Memoirs of Dragora Ch. 11

Story by Arogard on SoFurry

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#12 of Memoirs of Dragora

Memoirs of Dragora

Chapter 11: The Sky City And Beyond

Dragora let loose a mighty sneeze as a grain of sand from a dust cloud whirled into his nostrils, tickling his sensory, and turned his head out the side to see how close they were. As they pushed over the last dune of sand, they saw the splendid jewel of the waste, completely suspended above the large sea of quicksand under it, daring any to try and raid the town. They continued on toward the large ocean of magic-powered lights, the first of a pair of ports the contained ferries for those to cross the silt sea beyond.

"It's changed much since I last saw it, I remember it being a lot smaller and not as lavish..." Nij stated promptly upon seeing the grand walk that took them off the ground away from the quicksand and into the heavily decorated walls that told of it's profits for being considered the trade center of the world.

"They've done reconstruction since the grand assault on it's walls carried out by general Xinrenji. They almost took the city, considering that they had breached it's walls with catapults that had the distance that would take a marching army a full day to come into range of attack. Although they relied a little too heavily on the catapults, not training their soldiers as well as they could have." Slypnir explained to the time-worn draconian in the back.

"Aye, that was where our presently deceased came into play also." Zerion reasoned with Slypnir, seeming to have gotten over his grief.

"What was the purpose of the attack?" Dragora asked, intrigued by the bit of history.

"There's multiple references to why, some texts spoke of ridiculously high taxes, others spoke of struggles for power in the royal family, and yet others spoke of stranger things such as spirits taking over the general's will and such." Slypnir answered, happy to share his knowledge.

"Okay, which one seems most likely to you?" Dragora questioned, doing his best to comprehend the town's past.

"They all have an equal amount of support, but there wasn't that much going on at once or it would have been recorded as such..." Slypnir retorted, leaving the obscured knowledge out of his explanation.

Dragora contemplated this as well when they reached the gates of Sylphistrine, looking and trying to imagine what it's walls would look like if they were in ruins. He snapped back into his focus ahead as the gates rose up to let the small band of travelers through into the wide street splitting of into three paths, all joining up near the palace entrance. They made their way through to the monastery where they arranged a meeting to speak with the head of the order in three days time, for his schedule was filled with other appointments until then. So they went to the nearest inn and rented out four rooms, which was no problem considering the immense size of the dwelling and reasonable pricing given the luxury they saw around. They all went to their respective rooms, which were located in the same hall on the 2nd floor of the right wing. Dragora paused for a moment, thinking he heard the voice of someone familiar, but as he turned around there was nothing to be had, just the clerk looking down a hall blocked by a fern from his own view, as well as the curious draconian's.

"Did you hear something?" Nij asked, looking back at Dragora in curiosity.

"I thought it was someone I knew, never mind though I'll check on it later..." Dragora answered heavily, wondering if that voice belonged to Midnight, S'kria, or some other familiar person.

Zerion slipped into Dragora's room without anyone noticing, and quickly got comfortable while Slypnir kept his eyes fixated on his door and Nij and son were both talking to each other about the possible encounter. Finally after the discussion receded, Dragora proceeded off to his room, finding the door unlocked already.

"How did you get in here?" Dragora asked curiously, seeing the muscular frame lay on his bed barely clothed.

"All the keys are the same, this inn doesn't do much for security... but I wouldn't have it any other way." Zerion suspired temptingly.

"Well, let's just have it your way then..." Dragora replied smirking and locking the door behind him. "Just in case they get curious..."

Dragora walked over to Zerion slowly, bringing his lengthy tail between his legs and pulling off his shirt while he undid his sash holding the loose shorts up. Zerion being a sucker for tail play, instantly became more aroused at the strong tail tearing off the loose clothing while rubbing up against the muscles that had formed from enduring the trip. Dragora also became aroused, feeling his tail come into contact with his package as it swooshed around under and pushing through his shirt along his flexing underbelly. Zerion couldn't stand it any more, standing up and ripping Dragora's shirt the rest of the way, leaving his tail to fondle between them both playfully. Picking up his mate by the thighs, Zerion carried him over to the bed, muzzle being locked into a deep and passionate kiss. Dragora pulled his loincloth down the rest of the way, letting slide off his feet and pulling off Zerion's own breech-cloth with his caudal appendage. This threw Zerion into his dreams, grabbing the tail after it pulled his garment down and suckling it, licking all the way down to Dragora's base, making him twitch in sensitivity and delight. Dragora laid atop the bed his back arched, feeling his pre flowing out of his tip onto his pulsating shaft. Zerion circled his tongue around his mate's tail-hole and proceeded upward, massaging the orchises and reaching the base of the shaft.

"Unh, please, stop teasing..." Dragora gasped out, breathing as fast his heart pumped and closing his eyes in lust while he continued to feel pre leak out his tip.

"Okay... just get that tail of yours where it should be." Zerion remarked, engulfing his partner's manhood into his mouth while feeling the tail that turned him on so vigorously delved into his crevice.

He bobbed up and down the throbbing pillar, tasting the sweet juice that flowed out into his maw as he mouthed deeper. Dragora starting bucking wildly, thrusting his hips and gasping airy "I'm gonna"s into the sex scent filled air, choking him out from finishing as he shot powerfully all over Zerion's tongue that was wrapped around his flesh. He shot 6 euphoric loads into the swallowing oral fissure that allowed his essence to flow down unhindered. Zerion recovered after a minute, catching his breath and feeling the warm ejaculate settle in his stomach.

"Now it's your t-turn..." He stumbled out as he moved with Dragora's thick muscle still inside him, causing him to gasp in delight as it brushed his prostate.

"My pleasure," Dragora answered simply, opening his eyes and looking over lovingly as he twitched his tail deeper and leaned over, licking along Zerion's tense neck.

"Oh my... I think you might need twice..." Zerion uttered out, holding himself back from shooting just yet.

"I'm sure you have enough reserves..." Dragora respired in delight, pushing Zerion over his first limit onto their torsos by digging in his tail and circling around, massaging the increasingly tense muscles of his mate's core. "Well that's if you don't cut off the circulation to my tail that is." Dragora finished, pulling it out with difficulty from Zerion's grip.

"I... I can't help it..." he panted, trying to go limp to help his mate and feeling his blood pumping again through his shaft as it hardened once more from the jerks and twists inside his orifice.

Dragora got his tail free and let it lay to the side, being played with by Zerion's ecstatic digits. Dragora also started becoming tenser, feeling himself pulsate with enjoyment as he began licking down his lover's sticky belly, circling around his abs tracing his lingua onto the rod and following the pulsing veins delicately. Zerion could feel the other load rushing through his balls toward it's destination with increasing speed as he piqued his pleasure in being so open and gripping the strong, lusty tail that lay on the bed beside himself.

"so strong..." Dragora mouthed as he felt the tensing pole in his mouth flexing.

Dragora climbed up and mounted it eagerly, sending them both into pure lecherousness for the other to climax and lust for themselves to hit their peak. He leaked even more pre as the throbbing shaft wriggled within, rubbing and pushing against the walls as the head expanded, getting ready to release another load. Dragora tensed himself tight, holding Zerion back from flowing into him, and feeling him buck his hips harder and harder. Finally Dragora shot up into the air, letting out a heavy ecstatic moan and letting his juices fire upward into a sexy rain, landing all over their bodies and he himself trying to taste the essence, letting his tongue hang out freely. Zerion continued to buck, feeling pressure well up from not being able release, as Dragora was still tensing his hardest. He squirmed and thrusting all he could, but to no avail, and continued lunging into his mate out of rapture and exaltation. Feeling him self expand to the build-up, Dragora relaxed and let forth his lover's seed, feeling it rush out to fill up it's new interior surrounding. It continued rushing with no breaks or pauses, filling up Dragora's tract as far as it could reach and leaking out the bottom. After 10 seconds of pressure release, Zerion flow ceased, leaving Dragora to feel the warmth inside him a great ways in and them laying in a large puddle of the off-white fluid.

"Unh... so how are we gonna clean this up?" Dragora sighed curiously, staying mounted on Zerion, keeping him sheathed inside the tight, sticky tract.

"Let's try sneaking out at night, maybe there will be a tub of water to wash ourselves in and a bucket to bring back..." Zerion said, feeling his substance seep under his back and licking Dragora's passion off of his chest.

Dragora merely nodded in agreement, putting his finger into the puddle and tasting his mate while dismounting him to pull off the thick sheets.

Slypnir laid on his bed with is door locked like he always used to do, thinking about whatever came to mind. His thoughts soon traveled to his land of lust as he started stripping out of his multiple layers of clothing, feeling his loincloth tighten up from visualizing his fantasies and finally decide it couldn't hurt to relieve himself. stripping down the rest of the way, Slypnir quietly relaxed on the bed while nude. He groped himself, stimulating the pleasure and making himself fully erect and began working his arm while closing his yes, letting his lusts rush forward to his lids. Slypnir leaned back onto his shoulders and let his legs roll over his head, letting his endowment slide into his waiting maw, suckling and licking himself, knowing just where his favorite spots were and connecting to each of them. Shortly after, he could feel himself pulling toward his climax and began bobbing harder, feeling the thick veins of his shaft pulsate at the same rate as his heart. Slypnir gave one hard thrust to the deep of his mouth and let his seed flow down the waiting pharynx. Still sucking gently, he gulped down the sweet essence, feeling himself erect once more. This time Slypnir let his legs roll back over to the front and he faced upward toward the high ceiling, pumping his arm up and down the throbbing pole and closing his eyes in delight. He let out a soft moan as he rolled over, humping slightly to his fantasy and letting his hand grip and slide faster along his meat. Approaching his second climax, Slypnir bucked and squirmed, making the second flow of cum go in different directions as he kept stroking to push up the last of his thick juices.

"I haven't felt myself in forever... now I have to go find a bucket." Slypnir grunted he he sucked his tip dry of the unspluttered cum, and got dressed to go to the kitchen in search of a container to hold water in.

Eager to make his mess unseen, he locked the door and heard a loud moan from Dragora's room. Thinking Dragora was merely doing the same thing, Slypnir walked by toward the lobby to ask the steward where the kitchen was.

"Excuse me, there's a little mess of food in my room, do you know where I can find a bucket to wash it with?" Slypnir questioned, being quick-minded in coming up with stories.

"Yes, right in the kitchen over down that hall, would you rather have one of our room service maids to take care of it for you?" The steward replied gullibly, oblivious to Slypnir sweating and his pupils large from his recent workout.

"It's fine, I can do it myself, thank you." Slypnir stated, quickly walking down toward the kitchenettes where those staying for the night could fix themselves meals.

Slypnir walked into the first kitchen to the left looking around for a pail or pitcher to hold water. Only after searching each corner did he notice the curious panther looking at him, eating a hearty meal that looked recently done.

"May I help you?" the panther asked steadily, looking back down to his food to take another bite.

"You wouldn't have a bucket or pitcher would you?" Slypnir responded, feeling nervous from accidentally barging in on someone else's meal.

"Yeah, in the cupboard there, and clean the mess good, I don't think the maids appreciate replacing sheets so often..." the panther answered, giving a knowing smile to Slypnir, who only perked up his head in amazement and walked over to the pantry where the containers were.

"How did-" Slypnir squeezed out before turning to see the panther gone.

He merely continued to fill the pail with water, grab a cloth, and proceed toward his room with the sloshing contents of the container swaying with it's carrier's stride.

The panther was well ahead of the slow moving draconian, quietly picking a lock with a wire and his claw, opening the low security door with ease. He opened the door to a sight he didn't expect at all. Slightly cracking open the door to keep it unnoticeable, he saw who he was looking for, naked on the bed with another male.

"M-Midnight! What are you doing here!? How did you open the door... never mind that, how did you find me!? And close the door!" Dragora stumbled out hastily, covering himself with the soaked sheets, forgetting the puddle in them.

Midnight closed the door almost immediately, blinking a few times to see if he was awake, and closed the door the rest of the way.

"I was in town when I saw your caravan pull into this tavern, I was gonna visit your room after I ate, but I guess I should have visited first..." He replied, still wondering if what he saw was real.

"Well now you're gonna have to wait! Great, now I'm completely covered in essence..." Dragora muttered to him self, getting onto the floor to try to lick himself clean.

"Who was that? And why are you licking yourself?" Zerion moaned over to Dragora who was licking angrily and hastily at himself.

"He's an old comrade from when I was a mercenary, he doesn't know my preference so I'm guessing this is a shock to him, as much as him being here at all is to me. And there's no tub in the room so I've got to make do with what I've got, which is my tongue..." Dragora responded as best he could while getting his arms and legs.

"You know, you're on the side of the building with the showers, all you have to do is run down the hall, I'll bring your clothes." Midnight said quietly through the door, bracing his eyes for what he thought he was going to see.

"Looks like I'm streaking," Dragora said swallowing another lapping of love juice and getting up toward the door. "and you're coming with."

"Alright, but I'm not as fast." Zerion replied feebly, knowing the lithe male in front of him was far faster than he.

Dragora bolted out the door, catching Midnight off guard again, and Zerion ran out shortly after down the hall toward his mate. Midnight nodded his head in agreement that his comrade was indeed gay and went inside to grab their clothes. All the while Slypnir was just now coming down the hall with the bucket and went inside his room quickly, not bothering to look into Dragora's room and unmindful to the sound of sprinting talons hitting the floor off in the distance. Midnight stepped out of their room with a bundle of clothes and saw the door to the other draconian's room close, letting him pass by with the clothes unhindered as he began walking steadily toward the washrooms.

"I can't believe I'm going package out down a public place with the only hope that Midnight has my clothes! This isn't right..." Dragora sighed to himself, rounding the corner with blinding speed and leaping into the first open washroom he saw.

"Oi, wait for me!" Zerion shouted, feeling his package bounce freely about as he slid clumsily around the corner and hopping in after Dragora.

They closed the sliding doors hastily, and not a moment to soon, for they heard glass doors around them start sliding and closing, and hearing all kinds of foot steps breach into the halls, going in all directions. Midnight merely weaved through the crowd and set the clothes on a nearby bench, finding a seat around the corner to make sure he wasn't flashed again.

Dragora and Zerion took their shower quickly and affectionately, rubbing the sticky semen off each other's back and occasionally kissing while switching spots in front of the shower head. After a while Zerion poked Dragora in his tender spot and reached around him, rubbing his chest softly but firmly.

Dragora gasped and felt himself be picked up, Zerion's penis hardening and poking into Dragora's tail hole, and sighing in contentment. Zerion lowered his lover onto his shaft, feeling it enter with ease from recent event and with the aid of the water running over their scaly bodies. Dragora gave in to the movement, feeling himself get hard as his mate sank deeper into his anus, poking at his prostate. He wriggled a little to get the pillar that much deeper into himself, and grabbed his own in delight and worked it quickly, already feeling the climax coming. Zerion bucked hard and deep, putting Dragora against the wall as he gave another thrust and releasing his load into the crevice that already contained so much of hisself. Dragora grunted loudly, causing the panther to quietly walk off and sending the draconian into his orgasm, spitting all over the wall he was against, created a sticky web as his cock lay between his abs and the wall. Zerion set his partner down gently, helping get the rest of their passion off of each other.

"Who knew today would be so sensual..." Dragora breathed heavy and exhaustively.

"It might be the heat, but it's definitely worth it..." Zerion replied in a satisfied voice. Scraping the last of Dragora's seed off his core.

"Well, now that we're clean, how bout we go change the sheets?" Dragora asked, turning off the shower nozzles.

Zerion nodded in agreement and stepped out giving room for Dragora to step over the lip of the floor, holding his hand gently while they walked over to the heap of clothes. Dragora was putting on his pants when he saw something stick out of Zerion's pocket.

"What's this?" he asked curiously, digging into Zerion's left pocket and finding a note.

"I knew I was forgetting something..." Zerion said alerted to the note, remembering the dream.

"You... fought Herfrund?" Dragora asked in a quivering tone.

"We were on opposite sides... he joined up with the UMU and was the personal guard of the king, I went in there with a legion and I was one of two that escaped." Zerion said sadly, regretting ever joining the fight.

"So if I oppose the king, I oppose my brother... but if I join, then my morals shall eat away at me. Maybe I can talk to him, see if looking at his family on the other side will help him choose a side." Dragora stated promptly, hoping his brother was as reasonable as he was.

"If possible, I'd like to avoid contact with him. This is your battle in which I can have no part in..." Zerion remarked to Dragora sternly.

"I understand, facing your past is hard, and sometimes its best to leave it alone." Dragora replied understandingly.

They continued to put their clothes on and walked down the hall to find the waiting panther near their door.

"You two lovebirds done? I had to go this far to not hear you two at it..." Midnight pointed out bluntly.

Dragora blushed deeply and weaved into his room while Zerion proceeded to his. While they were switching out the sheets and carrying the filled one to the washrooms, the group talked with each other, catching up and learning about one another as they walked down the corridor. To their surprise, they found Slypnir already there with a smaller cloth and scrubbing it vigorously.

"Have any of you heard of abstinence?" Midnight blurted out in a shocked tone then shaking his head and raising his hand to signify them not to answer.

"Seems like someone didn't enjoy their breakfast that much..." Slypnir joked, pulling the clean cloth out of the container. "It seems you're going to need a little help with that." he finished, pointing at the barely dripping bundle of cloth in Dragora's hands.

"It's fine, you go take care of what you need to, and Midnight, go find something to do..." Dragora answered hastily, lifting the sheets into the large tub.

Dragora sat there, hearing the magic kick into gear, while watching outside the window toward the courtyard where children were at play. They reminded him of when he was young, always finding different sticks to practice with, until he made his sword. He neglected all other weapons, only training with the blade that was destroyed not to long ago. Dragora snapped back into reality as the instrumentality powered off, signaling the sheets within were clean.

"That was quick, I've got to get me one of these..." He said to himself playfully, pulling the blanket out and hanging it in the air to dry.

Zerion laid in his room, staring at the ceiling from being stricken with insomnia. All he could do was think about all that had happened and what could. Realizing that just laying there won't make him tired, he walked out of the inn toward the outside of the gates to go find a place to work on his technique without drawing a crowd. As he approached the entrance to the city, however, he spotted a familiar face among the gathering and going of citizens and tourists alike. He made way toward the face which was heading deeper into the crowd straight toward the monastery they were to deliver the ashes to. He starting hopping along the top of the crowd, running clumsily along all the was held up until he got close enough to land near the mysterious figure. When he peered into the hood however, he jumped back in fright, astonished at the sight. The figure grabbed his arm and walked quickly into an abandoned side street, take of the hood and revealing a platypus, with modest eyes and a small bill.

"Luxicitius, what are you doing here? I lost all contact with you when we got separated in that battle..." Zerion exclaimed, looking at the comforting soft green eyes of his comrade.

"I heard that the UMU is acting up again and attacked Krjn, the forces there were slaughtered like cattle, I'm wondering from nation to nation to see who was protecting that accursed place anyway." Luxicitius replied, noticing a sparkle in Zerion's eye as he mentioned Krjn. "You wouldn't happen to know anything would you?"

"That army was this one... we came here today to arrange a meeting with the head of the monastery to deliver the ashes and offer our condolences." Zerion answered sadly, looking down at the ground in shame.

"There was nothing you could have done, you would've just added to the casualties, but this is going to be a grave blow to Sylphistrine's pride as well as moral. Their armies were too well trained for them to fall like cattle, so there is something else behind the UMU's army that's giving them this power..." Luxicitius whispered to Zerion, picking his chin up and looking him in the eyes.

"You're right, but the only thing that stood between us and the king was-"

"The guard." Luxicitius finished, still seeing something else in his comrade's eyes. "You know you can't hide anything from me, speak your mind."

"The guard is my mate's brother." Zerion sighed, wishing he had never wrote that note.

Luxicitius just looked at Zerion in surprise, wondering how it could have happened, and then came to conclusion that it was this thought that had bugged the war-hardened soldier.

"Well, at least I know who the army was, but I'm still wondering as to which side your on..." He asked inquisitively, letting his eyes lock onto Zerion's.

"I am on no side, I merely tagged along with my 2 friends, and this whole thing started from Dragora's dream." Zerion stated and then looking at his words in disgust, realizing how shallow-minded they sounded.

"Well then I shall tag along, how many are joining the trip?" Luxicitius replied in enthusiasm, trying to change the subject.

"5 including myself, but if you join it'll be 6." proposed Zerion, wondering how they would fit everyone in the caravan.

"By the sound of your voice, you're not sure how everyone would fit, but I guess I can accommodate the shortage of space." the platypus told his friend, gesturing to his sack which Zerion thought were supplies.

"Exactly how many battles have you been in? If I knew our mercenary funds added up like that, I would've continued going into wars!" Zerion exclaimed, looking at the sack in a new perspective.

"Too many to count, now let's go round up the group, have our introductions, and look for caravan suitable for the party." Luxicitius squeaked giddily, hoisting his sack of wealth back upon its resting place on his shoulder.

When the made their way through the plaza and bizarre to the inn, Zerion went to the kitchen knowing it was near dinner time and found everyone lounging about near their designated area. Luxicitius just merely followed wherever the draconian went, seeing him pick up a panther, another draconian, and finally met up with another couple of reptiles and they all were in the kitchen to be formerly introduced to each other.

"Starting from left to right, it goes Dragora, Slypnir, Nij, Midnight, and of course, me, Zerion. Everyone, this is Luxicitius, the other survivor..." Zerion said, motioning to each accordingly.

"It's nice to meet you all, I hope we'll all get along and fight against the common enemy. And please, just call me Luxi, I know my name is a mouthful." Luxicitius replied, looking around happily to everyone.

After the introductions, Dragora began helping Slypnir with cooking, joyfully making a different kind of mantou using the exotic spices that surrounded him and filled the air as he opened the bottles carefully. Slypnir was working on a more fruit oriented dish, along with making a large amount of mint tea to counter Dragora's fandom of spices and a batch of apricot au lait to wash down the thick tea. Everyone began roaming around the kitchen from being attracted by the pleasant aromas seeping into the hall, also attracting the other chefs to see what was surpassing their cooking. Eventually, the couple made enough food to accompany 20 people, being helped by cooks and directing them in the recipes. Everyone got a good portion, friend and stranger alike, all enjoying the different taste than what they were used to. After a little bit however, the others started slowing down on Dragora's cooking, needing more mint tea to settle the spices, to which Slypnir gladly made more to accompany the delicate, yet masterfully powerful blend of zest and sweetness, creating the taste completely different than what anyone has tried. After the meal and the thanks of the unknown guests, the party checked went to their rooms, Dragora, Zerion, and Slypnir in one, and Nij, Midnight, and Luxi getting their own rooms to sleep in.