A Family Affair

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As with, well, any set of kinks, this one won't be for everyone, so have a look at the tags and decide if that's what you want to read before you commit. For those of you who are here specifically for the tags, I hope they fit the bill well enough that you have a good time.

This is just a quick little smutty vignette that popped into my head when skimming some f-list profiles, and it wouldn't really leave me alone until I wrote it down, and that was getting in the way of other stories I'm working on that I really want to finish. Which, frankly, is a thing that happens once in a while (the first story I posted here, in fact, was a sex scene that was distracting me from an unrelated story), so y'know.

So yeah, enjoy some summer vibes as the season closes out here in the northern hemisphere.

Lara watched Mason rolling in a dead squirrel and knew her day had just gotten a lot more complicated. The wolf bitch flicked her ears, watching the four-legged husky rolling with utter abandon in the carcass which had to be several days old. She hadn't had much of anything else planned for the day after taking her boyfriend's parents' dog for a walk, but she'd really been looking to just lounging around her apartment in the nude, maybe with some tea, some smut, and a vibe. It was the weekend, after all, and she'd had a rough week -- between work running her down and Jim being stressed about his trip, she hadn't gotten laid in ages. But she'd agreed while Jim was away she'd make sure his parents' dog got the walks he needed, and given that the weather was so nice, it was hardly an imposition.

Now, however, she was going to have to give him a bath before she could go anywhere. There was nothing for it. When he was done, she walked Mason back to Jim's parents' house and tried to stay on the upwind side the whole time. It wasn't the worst thing she'd smelled, but it wasn't making the day better. For his part, Mason seemed to be living his best life. His curly tail was hiked up as high as it could go, his head was up, his ears pricked, and he seemed to be nearly prancing down the street on the way back to Jim's parents' place. At least it wasn't that far.

Nobody was home when they got back, which wasn't a surprise -- Jim's mom, Martia, was out for a week on business travel, and Richard, his dad, usually had some sort of mid-afternoon activity on weekends. Most of the time, Jim would walk the dog, and she usually joined him, so it wasn't a big deal for her to look after Mason while Jim was away at a convention. A little alone time was good for her, anyway.

She let herself and Mason into the mud room and got him to jump up into the dog shower there. Mason, for all he was currently an odiferous mess, was very well trained. Jim's parents were pretty well off and they'd had dogs for ages, so they'd invested in one of the dog showers kind of like you sometimes saw in the parks. It was times like this where it seemed worth its weight in gold. She started the water and gave the dog's ears a ruffle. "And I wonder if your habits inspired the purchase, eh?" For his part, Mason just grinned at her, wagging. He loved the water, too.

It didn't take more than a minute for Lara to be soaked up to her forearms and for her sun dress to be splattered in wet spots, which rapidly became cold. "Fuck." She grumbled and shook her arms. "Ah, fuck nothing for it." She shucked the dress off over her head, leaving herself naked -- for a light walk on a lazy, but warm, Saturday, she wasn't about to wear any more than she had to.

Now in nothing but her summer coat, the grey-and-white-furred bitch called up some music on her phone and resumed washing the dog. He hadn't been washed in a while even before the squirrel incident, so she was thorough, nose to tail, ears to paws, up to scrubbing in between the dog's pawpads. In the spirit of thoroughness, once she was done with his paws, she got a fresh wash cloth and started rubbing down Mason's sheath. He was an intact boy, and while she'd seen him lick himself plenty of times, she figured he could use a little help getting an all the way clean.

So it was that she was busy giving Mason the four legged husky a sort of accidental sheath job, rubbing his sheath with a slightly-soapy, warm wash cloth and pondering if she wanted to try and pull his sheath back (Jim could get a bit too musky down there sometimes), when a question caught her by surprise.

"You uh...forget your clothes?"

She started, then looked over her shoulder, her paws still more or less fondling the dog, and she found Jim's dad standing in the doorway, shirtless, with a beer in his paw. He wasn't that much older than her, since she had a good six years on Jim, and his parents had clearly had him fairly young.

"Ah. Hi, Richard. No. I figured Mason wouldn't care, and it was just him and me here." Lara looked up. "Well I guess you too now. But y'know, he needed a wash and I hadn't packed any spare clothes." She paused, swishing her tail a bit nervously and cursing herself -- she liked to think of herself as confident, but he'd caught her off guard and she was, well, naked in her boyfriend's parents' house. "You finish up early?"

He shrugged. The movement called attention to his shoulders, which were pretty well defined under a layer of medium brown fur. "Yeah, not a lot of folks came to the gym today, so we burned up quick and wrapped early." He took a sip of his beer, then gestured with the can at her paw. "I see you're being thorough. That's good."

She shrugged, trying to play it off nonchalantly. "I mean you don't want to miss a spot. And I know you boys can get pretty ripe down there if you don't keep up."

Richard waved his beer at her and the dog and her paw on his sheath. "Looks like he's enjoying it."

Lara glanced down. Mason's knot had started to swell, and he was wagging and had started humping at her paw while she talked. "Ah...yeah does happen sometimes." She tried a grin. "Not so different from Jim, I guess."


"I mean...and y'know, sometimes ya gotta flush the pipes to keep everything healthy." She threw a wolfish grin at Richard.

Richard laughed at her, a big laugh that made his slight gut bounce. Shirtless, it was clear he had the sort of middle-aged build of a guy who used his body, but didn't try to look like a statue. "My boy tell ya that? Sounds like something I'd have said."

Lara raised an eyebrow and smirked at him. "How do you think I got his pants off the first time?"

"Oh yeah?" He hooked a paw in his belt, dragging his pants down. She could just see a bit of fluff and possibly the hint of a sheath.

"Yeah." Her paw moved automatically along Mason's sheath, the motion drifting from pragmatic to contemplative as she met the buff lab's gaze. "He was feeling a bit shy, so I just reached in an said 'hey it's therapeutic.'"

Richard was showing an obvious bulge in his pants, and his paw seemed to be getting heavier on his belt. A bit of pink was poking out of his sheath, and Lara got the impression he wanted to do more than watch her wash his dog. "I'll bet that fuckin' worked."

She grinned. "You know, I think it did." Her paw moved briskly on the dog's sheath as she lost herself in the memories. "Mmm.Yeah. Good time, that."

Richard grinned wider and lewd her. "Hey you keep that up he's gonna make a mess."

She glanced down at the dog. His cock was half out of his sheath and he was dribbling a little precum into the shower bay. She paused, then shrugged and resumed, shooting a grin at Richard. "He probably needs it, right? Like I said, therapeutic."

"I got a better idea." Richard popped the fly on his pants. "Why don't we go back outside where Sloppy Mason there won't spend the next half hour cumming on my floor and see about a whole lotta needs at once."

"Oh yeah?" She gave the dog a brushing down, and he shook himself off. She looked back at Richard. "You got some needs, he's got some needs, what about me, mmm?"

Richard sniffed and tapped his nose. "I got a good sniffer here, bitch, I know what needs you got. Now join me out in the back yard."

She grinned and snapped her fingers for the dog to follow her as she walked after Richard. "Sure."

Richard led them outside and turned around, setting his beer on the grill. He shucked his pants, standing there, slight paunch under short fur, his tail wagging slowly, his brown sheath and balls almost glowing in the sun. Half his cock was poking out, and it glistened in the sunlight. He waved a paw. "Be a good girl and get on all fours, mmm?"

Lara licked her muzzle and did as he asked. "When you say it so nice." She lifted her muzzle and nosed up under his balls, grinning up at him from under his sheath and orbs.

Richard's tongue lolled out, and he reached down to rub her cheek. "Oh yeah, that's it." He snapped a couple times with his free paw, and the dog trotted up behind Lara, nuzzling at her rump.

Lara huffed and curled her tail off to the side, presenting her spade to the four-legged dog. He promptly hopped up and mounted her, paws hooking around her hips, his hips pumping to poke her rump until he struck home, burying a rapidly growing cock inside her. "Oh ffffuck." She stifled a moan in Richard's sheath, then nuzzled up the length of it to lap at his tip. "Oh he's done that before..."

Richard grinned lewdly down at her. "Oh me and the missus spice things up on the regular." He gave a clench of his rump and a buck of his hips, sliding his cock up past her lips and tongue as he spurted a few shots of pre over her muzzle. He rubbed her cheek again as he guided his tip to her lips. "That's a good bitch. You know what's up."

She moaned, suckling at his tip for a moment while Mason humped at her. She could already feeling his knot swelling as he plowed her. "Ahhffffu.....you do this with all his partners?"

"Just the ones we find giving the dog a handy in their birthday suits." He bucked his hips again. "Now you got some work to do. And I'm gonna get some video for the wife."

Lara moaned and said no more. She wrapped her lips around the offered cock and took it into her muzzle, suckling along the ample, slightly-salty shaft of her boyfriend's dad, while their dog fucked her from behind. The thought that this was doubly taboo tried to lodge in her mind, as though something she ought to worry about, but slipped away just as quickly as it appeared. The bitch shuddered and groaned at the center of that spit-roast, clenching around the invading dog cock between her thighs as she suckled the one in her muzzle.

The four-legged dog didn't last long, and soon his knot had swollen and caught inside her, filling her spade with the fat bulb of flesh, while his cock started spurting hot, thin shots of canid seed inside her.

She shuddered and redoubled her efforts as on Richard's cock, bobbing quickly, feeling his tongue plow a furrow through her soft tongue. Richard, for his part, rolled his hips and panted above her, and then curled a paw into her head fur and bucked his hips sharply. Lara slipped a paw up and gripped his knot, tugging it towards her lips.

Richard growled above her, tugging her head into his crotch as he came. His cock bucked and jumped in her muzzle, and she felt and tasted the hot bipedal canid cum spurting over her tongue, thicker than the four-legged cum still filling her from behind.

When Richard had sprayed his first shots across her tongue, she pulled back, letting him slip from her lips as she hung her muzzle open, panting. She jerked at his knot and let him paint her tongue and muzzle with more fresh lab seed, leaving ropes of spunk across her grey and white fur.

The dog on her back turned around, the movement tugging his knot inside her. She curled her paw into the grass and shuddered, bucking back into him, ass to ass, as she let her boyfriend's dad cum over her muzzle. The bitch growled contentedly, looking up into her big brown lab guy in front of her, one of his paws holding his phone. Looking up into the camera, she licked her muzzle. "Your wife ever wants her pussy eaten, let me know..."

"Yeah I'll bet she'd like that." Richard's grin told her that his wife would like that very much, and that he planned to be there to see it, and maybe fuck her in the process. Lara gave a little shiver as the thought lodged itself somewhere pleasant.

"Might as well collect the whole set. You've got a daughter too, right?" She winked. She hadn't really thought about Jim's sister that way before, but the idea was growing on her. Like her brother, she was a mix of golden and chocolate lab, and she was rather pretty. And a bit older, closer to Lara's age. Could be fun indeed.

He laughed. "Mmm. My poor boy."

She snorted and licked his tip, working out the last few drops of his cum. "He'll just have to keep up. A bitch has needs."

"Indeed. Speaking of..." He set the phone down and walked around, letting his cock bob around in the air. Richard kneeled next to her, reaching under and giving the dog's a fondle. "Good lad." His paw wandered over her spade, and soon some fingers found her clit hiding in the plump folds."

"Oh fuck...yeah that's it..."

Richard chuckled, slipping his other paw up, fingers caressing one of her nipples. "Wouldn't be doing my part if I didn't know my way around a bitch's body." He flickered his fingers faster.

Lara felt the fire surging in her again, and only a few seconds later she was bucking her hips, tugging again at the four-legged dog's knot as she came around his cock, that fat-bulbed base and those flickering fingers pushing her out of her own brain for a bit. She growled and moaned. "Ohffffuck....yess. Fuck!"

When she came back to herself, Richard was petting her rump. "Now there's a good lass. Boy here's about ready to pull out. Are you ready for it."

Lara shuddered a bit as her movements tugged around his knot. She could feel him starting to slip. "Fffffuck. I'll manage."

"Good." He rested a heavy paw on her rump and gave the dog a short whistle. He leaned forward, and Richard pressed a bit harder on her rump, sort of keeping her in place.

Lara, for her part, lowered herself to her forearms, letting out a quiet moan as the knot strained inside her. After a little tugging, it slipped free with a very wet, very lewd sound, and she pinned her ears back reflexively. She felt almost hollowed out without the hot cock inside her. "Oh fuck."

The dog padded around in front of her and stood there, his cock dripping in front of her. Lara lifted her head and licked at the still-dribbling length, tasting her own sex on it, as well as the wash of dog cum. She lapped at it until he started to subside, cleaning the dog almost as well as before the whole experience had started.

"A good bitch does clean up after herself." Richard squatted down in front of her as the dog sat down next to her to lick his sheath himself. Richard's cock for its part had also almost retreated into it sheath, just a bit of red tip poking out. He rubbed her throat, then lifted her muzzle to meet his in a lewd kiss. His tongue probed into her muzzle, and there was no way he wasn't tasting the mix of cum in her mouth.Lara pressed her tongue back into his muzzle in return, not letting him forget she had her own will in this.

He broke the kiss and grinned at her. "You and the boy ever split up, don't lose my number, eh? Goddamn."

She panted softly for a minute before responding. "Just as long as I get your wife too...and you keep well-hung dogs around."

"I always do, bitch." He stood up, his sheath and balls wobbling in front of her, and he stretched. "Well! I gotta get some stuff done, and this took care of my afternoon jerk." He rubbed her ears. "Much as I like the thought of you walking down the street covered in cum, you probably ought to shower. Beer in the fridge if you like to double dip."

She nodded and sort of pushed herself back into a sitting position. She could feel Richard's cum slowly dribbling through her muzzle fur, while Mason's ran more steadily down her thighs and pooled in the grass. "Uhhh... yeah that'd be nice. Fuck." She rubbed her own ears. "Oh yeah I'm gonna need a minute."

Richard chuckled at her andpatted his thigh so Mason would follow him. "Mmmhmm. I'll leave a towel by the door for when you're ready. "He glanced at his watch. "Mmmm, Martia and Jim are both out through the weekend, I think. Same time tomorrow?"

Lara let out a soft chuckle and grinned. "Well when ya put it like that, how could I refuse?"

A wide grin split Richard's blunt muzzle, his tongue lolling out. "Now there's a good girl." He paused at the door, ruffling Mason's ears idly. "You gonna tell him? I'll leave that to you."

Her grin widened and she thumped her tail on the ground as she thought about it. "Yeah...when I want him to really fuck me hard. That'll get his competitive side fired up."

Richard let out a big laugh. "Hah! He gets that from both of us, you know? Martia's the same way. She's probably gonna tie me up and ride me 'til I'm bruised when she finds out." He stepped through the patio door and tossed a towel back out towards her. "Ok then, Lara. See you tomorrow, and try not to drip on the floor." He pulled the door closed behind him, leaving her alone.

She flopped back on the grass, splaying her limbs out, enjoying the warmth of the sun on her fur and the heat in her belly. "Damn, that's a lot more than I bargained for. But fuck..." She huffed and rubbed a paw over her belly fur. "Fuck that was fun. Maybe I ought to send Jim off to more cons." The bitch stroked her muzzle as another thought occurred to her. "Or maybe we should get our own dog."