part 2 the 'lan' party

Story by RagsWox on SoFurry

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#1 of my surprises

I realise that the fox character in my story, has no name. I have decided that as I ...

I realise that the fox character in my story, has no name. I have decided that as I had presented him a myself(from a through his eyes perspective), he shall remain to be me, as to not confuse anyone who reads this.


I Honestly can't believe, that it has been only a week, since we made our feelings for each other 'official'. Due to the part that Mark had school, and I had a job. Seeing each other would be really hard on weekdays, So what we did was use a little chat program whichwas a really big hit in our area. MXIT as it is so well known, was the best way for us to communicate and share pics of what we were up to. Whether it be naughty or not, it was not the same as our first time together.

All week long, he spoke of a lan party which he had been invited to go to at a buds house. At least that is what he told his parents, and knowing that he had such a love for it, they let him go. - snicker - If only his parents new the truth, I rekon they would kill the pair of us. He had planned a sleepover at my place, since I lived alone, and I thought it would be nice, not having to look over my shoulder all the time.

We mx'd as to not let his parents hear us.

"So." He started,"Tonight is the start of our sleepover. :D"

"Yeah, it is." I replied. "You sure your parents dont know about you coming here? :s"

"Of course they dont. They think I'm on my way to the lan. Charlie helped me out with that."

Aah Charlie. She was the one that introduced me and Mark. At a lan party, that she had arranged, and Mark's parents believed what she said. She was always Inviting Mark and many other gamers to her parents place to lan. He first told her about his secret obsession with being with a fluffy tailed fox, and how it would have to be male. She didn't laugh at him or even insult him. She just led him over to my gaming station, and told me that he needed a friend of the furry type. I fell for him when I got a good sniff of him. His scent was that of a wolf, even though he was still only human, And that is why I could not say no. We exchanged numbers, I showed him my tail, and we lanned together, and I patiently waited until the truth came out, last week.

"Well, there is still that thing they have against me being not only a Fox, but also being 8 years older than you."

"Don't worry, they believe Charlie, they always have. Besides, I know you will take great care of me ;)"

";) ;), Oh you know I will. :3. What time will you be arriving?"

"I will be there in about 10 min, boarding the bus right now."

"Sweet, I will prepair the 'lanning' room. lol."

"Don't forget the queen mattress."

"LOL, do I ever?"

"Well." He paused. "This is my first visit to your place."

"LOL, Ja true. See you in a bit."

"You to."


I hear knocks on the door.

"Comming!" As I rush for the front door,"Hey Mark, you even brought your pc? You are pulling all the tricks aren't ya?"

Taking it from him."Let me help you with that."

"It's a laptop you silly fox" He says with a laugh.

Winking back at him."And what a heavy monster it is." As I burst out laughing, over exagerating it's weight as I carry it to the room.

"I have uploaded some interesting stuff for when we 'lan'." he says as he forces the word out.

"Awesome, we can check that out a bit later. You hungry?"

"What have you got?" As he nods.

"We can get Takeout, or we can have leftover potjie?" [for recipie, please send pvt msg]

"Let me try some of that potjie, sounds good."

"I suspected you might want to try mine, I'm warming some up in the microwave now." As I lead him back to the kitchen from putting his stuff in my room.

Sniffing the air with his still freshley aquired sences,"Smells great. Where you keep your utensils?"

"First drawer on the left." I point using the hand holding the bowl, scooping a big serving for him,"I hope you like it."

Almost burning his tongue with his first bite, he blows on it and takes a taste."It is good, but there is something missing, and I have an idea on what that is." The smirk arives.

I put down my bowl, feeling a smile forming."Really? And what might that be?" Expecting him to say me or him or both of us.

The smirk becomes an almost evil grin."Cum." My smile vanishes and my face is the perfect image of curiosity. Head cocked to the one side,my face completely expressionless.

"Cum?" As I regain composure. "You are being a little kinky there." getting up from the table, loosening his pants,"I like."

Running his hands up my arms, then pulling them into his pants onto his already throbbing cock."I have loads"

"So do I." Fondling his balls with my other hand.

Gentle murrs come from Mark, "Oh yes."

"Lets get more comfortable." I start to transform, Starting with my tail, as to tease Mark a bit, while removing his pants, then gently swinging it past his face a few times, which was remarkably difficult since we were face to face."You want my tail, don't you?"

With Mark's breaths increasing rapidly, his excitement causes him to shift his hand and feet to paws first. there goes another pair of shoes."And you want these."

I then permitted him to grasp my tail, while I licked that paw. feeling how the sheath was forming around his penis, its feel and shape changing, and both of us completing our shifts, I could feel how my knot was constricted by my sheath, Unable to hide the agony, I whimpered as he pushed it behind the knot.What a relief

"These paws were made for walkin, but you is what they'll do." He just had to recite and change lyrics to embarras me, and those huge paws felt so good. "Does that feel better?"

"Much better, thank you." Running my long tongue all over his face in appreciation.

He panted at my breath over his face, and rubbed my tail againsth the tip of his sheathed penis.

"I think ive tortured you enough."As I slide his sheath back and he squirmd at the feel of my tail on the full length of his member.

I thought that maybe, we shud go the next level, in our relationship, so while keeping his one hand on my balls, I turned around and bucked forward against the table. Keeping my tail up by force, I hinted at him mounting me.

Stareing with a slightly dropped lower jaw, moving closer and lifting my tail away,"You sure about this?"

"I am," I stammered, ears lowered in shame about being embarrased, tightening my grip on the table edges,"But I am scared. You are, the first."

"Ok" you could hear he was nervous, and feel him vibrate with fear. He just starts entering me, and I pulled forward in surprise. 'I should have expected that.' I thought to myself.

"Sorry." I hated denials, but I had just inadvertantly done it myself.

"It's ok. I understand, but try be a good fox." I could hear the fear in his voice.

I nodded in confirmation, slowly backing closer to Mark. He rubbed the precum from both of us on and in my entry to make things go 'smoother'. And then started the entry again.

"That is, different, and feels good" I shuddered while pawing myself.

Inch by inch Mark eased himself into me,"You doing ok?" He asked

I tried to relax,"I am ok, keep going, I am fine." Shallow breaths escapeing me,

Mark puts his freepaw infront of my nose,"Here you go, take it." I take it and gently gnaw and suck on it as he stops his knot just before it enters. "Brace yourself." He starts forcing the knot into me an succeeds as it 'pops' in."My God, you are so tight."

I am gasping for air at the sudden pain and pleasure of the huge knot's entry. I fall forward onto the table, feeling how the everswelling knot resists exiting, Marks penis pounding on my inside. H starts humping in short movements since that is all he can manage, moaning with sheer pleasure.

Barely able to move or speak or moan,"I..... I..... need..... to.... cum..... Help.... me....out." shaking from head to toe. Mark reaches around my waist and paws my throbbing cock, rubbing my knot with his free paw, and humps at the same rythm. All the meantime, my tail seams to have been waving in his face non stop, making the feeling of his knot inside of me, more intense.

between the whines from Mark, my wagging tail, and that last hard hump that he gave, I sprayed my load all over the diningroom table and my chest, feeling how he filled me up with his seed. The orgasm seemed to last several minutes, and we just lay there, Mark on my back, completely spent.

Just barely looking out my one eye, I saw Mark's bowl with my load, dripping, off the side."I guess we will need to try the potjie tomorrow?" as we only just managed to get off the table, onto the floor. thats where we spent the night, all tied up, 'lanning'.

part 3 things get bad.txt

###### This is just a filler type chapter as I have hit that mental block. ###### I still don't know what happened. It was so quick, so painfull, so,,,,,, not like me. What started out so well, and continued for a few weekends in a row, was...

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it could happen,,, part 1 (extra long premier) partially edited

this is a story i wish was true.if this story is any good it should be scripted into a movie This all started about 5 years ago on my way home from work, im busy driving and suddenly i get this extreme urge to get off the road and walk into the...

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it could happen,,, part 4

###### I have only just noticed how many typographical errors I had made in the last chapter. Needless to say, I shal be correcting them as soon as I have enough airtime to do so, as I am using a cellular connection to go onto the internet. ###### ...

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