.

" Mark."

"Mmmph...yes, Master?"

" Undress me."

The hyena hustled over to him, quickly pulling the ram's helmet off. Having a fresh breath of air was marvelous, and not having it weighing on his face was better still.

As his hyena kept undressing him, he alternated between watching the swaying fox and watching the horny, panting snake on the steps. She had reached back and started rubbing the plug between her cheeks, pushing it in and out as she watched him get undressed. The look in her eyes was unmistakable; she wanted to have his cock again, preferably between her cheeks, and she planned on getting it as soon as he was done with Lazir.

His armor hit the ground piece by piece, and soon, his cock was out. He flicked his finger, the chains shifting positions so that the fox faced him. The gag was a good look on the diplomat, he had to admit.

"Sir. With permission, I would like to document your doings and output."

Data's request was not entirely surprising. He cocked his head to the side, thought about it, and nodded.

"Thank you, sir."

There was a slight click of sorts in the back of his head, and he wondered if that was a good thing or a bad thing. In either case, it was already done.

He stepped out of his clothes, a new thought heating the floor panels beneath his feet as he left his boots behind. There was a thin layer of sweat to his fur, the heat of the suit keeping him from staying entirely clean in there. The musk stuck to him, and almost immediately Mark was panting behind him, moaning as he breathed it in. Bertram chuckled, looking over his shoulder.

"It still affects you, does it?"


"No cumming, Mark."

"I know, I know."

"I mean it. None."

"Yes...yes, Master..."

"Mmmmmmph!" Lazir groaned.

"Yes, yes, I'm coming," Bertram said, turning back to the target at hand.

Knowing that his hyena would be dripping away in his pants, oozing into the crotch of his trousers until he was given permission to blow his load, the ram approached his diplomat. He was going to give the fox a throat-fucking from hell to begin with, just for being so annoying and smarmy as he was, but now he had extra reason for that.

He could feel Mark's eyes on him, knew that his hyena slave was enjoying the show, knew that the little slut wanted to be where the fox was. The General was certainly a pleasant partner, but there was something about having someone watching, knowing that they had to keep their skills up, knowing that someone else could theoretically replace them. Not that they would, just that they could.

And considering that part of Mark's new Indoctrination was to enjoy the slight 'cuckold' nature of having to share his master with others...well, that just made it hotter.

He walked right up to the fox, tapping his cock against the fox's muzzle, feeling the soft breath against his tip. There was some grunt or other from the bound muzzle, probably something regarding the pleasure that the fox had to serve him, or something along those lines. Lazir was over-flowery, to say the least, and the gag at least spared them the suffering of those lines.

It also allowed him the pleasure of that mouth. He groaned as he thrust forward, feeling the fox sucking on the head of his cock the moment it passed Lazir's parted lips, feeling the suction already trying to pull his cum out of his balls.

If there is one thing you can't fault him for, it's being good at blowjobs...

And as the warm wet continued to build up around his cock, he could already feel the pleasure climbing. He gripped the bound fox by the thighs, leaning in and pressing his own muzzle just behind those twitching balls in the air. It was a short trip from them to the pucker just behind, and he favored his slave with a lick.


The soft grunt around his cock was all the confirmation he needed to know that Lazir hadn't been expecting that sort of extra attention. Since the fox hadn't expected it, he decided to push it a bit further. He gripped his diplomat's soft cheeks, pulled them apart, and went to town.


The moans coming from around his cock were as loud as one might have expected for the sort of pleasure that he was trying to give. It didn't take long before he could feel the fox's cock against his chest oozing away, bouncing and twitching with mad need. He dragged his tongue up and along the valley between those orange cheeks, ensuring that the pucker got plenty of attention but making sure to lick the cheeks, too, getting them nice and slippery.

Through it all, the fox never stopped sucking him, never stopped giving his cock all the attention that it deserved. He took his time slowly thrusting past those lips, giving the bound bitch the time to get used to his cock. Not particularly long, no, but thick enough to pin that tongue every time that he thrust all the way in. The swallows were nice, pulling his cock back to the rear of the throat, making the fox deal with the pressure of his shaft resting back there without actually taking up too much space in his diplomat's neck.

In, out, gentle thrusts that pushed him balls-deep every time. He enjoyed the feeling of Lazir's breath against his sac, the soft warmth making him huff to himself, the gentle pleasure of that tickling breath surprisingly nice. He closed his eyes, grinding his head between the orange-furred cheeks as he started picking up the pace. In, out, in, out, slowly starting to grind rather than just roll his hips forward -

"Mmmph...you look so good like that..."

He didn't blush, but he did enjoy the compliment nonetheless. Bertram groaned as he looked over his shoulder, seeing Mark gripping his thighs tightly, the hyena desperately trying to avoid touching himself and breaking the rule. The ram smiled.

"Good slave."

"Mmmph...Thank you, master..."

"May I, Master?"

Ilia's question caught him off-guard, and he looked down to see her at his other side. She nodded at his ass, and he smiled.

"You may."

No sooner had he given her permission than she was diving her narrow snout between his ass cheeks, going right for his pucker. The touch of her slender, forked tongue against his rim was just enough to get his cock twitching, almost pushing him over the edge right then and there.

There was something about being utterly adored that could really push both the ego buttons and the libido ones. He groaned as he rocked his hips forward, sheathing his cock down the throat of the single most annoying servant that he could have ever imagined, and then shoved his ass back at the most obsessed slut that he could have ever created. Glancing over his shoulder again, he looked at the desperate lover that he had helped bring about, and he knew that somewhere, making his way to the Dark Citadel, was a crafty little mouse that was more than capable as a lover and a devoted slave in his own right.

For all that they were completely crazy, the lot of them, they were devoted to him. They belonged to him. Only one of the group was still figuring herself out, and she was in his bad books, anyway. Those that had worked with him properly, those that understood what they were, were more than welcome, and...

Well, he realized that he was starting to care for them. A lot.

I wonder how many Dark Lords did that...

He groaned as Ilia shoved her tongue further up his ass, dragging it along his prostate. His cock jumped in Lazir's mouth, and the fox pursued it, his tongue nudging it just slightly -


It was Bertram's turn to moan, and he moaned loudly as each thrust left him grinding on the more textured roof of the fox's mouth rather than just against the smooth, wet tongue. He bit off the worst of his moans, but Mark was doing just fine in filling the air on his own. The hyena was muttering to himself, spitting out compliments, panting as he probably wanted to jerk off more than anything to the show.

"Sir, you are nearing climax. Would you like me to prolong your pleasure?"

Tempting, but he didn't want to take too long with this. He had other obligations, other things that needed doing. He couldn't do this forever.

No, he thought back. But prep something to keep me going after my first orgasm.

"Yes, sir."

He gripped Lazir's thighs that much tighter, and kept thrusting. Forward, back, forward, back, helping the horny snake woman drive her head right into his ass, feeling her lips locked with his hole. That was something that no woman back at his college would have done, or at least, never so willingly, never in a way that others would find out about it. This...this was amazing. Having this power over others, and knowing that he could use it to indulge himself was wonderful, but knowing that he could take it further than that...

What world would we make, if we could take this further still? he wondered. What kind of world would it be if we could make everyone happy, free, unjudged, so that they could enjoy the pleasures I created?

It was an arrogant question...but one worth asking, considering his power.

The slaves managed to sync up for a moment, with Ilia pushing him forward, her tongue spreading his pucker, and Lazir swallowing at just the right moment to pull the ram's cock into his throat. The combined pleasure hit him just right, and Bertram groaned out loud. His cock throbbed, his balls bulged and pulled up, and -


The pleasure of orgasm hit him hard, and the resulting fluids actually gave the fox some trouble for once. He could hear the soft gag, the glukking sound that followed as Lazir tried to swallow more than he could manage. A little bit at a time, the warm heat faded around his cock, and he was able to pull back.

Ilia immediately grabbed him by the shaft, panting as she looked up at him. Her eyes glowed with the frenzy that he would have reserved for some berserker on the battlefield, her mouth hanging open as she looked him right in the eye. She said just two words.

"Now, me."

"...Yes, of course."

They continued in various configurations for another hour before Soledad arrived, and for another three hours after that. By the time that they collapsed, Bertram was exhausted. He slumped back against the wall, shaking his head.

"Enough," he told his horny slaves.

"Mmmmph...Master...please..." Mark panted. "May I...it's been so long. I need it."

"...Go on."

As Mark went over the edge, he shook his head, rubbing his forehead. This was...this was needed, he admitted. He felt better, less tense, less obsessed, but he still had to get back to work.

I need to find information. Information on the past, things that we used to have, and -


Everyone sat up straight, even Ilia as she rode her plug. They turned to a hole that had opened in the floor, something that should have been impossible in the indestructible Dark Citadel. They met each other's eyes, and then glanced down the hole again.

"Soledad. This is your planet. Do you know what that could be?" Bertram asked.

"I'm checking my records."

"Data. Do the same."

"I have an answer already, sir."

"Then tell me."

"It is the site of a contract, sir. This is where the script was agreed upon on this planet."

The End

Summary: A great deal of fun is had between Bertram and his slaves.

Tags: M/M, M/F, M/M/F, Bondage, Fox, Snake, Ram, Hyena, Master/Slave, Harem, Hypnosis, Modular Building, Rimming, Oral, Blowjob, Face-Fucking, Facefucking, Series, Orgasm, Cum, Plug, Nudity, Patreon, Sci-Fi,