Professional Behavior

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Roger confronts the two workers who have been up to inappropriate behavior, in the office. After a civil conversation with them, ordinary office things happen.

Words: 5,458


Andromorph Solo


Carol was a small lady. Even under normal circumstances, she only ever came up to Roger's shoulder. However, in this moment, she seemed to be doing everything in her power to seem smaller. The way she crunched herself into a vaguely mouse-shaped ball, in her chair, it looked for all the world like she was trying to disappear into a singularity. Roger knew the best thing for this was to give her a moment, to let the nearly palpable heat dissipate from her cheeks and for her fingers to unclamp around the fabric of her pencil skirt. Eventually, she would speak.

"I... see," she whispered, barely audible even to Roger's sensitive rabbit ears.

Roger sighed, putting his papers down on the conference table, next to them, and resumed speaking. "Like I said, you're not in any kind of trouble. Not from me, anyway. I'm more than happy to pretend like I never had any reason to learn about you and Shirl."

"R-right..." She had the vaguest sense of relief, under the multiple layers of sheer mortification that painted her down-turned face.

"I just... need you two to be careful, all right? I'm not the only person who knows about this, and the only reason it's you and me having this conversation is because nobody's gone to HR." Roger paused for a second, to let Carol make the noises of a woman dying of embarrassment into her hands. At no point had the two of them found the strength of will to meet each other's eyes, during this meeting. Not in light of what they knew of each other. Roger rolled a pen along his fingers, distractedly. "I'm happy for you two. Really, I am. But, if it gets upstairs, and they have to ask me why I didn't report it, it's gonna be all three of us, on the chopping block. So, please? As a favor for me, just... keep the unprofessional behavior to a low roar, when you're on the clock."

"Y-yes, Boss," Carol whispered, at the floor.

Roger leaned forward. "Car? Look at me." The two stared into each other's eyes, for a moment. Roger was already regretting this decision, but he proceeded, anyway. "I don't have the glasses on, right now. I'm not talking to you as your manager. Right now it's just your friend from work, and he's trying to look out for you."

Carol nodded, her face still burning.

"Okay. Now, I want you to take a moment to hit the ladies' room. Take however long you need, but when you get back to your desk, it's business as usual. If anyone asks me, I've pulled you in here for a routine status update on the patch." Leaning back, he reached for his papers, again. "You and Shirl were a bit behind, and you are, still. Luckily, it seems like some of the more tedious programming took care of itself, overnight."

"What?" Carol blinked. "You... th-thank you, for that."

Roger laughed, mirthlessly. "Trust me, you're not going to thank me, once you've seen how out of shape I've gotten in the language. There's no telling how many bugs I've managed to introduce into your work." Shaking his head, he stared at his empty coffee cup with chagrin. "Let Shirl know it's her turn, on your way out, okay?"

He had a few minutes to prepare himself, before having to deal with his other coder. He originally had only figured he had a few moments, but Shirl seemed to take her time answering the summons. Perhaps she had unwisely decided to speak with Carol about the meeting. Perhaps she decided to deliberately make him wait. It wouldn't have been the first time she had decided to mess around on her phone, when she was supposed to be coming in for a status update. His hand drifted to the glasses case in his pocket, but he did not remove it. He was going to try and get through today, without having to actually be the Boss. He wasn't sure why, but by God, he was going to try.

Right around the time he was pondering the logistics of grabbing another shot of vital caffeine, Shirl arrived. She was unbelievably hard to miss. Kissing seven foot tall, with a natural set of curves that tried and failed to hide the body of a natural predator, she was the kind of wolf that Shred Burrow would write fawning and intimidating songs over. And she absolutely knew it. Everything from her slightly too tight pantsuit, to her slightly too strongly applied perfume, to the way too overbearing choice of lipstick and eyeliner (apple green, today. Classy), was the textbook definition of try-hard behavior. At least, it would, were it not for the fact that it often succeeded.

"Good morning," Roger chirped, managing against all odds to feign a chipper attitude. "Got some business we need to discuss, so go ahead and have a seat."

"Yeah, yeah," Shirl replied, dumping herself into the chair with enough force to make it roll back and squeal in protest. "We both know what this is about, so let's just get past the Boss speak, all right?" She grinned, showing off her polished fangs as she spoke. "Spoken to Ian, yet, by the way? Think he was meaning to tell you something."

Roger's eye twitched, but he otherwise refused to take the bait. "Yes, well, I'm actually trying to avoid the Boss speak, here, so if you would kindly..."

"You fucked him, didn't you?"

"Shirl?" Roger closed his eyes, hand trailing to his breast pocket. "I would really appreciate, like, two minutes of professionalism, here."

"I knew it!" Shirl leaned forward, beaming conspiratorially. "How was he, huh? All talk, I bet. The way he hits on people, you'd think he barely knows his way around second base."

"Yeah, okay," Roger muttered to himself. The situation was clearly out of his control, right now. Another second and his face was going to burst into flames. He didn't want to have to do this. He promised himself he wouldn't for Carol's sake, but... reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his glasses, donned them, and glared up at the wolf. "All right, listen here, you walking harassment lawsuit."

Shirl recoiled, a bit, though a laugh tumbled out of her throat in the same movement. "Never been called that, before."

Reaching into his pile of papers, he slapped a report down on the table, next to them. "This is the report I wrote up two weeks ago, when you and Carol first decided to take an impromptu break in the janitor's closet."

"You know about that, huh?" Shirl replied, with feigned braggadocio.

"There are at least five complaining witnesses," Roger pressed. "One of them said it sounded like 'two wild animals fighting over a piece of meat.'" Shirl laughed, at that, at least until she saw how unamused Roger was, about it. He continued. "Rules say I'm supposed to turn this in the moment I hear a complaint about it, but frankly I didn't want to embarrass our mutual friend, Carol, with this. I said to myself 'whatever. Good for them. Clearly they need to learn how to orgasm quietly, like civilized people, but it's fine. It's not like it's affecting their work, or anything!'"

"Wait, is that what this is about?" Shirl sat up, emboldened. "You're only concerned about the fucking deadlines?"

"What I'm concerned about," Roger said, darkly, "is my department getting the work done that they're paid for, and that they can do it without listening to Shirley Mathis getting her dick wet, in the next room."

"Wh-what?" Shirl squirmed in her seat, uncomfortably. "Who told you about...?"

"You did." Reaching into the pile again, he pulled out a sheet of paper and handed it to her. "Funny story about the team chat. You think that private messages are private, but they're not. I have the logs, and they automatically mail me the transcript of anything you send with an... attachment."

Shirl looked at the log of her conversation with Carol. In the center, a compressed black and white photo of her erect canine shaft was framed, peeking out of one of her pairs of pants in a hasty bathroom shot. She chuckled, nervously. "Guess that explains why the chat got purged. I thought Carol did that."

"She didn't."

"Fuck. Okay." She put the paper face-down on the table. "Sorry, Boss. Guess I've been a bit of an idiot."

Roger's expression softened, as he began to gather up his papers. "I believe the term I've used is 'horny idiots,' to describe the both of you. It's fine, though. I just got done saying to Carol that I really don't want to have to report you two."

"Is that right?" Shirl's eyes narrowed.

Roger nodded, not noticing her reaction. "That's what I was going to open with, before you decided to go all... all..." Turning back, he raised an eyebrow at the wolf. "I'm sorry, what are you doing?"

Shirl froze in place. She was leaning back, fingers around the button of her pants. "Uh... I thought you were, uh... you know?" An awkward silence hung in the air. Shirl mistakenly took Roger's clear bewilderment as a request to expand further. "What? I mean, we've both watched porn, right? It's not like I don't see where this is going."

"No!" Roger shouted, his voice a mixture of confusion, dismay and annoyance. "No, I don't-what? I'm not blackmailing you, Shirl. Fuck, just stop it!"

"All right, all right." Shirl held up her hands, in surrender, as she sat up straight. "Dunno what I was thinking. Sorry. Guess I thought, since you've already seen it and all, you'd want to..."

"You're in a relationship, right now, Shirl!"

"Relationships aren't exclusive, anymore, Boss. Get with the times, man!" She sighed, looking off to the side as she muttered. "Besides, Carol doesn't mind. She probably'd want to watch."

"No!" Roger took a step forward, pointing a finger at her nose. "That's enough. This isn't a porn, okay? This is an office. Where we have a job to do. I just... I need my coders to be able to go a couple hours a day without violating company policy. Is that really such a big ask?" There was a snarky comment on Shirl's lips, probably related to Ian. Roger kept talking, in an attempt to shut it down. "Look, you two want to fuck, it's whatever. None of my business. So stop making it my business. Fuck! Just... go have lunch together. Send each other spicy text messages (on your phones, not on official company channels.). Set up a camera in your bedroom and broadcast it, if you really want the fucking exhibitionist thing. You know, what normal people do when they're in a relationship!"

"All right, all right!" Shirl sighed. "I get the point. No more fucking at work, or whatever. We'll have the programming done and sent up to you, as soon as we're back up to speed." She stood, awkwardly staring back at the door. "So, we good? Do you need anything else, or...?"

Roger sighed, slinking back into his seat and pulling his glasses off of his face. "No, we're good. Look, I'm sorry about this. I'm happy for you guys. Carol's been in the best mood I've seen her, since she first came in. It's just... man, I've got a dozen other people, I've gotta think about, you know?"

"Right," Shirl nodded, her ears folded back as the weight of that statement finally sunk. "I got carried away." Turning around, she put her hand on the door. Her mouth opened, as if to stammer out an apology, but nothing came out. She clenched her jaw, opened the door, and stepped through it.

Roger sighed, pulling out his phone and rattling out a text message: Ian, did you tell Shirley about us?

A response came back, a minute later: Was it supposed to be a secret?

"Oh, for fuck's sake..." Roger muttered, resting his head in his hands.

* * *

The next few days were stressful and frantic, as the deadline loomed ever closer. Importantly for Roger, however, they were also relatively incident free. Shirl and Carol spent a significant chunk of their time furtively staring at their phones, but not even Ian and his audiophile ears managed to pick up any more overt misbehavior. And, naturally, the updates on his workstation spoke for themselves. Things came together faster then. Not that it did anything to counteract Roger's urge to stay late, after work, but at least he could finally say he was on track to finish the project.

The last keystroke finally hit one night, two days before the deadline. Roger leaned back in his chair, staring up at the darkened ceiling of his cubicle, and breathed a heavy sigh of relief. Getting a dozen people's individual contributions slapped together into one file and double-checked for cohesion was probably the worst part of the job. Roger had gone through a pot and a half of coffee, just tonight, trying to brute force it into being completed early. Now, however, he could finally stop. All he had to do was schedule the project to be sent out, first thing tomorrow morning, and he could finally collapse in his bed.

As he swung his torso forward and leaned back in front of his computer, however, a flashing notification on the bottom of his screen caught his attention. A moment later, his phone buzzed in his pocket. There was a message for him, on the company chat. His brow knitted, at that. It was late, and he had been almost certain he was the only person still here. It wasn't even time for the janitors to come in, so who... Curious, he opened the program and checked his messages.

There was one, from Shirl.

Hey, Boss, it read, you're done working, right?

Roger sighed, as he typed back. I am *now.* What's up?

A little message on the bottom of the screen indicated that Shirl was typing. Then, it stopped. Then, it started again. And then it stopped. Roger drained the last few dregs of coffee from his Styrofoam cup, before adding it to one of the three stacks he had already made, on the side of his desk. Finally, after much fanfare, a message popped up, but the only thing that appeared was a ten-digit string of numbers. Roger raised an eyebrow.

What's this? he asked.

Got a surprise for you, Shirl explained, unhelpfully. Just to say thanks.

Roger sighed, fishing his phone out of his pocket. Punching the number into his text messaging app, he sent an "It's Roger" message and waited, muttering to himself. "I swear, if this is gonna end in another dick pic..."

A message came back, with a hyperlink. Roger scanned the beginning of the address. Hardcast? Wasn't that the...? Roger's ears flattened against his head. "Oh, my gawd," he mumbled, scandalized, as he clicked the link. "No, no, no. This is stupid. This is a catfish. I'm giving my info to some offshore hacker. There's no way that those two..."

His phone opened up to its web browser, where it immediately took him to the HardCast website. Specifically, it took him to a page where a stream was starting up. The title: "Our First Cast <3" The feed was live, but at the moment the only thing the camera showed was an empty bed in someone's bedroom. Roger began to scan the tags, hoping against hope that they would paint the picture of a couple completely unrelated to his two coworkers. "Mouse," "Wolf," "Girls," "Big Wolf Meat..." Roger's heart lurched. Those horny idiots were really doing this!

A door opened, off screen, causing the room to light up a little bit, before a dainty mouse in daintier lace lingerie made to climb onto the bed. A feathered mask covered her eyes and the top of her snout, and the outfit was about ten degrees too inappropriate to be anything she would normally wear, but Roger had no difficulty whatsoever recognizing Carol. She giggled as she stretched out, arching her back and showing her shapely rear to somebody just off screen. The straps of her garters pulled at her stockings and slid along her legs, as she gyrated slowly.

"Damn, girl," said a husky voice. "You're really taking to this, aren't you?"

Carol smirked, devilishly, at the source of the voice. "Don't play coy. I can see you're into this, too."

A shuffle, off-screen. "Heh. That obvious, huh?"

Carol's eye wandered to a computer screen, on her left. "Oh, hey. Looks like we've already got a viewer."

"That'll probably be Roger." A hand came in to wave at the camera lens. "Hey, Boss! Surprise!"

Roger felt a thrill of panic hit him. Frantically, he opened the site's chat and began typing. You idiots! he said, Don't go around using people's real names. This is a fucking porn site! People record this stuff and repost it everywhere!

Carol chuckled. "Yup. That's him, all right." Turning to look at the camera, Carol turned to sit down, her legs pulled in to vaguely cover her body. "It's fine, Boss. It's just the three of us, right now. Nobody's even going to see this part.

Roger fumed, as he continued to type. That is absolutely no excuse to be sloppy about privacy. You either take it seriously, all the time, or not at all!

"What's he saying?" asked Shirl's voice.

"Just that we shouldn't use names," Carol responded. "Stuff about how people repost these Casts, so we should be careful what info we leak."

"Oh, yeah?" Shirl laughed. "What's the story, then, Boss? Are we speaking from experience, on that front?"

Roger sighed. I'm leaving. You two have fun, but I better not hear about any of this from HR.

Carol looked at her screen, then back at the camera. "No, come on. Honestly, we can behave."

"In a manner of speaking," Shirl added.

Carol nodded before parroting "In a manner of speaking. But, look... no more names, none of that. What do you say, Viewer..." Spreading her legs, she reached a hand up to heft one of her pert breasts, the other playing along her inner thigh. " sure I couldn't convince you to stick around?"

Roger paused, his thumb over the home button, as he looked up at the screen. Carol seemed, for all the world, like a different person. No longer was she the quiet, soft-spoken girl who stayed at her desk and barely spoke to anyone. She also wasn't the loud, desperate thing that his coworkers had the misfortune of hearing, in the broom closet. She was something in between. Lithe. Sensual. Her every flex and writhe upon the bed seemed to be part of a strange half-seated dance, a laborious showcase of every muscle, every inch of white fabric, every tantalizing detail that lay, only barely covered, by her undergarments. Her nipples stood to attention, peaking her bra, as her panties traced the outline of her pubic mound.

She paused only briefly, to check the screen, before speaking to Shirl. "I think it's working."

"Mmmm," Shirl growled, "It's certainly convincing me to stick around."

Carol giggled. "Maybe you'd like to come over here, and join me."

"Maybe I need a bit more convincing."

"I dunno. Those shorts of yours look like they can't take much more."

"Try me."

Carol paused, took a deliberate breath. The flutter of her little whiskers betrayed her nervousness, even as the slowly darkening patch of cloth between her legs betrayed something else, altogether. Her one hand continued to play with her breast, while the other went on a meandering journey across her exposed skin. Thigh, hip, stomach, a brief interlude to give the other breast a playful heft, and then finally down. Her fingertips barely exerted enough pressure to part the soft fur against her chest and belly, before they turned down to snag themselves under the band of her panties. Her chest rose and fell in dramatic waves, as her mind prepared itself to step over a precipice, then... she sunk deeper.

Roger nearly dropped his phone, as the volume level increased suddenly. Frantically, he opened a drawer on his desk and pulled out a set of earbuds, clicking them in place on his phone to drown out the sound of Carol's moaning. "Jeez," he muttered, as he looked around at the empty office. "If we could just get horny without the whole damn town knowing, that'd be..." He sighed, as he tucked the headphones into his ear.

Back on screen, Carol threw her head back. Her fingers made a series of writhing undulations as they moved around inside her panties. The throaty moans that spilled from her were modulated, once she had managed to get past the thrill of the initial contact. Which was not to say that she had become quiet. Far from it; what followed was a veritable symphony of pleasured whines. There was an undercurrent of fakeness that Roger picked up on, almost immediately, but combined with the way she opened herself to the camera, hips swaying as she half-tried to hump her fingers, it all sort of worked. She wanted the eyes on him, even if at that moment the only eyes she could draw were Shirl's and...

Roger shifted, in his seat. Should he really be watching this? This was not right. He was their manager. This was exactly the sort of behavior that got people tossed out of corporate life with pink slips and blacklists. Or, at least it was the sort of behavior that should have wound up, like that. And yet, sitting here, watching the stream, looking into Carol's eyes as she stared directly at the camera... the moment he felt the beginning of the itch, between his legs, he knew he was not going to be going anywhere.

The camera shook, as something brushed against it. "Whoops," Shirl's voice rang out, behind the camera as it righted itself. "Not looking where I'm going, here."

Carol snickered, closing her legs with a coquettish grin. "Am I distracting you?"

"Yeah," Shirl said, seriously. "You are."

Roger's ears perked, as Shirl came around in front of the camera lens. She had elected for a costume that was definitely rougher around the edges. An open leather jacket, a pair of compression boxers, and a mask to match her partner's. That was it. Roger could see the side of her nipples, when she walked to the side of the bed. He could also see the frankly alarming tent she was making in her underwear.

"You're a natural at this, honey," she said, huskily. "Though I think maybe you've teased enough." Roger's heart pounded, when he saw her put one of her large hands on Carol's head, then turn to the camera and speak directly to him. "What do you think, Viewer? Think we ought to give her what she's asking for?"

Roger licked his chops, nervously, even as his fingers defiantly tapped out a response. Please don't drag me into this :l

Looking over Carol's shoulder at the live feed, Shirl cackled. "No need to be shy, you know. I'm not buying it. Especially since you apparently already have an account for this site."

"Wha...?" Roger scrambled to check his profile. There was a name he recognized, on the account: BunnyHopper7648. He came back and typed in the chat box, his face burning furiously. It's an account from years ago. My phone just had the login in memory.

Shirl laughed harder. Carol tried to turn her head back at the screen. "What is it?" the mouse began to ask. "What did he s... whoo! S-Shirley?" Before she could pull away, Shirl grabbed her head tighter and pulled her in. Her protests were slightly muffled, her snout buried into the fabric of the wolf's underwear. A bead of something that was unmistakably pre began to bleed through, just above the mouse's nose, as she stared up at the wolf with equal parts surprise, trepidation and excitement.

Shirl, by contrast, was significantly less complex. Her eyes burned with lust, intently enough to even make Roger shiver. Her breath came in hot, slow puffs as she growled down at her captive. "Focus, girl. You feel what you're doing to me?"


"Yes, what?"

A heavy pause lingered in the air. Roger shifted in his seat. Then, Carol responded. "Yes, Ma'am."

Shirl chuckled, seeming to forget about the camera as she ground her crotch against the mouse's face, slowly. "Good. Then you know you're gonna have to take responsibility for this, then?"

Carol moaned, slipping onto her knees and one hand while the other still worked beneath her panties. "I'm ready, Ma'am."

Hooking her thumb under the band of her shorts, Shirl pulled down just enough. Both Carol and Roger grunted, simultaneously, in slightly different ways. There, flopping down against the mouse's nose, was Shirl's canine cock. Shirl was a big girl, and the thing between her legs was nothing if not proportional. It lay unfurled, down to the knot, a dollop of shiny precum squirting out and betraying her excitement. Roger squirmed in his seat, absently fiddling with the button of his pants as he watched Carol take in that hot member like it was her first time seeing it.

Slowly, deliberately, Shirl drew it backwards along the mouse's snout, before pointing it at her lips. Carol didn't hesitate; in the next moment, that tapered tip disappeared past her lips. She began to bob up and down, slathering Shirl's cock in saliva as she moaned around it.

Roger felt the first brush of fingers against his labia, which was when he realized what he was doing. Looking down, he realized that he had shimmied his rear halfway out of his pants and underwear. His sex was positively drooling, and despite the fact he was very much aware of where he was, his fingers couldn't help but continue to rub. Biting back a strangled moan, he looked around the empty office. Some part of him was still trying to compromise. He could take this to the men's room, he argued, or the broom closet. Anywhere where his back wasn't to two exits and a couple dozen cubicles. But then, he heard Shirl say something that wrenched his attention back to the screen.

"Sorry, babe, but I don't think I can take much more."

When he looked back down, it was to Shirl pushing Carol down onto her back. Then, she reached down and pulled on the mouse's panties, hard enough to tear them right off of her body. Carol's vulva was exposed to the camera, looking every bit as wet and desperate as Roger's. Then, it was obscured by Shirl's body, as she climbed on top and between the mouse's spread legs.

In the next few moments, Roger found his pants on the floor. He pulled one leg free of the fabric and leaned back, resting his ankle on his desk as his free hand traced frantic circles around his clitoris. His earbuds sang with the sound of high-pitched, screaming moans, the wet impact of hips on hips as Shirl drove mercilessly into her lover. The wolf growled and gasped. From the angle she had chosen, Roger was only really able to see where the two were joined. That was enough, for him. More than enough. Watching the way the wolf's fuzzy balls swung and slapped against Carol's ass, the angry red knot pressing against the mouse's sex, withdrawing, pressing again, slipping past Carol's lips, pulling out...

Roger didn't have enough hands, between holding up the phone to his eyes and trying to get himself over the quickly approaching edge. Desperate for a better angle to work with, he pulled his other leg from his pants and rested it up on the other side of the desk. He palmed his clit as he sunk two fingers into his drooling depths. His top teeth pressed down on his lower lip, vainly trying to stifle a voice that he wasn't able to hear, over the wanton sounds of sex that surrounded him. He heard the subtle hitch in Shirl's breath, knew what was about to happen. His own nethers fluttered in response.

Shirl pushed her knot fully into Carol's sex, one last time, and this time was unable to pull it out. The wolf pulled her head up, tongue lolling in pleasure and exertion, as Carol squirmed against her fleshy invader. The mouse was suddenly rather quiet, curled in to bury her face in her lover's breasts. Roger wasn't much further behind; the moment he saw the mingled fluids of the two lovers seeping out around Shirl's cock, he was going over the edge. Screwing his eyes shut, biting down on his lip hard enough to indent, his body trembled as waves of orgasm radiated through him.

For a moment, the three of them remained where they were, riding out their collective pleasure. Roger's thumb hovered over the keyboard, though beyond an all-lowercase wow... he had nothing in his mind worthy of saying. Then, his eyes hovered up to the actual chat window, where a cavalcade of half-sensible statements and crude emojis blazed upwards.

Carol seemed to notice, at the same time Roger did. "Woah, hey," she said, still half-delirious with the thrill of a fresh knot. "A lotta people showed up, all of a sudden."

"Y-yeah," Shirl gasped, in between throbs of her trapped member. "They really pour in, when th-things get heavy. Say hi to the nice audience, will ya?"

Roger couldn't see her face, but he definitely saw Carol's ears flatten, in embarrassment. "H-hi, everyone."

Shirl laughed, then moaned. "No need to be shy. Let 'em get a good look at the mess we've made."

Roger chuckled, withdrawing his thumb from the phone screen. "Yeah," he muttered to himself. "You guys aren't gonna have any problem getting an audience, now." Sighing, he looked down at the mess of fluids that matted his crotch, and was even now soaking into his seat cushion. Vaguely, he considered his contact list, pondered the logistics of getting a follow-up over at Ian's place.

But then, a mechanical chime noise, beyond his earbuds, caused his heart to seize with terror. "Fuck!" he hissed, to himself. "The janitors are...!"

From out of the elevator, the old dog Petey grunted as he wheeled his half-broken maintenance cart out onto the floor. His floppy ear flexed, when the sound of crashing and shuffling reached him, followed by a handful of under-the-breath swears. "Hey!" he called, into the cubicles. "Who's there? What's going on?" Taking a few steps closer, he flinched as Roger's head poked out from around the divider with a frantic air.

"H-hey, there, Pete!" Roger yelped, in a panic, before clearing his throat and trying again, more normally. "I mean, good evening. Sorry about that. Been working late, but I'm wrapping up, in a bit."

Petey raised an eyebrow. "Right, right. What was with all the...?"

"Noise?" Roger interrupted, laughing in a way that might feasibly have been construed as trying to laugh off the idea, if it had been done in any less of a spastic fashion. "J-just spilled some coffee. Been at this too long, it seems, and y'know... dumb mistakes and all that."

"Uh-huh. Right, well I guess I'll take care of..."

"No!" Roger laughed, again. "I mean, you don't have to do that. I made the mess, after all. Only fair that I should clean it up. Why don't you just start with the break room, and I'll have this under control by then?"

Petey sighed, as he stared into Roger's eyes. He could see the matted fur around the rabbit's fingers, the band of a pair of pants poking out from the cubicle entrance. His bloodhound nose could also catch the very unmistakable smell of sex, permeating through the whole office. However, he wasn't paid nearly enough to care about any of that. Reaching towards his cart, he put a roll of paper towels and a spray-bottle of cleaning fluid, on the floor in front of the rabbit. "You've got twenty minutes," he said, humorlessly.

Roger, realizing that the jig was up, let out a shaky breath. "You're a lifesaver, Petey."

"Yup" was Petey's only reply, as he turned around and pushed his squeaky cart out of the room and back into the hallway. Once he was around the corner, Roger could hear him mutter "Salaried people, I swear. As if those tightwads in Corporate would pay me to jerk off, at work. I definitely should've gone back to college when I had the chance..."

Roland and the Witch

The hard stone beneath him was uninviting, but that was not what caused the first embers of concern to smolder in Roland's mind. Rather, the feeling against his back and shoulders was not the same as the feeling he remembered, when he had first settled...

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Nighttime had just fallen in the offices of Draconic Solutions. The lights in the building had long since been shut off, in the interim period between the workers leaving and the janitors coming in. The only illumination in the room came from Roger's...

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