Elysia: Kevin - Part 1

Story by Mickeylion on SoFurry

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#7 of Elysia

Elysia: Sanctuary

A collaboration between Mickeylion and gilo2.2 (his accounts below)https://gilo2-2.sofurry.com/https://www.furaffinity.net/user/gilo2.2/

My contribution was primarily writing up the outline and early drafts of the first two parts, while gilo2.2 did the brunt of the creative writing and final editing.

This story continues the Elysia series and picks up after the events of Elysia: The Taxidermists: Part 2https://www.sofurry.com/view/828832https://www.furaffinity.net/view/15965301

Elysia is now in charge of a flourishing wildlife sanctuary, having taken over John's ranch and all-but dismantled his old client base.

Sadly, Elysia knows that she still has work to do. She now sees it as her sacred duty to take the fight to humanity, having witnessed their cruelty and mindless destruction of nature first-hand. She has already transformed numerous well-deserving individuals into animals, having used them to fill the sanctuary and to help repopulate the surrounding countryside.

Elysia has now found a new unsuspecting victim and his family...

Previous part:https://www.sofurry.com/view/1870309

Kevin stretched as he got out of his car and looked up at the old farmhouse standing in front of him. It had been a long, gruelling drive; and he hoped that it would be worth it. He had arranged to meet with John, the owner of this remote wildlife sanctuary, in order to discuss purchasing an exotic animal or two for his beloved wife. Only, this wasn't the real reason Kevin was here. He had been looking into this mysterious old ranch for a number of months now, and he had discovered quite a few things that just didn't add up.

Aside from anything else, just the look and feel of the place somehow seemed off. The old farmhouse and the surrounding yard looked unusually run-down and overgrown as numerous plants grew extensively over the walls and rooftops. The place was apparently still in business, but you wouldn't know it from looking at the outside. There were no people around and no signs of any human activity. Kevin felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up as he got the urge to get back in his car and to never come back.

Instead of this, Kevin took a deep breath before he went to the front door of the farmhouse and rang the doorbell. As he stood waiting to be let in, Kevin continued to remind himself what he ought to be looking out for. There were so many strange events that were connected to this place, and he was determined to find out exactly why that was.

First, there was John and this old ranch. Kevin knew that John and his sons used the ranch to operate numerous illegal activities revolving around breeding and selling exotic animals. Their business was a highly-secretive affair, which is why Kevin found it strange that John had drawn attention to himself by publicly announcing the opening of his new wildlife sanctuary about two years ago. Weirdly, the 'sanctuary' was still regularly advertising the sale of exotic animals in some of the darker corners of the internet. This seemed like an illogical and risky strategy given that John was now much more in the public eye than before.

Something else that was strange was the fact that, ever since John's wildlife sanctuary opened, several local animal shelters had completely gone out of business. Weirdly, it turned out that John had adopted every single one of their animals, and he was now advertising that he would happily take in any abandoned animals completely free of charge. Again, this baffled Kevin. What would an exotic animal trader want with a load of unwanted pets that were usually either injured, mentally-scarred or both?

In addition, something similar had happened to a number of farms in the local area. For no apparent reason, several prominent farming families had abruptly decided to sell their land and livestock and to move away for good, leaving behind livelihoods that had been in their families for generations. What made this even stranger was the fact that John had somehow managed to acquire every single one of their abandoned farm animals as well, some of which were incredibly valuable and well-bred. Kevin suspected that blackmail or underhanded threats must have been at play. There was no way that a lowly animal trader like John had the power and resources to manage all of this on his own.

Despite this though, what worried Kevin most of all were the numerous disappearances connected with this place. Kevin could loosely connect about fifty missing persons cases to John's recent activities. A number of the displaced farmers and animal shelter employees had mysteriously gone missing, as had many of John's most-trusted clients and customers for his illegal business ventures. Even John's sons had apparently disappeared off the face of the earth, having abruptly dropped out of college and stopped all activity on social media at about the time the sanctuary opened. It was all far too much of a coincidence. This John guy was obviously clever, influential and an expert at making people disappear. This was why Kevin had come prepared, as he reassuringly felt the heavy weight of a loaded handgun sitting concealed inside his jacket pocket.

Kevin kept cycling through this information until he was brought back to the present by the sound of the farmhouse's heavy wooden door slowly creaking open. Greeting him inside was the big, gruff form of a man in perhaps his late forties or early fifties. This was presumably John, the man that was behind all of the strange activities going on in the area.

"Morning, you must be Kevin," John said warmly as he stretched out his hand, "name's John."

In response, Kevin nodded in greeting as he confidently shook John's hand.

"So, I believe you were looking for something to buy," John continued with a grin, "something for the misses wasn't it?"

"That's right," Kevin replied, "we're expecting to become parents for the first time later this month. That's why I wanted to get her something really special. Having this baby has been tough for both of us, but if anyone deserves a present then it is definitely my Vicky."

"How romantic," John replied with a friendly and yet slightly unsettling smile. The big man then seemed to pause and think about something for a few seconds before he snapped back to his senses. "Well, I think I have several specimens outside that will take your fancy. I'm sure at least one of them will be able to make your wife very happy."

Again, John produced another slightly-creepy smile as he said this. Kevin was now on high alert for something to happen, but for the moment John didn't seem to be making any threatening moves.

As a result of this, Kevin obediently followed John as he was led around the side of the house to the sanctuary proper. Unfortunately, Kevin hadn't picked up on the excited twinkle in John's eyes. Kevin was now right where he was meant to be, and Elysia simply couldn't wait to teach him a lesson that he would most certainly never forget...

[30 minutes later]

"...and here we have our big cat selection," John said as he gestured to the various enclosures standing around him, "how could Vicky say 'no' to one of these majestic animals. Don't worry, they are all perfectly tame, though some are better-behaved than others."

As John said this he looked down and gave a subtle wink to the male cougar, Randle, as he sat sulking in the corner of his enclosure, having recently finished mating with his transformed brother, Ben. Seeing Elysia in the guise of his father made Randle bristle with anger. Reminding Randle what had happened to him and his family was just another way in which the sadistic witch liked to torment and humiliate him. He wished he could just ignore his irritating captor, but sadly he wasn't some robot that could just switch off his emotions. He hated what he and his relatives had become, but sadly there was absolutely nothing he could do to help them in any meaningful way.

While Elysia was busy taunting the cougars, Kevin pretended to take an interest in the lioness in the enclosure to his right. The big cat was lying on her side beside a larger male lion. The male seemed to be hostile as he growled and bared his teeth at Kevin, however the female seemed much more docile as she got up and headed over to him.

Kevin looked at the lioness closely as she approached. The big cat looked tired and subdued as she stared at him with her deep amber eyes. Kevin couldn't explain why, but he somehow got a sense of sadness coming from the animal in front of him as a look of deep regret settled across her soft feline features. What's more, an unusual flicker of intelligence seemed to be present in the animal's eyes, something which made Kevin feel slightly uneasy in the pit of his stomach.

Kevin continued to think about this as he kept staring at the submissive lioness. However, this soon ended when, with a threatening growl, the male lion got up and ordered the female to return to his side.

With what sounded like a reluctant sigh, the lioness slowly turned back around and headed towards the intimidating male in the far corner of the enclosure. Kevin felt strangely sad as he watched the lioness go. It was obvious that she didn't really want to, and it was only when Kevin spotted the bite marks on the back of her neck and the dark, wet stain between her legs that he finally figured out why...

Right on cue, the lioness moved in front of the male and slumped down onto her stomach. She then raised her tail and spread her legs slightly, thus making it obvious what she was getting ready to do.

Sure enough, the dominant male wasted no time as he unceremoniously stood over the lioness, dipped his lower-half down, and expertly slipped his rock-hard cock straight into the female's exposed vagina. This prompted the female to let out a loud yowl of shock as she felt the male's barbed penis beginning to scratch and scrape the sensitive walls of her inner passage. This initially caused the distressed cat to struggle and shift around in discomfort, however, the familiar feeling of a pair of fearsome jaws clamping down on the base of her neck soon made her go completely limp. Before long, the exhausted lioness had been completely subdued, meaning she was left utterly defenceless and fully at the male's mercy. As a predictable result of this, she was soon busy wailing out in a mix of both pain and pleasure as she was forced to swallow down her mate's rapidly-pumping shaft over and over and over again.

Upon noticing Kevin's interest in Sean and Brutus' mating ritual, Elysia finally made up her mind as to what she would do to this particular human. By chatting to him for the past half hour, she had come up with a suitable punishment that would put Kevin in his place...

With this in mind, Elysia moved up behind Kevin and cast a powerful sleeping spell over him. Kevin immediately got up and reached for his gun, suspecting that he had been drugged or something. However, the spell was so fast-acting that he wasn't even able to reach into his pocket before he collapsed heavily to the ground.

Kevin then watched John stand over him as his vision started to blur. He thought he heard the man say something but he couldn't understand what it was. Instead, all he could really hear were the sounds of the furiously mating lions coming from nearby. In fact, the last sound he heard was the loud series of roars that signalled the conclusion of the couple's passionate lovemaking. Then everything went dark for Kevin as he completely blacked-out and drifted off into unconsciousness...

[...some time later...]

Kevin didn't know how long he had been unconscious when he finally came to. As he slowly came to his senses he sat up and blinked several times to clear his vision. He was immediately confused and terrified to find himself sitting completely naked in a dark room, as he wondered what the heck had happened to him. However, as his eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness, he he did slowly start to make out his surroundings. He then felt an icy chill run up his spine when he realised where he was. He was shut inside a small, dingy basement or, more specifically, his house's small, dingy basement!

Kevin's thoughts quickly turned into a thick soup of confused thoughts as he struggled to process what was going on. How did he even get here? Had he been drugged? The last thing he remembered was being back at the animal sanctuary. He also remembered John standing over him as he passed out, but that was about it.

As Kevin's head continued to spin, his panicked thoughts quickly turned to Vicky, his pregnant wife. He called out Vicky's name as he got up and rushed towards the stairs. However, he soon paused when he heard footsteps on the other side of the door. He called Vicky's name again but there was no answer.

Suddenly though, the whole room was illuminated as the basement door dramatically swung open. For a moment it was blindingly bright, but Kevin was quickly able to make out two silhouetted figures at the top of the stairs; both of whom he recognised. One was obviously his wife Vicky, who was given away by her large pregnant belly. However, the other individual was a much less welcome sight. It was John!

"Hello Kevin," John said in his familiar gruff voice, "I hope you enjoyed your little nap. I was just getting to know Vicky here. Such a charming girl..."

With that, John pushed Vicky forward and motioned for her to head down the stairs. John then turned on the lights, leaving Kevin horrified by what he saw. Vicky was also completely naked with her bulging chest on full display. As well as this, Vicky's mouth had been gagged and her wrists tied by what appeared to be rope. Weirdly however, on closer inspection these turned out to be a series of tough, sinewy vines that had been wrapped tightly around her wrists and mouth; thus ensuring that she could neither speak nor fight back as she was forced to do as John said. She looked absolutely terrified as she stared at Kevin with large, blood-shot eyes.

"What the fuck is the meaning of this John," Kevin said as he moved to help his wife down the stairs, "if you've laid a finger on my wife then I'll kill you right here and now."

In response, John simply chuckled as he looked at Kevin intently. "So quick to resort to violence. Your kind are all the same. That is why I am here, to put another one of you barbaric humans in your place."

Upon hearing this, Kevin started to truly feel sick as he remembered everything he had learned about John and the numerous disappearances connected to him. Had John found out the real reason why he had gone to the ranch? Did he know that he was under investigation? If so, how the hell had he managed that?

Another thing that Kevin found weird was the way John spoke. The way he talked about 'your kind' almost made it sound like he wasn't human. Clearly this guy was totally nuts, which made Kevin extra nervous for his wife and unborn child as they slowly descended the basement stairs.

"Listen mister," Kevin replied as he clenched his fist, "I don't know what your game is but just leave my wife out of it. We've done nothing wrong, so just go now and nobody needs to get hurt."

In reply, John curled his lips as an unsettling grin spread across his face. Then, out of nowhere, he roughly shoved Vicky towards her startled husband. Thankfully Kevin was able to catch his wife safely as he hugged her comfortingly.

"Oh, you've done nothing wrong?" The sinister man continued as he kept moving towards the terrified couple, "like the rest of your kind, you merely seek to exploit nature for your own gains. You came to my sanctuary looking for a fancy pet for your slut of a wife. You would willingly enslave an innocent animal just to make your partner happy? Well, soon you will get a taste of your own medicine. Soon you will be the pet and I shall be your new master. You will know how it feels to live in a cage for the rest of your life. Surely that shouldn't be a problem, given that you'd so happily do the same to another living creature?"

Kevin started to see red as he listened to John's tirade. Had he been paying attention, he might have noticed the slight cracking of the man's voice and the excited twinkle in his eyes. However, hearing his wife being called a slut had caused him to ignore everything else as his rage started to boil over...

With a shout and a raised fist, Kevin rushed to protect his family as he prepared to punch John as hard as he could. However, Kevin was soon startled as John began to glow and change. His rough masculine features became smoother and softer as his height diminished and his hips widened. A healthy head of long, flowing green hair then appeared from John's scalp, while his old, worn clothes completely disappeared; leaving Elysia's nude figure standing before him in all her glory.

Kevin was understandably stunned by this as he froze in a mix of both wonder and confusion. "W-who are you? What are you?" he was finally able to stutter. "What have you done with John?"

This question made Elysia chuckle as she wondered what the real John was up to right now. She was probably busy being fucked into the dirt like the filthy rodent she now was. Toying with these pathetic human beings was so much fun, and now Elysia couldn't wait to get to work on Kevin.

"My name is Elysia," the excited forest spirit announced in answer to Kevin's questions. "I am sworn to protect life and nature from any threat, and currently it is humanity that poses the greatest danger of all. My kind has guarded nature for centuries, but sadly this is a battle we are slowly losing. In recent decades, humans have become far more efficient at destroying the natural world. Only recently have I realised that, in order to stop you, a much more proactive approach must be taken. That is why John is now nothing but a horny, pregnant rat; while I have been able to put his disgusting body to much better use by using it to capture more of your terrible kind!"

Kevin struggled to comprehend most of what he had just seen and heard. He was still freaked out by John's transformation into a naked young woman, let alone all of her various threats about punishing him and 'his kind.'

"Now then," Elysia continued as Kevin remained frozen in confusion, "I think it is time for your punishment to begin. Yes, I know exactly what to do with you, and your precious wife..."

This threat finally snapped Kevin into action as he once again moved to protect his wife and unborn child. However, Elysia was obviously prepared for such a move as, with a simple gesture, she made Kevin's entire body lock-up as he suddenly froze in place.

Kevin was filled with dread as he struggled desperately to break free from Elysia's spell. Unfortunately, all of his efforts accomplished nothing as he remained perfectly motionless like a statue. Alarmingly though, unlike a statue, Kevin's senses remained fully intact. He could still hear, feel and see everything that was going on around him; a fact which Elysia planned to take full advantage of...

"That's it," Elysia said as she moved in close to Kevin's frozen form, "not so tough now are we dear? I think you'll find that I will be making the threats from now on."

Hearing this only added to Kevin's horror as he realised the true peril he was in. Rather than trying to kill this strange, supernatural woman, Kevin now understood that his only chance was to beg for mercy; if not for him then at least for his wife and child. Unfortunately though, this revelation had come too late. Now he couldn't plead for his life or for anyone else's. Instead, all he could do was silently observe as events unfolded around him.

Upon sensing Kevin's distress, Elysia moved even closer as she revelled in the helplessness of the man frozen in front of her. She then emphasised her control over him by caressing his naked body with both of her hands, after which she gave a slow, teasing lick over Kevin's cheek as she imagined just how his specially-tailored punishment would play out.

"Mmmmm, so helpless and afraid," Elysia said as she finally let go of the living statue in front of her, "I can already tell that you are going to make a marvellous pet. Soon you will learn that serving me is always the best option. This will become clearer once your true punishment begins, but before that I intend to further demonstrate my power over you pathetic humans. Soon I shall reveal your fate, but first I want you to witness hers..."

With that, Elysia suddenly unleashed a powerful bolt of energy which struck Vicky square in the centre of her pregnant chest, causing her to cry out and bend over in pain as she gripped her stomach in distress. In the meantime, Elysia made sure to reposition Kevin so that he was left staring at his wife, completely unable to block anything out as his eyes remained wide open.

With Kevin now in position, Elysia casually pointed her finger at her latest victim as she sent a steady stream of magic directly into Vicky's trembling body. Kevin could only watch and listen in horror as his beloved wife started to sob loudly out of both fear and discomfort. However, things soon got so much worse when Vicky's body started to change...

Kevin was in utter shock as he noticed Elysia's magic beginning to take effect. First, a strange goosebump-like texture started to quickly spread over Vicky's naked body, beginning at the impact point of Elysia's initial magical blast and then gradually moving outwards. Seeing this made Kevin feel uneasy and confused as he wondered what the hell was going on. However, Kevin soon had his answer as, with a sudden eruption of colour, patches of black, white and blue started to sprout up all over Vicky's body!

Kevin was utterly horrified as he saw what were unmistakably feathers beginning to spread like a rash from his wife's previously-smooth skin. Vicky shrieked as her long flowing hair started to fall out in clumps, only for it to be replaced by a layer of warm, streamlined feathers which quickly spread to cover any bald patches at the top of her skull.

Witnessing this made Kevin want to scream, but all he could do was stand in silent horror as his dear wife's body gradually shifted into something inhuman. He was powerless to stop the process as bones cracked and muscles stretched and popped agonisingly. It was truly horrible to watch, which was exactly what Elysia had hoped for.

As the transformation steadily progressed, Vicky continued to scream and sob loudly as she watched her body gradually morphing into its new avian shape. She looked on in horror as her hands and fingers grew elongated, causing them to stretch and crack painfully as they steadily shifted into their new configurations. To coincide with this, dark blue feathers also started to spread out over Vicky's transforming hands and arms, while white and black feathers started to cover what would soon be a complete pair of wings.

"PLEASE!" Vicky screamed as her transformation continued to progress at an alarming rate, "please stop this! P-please," Vicky begged as she clutched her enlarged stomach, "you can't hurt my baby!"

Regrettably, Elysia didn't seem at all moved as she said nothing. She could sense the pure terror pouring off both of her captives, but if anything it made her feel good! There was no such thing as an innocent human. They were all complicit in the destruction of nature, and Elysia vowed that she would punish every single one she could get her hands on.

With this in mind, Elysia did nothing as Vicky's transformation continued. The twisted bird-woman looked to her husband for comfort as the changes moved lower down her body. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she felt her feet cracking and reconfiguring themselves. First, her big toes grotesquely turned backwards with a distressing popping sound, after which two sets of sharp, black talons started to gradually emerge.

"Please stop it!" Vicky repeated in sheer desperation as she watched her feet turning black and scaly, "please let us go!"

Sadly, once again this did nothing to sway Elysia. Instead, the amused forest spirit watched as long tail feathers suddenly sprouted from Vicky's rear-end, causing her posture to tip forward as she instinctively tucked her new wings into her body for balance. Seeing this made Elysia chuckle, now that Vicky had adopted the posture that she would now live with for the rest of her life.

With Vicky now nothing but a giant bird from the neck down, Elysia finally set about completing the process as she casually sent another pulse of magic into her victim's twisted form. This jolt of energy rippled through Vicky's entire body, causing her to cry out in distress as she rapidly started to shrink down towards the floor.

Then, as if things weren't already bad enough, a fresh wave of terror quickly washed over Vicky when she discovered that even her voice wouldn't be spared. Tears streamed down Vicky's face as her final pleading words gradually gave way to a series of distressed squawks, more befitting of a member of her new kind. This was swiftly followed by another dramatic change as Vicky's entire face stretched forward to accommodate the long, black beak that steadily forced its way out of her agape mouth. This final change signalled the end of Vicky's gruelling transformation, leaving her as a frightened female magpie looking up at the towering figures of her husband and tormentor as they loomed large above her.

"Mmmm, very nice," Elysia purred as she looked down at the distressed bird, "this new form suits you my dear. You are so much more elegant as an animal than you ever were as a human being. In fact, I'm sure your charming husband will be eager to get a closer look at you..."

With that, Elysia gently bent down and scooped up Vicky with both hands. She then cradled the bird in her arms like a baby as she stepped forward and allowed Kevin to take a closer look. Aside from the human awareness evident in her eyes, Vicky now looked like a completely ordinary magpie. Kevin desperately wanted to hold and comfort his transformed wife, but all he could really do was stare back at her blankly as he remained frozen completely in place. In fact, his only reaction came in the form of tears welling up in his unblinking eyes as he realised just how frightened his wife must have been and how helpless he was to comfort her.

After spending the next few minutes showing-off every angle of Vicky's new body and savouring the young couple's despair, Elysia finally turned her attention to Kevin as she licked her lips in anticipation.

"Now then," Elysia said directly to Kevin as she possessively stroked the top of Vicky's feathery head, "I think it is your turn my dear. Do not worry, I am going to turn you into something truly beautiful. Forget about your worthless human life; this is what you were always destined to become..."

With no further warning, crackling arcane energy surged from Elysia's fingers as she fired a powerful bolt of magic straight towards Kevin. The paralysed man was of course helpless to avoid it as his body was instantly gripped by an intense, searing pain that made every cell in his body burn in agony.

With her spell now taking root deep inside her victim's body, Elysia finally decided to return Kevin's control of his body. This caused Kevin to immediately crumple to the floor in agony as he gripped his stomach and cursed loudly out of distress and hatred.

Regrettably, Kevin's outburst did nothing to halt Elysia's magic as it quickly got to work. Kevin was alarmed to see soft white hairs beginning to sprout on his chest, while elsewhere the hairs were either black or a rich golden-brown colour. As well as this, Kevin grimaced as he felt his organs beginning to shift around inside him, while his joints and tendons also started to cramp and strain uncomfortably.

Having watched what had become of his wife, Kevin knew that he would end up in a similar state unless he did something fast. He desperately wanted to get up and throttle Elysia right there and then, but in his weakened, pain-ridden state, his only real option was to beg for his and Vicky's lives...

"P-please... nnngh... please stop this!" Kevin said as he looked up at Elysia from his position crumpled at her feet, "I will do what you want if you just let my wife go. S-she is... innocent..."

Kevin was distracted from his desperate pleading by the feeling and sound of his bones starting to pop and crack painfully as they shifted beneath his skin. As for Elysia, she was excited to see Kevin's final form as she bent down to taunt him further...

"Mmmm, how adorable," Elysia said as she ran her hand through the soft hairs of Kevin's steadily-developing pelt, "you still don't seem to understand how things are going to work from now on. You are correct that you will serve and obey me, but not because I am going to spare your precious wife. All humans deserve punishment, and the two of you will be a welcome addition to my little menagerie. You will both help to repair that which your kind has destroyed, and you will do so out of fear of what should happen if you invoke my wrath!"

After finishing her monologue, Elysia sent another wave of magical energy surging into Kevin's body. Kevin was left writhing around on his back in agony as his changes seemed to accelerate. Already, much of the fat on his chest had steadily melted away, leaving his new furry body looking much more sleek and streamlined than before.

However, Kevin's ordeal was still far from over as his arms and legs became the next targets of Elysia's spell. To his dismay, Kevin could only watch through gritted teeth as the bones in his hands and feet crunched and snapped painfully into their new configurations. Soon, it was clear that he was developing a set of four sturdy paws, each of which was adorned with sharp claws and a rough padded surface on the underside.

"That's it," Elysia said as she revelled in Kevin's latest changes, "soon you will be nothing but a lowly animal. You and your wife will make worthy additions to my wildlife sanctuary. Don't worry," Elysia said as she looked down to the horrified magpie on the ground beside her, "the two of you will remain very close for the rest of your lives. In fact," Elysia said directly to the frightened bird beneath her, "I think you ought to get a closer look at your husband. After all, you'll want to be able to recognise him once he's a full-blown animal!"

With that, Elysia quickly darted forward and grabbed Vicky firmly in her outstretched hand. She then held up the frantically-squawking bird as she began showing off Kevin's changes. Elysia could detect Vicky's fear and dismay as she was forced to watch her husband's hips snap into a quadrupedal orientation and a snaky tail beginning to sprout from the end of his spine. In fact, Kevin was soon looking undeniably feline below the neck, though there was still one area that had thus far been unaffected by Elysia's magic...

"What do you think dear?" Elysia said to Vicky as she stroked her lovingly, "I think your husband will make a fine little pussycat once he's complete. However, before that happens I can still see something that would look rather out of place on Kevin's new body. Thankfully I know just how to solve this issue. Now pay close attention dear, your husband's most exciting change is about to begin..."

Right on cue, Kevin felt a sudden heat in his crotch as Elysia's magic finally started to target his still-human genitalia. Kevin groaned and kicked his transformed legs in discomfort as his cock and balls suddenly started to pulse and throb with magical energy. Weirdly, Kevin was unable to stop the intense rush of blood that followed, meaning that he couldn't avoid the massive erection that quickly rose up towards the ceiling.

"Hmmm, rather impressive for a human," Elysia said as she moved Vicky closer towards her husband's sizeable penis, "I bet Kevin's favourite toy has brought the two of you a lot of pleasure over the years. It almost seems a shame that it has to go, but I can assure you that it is being replaced by something even better!"

As if following Elysia's cue, the spell started to surge in power and intensity as the heat in Kevin's cock and balls grew even more powerful. Then, with another deep groan, Kevin abruptly came as his dick suddenly erupted in the most powerful orgasm of his entire life.

Elysia watched in amusement as a dozen powerful jets of Kevin's semen splattered messily over his crotch. Just as planned, Kevin's testicles were draining themselves dry, which caused them to gradually deflate as they ejected their no-longer-needed contents. Strangely, Kevin didn't notice this subtle change at first, as he struggled to contain the rush of enjoyment that accompanied the release of his pent-up testosterone and sexual frustration. In fact, it was only when Kevin felt his junk starting to pull up between his legs that he finally realised something was very badly wrong...

Elysia made sure that both of her victims had an unobstructed view of the action as Kevin's genitalia started to shift and diminish. To his absolute horror, Kevin noticed his balls grow wrinkly and shrivelled as the very last drops of his cum was painfully squeezed out of them. However, even more disturbing was the sight of his pride and joy as it too began to shrink and dwindle in size. Seeing this made Elysia giggle in anticipation as she watched, already knowing full-well what would happen next.

Sure enough, Kevin let out a cry of dismay as he felt the loose skin of his deflated balls beginning to reform into something new. First, some of the loose folds of skin started to shift together to form a pronounced fleshy mound between Kevin's legs. This new growth then split down the centre, while any unused tissue from Kevin's former scrotum helped to form a set of firm, sensitive lips around his new opening.

Naturally, seeing this horrified Kevin to his core, but sadly he was too wracked with discomfort to really protest. Instead, all he could do was grimace and squirm helplessly as he felt a strange tunnelling sensation coming from deep inside his inhuman body. He desperately wanted to deny what was happening, but now he was starting to realise just how cruel his sadistic punishment would truly be.

Sadly, this grim revelation did nothing to halt Elysia's magic. As Kevin's new opening grew steadily deeper, tighter and more sensitive, the changes also started to focus on his pride and joy itself, as it too began to change. Kevin and Vicky both watched in horror, and Elysia in glee, as the still-human penis shrank and receded towards the base of Kevin's new opening. The organ's horrified owner could only watch in dismay as his impressive member quickly dwindled away to almost nothing. In fact, when it was all over, all that was left of Kevin's manhood was a small nub of hyper-sensitive flesh nestled at the base of his new opening. Seeing all of this made Kevin feel sick to the core, as he was cruelly stripped of his masculinity and left with an uncomfortable emptiness between his legs.

Following this latest damning change, it was now painfully obvious what Kevin's ultimate fate would be. Elysia made sure that Vicky had a good, close-up view as fluffy fur settled over the new mound between her husband's legs. Not long after this, Vicky was treated to the sight of Kevin's new nipples forming as two rows of soft teats gently peaked out from his chest. This all helped to cement what everyone already knew: Kevin wasn't just turning into a predatory cat... he was turning into a FEMALE!

"Mmmmm, that's much better," Elysia teased as she admired Kevin's brand new vagina sitting proudly between his, or more accurately 'HER' legs. "I think being a girl will suit you far more than being a man. All of that ego and testosterone has been replaced by your developing motherly instincts. Already there is a part of you that wants your new pussy to be filled. Do not be ashamed dear, you cannot help what you now are. You cannot help being a horny little kitten!"

Upon hearing this, Kevin tried to make her thoughts known as she swiped at Elysia with her claws. However, these efforts to deter the forest spirit quickly backfired as, with an abrupt lunge forward, Elysia pressed an outstretched finger against Kevin's vagina; after which she unloaded a powerful bolt of magic directly into the fleshy passage that lay beyond.

Kevin cried out and kicked her legs in discomfort as her new sex organ quivered and pulsated with energy. However, things quickly got more disturbing as Kevin felt a sudden spark of warmth beginning to burn deep inside her. This strange sensation triggered a ripple of energy which led to more subtle changes to Kevin's body. Most notably, Kevin was shocked to feel her nipples hardening, her vagina moistening, and the furry mound between her legs beginning to swell with blood as its sensitivity seemed to intensify a hundred times over. This was all just another layer to Kevin's punishment. Now, like many of Elysia's past victims, Kevin was cursed to remain in a state of perpetual heat for the rest of her miserable life.

"Oooooh, I bet that feels better," Elysia said as she gently tickled Kevin's tight vaginal slit, "soon you will be fully enslaved to your new mating instincts. Soon you will beg to have that sweet cunt of yours stretched and filled by a proper male. First though, I think we just need to sort out that disgusting human face of yours...

Right on cue, Elysia's magic started to focus on the last human-looking remnants of Kevin's twisted body. Kevin tried to plead with her captor one last time, but soon her voice devolved into bestial snarls and growls as her neck and voicebox were steadily warped by the changes.

As for Kevin's face, this too started to shift and contort as a broad feline muzzle slowly pressed outwards into her field of vision. As well as this, Kevin's ears became much more rounded and furry as they steadily shifted to the top of her skull. This was swiftly followed by the development of long whiskers on the end of her muzzle and a new set of predatory teeth inside her extended jaws. This then left her eyes as the last things to change as they adopted a deep amber colour. After this, Kevin's transformation was complete. She was no longer a man; she was now a horrified female ocelot!

"Excellent," Elysia announced as she admired the dazed feline in front of her, "this beautiful new form will allow you to serve the natural world for the rest of your days. From now on you will obey my every command. Do you understand, girl?"

Although she was still reeling from her recent ordeal, Elysia's words still managed to stir something within Kevin that told her to keep resisting. As a result of this, Kevin did her best to seem threatening as she bared her teeth and snarled as menacingly as she could.

Sadly, Elysia seemed less than impressed by this display as she dismissed Kevin with a slight chuckle. "Silly kitten, you are in no position to be making threats. I am rather enjoying your continued defiance but I can't let you be too disruptive. Perhaps this will convince you to behave..."

With that, Elysia's body began to glow with a blinding light which caused Kevin and Vicky to shield their eyes. This meant that it was only after the light had dimmed that the transformed couple could see what was going on. There, standing in place of Elysia, was an exact replica of Kevin; who was now standing completely naked in the middle of the room!

"That's it, take a good look," Elysia said down to Kevin as she adopted the guise of the man's old human body, "you have lost so much in such a short space of time. However, I think there is still far more I can do to put you in your place. Hmmm, maybe I will invite some of your family round, I'm sure they wouldn't want to miss out on the fun!"

Listening to this made Kevin's blood run ice cold, not least because Elysia was able to perfectly mimic her old human voice as she talked. More worryingly though, it was immediately clear what the vengeful forest spirit was now threatening to do. Kevin reasoned that if Elysia could impersonate her perfectly then it would be very easy to lure the rest of her family into a trap.

With this in mind, Kevin now understood how hopeless the situation was as she looked up at her old human self. She now knew that she had to behave, or else it would be her loved ones that ended up paying the price. And so, with a pathetic *meow,* Kevin slowly bowed her head and submitted herself to Elysia's control.

"Wise choice," Elysia simply said as she smiled down at the defeated ocelot at her feet. "If you do as I say I will leave the rest of your family out of our little fun and games. Does that sound like a fair deal?"

In response, Kevin sadly nodded her head. She dreaded to think what lay in store for her, but if it meant that her family remained safe then almost any sacrifice was worth taking.

"Good," Elysia responded as she moved closer to Kevin's trembling form, "now let's see just how submissive and obedient you really are. First, I think you should get to know that sexy new cunt of yours. Why don't you put your tongue to good use and pleasure yourself!?"

Upon hearing this, Kevin just looked at Elysia in shock. She couldn't be serious.

Sensing this hesitation, Elysia grabbed the nape of Kevin's neck. The ocelot yelped in surprise before Eysia pulled her head downwards towards her crotch, such that Kevin was forced to stare at her new feminine sex.

Kevin's face was then held just inches from her crotch. The sight of her own altered genitals was so shocking that her brain was still struggling to register that it was now a part of her. In this position she could see every detail of the furry mound between her legs, as well as the tight virgin folds that adorned it. Though she was still unspoiled, she could actually feel the heat emanating from her own folds. The curse that left her in permanent heat ensured that her sex already smelled sweet and moist with her arousal.

After several moments forcing her to study her tight wet pussy, Elysia steadily pushed down on Kevin's head until her nose tickled against her labia. "Get a good look," Elysia said down to Vicky as she held her a few inches away from her husband's crotch, "watch as your husband explores her newfound femininity!"

Vicky was obviously disgusted by what was happening to her husband as she squawked out in protest. However, this merely amused Elysia as she continued to increase the pressure on the back of Kevin's head; forcing the tip of her muzzle directly into contact with the swollen organ between her legs. This made Kevin shudder in denial as she felt her firm pussy lips beginning to spread slightly around the tip of her advancing muzzle. It was just a simple contact, but it was one that highlighted just how much Kevin had already lost.

"Go on puss puss, give yourself a taste," Elysia encouraged with a sly grin, "you don't want the rest of your family to be invited to watch as well do you?"

Hearing this made Kevin groan as she remembered Elysia's previous demonstration of her powers. Having seen what the witch had done to her and her wife, Kevin suspected that Elysia wasn't one for making empty threats. And so, with this in mind and a pathetic *meow* of regret, Kevin gingerly stuck out her tongue out and let the tip taste the outer lips of her labia for the first time!

Kevin's eyes immediately shot open from this intimate contact. The total shock caused her to freeze in place, with the tip of her tongue left kissing the sensitive outer folds of her swollen feline vagina. The startled ocelot desperately wanted to pull away out of sheer disgust and humiliation, but Elysia kept her head pressed firmly into her crotch as she beckoned her to continue.

As a result of this, Kevin reluctantly resumed her own humiliation as she delivered a quick lick to the sensitive outer lips of her new feminine sex. The sensation made her shudder as she tasted her own arousal on the tip of her tongue. Already, Elysia's potent magic had given Kevin's pussy lips a wet sheen which glistened in the light. Her never-ending feline heat was still in its infancy, but already her vagina felt hot and sticky as it throbbed and dripped in anticipation. And although the sensations would get far more intense once her heat fully blossomed, already Kevin was starting to feel a slight nagging itch deep inside her new opening. A small part of her couldn't help wondering just how good it would feel to have her new cunt stretched and filled for the first time. This was one of Kevin's developing animal instincts that Elysia had eluded to earlier. Kevin was thankfully able to ignore it for now, but it still disturbed her to know that a part of her was actually enjoying what was happening to her.

"Mmmm, that's it" Elysia interjected as she held Kevin firmly in place, "I think you'll quickly grow to love your adorable new sex. Keep exploring yourself kitty. Make sure you get nice and deep with that flexible tongue of yours!"

As instructed, Kevin delivered a series of short, sharp licks to her vagina; each of which was slightly more purposeful than the last. She shuddered as her tongue tickled her sex again and again, but she did her best not to think about what she was doing as her tongue gradually started to slip between her tight pussy lips and into her vaginal passage itself.

Elysia chuckled as she felt Kevin squirming around in her hands. She watched the helpless ocelot in amusement as her sandpapery tongue rubbed and licked deeper and deeper into her vaginal passage. She also made sure that Vicky still had a perfect view of the action, now that the despondent magpie had seemingly given up trying to convince Elysia to stop. Instead, Vicky remained silent as she and her tormentor were treated to a lewd chorus of soft wet squishing sounds that accompanied Kevin's persistent licking.

After a short while spent in this compromising position, Kevin weirdly started to relax into her sick performance. Elysia's magic ensured that the pleasure was totally irresistible, in spite of any mental inhibitions that Kevin might have. Consequently, this caused Kevin to shut her eyes as she revelled in the amazing sensations of her rough, slippery tongue wedging her pussy lips apart and sampling the sweet juices that coated her inner passage. Embarrassingly, she even let out a soft moan whenever her tongue slipped downwards and caught against her clit. The feeling was totally indescribable since the small nub was hundreds of times more sensitive than her old human cock ever was.

With Kevin now obviously lost in the heat of the moment, Elysia gently removed her hand from the back of the cat's head, just to see if she would react. To her amusement, Kevin didn't even seem to notice as she continued to eagerly explore her new opening all under her own steam.

"Mmmm, what a good pussycat," Elysia said soothingly as she scratched Kevin behind her ears, "you've grown rather fond of your new taste, haven't you?"

As if to answer this point, Kevin unwittingly started to purr in delight. It felt so good to feel Elysia's fingers running through her fur. This fresh wave of pleasure added to that which was already coming from between her legs, causing her to squirm around her tongue as she mewled to herself pathetically.

"Oh, you like that don't you girl," Elysia teased with a mischievous tone, "now let's try your tail. I think you'll like that even more..."

With that, Elysia suddenly grabbed Kevin's excitedly-jerking tail and held it firmly in her hand. She then began gently stroking the furry tip, before she started to lovingly knead and massage her way along its length and down towards the base.

These soft touches made Kevin moan and shudder in response. She never could have imagined that her tail would feel that good. Each individual contact seemed to send a jolt of pleasure arcing up her spine and shooting straight into her crotch. This only seemed to spur her onwards, now that her body was beginning to feel hot, heavy and desperate for release as her first female orgasm rapidly started to draw near.

Unfortunately, Elysia wasn't prepared to let Kevin satisfy herself at such an early stage. With this in mind, she finally released the ocelot's tail as her attention turned back to the distressed magpie in her other hand...

Kevin quickly snapped out of her lustful haze when she heard a loud squawk of distress coming from her transformed wife. This prompted Kevin to untangle herself as she finally pulled her head back from between her legs. A sense of utter shame immediately settled over her when she felt the wetness covering her muzzle and her furry crotch. However, concern for her wife's safety caused her to push these thoughts to the back of her mind as she looked over to see exactly what was going on.

Kevin was concerned to see her transformed wife being pinned on her back by Elysia's firmly-gripping hand. Vicky was obviously in distress as she lay breathing heavily and shifting around in discomfort.

Upon noticing Kevin's concern, Elysia smiled as she grabbed the cat by the back of her head and forced her to get a closer look at her distressed wife. To the ocelot's utter shock, she was soon given a close-up view of her wife's most intimate area as Elysia spread Vicky's legs, thus revealing the tight ring of flesh that formed her new avian cloaca!

"That's it kitten," Elysia said as she whispered into Kevin's furry ear, "you aren't the only one with a brand new pussy. Take a good look, soon you will become intimately familiar with your wife's new anatomy. After all, dear Vicky is about to start laying her first egg and we wouldn't want you to miss the birth of your son. This will be the first and last child that you father, though I plan for you to be a mother to many, many more. I would therefore suggest that you quieten down and pay close attention for when you are in a similar position. Oh yes, you will become very accustomed to the joys of motherhood. You will make a first-class breeder my dear, as will your darling wife!"

Listening to this made Kevin feel sick as she realised the true implications of what Elysia was saying. Learning about her and her wife's futures as prolific breeders was already disturbing enough, but what was even more shocking was the revelation that their long-awaited son had not been spared from Elysia's evil curse. It seemed that the couple's son had been transformed inside Vicky's womb, turning him into an unborn magpie chick to match his mother's species. And now, as a smooth, rounded shape slowly started to emerge from the depths of Vicky's cloaca, Kevin was forced to watch closely as the birth of her transformed son got underway.

Elysia savoured Kevin's sadness and regret as the two of them continued to stare between Vicky's legs. Already, Vicky's cloaca was beginning to yawn open as her egg-laying muscles worked to evict the large, smooth object from her birth canal. To help with this task, Vicky's vent was growing increasingly sticky and wet as her body naturally lubricated itself in order to ease the process.

Regrettably, Vicky's efforts were being hampered by Elysia's cruel magic. Wickedly, she had enlarged Vicky's egg to an unnatural size, meaning that it quickly started to become stuck as the magpie squawked and flapped her wings in dismay. Elysia made sure that the extra strain wouldn't harm Vicky in the long run, but she also made sure that it would be difficult to clear the blockage without some further assistance...

"Awww, it looks like mamma bird is struggling to lay," Elysia teased as the egg started to crown near its widest point. This left Vicky's cloaca stretched painfully wide as the ring of muscles tightly hugged the circumference of the oversized orb poking out from between her legs. The egg's surface could be seen glistening with wetness as more of Vicky's lubrication spilled out around it. Vicky was clearly desperate to eject the relatively enormous object, but sadly all she could really do was cry out and writhe around in discomfort as she prayed to let this torment end.

Sadly, Elysia wasn't phased by Vicky's distress. Instead, in an effort to milk even more despair from her helpless victims, the vengeful forest spirit gently removed her hand from Vicky's chest and brought it over to her feathery crotch. Once there, Elysia paused for a moment before she slowly reached down and started to scrape one of her fingernails against the muscular lip of Vicky's bulging cloaca!

"There, there my dear," Elysia said as she gently started to rub Vicky's straining cloaca, "any mother's first birth is always the hardest. Don't worry, after your first few clutches I'm sure you will start to get used to it."

Vicky was obviously disgusted to hear this, but sadly she was utterly helpless to protest. She was too exhausted and encumbered by her egg to offer any resistance as she felt the finger methodically working its way around the entire circumference of the oversized egg lodged firmly inside her. As for Kevin, the sight of her distressed wife struck her to the core. If she could she would leap up and murder Elysia without hesitation. However, in an unfamiliar body and faced with the witch's magic, Kevin knew that her best course of action was to appease Elysia for the time being...

"Good decision Kitty," Elysia said, seemingly in response to Kevin's thoughts, "though I'm hurt that you see me as some cruel witch. You will come to learn that I am in fact an incredibly loving mistress, though I am not afraid to punish disobedience where necessary..."

With that, Elysia firmly gripped the back of Kevin's head as she forced her feline face forwards for a close-up view of her wife. She then put on a show of slowly moving the fingers on her other hand over the bulging egg that was still protruding from Vicky's cloaca. Then, with a gentle press and twist, Elysia chuckled as she forced the egg a few centimetres back into Vicky's birth canal; thus cruelly undoing several agonising minutes of laying, much to the dismay of both of her victims.

"There," Elysia said in mock annoyance, "that will teach you both to behave. Now then my sweet pussy," she said directly to Kevin as she possessively stroked the soft fur covering the base of her neck, "since you have made your wife's first pregnancy even harder than it needed to be, I think it is only right that you put things right, don't you agree?"

In response, Kevin didn't know quite what to think, now that her head was a confused mess. Her opinion of Elysia hadn't changed, yet it seemed that even her own thoughts weren't safe from her tormentor's evil gaze. As a result, Kevin couldn't think what else to do besides letting out a pathetic *meow* of acceptance. She felt ashamed and embarrassed to make such a noise, but if it helped to ease her own suffering and that of her wife then it was definitely the best option that was available.

"Awww, such a cute kitty," Elysia giggled as she revelled in Kevin's utter emasculation. "Now then, let's see if you can lend your darling wife a hand..."

After saying this, Elysia stopped teasing Vicky with her fingers as she instead reached down and gripped Kevin firmly by the nape of her neck. Then, weirdly, Kevin felt her entire body go limp as Elysia used her surprising strength to lift her off the ground with ease.

Kevin desperately wanted to resist, but ultimately she was powerless to prevent herself from being manoeuvred above her wife's sprawled-out avian body. Then, the helpless ocelot started to feel increasingly anxious as she was carefully lowered back down, such that her forepaws were left pinning-down her wife's wings, while her furry crotch now loomed large just a few inches away from the magpie's terrified face.

"Such an adorable couple," Elysia teased as she sensed the uneasiness between her victims. "Now then Kitty, completing your next task should help your precious child to be born. I want you to penetrate yourself on your wife's beak, after which you will hump her until I tell you to stop. Hopefully with enough determination and passion that pesky egg will pop free in no time! Now, I suggest you get to work kitten; after all, you don't want to make your mistress cross now do you?"

Elysia's thinly-veiled threat made Kevin shudder as she struggled to process her latest instructions. She looked up at her captor pleadingly, desperately hoping that she didn't really have to do this.

Sadly, Elysia responded with a sly grin as she looked back at Kevin with a clear glint of excitement in her bright green eyes. Then, just to make her intentions crystal-clear, the sadistic woman suddenly grabbed Vicky's beak and forced it upwards; thus presenting a long bony spire for the ocelot to pleasure herself on.

Seeing this crushed Kevin's last hopes of mercy. This woman was clearly a complete psychopath, having shown no hint of remorse about what she was doing. In fact, she seemed to revel in the misery and humiliation she was inflicting, seemingly not caring how many human lives she ruined in the process.

With this sad realisation having finally hit home, Kevin now knew that it was senseless to keep begging for forgiveness for whatever imagined crime she and her wife had committed. Instead, Kevin came to the grim conclusion that, for the time-being at least, it would be best to go along with Elysia's twisted plans...

With this in mind, Kevin reluctantly rose up and positioned herself above the long beak that was being presented to her. The helpless ocelot then paused for a brief moment as she considered what the hell she was about to do. Her task was so disgusting and shameful that she couldn't even bear to look at her poor wife beneath her. Instead, Kevin finally decided that she had to get it over with as, with a deep groan of regret, she gently lowered her hips until she felt her wife's beak touch her swollen pussy for the very first time!

Kevin let out a short, breathless whimper of both shock and reluctance as she felt her vagina's firm outer lips beginning to peel apart to welcome the magpie's beak into the moist tunnel that lay beyond. The sensation made Kevin shudder and arch her back as a powerful jolt of excitement shot up her spine. Thanks to Elysia's magic, Kevin's feline heat had already grown considerably in strength and intensity since the conclusion of her humiliating transformation. And although she had only recently been forced to taste herself with her tongue, it already seemed like forever since she'd been touched down there. As a result, Kevin's sex responded positively as it grew hotter, slicker and even more eager to be teased than it had just a few minutes before. This meant that Kevin was unable to pull away as she felt the first few inches of her wife's beak slip inside her. Even this slight penetration made Kevin murmur and shudder in unwanted delight as her tight, sensitive opening was stretched and filled in an inexplicably sensual way. This reaction naturally horrified Kevin to the core, but sadly she found that it was already too late to stop herself as her body relished more of the same sweet stimulation inside her eager young cunt.

On the other side of the coin, Vicky was utterly horrified by what was happening. She was now being treated to a graphic close-up view of her husband's furry ass and swollen vagina, as both gradually descended towards her face. Her senses were quickly overwhelmed by the scent of a cat in heat as her husband's quivering sex started to ooze with sticky wetness the wider it was stretched. Feeling these fluids running down her beak and over face made Vicky shudder in disgust. Tragically though, what made it even worse was her husband's positive reaction to this lewd act. Embarrassingly, Kevin couldn't hold back the odd high-pitched squeal of delight whenever the boney beak inside her rubbed against a particularly sensitive spot.

As if things weren't already bad enough for Vicky, her ordeal soon got even worse when she started to feel a familiar pressure between her legs; as her egg once again started to crest at its widest point. This meant that Vicky was left in a truly hopeless situation, with her avian vent being stretched painfully wide while her feline husband's much larger body kept her pinned securely in place.

For the next few moments, time seemed to slow as Kevin gradually slid down the length of Vicky's jet black beak. Elysia giggled in excitement as she helped to guide Kevin's descent, all whilst watching closely as the ocelot's pussy lips stretched wider and wider the further down she went. She clearly loved the control she had over the former man as she helped her acclimatise to her new body in the most humiliating way possible.

This humiliating display continued for less than a minute in total, but for those participating it felt much, much longer as their brains struggled to register what the hell was happening. For Vicky, the intimate close-up view of her husband's crotch was too much to process. Kevin had always been such a confident, manly presence as a human, so listening to her mewling in need as she pleasured a vagina that she never should have owned really struck Vicky to the core.

Similarly, Kevin was also shocked by what she was doing. Her human mind was screaming for her to stop, but sadly this voice was now being drowned out by the powerful feline instincts that had taken root deep inside her transformed mind. These urges reminded her that she was in heat and in need of a mate or, failing that, at least some way to sooth the nagging itch deep inside her young, fertile body.

With this goal in mind, the horny young ocelot was unable to help herself as she slid all the way down the remaining length of Vicky's beak. This essentially left Kevin sitting on her wife's face as she felt the magpie's fluffy feathers gently tickling her vagina's firm outer lips. Meanwhile, on the inside, Kevin could feel her pussy's silky inner walls trying to milk and squeeze up and down the length of her wife's beak; exactly as if it were really a thick, meaty cock currently buried inside her. This notion ought to have horrified the former man, but instead it just made her feel hot and needy as she flicked her tail and mewled pathetically to herself. She was loving the feeling of her virgin cunt stretched and filled, but she knew that what her body really wanted, or rather NEEDED, was a big, strong male to dominate her and fuck her full of kittens!

Upon sensing Kevin's new urges truly beginning to blossom, Elysia grinned to herself as she fantasised about watching the former man losing her virginity and being impregnated for the first time. She knew this was something to look forward to, but for now she was content to let the helpless young couple debase themselves some more.

"Mmmmm, what a good girl!" Elysia announced to Kevin in a mocking tone. She then moved her hand to delicately play with Kevin's ears, which caused the ocelot to unwittingly purr in satisfaction as she gently started to rock her hips over the boney beak that was buried inside her vagina. "Now then dear, since you seem to be rather fond of your wife's new anatomy, why don't you ride her beak up and down to get yourself really nice and wet!? With any luck the pressure should help your dear wife to lay that pesky egg of hers, but either way it will be great practice for when you are mated for the first time. Just pretend that you're riding a nice, thick feline cock; that will make it easier when you get to feel the real thing for yourself!"

To Elysia's amusement, Kevin didn't seem to be phased by these mocking words, as she instead remained focused on satisfying the torturous feline heat that was growing in strength with every passing moment. As a result of this, Kevin seemed to temporarily push any lingering inhibitions to the side as she prepared to do the unthinkable, all in the pursuit of her own selfish pleasure.

With this simple goal now firmly in mind, Kevin let out a deep rumbling moan of excitement as she gingerly raised her hips a few inches back up the length of her wife's beak. This simple movement made Kevin tremble in need as she felt a pleasurable friction against her hyper-sensitive clitoris. Then, unable to contain her lust any longer, Kevin let out a loud, high-pitched cry of passion as she forcefully slammed her hips back down, causing her eager pussy to be impaled in one fluid motion!

Kevin let out a loud, high-pitched squeal of delight as her pussy was rubbed, filled and stretched in just the right way. This prompted her to work her hips up and down a few more times as she ground against the boney beak inside her in a steady humping motion. Just as Elysia had suggested earlier, the horny young ocelot was now pretending that the rigid length inside her was in fact a nice big feline cock. For this reason, Kevin started to purr seductively to herself as her vaginal muscles squeezed and contracted tightly, clearly in an effort to further entice her imagined mate in the hopes of satisfying the burning itch deep inside her hot, slick pussy.

With Kevin now focused on pleasuring the dripping wet void between her legs, Elysia turned her attention back to Vicky. As hoped, the young magpie was horrified, ashamed and disgusted by what was now happening, as she was forced to watch her once-manly husband riding her beak like a needy whore. Listening to Kevin's needy moans and feeling her slimy juices spilling over her face made Vicky feel sick to the core. The kind, compassionate man she married would never do anything like this, and yet here she was, pinned helplessly beneath her transformed husband as she shamelessly satisfied her own selfish desires in the most undignified way imaginable.

Sadly, as distressing as this already was for Vicky, things soon got ten times worse when she instinctively felt the urge to caw out in distress to anyone who might be able to help her. Unfortunately though, this proved to be a big mistake as Vicky's mouth was flooded with her husband's pussy juices the moment her beak parted!

Vicky's eyes immediately shot open as she received a strong mouthful of her husband's overpowering feminine taste. This caused her to let out a startled gurgling noise as her avian call for help was drowned out by the wetness now filling the back of her throat. In response, Vicky made sure to clamp her beak back shut as quickly as she could, but sadly the damage had already been done as the sharp taste of her husband's feline heat now lingered in her mouth. This left the helpless magpie feeling sick to the core as she was forced to keep her beak shut and remain silent, leaving Kevin free to continue with her sick performance uninterrupted.

For the next couple of minutes, Kevin and Vicky continued like this as Elysia watched on in amusement. Any hint of shame or regret completely abandoned the young ocelot as the need to satisfy the burning itch inside her dripping cunt took precedence over everything else. This caused her to work her hips up and down in a fast but steady tempo as she relished the penetration and stretching sensation that her wife's beak was able to provide.

As a predictable result of this passionate display, Kevin's lust started to explode out of control as she totally surrendered to her new animalistic urges. Loud wet squelches accompanied the cat's movements as her sticky pussy juices messily spilled out around the base of the rigid beak inside her, covering most of Vicky's face and upper body with wetness. Consequently, the startled magpie had no option but to keep gulping down more of her husband's overpowering feminine taste as she struggled just to breath under the weight of the large furry ass that smothered her over and over and over again.

With Kevin now completely lost in the throes of passion, and Vicky unable to do anything about it, Elysia turned her attention back to the oversized egg that was still sticking out from between the magpie's legs. Amazingly, it appeared that Kevin's efforts were beginning to pay off, as Vicky's egg finally started to dislodge itself. The pressure against Vicky's body seemed to help loosen-up her egg-laying muscles and encourage her gaping vent to stretch just that little bit wider.

As it happened, Elysia wasn't the only one to notice this development. In spite of the intense rush of hormones that was now racing around her excited young body, Kevin still had enough sense to work out that her humping movements seemed to be helping Vicky to clear the blockage inside her bulging cloaca. As a result of this, she started to work her hips at an even faster pace in a determined effort to grant her desperate wife the relief she had been so desperately praying for.

And so, with Vicky now squeezing as hard as she could and Kevin working her hips like her life depended on it, Elysia was left feeling pleased with herself. She was delighted to detect the deep sense of shame and regret that filled both of her victims, even though from the outside it looked like Kevin was having the time of her life. To her amusement, Elysia knew that Kevin was desperate for the sweet release of her first female orgasm, which she mistakenly hoped would quench the burning fire deep inside her virgin pussy. Elysia in fact knew that Kevin's first climax would only temporarily satisfy her never-ending feminine lust, but cruelly she decided that it would still be fun to deny her new pet even this small shred of comfort...

Kevin let out a cry of shock and dismay as she felt a hand tightly grip the scruff of her neck before starting to pull her upwards. The ocelot hissed and swiped at the air with her claws as she desperately tried to finish off the orgasm that had so nearly arrived. Instead though, Kevin could only whimper in sadness as she felt herself being lifted all the way off her wife's face, meaning she was left feeling empty and frustrated as she started to come down from the pleasurable high that she had spent minutes building up to.

"Awww, poor puss puss," Elysia teased as she held Kevin up so that she could admire her at eye level, "I know you are so horny and that you want to cum so badly, but your wife looked close to drowning so I had to intervene. No matter though, your task was still completed successfully. Your wife's egg should now be loose enough for you to use that tongue of yours to help it out the rest of the way. How romantic!"

Instead of really listening to Elysia's words, Kevin's attention quickly turned to Vicky once the lust fog in her mind started to diminish. To her utter horror and shame, the poor magpie did indeed look like she was struggling to breath as she lay gasping and desperately gulping down any air she could find. Vicky's entire head was utterly drenched in Kevin's viscous feline lubrication, while disgusting wet gurgling could be heard accompanying her strained breathing as she struggled to clear the sticky fluids from her airways. Seeing her wife suffering like this made Kevin feel a deep pang of regret. She desperately wanted to go over and help, but sadly Elysia had other plans...

"Here we are kitten," Elysia said as she carefully placed Kevin beside her wife's abused body, "time for you to get to work with that delightful tongue of yours. A few good licks to your wife's vent should get that egg free in no time!"

After hearing her latest instructions, Kevin hesitated for a moment. However, when she looked down at her wife she knew she had to do something. Thankfully, Vicky's breathing had improved now that she had swallowed down all of the juices that had been overflowing from her beaked mouth. Sadly though, Vicky was clearly still uncomfortable as her egg-laying muscles went into overdrive, frantically squeezing and convulsing in a desperate effort to free the smooth orb lodged inside her cloaca. Kevin still didn't want to give in to Elysia's humiliating demands, but her husbandly instincts told her that it was the right thing to do if it would put an end to Vicky's suffering...

With a reluctant groan, Kevin gingerly dipped her head down and delivered a tentative lick to Vicky's stretched cloacal ring. Kevin immediately felt sick as she tasted her wife's avian lubrication on the tip of her tongue. In spite of this though, the ocelot continued as she dutifully flicked her tongue out again and again, gently making her way around the perimeter of her wife's gaping sex in the hopes of finally loosening the egg wedged firmly inside it.

Unfortunately, after a few minutes spent doing this, Kevin sensed that her efforts hadn't achieved much. In fact, if anything it seemed that Vicky's vent had actually tightened due to the stimulation. Just like her own pussy, Kevin suspected that her wife's cloaca was just as needy and hyper-sensitive as she flapped her wings and trembled in response. Sadly, these convulsions of unwanted pleasure only added to Vicky's predicament as her cloaca instinctively squeezed even tighter around the smooth sphere lodged firmly inside her.

Upon noticing Kevin's dismay, Elysia smirked as she leaned in to whisper in the ocelot's ear. "Silly kitty. That was a delight to watch, but you'll actually need to pull it out yourself! Don't worry, your licking has made your wife's feathery cunt so slick and wet. I'm sure it shouldn't take much for her to finally give birth to your precious child."

Kevin's ears burned hot with both hatred and embarrassment as she realised that the last few degrading minutes had been a complete waste of time. However, as she looked back down at the blue spotted egg lodged inside Vicky's obscenely stretched vent, she now knew exactly what she had to do.

Kevin briefly gave Vicky a look of love and reassurance before she opened her mouth and gently wrapped her jaws around the hard egg sticking out between her legs. She then moved down, taking the egg as far into her mouth as it would go before gently pressing her jaws closed. She then did her best to seal her mouth around the egg in order to keep it steady inside her jaws.

Now with a good hold on the egg, Kevin slowly began to pull her head backwards. She heard the magpie squawk out in distress as she began to steadily twist and pull. Mercifully, Kevin could finally feel the egg beginning to move as she moved with as much force as she could apply without crushing the egg altogether. Thankfully this tactic soon proved effective as, with a wet pop, the egg finally came away and ended up resting on the tip of Kevin's outstretched tongue.

"Bravo!" Elysia clapped as Kevin carefully deposited the delicate egg on the floor beside her. "Good work you two, and congratulations on becoming parents for the first time! Now, let me put this little one somewhere safe while you two take a little break."

With that, Elysia carefully scooped up the sticky, dripping egg before she placed it safely on a nearby shelf. She then turned and watched in satisfaction as Kevin moved to comfort her exhausted wife. The relieved magpie continued to breathe heavily as the ocelot nuzzled her for the next few minutes. What's more, Elysia was amused to see Kevin even helping to clean her own pussy juices off Vicky's face as she collected them on her tongue and reluctantly swallowed them down her throat.

Elysia simply allowed Kevin and Vicky to remain huddled together for the next ten minutes or so. Even she wasn't so merciless as to not grant her pets the odd respite if they had earned it. As well as this though, Elysia was also using this as an excuse to stall for time. After all, the next part of her performance wasn't quite ready to begin just yet...


Kevin and Vicky both sprang to attention as the sound of their doorbell echoed throughout the house. They both looked up at Elysia questioningly, only to see a wide grin on the sadistic woman's face as she looked back at them excitedly. This immediately told the transformed couple that Vicky had been planning this and that their ordeal was clearly far from over.

"Oh goodie," Elysia purred as she rose to her feet, "I'm so glad your parents were able to join us. I'm sure they will be so pleased to see your newborn child, after which they will make wonderful additions to my little menagerie!"

Kevin and Vicky both felt their hearts skip several beats as they struggled to process this latest revelation. Earlier Elysia had promised that she would spare their family and friends from this cruel fate, but now it seemed that she had told them an outright lie.

Sure enough, Elysia made sure to add extra salt in the wounds as she took out Kevin's phone and waved it around in front of the shocked couple. "That's right my lovelies, I've been a very naughty girl indeed. I used this to invite your mother and father here to join our fun and games. That's right, once I have stripped both of them of their dignity and inflated human pride, I will let them live out the rest of their lives just like you two; as my pathetic, subservient pets who will live only to serve me and to replace that which your kind has so blazanly destroyed! This is the only way in which a member of your vile species can ever truly redeem themselves!"

After listening to Elysia's words in stunned silence, the ocelot and magpie let their natural instincts guide their next actions. As a result of this, Vicky ended up squawking out loudly in an effort to warn anyone who was now standing outside the front door. As for Kevin, her predatory instincts set her body into attack mode as she quickly jumped up and prepared to pounce at Elysia with her fangs and claws bared.

Tragically for the young couple, in the heat of the moment neither of them recalled Elysia's previous demonstration of her powers. That was why, when they both felt their bodies lock-up and go completely stiff, both of them were equally surprised and horrified as they realised that there was nothing they could do to help their loved ones.

"Oh dear me," Elysia said in mock disappointment as she placed her hands on her hips, "it seems that my previous warnings fell on deaf ears. I guess a further demonstration of my powers will be needed before you learn never to anger your mistress again."

With that, Elysia squatted down in front of the two petrified animals as she looked back and forth between them. She then turned her attention to Vicky as she reached out and positioned the frozen magpie so that she was looking towards her husband.

Next, she helped to reposition Kevin. Luckily the ocelot was stuck low in a pouncing position, meaning that she was already at eye-level with the frozen magpie beside her. The reason why this was important would soon become clear, but for now Elysia's only adjustment to Kevin's posture involved sticking her fingers into the ocelot's mouth and prizing her jaws wide open.

Then, with Kevin and Vicky able to watch and feel everything despite being completely immobilised, Elysia quickly sauntered over to the freshly-laid magpie egg that rested on the nearby shelf. She then proudly presented the speckled and still slightly slimy egg to its horrified parents. Both animals were worried that Elysia was going to smash the delicate egg right in front of their eyes. Sadly though, the sadistic forest spirit had something even crueller in mind...

After making sure that Vicky had a clear view of the action, Elysia carefully reached down and placed the egg on top of Kevin's paralysed tongue, right near the back of her throat. Then, for several agonising moments, the terrified ocelot was forced to stare into Elysia's excited eyes, causing her blood to run cold with fear as she dreaded to think what would happen next.

"Now you had better listen to me this time you ignorant little cunt," Elysia hissed into Kevin's ear as she gripped her roughly by the back of her neck, "if you dare threaten or disobey me ever again then I will make you wish you had never been born. You may not like living as a pathetic little female pussy for the rest of your life, but I can assure you that there are far worse fates that I could inflict if I really wanted to."

After saying this, Elysia paused briefly as she stared deep into Kevin's wide, motionless eyes. Although the ocelot in front of her was as still as a statue, Elysia knew that she was still perfectly aware of her surroundings. She revelled in Kevin's fear and misery as she reached a hand out to rub and tease the cat's frozen body. One hand gently stroked Kevin's furry pelt, while the other reached down to flick and tickle a few of her stiff rubbery nipples. Compared to Elysia's other sadistic games, this intimate teasing was relatively tame. However, even this helped to humiliate Kevin further, as she felt her frozen pussy getting hotter and needier the more she was teased and petted by her so-called mistress.

"Mmmm, you like that, don't you girl? Don't worry," Elysia teased as she slowly withdrew her hands, "I'm sure your precious parents will be happy to tend to that needy little slit of yours. However, before we can usher in your new life it seems we must do away with what came before. Soon you will have a new mate who can better satisfy your sexy new body. I can already tell that you will make a wonderful mother, but to help you accept this new role I think we ought to get rid of any lingering notions that you are in any way still male or capable of being a father. Your meaningless human existence is now over. Now it is time for your life as my horny, subservient pet to truly begin..."

With that, Elysia slowly reached forward and gently closed Kevin's jaws, all while Vicky's egg remained nestled near the back of her throat. Cruelly though, Elysia seemed keen to change this as she proceeded to reach down and begin rubbing Kevin's throat in a clear effort to stimulate it. For a brief moment, this allowed Kevin to let out a muffled cry of dismay as the muscles in her throat temporarily regained their functionality.

Sadly, Kevin was right to be worried as Elysia's ministrations quickly grew in intensity. Kevin desperately wanted to resist, but in its current paralyzed state her body was completely unresponsive to her commands. This tragically meant that Kevin was fully aware of what was happening, and yet powerless to stop it, as the natural urge to clear her throat quickly entered her mind...

With an audible *gulp,* Kevin unwittingly sealed her newborn child's fate as she felt the egg at the back of her throat suddenly slip even further backwards. Kevin mentally cried out in despair when she realised what had happened, but sadly she knew it was already too late as she felt the smooth egg slightly stretching her oesophagus on its journey down her neck and towards her stomach.

Once they realised what had happened, the magpie and ocelot both mentally screamed out in shock, heartache and denial. However, from the outside the two animals simply remained as a couple of unflinching statues, though the raw emotions racing through their minds was still clear to see in their beady, unblinking eyes.

As for Elysia, she seemed satisfied that her point had been made. She therefore decided that it was time to greet her next victims as she turned and headed towards the basement stairs. "I'm coming!" Elysia called out in a perfect imitation of Kevin's old human voice as she went up the stairs to greet them. "That's it," she then said to herself under her breath, "come on in and join the fun!"

With that, Elysia excitedly skipped out of the basement and headed towards the front door, leaving Vicky and Kevin still frozen in place and silently dreading what was in store, both for them and the new arrivals...

Elysia: Kevin - Part 2

"Mum! Dad! It's so good to see you!" Kevin had a big smile on his face as he opened the door to greet his parents. He then gave his mother Nancy a loving hug, after which he welcomed his father David with a firm handshake. "Good to see you again...

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Elysia: Sanctuary

It was a beautiful summer's morning. The sun was shining brightly and the cheerful twittering of numerous birds could be heard echoing through the trees. It was a scene that any forest spirit ought to have enjoyed, but this wasn't the case for Elysia....

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TF quickie challenge #1. (Do you have a challenge?)

Please, no this can't be real! Tears stream down Mel's face as he stared at his altered hands. They were changing into something inhuman. Paws. Oh how body burned. A painful ache made him reach back behind him. He grabbed at the appendage growing...

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