Paws of Fire: Unwritten Story - Chapter 5

Story by Ambelsyn on SoFurry

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#16 of Paws of Fire: Unwritten Book

This entire chapter is Nick telling his story. Enjoy!

M/F will only apply to chapter 5. Nick is straight, so it seemed appropriate. We'll be returning to M/M in chapter 6!

Revision Note: Call it laziness if you want, but since Nick is telling this story, I only fixed spelling and grammar errors. It will remain a short chapter to reflect the length it took in class to speak.

Chapter 5: Paws of Ice

"When I first found this book, it was empty. I touched the paw print, and felt the world change around me. I remember being thrown out of a ball of light into a group of wolves that stood upright. They had the hands of humans, and the females had the breasts of humans, but every other part of their bodies was wolf. They all gave me a quick look before they kept marching toward a large mountain. I looked to see where the wolves were marching and saw the red dragon that I would live to hate even to this day. His name is Drayak, the ruthless ruler of the desolate world I was in. The atmosphere was so hot; I rushed to take off my overcoat. I walked in the direction that the wolves were walking from, only to be stopped by a large armored alligator. He ordered me to take off my clothing and put on a loincloth similar to the ones the wolves were wearing. I did as was ordered, fearing the alligator might punish me with his barbed whip.

I remember being kept awake for so long as I made my way into the cavern under Drayak...about 40 hours of mining for a special ore that he wanted, that I don't even know to this day. I didn't understand why a dream could feel so real, and I prayed and prayed to wake up. That's when...she...came. The most beautiful creature I had ever seen...a white wolfess dressed in what looked to be a cyan prom dress, came down from a flying ice platform and started freezing the alligator guards that made us work. The wolves were cheering, each one making a sprint for escape as she unlocked the binding chains we had on. I was the last one to be freed, and I ran after the wolves, hoping they knew a safe place. I could hear the weight bearing down on the rocks above me shift, the rocks seeming to sigh in relief as a great burden left them. The latter half of the wolves was crushed under the mighty stomp of the great red dragon, sending a chill through me. Me and the wolfess were separated from the escaping wolves. The dragon reached his giant arm into the cave. 'Aveyi! You can't escape me now! Surrender!' I looked up at the wolfess I now knew as Aveyi. She looked back at me with fear in her eyes. I wanted to impress her. I was young, and even in the midst of facing death I wanted to get a beautiful girl to desire me. I watched the pattern that Drayak reached and grabbed for everything, noticing a pattern after about a minute of studying.

I picked up a pickaxe and waited for the right time to shove the handle into the mushy ground, aiming the sharp points just right to achieve what I wanted. I ran back to the side of Aveyi, smirking with pride from her look of awe. I felt excited, thinking that my plan might actually be of some good. I remember Drayak reaching for that same spot, crushing his hand around the pickaxe before the arm quickly pulled out of the cave. The pickaxe was gone too, and I knew what happened. I told Aveyi that now was the time to escape, and she quickly picked me up in her arms and made a new ice platform that we sped out of the cavern on. I looked back at the dragon, smirking as the giant fucker was desperately trying to get the pickaxe out of his claw.

My joy turned to grief as I looked down at the cities of wolves just a bit below us. They were all malnourished, depressed, howling in despair. The homes were all broken down. There was little vegetation, hardly enough to sustain the populations I saw. Aveyi took me to a small hut in one of the desolate cities. She asked me so many questions about what I was, where I came from...I don't remember much else, but after I answered them all she seemed satisfied. She told me about herself, how her entire race was killed by Drayak and his alligator minions, and she was the only survivor left. They had been at war for years, and the side of righteousness had fallen. She hated herself for always running when Drayak would come to kill her, but I knew that if she had perished too, then there would be no hope. I comforted her as she wept in my arms, mourning over how evil had prevailed. I asked her if I could help. I was the only other one capable of fighting besides her. The other wolves were all weakened from malnutrition. How she managed to stay fit...I will never know.

She offered to teach me how to fight without hesitation. She was desperate for help, wanting to make the world right. I accepted. I noticed that every night I slept in the hut, I woke up in my room. Every time I touched the paw again, I went back to where I would have waken up in the book. Several days I spent training with her...and we grew close. I fell in love with her, and on the fourth night she invited me to stay in her room with her. She was...for lack of a better expression, a freak in the sheets. I never knew how much fun ice could be until she used her powers to drive me wild with passion. We sealed our love that night. I won't go into details, since I'm sure you don't want to hear about my sex life.

I became a competent fighter, knowing special ways to take on the alligator henchmen, and how to best avoid Drayak should he ever show up around me. I was able to apply these techniques in this world too. I became more physically fit, and my charisma sky rocketed. The day came when we decided to attack Drayak himself, and end the nightmare. The only thing we didn't have was a plan. That's where I came in. I had noticed that whatever I wore whenever I would enter the book would be on my person when I made it inside. Drayak was always surrounded by thousands of wolves, and although they were tired...they could be given guns to join the fight against Drayak. After I went to sleep that night, I brought two liters of coffee and some sleeping pills so i could quickly come in and out of the dream. I'm not allowed to give you the details on how I racked up fifty shotguns and three-hundred handguns, but I did. I would later regret the sleeping and waking up time and time again to transfer the weaponry into the book. The side effects were atrocious...but they were worth it in the end, I guess. I made my final transfer into the book, and Aveyi and I took flight on her ice platform, each weapon being hauled by tightly knit nets. We looked for the trail of slaves who would enter the mine today and quickly slaughtered the few guards around the vicinity. We untied our nets and we'd pass out the shotguns first to each wolf walking by, then the handguns. We made sure the safety was off and the guns were ready to fire right away, showing each wolf how to fire the gun. None of them fired prematurely, thankfully, or the whole operation would have been blown.

After the last gun was handed out, I pulled out the bomb I had brought. I figured the guns may not have been enough to take the beast down, so I'd have a backup plan...throwing the bomb into the beast's throat and blowing it from the inside. Aveyi and I skidded along the ground with the ice platform. Every time a wolf saw us pass by, the started sprinting with all their remaining strength towards the dragon that they hoped to finally bring down. The plan had already fallen apart as I realized I made a terrible mistake. The wolves carrying the shotguns in the front had to use their shells to kill the guards further along the path. How could I have forgotten the damn guards that were ALWAYS there!? Precious deer slugs were used on small fry. Drayak had appeared after several loud shotgun blasts, the dragon raging as he started stomping huge groups of wolves. Every armed wolf laid fire on Drayak, the beast screeching with pain, but not getting taken down. Aveyi flew me up above the dragon's maw, and I activated the timer. The bomb would go off in 5 minutes. I threw the bomb down, praying it would go into the maw. I cringed in despair as Drayak flung the dynamite away at a nearby mountainside. So this was it...he couldn't do the same thing twice. And they wouldn't be able to escape him this time. I fell to my knees and wept, and the last thing I felt was the sharp claw of Drayak bearing down on me. I was slain...

I thought I had died for true, but I woke up in...Well...the place where I acquired the weapons. I tried to go back into the book, desperately trying to help my love and her people. It was too late. I was dead in the book, and I couldn't come back. I opened to the last pages, watching as the book finally started writing on its own. Before, the book only made text if I was in it. Now it was finishing the story without me...from Aveyi's perspective. She was lost in despair, and longed to be with me again. She dodged the strikes of the mighty dragon, rushing for the bomb. She picked it up and kept a close eye on the timer. I could tell what she was was brilliant. She kept running from his strikes, dodging the deadliest of blows while staring only at the clock. At five seconds till detonation, she jerked around and threw the bomb with all her might into Drayak's clamping jaw. Drayak began to choke for a bit before the bomb went off, dragon scales and blood splattering the desolate lands around them, fiery wrath expanding from where the bomb went off. I was overjoyed that she had done it...but I would never be able to see her again.

So now I have an enormous debt to pay for losing all of those guns, and I'll never get to see my lover again. She still mourns for me...I read it in the story. She's helping the wolves regain their world, and it is rapidly changing for the better. The alligators are no match for her, and soon she'll have an army of trained wolves to exterminate the remaining filth in the world. I hope, one day, to return to the book."

Nick pulled a small vial from under his overcoat, showing the tuft of white fur in the vial. "This is all I have left of her in a physical form." Nick was hiding his despair well for so long, but now he let tears flow from his eyes. Still, he held back his sobs and snorts well.

The classroom was filled with teary-eyed and awe-struck students who applauded the enticing tale.

Only Daniel remained seated during the standing ovation. His jaw was dropped and he stared at Nick like he had just revealed he was actually a woman.