
Story by Varien Quill on SoFurry

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Another commission/fanfiction of the game Tennis Ace. It's a different POV of the story https://www.sofurry.com/view/1834246. Yooichi tries to find happiness in mountains of food, but it's not enough to fill his void.



Varien Quill

It was an almost perfect start to college life for Yuuichi Michimiya, a first-year Shiba Inu, but there were still some things that could make it much better. Mainly it happened because of Shoichi Urata, a wonderful husky he knew for years. That canine wasn't only an amazing sparring partner during multiple tennis matches but also a good friend and maybe something more than that. When the time came to enter this new fate to have opportunities for a better future, Yuuichi thought it would be the perfect occasion to get much closer to the husky friend. But for some peculiar reason, every time he tried to approach his dorm room, he froze next to the entrance, breathing heavily and returning to his nest. And because of this state, he ate. Amounts of food he devoured grew each week, just like himself. It was quite fast when that athletic Shiba turned into something more oval, like a pear.

While others didn't mock his new looks, some went even further, appraising him for getting larger, somehow more powerful. While normal people would treat such behavior of gluttonous eating as cowardice or depression, some students wanted to participate in his weight gain phase.

That was why Yuuichi started to have guests over, often one at a time but the amount of food they would bring would feed an entire team or two, but Shiba enjoyed this stage of burying his grief in mountains of fattening treats.

One of those evenings, he heard a knock on his door, before hearing a familiar voice. It was great timing because he was getting upset and hungry at the same time, whereas comfort food would quickly suppress both.

"Hey, Yuuichi. May I come in? I brought sweets this time!"

The Shiba Inu lifted him now already heavy and broad buttocks, heading towards the door, letting a petite-built squirrel girl in. Mariah was also a freshman and they both quickly became acquaintances. She was way stronger than she looked, bringing full bags of cakes, pies, and other sweet pastries like eclairs. She places all of them on the table nearby, before hugging the male, barely reaching his shoulders on the tips of her toes.

"It's good to see you, big guy. It's my cheat day so I went to buy little something for myself. But I suddenly thought of you so I get carried away a little, picking up almost everything..." she chuckled, somehow feeling guilty for what she did, knowing it wouldn't be her who would devour most of these marvelous, icing-covered treats.

"How should you...?" He started, also feeling quite ashamed, being the main reason for this spending spree.

"Oh, you owe me nothing. I just want to share it with you, that's all. And I want to watch you eat."

As slightly creepy as it sounded, it didn't move Yuuichi in the wrong way, seeing it simply as a friendly gesture. They both sat down at the table, ready for the ravenous feast. He watched Mariah unwrapping a tiny cupcake with just a bit of frosting on it, nipping it gently, and enjoying the baked good. Shiba Inu on the other hand, swiftly opened one of the boxes, taking out a whole pecan pie and placing it on his lap. He didn't care for cutting thin or bigger slices so he just used his large hand to rip it apart and shove the pieces down his maw. The squirrel marveled by this sight, being both impressed and shocked, with an absence of worry or shame. The loud slurping and munching noises filled his small dorm room, which started to barely fit him inside these walls.

Once Yuuichi finished the nut-filled goodness, he took all of the eclairs, apparently a so-called baker's dozen, swallowing them in pairs and shooting out some of the creams from their other ends. Some of it landed on the squirrel, who was too frozen in place at the sight of this madness to notice that sweet paste on her face.

The fluffy canine still hadn't nearly enough of it, now unwrapping some of the cakes, sinking his pawns into them to shovel their parts inside him, filling his void of sadness and famine.

Over half hour later, the fluffy, canine beast was sated, at least for now. His massive, round belly already peeked outside of his shirt, not able to be contained under the clothing. The squirrel couldn't help herself but be amazed by his appetite and gigantic stomach, able to fit all of this food without bursting.

"That. Was. Unbelievable." Her eyes were wide, staring at Yuuichi. "I somewhat knew you would do it but still I'm shocked it's possible to eat all of it with such passion."

Suddenly she jumped onto him, while the chair he was sitting on made a few cracking noses, even if she added only several pounds, compared to his immense weight. Yuuichi didn't reply, seeing some cream on her face. Instinctively, he licked some off her cheek, making her giggle.

"Come on, stop it. You're sweet, but maybe we should get to know a bit better first, hm?"

He didn't care about her rambling at all, grasping her arm while noticing the rest of the cupcake's frosting on her fingers. Shiba Inu ravenously sucked on them, enjoying the taste. But for a strange reason, it wasn't the sweet creamy goodness that turned him on. It was something else.

"Hey, it tickles." The squirrel giggled, not wanting to admit that she enjoyed that. "Seriously, you're not my boyfriend. Could we do this... another time maybe?"

She knew that if this kept up, she would submit completely to this massive beast. But Yuuichi had other plans for her very existence. Growling, he showed some of his teeth before an instant attack.

Mariah gasped when he took her entire arm inside her and while not biting on it, he swiftly shoved more of her figure inside his now gigantic maw. Before the girl could even scream, his jaw closed around her head and neck, taking the rest of her inside him. Even when she struggled it was for absolutely nothing, soon enough landing in his cake and pastry-filled belly. After the deed was done, Yuuichi finally felt satisfied.

Until the next morning.


Nobody talked about Mariah's sudden appearance, at least for now. The only person who saw her entering Yuuichi's dorm room was no other but his neighbor, Shoichi. Apparently, the husky was already succumbed to his grief and didn't care or even know the squirrel who was no longer with them as a student or living being.

It didn't stop Shiba Inu from other feasts with friends and acquaintances. More so, he felt like nothing bad would happen to him after that fateful event. Feeling emptiness again, he looked for more potential victims. And which place wouldn't be than the dining hall?

"Damn Yuuichi. Is that Mount Everest or your meal? I can't believe you're going to eat it right now."

The polar bear while rather chubby, was nowhere as big as Shiba currently was. He barely fit in the chair, which would give up under him sooner or later, slightly bending its legs. It seemed that over the night, he grew some of the fat flaps hear and there, mainly around his belly area. Although his buttocks seemed to be plumper than ever.

"That's nothing. For my supper, I'll probably order a pizza. Or ten." The massive canine shrugged, talking about his diet like it was completely not out of ordinary. The bear's eyes widened, his arm frozen in place, while scrambled eggs fell back onto his plate.

"Wow. That's impressive. Is there perhaps a chance that I could... you know... come over and grab a bite. I just love Italian food.

Yuuichi smirked to himself, knowing he got bear by his ass, figurately speaking for now, but probably in a literal sense this very evening.

"Of course."


The mountains of boxes filled with Italian cuisine were quite a sight in Shiba's dorm room, making its air rather pungent and even thick, but he loved such an environment. He ignored entirely the delivery boy's face when he realized he didn't bring all these foods for a gigantic party or conference. Just for one large, obese and fluffy dog.

Maurice, the polar bear, came inside soon after the meals were ready for immediate consumption. He smelt pretty nice like he used quite a lot of perfumes for himself. Did he think it was a date?

Yuuichi was too focused and hungry to care, not realizing that after his feeding time, he would bloat in size even more, like a slowly filled balloon. Filling his almost bottomless pit that was his stomach was far more important than potential problems with too small clothing and passageways.

"You look good. It was hard to wait for this evening, wanting to finally meet you face to face. Maybe even know each other a bit closer, don't you think?"

The Shiba Inu sat on the floor, using his massive arse as a pouf chair, opening the largest box of pizza he found, before making a bizarre sandwich out of the thick slices. If Italians would see this, there would be probably a start of another war.

Polar bear started to feel that his words didn't reach the gargantuan dog's ears so he sat as well but on the chair, taking a slice of crusty and cheesy goodness for himself. It wasn't what he imagined but still was vastly entertaining to watch Yuuichi swallowing all of these snacks, growing significantly with each passing minute.

"You know, when I accepted this invitation, I hoped it would be more... interactive. Don't mind me, I love food as well. But you could talk to me at the very least."

Seeing that he was still ignored, the polar bear thought about just finishing his bite and leaving the dog be. But then Maurice had an idea to get into his heart. All people knew the easiest and fastest way to it was through the stomach.

The bear opened a massive container with family-sized lasagna. Judging by Yuuichi's current weight, he probably surpassed the average family's size by his own, but he didn't say it out loud for his own sake.

He used one of the many plastic knives there were around, cutting cheesy and meaty masterpiece into massive chunks, dripping with bechamel sauce. While the canine took a short break in his gluttonous spree, Maurice approached him with opened container and fork.

"Here, let me help you, big guy. I assume you don't want bite-size chunks so I made them much bigger." He said, reaching for the first potion, which barely balanced on a plastic piece of cutlery. Shiba silently thanked him, before opening his maw, filled with dirty teeth from cheese and tomato sauces.

The polar bear carefully placed the lasagna on his broad, meaty tongue right before Shiba closed his jaw, almost tasting his flesh. Maurice decided to ignore such an attack, for now, becoming more careful in the future and for his own sake.

"You are famished, aren't you? There, there. I'll take care of you. Open your mouth again, here comes the airplane. A Boening rather..." he joked, taking another gigantic slice and offering it to the obese dog.

Yuuichi belched powerfully after this bite, making more space in his belly for all the food around them. Maurice tried to be nice, ignoring will all his will this mess the dog was doing. But Shiba Inu demanded more.

The hours passed with several breaks in between, while they both just lay on the floor, resting. Polar bear used the massive male as a pillow, enjoying the softness of the immense belly, listening to all noises coming out from his guts, and trying to process all of the meals.

But as everything good in this world, even this had to end sooner or later, at least in Maurice's mind. But while all the delicious food was gone, the meeting wasn't over just yet. And Shiba still had some space in his deep stomach.

"Wow, that was something. All this feeding made me tired but that was fun. May we chill for a moment, before I go back to my room?"

Yuuichi nodded, smiling at the friend, but not expecting what was coming next. Out of a sudden, the large polar bear started undressing, exposing his fluffy and thick fur, a rather big belly, and broad, somewhat muscular legs. The size of his ballsack and currently soft shaft were quite impressive as well, placing him in between other so-called growers, who looked marvelous even if not erect and ready.

Shiba wasn't in any shape or mood to participate in something that Maurice wanted. But apparently, the bear had something vastly different in mind.

"My apologies for that, big guy. It's just it's better to cuddle with my clothes off. You don't have to move a muscle, alright?" Seeing that Yuuichi didn't complain or even react, the bear hugged him passionately, grasping his folds and massaging them with all of his limbs. He was like an alive bouncy castle, giving him all the joy and love he needed. But Shiba sensed something else with his nose.

With paradoxical agility because of his size, Shiba swiftly grasped the polar bear by his chubby arms, pulling his body quickly and surely towards his maw. Before engulfing them, he licked off all the sauce out of his fingers and palms, groaning in happiness.

"Whoah there. If you wanted more sauce, you could just ask. There's probably still some in the containers."

Yuuichi didn't listen, fixated on eating more of living flesh. It didn't take long when he shoved an entire upper body of the flabbergasted Maurice, who was surprisingly too weak to escape.

Within a moment, he also was gone, although still not able to fill the void in his stomach. But Shiba Inu was satisfied.

For now.


The days passed, a present moment without two students on campus premises, although it wasn't nearly over. To the first eaten pair joined another one. And another. Shiba Inu grew and grew, while Shoichi was probably the only one who knew at least part of the ultimate truth.

Yuuichi almost forgot why he was doing all of this. He didn't try to forget that he was getting fatter or slower. No. It was always about his dear husky and still athletic friend. One day he appeared on the tennis court, wanting to finally talk to him, but was too ashamed and scared of potential rejection.

There he was, strong and sweaty, handsome and just great. His moves only got better over those years, becoming truly a tennis ace, defeating all of his opponents with ease, but still treating it more like fun than pure competition.

Yuuichi tried his best to not compare his current posture with his, like broad and thick arms or legs, especially the colossal stomach which started to drag on the ground while he walked.

Despite his size, Shoichi didn't look at his best friend, entirely focused on the swirling ball, leaving his racket with vast speed each time he hit it. It made Yuuchi sick, remembering the good old days when he was almost as good as the husky. He left, unstopped by anyone or anything, not even seen by the ace player.


Yuuichi was this time completely alone in his dorm room, too upset to eat which was bizarre on its own since it was the only reason he was stuffing his fuzzy face in the first place. He tried approaching Shoichi's dorm room several times, but often it ended with him just standing there like a fool, breathing with growing difficulty, before returning to his lair. But in this very moment, he finally stood up, wanting to end this once and for all. Yes, he will knock on the door and tell his best friend what he feels for him.

Puffing and wheezing, he raised one leg and another, trying to support himself with them while grasping the nearby table for extra help. But before he could reach for the door, there was a sudden knock, knowing he didn't order any take-out this evening. Or invited a student for a potential meal.

After opening it, he saw no other but his soulmate, handsome as ever with still glistening drops of sweat on his exposed arms. He seemed to glow in the light, in all of his glory.

They stared at each other in complete silence, when each of them tried to say a word to their friend. In their eyes, they could notice love, sadness, and loneliness. Eventually, the husky cleared his throat, before speaking his mind.

"Whatever is happening, I want to be part of it. Just... don't leave me, okay? I want to be part of you, always." His voice was shaky, almost making him cry. Shiba Inu was vastly moved by these words, contemplating his options. Should he just close the door and save Shoichi from him? Or invite him and let the night take its course and embrace whatever will happen?

Yuuichi smiled, taking a few steps back and letting him inside. And nothing will be the same from now on.

They both knew that.


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